2009 10 February :: 3.05pm
Rueben, I'm sitting up at a computer on the fourth floor of the library by the big windows because our phones don't work. Again.
Ahhh. I also forgot my literary theory book. See, I thought I was suppose to write a paper on this horrible forty page article about reader response theory and it turns out it's on the eleven page less scary one that I actually understood, except the only problem is that I didn't bring my book, so I can't do that paper. But, I did do my paper that is due on Friday for my Victorian Literature and Thought class, so I'm a little ahead, but still behind :(
It's super nice out today and I feel like I want to be outside but I'm stuck in here in the library because that's where Rueben knows I will be because our phones don't work because SOMEBODY didn't pay the bill. I guess we probably should have checked that out after what happened last time. Oh well. I think I'll go through and plan my future now. I'm not doing French anymore. Well, I am. I'm in French 102 this semester, but I'm NOT fulfilling my BA requirement and taking a whole nother year of it and killing myself. No siree. So, that means that I'm switching to a Bachelor of Science which won't be quite so bad and I really only have english class, political science classes and three science classes to take for it. Yippee.
AHH. I'm sick, too. bah. I'm feeling better since I wrote my paper and I know that it's fanfuckingtastic. I feel a little crazy right now. AHH. Woohudotcom. bah. Fifty more minutes until Rueben is done with his lab. Then I can go to the store, get my pills, buy some cookies, go home, write my other paper, maybe, go to uband, go to the concert, go home, go to bed, go to class, go to work, go home, go to bed......
Watcha got there?
2009 9 February :: 8.36pm
our president just used the term "ginned up"
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 9 February :: 4.20pm
A lot has happened since October 12, 2006.
Watcha got there?
2009 9 February :: 11.32am
dude, i just made up something cute.
:0./ <-------- look, it's me in smiley form. it has a monroe piercing. HA!
or :0.) whatev. but i probably make the other face more often.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 6 February :: 8.04pm
wondering what valentine's day will be like this year. hmmmmmmmm.
Watcha got there?
2009 6 February :: 6.37pm
So it's looking like if I keep my nose to the grindstone I'll be graduating next summer with 2 Bachelor's of Science degrees. Two degrees in 3.5 years isn't bad. Then possibly graduate school.
5 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 5 February :: 5.33am
I've been staying up real late and not doing anything productive in that time
Watcha got there?
2009 4 February :: 5.23pm
feels good man
Watcha got there?
2009 3 February :: 10.07am
truck is gone, picking up the merkur today.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 2 February :: 6.48pm
Pull the trigger, drop the blade and watch the rolling heads.
Watcha got there?
2009 2 February :: 12.57pm
zulla, this remind you of our english class discussions at all?
Watcha got there?
2009 2 February :: 5.13am
resurgence or isolation
Watcha got there?
2009 1 February :: 6.40pm
How I Met Your Mother
Read more..
1 Little Tyke |
Watcha got there?
2009 1 February :: 3.58am
Cult of personality
1 Little Tyke |
Watcha got there?
2009 30 January :: 11.59pm
I find myself brooding more and more lately.
I should feel mellow and content tonight. I dont.
1 Little Tyke |
Watcha got there?
2009 30 January :: 5.02am
Dear Jess,
I don't really know how to tell you this, You're a leprechaun. I think I realized it when you put cuffs on me in your apartment and I saw you carve your initials into my knee caps . I'm sure you're open enough to understand that your driving sucks. I'm returning your car to you, but I'll keep my common sense as a memory. You should also know that I get sick when I think of your feet and thanks for the cocaine.
Please don't hurt me,
Jessica says:
Duuuude I drank half the bottle because it wasn't working and now I can't see straight if I move my head too fast
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
thats neat
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
i like doin that
Jessica says:
yeah but it just kinda hit me.. and now I'm all like.. whoas.
Phil-Himself as "The Creeper" says:
thats what nyquil does
2 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 29 January :: 11.53pm
gettin' drunk. playin' vidya games.
8 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 29 January :: 9.29am
I've got some good news and some bad news.
the good news is that I don't have to fix the heater in the truck anymore.
the bad news is i rear ended a jeep liberty in the truck and now the truck is no more.
I was 5-6 car length's behind the liberty, there was a black Taurus in front of her that stopped abrubtly with no signal to turn into "the garage" on northland drive, i glanced over right before the liberty slammed on her brakes, jordan screamed i looked up and slammed on the brakes and before i knew it we we're slammed into the liberty. and that's how the dakota ended its life.
I excaped without a scratch, jordan has scratches and bruises on her knees, I'm just glad we're both okay, i don't know what i'd have done if she had been seriously hurt.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 28 January :: 4.18am
I am happy.
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 27 January :: 1.32pm
CQC cancelled this weekend, bummed.
DQ'd from Marines till further review, super bummed.
Making computer reformating painless thanks to nlite&drivermax, good deal.
L4D keeping me up late into the night to make folks ragequit when you beat them good, awesome.
Finally getting to know your exgirlfriend isnt dead in a ditch, fantastic.
Knowing you still are wanting to be clingy as fuck to her, sinking stomach feeling.
So anyway. Im almost completely debt free again. Cars at like $400 and finally managed to get my credit card in check. So Im happy.
I plan to leave DTA not matter what happens with Marines. Yes or no I cannot stand working here.
But I know if I leave there I may end up trying to do something that would be really dumb because it would end horrid.
WTB Life Coach.
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 25 January :: 11.38pm
I wanted somewhere to hang my head without your noose.
1 Little Tyke |
Watcha got there?
2009 24 January :: 3.19am
Death Magnetic I enjoy, really like Unforgiven III it speaks to me
Also Frost/Nixon was very awesome.
2 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 23 January :: 3.35am
"I am the boatman she trusts to row her into restful dreams"
4 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 22 January :: 1.35pm

this is no joke
also, why wasn't nixon on bottles of water?
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 21 January :: 2.00am
Watcha got there?
2009 20 January :: 2.49pm
Because when I posted it as a comment, apparently it was far too crushing to everyone's overinflated sense of ecstasy this afternoon. Here are some of my favorite clips from Cracked's live blog of the inauguration.
Read more..
Whatever, Guess I'm the asshole.
8 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 20 January :: 2.52pm
rockband tonight, call if interested 834-2734 its in cedar.
Watcha got there?
2009 20 January :: 1.22pm
just finished brother odd, going to read odd hours next, then i might move on to his Frankenstein series
Watcha got there?
2009 19 January :: 4.21pm
See ya Gerge Dubya, I'm gonna miss that crazy fuck
Nevermind, You've reached the end of the line ...
3 Little Tykes |
Watcha got there?
2009 19 January :: 1.22pm
i need to find a car hauler, anyone have one?
i've got a 1998 ford explorer that needs to go from battle creek to home.
1 Little Tyke |
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