..:*:..Your born (yay!)..:*:..You play drums (more yay!)..:*:..You die(boo!)..:*:..

Hatred is a waste of time and energy " Don't waste your time trying to be different b/c when it comes down to it we're all just alike <


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:: 2003 11 June :: 12.02 am
:: Mood: dorky

O dude! I found out that if u chew gum while cutting onions u wont cry! Weird right? right.

I have a new web page. I deleted all the others b/c they were too "prepy" for me. So, Yeah...

Whit and Jeremy are going out. How sweet? I guess Jeremy's "dry era" is over. Before me and him went out he hadn't had a g/f for ever! Well I guess that's over now.

I didn't have drum lesson's today. My teacher is sick. But it works out fine b/c I didn't know n e of the stuff.

I'm leaving in about 2 weeks. I'm going to Idaho. What's in Idaho? I don't know! I'm goin there b/c well, I dunno. I dunno if I'm coming back either! :(.

I'm thinking I'm gonna paint my room red. Bright but sorta dark red. I like red. My ma wont let me have black walls, so naturally, I want red. Red walls w/ pin stripe quilt, that would be TubuLAR. Maybe I could write my sayings on my wall in white like Lauren suggested. Who knows? All I know is I want bright and different colors in my room that not a lot of ppl have.

Ok, So this kid attempted to kiss me on the last day of school, but I turned my head b/c I don't want him to kiss me. Ew. So now he's IMing me saying hey sexy or whats up sexy. I know he may be joking but it's all ew. I'm gonna ask him next time y he's saying that all of a sudden. Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw all up...eeek!

I'm feeling dorky right now b/c I have my dorky glasses on. I like being a dork and being different from n e one else. It feels good. Like I'm free from looking like everyone else. It's a nice feeling.

Well I got to go. Scouts honor. (Cailyn)


2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 9 June :: 2.51 pm
:: Mood: happy

My poopy day
Sorry, no weird or depressing song today....

Llike my new icon thing w/ the bunny? I have it as a patch on my independent jacket.

Last night I went into the garage to get water and I opened the door to get back inside and I steped back and shreiked in lil fright. You know what it was? It was a a bug thing my mom put on the door to keep flys out and stuff. It looked liked a grey ghost. (shiver). Yeah, silly AndI.

Today I had to wash my dog. She's a LOSER. Well I had to put flea stuff on her afterwards. Yeah, I dunno how to put it on. Not so swell.The directions were not very clear. But I tryed. So if she dies tomorrow then I know I put it on wrong. Poor doggy...

I was going outside to write somethin down for my ma and I thought the screen door was cracked open as it always is b/c it's a loser and it wont shut. So naturally I put my arm out to push it open. OOPS! To my surprise it was closed! So as an effect to that cause (hey I learned that in reading!) I ran in the door and my face hit the iron. OUCH! Actually it didn't hurt but w/evas, ouch!

Oh, today I was playing basketball w/ my dog and it started to pour rain, hard. I decided to stay out and play. Fun right? Well I think so, but my dog on the other hand doesn't. She went inside. What a baby. So, outside I was in the pouring rain. I couldn't c very well b/c it was getting in my eyes. My cloths were drenched. Sorry dudes, but I wasn't wearing a white shirt. I know, I know, what was I thinkin? LOL. My neighbor-lady came out and looked at me and shook her head and went back inside. I wonder what she was thinkin? After the rain went away our roads had steam comin off them. It looked like a hot pan getting cold water poured on it w/ steam comein off. It was pretty neato looking, so I decided to run in it bare foot. Yes, I'm a loser, no crap. It stung my feets a lil b/c it was hot, but it's all good. My ma just laughed at me when she came home. I told her it was sweat and I went in my room to change leaving puddles in the kitchen. She was like "I'm sure it was." So thats like the highlight of my poopy day...

Last night when I was talking to DLM and my stalker. Well actually I wasn't really talking to DLM b/c all he was saying was yipp, nipp and other stuff not really conversation. N e ways, O yeah, I have a stalker. I'm worth it that much. Jealous right? Right. J/p. But n e ways, I felt someone right next to me and I looked from the corner of my eye and BAM! It was a burgler! AAA! I screamed. He grabbed me and I karate chopped his bum! I ran to the phone and I called the cops. My dad came running out and he's like holy mother of pearl! The burgler grabed his gun, I kicked is balls, so he droped it. I grabed the gun and shot him. Hey self defense is not murder, Remember that. But n e ways, it never happened. But that would be TubuLAr if it did. Yeah, it would of been great, yeah...

No one calls me n e more. It kinda sux. I haven't talked to n e one on the phone since friday I think it was. That kinda sux. I always have somethin to talk about. It may not be great but hey, at least it's a conversation. I can take calls till 11:30. But u can call me like at 11:30 and we can talk forever unless ur boring. So if your boring don't call me. Thanks!

The dork* AndI

2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 8 June :: 3.12 pm
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: Going under

Now I will tell you what I've have done for you
50 thousand tears I've cried
Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you
And you still wont hear me
Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
Ive got to break through
I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
So I don't know what is real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through

So go on and scream
Scream at me I'm so far away
I wont be broken again
I've got to breathe I can't keep going under


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 6 June :: 11.34 pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: My last breath

Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid
Can You hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the winter forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)

I know you hear me
I can taste your tears

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will leave you here
But still you wake and know the truth
No one's there

Say goodnight
Don't be afraid
Calling me Calling me as you fade to black

'Holding my last breath
I'm letting go
I can no longer hold


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 5 June :: 3.28 pm
:: Mood: weird

Have you?
I've been thinking about some things and I have wondered and pondered about 'em for a while now. So here they are....

So why do we drive on parkways when we have driveways?

Why drink and drive when you can smoke in fly? (yeah, don't do it though)

Why is their brail on drive threw ATM's buttons?

If you could choke a blue smerf, what color would the smerf be?

Do chickens say everything tastes like people?

Have you wondered about these things too? Or at least somethings that are similar?

I haven't found answers to all of 'em but I did on some.

I'm gonna go back to my lil dark corner of my head and talk w/ the voices in my head. We have the best conversations...


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 5 June :: 3.11 pm
:: Mood: awake

I'm a "DORK"!
hey YA'LL! what's up? I'm sitten here on my bum. Yep, just me. No one else. Not like u care or n e thing.

I went to the eye doctor and I have to get glasses! O no! It's actually all good. I'm near sited.

I got these really TubuLAR ones! Thier thick black and has points on the top corners. I'm a dork! lol. Hey if I have to wear glasses I may as well be a dork, right? Right. In the corners they have dimonds. OOLALA! Lol. (sigh) It's great. I like them a lot. I don't look like a "hottie" in them, but I don't look "ugly" either. It's great, just great.

I'm departing for now. Ta Ta...


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 4 June :: 10.37 pm
:: Mood: w/evas

glasses_my poopie day_richi's party
So, Today. Poopie. I gotten woken up early like 11:50 am. I was a grump. I ahd to get up b/c Alan was comin over again. I'm like have the boy go to his own home. I don't like entertaining ppl at my house when there's nuttin to do. But he didn't show up! YEAH! I know what ur thinking, isn't that the dude that u made out w/? So y not want him around? I don't want him here b/c he's a french bum.....

I mowed the lawn today w/ out being told. I'm trying to make m parents happy so i can do more stuff. So in other words, I'm sucking up.

I worked on the computer all day too. I went through my files. Whew!

Richi's party was more like a gathering but it was neato. I had fun. Yeah, just hangin w/ friends and sittin on my bum. But really I like it.

I got more web sites now, so go on my profile for aol and go to 'em. Their neato i guess.

I went to Mike Greenwells today too. Yup still boring. I got a lot of candy b/c I won bonuses. Yup still boring...


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 2 June :: 2.31 pm
:: Mood: YEAH!!

Beach_shaving cream
so...I went to the CCYC w/ hilary and lauren. It was TubuLAR. See this is what went down, Jon k was there b/c he works there for the sailing classes. That's why we went there b/c he asked us too. So we're nice and we went. JOn's friend Steven looks like a mixture of Kyle T. and Andrew P. So lauren told him that he's hot. Brave, for her n e ways...

Well Jackie A and Caitlyn G. were there w/ some chick. Boy lauren and I don't really like 'em. They bug the crap outta us.

Kevin lamb was there w/ 2 of his friends. I dunno who they were. Well they had shaving cream. Tons of it! I mean tons! They chased Hil, LT, and I. It was funny b/c Hil and I could out run them. So they stopped chasing us for a while.

My evilness got the best of me and Lt and I wanted the guys to cream the 2 chicks. Not their friend though b/c we don't know her. NIce of us right? Right! The guys wanted us to make out w/ them but of course we didn't want to b/c, well, we have our reasons. But I told them we'll pay them money so they can get more cans if they do it. So they did it! HA! It was so funny. They were wearing nice cloths too! Kevin goes to them,"That is from Hil and the other 2 girls." NICE! lol.

But then things turned around. The guys came after us and got us bad. LT was drenched from head to toe w/ the cream. I had it in my eyes and I couldn't c. Hil i guess didn't get it too bad. They stole our shoes. Hil went after them and got them back.

Later Kevin comes back (w/ no cans) and says that the guys want our number. I'm like yea right! Not after this. But LT gave them her number,stupid of her.

But before all this. LT and I got jackie jealous when we were hanging around jon. We talked about what he did at the party and stuff. wink wink. she was like what? it was great dude. I told Caitlyn that Germany was wild and acted like he didn't have a g/f. Which she is gonna break up w/ him. Don't worry i found that out before i told her. Me not so stupid. She wanted to know what he did but i'm like y should i tell if ur gonna break up w/ him? so i left to leave her wondering.

It was a good day. Yeah....i still have the shaving cream in my ears! lOl.


4 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 1 June :: 2.49 pm
:: Mood: TubuLAR but wiped out

the party_working my bum bum off
So...the party, TubuLAR. When I did the whip cream wrestling I got one person down and Lauren but dude, she's hard. Her and me have almost the same strength. She stood her ground and so did I. It took forever w/ that wrestling match. WOO!

People swam and went in the jacuzzi. I didn't really like how the party started, but I like how it ended when ppl left (wink wink). I do wish that somethings went down differently. Not everyone showed up, but we sure didn't need n e more ppl. All in all it was swell.

Especially when the cops came over to tell us to keep it on the DL. Yeah right! Ha, I laugh! Like we'll do that. It's a tradition in my family to have cops come and knock on our door to tell us to shut up or w/evas when we have parties.

A certain 2 ppl kissed twice...ooolala! Hehe.

Now today I had to clean up everyone's mess! No one in my family helped! I was the only one doing it. My yard was all covered w/ whip cream and the tops of the whip cream containers. Did u know my mom bought $40 worth of whip cream? We used it all up! lol.

My pool and jacuzzi is filled w/ deluted whip cream. I have no clue on how we're gonna get it out.

My room, well, that's a disaster too, but I cleaned up some after ppl left. I had to go on a goose hunt for my basketball. Found it!

So w/ all that mess it took me 3 hours today to clean up my house. Most of it I had to be outside in that hot heat w/ no wind or gust! I'm stinky right now. Now I'm sure your wondering why would a girl tell me that she's stinky? Wouldn't she keep that to herself since she's a girl? Ha! Not this chick! LOL.


1 TubuLAR Mind Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 31 May :: 1.23 pm
:: Mood: accomplished

it's saturday, woo. N e ways. I couldn't sleep in, my dad wouldn't let me b/c he's a bum. So I woke up at 8:30 right? I bet u were still asleep. I had to go clean and scrub down and take the water out of the jacuzzi. i got that done around 9:15 i believe. Then I ate breakfast b/c by then I was hungry. So I had cherrios! They may lower your chrosterol by the way.

So after that I mowed the whole "freakin a" yard. Dude, it sux beans. That's right BEANS! When I was done w/ that it was 10:30.

I cleaned the house. So it was 12 when i was done. I still have to get wip cream for the wrestling. So I feel accomplished for haveing all this crap done for the party tonight.

I have that baby pool blown up in my living room. I'm laying in it. it's cumfy.

Last night Lauren and I went to the CCYC for the band thing that they had goin on there. It was TubuLAR. I liked it. I had fun hangin out w/ my friends that were there. I got to know some ppl better which is cool i think.

I'm going to depart u for now, Ta Ta....


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 29 May :: 8.18 pm
:: Mood: w/evas

So, today last day of school. It sux in a way. I wont c some ppl no more, but then i wont c the ppl i wanna punch and choke like cherish (yeppy!). But n e ways....

Germany apologized to me today for being a dick. nice right? i still know the true and real him and i don't like it so much. He's still my friend though...

I'm gonna have a TubuLAR party and my ma said that I can have a wip cream wrestle fight thing! It's gonna be neato. but i don't know if i'm gonna actually do it b/c i don't know how much it's gonna cost.

K so at the end of the day Todd and me were walking out and we're like we c the light at the end of the tunnel! woo-hoo! well this kid that annoys me for just knowing his presence is around me comes up and hugs me and kisses me. k what the haties? I look at him and walk away w/ Todd. I don't like that kid. But w/eva. I probably wont c him no more or will i???

Y do some chicks get all upset at girls that guys pay more attention to and stuff? I mean it's not their fault so don't hate on them or have a grudge about it. U can take hat outta hate and wear it. like that? someone and i came up w/ that. forgot who that was...sorry.

well i'm bored all day. it sux. my sis is being a bum and my other one is being a couch bum. I'm driving myself mad! I have nuttin to do! AAA! Well i'm gonna go and do somethin, anything!


Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 28 May :: 8.06 am
:: Mood: yeppy!
:: Music: sean paul

Hello! I am cheerful thsi morning butI know when I come home it'll change. My life is a lil more neato but not really. My life starts to plounder when ppl have problems w/ me that are my friends (so if ur not my friend and u hate me, do i care? not really).

My friend Germany still "hates" me but i understand that. I would hate me too if I was in his place. He's goin out w/ this annoying chick, but i'm happy for him.

Then my other friend. The one I was having troubles w/. Well that's over and behind us. We are cool now w/ eachother.

Well that's all i have to say this morning. I'll write later today maybe, sorta.....


2 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 26 May :: 3.06 pm
:: Mood: Bummer

wonderful? i think NOT...
hey ya'll. what's sizzling on ur side of the skillet? Well on my side it's not so "gravy" as someone would put it.

I don't know how I do it, but i do it. When I get close w/ a girl I screw all the things up. I don't have a lot of girl friends, i have a lot of guy friends and I'm just use to guys not taking everything so serious at what i say or not takeing everything so personal. I'm a rookie at haveing close girl friends. So i like don't know how i screw things up but i do. It sux MAJOR Beans...

My really good TubuLAR friend hates me now. I was just trying to have her realize how somethings are and I wanted to make sure she has different plans if her main one wont work out. I didn't know if she has backups b/c she never tells about them. One of my friends wants to become a rock star and is trying to really bad and i'm like what would u do if it doesn't work out. He's like i never thought of that before. so i just wanted her to be aware of that, but as it turns out she already has (didn't know that)
I guess I did it wrong with all that b/c she hates me now and maybe forever...

I am sorry for how i said it. But hey u know me, when i try to watch out for ppl or for similar things it turns out wrong and ugly and not the way i want it to be. I always think that ppl wont take somethings so personal and will appreciate that someone cares and makes sure that they got it all planned out, but i was wrong on the personal thing i guess. Sorry Bebe!

I have to get ready to go to a boring party. later!

To the TubuLAR Chick that she is:I'm really really really really sorry bebe, I didn't mean for this to happen, but look at the bright side u wont have to c me every day n e more, u don't have to c me at all if u don't want to....lucky u.

3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 25 May :: 1.32 pm
:: Mood: Remarkable

As a senoir in high school, Jim averaged a .427 at bat & led his team in home runs. He also quarterbacked his football team to the state finals. Jim later went to pitch professionally for the New York Yankees.

That's a remarkable achievement for an athlete. But it's an almost unbelievable one for Jim, who was born w/out a right hand.

A lil boy who had only parts of 2 fingers on one of his hands once came to Jim in the Clubhouse after a Yankee's game and said, "They call me 'Crab' at camp. Did kids ever tease you?"

"Yeah," Jim replied. "Kids used to tell me that my hand looked like a foot." And then he asked the boy an all-important question, "Is there anything you can't do?"

The boy answered, "No."
"Well, I don't think so either," Jim responded.

Today , what others see as a limitation is only a limitation if you think it is. God certaintly doesn't see you as limited-He sees you as having unlimited potential. When we begin to see ourselves the way God sees us, there are no records that we can't break!



Speak Your Neato Mind

:: 2003 24 May :: 12.02 pm
:: Mood: Yawn!

Hello,how are you on the enchanting day? Do you feel lonely?Sad? Hurt? Well tell someone that cares and that isn't me at this moment of the day...

So I talked on the phone last night for a long time I guess. I woke up early this morning b/c of my sister getting ready to go to the beach...SNORE, I SNORE! Not really, but I'm about to fall asleep...a deep, deep sleep, a sleep where no blonde has gone before....ZzZzZ....and I'm BACK, from outta space! U know that song? It's a TubuLAR song.

Sorry for I am a wee bit tired and I talk just crap.

I am going to depart you. Farewell my good man/woman.....FAREWELL!


3 TubuLAR Mind SpokenTubuLAR Minds Spoken | Speak Your Neato Mind

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