2004 27 March :: 11.04 pm
:: Mood: everywhere (yes, as a mood. SHUT UP!)
:: Music: Wicked-The Wizard and I
In light of recent events...
well...as we've all seen, i've been very melodramatic recently. why? oh, i don't know, I ENJOY A LITTLE DRAMA IN MY LIFE! *shrug* but hey, as much as i would just LOOOVVEEE to write a melodramatic entry, fully expressing the deepest anguish in my soul...
i won't. i'll spare you that one for a REAL crisis.
in light of recent events, i've been a real...well...bitch. i suppose i could be worse *coughSOMEPEOPLEWHOSEINITIALSAREMMcough* but hey, i pride myself in my even temper and manners.
yes, i overreacted. could you blame me? sure! i could have handled the news a number of ways far more mature than my choice of melodramatic hysteria and anger. i DO think, though, that it's unfair if you believe that my reaction should have been minimal. DAHLINGS, i don't HAVE minimalistic reactions. i'm an ACTRESS by...well, since 4 years of my birth.
before i copy verbatum my COMEDIC, and i repeat, COMEDIC song, (that i wrote in entirety in world studies this afternoon) i'd like to clearify a few things. i am not mad at elspeth. if anything, i respect her even MORE because we now have another thing in common: (besides our BEAUTIFUL, blonde hair and a passion for singing) we realize that jeff is an incredibly talented and caring person. so, just in case anyone was wondering, i'm not mad at her. honestly, what have i got to be angry about in regards to her?
the only thing that bothers me is that i wasn't notified, and i'm even getting over that. it's not (such) a huge deal. i've gotten all sorts of nonsense like "give him the silent treatment!" and "heck no! don't go to sadies with him!" but those are all coming from people who know nothing about the situation. (don't you just love how people want to give you advice on things they know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about? yeah. those people piss me off too.)
what am i going to do? forgive and try to forget! what else can i do? i'm very good at the former...the latter tends to take longer than i generally plan, but in due time...
so ANYWAY...here's my song!
PLEASE keep in mind that this is PURELY COMEDIC!! if i get nasty comments, you're just wasting your breath, honestly. i'm trying to make JOKE out of all of it!!
He Should Die
(a beautiful seranade to _____ by Melissa Rose)
Oooooh, he makes me angry
He even made me cry
Now Melissa's a drama queen,
He sort of failed to tell me
A TINY, insignificant thing,
And for that I find him guilty,
So I've decided to do nothing but...SIIINGG!
(He should die!)
He should really, really, really, really die!
But I know that for a fact that if he died,
I'd kill myself for wishing
such a catastrophe!
But as my anger's rising,
My eyes begin to tear,
And it seems as if I'd be happier,
If he was just not here!
(He should die!)
He should really, really, really, really die
But I know that if he really were to die,
I'd kill myself for wishing
such a catastrophe!
SOOO. though my life's taken a turn for the rather melodramatic, suprising, and depressing moments, i apologize for any...upset i may have caused. (or for just trying to be a good friend, as the case may have been.)
saw Little Shop of Horrors at MVHS tonight! AHHHHH SEX ME NOW. the singing as a whole was crappy, but the person who was the voice for audrey II...OH MY GOD SEX ME NOW. HE....WAS....HOTTTTTT!!!!! OHHHHH LORD. beautiful, BEAUTIFUL voice, and he was such a gentleman afterwards, hugging his parents and friends. soo admirable. but ANYWAY.
i'm going to go shopping tomorrow for some jungley goodness. haha. should be...fun. camo pants! woo! and a new halter top! whee! ya know, i feel like the experience is kind of tainted now. but hey, i'm being melodramatic again. don't mind me...
(don't you just love how i brought it full circle? yes, that's a common writer's tool. i tend to use these a lot without really knowing it. aren't i special? i know, i know. adorable too, you say? yes, well, the entire CHURCH will know that by sunday! :-D)
3 songs |
sing to me |
2004 24 March :: 5.09 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Maroon 5-Harder To Breathe
I WROTE A SONG! (well, lyrics...i'll figure out the tune later!)
I know it’s rare when I break into song,
Oh hell who am I kidding?
So I’ve decided, I’ll write some lyrics!
So when I sing, you can sing along!
I love many things,
Many, many, many things,
But I love one above alllll!
Oh wait, now I can’t choose!
But don’t worry, it’s not between two guys!
When it comes to guys there’s one,
(though I like to have some fun)
but it pains me when I sayyyyy...
which do I like more, is it boys, or music?
It really is a toss up, you see
Because without music my life is dull,
But without testosterone, I’ll never beee...
And who doesn’t want to feel that lovely thing?
Without happiness there is no way to live (to live!)
And without pure joy, how can I even sing?
Music music, boys, boys, they both hold deepest passion in my heart
For I fear without a mix of both,
I’ll just DIEEEE!!! (die die die die dieee!!)
Don’t you just love
How there’s no consistency whatsoever,
A lack of proper meter and no rhyme?
Yes, I thought you’d like it
For poetry is supposed to come from the soul!
Screw those English teachers and their restrictions!
Oh, and by the way,
It’s sexier, I mean just look at it’s shape!
I’m sure you would agree if you heard SEXY people play it!
(not that I have any people COUGHCOUGH in mind!! ; D )
Well anyway, I’ll continue, with funny quotes of ME!
I’m crazy and creative, you will find:
“well maybe I’m just hot!” “come on, I’M ADORABLE!”
“tu sais que tu aime ma derriere!”
(sung) “te-ell me, about, my-yyyy maaAAAAANNN!”
Ya know what I hate?
Society as it is today.
I realize that it’s stupid, selfish to want to change it all,
But when you look at the amount of people who find it so hard to cope with all the stress,
Whose fault is it? The parents? The teachers? Or how competitive it is to get into college?
I shouldn’t have to see my friends struggle to live.
It’s not the average teenage moodiness. It’s depression.
J’aime many things, et je t’aime more than them all,
But I think I’m done being poetic for a while,
I didn’t spend much time on this, it didn’t take long
But I hope you enjoyed my little song!
4 songs |
sing to me |
2004 23 March :: 4.36 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Maroon 5-This Love
my day in a nutshell. ya know, i like nuts. OH COME ON, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!! NOT MEANT SEXUALLY, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! i.e. peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc!! geez. peanut butter...mmm. and NO, that's not a code name. i seriously like peanut butter!! (and i'm sure you all care just soo much...haha)
so. my day.
1st period: mr. smith was the english dept meeting or whatever it was, so we had the hot asian sub, mr. yu. DUDE. yeah, but he had a cold. oh well. passage and response goodness. except not. i spent most of the period talking to eric rome. haha. whatever, my passage and response was good.
2nd: ran the mile. UGH. now i have these huge orange dots on my hand. i walked 3/4 of a lap all together. HAHA. shows how much i care about my mile times...oh well, i was under 10 minutes. (thank the lord...haha...i haven't run the mile in over 10 minutes EVER in my life, and don't plan to start to...)
brunch: talked. and put my sweatshirt on over my backpack. now THAT was sexy. it looked like had a growh out of my back (aka my backpack.) walked all the way through the 500 wing to math with it on like that. had a bit of a struggle taking off my backpack and sweatshirt during math...haha.
3rd period: new seats. i'm now by joe. no more devin. c'est la vie. quelle dommage. except not. funny i ended up sitting by the OTHER guy in the class who has a screwed up knee and is talking about physical theraply 24/7. ick. oh well. could be worse.
my math grade: 82.3. NOT A C+!! i seriously would have cried if it was. oh well, i can raise it to a B (B+ is my goal) for the semester. :-/
tutorial: walked to mrs. william's room to see if i could talk to her about ambassadors. oh well. she was in the theatre. whatever. went back to math and talked to ali and read and such.
4th: warmed up with debbie. she's cool. we did the 1,3,5,7,5,3,5,1 warmup. it was cool, cuz i was like 'oo that's a hard one' and she was like 'at least now i can actually play it *wink*' becuase when i used to do it with her in private lessons she'd mess up. haha. coolbeans. watched a video of another girls 21 doing their set of warmups. cool lady. everyone thought she was stupid because she'd smile and do the motions with the class as they sang. DUDE!! it was exactly like paige! she was awesome!! stupid people who don't understand voice teachers...they're not worth mr. shaull's time.
wow that was mean. but it's TRUUEEE.
lunch: hot guy stood across from me in the cafeteria. HOT. haha. went to class council. ate cold macaroni salad again (it's good!) and ended up eating an entire thing of cheetos. ick. i'm having the most messed up cravings!! my cycle is soo weird. i'm sure you all needed to know that. ;-) haha. discussed how the sadies theme is going to SUCK because guys can't wear anything spiffy for 80's exercising. stupid junior class!! (and beautiful, beautiful junior class...haha) oh well. too late.
5th period: got on ms. bishop's and mrs. william's good side when they overheard me talking to marcella about how stupid 85% of the class is to not take notes EVER. they liked that. haha. learned stuff. woo.
6th period: got grades and had lil mini conferences. i still have a B+!! ARGGG! I RAISE MY HAND MORE, AND MY TEST GRADES ARE GOOOOD!! WHAT THE HELL?! apparently i need to raise my hand EVEN MORE. GRRRR!! oh well. BEST THING happened. well, funniest. so we were getting off track (i mean, she told us to read and do the exercises for 4 pages...it's not like we were going to stay on track!) and sarah and i started talking about our shorts. (after i explained to yasmine about buying the same shirt at american eagle and having to return it becuase it is HUGE.) so i'm talking about how my shorts are slutty becuase they're 1)short and 2) the slit up the side is HUGE. ali chimes in with 'on peut voir tout ton derriere!!' i laugh and say, quite loudly. 'TU SAIS TU AIME MON DERRIERE!!" (trans: 'one can see all of your butt!' 'YOU KNOW YOU LOVE MY BUTT!')
at this, mme youatt looks up and asks, very sternly, who said that. i raised my hand with no shame. she like freaked out, totally not expecting me to raise my hand. she was like 'if someone were to walk by and hear that, well, if they could understand french, they would wonder what i was doing as a teacher!!' HAHAHAHAHA. dude. it was a joke!! (okay, why am i saying dude?? someone slap me!) it was SOOO funny.
7th period: mr. freeman gave another speech about how we all suck and failed the quarter final. then i caught him staring at me and smiling this HUGE smile (CREEEPY!!) and i was like 'what?' and he was like 'nothing, oh, just thinking about some people and how they did on the quarter final.' so that's a good sign. but DUDE!! (and there i said it again!) DON'T STARE AT ME LIKE THAT!! ENOUGH GUYS MY OWN AGE STARE AT ME LIKE THAT!! EYES OFF!
after school: bought cookies from rachel and gave them to everyone. i'm such a saint, lol. talked to howdy. apparently someone is stalking "my" territory. ugh. i was just talking last week about how this person is randomly soo bitchy to me, but usually treats me with friendship and respect. i don't like those types of people. too unstable for me. but GRRR!! GET AWAY FROM MY MAN!! I KNOW HE'S NOT TECHNICALLY MINE, BUT THAT DOESN'T GIVE YOU A RIGHT TO STALK HIM!!! GRRRRR!!!
yeah, that makes me mad. i know i have no right to feel protective, but i do, simple as that. and he doesn't want her on him like that either, i know that for a fact!! i should know, because i learned very quickly that i couldn't act that way with him!! (not that i would with other people, anyway!!) SHEESH. JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE!
and that is all.
actually, it's not. haha. i looked through my friends page and tried this. it's REALLY interesting what different names will get. just look. as 'Mel' i got nothing but good. who calls me mel? well, i think people at church started it, people i know really well call me mel sometimes, it started with someone online calling me mel i think, and who else? OH YEAH, MR. FREEMAN. lol. you should read what he wrote for his rec. for ambasadors. you'd think i was one of those perfect kids. HAHAHA.
then i tried 2 more...heehee. can you guess which names i plugged in? well anyway, here are the results:
the shortened version of the person's first name:
You're nice to everyone
Well, nothing I can think of!
You were born this way
the full name:
You're loyal
nothing! lucky you ; )
you are who you are
and this is all so true of this person! awww, how sweet of me! (haha well it's true!)
3 songs |
sing to me |
2004 22 March :: 4.30 pm
:: Mood: adorable
:: Music: i'm so adorable la la LAAA!!
the most ADORABLE skit written about a most ADORABLE blonde girl...;-) (i wonder who it could be?)
i just got this e-mail from andrew regarding the skit that will be presented to the congregation on sunday. (read about...oh, i don't know, maybe 100 entries back or so to better understand my feelings about andrew...i had a TINY, SMALL, INSIGNIFICANT *coughcough* crush on him last year around this time. heehee!)
as it explains, we, the youth of first united methodist church palo alto, are fasting for 24 hours to better experience the pain and suffering of Jesus during holy week. we're accepting sponsorships for the fast in order to raise money for the heiffer project. (it's an organization that helps people in need by giving them animals for food and fertilization and whatnot.)
After one and a half hours of diligent effort on Mimi's part, we managed to come up with nothing, so I wrote this skit in 5 minutes after I got home.
If you have any suggestions, changes, revisions, amendments, alterations, modifications, transformations, adaptions, adjustments, corrections, improvements, a completely new script, etc, I will not only welcome them, I will embrace them with open arms and a congenial smile.
If you want a part, Annie, you can have mine as I am not attached to it.
Andrew: We, the High School group, are planning on having a hunger drive on April 9 through 10, the Friday and Saturday before Easter. We will we raising money to be sent to Heifer Project to help combat hunger around the world.
Melissa: *moan* *groan* *hold stomach* *etc*
Andrew: (to congregation) Look’s like Melissa may have started without us… (to Melissa) What’s the matter?
Melissa: Well, I’m just sooo sad that nobody has sponsored me for the Hunger Drive.
Andrew: O don’t worry, you’re so adorable (Melissa reeaalllllyyyy wanted to be called adorable at some point in the skit so…) I’m sure someone out there (points to congregation) will just love to sponsor you. (to Melissa) Just come out to the patio after church and you can get one, or maybe all, of them to sponsor you.
Melissa: O yay (or something to that effect)! I’ll be out on the patio after church. (to the congregation) See you all there!!
I LOVE THIS SKIT!! it's a masterpiece. especially when andrew (or annie, as the case may be) calls me adorable. truer words were never spoken!
oh, and in other news, I'M GOING TO APPLY TO BE IN AMBASSADORS!! WOOHOOO!! yay for me! i'm excited. heehee!
no news on my math grade. i'll keep you posted, i guess. ugh. je n'aime pas de matimathique. ugh!
(oh, and as far as i know, the tally for the entry below is as follows:
guitar: ali, nicole, tsai (3)
oboe: me, rachel, jeff (3)
6 songs |
sing to me |
2004 21 March :: 4.28 pm
:: Mood: jazzy and minorlicious (haha don't ask...)
:: Music: Cry Me A River (the famous jazz tune, not the justin timberlake crap)
oh, the joys of my clarinet teacher and the preconceptions of what a marching band does
let me just give a general background on my current clarinet teacher:
his name is mike morris, and he's old. (HAHA!) he repeats EVERYTHING at LEAST 5 or 6 times. he must have introduced the tune from forest gump by saying 'have you seen forest gump? yeah, it's a good movie, i liked it. well, this is the main theme. remember when the feather comes down? this is the music in the background.' and then he'd end up assigning another song. so the next week: 'have you seen forest gump? yeah, it's a good movie. etc.' and it's like this EVERY week. i'm not quite sure why he does it.
the other thing he does every week when i come apon a march or something in a march tempo/meter, he ALWAYS, without fail, says something like 'well, you're good at marches, aren't you?' (he knows i was in the lahs marching band.) and EVERY WEEK, i say something like 'well, i've played marches before, but in a symphonic band; we don't play marches in marching band, we march a field show instead.' and every week, i get the 'oh really? you're a marching band and you don't play marches?'
OH. MY. GOD. can you get that through your head? now I'M repeating myself every week!! yes, i DID play in a marching band. NO, WE DID NOT PLAY MARCHES. we're not that stereotypical!! it bugs the crap out of me when people say that. don't assume things about something you've never participated in or watched!! sheesh!! i mean, think about it, how boring would it be if all we played were marches?!? i would simply die! or not, but ya know...
I...NEED...A...BETTER...QUALITY....INSTRUMENT...NOW!!! ahhhh!! i'm sick of my crappy yamaha plastic clarinet! I DESERVE TO BE ABLE TO MAKE A BEAUTIFUL, DEEP, RICH, WOODEN SOUND!! why can't i be in symphonic band so i'd have a reason to get a wooden oboe or an ENGLISH HORN (coughcough)?? yes, it's my new obsession. i really, REALLY want to rent an english horn.
oh well, that's enough for now.
i feel special!! our anthem in church today sounded HORRENDOUS (except for christina, andrew, and i.) so now we've decided that we're like the trio of the choir. (sop.,alto,tenor/baritone.) we're the only ones that can both sing AND stay in tune AND count rhythms, so we've decided that we're elite and all that good stuff. it's cool. a junior, a senior, and ME! a freshman! i feel so special...lol! well, off to NOT do homework and sing and such. *yawn*
2 songs |
sing to me |
2004 20 March :: 7.59 pm
:: Mood: determined
:: Music: OBOE MUSIC!
guitar vs. oboe (PLEASE COMMENT!!)
Si is AZN: hey! clarinet pwns oboe!
Auto response from Horseeyoregal: i'm being jazzy. (and not the dancing kind of jazz.) i'm playing through some of the stuff in my new book on my CRAPPY, PLASTIC, SINGLE-REEDED INSTRUMENT. (can you tell that i'd rather be playing oboe, english horn, bassoon, or something along the lines of DOUBLE-REEDED?) yeah. one reed is just not good enough for me. and i'm sick of my plastic-ey sound when i have a nice embuchure and i deserve better. haha i'm such a spoiled brat!
oh, and yeah, STANFORD JUST LOST IN THE NCAA!! AHHHH!! pretty poopey. oh well. i'm off to be musical. read the journal if you're bored! ttyl.
Si is AZN is away at 5:54:36 PM.
Horseeyoregal: um, it most certainly DOES NOT
Auto response from Si is AZN: I am away from my computer right now.
Si is AZN returned at 6:09:20 PM.
Si is AZN: does too.
Horseeyoregal: does not
Si is AZN: it's like see
Horseeyoregal: :-P
Si is AZN: clarinet, here
Si is AZN: *points up*
Horseeyoregal: does not does not does not does not
Si is AZN: and oboe, here
Si is AZN: *points down*
Horseeyoregal: omg! no!
Horseeyoregal: two reeds are better than one!
Si is AZN: *marks ten meter distance between the two*
Si is AZN: no they're not
Si is AZN: your sound's puny
Horseeyoregal: yes, they are
Si is AZN: my clarinet can go boom boom
Si is AZN: well, kinda.
Horseeyoregal: IT'S BEAUTIFUL
Horseeyoregal: my oboe has an elite, elegant tone
Horseeyoregal: your clarinet is a loud, wide, squeeky sound
Si is AZN: my clarinet has an elite, elegant tone
Horseeyoregal: it does not!
Si is AZN: I can play quietly
Horseeyoregal: it does not have the flair of the clarinet
Si is AZN: hao's a different matter altogether
Si is AZN: yeah, you're right
Si is AZN: I win. :-D
Horseeyoregal: YOU DO NOT
Si is AZN: Horseeyoregal (6:10:32 PM): it does not have the flair of the clarinet
Horseeyoregal: oops
Horseeyoregal: of the oboe
Horseeyoregal: sorry
Si is AZN: it's flare though
Si is AZN: no no, I agree completely
Si is AZN: muahaha.
Horseeyoregal: ahhh don't correct my spelling
Horseeyoregal: NO, TYPE-O
Si is AZN: clarinet still pwns oboe
Si is AZN: but guitar pwns both of them
Horseeyoregal: IT DOES NOT
Si is AZN: *points way up there*
Horseeyoregal: IT DOESN NOT!
Si is AZN: does too!
Horseeyoregal: NOT NOT NOT
Horseeyoregal: DOES NOT
Si is AZN: :-D
Horseeyoregal: dude, think of it this way
Si is AZN: O:-)(what's that, no, I didn't do ANYTHING with your daughter!)
Horseeyoregal: with clarinet and oboe you use your mouth, a seductive body part
Si is AZN: =-O(sir, please put that down!)
Si is AZN: a seductive body part!?
Horseeyoregal: yes
Horseeyoregal: with the guitar, you use your fingers
Horseeyoregal: who likes fingers?
Horseeyoregal: no one!
Horseeyoregal: who likes mouths? EVERYONE!
Si is AZN: *cough*
Horseeyoregal: see there?
Si is AZN: fingers are liked by many people
Si is AZN: *wink wink, nudge nudge*
Horseeyoregal: oh, you're right, you do have a point there...
Horseeyoregal: but NOT AS MUCH AS THE MOUTH
Si is AZN: more than the mouth.
Horseeyoregal: *wink wink nudge nudge*
Si is AZN: *twitch*
Horseeyoregal: the mouth is better
Si is AZN: too many sexual references in one conversation. right.
Horseeyoregal: there's a TONGUE in the mouth
Si is AZN: fingers>mouth
Horseeyoregal: no
Horseeyoregal: definitely not
Si is AZN: Si senora!
Si is AZN: see see, on the guitar you can play romantic acoustic songs
Si is AZN: like, tears in heaven
Horseeyoregal: non senor!
Si is AZN: on the oboe, all you do is play weird squeaky lines
Horseeyoregal: ha. romantic acoustic. it's almost an oxymoron!
Si is AZN: almost?
Si is AZN: *blinks*
Horseeyoregal: Horseeyoregal: this is a random question, but which do you consider more seductive, the mouth, or the fingers?
G5187w1: hmm
G5187w1: i'd have to say it depends on how they are used
Horseeyoregal: (say mouth, say mouth)
G5187w1: ok, mouth
Horseeyoregal: HAHAHAHA
Horseeyoregal: :-P
Si is AZN: he's wrong
Horseeyoregal: he should know plenty about the mouth and its seductivity
Si is AZN: I know plenty about the mouth and its seductivity
Si is AZN: fingers are still more awesome
Si is AZN: especially when they're fast.
Si is AZN: wait
Horseeyoregal: they are not!
Si is AZN: didn't mean it that way
Si is AZN: but n/m
Horseeyoregal: fast?
Horseeyoregal: oh lord
Horseeyoregal: haha
Horseeyoregal: NO, MOUTH IS BETTER
Horseeyoregal: seriously, think about it
Si is AZN: bacteria in mouth
Horseeyoregal: fantasize with your inner sexual self, the mouth is BETTER
Horseeyoregal: MUCH BETTER
Si is AZN: I'd rather not fantasize... thanks
Si is AZN: at least, not when YOU tell me to
Horseeyoregal: haha
Horseeyoregal: well fantasize about kat, and think about her MOUTH as opposed to her FINGERS
Horseeyoregal: mouth wins
Horseeyoregal: mouth pwns
Horseeyoregal: all the way
Si is AZN: fingers pwn
Si is AZN: besides
Horseeyoregal: no. they most certainly do not.
Si is AZN: you don't blow into someone's mouth when you kiss them, do you?
Horseeyoregal: but you use your TONGUE
Si is AZN: *twitch*
Horseeyoregal: GordieDelini: mouth
Horseeyoregal: MOUTH
Horseeyoregal: THAT'S 2
Si is AZN: oh, are you going with Jeff to sadies?
Horseeyoregal: i am indeed
*cut, edit*
Si is AZN: if you'll agree to the fingers>mouth
Si is AZN: wait
Si is AZN: how'd we get to fingers pwning mouth
Si is AZN: it's guitar pwns oboe
Horseeyoregal: BUT THAT'S SUCH BULL!
Si is AZN: admit it, you'd much rather jeff play some seductive song on an acoustic guitar in candlelight than do the same with an oboe
Horseeyoregal: NONONO
Horseeyoregal: DEFINITELY OBOE
Si is AZN: plus, you can kiss when playing guitar
Si is AZN: with oboe you only have your feet
Si is AZN: and uh feet can be painful when used it weird ways
Horseeyoregal: HAHAHA
Horseeyoregal: i wouldn't know
Si is AZN: I wouldn't either. I'm assuming
Horseeyoregal: oh okay
Horseeyoregal: but dude, who wants to kiss while playing the guitar?
Si is AZN: *whistles*
Si is AZN: I mean, hi.
Si is AZN: it's not that you'd want to
Si is AZN: but you have the OPTION to
Si is AZN: you see, more options is always a good thing
Horseeyoregal: i guess...
Horseeyoregal: :-\
Horseeyoregal: can i put this conversation in my journal? it's highly amusing
Si is AZN: uh ok
Horseeyoregal: yay!
Si is AZN: wait but here let me demonstrate
Si is AZN wants to directly connect.
Si is AZN is now directly connected.
Si is AZN: thgis is a guitar
Si is AZN:
Si is AZN: this is an oboe
Si is AZN:
Si is AZN: oh whoops
Si is AZN: I put the mic into the headphone
Si is AZN: moment. lol
Horseeyoregal: eek i can't hear it!
Horseeyoregal: haha
Horseeyoregal: lol
Si is AZN:
Si is AZN: oops
Si is AZN: I should shut off my fan
Si is AZN: but here's oboe
Horseeyoregal: yeah
Horseeyoregal: LOL
Si is AZN:
Si is AZN: you note the difference is quality?
Si is AZN: (I actually enjoy doing that because it's hella fun, but that's besides the point)
Horseeyoregal: okay that's just weird
Si is AZN: yes. see, guitar > oboe
Horseeyoregal: umm no
Horseeyoregal: that definitely is not adequate evidence
Si is AZN: is too!
Horseeyoregal: it so is not!
Si is AZN: that was a GREAT impression of an oboe
Horseeyoregal: you didn't even give the oboe a chance!
Horseeyoregal: IT WAS NOT
Si is AZN: :-)
Horseeyoregal: ugh
Horseeyoregal: the oboe is soo much more seductive!
Si is AZN: not when charlie plays it...
Si is AZN: well, no, he's getting much better
Si is AZN: but anyway.
Horseeyoregal: and neither does jeff!
Horseeyoregal: jeff plays...orgasmically
Si is AZN: aha, that's why you're arguing for oboe so much
Si is AZN: orgasmically?
Horseeyoregal: NO!
Horseeyoregal: I PLAY THE OBOE TOO!
Si is AZN: what, do you receive earthshattering orgasms when you listen to him play the oboe
Si is AZN: (the correct answer is no)
Horseeyoregal: no
Si is AZN: ok.
Horseeyoregal: earthshattering...LOL
Si is AZN: I'd love to further the debate, but diablo II calls
Si is AZN: so I'll just say GEETAR PWNS OBOE
Si is AZN: :-D
Horseeyoregal: yeah fine
Horseeyoregal: but YOU'RE WRONG
Si is AZN: are not
Si is AZN: post on live journal
Si is AZN: ask other people to comment
Horseeyoregal: I WILL
Si is AZN: everyone will say guitar pwns!
Horseeyoregal: AND I WILL PWN YOU!
Si is AZN: GEETAR 4 LIFE!!! muahaha
Horseeyoregal: THEY WILL NOT!
Horseeyoregal: OBOE FOR SEX!
Horseeyoregal: i mean...
Horseeyoregal: lol
Si is AZN: yeah...
Si is AZN: austin just showed up with his guitar and amp at my doorstep..
Horseeyoregal: nice
Si is AZN: weird.
Horseeyoregal: go play some UNORGASMIC sounding instruments
Si is AZN: very orgasmic
Si is AZN: earthshattering too
Si is AZN: literally.
Horseeyoregal: no
Horseeyoregal: it most certainly is not
Horseeyoregal: there is no class to the guitar
Si is AZN: yes there is!
Si is AZN: as I can prove by turning this little knob *points* to ten
Horseeyoregal: but it would NEVER evoke an orgasm for me
Si is AZN: oh really, sit on my amp
Horseeyoregal: oh lord...
Horseeyoregal: haha
Si is AZN: right. yeah
Horseeyoregal: um no.
Horseeyoregal: you just run along and play your inferior instrument
Horseeyoregal: i most certainly DO NOT CARE
Si is AZN: we're not playing
Horseeyoregal: it is not
Horseeyoregal: NOT NOT NOT NOT
Si is AZN: is is is
Si is AZN: are you going to post the rest of this on your journal?
Si is AZN: eh well I must go. so bye. guitar pwns j00!
Horseeyoregal: DOES NOT
Horseeyoregal: bye
Si is AZN: bye
so, i would like some outside opinion on this. oboe vs. guitar, who wins? (say oboe, say oboe!!) think about it, oboe=TURN ON, guitar=TURN OFF. yes? i thought you'd agree. now think about the beautiful, mellow, smooth sound of the oboe. and now the banging, loud, obnoxious sound of the electric guitar. which one would you rather have being played for you in a romantic, candle lit appartment or house on a date? *coughOBOEALLTHEWAYcough*
so please, i'd love to hear from you. what are your thoughts?
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2004 20 March :: 4.57 pm
:: Mood: musical
:: Music: Yesterday I Loved You-Once Apon A Mattress
my shoulder hurts...owww!
okay that song is REALLY sexy. and i mean, REALLY REALLY sexy. especially with noel singing it and looking seductive. i mean GOOD LORD DO ME NOW type of thing. oh lord. wouldn't it be nice if someone were to sing it to me? it would. *fantasy moment* haha.
so anyway, i totally almost fell off for the first time in like 4 months (that's a long time for the type of highly dangerous riding that i do on psycho horses...lol) and completely screwed up my shoulder. it was awful. i was trotting into this yellow and black gate (like 2'3'', it wasn't even very high) on my freakish green appy ("green" meaning young and untrained) and we got to the very base of the gate (like, as close to the gate as you can get before taking off) and i even made a nice turn, he was straight on to the fence, not even a slight angle, and he stopped. like slam on the breaks, dig your hind legs into the ground, western type of stop. WOAH THERE. not expecting that. so, having the minimal balance that i had (seeing as i was pretty sure that he would JUMP the damn thing) i slid forward onto his kneck, sort of on my side, beautifully shoving my shoulder into his neck. OW. yes, it hurt. but not enough for me to not go around and jump like 10 other fences, a few lines, and the 2'3'' bounce a few more times. lol, i'm a dork. but yeah, now my shoulder's all messed up. i can't move it in towards my body past a certain point or it like floods pain and i have to like close my eyes and wallow in pain for a few seconds. it's not so peachy. oops, guess i should have been a little more careful...
well ANYWAY, on a more cheery note, i went to see Once Apon A Matress with Heather and Rachel last night. let me tell you, ALISON IS AMAZING AS PRINCESS WINNIFRED!! really, truly, she's a-freaking-mazing. beautiful performance. bravo! way to make the most out of your first lead, cuz wow. the whole show was tres cute. i especially liked noel being seductive and singing 'yesterday i loved you' and hugging georgia. yummmmmm. also saw some other hotties...dan, kyle, nic. NICE. haha. oh, and heather's brother is mighty fine looking too. haha. he's like 26 or something, LOL! but, as i have in my profile, some 20-something year old was checking me out after the performance and he was HOT HOT HOT too. i made the beautiful, philosophical (NOT) realization that, and i quote: "maybe i'm just hot..." haha. rachel said that had lunch bag quality. now that's a compliment. haha.
oh yeah, to update on the shaull thing, he worked with me AGAIN for like 15 minutes in the beginning of class yesterday. AGAIN. urg. why is he so obsessed? i'm pretty sure i can make G21 next year, so WHY THE ANNOYING OBSESSION? ugh. oh well, it's a compliment.
had a 3 hour rehearsal for a passion narrative that andrew, kyle, and some old people in my church this morning. i had to wake up at 7:30. yes, 7:30 on a SATURDAY. urg. i have 1 line. yes, ONE. haha. but that's the amount of lines that pretty much everyone has, aside from jesus, simon peter, and pilot. and those are all men, so yeah. by default, i'm 'the servant girl' becuase i'm the only girl under the age of about 45 in the thing. HAHA. oh well. so i get to pressure simon peter to deny jesus for the first time, and then rally the rest of the church to shout 'barabbus' and 'crucify him!'. wonderful. LOL. but the tech rehearsal is on sadies night from 7:30-9 so HAHA. i won't be there. oh well. it's not like i have very much to do with my beautiful, one line role. pretty sad. oh well!
then nicole and i 'jogged' (except for the fact that we walked 85% of the way) to lahs to see the winter guard show. it looks good, guys!! it was fun. oh and we ate cupcakes. nummylicious!
then we went to nicole's house to change and then off to number the stars. i know, it'd been SOO long since i'd been to mvcpa (since about 10:30 the previous night) so we had to go see a second stage production. haha. rachel, molly, beth, and that funny dude who said kinky!! ahhh!! were very good. there's this really funny 8th grader from egan that does pyt who's going to lahs next year who totally said that i was kinky! it was great!! i licked some icing off of one of nicole's cupcakes (we ate more there...haha) and he was like 'ooh, kinky!'. it was great!! i was like, dude, you're great!! it was pretty darn amusing.
well, then we hugged everyone and bought more calories at the bean scene cafe. then we had a nice woman to woman chat in the park. hehe. fun stuff. we finally left, :-(.
then off to west valley music for me to buy a new clarinet book. i ended up buying some jazz/blues collection with a CD. ugh, CD. tacky. ick. but whatever, it looks harder than 'movie classics'. what's the point of going through a book with a private teacher in like a month when you can sight read every single song perfectly the first time? THERE IS NO POINT. so i bought something a tad bit more difficult.
as for the english horn extravaganza...it was a no go. my mom didn't feel the urge to rent me one on the spur of the moment. darn!! oh well. i guess i understand...*sniff*
and now i'm home. i should probably play some clarinet, seeing as i have a lesson tomorrow...harhar. might do some of that. and some homework....idk, but i might go to the random mass in B minor or whatever it is at my church tonight. there's been flyers about it for weeks, and there's some famous soloists...i kind of wanna go! well, we'll see.
I NEED A DOUBLE REEDED INSTRUMENT!! WAHHHHHH!!! oh well. i'll go play my stupid, simple, PLASTIC single reeded instrument. (also known as the clarinet.) i'll update later. thanks for all of the comments on my last entry!! i love you guys!! *mwah!*
look! ali made a quiz!! (it's no surprise who i got...) good topic, and nice pics!! it's a good quiz, so take it!!
 You are Miss Scarlet. You are young and beautiful, but WAY too obsessed with always dressing in scarlet. You live a happy life with your pet cats in a huge mansion, but you're still trying to prove that YOU DIDN'T COMMIT THE CRIME!
Which CLUE character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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2004 18 March :: 4.27 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: that Russian Ave Maria
The most important man in my life is...
...but first, a more important thing. if i were that kind of person, i would physically maul whoever beat up *this person who i'll not mention by name, in case it's not something that should be written about in an online journal*. how could anyone hurt such a cool person? i mean, i haven't really ever publically said it, but i have A LOT of respect for him. he is incredibly intelligent, and shows wisdom beyond his years. as i've been saying all day, this makes me SO mad. ugh. it just angers me beyond total comprehension. what i mean is, I'm so confused as to why anyone would have such evil intensions, and i'm angry because of that individuals' skewed mindset. i mean, really, why would anyone hurt him? he's such a great guy! grr!
well, moving on. i have a date to sadies! yay! strictly friends-only, but i wasn't looking for anything more anyway. yay! i'm really glad i don't have to worry about asking someone else or just going stag...it's not like i had a long list of guys to choose from! (no, really...i can't think of that many guys i'd want to go with...)
oh, and i got my forrests catalogue today. (forrests is like THE double reed instrument store from heaven located in berkeley.) just try to make it WORSE that i don't play oboe anymore, why dontcha? gahh! my life has become incomplete without double reeds! maybe i should buy some...:-/ haha. that'd be stupid, but it might make me feel better.
oh, and i DO feel ever so much better about the current thing. it's done, and i feel like sighing a hundred sighs of relief that it's over (well, technically, it's just begun, but whatever) and that it went okay. hey! it's my music stand! okay, sorry, being random. ooo reed cases....pretty..ahhh i want them! someone please convince me to drop something and take band again, please! ahhh!
okay, now onto the entry.
so any guesses as to who the most "important" (also the most influential, domineering, and controlling) man in my life is?
well, surprisingly, it's NOT any guy that i have ever had a crush on. and there's quite a few of those, ha. it's not my father, and it's not brian. it's not my pastor, but someone related to church as well as school. well that gave it away.
the most important man in my life (right now) is Mr. Shaull.
when did i realize this? well, it's not like it was a sudden epiphany. i'd predicted that this realization would occur as soon as i entered high school, and i'd known it since...well, since i'd decided that i wanted to be in main street. it's just become very apparent recently.
i could probably write a whole book about mr. shaull, his teaching methods, and my opinions about them, but i won't. i think i'll keep it short. i'm starting to get a headache, anyway, and people have already started IMing me about their problems. the one thing about talking to mrs. prothro and getting along with her is that i could really see myself in her position. i've already found that people just naturally want to talk to me and trust me easily. and i'm not saying that anyone has any reason not to trust me, becuase i consider myself a very trustworthy, honest, open, and considerate person, but it's not like i pry personal information out of people. they come to me. so its just sort of like looking into my future. i've considered being a high school councilor for some time now, as well as a career in music therapy, but yeah. that was kind of neat. but ANYWAY, i've digressed.
you can always tell who mr. shaull favors by how long and how hard he works with them in front of the class. the ones that he pushes almost to tears, and frequently, are his favorites. he chooses them 1) because of their willingness to learn, drive to succeed and 2) because he thinks that he can really get a beautiful sound out of them if he works hard enough.
i definitely have enough of the former. the latter, i've never been too sure about, but then again, one can never know, i guess. it's not like we can see into our vocal future. lol. but i guess the first factor, as well as my ability to stay calm in front of the entire class, makes me a target student.
so we're having one of those days where mr. shaull asks for volunteers and consequently calls on people (becuase no one wants to do it to themselves!) to sing in front of the class. it was near the end of the period, and he'd already worked with tiffany, michella, rachel, emily, and nicole. tiffany got lots of time and a whole slew of brutal comments from mr. shaull. i mean, she's in G21 so obviously she's good, plus she worked with him after school yesterday. she's one of the ones that you would automatically hear her name called and assume 'this is going to be a long, hard, vocal struggle.' i mean, of course it'll yield results, mr. shaull never fails in improving his students' voices, but it's never easy, and he usually succeeds in hurting feelings and pride, and causes great frustration.
but anyway, he spends a lot of time with her. he spends minimal amounts of time with basically everyone else, even less for some. (which, to me, i think, is definitely not cool. i mean, its sort of saying that he doesn't really care.) but anyway, there's like 7 minutes left of class when he asks (forces) me to go up and sing. i had a feeling that he was getting pretty darn frustrated with people who were out of tune, missing entrances, not breathing, and not thinking. i sort of felt like he was just using me to cool off a bit becuase he never has to yell at me for tuning or rhythm mistakes.
so i sing. sort of crappy, but GEEZ, we're singing italian art songs out of the SOPRANO book, and i've NEVER, EVER considered myself a soprano...EVER. have i made that clear? okay then. and i think i've mentioned it before, but i have a really strange break in my head voice, around a D, where i move into sort of a falsetto-ish tonality, with no body, that's in the back of my head and really weak. this has ALWAYS pissed me off. i mean, other people just carry their head voices right on up to high C and beyond. and it's just freaking annoying!! i've learned to deal with my chest/head break pretty darn well, but this one annoys me to no end. so he's trying to get me to not think about it and 'just do it'. 'it' being just sing with lots of body and lots of sound, and not think about making the pitch the weird way that i do up there. now, of course, i would love to work on this more, but i seriously do at like EVERY one of my voice lessons, and i'd like to keep my head and chest voice consistent, i mean, it sounds BETTER, for heaven's sake, and i can control it, so why not work with me where MY voice is agreeable? but noooooo. we have to work on my screwy, cracky, fucked up range. GAHHH!! (and i'm already mad at him for choosing such high songs ANYWAY when my range doesn't revolve around high F's!!)
so anyway, i'm not getting much better, seeing as i've already convinced myself that i CAN'T FREAKING KEEP MY HEAD VOICE ON A G BECUASE I'LL FREAKING CRACK ON A D!! and mr. shaull is trying to unconvince me of that. which i'm seriously willing to convince myself of, becuase i wholeheartedly trust that he knows what i can potentially do, it's just that it WON'T HAPPEN over the course of, well, about 15 minutes.
probably less than 15 minutes, but certainly longer then 7 (when the period ended) was how long he worked with me. i would have been fine knowing that i'd been publically embarassed in front of the class (becuase strangely, i'm okay with that) but when he kept me into LUNCH, on a day when it was G21 at lunch, that PISSED ME OFF. here i am struggling vocally AFTER THE BELL RANG, and all of the people that i really admire are coming into the classroom, listening to me sound like shit. my class of people in girls' ensemble is one thing, but in front of the best girls in the entire school?? i mean, it's girls 21, for God's sake! i swear, he spent at least 5 minutes of his time that SHOULD have been spent warming girls 21 up yelling at ME.
oh, the horrors and wonders of mr. shaull.
i should be flattered, but i'm angry. grumblegrumble.
okay, i think i'm done now. i hope you were thoroughly entertained (this is where you yawn) at my lovely escapades with mr. shaull, most of which cause me to seriously disagree with his brutal and insensitive teaching methods. it's funny, after the whole thing, i was thinking: maybe it'll be nice to have a break from mr. shaull yelling at us every day. how could i think that? ahhh! that's not cool! oh well. i'll just keep working. that's all i can do.
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2004 15 March :: 10.27 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Norah Jones-Come Away With Me

Estne volumen in toga, an solum tibi libet me
"Is that a scroll in your toga, or are you
just glad to see me?"
You're smooth, okay, but you also need a
girlfriend. Bad.
Which Weird Latin Phrase Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
oh yeah, that quiz was SO accurate. i definitely need a girlfriend. LOL! and NO, that's NOT something i would say, contrary to popular belief. good greif, i'm not THAT bad!
hey, ya know what's cool? carly had a voice lesson before me today, and as i came in, paige said 'hi melissa, you know carly' and i was like, 'actually, i do! *to carly* you used to drive me around in fourth grade!' and ya know what? she smiled and said 'you're right, i did! you're melissa rose!' or something like that. it was cool. she remembered my name. (well, my last name at least.) i feel special!! and my voice lesson was good. but it's hard to have a BAD voice lesson with paige. poopy mr. troll, lowering my spirits. i much prefer to feel happy and accomplished after singing for 45 minutes.
*yawn* i did SOOO much homework tonight. well, i didn't really, but it felt like a lot. i'm feeling the third quarter 'IT NEEDS TO BE SUMMER NOWWWWW' feelings. and i'm screwed in math. royally. uh oh. my parents still love me though, so i'm okay!! (just internally defeated...once again, by the honors math program.) *sigh* i'm glad mrs. kirk decided to give me the opportunity to be in honors math, but i'm not sure if it was the best thing for me. i can't say for sure, but i think i would have rather aced the middle track of math instead of struggling through pre algebra, algebra I, and geometry honors. but then again, i might have been bitter knowing that i was smart enough to be in honors anyway. whatever. i'm just sick of not being taught the material correctly and getting less than satisfactory grades on quizzes and tests. i am NOT a b- student.
on a lighter note, i'm going to egan tomorrow with some other singing people to promote the lahs choral music dept. this has the potential to be fun! woo!
okay i'm tired. and a little tipsy. just kidding, haha. i drank about a fourth of a wine cooler today, and kept freaking my mom out by saying things like 'i can't do my homework, i'm drunk!' and 'i'm feeling a little bit tired, is it okay if i pass out...i mean, take a little nap?' heehee. right, well. goodnight!
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2004 13 March :: 8.47 pm
:: Mood: dirty
:: Music: that song from 'dirty dancing'
amici's, dirty dancing, and hopes
so. first things first. (it's too bad i'm in more of a discontent than dirty mood right now...i've had a pretty great weekend so far!) amici's. went to amici's with nicole, molly, and louise last night. FUN STUFF!! good conversation, great food. afterwards, i discovered the 'joy's of spike tv. it's hilarious stuff, but notoriously degrading to women. (spike tv is the 'network for men.')
ended up printing out my entire journal (or, as i THOUGHT was all of my journal...turns out i copy/pasted in 25 entry incraments and it's 15...hrm) becuase woohu might be shutting down. SHIT. that would be poopy. so that was this morning.
went to michael's to pick up...stuff...*blushes* (michael's is a CRAFT store...*hinthint*) so uh, yeah. the first fourth is taken care of. ;-) oh, and i found this, too:
Artist: Norah Jones
Album: Come Away With Me
Title: Come Away With Me
Come away with me in the night
Come away with me
And I will write you a song
Come away with me on a bus
Come away where they can't tempt us
With their lies
I want to walk with you
On a cloudy day
In fields where the yellow grass grows knee-high
So won't you try to come
Come away with me and we'll kiss
On a mountaintop
Come away with me
And I'll never stop loving you
And I want to wake up with the rain
Falling on a tin roof
While I'm safe there in your arms
So all I ask is for you
To come away with me in the night
Come away with me
pretty darn good, no? i think so...
then went to see 'dirty dancing: havanna nights' with christiana, terrance, howdy, and chance. GOOOOOOOD movie!! oh gosh, it was good. dirty dancing is GOOD. good good good good GOOD! i erm *coughs* would greatly appreciate a dancing partener that could dance like a cuban. but oh well. haha. but mannnnn does it look good. christiana and i agreed. it's hot. and it was actually a really good movie, too. not as shallow as it may seem. the underlying facts were that it was during the cuban revolution, so cubans were being persecuted, and the girl's parents thought of the cubans as dirt. and here their eldest daughter is, sneaking out and intimately dancing with a cuban. it was good. mmmmm...yummy. *licks lips* lol.
and um, now i'm home. thinking about a friend that i'm worried about. really, really worried about, actually. and tour...and no mr. shaull during tour. and dirty dancing parteners. and...people. i just don't know...
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2004 12 March :: 9.43 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Outkast-Hey Ya
romance advice from none other than my good friend, chris
oh gosh, lol. here is an excerpt from chris and my AIM conversation. (one name edited for security and privacy reasons, and one section completely cut out because of secrecy...) oh stop it, i just told him what i'm going to do to ask a certain someone to sadies. it's not like it's some huge secret, or anything!! gosh, you thought i'd keep something from you? since when do i do that?
KingdomKey13: how's the spaghetti?
Horseeyoregal: what? is that a line?
Horseeyoregal: actually, i ate spaghetti for dinner tonight
KingdomKey13: no...
KingdomKey13: remember like months ago, when you were telling us about one of your ***** fantasies?
Horseeyoregal: mhmm?
KingdomKey13: And we were eating spaghetti and i'm all, "Oh, i bet you wish this spaghetti was *****'s BODY!"
KingdomKey13: so when i mean spaghetti, i mean your romance life.
Horseeyoregal: HAHAHA
Horseeyoregal: i totally don't remember that
KingdomKey13: *hangs head*
KingdomKey13: it's us code for romance from now on, m'kay?
KingdomKey13: you'll remember eventually.
KingdomKey13: so how IS the spaghetti (MEANING ROMANCE)?
Horseeyoregal: haha
Horseeyoregal: well...
KingdomKey13: laughing time is over
Horseeyoregal: sadies is april 2 (that's when the girl asks the guy)
Horseeyoregal: so i've devised a creative plan to ask ****
KingdomKey13: AHAHHH!
KingdomKey13: now's your chance!
***and here i explain my plan...***
Horseeyoregal: and voila! i have a date!
KingdomKey13: YES! I LIKE IT!
KingdomKey13: ooh, ooh! You've gotta leave him a plate of spaghetti in his locker!
Horseeyoregal: haha
Horseeyoregal: that might be messy
KingdomKey13: then leave a note that says, "Do me" at the bottom with your picture!
Horseeyoregal: HAHAHAHA!
KingdomKey13: And then, when you're making out, you go, "Ooh, don't be saucy with me, mister"!
Horseeyoregal: haha you're so punny
KingdomKey13: Ooh, give him a tape with a song that plays, "You love Melissa, take her to sadies" backwords so that he'll be subliminally suggested!
Horseeyoregal: haha
KingdomKey13: Or just walk up and say to him,
KingdomKey13: "Take me to sadies
KingdomKey13: or I'll stalk you like
KingdomKey13: celery".
Horseeyoregal: HAHA
KingdomKey13: but you gotta be hard to get.
KingdomKey13: dress like a catholic librarian schoolgirl that wears a pin that says, "CHASTE and proud of it".
Horseeyoregal: HAHAHAHA LOL
KingdomKey13: what say you?
Horseeyoregal: you're a very creative person, christobal
KingdomKey13: try them all.
KingdomKey13: now
Horseeyoregal: oh yeah, will do. HA.
KingdomKey13: good.
KingdomKey13: guess what?
Horseeyoregal: chicken butt?
KingdomKey13: with a side of beaks.
KingdomKey13: No, really.
Horseeyoregal: what?
KingdomKey13: YOU ARE SO
KingdomKey13: BEAUTIFUL!!!
KingdomKey13: *tear*
KingdomKey13: Hah, really had ya goin' there.
Horseeyoregal: HA.
Horseeyoregal: of COURSE you did!
*wipes tears from her eyes* ah chris, you are a funny man. a funny, funny man.
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2004 10 March :: 4.20 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: That duet we sing in GE...OMG IT'S SO REPETITIVE AND WON'T LEAVE MY BRAIN!!
today was great. well, it was pretty darn good.
ya know what i just realized? i am going to DIE when mss goes on tour. besides feeling extreme bouts of lonliness, (because all those beautiful people will be HALFWAY ACROSS THE WORLD!!) there will be SOO much less music in my life! NOOOO!!! don't leave me, mss and mr. shaull!!
quick overview of my day: (ah, procrastination.)
0: nonexistant. BUT I MISS YOU, MARCHING BAND! (and all you marching band people!!) ya know, i think i'll digress. *smiles* so. i saw terrance and howdy the other day in the library. what i've realised: I WANT TO HANG OUT WITH MARCHING BAND PEOPLE AGAIN!! WAHHH!! i find myself fatasizing about marching band camp already...*dreamy smile* but anyway, it was VERY nice to see you two!
2: p.e. gymnastics. bars. OW. we tall people have a serious disadvantage. oh well, i got a check-plus on vaulting, so i can manage a check (minus?) on bars. hrm. oh well. it's fun. we're all so supportive of each other! yay for really considerate, smart, compassionate, second period P.E. girls! (well, the ones in my group are fabulous.)
Brunch. sounds like crunch. uhm...talked and stuff. yeah.
4: girl's ensemble! we discussed going to egan at lunchtime to FORCE MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN THE CULT!! i mean...sign up for music classes to enrich their high school experience. :0) woohoo! fun stuff. we also discussed *dun dun DUNN!* next year's musical!! AHHH!! a few possibilities: fiddler on the roof (TO LIFE! IF I WERE A RICH MAN! MATCHMAKER (oh God, memories...love ya katherine and christiana!!) SUNRISE, SUNSET! MIRACLE OF MIRACLES!!) little shop of horrors (AHH HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE? FUN STUFF!!) and some other musical mr. shaull really likes. whatever it ends up being, i'm sure i will just LOVE it! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!! definitely. i like class discussions with mr. shaull. i have a lot of fun in the presense of that man. actually, chances are i'd have fun in the presense of ANY musical person. but ANYWAY. my BEAUTIFUL 4 bar phrase was used for dictation. (coincidentally, it was also written for dictation.) starting and ending on one, key of my choice, octave once, all major intervals, reasonable rhythm. but, of course, it is still a masterpiece. and it's still on the board!! LOL!! molly and i came to girls glee (yay for us!) and saw that it was still on the board. i was very proud. heehe. so molly wrote 'melissa's BEAUTY' or something like that by it. i wonder if it'll still be up there tomorrow morning...:0D well anyway, we sang a bit as well. lalala. yay for julia and sharon and the michelle's for doing the duet! oh, and michelle (the soprano...HAHAHA not that she would ever read this) you know that he's only so hard on you becuase he KNOWS that you would produce an AMAZING AMAZING (even more amazing than you already sound) sound if you just let go. i mean really, you should be incredibly honored that he's even so hard on you. well anyway, we love you.
Lunch: woohoo! yay for random, cold macaroni salad! oh, and we thought of a new way to do the whole sadie's asking thing. oh this is so much fun!!
French: one of the most hilarious class periods in a long time. oh, the JOYS of the french language and mme youatt.
so. we all knew there was going to be trouble when we learned the verb 'se deshabiller' (to undress) and Luc says something along the lines of 'deshabiller avec moi!' (to lady marmalade...hey! i just realized!! we just learned the verb se coucher!! ya know, voulez vous coucher?? ahhh!!) okay so it goes: voulez vous cocher avec moi, se soir? and luc added in deshabiller somewhere in there. (loosely trans: will you sleep with me tonight? (with the word undress thrown in there.)
so mme youatt is like: 'a qui est-ce qu'il dit?' and (now this is GREAT) charlie says 'A VOUS!' HAHAHAHAAHAHAAHHAAHAH!!!! (so now we're all thinking of luc telling mme youatt to strip and then seducing her...LMAO!!)
(oh, and this was partly to get backat luc for calling charle's figure (face) rouge (red) during another exercise. poor charles. but it was SOOO FUNNY.
other highlights: so we're learning reflexive verbs (i don't know if i already mentioned that) but anyway, the question was, et en francaise of course, "What do you dress yourself in for school?" Luc's reply: RIEN! (nothing!!) AHAHAHAHAHA!! so we all start cracking up immediately, but THEN, (now get this, OMGLOL) MME YOUATT SAYS: LUC, YOU ARE A PERVERT!! AHAHAHAHA!!! right in the middle of class!! and she was serious too!! oh man. i nearly died at this. i was laughing so hard i had tears in my eyes and my face was the color of my outfit (bright pink.) oh man. that was HILARIOUS!! oh, and then matt pronounced coucher (coo-shay) 'koo-chee'. it was funny.
oh and then girls' glee. no one showed up. it was FUN THOUGH!! YAY FOR GLEEFUL GIRLS!! so we sang a lil and discussed methods of getting more people to join. at one point, someone said 'but isn't next week's tuesday a thursday schedule?' (which it is.) HA. we'd only just discussed that in regards to egan timing for like half an hour in girls' ensemble.
right, so anyway, the sun is shining, and melissa has spent over two hours in mr. shaull's room today. oh, and she's happy.
but now she must go fais les devoirs. ah, zut alors! mais n'importe. il a ete un bon jour!
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2004 9 March :: 5.16 pm
:: Mood: simple
:: Music: Aldersgate Street (from the church musical)
Simplicity and Revelations
My thoughts are all over the place today, and strangely simplistic. It seems as if I'm always reluctant to do anything without a complex, deeper meaning to it. It might be a combination of the weather and The Bean Trees, or just something I've concluded to on my own, but I no longer fear the "limitations" of a simple life. (And look at me, I'm still not writing especially simply. Oh well.)
I just finished reading chapters 8 and 9 of TBT. There are many serious issues being dealt with, but not in especially great detail or complex wording. Initially, I felt like I was being cheated somehow, that the author had so much to convey, and could elaborate further to what she alluded to. I realize that maybe she made the right decision in touching on important issues with recurring themes instead of piling facts and morality lessons into the story. This is where the reader is allowed to think about it in as great detail as they wish. In this way, TBT can be focused to a larger audience.
I'll bet that at least 30% of the people in Survey Comp/Lit have already missed the majority of clues Kingsolver has included in her novel that force the more serious reader to consider the world. Normally, this would infuriate me. How could they miss the incredible knowledge that could be absorbed and digested by this text? Then, in classroom discussions, I would appear bratty and superior, becoming frustrated with the lack of understanding of my peers. (Yes, this has happened many a time. Look out for Melissa during socratic semenars and debates, especially if you've been slacking.) Well that's how it was. But now, I realize that what little they have comprehended is enough. For all I know, they can relate to these issues far better than I ever will be able to. From my little studious, comfortable, rich white girl perspective of it all, I can philosophise about the hardships and pain of others, but can barely skim the surface of the emotional trauma experienced. This realization has given me a lot of respect for a larger group of people.
grrr. must ride horses. back later. what infuriates me the most is that i will no longer be able to continue this specific train of thought. in the words of winnie the pooh: oh bother.
more later.
Well, as usual, I have no intention of completing that train of thought. I'm really tired now. I can't ride my psycho thoroughbred after her day off, without bullpenning her!!, for over an hour. It is so physically draining, and just as draining mentally. Again, I got into one of those completely-focused states. I both love myself and bitterly hate myself (okay, that was a little melodramatic, i NEVER Hate myself) when I'm in one of those zones. I feel like I can do anything, and then, once my body gives out and I allow my mind to be pressured and worried, I've lost it. And that is one of the most disappointing things one can experience.
I don't want to do 31 pages of Bean Tree notes. It's really a shame that 1) I've been brought up to believe that anything less than an A and a near-perfect academic and extracurricular life isn't good enough and 2) In order to get into a good college, you must ________, you must also excell in ________, and take this or that class, etc. etc.
Who knows about the whole Sadies thing? It really is harder than I give guys credit for. Actually, it's really not. I'm just making more of it than I should. We'll see what happens...
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2004 8 March :: 9.24 pm
:: Mood: content
PICTURES!! (if only the links would show up as links...)
i now present you...WALK ABOUT PICS!! (as selected from nicole's site by yours truly. :0D)
/ph/nbadenov257@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/f7d6&.dnm=dd04.jpg –my MY those are luscious curves. Haha shut up. The pants make me look stupid.
/ph/nbadenov257@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/f7d6&.dnm=aea7.jpg –proof of our intellect
/ph/nbadenov257@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/f7d6&.dnm=c164.jpg –hiiii!! Wow, my shirt is low. And no, Nicole is not actually drinking. “NO, Nicole, I will not be seen with you and alcohol in front of teachers!”
/ph/nbadenov257@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/f7d6&.dnm=42f0.jpg –cell phones!! (this wasn’t posed...of course not!) woah, it looks like I have arm muscle. Hahaha!
/ph/nbadenov257@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/f7d6&.dnm=aff4.jpg –ALOHA OIEE!
/ph/nbadenov257@sbcglobal.net/detail?.dir=/f7d6&.dnm=d197.jpg –and NO ONE KNEW I was licking her. MWAHAHAHA! (and yeah, that line on my back is my beauuutiful scar. Pretty, ain’t it?)
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2004 7 March :: 2.23 pm
sing to me |