2004 24 September :: 4.59pm
:: Mood: silly
:: Music: my boo
lets see..umm letz take it bak to was a half day..n monique came over..n we took the longest nappp..ah it felt so0 go0d.n i never take napz..den umm..we just chilled around da house..den me monique eric n amir went to da football game..n at da game..i was wid my vanny i lovee her so0 much..that gurl crackz me tubbbz mattlin n fonte was der..n it was pourin so0 we all got soaked.n hid under da bleachers lol..but den it stopped..n lol it was just so0 much funn..i was like crackin up at everything lol..n den mattlin gav a holla for a dolla..n it was like stephanie giveeee a waveeeee to da crowd..haha lol...den we wonn!!! den we were tryin to go bak to da car..n like..all da grassy areaz were like pure mudd n water..n im like err letz go around im not steppin in that..so0 eric like scoooped me n carried me over i was like ahhhhhhhh lol hahha..omg n damn was der alot of those lil grass things..he had to pick me up alot..den hez like ok next grass thing..ill giv u a piggy bak i like jumppped on his bak..n lmao..i knocked him to da ground lol every1 was staring..den i hopped on agen.but he like kept fallin lol..guess im to0 he just picked me up n carried me lol..o0h was funn..den we drove home..n den monique slept at my house..n omg.we broke da was like late.n every1 was sleepin n we were still on.n we broke da thing da keyboard liez on..omg it made da loudest we didnt go to sleep till like.idk we went to skoo 2dai.n yadda yadda skoo was go0d.we were watchin porn in 1st was larry flint vs da people wid courtney love..idk.she sez it has to do wid law.but u dunno how many vaginas n boobz n asses i saw lol..i was like miss this does hav to do wid law itz all about ppl havin sex lol n pornos lol den umm after skoo eric picked me up..n now im here chillen..cinthia wantz me to go to da moviez wid her.but i dun feel like goin out..so0 i think eric is just guna come over.n were guna watch da passion of da christ...which i kno imma cry my eyes out..newho...o0h sum ppl are so gay.i try really hard to b a go0d frend.n dey treat me like shit..well im fuken overrrrrr it..cuz i seriously dun deserve to be treated how ive been lettin this person treat me..iight now im out peaceeee x0ox
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 22 September :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: konstantine
tears falling down my face for reasons no one could guess why.
its so fucked up and i remember when tears were from a broken heart, not a fucking broken spirit and loss of faith in love. what the hell have i become? i know you dont understand what im talking about. its just so lonely trying to pretend like i actually feel passion and love when im just trying to fool myself. i dont trust people anymore
and you don't wanna look much closer cause you're afraid to find out all this hope you had sent into the sky by now had crashed
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 22 September :: 8.52pm
forgive me...
im so sorry woohu...: (
I don't want us to drift apart too
I feel like I don't even know certain people anymore it's so sad and NO it's not michelle she always thinks i'm talking about
School is upsetting everyone has beaten it to death I won't go into the details....but it truely is disheartening to actually try and care and still not excel...I mean as of now I think I have straight Bs except for As in english and dance....that's really not so bad but I am BUSTING my ass for those mediocre grades and it can really only go down from here. Last year I got Bs just from not doing anything and when I think of all the slacking off I if I tried last year I woulda ha straight As it's ridiculous. But actually giving a shit does come with the stress and the obligation to do well...these days I will stay up until 2am and study even if I know it won't help....just so I can say I tried I feel guilty if I don't.
So i run on 3-4 hours of sleep and don't eat much during the day and typically don't get home until about 6:30 and it is having some major side effects. I keep slippin gback into that altered hormonal state of conciousness where I get these depressed breakdowns and rage outbursts I can't control it. I had one of my episodes while I was driving somewhere last weekend and ended up alone in some random parking lot in the middle of the night
in a kinda bad area just trying to calm the fuck down and get home. It was scary.
I really can't even think about guys right now...there is this one guy who seems nice but shy and I don't approach him unless people force me to. I'm not into persuing anything right now I just need a nice happy thought....when you get close to people you realize they are assholes at heart it's just a general rule.
maybe I'll find someone to get "close" with at Danielle party haha. I'm loving this fuck homecomming idea hopefully it will work out.
wow this was pretty depressing good thing no one pays attention to this journal anymore.
I missed you woohu
5 DiRt Off Ya ShOuLDeRz |
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 22 September :: 6.05pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: juanes - a dios le pido
2dai was such a go0d dayy really ok imma start in da beginnin of my dayyyy..ummm..i get to skoo..go to 2nd hour..n i got to miss half of dat class cuz i was in da clinic..signin paperz n shizz cuz of my asthmaaa...o0h just to add my mom is so0o0 fuken gay ha ha is so0 gay.but newayz bak to my day..dennn 4th hour..haha..o0h n alex got in trouble cuz we were playin patty cake lol..ah omg it was funny.but scary cuz she got so0 madd lol..dennn 5th hr w/e..den was go0d..alwayz fun wid timmy n yeli n mervey..dennn 6th hr..omggg i got a 99% on my test !!!! da highest grade in da class..whaaat go0 meee!! i felt so0 smart =] denn umm after skoo monique came over..she finally came bak from new yorkk =] den ahh we had so0o0 muchhh funn over here..1st we were talkin for a long time.bein quite loud..but no1 was home.so0 it was ok lol..den we caught our retardedness on my o0h mann i was dyinn..i got mo's greaaaat laugh ..n me givin a waveeeeee to da jeeebus..nowww..imma go to da gymmm..n burn off da fat...n den ill go home n eat a go0d dinner..jeeez im hyper..n hmmm i wonder where eric is...o0h man..still cant believe karamuanfjsf or w/e his name on da real world is gay..jeez hez so0 hott..shit id strap on a dildo just to satisfy im outtt peaceeeeeee besitos
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 21 September :: 7.54pm
:: Music: usher n alicia keys - my boo
ahh choooo
dammn i keep on havin these damn sneeeze attacks..ah..newayz...i just got bak from da gym.woo whatta feelin so0 luvin it =] o0 i saw josh der..i was like aww..i missed that kid..havent seen him..jeez..since da beginnin of last yr or sumthin..letz see n was alrite..umm..cant really think of nething great that happened..omggggg _24_ more dayz till halloween horror nites =D i cannnt wait.i got da permission slipz 2dai..n lol..i told fonte.i was guna go.n hez like wid eric? n im like yuppppp =] n den fonte n tubbz were like..ur so0 guna bone him..n im like der like yeah ur guna get a hotel room n bone da shit outta him.n im like were goin wid SR..n der like so0..u cud just leave n his car n get a hotel.n im like very truu lol..n den i was like no i wudnt bone him yet.we've only been goin out like a month n a week...n hez like.o0 truu..well thatz go0d.n im like yeahh..i mean imma make him wait at least one more i love fonte..his reactions are so0 great lol..iight well imma go..n talk to sum peepz online..peaceeeee x0ox
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 18 September :: 12.34pm
it will be a miracle if i get all a's and b's this quarter.
i hate junior year,
but i love all the fun that has come out of it. i feel like im slowly letting go of my studies and that frightens me a bit.
my parents still think im striving for national merit scholarship and all that junk, when all i want is to do the bare minimum to get my behind into UF. cause frankly, i'm sick of working hard. but then on the other side, i dont know how i'd react to seeing a c on my report card. shrug. i wish it just came more easily to me like it does to some people.
have a nice weekend.
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 17 September :: 11.42pm
:: Mood: ditzy
:: Music: maroon5 - she will b loved
i like the way your thing vibratess
lol ive been sayin that all whoo..2dai was a go0d day....
skoo - omg it was so0 funny/embaressin wut happened in 1st it all started wen dustin started this whole thing..arguein..n yadda yadda..we didnt hav to take da test..whew..den shez like..well since u dun hav to take this test.n we hav so0 much time.take out a piece of paper..n just doodle..n i was like u just want us to doodle? lol..so0 ok..i drew this big thing that sed i <3 eric..all pretty n stuff..den shez like ok hand it in.n put ur name on it..i was like hmm..den she decides to share wid da whole class what every1 was like noo lol..den she got mine out..n she goes..this is melissa's !! n she obviously lovee's eric..den every was like whooooo is eric..n i was like gettin shez da picture we can tell melissa is very obsessed with eric..i was like uhhh lol..n den she took my binder ( cuz on my binder i hav this grafeti thing that sez melissa on it that jon made me ) n shez like..whew..well letz thank god..she at least has melissa here.n not eric agen..i was like o0 jeeebus lol..den rest of da day was koo..w/e..n 2nite was da first football game..i wanted to go but...
2nite - i had plans to go to da beach wid mr eric..but this is how my nite went..well 2day just happened to be da time of da month where he pays bills..which every1 knooooz to stayt away from him..den i was like dad im goin to da moviez ( i had to say moviez.cuz dey'd b like uh why are u goin to da beach at nite lol ) n he got all pissy wid me.den sed u can go.but eric cant take u..i was like awhole buncha bullshit.den he sed my mom had to take me to muvico.den eric cud drive me home..so0 i went to muvico..den after we saw my mom was gone..we hopped into da car..n headed to da deerfiled beach..n that was alot of fun..we chilled in his car..walked on da was just..great...den we went to chili'sn got sum pina cooladaz..den now im home..but it was a really fun nite..n now imma go n talk to eric'cito x0ox
1 DiRt Off Ya ShOuLDeR |
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 17 September :: 6.45pm
:: Music: tech romance
dude crying is like... ugh. i dont know WHY i'm freaking crying. its not right. am i lonely, am i tired, am i frustrated? idk what the hell i am. i want for someone to just hold me for like hours but im too scared to ask my parents to take me down to boca when we're going north to eat dinner and probably see a movie. sniff. i dont know.
live just gets to ya sometimes.
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 15 September :: 4.18pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: boys2men - on bended knees
no0 skoo 2morro
yay..newayz 2nite im goin to miamii to hav a surprise bday party for my shud b fun..i 2morro..i hav no0o cluee what imma do..n 2dai was a go0d day at skoo..i think i passed my algebra test..but thatz wut i sed last time.n i was da only dumbass who got an F lol...n omggggg...31 moree dayz till halloween whoreeee nites =D ahhh i cannnot wait..ricki told me she got me permission slips..since itz guna b held at spanish river..n so0 itz gunna eric ricki jenny cinthia..n cinthiaz frend or whoever she decides to bring..umm ricarda..n mayb more peepz..but ahhh i cannnnot all..i wuna get scared shitless agen hehe..ahh =D iight imma bounce peace x0ox
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 13 September :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: aventura - nueve y quince
i loveeee my boyfrend <33
so0 2dai was me n erics one month anniversary..n so0 last nite he asked me after he was done wid skoo..if we cud go get lunch..so0 i was like yeaa..den 2day i was on da fone wid him..n he didnt mention da anniversary thing at all..n im like..he prolly doesnt ill say it to him wen we go out...den he came to pick me up..n i get outside.n i see him runnin out n went to open my door for me.n im like umm u wen he opened da door..lyin on da seat was a bouqet of pink roses =] i was like aww...ahhh u are to0 go0o0od lol..den we went to wendyz..where we saw jj n sum more pplz..den we had lunch..den we just drove around..went to da park.n yeah lol it was alot of funnn =D im really happy..hez sucha great bf im just here..umm guna go to da gym lata on..n umm yeah..imma go now lol x0ox
2 DiRt Off Ya ShOuLDeRz |
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 12 September :: 12.08am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: mis ojos lloran por ti
my back still hurts =[
2dai was a busy day..first woke up ready..den i went to nataliaz house.while omar n my dad were at da dolphins game..n i spent da whole day con a whole bunch of spanish songs from her lol.den eric made me da cd.which im jammin to right we went to da gym..worked out a lil..i thot i was guna die of an asthma attack tho lol.den rushed ready.for this lil gurl's chuckie cheese..n i was thinkin to myself..o0 i hopee van is workkinnn..n i get to da place..n i find van.i was like ahhh lol..n she ended up hostin ambers man.van made my day showin me her injury from da plastic knife haha.n danny segredo works der..i was like ahh lol..i miss that kid..he goes to my skoo but i never see him..i wuna work seemz fun..van was like..melissa..itz after the party i came home.relaxed a lil..den got ready eric picked me up..went to blockbuster..n rented butterfly affect..go0d ass moviee..den we had pizzza n wings..den we just watched sum tv..he like just left now..itz was a funn day back still hurts tho =[ err..iight imma go byeeez x0ox
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 10 September :: 4.21pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: boys2men- bended knees
:: kisses computer screen ::
ahhhh so0 glad to hav it bakkk..woo..fuken frances knocked out my power for 6 whole now itz all bak =] so0 happy lol..but man this week was pure hell..i mean i saw eric every single day cuz of it..n i got to hang out wid natalia..but jeez it was pure hell..i had to go to my grandmaz house.n that was like ughhh..but yeah im so0 glad to hav my house bak agen..i lovee my home..hehe..but now we got this other bastard commin ivan..so0 itz guna knock out my power agen..n itz guna b da same ol story replayin agen..but 2day imma go out..b4 i hav to b stuck inside da house for another n eric are goin to da about 20 see anaconda..den at 7ish andrewz havin a partay at his house..so0 were goin to that..n yeahh..umm i went new shoes n a new shirt..n ummm..i think thatz imma go now byeeeeez x0ox
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 7 September :: 12.01pm
:: Mood: hungry
hello dear friends.
it's been a while since i've updated here.
frances is over and now we get to worry about ivan. doesnt that sound like fun boys and girls?? heh. i highly doubt it. anyhow, there wasnt much damage to our house. we lost a few shingles and screens. i lost more than half of my precious moments collection. yuh- some crying there. mommy said she'd try to replace them, but its not the same. but i guess its better than nothing.
i got to talk to my buddies. everyones good. :D. now im here at my aunts in davie. boring here- but better than home. grandpa broke his hip. :(.
well i gotta go eat.
much love to all. <3
4 DiRt Off Ya ShOuLDeRz |
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 3 September :: 11.56pm
i haven't updated this journal very much.... s0o just a reminder, if you wanna read or find my life interesting... i use...
L I V E J O U R N A L !
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.
2004 3 September :: 3.11pm
no one can make u feel inferior without your consent
BrUsH Ya ShOuLDeRz Off.