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:: 2005 23 November :: 3.38pm
:: Music: Street Dogs - Fighter

remember those five-dollar days armed with a paintbrush?
all i've got to say
is fuck the world today
and i don't want to be free.

skipped piano class today b/c it wasn't worth it to spend $6 on bart to go to one class. my friend IMed me later that he went and nobody really showed up. sweet.

did i ever mention that i HATE thanksgiving? the concept is nice, but it's also weird. i mean, be thankful for shit all year round. on thanksgiving, as luke said on Gilmore Girls, be thankful that we're not Native Americans who got our land taken in exchange for smallpox-infested blankets. yay?

tomorrow, there will be TWO turkeys. my great-aunt wanted a smoked turkey, and my other aunt wanted a deep-fried turkey, so yeah.. and a fucking ham. thanksgiving is SO not a great holiday for vegetarians, b/c the only things i can eat are, like, rolls and salad. i hate cranberry sauce, candied yams, and pumpkin pie. gross. oh, and you know what else is totally gross? tofurkey. i like faux meat, but man, that shit is nasty.


And that's it for my big update. I'm out.



:: 2005 23 November :: 11.01am

I am excited to see my family. Yay! Tomorrow I'm going to my grandma's then I'm going to Char's grandma's :-) YAY
Yesterday was so long. I was so tired. Holy crap. Then I hung out with Charlie and we ate some pie. hahaha.



:: 2005 22 November :: 2.00pm

that was a most unpleasant experience.

but i seem to be doing better now. and all my drink seems to be staying down. i just had a piece of bread. we'll see how that goes.

i'm missing my class. ugh.

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:: 2005 22 November :: 12.07am
:: Music: Division of Laura Lee

I got home an hour ago. Went to school and worked 5 hours. Went to work for 8. First I got there and Ken and I had to open up 60 turkeys for tomorrows God's Kitchen dinner for 3,000... 3 fricken thousand. Holy crap. So yeah, that took a little while. Then I left and rode w/Ken to Frederick Meijer Gardens. We did a party for 300 tonight. It was cool, all canapes and dessert platters and veggie trays. Yummy. Breakdowns went fast. Kinda. We got to drive the big truck back. Then unload it. And then I got to go home. Yay. Sleep. But no, first I had to write a paper for class tomorrow. So yeah, now I can sleep. Tomorrow night after class I so get to see Charlie :-) :-) :-) I hope I can surprise him with something. If I ever find out. Blahhhhh. I think that's about it... Oh, I found a cute house but I can't find it online or anything. G'night.

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:: 2005 22 November :: 12.00am

I love... music.
Love will tear us apart...
A house of cards, a supple heart, is not a place to dwell. Now you have your cake, don't hesitate. C'mon just do it, c'mon just do it. Put it in your mouth, there is only now. Tomorrow has to wait. But know there's
No Backing out
This is going to be, reality, you can never dream and doubt.
I have no way of telling the two apart.
Well I made amends in the general sense
But the devils in the details. And I know the cards. And I want to stop
But I can't do it, I just can't do it. There was love i meant. There were accidents. So tell me which is which. Cause I just CAN'T WORK IT OUT. But for memory and for clarity, we had better write it down. I have no way of knowing the truth with timed results. . .I put the past into the ground, I saw the future as a cloud. If theres no time to turn around, I'm going to. It's just one day I fell asleep, and now all day and night I dream, I'm the first one I decieved. If I can make myself believe. The rest, is easy.



:: 2005 21 November :: 4.19pm

check out the Solare website at www.soundclick.com

cool stuff. and me playing crappy drums. the only one that's semi-finished really is "kiss me".

but more to come, more to come.

i need to write a paper. and read several reams of stuff. and learn how to speak german.

by tomorrow.


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:: 2005 21 November :: 9.52am

oh you know!

sometimes i wish i was older so i could get married and have a house and fight over taking out the trash.
how grand life shall be.

i have never been happier. i don't even hate hardcore today. i pretty much just want to sit and smile.


oh gosh! falloutboy/thestartingline/motioncitysoundtrack/boysnightout and harry potter totally rocked so much a lot. and so did robby.

oh and sarah, i swear one time you come home and we hang out with anyone other than a puzzle we will both be not pissed. someday. pissed not. also not pissing on things. nothing that has to do with pissing on, pissing off, pissing around, being pissed, pissing away, getting pissed, putting the piss on, letting the piss off, or even thinking of the piss.

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:: 2005 20 November :: 1.39am
:: Mood: sleepy-weepy time

ghouls... i mean goyles. shit.

yesterday was fun. and so was today, for that matter.

yesterday i went shopping with ellen and katie. then we went on a bridge walk downtown (pizomp points), then we went to hunter's for pizza and a movie. we watched "love actually" i liked it a lot.

we also sang karaoke on this video game thing. it was weird. even more weird, my best song was "oops i did it again" by britney spears. oh well. the ladies were impressed with my falsetto. i think hunter was too, but he did a good job of hiding it. and honestly, he wasn't too shabby himself. a very good michael jackson - of jackson 5 no less.

i suppose i ought to join cuddle-sluts anonymous. population: us.

today i went with dad, libby, and kathy to see the goblet of fire at the IMAX. it was really cool and all. there was some stuff i didn't like. some stuff i did. i'm really still not sure how it all balances out, so i'm reserving official judgement. but it was certainly well done from a cinematic standpoint. neat camerawork and everything.

then rich's 40th birthday party. that was fun too. tomorrow is jackie and mom's and rob's and homework and radio show. monday is "write a paper and do german" day. and laundry also.

shit shit shit. i'll have to see if ellen has finished the reading yet. i just remembered it, and it's gonna take hella ever. oh well. no rest for the wicked, or whatever it is.


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:: 2005 19 November :: 10.55am
:: Music: Fugazi

I've got, this epic problem, this epic problems not a problem for me
And inside
I know I'm broken, but I'm working as far as you can see...
I love this song.
So yeah, chances are likely, and probably around July 26th, 2006. I feel like there's never enough time. :-( I have all this stuff I want to get done and it just never feels like there's any time. This sucks. Break should go well though, except that I have to work on projects. Blahhhh what do I write for an All About Me essay? You'd think this wouldn't be that hard. I hate it.



:: 2005 17 November :: 9.49pm

Man. So tired. Class went pretty well. Char and I hung out. It was sooooo nice. And we laid in bed and snuggled while it was cold out. It felt so good. So yeah, we may have some big news here.
I'm so in love.

Oh yeah, this morning, on my way to the expressway, I took 18 mile to shaner instead of 17 mile cause there was a crash, and I pretty much jacknifed my car near the intersection and almost hit a stop sign. My car spun sideways. It was really scary! Tomorrow Becca and I are meeting for breakfast then driving to class.

G'night :-) <3

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:: 2005 16 November :: 11.28pm

Ahhhhhhh SLEEP
Tummy. Ow.
Tired. Blah.
Today. Ah.
Can't. Talk. In. Full. Sentences.
Eh, whatever. Today was boring. Saw Charlie for like, 30 minutes. Worked on our Menu project for like, 4 HOURS. I'm sorry I didn't call Jessi, I just realized and I believe it's too late now :-( I am sorry :-(
Time for sleep.



:: 2005 16 November :: 5.17pm

and i was having a good day too. why did i let it get to me?

good riddance to bad rubbish, i say.

gar. i have such a weak constitution sometimes.

this is seriously stupid. i've gotta stop.

7 comments | feedback


:: 2005 16 November :: 12.34am
:: Mood: confused (perpetually)
:: Music: DMB - Typical Situation

gah. in other news, i'm incredibly lame.

but i squeaked out an 80% on that paper. obviously not my best effort, but i was glad just not to have sucked total ass.

i'm seriously slacking in the german dept. i did the software, but i need to study more for the vocab quiz in the morning. and i didn't do any of the book work, because it requires all sorts of internet research. which i translate into a lot of frustration and a 3am bedtime. no sir. chris needs his beauty sleep.

so, that's why i suck.

but i helped ellen out tonight. and i vacuumed. and i did dishes.

so i must not be a complete waste of space ;)

if feelings suck, why am i such a whore for them. it's that whole "i'm a little kid again" thing going on. just lots of stuff that i haven't felt. and i don't get it. and i don't know what to do about it. but i kind of like it. i just don't know if i'm being stupid or not.

shut up, brain! and slow down, chris!

be the tortoise, be the tortoise!

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:: 2005 15 November :: 9.04am

this one too!
Wheat Stalk

I am sleek and tall,
One of thousands,
Raised from seed,
My roots run shallow in fertile soil.
My hair stands on end
In constant anticipation of the future.

I sway to a song
The wind carries the beat.
The others and I dance
In synchronized rhythm until we are grown,
Awaiting the harvesters
To uproot me and give me meaning…
A natural, fibrous food.

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:: 2005 15 November :: 9.01am
:: Mood: funny

This is a paper I wrote for class. I hope you all enjoy!
I know it's long but it will hopefully make you laugh!

Shopping Cart Etiquette

When I walk into a supermarket, the first thing I do is grab a cart. I push it around the store avoiding other cart driving maniacs, swerving around produce displays, and looking both ways before I pull out into traffic. What many people don’t know is how dangerous and difficult driving a cart can be. There are many rules for driving one of these beasts. Breaking these rules can lead to aisle rage, frustration, or even possible injuries. There are no shopping cart police, so people generally resolve their differences personally if you know what I mean. (If you don’t follow these rules- you soon will.)
As a victim and now full fledge devout to the shopping cart rules, I will present them to you in order to save you from a painful future. I have even modified them to properly show you the consequences of the serious mishaps.

Rule One: Drive in the right hand lane. If you have to get something to the left of the aisle either grab it quickly and keep walking, or go to the end of the aisle, turn around and come back to stare at the shelf for a few minutes. But whatever you do, don’t ever drive down the center so others are forced to stop and get over just for you. Pick a damn side!

Rule Two: If you run into my cart, I will smile at your apology. I’m sure it was an accident. But don’t be surprised if your cart is overturned the next second you walk away.

Rule Three: Don’t leave your cart to go get something across the store or in the next aisle over. Pretend the cart is a personal attachment to you until you exit the store. Take it with you! Or else, whatever is in it is fair game and may save me a trip across the store.

Rule Four: Don’t glide across the store on your cart. I’m glad you’re having fun showing everyone how well you ride a scooter, but other innocent bystanders may question the amount of control you have over the cart- even if you are a professional.

Rule Five: Kids who are small in stature and cannot see over the cart may not drive the carts. If they can’t see over the handle- they can’t see me. And just so you know, it’s the parents I go after if injured.

Rule Six: Keep your distance and pay attention! If you run into the back of my heels- this will cause me to get very angry. If an apology is given I may just cast evil glares at you until one of us leaves the store- or for the rest of your life. But if not- I’ll meet you out in the parking lot.

Rule Seven: After loading your essentials into your car- park your cart in the cart coral. There is nothing worse than finding the perfect parking spot and pulling up to find a cart blocking your place. There’s a spot for cars and there’s a spot for carts- take two extra seconds from your busy schedule and get it there.

So if ever you see me in the supermarket, keep in mind these seven important rules. It may save you from extra work or purple and blue tender spots on the back of your heels and/or body.
I’m not saying a brawl breaks out every time someone breaks a rule involving those pesky shopping carts.

I’m just informing you- it may.

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:: 2005 14 November :: 9.42pm
:: Music: Ima Robot

You were the best love I ever had, you hit me high, you hit me low
Time doesn't slow down for those who dream, I wake only to hear this scream.

Yeah, so... Today was pretty alright. Everyone stopped in at Art & Bev's which was cool, thanks guys! Chef told me ice cream would be on him. That was cool.
Then I hung out w/Charlie <3 <3 <3 I seriously can't wait to get married. His sister and I are going to start looking at bridesmaids dresses and everything. I love his family. Which is cool. It's definitely not a monster-in-law thing. His family is awesome.
I got my neice some cute little things. A cute little tigger hat and mittens as part of her Christmas present. She was tigger for halloween. She's almost 16 mos.
Things are definitely happening. It doesn't feel like last time though. That's what confuses me. But people say it's different every time.
I should definitely be drawing the layout for my group's resturaunt. Or studying for tomorrow's CA 112 test. Or something. But no, I'm exhausted. And I'm going to sleep soon. After I read Star/In Touch. Gahhhhhhh stupid addictions. Better than drugs though. Aw who'm I kidding?



:: 2005 14 November :: 11.15am
:: Music: the mahavishnu orchestra - birds of fire

can you say bullshit? because i can...

HNR 215C
Paper Topic #3
Due Tuesday, November 29, IN CLASS
5-7 pages

One of the central questions the Enlightenment raised was whether or not civilization (the culture of learning, ideas, and writing) was a moral force. Define the Enlightenment, discuss its origins, and analyze whether or not it made Europe a better place.

Your response must use Galileo, Voltaire, Mary Wollstonecraft, Olaudah Equiano, and Cowans. Please use both Candide and The Philosophical Dictionary.



:: 2005 14 November :: 2.37am




or not.

first radio show was tonight.

i had a good set list. only a couple of screw ups. not very charismatic.

pretty standard, actually. it's college radio anyway. dead air ... um ... dead air.

katie's home. ellen has her guiding star back :)

i felt like i was letting her down with my lack of instruction.

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:: 2005 13 November :: 10.40pm

hehe. i just ordered some birkenstocks. hehehe. wow i'm tired.



:: 2005 13 November :: 10.14pm
:: Music: Devil In The Details- Bright Eyes

Oh holy crap.
Today has gone so fast. The power went out earlier. I was supposed to work on a project but it got kinda dark. It's okay now. My parents saw my tattoo today and I had to tell them it was marker. Ugh. Whatever. Dad talked about Char and I and the wedding today too. My grandma called and said she saved some things from a wedding she went to last night for some ideas. THAT is so cute and cool. She's excited. I'm trying not to test early because I know it's still early. But I feel compelled to. It's so expensive though. Something is happening, for real. We'll see. If I test then I can get rid of this one and then I'll have to wait to test again.
Charlie took me to see the Teddy Roosevelt thing at the museum yesterday. hehehe. we're such dorks. Sitting by the fountain was cool. I love him.
I have to sleep soon.
Hm. I haven't gotten hours from work in quite a while. Hm...



:: 2005 13 November :: 2.06am
:: Mood: nervous?

this is absolutely wild.
hunter's was a blast. he's always so fun, in his own weird way. i don't know what it is.

it was sad this time without katie there, but that's okay. nobody to impress or freak out about. i'm cool with that.

then ellen's DDR party was this evening. i'm actually getting halfway decent at the "beginner" stuff. i'm almost ready to go on to "light".
so so very lame, i am.

and then ellen and i went and took showers. then we watched "the ladies' man" and ate some food and stuff. and we also commiserated about the absence of katie for awhile. but it was all really good natured.

i sincerely hope that jackie honestly feels good about being rid of me. that's what i would like for her to feel. mom was concerned... about something else. but i don't think it will be an issue. or at least, i hope it won't be. if it is, jiminy cricket may never forgive me. but that's okay, i guess. you have to do the best you can. and work out twice a day. don't ask me why i said it. because i already forgot...

i just want to be sure i'm doing the right thing. which is like, never. i really don't know. and god really doesn't appear to feel like letting me in on the secret any time soon. 'salright. i wouldn't expect her to. him to. it to.



:: 2005 11 November :: 10.41am

*SB voice* : weirded out!
it's incredible the things i apparently say without actually saying them.

it all seems to happen so fast.

i guess it's better that i can't keep up. if i could, i'd be totally freaked out.


i accidentally bumped into some girl on my way out of german today. it totally caught me off guard. we were kinda mutually oblivious. i suppose it was very antisocial of me, but i just walked away without saying anything. she kept apologizing, but i was just as at fault as she was. and no harm, no foul, right?

communications test at 1. i think i'll take the bus to class.

hunters at 6 tonight. have to get in touch with ellen, and see when she wants to leave.

big wheel keeps a-spinnin' around. or something.



:: 2005 10 November :: 8.37pm
:: Mood: pensive

i hate being a jerk, but i hate having her think i'm pretending to be something i'm not. or maybe i am pretending. i don't know.

not anymore, i guess.

not that i ever was. i can't act. but even the normal me can be misleading sometimes.

i have a feeling that this holiday season is not going to be like the times of old. which will take some getting used to, most certainly.


hm. i'll keep doing my thing. well, it's not my thing, it's dad's thing. i just borrow it for times like this. hope it works.

in other news, i nearly forgot i have a german essay due in 12 hours. plenty of time. just annoying, as i thought i was going to sit down and watch a movie, only to be writing a paper instead.

can't always get what you want. then again, i guess i always do.

nope. gotta stop that. get it out of my HEAD!

geht aus meinem schwammkopf. ? nein. das ist sehr falsch... ich habe kein schwammkopf. ich habe ein schweinkopf. ja. das ist gut.

my grammar is abysmal. ich bin SCREWED!

3 comments | feedback


:: 2005 9 November :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: slightly irked

ist es das Deutsches Uhr?
on a completely unrelated note:

yeah. i don't know. i'm not sure how i should feel about it at the moment.

i guess just hope for the best.

Heute, sehr viel Hausaufgaben.

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:: 2005 9 November :: 7.51pm

Little cloven hooves that make it kinda hard to ski...
Ahhhhh CRAZY. I love Charles James Shick. AHHHHH. So much.
Maybe a surprise we'll find out tomorrow. I dunno. Or like, in a week or two. Eh. I love this picture
Image hosted by Photobucket.com


Fucking bullshit, I would never be caught dead in...Georgia. Like, omg.

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