2005 14 August :: 3.21pm
:: Mood: Freee T---T
:: Music: GunZ ( my brothers are playing it in the loft)
Free at last! God almighty, free at last!
Shit, laundry, be right back. XDDDD
Alright. Fucking a. I just got done with like.. an hour and a half of homework. That's fuckin' preposterous. That's probably what I'll be getting every day from now on >---<
I ended up taking a break in the middle to go play Gunz XD
GunZ: ( classication: gun/sword game ) GunZ is a Korean graphics-based game ( FOR FREE -- downloadable ) with it's own mixed dance-music to listen to whilst you kick ass.
Emily does NOT kick ass at any point in time.
She gets excited if she kills some one.. She is usually the one getting killed.
Or killing herself by trying to run on the wall across the bottomless pit and ending up jumping instead.
Anyways, this game is pretty awesome, and as you can see ( since I haven't been on AIM in a while ) it's enthralling and enraveling. Sure, I'm only level 3 ( my brothers are level 10 and higher and they've ben playing less than I have .____. ) but it's still quite amusing.
GunZ -- download it, son
If you DO download it and come across a red-headed girl character name Sancia.. do not panic, that's just me.
Don't kill me, I'm pretty.
Anyways, I have French with our favorite friend Twitch. Yesterday ( Saturday ) I went to Obon ( Bon Festival ) with Jade, Jenn, and my family. It was pretty amusing -- there were surprisingly some cosplayers xDD And a BAJILLION home-made kimonos. I dunno if I could wear a kimono over there since it's all long-skirted and long-sleeved. It was REALLY hot, so I don't know how those bishoujo did it.
I couldn't help getting continually reminded of the episode of Sailor Moon when Serena and minna went to Obon xDD And Rei did the drumming. And the drums got possessed with a damon. I remember it so well e---e And Usagi was getting all upset 'cause she couldn't pop the little goldfish with the rice-paper net into her bowl, and Makoto was helping Chibi-Usa do it and Michiru and Haruka show up and are all like "Stupid meatball head ~giggles resound from kimono Michiru~"
Okay, enough geekdom from me, kids.
Have a LOVELY DAY! ^---^
"Potato... potato.."
5 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 13 August :: 6.59pm
I talked to her today!!! On the phone and it was so nice to hear her voice! Heheh I mean yah I could defenitly hear her accent and stuff a little bit but it wasn't bad at all and I forgot how nice her voice sounded. So nice. I can't wait to see her again, so anxious. It won't be long anymore till I get to see her I think, october or something. I have no idea what to do when she's here maybe I can take her to some neat places. But first I'll burn some cd's and send those to her hehe. Missing her alot it sucks but it was so very nice she called.
I don't need anything else then her =)
Time: 12:33 PM (33 after midnite whatever)
I feel shit, probably cause I'm tired. I'd like not be disturbed by anyone. Right now I need some calm. It's been 2 busy days for me...just wanna take some sleep and sleep for a whole day long....till the next night arrives.
I don't wanna hear people telling me to wake up...just leave me alone....I wanna sleep sleep sleep and be such a lazy asshole....
Just let me sleep for now =.=
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 12 August :: 2.47pm
It's been 20 years ago since I was born. My body was still pure then.
Today I woke up in bed with the lights on and I felt like shit, instead of in my mothers arms when I was born.
When I was born there was no thunder and rain outside, there is now.
I cleansed my body from top till toe... but I'll never be as pure as I was then.
I felt like today was gonna be a day where something was gonna happen, but I was wrong. It was just a day like any other. Will it be like this for another 10 years until I'm 30?
"At 18:00 this afternoon a 20-year young man has fallen of a bridge over the A1 highway. The young man caused for a series of accidents taking at least 15 more lives. The police is still investigating if it was murder or suicide. Traffic is being detoured by the police in order to keep the traffic going as usual. A terrible accident on a terrible day. 12-08-1985."
I didn't want anyone to come on my birthday though I didn't tell those people that. I think my aunt knew though. She gave me 10 bucks and went off again, that was kinda cool. But other then that, my dad and uncle came over... dragging on conversations about nothing. Got a total of 170 bucks together. Then later in the evening some guy from the neighbours dropped by and those 2 annoying neighbour girls. Seriously....that one girl Daisy needs to fuck off. They touch my hair and try to model it, I just shake it off. Then she starts to hang around me...more like ON me. Very uncomfortable, does she expect me to kiss her or something? Well she can forget that, not in a million years. Then one girl went away and she stayed. She was like really close and kept staring at me, I was like "Why are you staring at me? Can you stop staring I hate it" but she kept staring...very annoying. So I just went on with my WoW game. I swear girls are a pain in the arse when their around that age. Damn. I swear if she's gonna kiss me suddenly I'm gonna freak out. Hmpf. Its not even my fault you know she just needs to fucking stop that shit, she knows I love Gaby. She better get that in her fucking head, I doubt there's much in there anyway.
Anyway that was the most crap part bout my b-day. The rest was ok I guess. Eventhough I didn't ask for a b-day I still got one. How shit is that, even when I ask for something I still dont get it... People are stupid.
I'm pretty much as tired as the sandman. Gaby called today but everytime I picked up the line went dead =S kinda odd. And when I tried to call her the phone just went like tuut tuut tuut. That sucked. I'm so anxious to see her again. It wil be such a kewl time, I love it when I'm with her. It's what my life is all about =) Hehehe I LOVE HER!!!!!
"If I were a tear in your eye, I'd roll down your cheek and kiss your lips and die away. If you were a tear in my eye, I'd never cry in the fear of losing you, I love you."
In the early morning she send me this. Amazing she is.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 12 August :: 1.46am
Freedom is just a fantasy cause if you choose something else then what is expected of you, you'll end up bad. What's the freedom in that. People treat me like I'm really irresponsible. Just because I don't act the way they excpect me to act. I'm not fucking dumb you know. Or maybe I am...geesh. What else is new. God I miss her so much right now. I just hope she's doing ok. This life thing really blows. I would have been dead I think if I didn't met Gaby. But I can't say I'm happy now cause we're still seperated. She's on the other side of the world...why? Is this punishment gonna set me free from hell or something? Seriously....this life is already bad enough, if I'm going to hell when I die aswell then why the hell did I exist? To just suffer, suffer and suffer? WHEN DO I GET WHAT I WANT!? It's my birthday tomorrow and I can't really say I'm to happy bout it. I'm gonna be fucking 20 years OLD.... in another 10 years I will be 30...
I don't wanna become old, for fuck sakes I still feel like 16. I just wanna die young. Someone kill me when I'm 28. I can't do anything right in this life cause it's all wrong cause it's never what people expect me to do. It's not right...IS IT?!?? I can't even protect her... what kinda person am I to let her go through shit. When someones reading this they will think "man this guy is disturbed, he needs help".... it's not that I need help. I need what I want. If you can give me what I want then you have helped me and the only person who can give me what I want is Gaby. Cause I want her. Only her. Nothing else. I live my life for her. Is it wrong of me? I don't care what you think. This is my life and when I die, God has already apointed me to a place.
"Do you love me God? Why don't you pick me up out the lake of fire then?"
It could all be so easy. But it has to be all so difficult. Give me the needs to change the world and I will. I am nothing like this, like what I am now. When I tried to help people it was always an attempt but never really did I help them. I never gave them what they wanted.
False hope is the worst hope. Even worse then no hope.
Missing you so badly...
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 10 August :: 11.40pm
"Then I saw heaven open, and there was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithfull and True; it is with justice that he judges and fights his battles. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and he wore many crowns on his head. He had a name written on him, but no one except himself knows what it is. The robe he wore was covered in blood. His name is "The Word of God". The armies of heaven followed him, riding on white horses and dressed in clean white linen. Out of his mouth came a sharp sword, with which he will defeat the nations. He will rule over them with a rod of iron, and he will trample out the wine in the winepress of the furious anger of the Almighty God. On his robe and on his thigh was written the name: "King of kings and Lord of Lords". Then I saw an angel standing on the sun. He shouted in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair. "Come and gather for God's great feast! Come and eat the flesh of kings, generals and soldiers, the flesh of horses and their riders, the flesh of all people, slave and free, great and small!"
Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to fight against the one who was riding the horse and against his arm. The best was taken prisoner, together with the false prophet who had performed miracles in his presence. It was by those miracles that he had deceived those who had the mark of the beast and those who had worshipped the image of the beast. The beast and the false prophet were both thrown alive in the lake of fire that burns with sulphur. Their armies were killed by the sword that comes out of the mouth of the one who was riding the horse; and all the birds ate all they could of their flesh."
What makes God think people won't fight back against something like this? Let the 3rd world war begin, the end of all wars.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 10 August :: 2.22am
Living in a enviroment where I could be happy. To have a meaning to live? Maybe. Arn't people who can be happy simple minded and can't see the greater part of the world? Look around you. The world is not a happy place. Do you really think people die everyday so you can be happy? I read somethings bout people who have "seen the light". I'd say it's a delusional escape to the reality of real life. Why does someone think they can help me? Talking does not help, I;ve tried it. Well it doesn't help if it's with the wrong person. And in my opinion everyone is the wrong person except Gaby. From some people I am amazed they dare to take her name in their mouth. She is the only who can save me. So don't even think....don't even let it cross your mind that you can help me, you will never be good enough for it. Your are way below her, she is a human better then anyone of you. Maybe not perfect but damn near close to it.
Can I say my life is depressing at the moment? I don't know. Can I say that I'd wish something would change? Yeah probably. Changes take away the old things making it more exciting to move on in your life. But even after a while that will become old and you will get stuck in the same hole again. I'm glad with the way I am. Probably slighltly insane, depressed, angry, sad. But what does it matter. Eventually everyone will get at a point where their life will be like that. Why is it seen as bad. There is so much creativity in all those "negative" emotions. I love the music I like cause of it. Basicly making me who I am and who I want to be. It could be nice to be like me, but the ones who are trying to change me are the ones making it bad, making it wrong, making it not good for me. Do not think it's bad. If you didn't have anyone to help in this world... what would your life look like? Miserable right? No one to help. No one who could make you feel better cause you helped them. Look at it from this point, you are not helping them, they are helping you making you feel good bout yourself. And they are the ones who pay the ultimate price.
Me....hehe...see me as non-existend. I don't help any of those people who want to feel good bout themselves by helping others. I don't do anytthing but watch....
You know who else watches...God and Satan, they are enjoying the show. Make sure you put on your smiley face.
7 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 8 August :: 2.14pm
:: Mood: Lethargic
:: Music: Our Lady of Sorrows -- MCR
The Mystery of Laceration Poverty?
Well here I am.
It's Monday and school starts on Wednesday.. o----o;;
I still have to get my schedule.
I have two more chapters of Catcher in the Rye. I think I know why it's called Catcher in the Rye, though. Holden is talking to his little sister, Phoebe, and he says that the thing he really wants to do in his life is like.. guard children playing in a big rye field on top of a cliff from going over the cliff.
I can see it perfectly.. which is kinda weird.
I mean, do you get it? He gets kicked out of all these schools because everyone's too snobby or mean for him. Or too 'pervey' or 'sexy' ( sexually oriented, not sexually appealing. ) He has.. so many standards, and not one school meets them.
Instead of learning everything, he just wants to protect little kids from falling off a cliff.
It's weird.
AFO was great, by the way.
I almost got to make out with that really hot gay kid from JACon, remember? The one that was REALLY hot, but he was gay, and I was all like "NOOOO!"
I know his name now.. It's Ryan.
And hey, atleast he touched me e----e;;
I swear, his boyfriend was liek.. stoned during the rave. He's like "OH MY GODDDD! HAHAHAHHA!" and I'm like "XDDD HIE! What's your name?" and he's like "It's.. GIOVANNI... which is Itallian for JOHN! HAHAHA!" and I'm like "If I was a boy, I'd probably be named John. HAHAHA" and he's like "OH MY GODDDD! HAHAHAHHA!"
I love gay boys.
My mom told me later that apparentally Giovanni was looking at Jade and I too much for Ryan's tastes, thusly Ryan was a bit upset.
But for honest, I gave Giovanni the Wood Clow card I have ( Jadie bought the Clow cards for me <3<3 ) 'cause Keroberos sensed a Clow card and Giovanni said it was in his pants -- and it was the Wood xDD Ryan pulled him away, telling me he'd find it.
Then later, Ryan was at dinner, and Giovanni's like "Hey, if you give me another Clow card, I'll let you make out with my boyfriend" and I'm like "O---------O NOOOOO! WHY ARE THEY AT THE HOTEL ROOM!?" and he's like "If you give me two, I'll make sure you have a good time XD" And I'm like "AUGHHH! ~falls over~"
And I did fall over.
And my pimp hat fell over.
Maybe if I lose some weight by next con, Ryan won't need bribes to make out with me.. hmnnnnn..
~the evil plotting continues~
Emily: My voice is like... really low right now. o----------------o
Emily: Nevermind, it just elevated.
Oscar: yay
Oscar: i'll be there in a jiffy
9 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 6 August :: 3.58am
Hate hate hate Im not sure if I hate myself. I think it's more a great dislike cause of what I am. Human. If I'd hate myself I'd just kill myself I guess. Bad dreams represents bad personality? Wouldn't surprise why I had that dumb dream then. God, I'm not even gonna write it down here, I wanna banish it from my mind. That I could even dream something like that I swear jeesh just shoot me now. Why did I have to dream that bah. It's not fair. Most people get nice dreams and stuff and Im stuck with bad ones. It's not even that I like to have those dreams you know. For once I wish I had a nice dream. One so nice that I'd wanna stay in it forever. That would be nice. But hey I don't even control my own mind so fuck me. For fuck sakes... I hate everything. There is nothing good in this world. G'nite.
12 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 5 August :: 1.14pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: AFI- Morningstar
11 to 8
Last night I went to work and took stupid pictures with Kelly M and Andy and danced around like dorks. It was a good time.
After work Jay, Allen and I got together. We went to Nick Os house for a few minutes and then went out for the night. We walked to Wegmans (on taft), Dennys (in Cicero), Walmart (in Cicero) and some park off Caughdnoy. It was great. Haha what a strange ritual. My horoscope today was :
The pair of shoes you choose this morning will end up making a big difference in the activities you'll participate in this afternoon. Would you rather sit in the shade and have urgent conversations? Wear impractical sandals.
and that is silly because I wore my old holy shoes and my feet absolutely kill now. That means I get to sit down at work tonight and just talk. That would be cool if it were true.
Well we got home arounf 8 and I went to sleep until 12ish. Now I get to work 7 hours at the dip at peak hours so itll packed. Haha it shall be interesting.
Yay! Tomorrow is the Block Party and a whole day of nothing with the beeb. And drunk parents that leave you alone. Ahh sounds wonderful.
Oh yeah .. just incase you were curious... 12days 18 hours and 37 minutes until I am at school. : )
7 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 4 August :: 2.11pm
:: Mood: Mlehehehe
:: Music: Violent Pornography -- SOAD
Sweet Jesus, look at the nutters! <------<
naomicote@mac.com: I have a question you must answer, or die
naomicote@mac.com: just tell me when your ready to hear the most important question ever.
naomicote@mac.com: ..everrrrrr..
Agent Blood Orgy: ~is ready to hear the question -- knew Leo was gay, notes it was much too obvious~
naomicote@mac.com: I know it was obvious. I just thought that he was FEMININE
Agent Blood Orgy: lmap
naomicote@mac.com: I was like ::gasp:: ::sputter::
Agent Blood Orgy: Giggle
naomicote@mac.com: emily- i stared at the word 'gay' on the screen for like...10 minutes.
Agent Blood Orgy: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: I was just like. AHAH!
naomicote@mac.com: I just thought he was really feminine, with all the 'talk to the hand' jazz. But thats cool, leo is funny.
Agent Blood Orgy: Mhmm
naomicote@mac.com: And 'mely' - the marching band assistant- shes gay
naomicote@mac.com: WHATS UP WITH MARCHING BAND PEOPLE!!??!
Agent Blood Orgy: They just like things
naomicote@mac.com: yea...a lot of things. haha xDD
naomicote@mac.com: Anywho: my question.
Agent Blood Orgy: ~listens intently~
naomicote@mac.com: Is your refrigerator running?...
naomicote@mac.com: O.O
naomicote@mac.com: ::listens intently::
naomicote@mac.com: GAHH! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!
naomicote@mac.com: ::chocked snicker::
Agent Blood Orgy: Womg..
Agent Blood Orgy: Yes.. yes it is. Both of them
naomicote@mac.com: :O
naomicote@mac.com: I KNEW IT!
naomicote@mac.com: ..mine did too.
naomicote@mac.com: fuck.
Agent Blood Orgy: Damn it
Agent Blood Orgy: It must be a syndicate of running refridgerators
naomicote@mac.com: Those become 'Refrigerator catchers'- save the time that everyone takes to find those damned critters.
naomicote@mac.com: hells yes, it is!
Agent Blood Orgy: Lmao
Agent Blood Orgy: I wonder if they like.. pre-program these fridges..
naomicote@mac.com: : O
Agent Blood Orgy: Damn George Bush! He harvests the fridges!
Agent Blood Orgy: FUCKING TEXAN
naomicote@mac.com: &^*%&^%
Agent Blood Orgy: GASP!
naomicote@mac.com: HARVESTERS*..haha. GASP!
naomicote@mac.com: I KNOW!
naomicote@mac.com: ::yodels to fellow marching band members:
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: YODELING
Agent Blood Orgy: ~dies~
Agent Blood Orgy: Anyways, as I was saying -- A STOP TO THIS!
naomicote@mac.com: ::marching band war cry:::
naomicote@mac.com: AYAYAYAYAYAYY!!!
Agent Blood Orgy: More like dodododlooodododolododo! ~horns blow, tuba bumps, clarinets screech, flutes die from lack of air~
Agent Blood Orgy: ~'cause their part is so fucking long~
naomicote@mac.com: :drop kicks, while other woodwinds screech with their instruments::
naomicote@mac.com: ahaha
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: SCREEECH- YODEL- AYAYAYAY
Agent Blood Orgy: ~wields a large DICTIONARY of POWER~
naomicote@mac.com: ...what a kick ass war cry
naomicote@mac.com: DICTIONARY!
Agent Blood Orgy: ~smack~ You spell dead D-E-A-D!!
naomicote@mac.com: ::gasp::
naomicote@mac.com: bows
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Thank you, thank you. xD
naomicote@mac.com: Dead. WHOO!
Agent Blood Orgy: I am MAN DIC -- the huMAN DICtionary!
Agent Blood Orgy: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: This is so going in my journal
naomicote@mac.com: And I am: Screeching Woodwind- The Yodeling Marching band warriors Queen!
Agent Blood Orgy: XD
naomicote@mac.com: haha, me too
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: I so love you
naomicote@mac.com: <3 I love you too
naomicote@mac.com: DAMN THOSE TEXANS!
Agent Blood Orgy: Bee Arr Bee, I have to pee -- you made me laugh too hard
naomicote@mac.com: ahaha
naomicote@mac.com: k
Agent Blood Orgy: Ewww -- I hate periods >---<
naomicote@mac.com: >----< I got mine on tuesday
naomicote@mac.com: RIGHT after the performance. THANK HEAVENS!
Agent Blood Orgy: I got mine.. Tuesday morning, I think
naomicote@mac.com: ::imagines:: In the middle of a performace- Me: ''..oh..oh fuck. *~fiddles with clarinet*~..oh my god. oh my god..holy fuck!
naomicote@mac.com: Wow. both on tuesday
Agent Blood Orgy: Eek x---x
naomicote@mac.com: I wonder what happens to those people who get their periods in the middle of a marching band performance.
Agent Blood Orgy: That REALLY sucks
naomicote@mac.com: I assume it'd be very uncomfortable.
Agent Blood Orgy: YEAH
naomicote@mac.com: I didn't get it during mine. haha- I got it AS SOON AS I WALKED IN MY HOUSE
Agent Blood Orgy: XDD Wow
naomicote@mac.com: ::sudden stop:: -blink- ::takes off to bathroom like a bat outa hell::: - mom stares at my fleeing form
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: xD
naomicote@mac.com: I want my refrigerator. ::tear::
naomicote@mac.com: It houses so many goodies.
naomicote@mac.com: DAMN THOSE TEXANSS
naomicote@mac.com: My yodeling band is searching for them as we speak, though I imagine their not very quiet. ::cringes as screeches and anonymous blowings sounds::
Agent Blood Orgy: DAMN YOOOU TEXASSSSS! ~dramatic falling to knees, crying to the sky with outstretched fists~
naomicote@mac.com: POR QUE ROSALITAA!!
naomicote@mac.com: POR QUE GEORGE BUSHH!!
Agent Blood Orgy: POR QUE DIOS!
Agent Blood Orgy: HEY-ZUES!
Agent Blood Orgy: TEHASSS!
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: MEHICOOOO!
Agent Blood Orgy: xD
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: DAMN MEHICANSS
naomicote@mac.com: I mean Mexicans..hha, oh shit ::looks around for angry mexicans::
naomicote@mac.com: ::paranoid:: OH SHIT SON!
Agent Blood Orgy: XD
Agent Blood Orgy: UNDER YOUR BED
Agent Blood Orgy: NOOO
naomicote@mac.com: AHH!
Agent Blood Orgy: THEY'VE GOT YOU!
Agent Blood Orgy: AHHHHHHH!
naomicote@mac.com: ::yodels to marching band::
Agent Blood Orgy: NAOMIIIIII! ~snatches at her~
naomicote@mac.com: haha..yodeling. *~shakes head*~
naomicote@mac.com: EEKK!!
naomicote@mac.com: ::mexicans angrily question who Rosalita is::
naomicote@mac.com: I DON'T KNOW!!
naomicote@mac.com: NO COMPREHENDE
Agent Blood Orgy: ~pulls her from rabid mexican stereotypes~
naomicote@mac.com: NOOO COMPREHENDEE!!
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
naomicote@mac.com: hahah stupid mehicans!
naomicote@mac.com: mehicanosss
Agent Blood Orgy: xXD
naomicote@mac.com: OH SHIT!
Agent Blood Orgy: OH NO! It'S OSCAR! XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::pulls emily as we run like bats outa hell::
naomicote@mac.com: Oscar myer weener. xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~runs like what she said!
naomicote@mac.com: <3
Agent Blood Orgy: <3
naomicote@mac.com: AHH!
naomicote@mac.com: ::Oscar leads angry mexican stereotypes::
naomicote@mac.com: OH SHEEET!!!
Agent Blood Orgy: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: NOOO!
naomicote@mac.com: ::I yodel to my crazed group of gay and lesbian marching band members::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~keeps them at bay with free Taco Bell~
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: This is so going on my livejournal- myspace blog. xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: xD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~notes angry Mexican comments to ensue~
naomicote@mac.com: POR QUE!
Agent Blood Orgy: POR QUE, ROSALITA!
naomicote@mac.com: OH SHIT!
naomicote@mac.com: Don't say her name! ::oscar swears and runs after us while pyscho mexicans gobble down taco bell and give chase again::
Agent Blood Orgy: XDD
Agent Blood Orgy: DAMN IT
Agent Blood Orgy: ~runs~
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::runs:: omg..I have to change my tampon!
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: Oh sheeet!
Agent Blood Orgy: Mi Yo Tocco! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::runs behind bushes::
Agent Blood Orgy: ~hurries her into a bathr-- bushes work~
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::anonymous noises are heard, and naomi appears relieved::
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Ewwww
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~dies~
naomicote@mac.com: hahahahaha
naomicote@mac.com: eeww
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~has an odd pool of blood~
Agent Blood Orgy: ~.. forgot her pad~
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: o.O oh shit son@
naomicote@mac.com: !*
Agent Blood Orgy: Lets throw USED MEDICAL NEEDLES at HIM!
naomicote@mac.com: ::tries to find place for emlily to -do her thang-::
naomicote@mac.com: haha
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
naomicote@mac.com: AIDS!
Agent Blood Orgy: EAT MY BIOHAZARD! ~tosses needles -- smells fish~
Agent Blood Orgy: xDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::george bush squeels::
naomicote@mac.com: WHAT? A HOMOSEXUAL!
naomicote@mac.com: : O
naomicote@mac.com: ::gasp::
Agent Blood Orgy: GASP
Agent Blood Orgy: Why do they always send the poor?! <-------<
naomicote@mac.com: ::crazed group of lesbian and homosexual yodeling marching band squeels in delight::
Agent Blood Orgy: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::george shrieks::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: XDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~Arnold pops up out of no where with bullet-ridden pizza~ Vhat a political geerlyman
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::Arnold totures george with bullet-ridden pizza and gets refrigerators back with one arm::
naomicote@mac.com: ::googling squeels of delight and gasps come from marching band:::
naomicote@mac.com: ::leo bats his eyelashes::
Agent Blood Orgy: YESSSS
Agent Blood Orgy: xDDDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: YES YES YES!
naomicote@mac.com: XDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: SWEET JESUS
Agent Blood Orgy: ~dies~
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: -dies-
naomicote@mac.com: ::arnold shivers::
Agent Blood Orgy: XD
naomicote@mac.com: ::leo: are you cold? -- let me warm you up, you hot sexy governor you!
Agent Blood Orgy: Zhat is vun meetball Ai'm not going tou choke down.. ~Arnold scoots off back to California and his silly pizza buisiness~
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::leo- COME BACK MY JULIET! MY SUNSHINE! MY OTHER HALF!!::
naomicote@mac.com: ::marching band follows in pursuit, yodeling and shrieking::
Agent Blood Orgy: XDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Sweet Jesus, we are nutters
naomicote@mac.com: ::sigh of relief and content::...ahh, now all we have to do his beat those crazed mexicans and texans!!::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
naomicote@mac.com: I concur. xDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Lets get the MIB brain-zapper!
naomicote@mac.com: xDD
naomicote@mac.com: :o :O
naomicote@mac.com: HECK YESSS!
naomicote@mac.com: That'll solve all of our problems!
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!!
Agent Blood Orgy: YES
Agent Blood Orgy: WHOO
Agent Blood Orgy: ~equips her with shiny light and sunglasses~
naomicote@mac.com: ::puts on shiny bling bling::
naomicote@mac.com: xD
naomicote@mac.com: ::FLASH!!::
naomicote@mac.com: BUT WAIT!
Agent Blood Orgy: XD What?!
naomicote@mac.com: We must save Oscar, and torture/molest him!! xDDD!!!! While other mexicans are 'FLASHED' in the brilliant light!
Agent Blood Orgy: ALRIGHT!
naomicote@mac.com: whoo!!
Agent Blood Orgy: ~steals Oscar from the mob, tying him up some where indiscreet~ Ready to FLASH them, Naomi?! XDDD
naomicote@mac.com: Xdd
naomicote@mac.com: XDD HECK YES!
naomicote@mac.com: ::FLASH!::
Agent Blood Orgy: YESSS ~FLASH!~
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
naomicote@mac.com: We're such 'flashers' !!
naomicote@mac.com: xDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: Alright, folks, God just came and tried to steal all of your refridgerators
naomicote@mac.com: naughty billy!
Agent Blood Orgy: But we told him to fuck off, so your food's safe.
Agent Blood Orgy: Yeap.
naomicote@mac.com: XDDDD
naomicote@mac.com: ::Another day SAFE from yodeling phycho's and crazed mexicans, texas refrigerator harvesters, crazed gay presidents, and ..leo.::
naomicote@mac.com: xDDDD
Agent Blood Orgy: ~and human dictionaries. And Arnold's poisonous bullet-ridden pizza~
naomicote@mac.com: YESS!
naomicote@mac.com: Oh shit son! This is so going in my journals, in like..30 seconds.
naomicote@mac.com: ahah
Agent Blood Orgy: Lmao, mine, too!
naomicote@mac.com: WHOO!
Me and Naomi
Emily -- Agent Blood Orgy
9 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 4 August :: 10.42am
:: Mood: Emotional
:: Music: at the drive in- invalid litte
13 Days 21 Hours 16 Minutes
until I leave for college.
I got my room assignment yesturday. They put me in a triple. That equals 3 of us in one room. Which scares me. But I talked to both of them and I dont think it'll be bad. They are both nice and I think we'll be fine. A triple means a bigger room and more space which is good too. I wish it meant our own bathroom but I dont think I could get that lucky. Well, the three of us are going to try and get together sometime before we leave.
Its going to be a whole new world. I dont think Ill find a new Lauren or a new Lisa. Or a Tasha. No one will be as bruetally fun to make fun of as Lauren. We are always so mean to each other but in such a loving way. I cant run to her crying. I cant rollerblade with her. Nothing. Lisa and I cant make random trips to stupid places. She wont be there to work with or talk about funny Fresnos stories. P-Day with Jenn, Lisa and Lauren is over. No naked snow angels. No refridgerater smoothies. No Fulton Banks and locals. No poisoness lakes. Nothing. Tasha wont be there to bitch with. No beach buddy. Nothing. Then Jay and Allen. Which kills me too. They are honestly the best guys friends ever. No night walks with no purpose. Watching the sunrise at Dunkin Donuts. The Fair. Coke parties and oreos with a bowl of milk. PB& J sandwiches in the Cemetary. Who the hell else is going to do all this stuff with me. Then the Big Dip girls. Im going to miss all of them sooo much. Dancing around the place...singing acting stupid.
Oh man... I hope I find people in school who feel my sense of humor. Haha I'll be an outcast if they dont.
Mmm my daddy. Ill miss him too. No eggs and cheese. No serious talks. But Ill come home and see him.
My mom and her cookies. We fight like crazy but he have our good laughs.
At least beeb is just down the hall. That is amazing.
Well I think tasha might come over for a bit so I have to shower.
13 days 21 hours 1 minute
15 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 3 August :: 10.35am
:: Mood: Tired.
:: Music: Question! - SOAD
To further the conclusion that Emily is a slut.
Well.. there was like this little.. clan of Japanese people. And there was this one REAL PRETTTY Japa-boy ( We were all in little school uniforms of somesort ) And this pretty Japa-boy has like.. creamy-blue painted nails... And I'd keep holding his hand every now and then.
Then, I think I was trying to impress him or something, so I started tumbling and rolling around in the grass. I felt stupid the whole time. ( Hey Jade: RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY, AHHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH! ~roll~ )
I stood up and it seemed that they all liek.. accepted me, now o----O;
So then we were sitting at these tables in the PBCC cafeteria ( for some reason, most of the lights were off ) and there were Japa-boys everywhere, but I couldn't find my pretty one.
Then my mom came in and told me she was leaving. And here I am.
I'm sad.. I want that pretty Japa-boy..
3 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 3 August :: 1.23am
Sometimes I have things on my mind that I'd wish that I'd have something to write em down on at those times, but I never do. You know Gaby, when you said once that after death there is nothing then void and emptyness. It doesn't even sound so scary anymore. Maybe that would be the best thing. To just stop existing. Not having to worry if you go to heaven or hell when you kill yourself but just nothingness... I don't know why suicide looks so tempting actually... I can't even see a reason why I would do it but it seems so much less bad then anything else that is happening around me. Like people talk to each other but they are talking bout nothing. People have sex with each other but it has no meaning. People exist...but what for? They don't know it themselves and don't bother figuring it out either. I hate humans for that. What is wrong with people. Ill go lie in my bed now with my headphones on... I don't understand this world and the people in it, and they dont understand me.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 2 August :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: Read-ish. Or something.
:: Music: Revenga -- S.O.A.D.
My Sweet Revenge, it's in the making, it's for the taking..
Hee. Journal layout updated. FINALLY. Jesus!
I made this for Jade. But I liked it. So I used it.
Don't hate me, Jadey <3
I'm reading Catcher in the Rye. Kinda have to. For school, you know? It's okay.
Holden Caulfield ( the main character ) judges people a lot. He calls them 'phonies' and the like. He says damn and goddam a lot, too ( I'm underlining and I'm going to count to see how many times exactly xD ) He's in New York, but he speaks like he's British o--O Guess that's how it was in earlier America. Or something. I should see when it was published, perhaps I'll get a better feel for it.
I hope I finish it soon. I still have to read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I'm so good.
Oh well. I bet Keith hasn't done one damn thing for his reading yet. So THERE.
7 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 2 August :: 12.15am

Watched this movie "Fantastic 4" today. It was an awesome movie. You know... I'd give up my whole life as it exists to have super powers like that. Though I'd never give up Gaby. But just imagine to have powers like that. You'd be so powerfull. I'd be no longer human, I can seperate myself from everyone else and think "YES I AM BETTER" cause those super powers just make you superior. I'd give up alot for something like that... To see that movie and to watch someone jump down a building then to burst into flames and fly away. If something like that would ever happen to me... but it won't and it never will. You know why? Cause this world is boring. The only magic we got is the magic that does jack-shit and is good for nothing. There are no exciting things in life. There is only happyness or sadness... if your not happy then your sad and the other way around. That's it. Nothing more nothing less. That's why I love movies like the one I saw today. They show the impossible that could never happen in this world... I'd wish my life was a super hero movie with me as the main character. If I could wish for one super power, it would most defenitly be flying. I don't think I'm the only one wishing for powers like this or am I? If someone reads this then let me know if you do or not... just wanna know if your out there.
You know whats funny, today in this game World of Warcraft. I acted like a total fool and people thought I was drunk. Why? I never really been drunk. I just act my same weird self and they call me drunk? It's weird. I mean... how hard can it be then to make people believe your drunk without taking any alcohol. Maybe it's not the drink. Maybe you just wanna get drunk and your body makes it happen. Nah. Bullshit theory. I know that and I don't need to hear it from someone else either. Though I'd love to get drunk, with people I can trust...so I can puke on the street, and be un-able to walk and they would help me. I'd wanna be drunk cause I wanna forget bout all the shit that is happening. I wanna be drunk cause Gaby has been drunk. I wanna be drunk cause I fucking can be. I wanna fuck myself up...
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 1 August :: 11.05am
:: Mood: Scared
:: Music: Emery- Listening to Freddy Mercury
So close to goodbye
As in 17 days until Im gone. Dont get me wrong...its exciting but I remember being in 6th grade praying for this moment and now that its here I wish I was in 6th grade. I guess thats the way it goes. I will go with open arms, I'll be ready for new things.
So I am completely broke and it really blows. Even my horoscope is regconizing it. I know I spelled that wrong. Luckily I work a big schedule this week.
Monday- OFF
Tuesday- 11-430
Wednesday- 11-430
Thursday- 6-CL
Saturday- 11-230 then Block Party!
Sunday- 430-CL
...so thats about 32 hours. I wish I was still working at Fresnos. I used to work 12 hour saturdays. It made hours come easy. I dont know.
This summer has been pretty eventful. Old Forge, Wapred Tour, Camping with Seans family a lot, Gay Harborfest, Beach with Tasha. Now this weekend is my Blocks Block Party which will be fun. Then I go to Boston with my mom, aunt and uncle for Junior Drum and Bugle Championships. Then college.
I had a fun summer...different but fun.
I gained 12 pounds. Thats far from cool. Im looking forward to being bored in college so I can work out a lot. Maybe eat their healthy food? I remember when I could control what I ate and I worked out. 109 was so much better. I still didnt feel great but I felt better. I hate weight. Way back in the day. A beautiful woman had meat on them. Men thought skinniness was sickly. Now body fat is frowned upon. I just dont like the feeling of it.
Blah. 17 days. Oh whats to come...
Im going to shower now.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 1 August :: 12.54am
:: Music: Earshot
I'm at my dads place now... just thought that Chrissy actually paid for me to have this journal, wel least so I could keep it. But I don't like her at all anymore. What was she thinking when she paid for me? Hmm.
I feel like I'm suffocating. There is nothing to get a grip on. I'm not doing good at all even if it might seem like that. And the last thing I want is that people start worrying bout me, specially the one I love. Don't you worry bout me please. I'd just feel more bad. Physically no I'm not doing bad, but in my mind everything is so much different. My mind isn't in the right place. I shouldn't exist. I can't do anything with my life then the things people expect me to do. Is life really that simple... maybe. But I don't enjoy it at all. Should I not enjoy being alive? I wish I could take it all as a big joke eventhough it's all a really bad thing but I can't. Not anymore. I used to. When you grow up you can't take it as a big joke anymore. I don't know why. It's just so big... this whole life thing, it's big and terrifying. But I'm not scared. I just hate everything that is happening in it. Everything that shouldn't happen is happening. It feels like someone is stalking me and let all those things happen to me as if it's all a trap I'm walking into. I feel so shit. I wanna sleep forever.... least till all the bad things are over.... will you wake me with a kiss when you'll come back to me? I miss you....
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 29 July :: 10.07am
:: Mood: Eh.
Take the quiz: "What My Chemical Romance Band Member Are YOU!"
 Gerard Way Leader and really cute too! Love You
Lmao, whee?
Anyways, I'm off to be some ambassador crap at SYC. Today's the finale festival. EXCITING. I've been reading Catcher in the Rye ( I'm on the 5th chapter ) and it's kinda weird.. I mean, the kid ( Holden -- 16 ) He says 'boy' a lot, and horsing around, and good-by. That's not properly spelt >----< It's kinda rubbing off on me, how he talks. It's.. horrible. I liked my literate self. Holden.. is partially literate. MLEH.
Yeah. So there's my piece.
I before E, except after C.
2 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 27 July :: 1.49pm
:: Mood: perfect
:: Music: Senses Fail
Such a perfect week
So Ill start at the beginning although the best is last.
Thursday Lisa, Lauren and I left for Old Forge. We got massively lost and Lisa got a ticket for going 80 in a 55. Be sure to make fun of her if you see her. We finally got there and just hung out.
Friday we went on a boat and "fished" which didnt work so well so we did more sunbathing then anything else. We went to Water Safari around 4ish and then went out and ate more greasy food then you could imagine.
Saturday was Water Safari day. That was fun but really crowded. Lauren finally got what was coming to her for making fun of me and the cricket. One landed on her. Then we had birthday cake and pizza.
Sunday we packed and went home after some ordeals.
The nights were the most fun I'd have to say. We fed dears like it was our job. "It motha fuckin apple pie." We played massive games of Phase 10. I jumped around like a pumpkin with boobs when her mom walked in on us. We walked through the McDonalds drive through at midnight for ice cream and ended up with free stuff. Im sure Im missing a lot but thats okay...we had a blast.
So then...we sleep at home sunday night and get up and leave for Buffalo on Monday.
Monday was crazy. Lisa, Lauren, Sarah and I drove to Buffalo. We got there fine, sat in the hotel for a bit and then decided to explore the city. We got sooooo lost. It took us three hours and a trip to Lisas Grandparents house to get back to the hotel. We were lost in the worst part of town and saw a huge fight...no really, HUGE fight. It was crazy/ scary. We got back, walked around the area and ate at TGI Fridays. We went to bed early because Warped Tour was the next day.
Tuesday...day of Warped tour. We got lost on the way there...suprise! We got there around 11:30. Just in time for Hawthorne Heights. Im not a big fan but they put on a good show. Lauren and I went to the front of the stage and Lisa and Sarah went to go see Academy Is. Lauren and I made it to the bericade/ bar. We held on for Saosin, Senses Fail and My Chemical Romance. They were all awesome shows and we were front row dead center the whole time. So we started talking to these Security Guards and they ended up giving us a backstage pass that all the other people had to work to get. This is when it went from awesome to amazing. So we test this pass out. Lauren and I go behind Bishop stage. We were surrounded by band members. We sat underneath The Starting Lines tent which was right next to Thrice. So we go up to Thrice and start talking to them. We asked if they could get us on stage and they said yes. While we waited we saw Fall Out Boy, The Starting Line, Academy Is, Mest, The Offspring and Senses Fail just walking around. So Lauren and I go up on stage with only 2 other people that werent included by the band and their roadies. We get to stay there for two songs. A huge storm hit so we all got shoved in this storage truck where we sat with so many bands equipment and Thrice was just walking back and forth. Crazy. So after that we met up with Lisa and Sarah and Jay, Allen, Toby, Eric, and Justin. We all went back to our hotel after getting lost once again. We washed up and went out to Chilis for dinner. It was a lot of fun. We went straight to bed and got up this morning and drove home. So awesome.
I have bruises everywhere. My boobs are bruised and they hurt but it was so worth it.
So much fun with everyone.
Now its time for work.
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TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 27 July :: 4.06am
Click the date
___1 8 - 0 7 - 2 0 0 5___
Why would I post a picture of myself on here right? Cause even I sometimes like the way I look, eventhough its just a petrified body.
2 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 18 July :: 10.11pm
Sometimes you have these people who have shitty lives and they wish it was all good. And that everything was perfect... The things that happen in my life are shit... I myself dont have a life but I would never want it to be perfect... I hope my life will stay full of sorrow and pain... It's the way I want it to be. Everyone else who doesnt feel like I do...get out of my life.
Something's wrong,
Trying to conquer these fears i thought were gone.
And it's been so long, I'm dying to live in a world I dont belong
I cant wait for someone to hear me,
And wait for someone to touch me.
And wait forever to be told,
I'm forever alone.
I cant wait for someone to feel me,
And wait for someone to heal me.
And wait forever to be told,
I'm forever alone..
On my own,
I'll show myself what it means to be alone.
And the tears i cry are washed away.
All the scars are my disguise.
I cant wait for someone to hear me,
And wait for someone to touch me.
And wait forever to be told,
I'm forever alone.
I cant wait for someone to feel me,
And wait for someone to heal me.
And wait forever to be told,
Im forever alone..
I'm forever alone.
I'm forever alone.
I'm forever alone.
I, I'm not waiting here this time.
I can't wait for someone to hear me.
And wait for someone to touch me
And wait forever to be told,
I'm forever alone.
I cant wait for someone to feel me
And wait for someone to heal me
And wait forever to be told
I'm forever alone.
Earshot - Wait
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 18 July :: 12.25pm
:: Mood: scared
:: Music: Armor for Sleep- Pointless Forever
AwEsome repeat AwEsome
So like usual, its been awhile.
I have two horrible days in a row. Today I have a dentist appointment all by myself and then tomorrow its to the girly doctor by myself. I hate both places...dont touch me in my mouth and dont touch me down there...not cool.
But... it gets much better.
Thursday Lisa, Lauren and I are going to Old Forge and staying in a cabin just a walk away from Enchanted Forest. We are there til Sunday. We come home...sleep...wake up Monday and go to Buffalo. We're going to a drive in movie...staying in a hotel and then waking up and going to Warped Tour where we will freakin rule. Its going to be an awesome tour. Then we come home...I work for three days and then go to camp with Sean. Seriously...what a great week. Pssht...Im psycht.
Anyways...I have to go to the dentist and have him tell me I have cavities and that my wisdom teeth will have to be pulled. Well, I dont know about that but he is definetly cleaning my teeth...I hate dentists.
for now...
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 15 July :: 1.48pm
If I could help it. I would be the one to end the human race. I'd set disease upon them all and watch them die slowly over the few years they had left. Poison the food and polute their water. If I could help it the human race wouldn't exist.
Don't tell me how the world works, I don't want your lies.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 15 July :: 12.23am
I really thought the people I had in my msn crap and stuff, were like good friends....well friends just people who were better then the shit I know.
But they are not....
They are just the same as those asses out their with their fake smiles. I havn't gotten on msn anymore since a looooong time. Only Sammy sended me an e-mail saying bla bla bla andre where are you havnt talked to you in a while miss you, ill e-mail you later gotta go now.
She never e-mailed me back.
Its called FORGETTING about me....she forgot about me. Thats not what friends do. The only person who really exists to me is Gaby... she would never do any of that shit. Hmpf....I dont need those fuckers on msn or from the internet..you hear me guys fuck you all. You were all just lonely asses who were searching for some attention and to get rid of your problems...well you know what....Im sick and tired of listening to peoples bullshit. So you can take all your crap and stuff it in a place where the sun doesnt shine cause Ive had enough. Yah I might be egoïstic....and I dont give a shit. FUCK YOU!
3 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 14 July :: 3.50am
:: Music: AC/DC - TNT
In my world no one exists, just her.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 13 July :: 11.29pm
There is a girl for every guy cause not all girls are the same and not all guys are alike. So no matter fucked up you are, there is always some chick for you there. Not really saying what she is like though. She could be buttugly, a total slut or a freakin retard. But there is a girl for all the guys.
Guys are so fucking stupid though, put a lolita doll in the street and they'd make fun of it, but they would rather just fuck the shit out of it.... really guys have more sperm cells then braincells...not that they got braincells though....1..2...3.. thats it.
Not to mention girls though, these bitches are so power obsessed that they'd fuck any guy. Girls deny the fact that they are like guys, but they are like guys. Rather then going to school they'd blow joints and have a big cock in their cunt going up and down. The sluts dont deny the fact, they do it. Girls are power obsessed...mostly going for a career guy. WHAT ABOUT THE SLACKERS GIRLS?!!! No really...girls are not nice people....they are mean, sadistic and nothing cute-a-like.
Now there is me. I am a egocentric son of a bitch who doesn't care bout you. I suck as much as all the people on the world put together. If you wanna know me u must wanna be in for a bad life or something....geeze...so just fuck you and fuck you all. Have a bad life, I hate you bye.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 13 July :: 12.55pm
i spend days and nights in my bedroom,
hide myself in online games,
let music be my salvation,
while i don't look bad as people say,
i look like shit down the drainage,
i decorate my wonderwalls,
this is my sanctuary,
if you call me nuts you just dont understand,
im pale as paper cause the sun never touches my skin,
mad house is out there,
no friends for me but imaginary,
contact of humans i dont need, it aches,
im right and your all wrong,
i like my room,
i spend days and nights in my bedroom.
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 11 July :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: Showered
:: Music: TV
I'll update my layout soon, I promise T----T
Camp has been good to me.
Apparentally I miss Yasumi x---X Dayumn.
Not much has happened, but I'm alive.
3 tears |
TeArS i'Ve CrIeD...
2005 11 July :: 10.17am
:: Mood: nerovous
:: Music: Hot Hot Heat- Talk with me, dance with me
Long time
Hmm I havent written in a long time.
Ill start with my graduation party. I had an ish load of family and people I havent seen in a long time. It was a good time. Jay didnt think he'd be able to stay long but he ended up staying for a long time. So that was cool. Lauren spent the night but I was so tired and stuff we didnt do much.
For seans b-day we went to the casino with his grandma and lost all our money...at least $50 of it. So I decided that I had no incentive to come back there for awhile...why do people go there every weekend? Lame.
Lisa, Bethany, Sean and I had a phase 10 tournament and Lisa came from behind and kicked our asses. I was close though.
Lisa and I went to Fulton the other day searching for the bank. Of course, we did not find it. I guess it was a once in a life time thing. We did blast oldies and horrible music though which was fun. Then we went to Denny's where everyone and their mom was.
I bought sheets and stuff for college yesturday and thats fun.
Yeah thats it...
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