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:: 2004 22 June :: 12.16pm
:: Mood: amused


x3xtanyx3x: mmmm bagels
Auto response from krazykelc 1: dreaming about bagels:-)

P I M P e r 8 7: lol wtf
Auto response from krazykelc 1: dreaming about bagels:-)

fatforlife52: u like to stick ur penis in bagles
Auto response from krazykelc 1: dreaming about bagels:-)

x we4k inside: lol loser
Auto response from krazykelc 1: dreaming about bagels:-)

Vanished 1 2 2 0: nighty night
Auto response from krazykelc 1: dreaming about bagels:-)
Vanished 1 2 2 0: HJAHA
Vanished 1 2 2 0: i love you u fagget and a half

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:: 2004 22 June :: 11.54am

i think to be in love it is to feel the best feeling in the world to knwo that someone is always watchign over your shoulder making sure your alright its the balance of security and happiness..love is about taking risks.. its about being willing to lose everything you had for one night of bliss.. for one night where emotions took ccontrol and you could never back down... i think that love is like a roller coaster.. you have to be able to deal with the slight bumps you face along the way in your teenage years with little petty relationships because it is getting you ready for the giant drop off when your older.. its like spinning and spinning and spinning helplessly in a feild of flowers and falling back without having to question that someone is there to catch you. someone more inthralled with making you happy...and you them..someone you think about all day...and all night... i think that love is something that we take all too lightly these days... and men and women toss it around stupidly thinking that love is anywhere related to sex.... love and sex have nothing in common and we have begun to associate love with sex far too often... and people get their hearts broken.. there is a difference between horemones and emotions.. u just have to look beyond what you want into what you really need...i think that love is something you cant search for.. if your searching youll never find it.. love comes as a surprise from where you least expect it to...i think that love does come to those who wait because there are a series of events going on this second on this day in this month planning out how you will meet.. there are reason why we shose certain paths in life.. why we meet certain ppl.. how the web of our life is strung so jaggedly because our life is built up of choices we have made and ppl we have met and through those people we meet new ppl and someday...you meet the right one.. and u shouldnt say oh hes teh right one automatically.. i think u have trials..we learn from our mistakes and never truly understand a person worth until weve lost them...

love is not like a rose as they say love does not wilt and die with time.. fore if your "love" wilts and dies it was never truly love at all... merely infatuation...infatuation and wanting cause us so much greif and extra trials...you must be able to understand the difference between a want and a need and infatuation and love wnating somone by your side is for safety or just for the sake of not being a lone but if you need someone... you cant be away from them and constantly seek their presence... i dont know where im going with this im just rambling on and on... but this is what i feel just thought youd like to hear...

to your question of why people are afraid of love...well i think its because love is so perminent..or so we make it out to be.. and love finds you in the most unlikely of places at the most unlikely of times...

when your willing to risk everything you have for someone...take the chance and dont let them get away...

- manda

you cannot try to keep love...you cannot try to cage it like wild bird unable to be atmed.. if you catch the wild bird and cage it.. it will not sing for you.. it will not be happy.. your love cannot put restrictions on the other person.. you cannot take a lion out of teh savannah and the miles and miles of free range beauty and put them in a cage... you cannot suffocate your lover..smothering their independance.. if you love someone allow them their space.. if it love you need not try... you need not hold them closer because they should already want to stay near you...leave some bird seed in the the window...and it will come back time to time singing the glorious song of nature...and happiness.. it will come back willingly and thats when you know its true.. because you havent chosen them theyve chosen you despite their freedom despite however many people their are...if youve let them go.. and they still come back you its real.. at least thats what i believe

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:: 2004 22 June :: 11.25am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: dip it low - christina milian

death is but a question postponing time...

ok so heres something weird

when meggy and i were a weeeee bit messed up on thursday we had this really deep conversation about how everyone was gonna die and it kinda freaked us out and i wanted to write it down just so id know what i said years from now to see if it really comes true.. soo here goes

me - i think im gonna die from either getting strangeled or getting my throat slit

meg - i think megs gonna have a bad trip on either like shrooms or acid or something and is gonna kill herself

kelsey - i think she is gonna get hit by a car

Lizzy - i think lizzy is gonna be walking in a DARK alley and someone is gonna jump out and shes gonna faint/pass out and theyre gonna rape her and then kill her and throw her in the river..

ryan fogarty - i think that hes gonna die of a drug overdose

joe cice - i think joes gonna get shot crossing the border with weed and other ilegal narcotics lol

i said more.. but now i forget soooo ill update accordingly

soo in other news... i got my eyes checked saturday and i got green contacts and regular ones they should be coming wed. i think i cant wait!!

haha i hadnt been to the eye doctors in 4 YEARS my perscriptin went from -350 to -425

my eyes got sooo baddddddddddd

humm.. im off to go make some ramen and be lazy... fuck being grounded

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:: 2004 21 June :: 9.08pm

unveil me and take me into a land of mystery
hold me and show me a land where we can be
i fall into your grasps
and theres no turning back
this is teh way it has to be

i just want for us to be
something in the dreams i see
pray on all teh stars above
that you could be my only love
id give all just to be
in love so perfectly
ill get down on my bended knee
to show you i care...

from teh first kiss i felt from your smooth lips
to the glance when you looked in my heart
when i felt so safe with you
eveyrthing was finally true

i just want for us to be
something in the dreams i see
pray on all teh stars above
that you could be my only love
id give all just to be
in love so perfectly
ill get down on my bended knee
to show you i care...

in teh darkest depths of my heart
you can see into every part
know when i am feeling blue
know that im in love with you

no matter what i say or do
just know that i love you
and teh kisses that flow from my lips
carressing your fingertips

i just want for us to be
something in the dreams i see
pray on all teh stars above
that you could be my only love
id give all just to be
in love so perfectly
ill get down on my bended knee
to show you i care...


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:: 2004 21 June :: 4.18pm
:: Mood: shook
:: Music: Freddy Krueger Song!

Freddy vs. Jason

1 2 Freddy's comin for you
3 4 better lock your door
5 6 grab a crucifix
7 8 better stay up late
9 10 never sleep again

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:: 2004 21 June :: 11.03am

Vanished 1 2 2 0: dude i went to the hospital saturday night
Qteekate 88: r u serious
Qteekate 88: y
Vanished 1 2 2 0: my ear was all swollen like 3 times teh size it should have been and i had these splotchy red bumps all over me that itched insanely they were on my neck, chin, ear, cheek, legs, arm and my hands
Vanished 1 2 2 0: and i went to the hospital at like 1:30 am
Vanished 1 2 2 0: and they said that i had anb allergic reaction to something
Qteekate 88: omg thats scary
Qteekate 88: is it all better now
Vanished 1 2 2 0: no i have to take pills for 2 weeks
Vanished 1 2 2 0: the doctor was like "this looks liek its going to get worse before it gets better.. you have 2 options to take a steroid shot or take pills"
Vanished 1 2 2 0: and i was like umm pills! i HATE shots
Vanished 1 2 2 0: so i have to take 6 steroid pills a day... to keep the swelling and imflamation down
Qteekate 88: wow
Qteekate 88: thats scary
Qteekate 88: what do u think it was from?
Vanished 1 2 2 0: i think i got a spider bite
Vanished 1 2 2 0: on my ear
Vanished 1 2 2 0: cuz teh swelling is starting to come down and i see a bump where i could have been bitten and i was outside in teh woods on friday..
Vanished 1 2 2 0: i mean thursday*
Qteekate 88: eww
Qteekate 88: thats so grosss
Qteekate 88: wat if it was tick
Vanished 1 2 2 0: and when i was little i got a spider bite and my whole arm swelled up and i went to teh doctors and they thought it was lime disease cuz my arm swelled up soo bad

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:: 2004 20 June :: 11.17pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: perfect - the smashing pumpkins

i love this song

I know we’re just like old friends
We just can’t pretend
That lovers make amends
We are reasons so unreal
We can’t help but feel that something has been lost

But please you know you’re just like me
Next time I promise we’ll be
Perfect strangers down the line
Lovers out of time
Memories unwind

So far I still know who you are
But now I wonder who I was...

Angel, you know it’s not the end
We’ll always be good friends
The letters have been sent on

So please, you always were so free
You’ll see, I promise we’ll be
Perfect strangers when we meet
Strangers on the street
Lovers while we meet

You know this has to be
We always we’re so free
We promised that we’d be

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:: 2004 20 June :: 7.13pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Screaming Infedelities

10 days....

Friday was Natick USY Elections for the 04-05' USY Board...here are the results:

President: Miriam
Israel: Jonah
Programming: JODI!!! yay for meeee
Mem/Kad: Adam<33
SATO: Lauren
Rel/Ed: Yoni
Secretary: Elyse
Communications: Andy
Freshman Rep: Illana

Mazel Tov to everyone, looking forward to an amazing year working with all of you!!!!

Yesterday karen and Chels left, we had a crazzy week of shopping, and fun!

then I saw RENT yesterday...one word: INCREDIBLE! yes randall was so right...i am even more obsessed than before

so 10 days from now Ill be at our first evening activity of the summer... and I CANT WAIT

L E T S G O *jessi danielle amy gail alex chanit

*-counselors were just a wish/guess :o) cant wait to see who they really are gonna be...woohoo for being the oldest!!! yayyy!

<33 to love, summer and so much more<33

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:: 2004 20 June :: 5.17pm

Fill it out in a comment :-)

What Would You Do If
-I cried:
-I asked you to help:
-I was becoming suicidal:
-I killed myself:
-I died from natural causes:
-I said I liked you:
-I kissed you:
-I started smoking:
-I stole something:
-I was hospitalized:
-I ran away from home:
-I got in a fight and you were there:
-I got dumped:
-I pissed you off:

What Do You Think About My
-Choice of music:

Would You...?
-Be my friend:
-Tell me the truth no matter what:
-Lie to make me feel better:
-Spread rumors about me:
-Keep a secret if I told you one:
-Loan me some cash:
-Hold my hand:
-Take a bullet for me:
-Keep in touch:
-Try and solve my problems:
-Love me:
-Ditch me:
-Use me:
-Date me:
-Rape me:
-Beat me up:

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:: 2004 20 June :: 5.08pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Fat Joe/Remy Martin-Lean Back

New Background.. :o)

woah I am BORED.....

its less than a week into the Summer and half my friends are already grounded...

SuMmEr 'o4 not too exciting yet.......

well since I've been sitting on my ass most of this week I've come up with some goals for this Summer haha
-get my hair dyed/fixed
-get a JOB
-work out... get my old figure back, I'm getting chubby
-quit smoking by August :-\
-meet new people
-do something other than go downtown, sit at Johnson and get high

I will add to this.

It was the summertime
Heaven shined on us it was the summertime
Baby there is nothing like the summertime

I Miss You 8*9*03

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:: 2004 19 June :: 2.58pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: if it were up to me - rooney

x if it were up to me.. he would be mine x

dear amanda:

i just wanted to tell you how very beautiful and incredibly mature you looked when i saw you last week. Even though your writing had expressed a real maturity, and a pronounced verbal growth, it was not until I actually saw you that the dramatic change became so apparent.

You were taller, your hair was longer, but beyond height and normal physical growth, your eyes bestowed an air of young adulthood that was not present before. I also believe that a lot of growth has been attributed to this past year, and alot of the sadness and loss that you have suffered. I know that I told you how very sorry I was to have hurt you so and that not coming forward was the gravest of errors on my part, but I also hope that you remember how much I told youthat I loved you. How proud I am of your courage during academic trials. How much you have learned and your growing desire to give. Your commitment to friends and those around you. And your courage to work out problems that you are facing. Going back to your friends when they have betrayed you. Returning to the classroom where a low grade may have thwarted you. Taking a new route when teh old path or idea is no longer useful. Just your dedication to return to woodtrail and help young minds to enjoy their summer is a reflection of all that you give; and all that you love.

I know that your very own personality is at work hre; your own heart. But I can't help believe that I may. perhaps, have helped to instill in you a love of animals and children, and to have nourished your heart, long before I broke it.

I know that you will have good times and bad all along in your growing up years; as we all have. But I believe that you now possess the courage and the fortitude to make it back. To pick up your feet and walk the remaining steps up teh stairs of life.

I think that you are an incredible writer and that is why I have asked your teacher to consider letting you remain in Honors English next year. I know that Dad will meet with her. If not, next year you can maintain an A- grade for the first term and then be moved automatically back to the Honors.

So I hope that your finals went well and that you are thinking about the summer and rest to come. Remember, I would love to have you fly here and stay for a few weeks, with or without a friend. My heart and my door are always open.

I will always love you...

<3 Mom


her letters never fail to make me cry..

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:: 2004 19 June :: 12.49pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: none


wow how quickly things can change. last night I thought this summer was going pretty good... then today everything got fucked up.

I hate guys who think they are better than everyone else when really hah.. they aren't shit. and there is no need to put names in here... whether or not their names were in here doesn't make a difference, cause their so gay and immature that they wouldn't believe for a second that I was talking about them. but ya I am, and you can deny it all you want if you read this... but you guys are IMMATURE - don't even try to call me and my friends something that YOU ARE.

and then they go and set standards for themselves that are WAY too high. please do yourselves and all of us a favor and stop thinking you can obtain things you and I know you will NEVER have. and when I say this I mean my friends too.. they are off limits to all of you unless they say otherwise... and I'm pretty sure they would agree with me when I say they aren't gonna stoop to your level... but hey its funny to watch you all wish on what you will never have :-)

hahaha and I havent even gotten started yet....
you go and try to say shit about guys who are WAY better then you will ever be. you told me dont hate on her cause shes beautiful... well fucking get over yourself, don't hate on him cause hes good looking.

krazykelc 1: lol im writing something in my journal i am sorry

BallerKidd21: fucker i beter be in it hoe
krazykelc 1: hahaha i will put u in dont worry..

hah since hes serge he's the only one who can call me hoe. as for the rest of you dont try n call me a hoe n say im easy when I can't even count all the times you tried to get with me and couldnt... haha fuck off.

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:: 2004 18 June :: 7.20pm

i live my life in a blur, like a picture that you take too soon. im going to fast... caught up in the blinding flash.

the pictures always lie. the smile on my face is fake, a mask upon paper. written like a spell to fool all the truth.

i am unhappy and lonely.

they dont understand. they dont see. mayb they dont wish to. mayb i dont matter.

i want them to be happy. i dont care if im happy.

i want to look in the mirror and to have hallow eyes stare past me. i want my tears to run down my cheek and evaporate into great nothing, much like my self worth.

people brush past me in this endless crowd. a sea of nameless people. lives crossing paths for mayb only this moment, but then they are forgotten, lost in their own lives.

more important than anothers.

am i not important?

i stare at you, hoping i will see a glimps into your soul. get a hint at what your mind speaks that your mouth holds back.

i get nothing.


let me kno whta you are thinking. i beg of you.


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:: 2004 16 June :: 10.22pm

i dont care about me if you dont care about me and i cant care about you when you gone on your won i cant look into your eyes when your looking away and i cant love you again.. i wont stop begging you to stay i wont care about me and you dotn care abotu me i will leave this place without somebody who cares i wont be anything if theres no1 to be something for and i wont love anyone.. your teh only one i love for...

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:: 2004 16 June :: 6.48pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: Angelina-Forever

Hello Summer...

Last Final tomorrow..


Court on July 26th for Me Emily & Meg..
thats gay, 5 days after my birthday

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:: 2004 15 June :: 9.06pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: none cuz my fuckgin speakers are broken!!

la la la

Well as this year of school slowly comes to and end.. im cant wait for the fuckgin summer!!! im soo excited tommorow i ahve to take my english exam second thingy... and then thrusday i ahve to take geometry btu them im all done!! then school is fuckgin over im soo excited!!... it dotn really feel lkie summer tho, btu i think its cuz its benn soo damn cold for june.. but so far tghsi week has been beautiful and i hope it stays that way!!

its sad to think about it but this summer is gonan b soo different from last summer... like soo many things will b different.. but i alss dont think this summer is goann suck.. its just gonna b compleatly different and thats ok we can go with the flow lol... just think 79 days of beign compleatly free!!! im soo fuckin happy!! i cant wait to get thsi summer started....

well im off to... ummm something


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:: 2004 15 June :: 9.05pm

You're Tinkerbell!

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2004 14 June :: 7.52pm

i close my eyes and i think of all the things that you mean to me, all of the things you say to me all of the emotions you shoot into my body when you hold me.. when you kiss me when you send your toxic venom into my paper thin veins. into my open heart. we splash together in this murky pond. mist raising off of chilled water. translusant beads reflecting on your skin, i touch you and i am cast into stillness. a painting of beauty and emotions. projecting lillies of whites and pinks atop lilly pands. a warm sun peeking over the horizon slowly drinting below the surface castig a dark shadow over the earth. the vacant body of all that is natural all that is pure all that is being destructed like the lining of this paper heart you so brutally beat every night. i could stare into your eyes forever looking blankly at the glowing blue shade that looks so warm to me, so deep so unable to describe. and they melt into me, oozing into every inch of me and consuming me totally. i could tell you i dont need you while i kiss your lips while my life lines run to you, like telephone wires stretched along vast feilds barrem and unpioneered. i look into your soul like uncharted maps, like unread pages of a dusty book, like a hidden treasure which so eagarly catches my attention. your venom begins wearing off now, and i see what you are.. what you say is no longer poetry and prose, regular english pours into my deaf ears, and although no longer intoxicated i linger off into a realm of undiscovered beauty once again. and i see you... and i see your soul...i could tell you all i could ever write, but you still would never know.. this language cannot express all that i feel.. never will i fear for unlived life... fore' i have lived because i love infinitely

my mind flickers back and forth like a broken television projecting pictures of unrealiztic perfections i see the world through blacks and whites a version so unkept and untrue.. you see me everywhere your like a fly upon amy wall 50 seconds into my reality. spinning helplessly around me i can see you falling down but all i can do is hope for the best

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:: 2004 14 June :: 2.04pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: Jimmy Buffett

Finals...3 down 3 to go

Spanish, English & World History are OVER! tomorrow is phys science, and wednesday is algebra then powerpoint. smooth sailin, :o)

Chelsea and Karen are comin up tonight! yayyy! I haven't seen them since like 6th grade! I am psyced! they are here till saturday

Monday (Today): History & English finals, out at 11, then studying and stuff around the house, karen and chelsea come in at 7.
Tuesday: Physical Science Exam, sleep late exam 930-11, then lunch with mom, auntie karen, and chelsea then physical therapy then Erica's playoff game for softball
Wednesday: Algebra then Powerpoint exams, home by 11. Mall with Chelsea then gram's for a family dinner.
Thursday: FIRST DAY OF SUMMER FOR ME!!! goin into Fanuil Hall then the North End for dinner...woohooo!!!!!
Friday: USY day! USY Lunch with Berk, Dani, etc, then USY NATICK ELECTIONS- wish me luckkkk!!!!! and then bbq @ my house, adam here, its all good.
Saturday: Karen and Chelsea leave at 12, then its off to see RENT and then grad party @ 7.
Sunday: nothing. Happy Father's Day dads...


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:: 2004 13 June :: 9.59pm

Why is it everything's all loneliness with me? I guess sometimes I try
to hard, and sometimes you cause it, but it always carries on and on. "What
did you ever become?" you asked. I said, "I was told to be smiles and bright
eyed happiness, but sometimes I can't find anything to laugh at." "I don't
want to be here." you said. It seems like I almost always have that effect
on everyone. I say to myself, "You aren't the first one to think like me."
And I just want to be like everyone else. Why can't I be everything to
everyone else, or maybe just to you? Just once I would like to be something.
And I wouldn't mind if you'd like to be with me.

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:: 2004 13 June :: 8.18pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Angelina-Forever

Fucking Finals

this is our last week......

its kinda sad, I'm gonna miss everyone :-(
but I can't stand work and teachers anymore so I'm glad its summer... I need a break. hopefully this summer's good.. :-\ :-) and hopefully I will see the people I wanna see alot....

last summer was so good......
it was boring up until august, I dont even remember wat I did every day or if I just sat at home... all I remember is August- probly one of the best months I'll ever have... but I didn't realize how great it was while it lasted.
I want so bad for this summer to turn out like like summer did..

I miss him :'(

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:: 2004 13 June :: 3.51pm
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: RENT

Friday June 11th 2004 @ The Crowne Plaza

yeah, friday night was amazing. you guys make my life! We danced the night away body to body, sweaty hot room, it was amazing how crazy we could be, and how much fun we can all have together. I love you all with every beat of my heart. always.

Now its all about everyone cramming for finals. So get your head in the books, your pencils in hand, and start studying hard because come the end of this week: its all about partying.
I get out wednesday and its going to be a sickk summer. I cant wait!!! yayyy

to smokin' hott summe 04, my ladies, my guys and everything unmentionable... ;o)

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:: 2004 13 June :: 11.32am

If you LOVE them let them go.....

Well friday was the semi.... it was alot more fun then i thougth it would b... are table was the beat hahaha i dont even think neone eat cuz we were to buys being weirdos lol... dancing was fun to.. i love to dance and i hvaent been to a dance in soo long.. lol but the best part of the whole thing was getting mr. Galvin to dace with me and Nikkie!! hahaha weird but funny cuz u should have seen him try and dance... after the semi me Nikkie Katie and Kelc all came back to my house for the night lol and we attempted to watch scary movie 2 (like we do everytime kelc is here) lol but we all fell asleep liek 10 min intot the movie... lol soo friday was fun

well yesterday after kelc and nikkie left katie and i had notihg to do lol... so we both showered and then we sat on my floor in my room and played Battleship, then 2 of the fastest games of uno ever and the longest game of spit ever, hahaha and liek 12 games of jenga cuz we both kinda sucked at it ahahah! i havent played ne of thoes gamens in years lol and it was fun to re live my younger days lol....atfter are little gameing manda came over then we wnet tot he mall with brit and went t my fave place ever JOHNNY ROCKETS!!!! for food then we waliekd over to the movies to see Shrek 2!! it was such a good movie!! lol but i cried my eyes out the whole movie :-[ it was soo happy that it made me sad... i wish real life ended happly ever after, but i get the feelin it dont.. but hey what can u do?? all were here for is to die neway so i say live life how u want and have fun and b urself and that way ull die truly happy...

Segre is my hero!!! i love u!!!

im off to eat my Dunkin Donuts
<3 Lizzy

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:: 2004 10 June :: 6.01pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Juvenile-Slow Motion

welcome back :-)

I got my Baby back today <3 aw I missed it
I'm never letting it out of my site again.. I will guard it with my life haha

R.I.P. Marilyn,Marley & Cici

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:: 2004 9 June :: 3.42pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Yellowcard- thanks steph!

three weeks from today. maddcrazzzyness!

I Had a good day today :o) which makes me smile! Its hot out, and it is almost summer... I think it's the weather that makes me happy, and thats good, cause its gonna be hot all summa baby!

So Let's Get Ready, Have Fun, Go Tanning, Go Swimming, And Smoke Up Summer 04' Everyone, Cause HERE IT COMES!!!!!!!

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:: 2004 8 June :: 9.13pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: KRS-ONE -how bad do you want it


wow it's like 90 degrees out. it's rediculously hott... I need some yummy ice pops!

well today I came home right after school cause my fajah is a fagget and made my mom pick me up. and he stole my cellphone saturday night cause of what happened..
thats gay, but I don't really care cuz I get it back Friday neway..

[inTOXICation is MajkL]

how bad do you want it
how bad do you see it
how bad do you hear it
how bad do you believe you can be it
if you doubt then your out
if you believe you can achieve

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:: 2004 8 June :: 7.25pm

dont wanna go to semi.

SO much to do..so little time to do it:

-USY board speech to Abe and Will
-wss/RJ paper due thurs
-pack for camp
-get stuff for camp
-study for finals
-organize semi plans...if im going
and oh so much more...ugh kill me!

i need space and more time to myself...

if i feel like that--whats that supposed to mean?

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:: 2004 7 June :: 3.57pm
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: simpel plan

:-/ sorry

im sorry I cant be perfect.

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:: 2004 6 June :: 10.40pm
:: Mood: guilty
:: Music: Juvenile-Slow Motion

5 days....

this week is the last week of actual classes...
and our first Final is Friday.
kind of excited but also worried about what this summer is going to turn out to be..

lots of fights between friends lately... I dunno how they started. But there dumb and need to end.. or else this summer will suck-with noone to blame but ourselves.

It's obvious our friendships weren't meant to end now.. not today, not tomorrow. We need to think and realize some things first.

The Semi... probably our last formal dance between now and Prom.. is this Friday. I'm not going to it just to spend the night ignoring one of my best friends.. whether she likes it or not. I made you buy your ticket-- and me, you and kate are going to go and have fun.

Sorry. A word seldom heard from a stubborn fuck

I love you Emily.. probly only another month or so until court. In some twisted way I can't wait... I miss you.

Well Roseanne is on in 10 minutes, I'm out. <3

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:: 2004 6 June :: 7.35pm

life doesnt have to be so hard...
we only succeed if we believe we can..
and we only lose what we dont think we ever had...
3 dimensions of reality
pictures inked in black and white
a frozen bit of heaven
on which we will look back on forever
will i make it to your memories
look back on me from time to time?
will my smile stay sewn into your soul
and stay with you forever?
will this bond burn on eternally
did you mean everything you once said
dont regret, rethink, or edit your past
becauyse theres a reason for each tear
each smile, each kiss
theres a reason for each fight
each friend
and each foe
your life doesnt come with whiteout
you cant erase the choices once made
you only live once
love once, and grow once
take chances
never hold grudges
live, and learn
and forgive but never forget...

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