My name is chris, and I am in Kansas City (well... shawnee, KS. but close enough). isn't that cool? i thought you'd be impressed.
I'm getting kind of hungry. probably because this entry is about what i've done so far since i've been here.
we got here yesterday morning. i proceeded to burn cds and copy music to my laptop for the next several hours. then we went out to dinner. it was amazing. i got a glass of gewurtstraminer and a fish sandwich. today we went to gymnastics practice, and went shopping at kohls and old navy. then got gelato. now we're chilling at the house. leaving sometime either tomorrow, or early tuesday.
that's about it.
i should get some food. to eat. and stuff.
P.S. funny quote of the day:
"I distrust camels, and anyone else who can go a week without a drink." - Joe E. Lewis
2009 15 July :: 9.31am
:: Mood: nostalgic
:: Music: "Emaline"- Ben Folds
"I wish it was last September/ when we could lose ourselves in crowds everyday"
I spent a great morning reminiscing about the good ole days with Emma as we strolled down the lovely great lake shore. We talked about how sad it was that couldn't even get all of our old friends together for an afternoon. I had a bit of a revelation today, though. Maybe we've just drifted too far apart for that. I can't force friendships if the other half isn't interested. I hoped the "picnic extravaganza" would be a good excuse to get everyone together, but I guess not. I guess all I can do is enjoy the great friendships I still have, and hope to find some great connections in Ann Arbor. I think my peace bracelet might be working :)
I'll never forget my first date with Jacob. It was back in June, so we went to the fur festival. We went on all the rides, like the wallabee Wheel and the Tunnel of :P. I was so nervous and lumpy from the rides, that I threw up my tacos from lunch! But that was ok, because Jacob held my hair back and then said, "old gregg!!" After that, we played some carnival games. We played firefly flip and Shoot the pictures. he won me a stuffed narwhal and a plastic barack obama doll. At the end of the date, Jacob asked if they could spew me. "Hahaha, I dont do that on the first date!" So then we just shook hands and said, "easy there fuzzy little man peach"
Today is my wedding day, I am getting married to Michelle. He proposed by swiftly telling me he gagged me and presented me with a brown ring decorated with 8cats. How could I say no! We are having the wedding in Casino where we will eat Fig newtons and bahama mama. The dress is crunchy and fluffy and the bouquet is a bluedeoderant. Jessicabitch slapped the bouquet into the air and it kissedErin. She got knocked out and had to be escorted to Wal Mart. All in all, my wedding was a very horrifying day.
I think I forgot to tell you about my July 4th weekend. Silly me. Here's how it goes.
Friday, the 3rd, Rueben, Michelle, and I all went to Prison. When we got there I suddenly realized I was only wearing my bathing suit. Oops! I quickly put on my Panties and called it good. The Speech Pathologist looked at me and screamed, "Eat Your Nuggets!". Apparently that's what happens when you're only wearing panties! That night we went back to Michelle's house where we proceeded to make a poop. It blazed bright Beige.
Saturday, the 4th, we were very crinkly. We played in Michelle's pool most of the day. Floating about on our dogs. Rueben got extremely burned by the vomit. We spread Relish all over their body, and off to the fireworks we went!
We thought the fireworks were sweet! There was one that looked like a Panda. One like a Grey Hound Bus. Even one like a Faygo bottle! WOW! We especially liked the one that was the color of rainbows.
Can you grasp basic concepts?
Source: WoW Forum post: I implore Blizzard to let us lose
I found only a spare few with good solid ideas about how to continue stories and keep folks interested. The spectrum of replies suggests people cannot grasp how to make a story or how to even keep folks interested.
I find that really sad especially when a crap load of all -if not all- stories/shows tell just like this idea implores.
Example 1: Batman
Reason?: Because he always puts the baddies in jail, alive.
Why?: He wont sink to their level
Result: Baddies scheme together and get out.
Result2: Baddies beat Batman down. Defeat feels immanent
Result3: Batman calls on higher powers (i.e. other hero(es))
Finale: Batman & and company wins out and day is saved, at some form of cost. Be it a person(s) life or hero becoming jaded somehow.
Example 2: Every Power Rangers series ever.
Reason?: Look each over all season.
Why?: Heros take on challanges and win each ep almost in the same manner.
Result: Season finale comes with finding some new power they need and having had a crushing defeat they come out on top.
Need I continue?
These ideas are really basic and appeal to human nature. No one wants to see a story where every single time the hero wins. Somewhere, somehow the hero must lose. Even if it means losing something they will end up on top later.
I return to the topic of focus. WoW. Page #8 had a post by Gerthas
i still can't seem to figure out how funny these guys are. i don't know if they're actually funny, or if i just started watching long enough to where brain cells actually started dying.
i'm still kind of upset about michael jackson's death. maybe to some people it's already 'old news' or they never cared about it in the first place. losing him is a huge tragedy to music and to the world, honestly! he was a beautiful person inside and out. i grew up listening to his music. my parents always played oldies for my sister and i, and we used to always listen to this jackson 5 8 track my dad still has. as i got older, i realized how much i loved his voice and when i was going through some really hard times when i was 16 or so i always listened to his song 'you are not alone' and 'smile' over and over and over again. we also had a lot in common. he cares a ton about other people and the earth. he had a tragic life and its so sad that towards the end, people only focused on the negatives and not all the wonderful things he has done for charity and tons of people less fortunate then him. he was a humanitarian even though inside he was always torn apart. i can relate to that. smiling on the outside but sad on the inside. i'm not trying to be cheesy or too sentimental, but just hearing his songs and watching interviews with him on tv make me feel so sad to have lost him. it is so sad. it's a tragedy.
I hate you. I don't even know why we are friends. You only hang out with me because you wish you were me. Plus you totally want in Justin G's pants and ditched me for him. What ever happened to sisters before misters?
More pharmaceutical fun. So he DID give me those pills for free. Those pills are nine bucks EACH! It was only three of them, but still...and I went in there tonight to pick up my rx and he was chatting away as usual..He asked me if my boyfriend was coming to visit me this weekend and I said no, and he said he was a jerk! HA! i was like woooooooahh there.
I'm worried about grad school. EVERYONE i talk to is like, 'oh my neice/friend/ all A's and couldn't get in anywhere in Michigan for the speech path program' seriously like 6 people have told me that. I must know why! what can i do so that doesn't happen to me?! how can i make myself different? stand out? etc...UGH!!
Beyonce Halo
soo it's been a long time since i've updated more than a few strange words.
so much has been happening. life is...insane. busy. spiraling everywhere. pain, love, excitement, hurt. moving forward, moving backward, sitting in the middle of it all.
work is ridiculous. i work 32 hours plus a week. i hardly have any time to myself anymore. i definitely need the money more than anyone could ever know, but it's exhausting sometimes.
i got a B+. a fucking B+. there goes my 4.0 at CMU. GONE------> ughhhhh
i miss jake. i hate just 'visiting' with my boyfriend. i want him here, with me. i hate it.
i feel alone, overwhelmed, grown up. doing things on my own. taking care of everything. trying to hold my family together, wishing my father was sober...scrounging for pills that the doctors office won't subscribe.
my pharmacist says i'm the most 'normal, mature 21 year old that comes in here," again could be just because he loves me. maybe not. but he should know at least some about me since i'm forced to talk to him for half an hour increments everytime i go in there. he is kind of attractive which is the odd thing. he's like 28. weird. especially since i always feel skanky when i go in there either in my work uniform or some sort of sweat pants and tank top. bleh
bought one bellybutton ring got four free. woohoo and bought a mouth guard so i don't grind my teeth down to the gums like i have been. it's annoying though and weird.
when is my someday. i want it now. i want my turn.
2009 14 June :: 12.24am
:: Music: New Atlantic -
Update the status.
I seem to have lost my "Plan B!" envelope...anyone seen it? Big label on the front and the words "Property of Kelly Edly" on the back bottom middle. If you've seen this or have any information please contact me A.S.A.P.
Why? Because Im adrift in a sea of loathing in my mind. I cant help but try to stay busy.
I'm home from the Marines. I cannot go back. I will not be a Marine. Ever. -That part hurt me alot- Ive been home for a good month almost 2 now. I made it all the way to Forming day 3 before they said "Im sorry recruit, but unfortunately your trip ends here." Those were the exact words said to my by the Lieutenant who did my eye exam. Her Lieutenant Commander then walked over to me and sat me down in a waiting room to the side. Slap on the shoulder and said "Your trip is over. Just dont let it get you down. Take a moment, I know Id need one."
I arrived on the 14th of April, The 27th I was home and officially no longer in the service of the USMC,
I have Keratoconus in my right eye and very mild case in my left. This eye disease is a permanent disqualification for all service branches.
-Stop for a moment there. Think about that situation. I left with nothing, I expected a lifetime of service. I expected to restart life with this. I walk into it with all the confidence I can muster. I want to be there. Im willing to take a bullet(or worse) in the name of my country and the men/women who would serve around me.-
Ok so, you get told your done. Youre going home. Whats worse? Youre going home or the bonus that you could quite probably go blind in the future? WOooooo...Slap in the face aye? Ya.
I spent 10days in RSP(Recruit Seperation Platoon) during which time you process paper for leaving once your turn comes around. You dont get mail. You dont get to write mail. You work. You clean. You sit. You eat. You sit. You work. You sleep. You work. This is the life of the RSP. Depression was a huge thing in there. Gah. we had on average 35-40 recruits being sent home. Some in for refusing orders, some for depression, some for lies, some for drugs, the occasion assault case, and the broken(medicals) Out of ~35 recruits guess how many truely wanted to be there still How many wanted a second chance. Answer? 5 or less. Me being one.
The day I left the depot I left with 2 others both medical leaves on T-45/49. They were practically Marines. So close. One going home for being allergic to his own sweat the other for asthma. Shit deal.
Im home I cannot serve but God damn would I like to. I love the Marines. Semper Fidelis Devildogs! I stop by the Grand Rapids office here and there to say hello to Sgt Mullins and see if he needs someone to help watch his DEP pool. Fun nights. He's up for promotion and moving to another recruit station where he will be in charge this fall. Grats to him.
Im looking for a job. Im not finding much of possible stuff. I keep looking though.
I need a life plan again. I know what I like to do and it doesnt involve jobs really. I have no aspirations of wanting to go to school again.
Im single. I dont mind it. I dont look for a girl really. Mostly because I dont find myself going out. I dont idealize picking girls up a bars. I hardly drink. Sigh. Oh well.
I should be depressed. I manage to not be. Forgive and Forget. Live and let live.
my diploma and transcripts finally came in the mail today.
i only made the dean's list 3 semesters out of 8. but i graduated from both the college of liberal arts and sciences and the honors college in good standing, fulfilled all the requirements for the film and video major, and finished with 121 credits and a 3.364 GPA.
which means, basically, that i spent the last 4 years of my life spending thousands of dollars and hours upon hours on 4 sheets of paper telling me ... what?
that i still have to shovel dirt for a living, and not even manage to scrape by without a lot of financial support from friends and family? funny though, the papers don't say anything about that part. They honestly paint what, to the untrained eye, would be a picture of a successful young man with a bright future and a world of opportunities. when in actuality he is just a loser with no real job, a fair amount of debt, not a lot of excitement, and way too many nights - and days - stuck at home to sit and think. that's a very dangerous place to put a mind like mine. it rarely goes happy places. honestly, the only way my brain seems to be able to keep itself happy is when it has plenty of distractions, and people to entertain. otherwise, it just turns dark.
then again, maybe i just feel dark because it's all rainy and miserable outside. i wish it would just fucking storm. that would be a lot more exciting than this drizzly crap.