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gilded smile

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:: 2006 8 February :: 1.54am
:: Mood: ugh...

prepare for me to slaughter some german...
ich habe ein Deutsch prüfung um 10 uhr.

aber, meine freundin ist SEHR cool. sie ist interessant und humorvoll und intelligent. und wir knudeln immer... ; ) (das war für Tracey)

aber manchmal, ich frage warum wir zusammen sind.

also... ich denke immer, aber ich weiß nie.

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 7 February :: 9.42pm

blah blah blah.

i am but words writ in water.

blah blah blah.


let go lightly


:: 2006 7 February :: 12.47pm

I think karmas finally after me...

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 7 February :: 11.47am

Brandon Boyd was in my dream last night, All he did was put his hand on my chest and say breath. i woke up immediately after. Didn't really relate to the context of the dream. but whatever... So today I complete the god ritual where I listened to incubus all the way to school. I have yet to sacrifice the virgin....

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 7 February :: 11.20am

omg. i seriously cannot even take 5 more days of this...

i am so serious!

i haven't seen roman in 3 weeks


i am freaking out times a million.

and what's more ... i got hired at QUIZNOs where i dont even want to work. it MIGHT be good because i'll be getting a lot of hours. 18-20 to start. and i can keep my lazer skate job. BUT who wants to work that many hours anyway.

i'd rather work less hours for more money so if this job really turns out to suck, i'll just go back to ever-lovin' Rosie's


i'm so frusterated i cannot take it.

and 3 tests in one day. what more can suck?

and it's my first test in my class at CC.... Rueben if you read this tell me what it was like PLEASE!

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 7 February :: 10.54am

This is so insanely boring, I'm considering utilizing the corner of this desk with my head...

and I'm pissed because my first class was cancelled. so now I get to sit here forever and achieve nothing!!!

let go lightly


:: 2006 6 February :: 10.57pm

Am I sleeping with my eyes wide?
Am I alone?
Will I wake to find you waiting by my bedside?
Will I wake to find you waiting by my side?

I really didn't go to class today. Test too. I missed it. I didn't write my paper for Survey but we can miss one so that's okay. Tomorrow I have class then work. Hopefully I only have to do prep so I don't have to work too late. Wednesday I have to get up early and go to class. Then breakfast with my Char. Then mommy's birthday. This is going to be one carazy week. We shall see.

let go lightly


:: 2006 6 February :: 10.24pm

i am an insane face.
this weekend either showed me that i am normal or that i need some counciling.
what the fuck.

next weekend i should just play scrabble for a couple hours and then have some pudding.

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 February :: 4.35pm
:: Music: Copeland

Quiet now, your voice seems miles away. Yet somehow I hear your song resound, A little bit softer each day,
And from my tired heart, a little bit farther away
It's got me wishing for the past and hating myself. I love you, now stop it. It's going to be just fine.
"I’ll sing along
The whole day through
Just do your best to hear me
It’s all you can do

You have my attention
Like you’ve had all the while
Since that first day when you made my heart smile
With loving eyes and tired sighs that flow
You have my attention
Like a shout through an empty sanctuary
Speak but a whisper"

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 February :: 3.57pm
:: Mood: exasperated... frustrated with myself
:: Music: the 13th warrior (jim's watching it)

ahem, superbowl.

so, this stereo sounds pretty damn sweet in my little cave under my bed.

i got not a whole lot done last night, as anticipated. at some point you'd think i would have to quit raping my own asshole with procrastination, but apparently that's not the case. i guess i have the anus that takes a licking and likes it.




moving on,

... that's all i have.

okay. well i have more. but the thought hasn't completely gestated at this point, and i'd like to wait until it has matured further before i attempt to convey it. otherwise the risk of misinterpretation is heightened substantially.

6 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 6 February :: 9.03am

I'm waiting for blood to flow to my fingers,
I'll be all right when my hands get warm.Ignoring the phone,
I'd rather say nothing. I'd rather you'd never heard my voice.
You're calling too late
too late to be gracious you do not warrant long goodbyes.

this kind of friendship is too good to let go. we just had a thin part and we're used to being so thick.

i love you.

8 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 5 February :: 12.17pm
:: Mood: chill
:: Music: incubus - morning view

this is mostly for my benefit... don't expect it to make sense.

i hope this isn't out of line or anything. but it helps me to get things in perspective.

"right now is such i wierd time... i really think this weekend was a digression or soemthing back to something. it will probably take a while to get beck to where i was which i think is a bad thing. hmmm... i hate to think i am the type of person who needs a seginificant other to be happy but i am begining to think i am. i just need there to be someone who i know is there and will be there for me. but then agian. that might just be what i think i need and not actually what i need at all, and when i get it i might still be depressed and that would suck alot too, i just need to find someway to be happy because all of my efforts as of late are not working all that well.


maybe some boys do want me to be more then their object they can use when it suits them.


you know it is nice to have a reason to smile everyday... i just have to hope that i don't get crushed


he says he really wants to get to know me, doesn't want to start anything physical before he gets to know me more. he doesn't just want me as an object, that is refreshing and new, wonderful. hesitant. too good to be true
he came over last night at like 8 and took me away from my homework, and we basically hung out untill 2 this afternoon


i have a poor pathetic habit of writing everything i am feeling in these blog things and not really telling people what i think/feel which i think might someday be important

that is why i have so many knots in my back
it's because i hold everything in and let no emotions out
i should work on that
i should get better at that
i should
i should
i might
i might not


i should use some sort of name to decifer between the he's that i talk about. instead of just assuming i will remember which boy is on my mind at any one point in time, becauswe it is so rare that it is always the same one.


i'm happy. happy in a way that i haven't been in more then a year.
chew on that one for a while.


i'm not even sure what i want to say.. just wow. this is good. this makes me happy. he seems to be everything i look for... why do feel like i am waiting for somethign to go wrong.
because it always does
silly shannon get those thoughts out of your head. this is a good thing."


okay, so...

i don't really have much to say. i mean, i have a lot that i'm thinking about... but no real thoughts to articulate at this point. merely idle musings. but still, they won't be idle forever...

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 4 February :: 11.12pm

a new set, pick one.
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7 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 4 February :: 12.41pm
:: Mood: static ... i think
:: Music: incubus - a crow left of the murder


yet another successful edition of "friday nights with hunter falk".

she met mom and bruce last night. i met her folks today. that was pretty cool. mom and bruce seemed to like her. and her parents were nice too. a little less forward than mine, perhaps, but that's to be expected. not everybody's parents are insane... i must remember that.

bowling tonight. always fun. mom gave me $30, because she's super-duper awesome like that, so i might actually be able to pull it off. for the afternoon, i think i'll do laundry and *gasp* maybe do some homework. why do i feel so fucked in school? meh. i'll ignore it, like usual.

time for stuff

: )

let go lightly


:: 2006 2 February :: 11.06pm

so . . . we finally got internet.
this is crazy.
and for my next stunt i will be flying to the moon.
booo yah!!!!!!!!!

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 2 February :: 9.57pm
:: Music: J.C. - Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down

So, we finally got the internet back..like it really matters. Anyway, I got a new job. Nothing special but it's work. I'm assistant manager at a place called "Back in Time" at the mall here. I enjoy working there, plus they sell tons of stuff that I like. Lots of Elvis and Marilyn and things of that nature.

Other than that, all I do is sit around. I am yet to have any friends so far. I sit alone every night doing absolutely nothing. I wake up at like 2:30pm everyday because there is absolutely no reason for me to bother getting up early. I honestly have no life right now, and I'm lonely as fuck. At least Stacy got what she hoped for.. I guess I just dont care, there isn't much that gives me hope now days. Whatever.

I was talking to Chad today and I guess him and I might go to New Orleans for six months to work. Coming home for a week every 3 weeks. I would be making $1200/wk but that's working 11 hours a day 7 days a week. If it happens, i'll go, if not, oh well.

Other than all the terrible shit, I do like Knoxville, a lot. And a couple people from work want to take me out on my birthday, rather than me sitting at home alone like usual. It'll be nice to get out for once.

Well, there isn't much else to say. Other than, goodbye.


3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 2 February :: 12.15pm

Let's go now, into the darkness of your thoughts.

Asleep with one eye open so i can see you breathing, I follow your chest.

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 1 February :: 8.54pm

ugh i am constantly annoyed aren't i?

27 / 4/4747474747 24/7


i am annoyed and stressed. UGAHHHHHHHHHLSKD

everything is wrong.

let go lightly


:: 2006 1 February :: 6.22pm

It's a crazy world.

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2006 1 February :: 4.34pm

You Know You're From Michigan When...

You define summer as three months of bad sledding. You think Alkaline batteries were named for a Tiger outfielder. You can identify an Ohio accent. Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six pack and a bucket of smelt. Owning a Japanese car is a hanging offense in your hometown. You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre. The Big Mac is something that you drive across. You believe that "down south" means Toledo. You bake with soda and drink pop. You drive 75 on the highway and you pass on the right. Your Little League baseball game was snowed out. You learned how to drive a boat before you learned how to ride a bike. You know how to pronounce "Mackinac". The word "thumb" has a geographical rather than an anatomical significance. You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week. You expect Vernor's when you order ginger ale. You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but that it isn't far from Hell. Your favorite holidays are Christmas, Thanksgiving, the opening of deer season and Devil's Night. Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block Chevy engines. At least one person in your family disowns you for the week of the Michigan/Michigan State football game. You know what a millage is. Traveling coast to coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon. Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh. You show people where you grew up by pointing to a spot on your left hand. You know what a "Yooper" is. Your car rusts out before you need the brakes done Half the people you know say they are from Detroit... yet you don't personally know anyone who actually lives in Detroit "Up North" means north of Clare. You know what a pastie is. You occasionally cheer "Go Lions- and take the Tigers with you." Snow tires come standard on all your cars. At least 25% of your relatives work for the auto industry. You don't understand what the big deal about Chicago is. Octopus and hockey go together as naturally as hot dogs and baseball. You know more about chill factors and lake effect than you'd EVER like to know! Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car. Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout. When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left." You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms. You never watch the Weather Channel - you can just assume they're wrong. The snowmen you make in your front yard actually freeze. Solid. The snow freezes so hard that you can actually walk across it and not break it or leave any marks. All your shoes are called "tennis shoes", even though no one here plays tennis anyway. Your major school field trip includes camping and cross-country skiing. Half your friends have a perfect sledding hill right in their own backyard. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Michigan.

let go lightly

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