2004 17 May :: 8.46pm
hello journal im on teh fone with sean :-) nothing really exciting has happened.. been going tanning n shit.. yay tann.. yay summer! lol i can almost taste the summer coming.. i love it
.to me.
2004 17 May :: 5.38pm
:: Music: roses!
gay ass mother fuckers!
luckycharmz435: wow if you didnt fucking want to go with me you could have just fucking sed so instead of ditching me for julie.. .you coul've just fucking sed you wanted to go with her instead of trying to cover yourself up like a fucking bitch... like saying you stayed after and thought you would make the bus when you fucking walked out with julie and then sed you were going to goerges!
luckycharmz435: wow thats really fucked up ya know that!
misspigglet3210: ask lizzy i had to stay after! i totally forgot to tell u i am really syr...i forgot until last period when the people reminded me for the math porject dure next week...i just forgot...i thought u went home
luckycharmz435: ok well thats fuckin bull shit because one... you knew my cell number.. 2... you completly sed you thought you coud make the bus... then changed your fuckin story... 3... you dont giva a fuck about anyone but yourself
misspigglet3210: uhm, i did think i would make the bus
misspigglet3210: ...they said it would onyl take like 10 mins
misspigglet3210: and it trook alot longer
luckycharmz435: ok but you dilibertly made plans with julie before you knoew the bus came so theres anotheer lie.. and like i sed you only fucking care about your gay ass self!!!!!!!
misspigglet3210: ...think whatever u wnat to..i just forgot...and i shouldve called ua nd i am really really sorry....
misspigglet3210: i didnt make plans with her, she was at the meeting
misspigglet3210: so, afterwoarsd, when i saw that my bus had gone, we decided to go then
luckycharmz435: bull shit i dont give a fuck anymore... do wahtever he fuck you want and i dont want to be involved in ANY of it !
luckycharmz435: your lies are s ofucking gay just get the fuck over yourself!
misspigglet3210: ...i didnt lie at all
misspigglet3210: ...i am telling the truth
misspigglet3210: but w/e, think what u wanna, i said i was sorry, and i told u the truth, but i understand why u are still mad at me...just dont think i lied or nething or made any deliberately w/o u
misspigglet3210: any plans*
luckycharmz435: ohhh and waht do we have here?... ding ding ding... another what?? another LIE!!!! just do me a fucknig favor and leave me the fuck alone... when u see me just act liek im not fucknig there because i dont want to be!! say whatever the fuck you want because when your story changes 5 times im not gunna fucking believe anything you say... this is what like 2 times in 3 days>???
luckycharmz435: just fuck off!
misspigglet3210: enevr changed!!! i am telling u the truth!!
luckycharmz435: whatever... i dont give a fuck about you anymore!
misspigglet3210: but whatever, if u dont wanna beleive me or even ever talk to me then thast fine
luckycharmz435: ok good... because i dont like fucking two faced little fucking bitches like you!
misspigglet3210: a,m i two faced??? i told u the truth!!...when did i lie???????????
luckycharmz435: ummm.. .when you fucking changed your story 5 times!
misspigglet3210: ...WHEN?
misspigglet3210: itsa ll the same
misspigglet3210: and not even a story
misspigglet3210: ist the truth
luckycharmz435: w/e because your fucking two faced and i dont wanna hear it because oyu know how gay you were and are being!
misspigglet3210: ...just expalin to me how i am tow faced.,..ur making stuff up now
misspigglet3210: i told u the truth!!!!!!
misspigglet3210: when did i lie........?
misspigglet3210: i know ur very mad at me, and u should be for what i did...but it was a complete accident....i never lied to u..or did anything behind ur back...and i am not two faced
misspigglet3210: misspigglet3210: enevr changed!!! i am telling u the truth!!
luckycharmz435: whatever... i dont give a fuck about you anymore!
misspigglet3210: but whatever, if u dont wanna beleive me or even ever talk to me then thast fine
luckycharmz435: ok good... because i dont like fucking two faced little fucking bitches like you!
misspigglet3210: a,m i two faced??? i told u the truth!!...when did i lie???????????
luckycharmz435: ummm.. .when you fucking changed your story 5 times!
misspigglet3210: when did it change?
luckycharmz435: im not fucking making anything up... you are two faced.. you lied when firsts you fucking sed that you tried to make the bus, then that you and julie were going to georges anyways, then that you made plans once you knew the bus didnt come, but you didnt kjnow until you went outside.. so.. and you fucking never even tried to call so its obvious what your intentions were all along\
misspigglet3210: u dont underwstand..i said this before, i was walking out to the buses really quickyl..and ididdnt even see u until julie did..and when i saw that my bus had left, i told julie hat we shouldl walk to georgs bcuz my person had to coime pick me up neway
misspigglet3210: andn tehn i saw u
misspigglet3210: ...i thought u would be on the bus an gone but u werent
misspigglet3210: ...i saw that the buses had gone thru the wondow....
luckycharmz435: your such a fucking bullshitter.. what the fuck is your problem... do you like have a fucking brain disease or something? ist hat why your acting so fucking gay???
misspigglet3210: ...and by the end of the was too late...but we still tried to see if icould make the bus...thenm , when i sa wthat the buses were all gone and no one was out there..i told julie that we should walk to georges
misspigglet3210: I AM? TELLING THE TRUTH
misspigglet3210: AM*
misspigglet3210: why dotn u belivee me....its true
luckycharmz435: because you ARE @ FACED!!!!!!
luckycharmz435: 2 faced*
misspigglet3210: what did i do that was two faced>??????????????????
misspigglet3210: i told the truth!!!!!
misspigglet3210: how is that two faced??????????
luckycharmz435: you are 2 faced
luckycharmz435: just get the fuck over yourself!!
misspigglet3210: ...u make no sense, i am trellin =g u the truth..and u just dont want to believe me
misspigglet3210: ur calling me two faced for no reason...where r u getting that from?
luckycharmz435: i dont wanna believe it because you r full of yourself an u dont wanna admit that an that youfucking gay and need to shut the fuck up
misspigglet3210: sorry for forgetting u...i totally forgot...but i swear i am tellin g the truth...
misspigglet3210: and ho am i full of my self
misspigglet3210: ur just making shit up now
luckycharmz435: dont be fucking yelling at me.. i didnt do anything bad to you... and i dont like fucking people that treat their friends like that
luckycharmz435: ok you fucking changed your story again... you just said you forgot... .before you sed you thought you could make the bus
misspigglet3210: ...ur making upo thinsg about me...its a little hypocritical..bedsides forgetting u..which u have tghe roght to be angry at me for...what did i do?
misspigglet3210: NOOO i forgot to tell u!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
misspigglet3210: but i still thoughtr i could make the bus
luckycharmz435: well thats not what oyu fucking sed before.. and like i sed dont fucking yell at me and cal me hypocrytical becaue i didnt do shit to you... your thwe one whos being REALLY REALLY GAY!!
misspigglet3210: i did say that beforee
misspigglet3210: and why r u making shit up about me? sorry for forgetting to call u or tell u today...i knwo ur mad but u dont have to make thinsg up
misspigglet3210: ...u still dont evn believe me?
luckycharmz435: what did i fucking make up... would oyu like me ot fucking send you waht you sed???
luckycharmz435: isspigglet3210: sorry for forgetting u...i totally forgot...but i swear i am tellin g the truth...
misspigglet3210: uhm ur saying iam two faced
luckycharmz435: ther you fucking go!
luckycharmz435: you are!
luckycharmz435: thats not a lie... you are 2 faced!
misspigglet3210: ...yeah..and? i told u what happened...i DID for get to tell u
misspigglet3210: so when i went outside i figured u had already gone
misspigglet3210: so i decided to walk to georges with julie
misspigglet3210: what dont u underatnd
misspigglet3210: ?
luckycharmz435: bull fucking shit just admit that you and julie had pland or shit and that you did it on purpose and i will leave oyu the fuck alonwe!
misspigglet3210: BUT I DIDNT!
misspigglet3210: u think i ditched u purposely?
misspigglet3210: thatit was all part of my big paln to duitch u?
misspigglet3210: ditch*
luckycharmz435: ok w/e you wanna fucking say just do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone until the summer when i dont see you anymore
luckycharmz435: its only 4 more weeks for you to leave me alone
misspigglet3210: ok
misspigglet3210: ....
luckycharmz435: good
luckycharmz435: ohhh.and this is between me and you so you dont hafta go fcking tell julie and lizzy and everyone else
luckycharmz435: it has NOTHING to do with them
misspigglet3210: ...all i did was tell them
misspigglet3210: ...i ddint knwo u hated me that much
luckycharmz435: why the fuck did you tell them... it has nothing to do with any of them!
misspigglet3210: i told them because i didnt knwo u felt liek that...i dont wanna talk u to nemore liek /we be mad at me...sorry
luckycharmz435: who the fuck else did you fucking tel?
luckycharmz435: tell*
misspigglet3210: why dotn u geuss
luckycharmz435: well you should fucking be sorry but im fucking heated and oyur a fucking lier
luckycharmz435: why dont oyu fucking tell me!
misspigglet3210: i didnt lie
luckycharmz435: who did you tll?
luckycharmz435: tell*
misspigglet3210: just lizzy and julie
misspigglet3210: cyz julie new i was fighting
luckycharmz435: ok so if anyone else fucking sks me about it your fucking dead becasue that would be yet ANOTHER lie!
misspigglet3210: and i told her what u said, cuz it surprised me
misspigglet3210: ok
misspigglet3210: i promose it was only them
luckycharmz435: what suprised you that i was pisses you lied or pissed that you ditched me
misspigglet3210: and lizzy was online..and i told he rthat i was fighting
misspigglet3210: ...and then ..agian,. what u said surprised me so i told her
misspigglet3210:, taht u wanted me to move
luckycharmz435: i never sed that i sed tnot to talk to me becasue i wouldnt see oyu in the summer so you didnt have to talk to me EVER again
misspigglet3210: sorru i gues i shouldnt have told them
luckycharmz435: exactly
misspigglet3210: ...its the same fucking thing...i just oasted what u wrote
misspigglet3210: luckycharmz435: ok w/e you wanna fucking say just do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone until the summer when i dont see you anymore
luckycharmz435: its only 4 more weeks for you to leave me alone ...............thats all i sent them
luckycharmz435: no ... i never sed"i want you to move"
misspigglet3210: luckycharmz435: its only 4 more weeks for you to leave me alone sayign that what did u think that i would get ...that u wanted me to stay???? sorry but i t really sounds liek u wanted me to leave
misspigglet3210: but thats all i psoted]
luckycharmz435: no i meant it like you wouldnt have ot see me cuz fucking chool is over!
luckycharmz435: school*
misspigglet3210: w/ doesnt matter
luckycharmz435: ok
luckycharmz435: bye then
Wow fuckin people are realy gay and need to just shut the fuck up and NOT talk anymore!!
3 tear 3 NikkiE
.to me.
2004 17 May :: 3.29pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: i can tell
ok well people are fucking gay!! ahhh i hate people so fucking much!! ok so we have a weekly routine but when other people are involved then i fucking get ditched! well people can fuck off... im just not doing this shit anymore! i fucking hate EVERYONE!! they are so fucked up! ahhhhhhhhhh i just hope some people will fucken die!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!
Detention for the rest of the week!
ahhhhh im so fucking pissed off! i hate people and my whole fucking life... everyone just needs to go to hell!! ahhh
3 NikkiE
2 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 16 May :: 5.13pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: haha
ok well im not in a good mood!
havnt written in a while...but theres not really anything to say!!!
life is gay and so are poeple.... people who you think are your friends turn out to be backstabbers, an the ones you dont really like are the ones that are there for you! its weird ya know?
well anyways the computer is fixed... sort of... its not plugged into the modem, its in the phone so if anyone calls i get kicked off!
well its ok becasue im on the computer!
yippeeeeeeeeeeee!!! ok well even tho traci is mad at me... (you if your reading this) im still here for her and i love her...
well she probably doesnt care but i just put it out there to let her know!! ok well im really hungry so even tho theres so much more to say... im going to eat
3 NikkiE
ps. It was all the ALCOHOLS fault!! lol shhhhhhhhhhhh
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 15 May :: 12.07pm
:: Music: Krayzie Bone & Adina Howard- Freaks
wtf somehow my pretty background got deleted so now im PISSED......
if anyone has purple backgrounds or something let me know, thanks
.to me.
2004 14 May :: 11.17pm
you ask me what love is,
contently waiting for an answer
starring warrily into my lucid brown eyes,
bearing reflections of your own blue radiant beads
you tell me im confusing and kiss me upon my forehead
and return to your state of hostility
you ask me what love is,
like youve never felt it
like youve never seen eyes deeper than these
you ask me what love is,
and i answer unstifilled by your opinions
and i say "for u, for u love is anything."
and before you can question my fair reasoning
i intrude you with the continuance of my definition
"love is the sun, and the birds,
and all of its gems and jeweles,
love is also the browns and the greys,
sadness and pain...
love takes part not for beauty
but for an inperfection it absolutely cant resist..
its never shallow, and touches through taste...
for you, for you love is anything"
can you keep me now?
im hungry for your emotions
ive been starving everyday
you ask me what love is,
like youve never felt it
like youve never seen eyes deeper than these
have you never loved til' now?
red swirls engulf the sky
as the pain continues to peirce at me
the cold steel is raised to my pale arm
and the slice comes all too easily
this knife slides across the cells
it knows all too well
and i press down as i always do
everything is always the same,
except this time i think of you
and now this blood holds no comfort
no happiness under this veil
containment of inner frality
will this cut continue to swell?
missuse of kitchen untencils
i peirce myself, its teh only way
under clouds of dissillusionment i hurt this mask
this faux temptation, i wither away
swirl me into oblivion
salt these wounds, i like the sting
i hurt whats on the outside
because i hate whats inside of me
strike this match against this interminable path
this white track of silken skin
silver plateaus of infinite life
imortality stays forever within
pour these rivers of blood
rush to the surface with ease
contain me with the prick of a needle
and love me with all that you deem
emotionless, disstressless, containment
you have me
i stare longingly
into your emerald eyes
my hands trace your cheekbones
smooth and creamy is your skin
and skin upon skin
you touch me, kiss me, hold me
i look at you, looking at me
you see past my imperfections
and i melt into yours
everything you feel
and each word youve ever spoken
they land blankly upon deaf ears
fore i need not speak
to express my emotions to you
i need not hear meaningless chatter
i love you voiceless and expressionless
you touch my heart
without touching at all
and for that i give myself to you
under the moonlight i give myself to you
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 14 May :: 7.30pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Do or Die w/Twista-Do u
wow I haven't written all week...
It's been a long week...
I made alot of irreversible mistakes these past few days..
for example my hair, which I HATE it is not me at all. And for those of you who don't know the story I dyed my hair and it came out wayyy darker than I wanted. The problem is that it's permanent - although all dyes fade eventually. hopefully this won't take too long to because I REALLY hate it and it's not me at all. But thats what I get for not being satisfied with my hair... when now I see my old hair as nearly perfect, because of how baddd it is now. But I'm gonna have to deal with it for a while I guess.... and if I seriously CANT stand it any longer I guess I'll just have to bleach it and start over... but that's worst case senario.
Nothing else is really new. theres fighting between the friends once again.. but what else is new.
23's like Jordan on the Escalade (escalade)
Got a pound of dro girl, if you wanna blaze
You can let your hair down, while the AC blow
Before you get in, I just need to know
Do you? (Do you? Do you? Do you?)
I'll keep it on the low
Do you? Do you?
good song download it Do or Die w/Twista-Do u
.to me.
2004 10 May :: 3.37pm
Dear Amanda:
I got your letter this week and it has taken me this long to read and re-read your words; to get the full message within. Your writing and your poetry are incredible - an attest to your talent as a young authot. Powerful, concise and alive.
It is hard to know where to begin, but important to tell you that I do love you with all of my heart. "When, why, how?" are all questions with no easy answers. I do know that I have written countless e-mails to you that have gone unread. ("status unread" when i check AOL.) I have called many, many times, to have you either hang up on me or not pick up. I have written cards, notes a few words, to hear that you read each word in a very mocking tone to one of your friends. That's why i figured you didnt want to hear my words or hear my voice or hear my side, (if there is a side?), or hear how very much I miss and love you.
You are right, I was cowardly in not sitting down, directly with you, and explaining what the future would hold. However, I did call each day i was gone. I understand that a call is not the same as being honest and taking responsibility for your actions. I tried to talk with you before and after you left for your camping trip with Kelsey's family last summer, but you wouldn't talk. I went to get your hair done at the Mall, and you barely walked with me. I'm not trying to make excuses for what i did or didn't do, but communication was fairly difficult at that time. Additionally, I spent week after week maintaining the house alone, doing food shopping alone, working a longer day, and then driving you back and forth. I spent many, many nights alone, after asking both you and Kaitlin if you wanted to spend some time together. I remember asking, as you entered the house very late on a Saturday night, how the night went. You just climbed the long stairs to your room in silence; in your own world, your own place. I guess I should have tried to talk to you about how unhappy i was. Not unhappy with you or Kaitlin, but in my life. It was so very wrong of me not to share what was going on.
At Christmas when I came, bearing gifts and previous requests to see you, to talk, to take you out to lunch, to get your hair done, to go Christmas shopping, you made sure to have Dad drive you to a friend's at the precise time I was to pick your sister up. Again, I am only offering to point out the times we could have talked, could have cried, could have tried to make some sense of your pain and my percieved selfishness.
I feel in you now, still, all the love that i have always felt. I want you to fly here, and spend the summer. To take sailing lessons with me. To go shopping liek we used to; to walk in the open air courtyard malls; to sit on beaches; to look at the pelicans flying and watch the manatees feed. I want to show you theporpoises, to explore Bush Gardens and Universal Studios together. I want to come back to you even one-eighth of what I was before. I am hoping that you will open the door of your heart just a little to let me stick my head in and ask you how i can dry your tears. How I can redeem a fraction of your previous love for me. I want to make amends if you will tell me how, in your eyes, that can be achieved.
I will always remember and hold dear in my heart your loving and very personal gift to me on Mother's Day, many years ago. A time when every cent you had you spent in bicycling down to Memorial School and buying flowers, and the beautiful garden lantern. And then on Mother's Day, having me close my eyes, and leading me through the trail of flowers you so delicately planted for me. That is the Mother's Day of love forever in my heart; the most unselfish and loving thing that another human being has ever done for me. You are the most wonderful nd the most beautiful daughter a Mom could ever have. I hope that you'll let me back into your life, and into your heart again one day.
Every moment we had together was the greatest moment of my life. I'm so very sorry that I hurt you; that I dissapointed you; that I "ran away" from the one loving body who always stood by me. They always tell you that your parents are to be looked up to and respected. But they are wrong; for you are the one who has survived, and the one that i should be looking up to.
Thank you for giving me the special years as your mother; for giving me the chance to see the most beautiful baby in the world at play at slumber and alive. You were always the chosen one, with the perfect heart. I love you and I am very, very sorry to have hurt that perfect heart...
Dear Amanda,
It has been far too long that we have spoken -- and high time for you to remember that I am still, and always will, be your mother. I love and care for you deeply.
I want you in my life, just as you are always in my heart. I wanted this to happen when you were ready. But now I know that when I come to visit, I will need to follow the Judge's decree which allows me to visit with you.
I know that it has been hard for you; I know that you have felt alone; and I definitely know how very lonely and different holiday time has been for you. However, if you had chosen to abide by the Judge's ruling, you would have been able to at least start to understand my side of things, and to be able to share a little bit of the old holiday memories, mixed in the with new.
Whatever happens between us you must remember that I have always been very, very proud of you; proud of you as my daughter, but also as a toddler and then as a little girl, and finally as a young lady. No matter what you may do in your life, I shall never stop loving you nor will I ever forget how very, very special you are.
From the moment that your soul entered the universe, life would never be the same; for you were here -- a perfect, delicate and incredible source of energy, character and light. You look around and you will see that you alone make the fun times with your friends, extra fun. That you, yourself, make someone's problems seem so insurmountable; and that you, Amanda Elizabeth, sends some sunshine to a stranger with a simple sparkling smile.
I know all of these things. I hope that you do to. You are special. You are significant. You are my daughter.
I love you.
5 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 9 May :: 12.15pm
Pick a band and answer only using that band's song titles:
1. Are you male or female?
Dirty Lil' Girl
2. Describe yourself:
U Don't Wanna B Like Me
3. How do some people feel about you?:
I'm Alright
4. How do you feel about yourself?:
Bad Dream
5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest:
6. Where would you rather be?:
Marsh Lagoon
7. Describe what you want to be:
On The Other End
8. Describe how you live:
Wondering Why?
9. Describe how you love:
Ain't A Damned Thing Changed
10. Share a few words of wisdom:
The World Is Hell
4 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 9 May :: 11.45am
you said "wouldn't it be a shame if I knew how great I was five minutes before I died i'd be filled
with such regret before I took my last breath" and I said "you're willing to tell me this now
and you're not going to die any time soon"
again and again these tears roll on and again and again this song keeps playing loud...again and again these skies turn grey and again and again you pull your hand away...again and again i try my best to hold you again and again i toy with greens and blues.. again and again i watch your reflection in teh sunset and again and again i cry thinking of you...
i must seem to interesting to you
like a monkey in a cage...
stared at through the glass
through the bars
i must seem so new to you
like the smell of smooth leather
stripped from nature
as a luxury to you
i must seem to confusing to you
like a puzzle missing peices
abuptly thrown away in anger
when you couldnt figure me out
i must seem like a mystery to you
try and figure me out
and i get angry
give up and ill be dead
i must seem like an angel to you
i hold myself so immortally
liek i can never do wrong
so we kiss palm to palm
and touch to intimately..
i must seem so alive to you
as im dying your arms..
whispering secrets which cascade down my lips
as we stare off into the stars....
i must seem so interesting... well im really not
i cannot have you
cannot touch you
cannot feel you anymore
when im with you i feel naked
i feel empty
i feel void
i feel no need to be anyone special
i feel no need to cover up my sins
you bandage me like im an open wound
im throbbing and bleeding for you
you touch me like im rotting fruit
once so sweet
now so sour..
bleed with your fingerprints
leave marks upon my back
fore then i will have proof of our encounter
have evidence of when you violated me
i want you and you know it
i need you and you continually push me away
bruise me
bruise me
beat me..
when im with you..
you could slit my open wounds
and i would thank you
i would kiss you when youve tainted your lips with poison
lick you while infested with disease..
this anger shows within my writing
hostility rings true
and i think of what you give me
and its the throbbing my heart
i bend over
to pick it up off of the ground
whipe off the dirt and put it back in
kick me down
ill get back up
shoev me away
and i will follow..
this pain is its own bliss in a way..
when im with you i feel naked
i feel damaged
i feel void
i feel no need to lick these open wounds
i feel no need to cover up my slits and scars
you bandage me like im an open wound
im throbbing and bleeding for you...
your words cascade down my cheeks
through telephone wires they seep
you bleed..
for me...
well i went to teh carnival this weekend.. it was fun then i had to go home before i could see sean.. i was lookign forward to seeign him apparenltly corey got locked up cuz he started a fight while he was on hosue arrest.. and obviously wasnt at home lol i cried again today.. as always... gr.. its mothers day.. HAPPY FUCKING MOTHERS DAY not....
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 9 May :: 11.25am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: RedHotChiliPeppers- Scar Tissue
Happy Mother's Day
I feel like such an ass... I didn't get my mom anything for mother's day. And yesterday was also my mom & dad's anniversary.. my nana sent up a card from Florida.. does that mean I was suppose to get them something too? :-[ wow I'm a horrible daughter. Well atleast I'll be spending Mother's Day with my mother... both my brothers and just about all of the men in my family are going to the Red Sox game in Boston... I hate baseball.
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 9 May :: 11.18am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: Ludicris-"Whats Your Fantasy"
a year already
You know its scary to think back to the summer and all thats things that happend, and the things that have changed since then, but im happy... i happy with the way things are now..... i was talkign to kelsey on friday about the summer and how all my friends other then jimmy have left me... but i guess they wernt really friends.. but i know that Jimmy Manda Kelsey Robbie Cozzy & Meg are... and i hope more then nethin they will never leave me... since the summer so much has happend between all of us.. but look.. we got over it, and were slowly getting over ti everyday and growing together... and i don't knwo what i would do wiht out all u guys... I LOVE U ALL
Its crazy to think that only a year ago i didn't know Manda Kelsey and MEg, and now i do everythign wiht them... when i think about it it seems liek this year had flown buy, but then when i think about all the things i know about them it feels like i have know them all my life.. and im soo happy that this year has happend... even wiht every bit of dram becasue i lost some friends but i made even better ones, and i have grown, and when i was sad they all helped me.... and i love them soo much!!
Manda, Kelsey and Meg..... I love u guys soo much and i jsut want to thank you for always helping me and being there for me!! and i thank god for letting me meet u guys last summer!! i can't wait till this summer... no worries it will b a good one 2... as long as u guys are with me!!!!1 i love u all soo mcuh idk what id do without u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<3 Lizzy
.to me.
2004 9 May :: 11.18am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: Ludicris-"Whats Your Fantasy"
a year already
You know its scary to think back to the summer and all thats things that happend, and the things that have changed since then, but im happy... i happy with the way things are now..... i was talkign to kelsey on friday about the summer and how all my friends other then jimmy have left me... but i guess they wernt really friends.. but i know that Jimmy Manda Kelsey Robbie Cozzy & Meg are... and i hope more then nethin they will never leave me... since the summer so much has happend between all of us.. but look.. we got over it, and were slowly getting over ti everyday and growing together... and i don't knwo what i would do wiht out all u guys... I LOVE U ALL
.to me.
2004 8 May :: 4.05pm
:: Mood: warm
:: Music: bia bia
Happy Birthday JeSsiCa MaRie FeRrO! :-)


wooow I just spent 2 hours out in the sun "tanning" which I'm not suppose to do cause of my meds but oh well that sucks.
SexyAngl779: u need to be outta the sun!
SexyAngl779: lol ur gunna be sorry when u look like a giraff
LOL a giraffe Jess thanks haha
1 .from you. |
.to me.
2004 7 May :: 7.00pm
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: Bone thugs-for the love of $
Sitting here in my room with Liz talking about the summer and how much we miss it :'(
meg n amanda are out at the carnival in framingham sooo we are hangin around here with nothin to do. Lizzy stuck a piercing stud through her nose this afternoon haha now she has a little blue ball in it
um yeah now we are waiting for our subs then getting out of this house hopefully, peace out ahaha 8-)
Meg I can't wait for tomorrow its gonna b the shitttt!!!!!!!!!!!
.to me.