<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 25 November :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: music from spider man

There's snow outside... woohu!
That snow yesterday was bad. We almost spun out 3 times. It was craziness man.

So how was Thanksgiving? Mine was good. Kinda' sad though. Saturday will be the last day I will see my Grandparents... at least for a while. They're moving back to Costa Rica. So until we can go down and see them, which isn't any time soon I don't think, we'll only be able to talk on the phone. That's sucky. But it's all good.

Well I'll talk to ya' later all. Love times ten.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 24 November :: 10.07 am
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Crazy Mary

Happy Day before Thanksgiving!!
Yep, I'm at la casa de mi abuela. I'm probably gonna' get my hair cut today... I need to. Not too short though... probably shoulder length... some layers... generlized stuff.

It must just be the time to change journal looks. Ron, Cherie, and Sam did plus I did yesterday. Crazy crap man.

We just made a cake... it's good. Well, the batter is good. I dumped some in the pan, but made sure there was some extra and we ate it. YUMMY!!

Well that's about all for me. Hope everyone has a happy weekend and Thanksgiving.

Rock on. Love ya'll mucho. Peace.

-Jacqui Jean-

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 23 November :: 7.23 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Lonely and Confused -Domestic Problems

I re-did my journal!
Do you like it? I do. I totally used complimentary colors too! Boo yah baby! lol. Gotta' love artness mixing into life, always fun filled.

Chao ya'll.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 23 November :: 6.28 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: GRD bootleg 2004

I got the new bootleg!! woohu!!!!!
Sup dawg? lol. Sorry, had to say it. I love this CD. Yea, I'm like 30 seconds into it and I already love it! I'm a freak. But oh well! hehe.

I had a pretty good day. I kinda' wish it would've been better, but what can ya' do really? I feel hyperish. It's weird. I'm not really happy, and yet I feel like laughing. That could be bad. I don't know. hmm...

During 6th hour today we had nothing to do so Deanna, Heather and I went to the Library and played on the computers. I started my essay for comp and lit, but I only got about 1/2 a paragraph. We were all challenging eachother on M&M's dot com. There was this game called "Do you remember color" and you had to see how much you knew about the different color m&m's. I got 'color challenged' and so did Deanna. Heather, however, got color champ. Grrr... on her. It was a super hard game man!

Yea, I'm done. See ya'll later.
Peace out humphry.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 November :: 8.55 pm
:: Mood: blah

Mood swings
Yea, Steph is so annoying. One second she's a total witch and i want to stab her and the next she's normal and i love her again. I swear, it's so stupid. BAH!

Anyway, I went to write earlier and got stuck on a TV show... so I'm writing now. So everyone excited about our break? I kinda' am... but kinda' not. It's so boring w/o everyone, but I enjoy not having school. Odd... but whatever.

Yea, I really don't have much to say here. Blahg. I'm kinda' tired. Maybe I'll sleep. Or maybe not. Never know.

Well ttyl. Chao all.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 November :: 12.42 pm
:: Mood: bouncy

I'm going shopping! woohu!
I get to go to rivertown w/ kim, lauren, steph and my mom in about 15 minutes. Greatly cool man. Oh, and guess what?! I'm gonna' try to get my picture taken w/ santa and santa's helper. Ya' know why? Because santa's helper is Larissa! How insanely cool is that??!! Boo yah! lol. I find that rockin' cool.

I had fun yesterday. I went to Ariana's after school and we hung out and got dinner then we went to Meijer. We bought what we needed there and Taryn rode the little horse thing about 20 times, which added in getting rid of all the penny's in my wallet, and then we just wasted time while waiting for Ariana's mom. After that little adventure we went to blockbuster to rent movies. We got Bridget Jone's Diary and Grease (Lori's never seen Grease before). Bridget Jone's Diary is a funny movie. But they swear a lot... other than that though it rocked. So when the movie was over we got ready for bed and Ariana and I stayed up listening to NOW that's what I call Christmas and playing Disney Monopoly. She kicked my butt. But it's a really fun game. If we owned that I would play Monopoly SO much more!! It's greatly fun.

Yea, that was my Friday. Today we got up early and went to breakfast with Shelly, Heather, Shelly's mom, Heather's mom and my mom. It was fun, and yummy. I love Big Boy's breakfasts! Mmm... mmm... good. lol. So that's my fun filled weekend so far. I'm happy with it.

Better go now, Kim and Lauren will be here in like 2 minutes. Love to all ya'll. Have a rockin' weekend.

(bet ya'll forgot about that nickname didn't ya? lol)

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 November :: 6.24 pm
:: Mood: blank

I sent an SOS to the world
Yea, why is it that everything is so boring lately. Nothing interesting is happening. I'm bored out of my mind. What to do, what to do... no clue. I wish I had a bath tub... or a hot tub. Either way it's full of hot water and can be quite relaxing... oh, and they both have bubbles... or can, at least. Grrr... on not having either one or both of those things.

Yep, today was boring. "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" is a good movie. Quite funny. Unfortunetly this fact will not help me write the essay that London said he will be making us write tomorrow. Meh... that's okay. I like writing essays... don't ask me why, I just do.

That's about it. I'll see ya'll tomorrow. Chao.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 November :: 5.22 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Papa Johns commercial

It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that wing. lol.
I'm going to Logan's for dinner. YUMMY!!! Anywhere that you can just through peanut on the floor after you eat them is good with me. lol.

Okay so, I'm bored. So bored. Deeply. It should be illegal to be this bored. I'm gonna' go watch Gilmore Girls now. Chao all.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 November :: 4.32 pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: Welcome to my life -Simple Plan

Ellie + Curtis
I just love the subject don't you?! lol. I know Ellie does. "it's funny cuz it's true." to quote Rob. Thanks for agreeing w/ my sister by the way! Grrr on you.

Ellie's mad at me for putting that as the subject. Oh well. She's gonna' marry him anyway... what's it matter?

So anyway, today was okayish. Nothing really exciting happened, but then again nothing bad happened either. Oh guess what!? I'm gonna' play Richard Simmons in spanish. lol. How freakin' cool is that?! Not really, but still. Those stories are hilarious.

Okay I really don't have anything else to say so I'll talk to you later. Love ya' mucho. Chao ya'll.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 15 November :: 4.38 pm
:: Mood: cold

brrrr... *shivers*
It is freezing in this house! I don't even know how it can possibly be this cold. I have come to the conclusion that I need my lisence. Bad. This whole not being able to drive myself places thing sucks! Blahg. Oh well, only 4 months and 4 days. Woohu!!

So today was pretty good. My legs hurt super bad from sitting down for so long and then standing. Although Josh drumming on me didn't help that much. lol. But yea, still a good day.

Well I'll talk to ya'll later. Have a beautiful day. Chao.


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 November :: 6.43 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Steph humming... at least I think it's humming...

I watched My Fair Lady for the first time today!! Woohu!
I had a good weekend. Yesterday I slept way in and didn't have to do a whole lot until around 2. At 2ish I made myself look not so dead and got all ready to go to my aunt's house for a family gathering. So we went there and I saw my other aunt and uncle's new chitlin. She's 20 months old now and SO cute! I love her. Then I went w/ aunt number 1 to pick up emalie from her dad's house and get pizza. Then we came back, ate pizza and watched a video aunt and uncle number 2 made for Maya (the baby) for when she gets older. It's of the places they saw in China when they went to pick her up (she's adopted) and it's awesome. I find it really sweet that they did that. So yea, after all this fun we left and I went to Jenny's house. It was greatly fun. Luckily I came after the fork incident. lol. We played twister and battleship and scattegories. 'Twas greatly fun. Rob is such a bed hog though... my goodness. Although Katie was too. It was quite funny though. Yea, I had a joyful time. Okay, then today my grand parentals came over for their anniversary dinner which we just got done eating(yummy!). Now I think we'll probably play some sort of game. Don't know what though.

I suppose that's about it. Hope everyone elses weekend rocked as well. Love mucho all. Chao.

-Jacqui Jean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 November :: 8.11 pm
:: Mood: annoyed

Stupid people...
okay so, the Moores (gotta' love them) have been dumping raw suage in the field behind our house! How dumb is that? So the people who live a couple houses down called the police on them. If that stuff gets into our wells we're screwed! It's illegal to dump that stuff w/in a 5 mile radius of a residence... it's barely 100 feet away! So anyway, it stinks really bad constantly... it's so gay! So now our neighbor is trying to get them for it. I so love her for that. So, it might finally be over. Thank goodness.

Yea, I'm excited for tomorrow. Good times to be had. I really need to do some homework though... so I should stop typing. But, I'm gonna' need to call Jenny... I need major help with that orbital notation stuff. I think it was probably one of those, ya'-had-to-be-there things. Yea, okay talk to ya'll later. Love. Chao.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 November :: 8.39 pm
:: Mood: happier
:: Music: On the Way Down

I got Olive Garden... yummy!!
I got to eat at olive garden tonight because it was a "special day" lol. How rockin' cool is that?! Boo yah! Tomorrow I'm gonna' help Steph decorate her presents for the color guarders. Should be interesting... kinda. Other than that I'm gonna' be bored. People are welcome to just show up at my house. Believe me, it wouldn't be strange. Yea, it's happened quite a bit today.

So I hear that school was same as always... pretty much. The whole question mark thing though... not quite sure I understand that one. Kinda' weird.

Well I s'pose that's all. I'll talk to ya' later. Love mucho. Chao


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 November :: 11.15 am
:: Mood: meh

I'm home!
Well guys, I'm alive. Only problem is, I'm no better off than I was before. I have about 1000 spots in both my legs where needles were and 1 spot on each that is huge and yucky where they tried to put a catheter. Problem is, since I had a catheter done when I was a baby I can't now becaue the blood vessels are dead. So I have to go back and do this all over again. I don't know when and I don't know how, I just know that I do. Is that not the gayest thing you've ever heard of? So I thought that the one good thing that would come of this was getting to leave yesterday rather than having to spend the night. Well that turned out all right... but I wasn't allowed to move my legs until 7 cuz they might start bleeding. So when 7 o' clock finally came around I was mucho excited to get up. But when I did I passed out. Yay! So yea, I did not have a good day at all. And I was still not allowed to go to school at all today. Yea, that's fun. So now I'm mad. But I'm excited for school Monday. I want to see all of your shining faces! I missed you all so deeply much, you have no idea. I got WAY too much family time yesterday.

Well I'll talk to ya'll later loves. Rock on da'lings. Chao

-Jeanie Bean-

8 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 November :: 7.41 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Goo Goo Dolls

Goo Goo Dolls song's that I absolutely adore.
~Acoustic #3~

They painted up your secrets
With the lies they told to you
And the least they ever gave you
Was the most you ever knew

And I wonder where these dreams go
When the world gets in your way
What's the point in all this screaming?
No one's listening anyway

Your voice is small and fading
And you're hiding here alone
And your mother loves your father
Cuz she's got nowhere to go

And she wonders where these dreams go
Cuz the world got in her way
What's the point in ever trying?
Nothing's changing anyway

They press their lips against you
And you love the lies they say
And I tried so hard to reach you
But you're falling anyway

And you know I see right through you
Cuz the world gets in your way
What's the point in all this screaming?
You're not listening anyway.

~Bullet Proof~

Do you listen to yourself?
Never live for someone else
Do you like the way you feel?
Nothing hurts when no one's real
She wants to shake this scene
Yeah, she wants to shake with me
She's not looking for the holes in all their lies

I wanna bullet proof your soul
Would you like to lose control?
I won't let you fall until you tell me so

What are we?
(Whatcha wanna be?)
(That ya wanna be)
All I need
(Right in front of me)
I've know before

Would you come my way
Or did you burn out to the end?
Would you come my way
Should have listened when you called my name

Yeah, she wants to tear you down
And she leaves without a sound
It's like fallin' backwards into no one's arms

You're a bullet through my soul
And I'll never let you know
I won't let you fall until you let it go

What are we?
(Whatcha wanna be?)
(That ya wanna be)
All I need
(Right in front of me)
I've know before

Would you come my way
Or did you burn out to the end?
Would you come my way
Should have listened when you called my name

Would you come my way
Or did you burn out to the end?
Would you come my way
Should have listened when you called my name
Should have listened when you called my name
Should have listened when you called my name

There are more of these rockin' songs I'd like to put on here, but I'm afraid it would take up WAY too much space. So I won't. Party on homies. Chao.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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