2006 24 March :: 12.26pm
i have just spent three hours by myself.
i did some homework.
i didn't speak to anyone.
i feel like a machine right now.
i need some human contact.
i am surrounded by people right now but i feel completely alone.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 24 March :: 3.52am
:: Music: Wilco - The Late Greats
In Deed The Snow Comes
So i was thinking about how things seem to add up in time.
But i dont want to wait anymore><
I'm impatience when it comes to making things work lol.
I want my money and i want my TOTAL freedom.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 23 March :: 6.20pm
My mom is freakin' crazy. Seriously CRAZY. She thinks something in the house is talking to her. She said it started a couple of weeks ago, and at first she was scared. Now she's used to it.
And because of the crappy luck I have, I'm stuck here. Ally brought me to my moms because I have a flat tire on my car. Go me. Mike is with his daughter and has to wait for her mom to get home because he can't leave her alone (because she's 7) so that is even longer that I have to wait here.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 23 March :: 11.06am
all I wanna do is go home, be a loser, and play elder scrolls 4 all day... but I have to sit here at school.
Oh well, I've got ALL weekend I suppose... no work at all until monday.
fuck I need the moneys so i can catch the last train to japan...
11 kids |
you worry too much
2006 22 March :: 11.26pm
:: Music: *you're beautiful - james blunt*
I hate being alone. I hate it more than anything. I hate sleeping alone. I hate being in my bed alone. Everytime I lay their alone, I feel like crying. He's supposed to hold me when I sleep. He's supposed to be there. He's supposed to take care of me when I'm sick. But he's at work when I sleep. He was with his daughter today, and I was here sick. I have always told him to put his daughter first. But when he does, I get jealous. How fucking retarded is that?
Now that I have admitted I tend to get jealous of his daughter, onto other things.
I'm sick.
8 kids |
you worry too much
2006 22 March :: 6.31pm
OK, nice and quick. Im selling all my paintball shit. if your interested, post here, or call me (915-8445). whoever finds a buyer will get 10 percent of what the stuff gets sold for.
4 kids |
you worry too much
2006 22 March :: 5.30pm
For those of you who dont know how to get to my dads here are some simple directions..
Take white creek north to 18 mile rd, take a left, its the second house on the left way off the road, look for the tan house with a big barn, lots of pine trees in the front yard.
you worry too much
2006 22 March :: 3.31pm
Bonfire Tonight
My dads house!
Be here at 7:00
Everyone Is invited
Bring some chairs and some drinks.. And food if you want.
If you need to get ahold of me ill be online most of the day or call me at 616-828-7008
So far the Roster is up to 8 people
6 kids |
you worry too much
2006 21 March :: 11.44pm
Got the Sleds out today and took some pictures..
The one on the right is my new Sled.
2002 Polaris XCSP EDGE 800
Sled on the left is dads
2001 XCSP EDGE 600 with some mods
you worry too much
2006 21 March :: 6.24pm
is anyone intrested in getting small tattoos for free
not gaurenteeing them to be perfect. but come one its a FREE TATTOO
mabye thats not a good thing tho.
but i need people to help me out big time so it would be really nice for anyone to help.
8 kids |
you worry too much
2006 21 March :: 6.15pm
I'm getting married. It's May 27th 2006... it was december 9th but I decided I didn't want it in the winter anymore
2 kids |
you worry too much
2005 1 January :: 3.34am
new graphics card in.. yay!
10 kids |
you worry too much
2006 20 March :: 3.38pm
Conversation with my dad
Me: Can I borrow $5,000?
Me: Well actually, can I have $5,000
Dad: i don't have 5000
Me: I need a boob lift though.
Dad: not
Me: No but seriously. I'm 18 with saggy boobs. Think about my reputation.
Dad: no
Me: Fine, then will you buy me a roll of duct tape.
Dad:it won't help
Me: Bra's don't help either.
Me: Will you pay for a reduction then?
Dad: not this year
Me:For Christmas?
Dad: maybe in a few years
Me: sweet.
6 kids |
you worry too much
2006 20 March :: 11.16am
ok my house phone is now turned off so if you want to get ahold of me call my cell
my cell is 520-1993
you worry too much
2006 19 March :: 10.47pm
Alright all well this is a new tattoo i want to get right in the middle of my back. I think it would look cool if it took up the entire back. what do ya'll think. well let me know k
New Tattoo I Want
14 kids |
you worry too much
2006 19 March :: 9.55pm
I am just so lost Right now. I thought my life was on track but it seems to have taken a turn. for the worst or the better I dont know. I am just gonna have to think about things for awhile i suppose. If anyone has anything they want to do sometime this week let me know.
you worry too much
2006 18 March :: 10.50pm
What about the past?
If we forget what we were will that really help us become what we want to be?
I gave up on the children who i grew up with because i didnt want old memorys. i only have room in my head for new bright ones.
We will all end up somewhere else.
I can't wait.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 18 March :: 1.23pm
at least i'm doing something for phillip. i can't sit around and be sad.
i miss him though.
you worry too much
2006 18 March :: 11.38am
Well i have heard from CMU, they want me in their school of music. Im so happy. They said they are seriously considering me for scolarship money also.
I should hear back from Western in about a week.
GVSU auditions in April.
and speaking of GVSU Kirah my best friend in the whole world is going there next year. I cant wait now. No matter where i go we wont be more then about an hour away.
State solo & ensemble is soon.
the musical is awesome. Its fun having people i dont know come up to me and say i have an amazing voice.
everything in my life is crazy and busy. but i would not have it any other way.
things are not perfect. and i love it.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2006 17 March :: 2.51pm
hot damn!!!
so i definately waited around for like three hours at school only to find that my teacher totally wasn't there and didn't bother to post it online or anything.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 17 March :: 8.28am
Well lets see its st. patricks day and i dont know how many people actually know what he did. Well i have been reading more of my martyrs of christianity book and did you know that st. patrick actually wrote the king james version of the bible. he was persecuted because of it yet was also approved by his fellow countrymen. but anyways
i have no green on so what ya'll gonna do about it. ha nothing thats what i thought.
Leo (its st. patty's day so i'm that for today)
you worry too much
2006 17 March :: 8.11am
well just finished an 11 hour day, but its the weekend so its all good
you worry too much
2006 16 March :: 8.29pm
Dustyns biggest goal, was to one day walk with God.
He achieved his biggest goal.
And for that, I am proud of him.
He will always be in my heart, and I will truly miss him.
you worry too much
2006 16 March :: 5.17pm
51 baby!
I've kissed...
01. [x] on the cheek.
02. [x] on the lips.
03. [x] on their hands or fingers.
04. [x] in my room.
05. [x] in their room.
06. [x] of the opposite sex.
07. [x] of the same sex.
08. [x] a little younger than me.
09. [x] a little older than me.
10. [x] with black hair.
11. [x]with curly hair.
12. [x] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [x] with red hair.
14. [x] with straight hair.
15. [x] shorter than me.
16. [x] with a lip ring.
17. [x] who i truly love/loved
18. [x] who was drunk.
19. [x] who was high....
20. [x] in the morning.
21. [x] right after waking up.
22. [x] just before bed.
23. [x] late at night.
24. [x] who i had just met
25. [x] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [x] just talking not dating.
27. [x] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [x] at school.
30. [x] against a wall
31. [x] at a show. (what kind of show?)
32. [x] at the beach.
33. [x] at a concert.
34. [x] in a pool.
35. [x] who was/is a good friend.
36. [x] in the rain.
37. [x] with a mole on their body
38. [x] in the shower
39. [x] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [x] in the movies.
41. [x] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [x] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [x] under water
45. [x] while driving
46. [x] a stranger
47. [ ] more than one person at once....
48. [x] crying
49. [x] goodbye forever
50. [x] when i was drunk.
51. [ ] who didn't speak english
52. [x] in a hot tub
53. [ ] in an elevator
54. [x] an ex
55. [x] last night.
56. [x] Just today.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2006 16 March :: 2.25pm
so . . . today was productive.
and i will still have time to do my homework when i get home from work.
stupid honors stuff.
colleges shouldn't make me work to get in . . . they should beg me to go to their college.
i should just be able to get all F's and still get scholarships.
like seriously.
you worry too much
2006 16 March :: 12.12pm
nevermind... im not going.
you are UNbelievable.
you worry too much
2006 16 March :: 12.04pm
I've kissed...
01. [x] on the cheek.
02. [x] on the lips.
03. [x] on their hands or fingers.
04. [x] in my room.
05. [x] in their room.
06. [x] of the opposite sex.
07. [ ] of the same sex.
08. [x] a little younger than me.
09. [x] a little older than me.
10. [x] with black hair.
11. [ ]with curly hair.
12. [x] blonde hair and blue eyes.
13. [x] with red hair.
14. [x] with straight hair.
15. [x] shorter than me.
16. [ ] with a lip ring.
17. [x] who i truly love/loved
18. [x] who was drunk.
19. [x] who was high....
20. [x] in the morning.
21. [x] right after waking up.
22. [x] just before bed.
23. [x] late at night.
24. [x] who i had just met
25. [x] who I really didn't want to kiss.
26. [x] just talking not dating.
27. [x] on a bed.
28. [ ] in a graveyard.
29. [x] at school.
30. [x] against a wall
31. [x] at a show. (what kind of show?)
32. [x] at the beach.
33. [x] at a concert.
34. [x] in a pool.
35. [x] who was/is a good friend.
36. [x] in the rain.
37. [x] with a mole on their body
38. [x] in the shower
39. [x] in a car/taxi/bus.
40. [x] in the movies.
41. [x] in a bathroom/laundry room
42. [x] in the dark.
43. [ ] on a roof top.
44. [x] under water
45. [x] while driving
46. [x] a stranger
47. [x] more than one person at once.... ( ha ha... funny story... )
48. [x] crying
49. [x] goodbye forever
50. [x] when i was drunk.
51. [x] who didn't speak english
52. [x] in a hot tub
53. [ ] in an elevator
54. [x] an ex
55. [ ] last night.
56. [ ] Just today.
all I know now is I feel like a whore... I shouldn't have taken that...
14 kids |
you worry too much
2006 16 March :: 8.56am
aww.. we went to the circus last night. it was really cool. i havent been to the circus since i was like 7, and every time it comes to town we always miss it. :) smiles..... what a wonderful night.
tonight's a rampage game. to bad im going by myself.... ahh well.
you worry too much
2006 15 March :: 11.30pm
Some dude hacked my e-mail... sorry to those angered by the things this guy said but it wasn't me...
His excuse? it was done to him so he did it to me.... <----- add it
and andy, if you can at all help me figure out where this guy is loggin in from than that would be nice...
14 kids |
you worry too much
2006 15 March :: 5.29pm
nothing feels right. i'm doing normal things. i'm hearing normal things.
but phillip is dead and gone. and he was only four. and he was so smart and funny and beautiful. i always thought when phillip grows up he's going to be so cute. no. i don't know what to do. i don't want to do depressing things. i don't want to cry. but everything is so shakey.
nothing else is even important today. i love the peepers more than ever.
you worry too much