2003 17 October :: 10.55 am
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: everything-lifehouse
HeHe hAhA
i forgot to tell ya...i get a 4 day weekend....haha and then on tuesday, i get to go to...someplace, and then we get to go eat at the food court in the mall (chinese food here i cum! btw chinese food is my FAVORITE type of food in the world...who woulda guessed huh?) anyways then we have an hour to wast in the mall before we head back to school. so basically i get a 5 day weekend cuz no school on tuesday. we do have to sit threw a fuckin 2 hour seminare for fccla though (thats y were goin on the trip).
oh aint this nice. i wake up and im compleatly alone in the house. kinda scared me for a sec, and i dont know y but its cool now. just kinda makes me mad....all the laundry to my self.....what more could a gurl ask for. damn my family is a bunch of stupid shits......what fun. ok well laundry here i cum!
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2003 16 October :: 4.10 am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: headstrong-trApt
thE flooR anD mY facE
hAhA 'ello! ok today i was walkin to algebra, everything is goin smooth, then i trip over a fuckin pencil and fall. but i didnt just stop. nOnO that would be to easy. i slide a LONG ways down the hall. my books scattered i lost my pencil...oh but it was just great. ummhmm. well the plus side is that i got helped up by this really hot guy...hes new i guess....names andrew....nice ass....green eyes(gotta love em).....date maybe......date maybe-not.....dont know......
me and kell talked for a LONG time last night. no i mean a LONG time!! and we fliRted. i dont know. i think summin is in the air. maybe a good summin, but then again maybe a not so good summin...?
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2003 14 October :: 11.05 am
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: last kiss-pearl jam
Hell Yea
ok! im back, the superintendent didnt think that we were all over our "scare" from yesterday and so...another day off. (looks like im the last one laugin kell. teehee) and so i just got up like 15 minutes ago. i went to bed at 11, got up at 10:45. almost 12 hours of sleep. OH lol last night i dyed my hair. its now like a creamy lookin brown with red in it. it sounds kinda weird i guess on here, but it looks AWESOME!! i love it. now i have to go get it cut again and ill be good to go ; )
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2003 13 October :: 12.40 pm
:: Mood: shocked
:: Music: low-kelly clarkson
ok...haha we had a bomb threat at school and so the police told the superintendent to send EVERYONE home, so we now have the rest of the day off. ashley went to sams, taylor went to grammas and yup u guessed it! i came home. i wanna know who freakin threatend WHEATON....i mean cummon ppl! wheaton is like a little no-body school. haha ok anyways, i guess i shall be going. i plan on finishing my book today..... ; )
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2003 12 October :: 11.23 am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: crazy in love-jay-z/beyonce
omg. i am SO fuckin tired. i stayed up till exactly 7:38 reading my book Roots. its really good, and i just couldnt put it down. anyways then i had to wake up for church at 8:30, but i was a lazy ass and decided to stay home and sleep, but i couldnt fall back asleep, so i read sum more, and then at 10 i draged my ass outta bed and to the computer and so here i am. horrible morning. lol. ok i think im gonna go see what kinda sick perverts are in the chatroom this mornin...
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2003 11 October :: 10.16 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: magic stick-50 cent
hey! i didnt get to go to the dayum fair. elijah, a kid that grammas takin care of right now (she does foster care, so she has to take care of foster kids and thats who she has at the moment) anyways, elijah got pnemonia and so she couldnt go to the fair and so i got stuck home doin nothing. AGAIN. ohh i already have my plans for halloween! woohu!! kayla, jess, and i are going to go watch the texas chainsaw massacure (spell check) and then we r going to go trick-or-treating, then we is going to cum down to my house get a BUNCH of food, and then go to the cemetary which is RIGHT by my house....then pig out, and play truth-or-dare (the durrty kind ; ) and just have a lotta fun. ok well im out. love to everyone.
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2003 10 October :: 3.57 am
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: someday-nickleback
tomorrow is a county fair in butterfield and i REALLY wanna go, but i dont know if mom will let us or not. us meaning ash an me. if she does then we have to spend the night with gramma tonight cuz mom said no matter wat she aint goin, but gramma was/is goin so she said she would take us. ok well i gosta go to da chatroom right now so i write lataz and tell if i getta go to da fair or not....
i just now realized no one ever writes me little messages....hmm
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2003 9 October :: 5.57 am
:: Mood: Skanky
:: Music: someday-nickleback
omg. i wore sleep pants, a teeshirt with a basketball on it, and then a hoodie over that which is like freakin 2 sizes to big. then i just threw my hair up in a ponytail WITHOUT brushing it, and wore NO make-up at all. lol i felt good though so who gives a fuck what everbody sayes. ok. well anyways last night i finished typing up my freakin story that im gonna send kell, but we still didnt get a new ink cartridge, but it was doin ok fer awhile, but then it started spittin out red ink an some black. it was funny. BUT i had to put it in a manilla envelope cuz i didnt wanna bend it, but it was rainin today and so i couldnt mail it cuz i didnt want the freakin thing to get wet....so i shall send it tomarra. oh on addictinggames.com i play 'slime vollyball' everbody HAS to play it. i have only gotten to the 4th leval, but its so fuckin awesome.
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2003 8 October :: 4.08 am
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: up in here-dmx
ok kellys gotta virous in his computer an hes supposed to send me sum stuff so i can update his journal for him, but i aint got it yet. ok. i have like NOTHING to say today. i guess ill be on my way then.....
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2003 5 October :: 9.42 am
:: Mood: confused/MAD
:: Music: wave on wave-pat green (or phil vassar??)
omfg. i wrote ALOT in this damn journal, and then i had to go pee, so i got up and went pee, came back and mom had unconnected the damn internet, so all that i had written was compleatly lost. so now im fuckin mad. ok, anyways to make this one shorter, i talked to jerry tonight in the chatroom, and it was a big thing cuz hes like never in the chatroom, so we were talkin and he said that this guy kept callin one of jerry's best friends a nigger, and jerry told him to stop and so the guy called jerrys mom a "fat-ass whore" (whats up with the dissin the momma thing anyways??) ok, now some ppl might just shrugg that off, but jerrys mom died 3 years ago from liver cancer, and jerry still aint over it. so to put it nicely, he beat the shit outta the guy, and got yelled at by the principal, and the other guy got nothing, so jerry and his wonderful temper, quit school. yup, my jerry dropped out. oh, and iv done alotta thinkin, and i dont want to go back out with kelly. nope, its ok, all is well with the world, and i just dont love him like that anymore. i know that like 2 hours ago i was all how can u get over someone....blah blah blah, but i guess u can. we hardly ever talk so i guess weve grown even farther apart, but its ok. i guess thats what was supposed to happen. i dont know if i like jerry like that yet or not. i guess only time will tell....
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