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:: 2003 27 September :: 1.07am
:: Mood: drained

Somehow today I went from alphabetizing 40 year old jazz charts to being less than 10 feet away from a team of professional baseball players drinking champagne, beer, smoking real cubans, and freestyling in a crazy celebration.

Man, I'm fucking tired.

I'm proud to say I saw the Marlins get the oh-so desired Wild Card in person. I'm also proud to say that I'm a real fan. I'm not the person that came because they're winning. I'm the person that came all season, and came as often as I could, even when they sucked. I'm proud to say I'm a fan.

Well anyways, I had a lot of fun. My dad and I met this med school student from UM. He was an awesome guy. Sorta reminded me of Clark Rosesweig. School: sucks. I can't stand health. Art history bores me to death. Once we get out of this B.C. bullshit, I'm sure I might enjoy it more. Holy fuck. Me: pissed. Can't go to the FIF farewell show because I have to work. If I'm late or absent more than two times before Dec. 15th, I get canned. FIF is cool and all, but they're not cooler than payday.
payday > FIF.


Do you remember?


:: 2003 25 September :: 9.45pm
:: Mood: Exhausted
:: Music: "So Damn Lucky" -Dave Matthews

UHHHH. I am so tired. I just got home at 9:30 from this stupid thursday game, which is a LOT earlier than expected, but still... Adam, I blame you, because you're jewish, and this whole thursday game thing is for a jewish holiday of some sort (I think). And if it's not for a jewish holiday and I have been misinformed by many many people, then I still blame you, because that's how the system works.

I listened to the Dave CD for like 3 hours today. That is the awesomest (told ya I was tired) CD ever. I <3 it. lol. Let's see...what else happened today...

Oh, another addition to my growing list of nicknames. Personally, if I get to decide, I'm sticking with just plain skillet, as opposed to some of the ones that have been added on recently. I think that nicknames should be no more syllables than your actual name, or it defeats the purpose. So uhh...yea. "No extras!" Anywho, There's this one part in the opener, where there's this long run. Well, it's not long, but it's fast. So as of yet, I have not played it at all. Just skipped it in the music. Think about it, when I learned all that music, I didnt have the skills I have today (ya right), so I just...decided not even to try it. Anyway, all was well with that until today. During third hour Markgraf came up and played Leah's part on the marimba with me, so that I would not be completely totally lost. (Amanda: "Oh yea, I was wondering about that, because all the sudden it got really loud." >:o) So it got to that part in the song, and I, not thinking, just skipped it like I always do. It's freaking like 2 beats. Anyway, markgraf seemed to notice. *little shrug* He said something, of which I am still not sure, right after, and it totally messed me up for a good long while in the song. So after the end of that song, he's like "You didnt play that run!" me: *blank stare* "umm...nope." him: "Chicken. You're Chicken skillet!" Then we had to play the next song, so I was pretty glad that conversation ended. I learned the run during lunch.

Tonight me and kristen and krystle went out to "dinner" at subway. When we got there vivi and jessica and some percussionists were already there. (hmm, kristen, I wonder how they beat us there? o.~) Anyway, after we had sat down and whatnot, markgraf came in, and the whole group of people got up and left. I felt REALLY bad. I mean, I dont care if you dont like the guy, that was just rude. I think he was really upset by it too. I mean, honestly, think about it. He's in a new school as much as we have new directors. He even said to me and krystle and kristen after "Are you guys gonna get up and leave too?" It was more amused sounding than it reads, but still I think it would suck big time to have a whole group of people leave when you walked in. Dunno, I just thought that it was totally uncalled for. Even if lerner had walked into subway, I would not have gotten up right as he was walking in and left like that. It was so totally obvious what they were doing. I felt really bad for him.

For those of you who are growing unbearably curious, here is the alcohol story me and nikki have been mentioning, and then I'm out.

As part of Northwestern orientation, all freshmen are required to take an Alcohol Edu class, to expose them to the dangers of binge drinking, and the laws about underage drinking here in Evanston and Illinois. It's a very long and boring ordeal that has to be done online, and you must spend at least three hours on it. Somewhere in the middle, while not paying attention, I stumbled upon an exercise that simply said "Type in the names of two females and one male in addition to yourself and click Next". Fondly looking at my photographs from home, I of course entered all your names in (unknowingly, all right?). Here's what popped out:

It's 9 p.m., and you are hanging out with your friends, Krystle, Lauren and Adam, a first-year student. You're planning to go to an off-campus party at 11 p.m. Adam has agreed to be the designated driver for the evening. You're all getting bored as you wait to leave for the party, so Lauren pulls a few beers and a bottle of vodka from her backpack.

By 11p.m., Lauren and Krystle have each had three shots and a beer. Adam's the designated driver and he hasn't had any alcohol yet. He gets you to the party safely, and when you arrive the party is in full swing. Lauren and Adam head straight for the keg. Krystle heads for the dance floor.

You join Krystle on the dance floor. You dance for a while and then decide to go grab some beers. When you get to the keg, you see Adam drinking straight from the tap and a bunch of people cheering him on. It doesn't look like he's living up to his designated driver responsibility.

You decide not to drink, and instead ask Krystle if she wants to go back to the dance floor. She says that you should go without her. She's going to grab a beer and mingle on her own. An hour later, you notice that you haven't seen Krystle around, so you start looking for her. You finally find her upstairs in a dark room making out with some guy.

You get Krystle away from the guy. She's very drunk and can barely walk. She tells you that she's going to be sick. You find a bathroom, and she throws up several times. You find Lauren and Adam, and see that they're pretty wasted as well. Adam won't be able to drive, so you get him to hand over the car keys. When Krystle wanders out of the bathroom, she slips and falls down the stairs. She's crying and injured, and you need to get her home.

You announce to Lauren and Adam that it's time to go. Everyone gets into the car and Krystle continues to cry. She hurt her leg pretty badly in the fall. You start up the car and pull out of the driveway. You get everyone home safely.

The moral of the story? Maintain your academic integrity; DON'T CHEAT!

Just thought it was funny. : )

Love from Nikki

The subject: "Here's something to make you smile or piss you off : ) "

CERTAINLY nothing like this ever happened! Ever. *sneaks away*

1 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 24 September :: 11.06pm

i'm kind of peeved.

this needs to be a real confrontation but, things need to change.

regardless of what (you) may think or regardless of what (you) can or can not do, it isn't your decision, its mine.

i don't need extra drama and I know that (you) don't either. I know you think you know everything but guess what buddy, (you) don't.

there are many more of us who have been doing this for a heck of a lot longer then you, when there was actually something worthwhile at the other end. Maybe you'll learn from your mistakes, I tend to learn from mine.

thats all for now.

in other news, Gregory Luke returns on Fri <3

Do you remember?


:: 2003 24 September :: 9.06pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: "Gravedigger" -Dave Matthews

Everyone look at today's song. *waits till you actually look up, even though I told you to*....see the artist? That's right. It's not a typo. Dave Matthews. Not Dave Matthews Band. Today I got Dave's debut solo album. EVERYONE GO BUY IT! : ) I got the tee-shirt too, and an exclusive cd from the tour with tim reynolds because I'm a warehouse member. And because I'm special. So now all you guys on my bus can stop yelling at me, I will NOT be listening to Busted Stuff in the morning. But I will bring it to school, in case I miss it on the bus to the game. Stupid Thursday game..

I just got home from school. It's like 9 o'clock. I went out to dinner with my Uncle Bob and his new fiancee. The whole thing is kind of weird. First of all, Susan (his fiancee) bears a noticable resemblance to his two ex-wives. Not physical, but her personality and stuff. Second, and this is the part I dont get, he broke up with his last wife on the issue of children. She wanted em, he has two older kids with his first wife, and didn't want more. Funny thing is, post-divorce, his new fiancee has 2 boys, 11 and 13. Just seems kind of odd. Oh well, he's not the weirdest part of my family...

On a more band related note, I still suck at pit, and I'm still spending a good amount of time practicing. I almost have the third song down though. "I'm working on it." I think I say that to markgraf like 10 times every day. I need to play louder, apparently. A LOT louder. (But I thought it was full, not loud!) That's the one thing that I get yelled at the most for. "Lauren, play out. I can't hear you at all up there." Mmmm...yea, I guess I do. It's just hard to hit those stick thingies any harder against the marimba than I am already. But I'm working on it. Excessively. I'm such a bando now. Even Amy says so. I spend every waking moment practicing. Much of it is on the piano/desk/dashboard, but it still counts. Today Amanda called me Skillet in front of Mr. Markgraf. He laughed at me.

This is a really boring entry. Nothing else happened. I'm gonna go listen to some Dave now.

4 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 21 September :: 3.36pm
:: Mood: okay
:: Music: "I'm Still Here" -Johnny Rzeznik

I'm really pissed off. I left my entire music folder in the band room on friday. That means I've played nothing but the clarinet all weekend! I could not practice the new song at all! GRR! I'm also pissed that my parents made me delete Kazaa. -.- Apparently it lets in all kinds of viruses. Either that or they have no idea what they're talking about and just decided to delete something that I liked, so now I'm limited to things that I've burned to listen to while I'm writing. Not a good day.

This stupid percussion disease of not being able to keep my hands still anymore has given me freaking aim add. I can't sit here and not type. Not many people are online right now, so I came to woohu to write about absolutely nothing just because I have no music to practice and no one talking to me online. I don't know if that made any sense at all, but just go with it. Oh, and sorry about last night/this morning's post of all those quiz results...I was really tired and bored.

Today I finally went to church with krystle. (I told you I would!) I like her church a LOT better than mine. We got out of "big church" and went to help out with krystle's sunday school group of 5 and 6 year olds. They have a lot of energy for it being AM. I think I used to be able to be like that. Once. About 11 years ago.

I'm still trying to figure a lot of stuff out. I think IB is turning me into one of those people who needs a crisis. Either that, or there are a lot of crises right now. It used to be all about band. I don't really have too much to say about the workload of junior year, because I knew it was coming. I think that the whole lack of eventful things to deal with is leading to my whole blah-ness. It's like...I don't feel like doing anything, but it's not because I'm just lazy. There just isn't anything worthwhile to do. I guess theoretically I could "do my readin'," but I said worthwhile. I'm going to fail history no matter what I do. Actually though, I'm doing a lot better in this class than I did in last year's. I think it's just because I was so screwed over for last year by Mr. Lemon Head. The only thing I knew from world history in middle school was how to surf. God bless private schools. (>:o)

HEY! I just found ALL the music I downloaded!!!!!! WOOT!! It's all in a folder, but I'm no longer connected or whatever with kazaa. Now I can listen to music while I post!!! YAY! *adds music to top*

Anywho...I really don't know what's going on in terms of a bunch of ...stuff. I HAVE BECOME SUCH A BANDO! I think a lot of it has to do with Nikki leaving, but she got aim now, so ...woot! But seriously. I am spending all my time that I'm not in class practicing, even when I knew all the music. Now I'm all like obsessive compulsive about it, because I'm freaking out that I have to go TWO WHOLE DAYS without music! *gasp* Last year this would have been something to celebrate: I would have an excuse not to practice. It's just something weird. I practice more than leah. o.O That kinda scares me. I'm noticing myself slowly turning into someone else and it's kinda freaky. I'm actually being nice to people sometimes.. o.O Who would have seen that coming?? I dunno, I guess it's not that big of a deal, but just something thats....there. Is anyone else noticing anything? I can't tell if it's just inside my head, or if it's totally noticable, because no one has said anything, and I can't decide whether all these things I'm semi-unvoluntarily changing are good or bad.. Feedback please! I mean, come on, I'm listening to Good Charlotte right now, and actually liking the song. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?! Atleast it's only this one song I like, and I'm still listening to more dave than his mom is.

Speaking of Dave, I saw his new video "gravedigger" from Some Devil in the middle of the night, WOW! That's a cool video, and it's a sweetness song. He played it at the concert I went to, but we didn't know what song it was. We were expecting it to be on busted stuff, but it wasn't so we decided it was just something unreleased, which it was, but no longer is. Some Devil is gonna rock the house!!! I can't wait till I get it! That'll give me something new to listen to so the people on my bus don't complain that I listen to the same 8 songs every single day on Busted Stuff on the way to school. If they would only listen to it, they'd understand. Or maybe it's just that I'm more weird than I realize. I just think that everyone else has music ADD. Those people that can't stand to listen to a whole cd from the same band.. I just don't get that. I listen to the same cd every day for months and then switch it to like another cd from dave. Almost the only time I listen to non-dave is when I'm writing this, which is why very few of my songs listed are from dave. Because I know all of you were wondering! o.~

Ok, I think that's enough bs. I have nothing left to talk about, so I guess I'll go actually study for my history dbq. :-(

I am a question to the world,
Not an answer to be heard.
All a moment that's held in your arms.
And what do you think you'd ever say?
I won't listen anyway…
You don't know me,
And I’ll never be what you want me to be.

And what do you think you'd understand?
I'm a boy, no I'm a man.
You can take me and throw me away.
And how can you learn what's never shown?
Yeah, you stand here on your own.
They don't know me 'cause I'm not here.

And I want a moment to be real,
Wanna touch things I don't feel,
Wanna hold on and feel I belong.
And how can the world want me to change,
They’re the ones that stay the same.
The don’t know me,
'Cause I’m not here.

And you see the things they never see
All you wanted, I could be
Now you know me, and I'm not afraid
And I wanna tell you who I am
Can you help me be a man?
They can't break me
As long as I know who I am.

And I want a moment to be real,
Wanna touch things I don't feel,
Wanna hold on and feel I belong.
And how can the world want me to change,
They’re the ones that stay the same.
They can’t see me,
But I’m still here.

They can’t tell me who to be,
‘Cause I’m not what they see.
Yeah the world is still sleepin’,
While I keep on dreamin’ for me.
And their words are just whispers
And lies that I’ll never believe.

And I want a moment to be real,
Wanna touch things I don't feel,
Wanna hold on and feel I belong.
And how can they say I never change?
They’re the ones that stay the same.
I’m the one now,
‘Cause I’m still here.

I’m the one,
‘Cause I’m still here.
I’m still here.
I’m still here.
I’m still here.

9 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 21 September :: 1.49am
:: Mood: Kinda Tired
:: Music: "Ziplock" -Lit (I think that's the title...)

What is Your Destiny? by Valcion
DestinyDeath by Monkeys
Date when you fufill your destinyJanuary 25, 2017
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Your Claim to Fame by Danika
Day of Birth:
Lucky Number:
Claim to Fame:Honorary Degree from Every University in the World
Years You Will be Remembered:98
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

hmm...I dont think they have seen my history grades...

Which Wacko in the world gets you cornered in a dark Alley? by SunCrush
Your Name
Your Age
You had this in your wallet$240
Your attacker was a Mr. President George Bush, Jr
Did you win or lose the fightYes you won.
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Hell ya, I so kicked the President's ass.

F A M E by spazyspag
Youre famous for:Getting the most plastic surgery noted in history
You get famous:September 2, 2024
You make $$ per/year:$451,496,217,385,280
Do people like you?You're okay.
Dead/Alive:Alive, but not for long
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

F A M E by spazyspag
Youre famous for:Writing a novel
You get famous:February 19, 2072
You make $$ per/year:$1.84523185340996e+15
Do people like you?48901954 People think you rock.
Dead/Alive:Alive, but not for long
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Haha, I apparently am better off with my band-name.

Do you remember?


:: 2003 20 September :: 2.27pm
:: Mood: pensive
:: Music: Hey Baby! -Atlantic High Marching War Eagle Band

Umm...today should be a short journal entry, or so I say now. Not a whole lot going on since Thursday. I thought the game last night went pretty well. I mean, the football team won, but besides that.. I think we did pretty well marching/playing, from what I heard. I didnt really see it, kinda had my back turned, and nobody in pit can hear the band AT ALL. Amy can't either, I don't think. It's kinda a problem I would guess, since it will lead to separation of pit and band as far as sound goes. I think part of the problem is that hardly anyone is surrounded by people in their own section, or so everybody tells me, so I wouldnt imagine that they would be playing to their full ability like that. There actually is a point to sitting with your section in class.. I think Lerner's just an idiot. Although, much as I hate to admit it, he earned huge points in my book last night. When Gabe almost passed out, and scared the CRAP out of me and krystle, we were lined up to go running frantically around the field, and lerner actually went up and sat with gabe for a few. It was at that point that I thought, hmmm, maybe he does care somewhat about our well being.. Dunno. Just an observation. I still dont like him though. I'm closer, but not there yet. Pit so did an awesome job last night. Way to go guys! And I actually hit my 3 note solo! lol. I was so afraid to screw that up.. It's not like an actual solo, but I'm still the only one playing. You guys know how bad I am at playing anything by myself in front of people, and...thats a lot of people!! I was so nervous before the show though. We were just kind of standing around. We were trying to find people in the stands that we knew, we only found the youngman family. All of them. It's kind of funny that they bring their daughter to ATL football games.

So anyway, I talked to nikki on the phone last night for like an hour. I laughed at her because her band is so weird. They sing all the time. Haha. Northwestern band is even more of a cult than Atlantic's. Nikki, there's always room for you at uf band! ;-) I think Ryan's still saving you a seat! hehehe. But I am expecting more updates AFTER classes start! (grrr....they have not even started yet. -.- ) Oh, and I so dedicate today's song selection to Nikki!!!

Well, this is a short journal entry for me, but that's really about all that's happened, other than the fact that everyone is now calling me skillet.. hm. So...uhh..I'll post more someday when I feel like it.

8 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 20 September :: 2.44pm

i'm far too lazy to fix my last post. It's beary purdy @ www.livejournal.com~plainmornings


Do you remember?


:: 2003 20 September :: 1.56pm

fuckin fuck
I was all happy: I got suspended from work for a week. Great. So today is my first day back. About a month and a half, or two months ago, I said that I could work Saturday mornings, which was a big change from having not worked a Saturday at all in over a year. It was all cool, I worked Saturday mornings until I got suspended. So now I'm off suspension, and what am I scheduled to work? Saturday, 6pm - 9pm. Fuck you Publix. Only three hours too. Maybe I wouldn't be so pissed off if they actually gave me a full shift. I was all excited about going to Sharif's show too. Fuck. Sorry bro

2 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 18 September :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: amused

I have been amused all day. I got my music for the last(?) song of the show. (Do you hear the people sing?? lol amanda.) Anyway, Markgraf at the bottom of the page wrote "The end my friend." That amused me ALL day. Just ask people who have my 1st/2nd hour. I'm ...easily amused. Speaking of Markgraf, there is an interesting story from when you guys took your water break (singular) at practice today. I'll do it in script format, sort of.

Scene: I was practicing my part for master of the house while you guys were all getting water. I had no less than alé and adam behind me; I think krystle was there, but I dont remember. o.O I was probably around measure 20 when markgraf walked up to the marimba.

Me (immediately stopped playing): Hi. *wave*
Markgraf: How's the bass part coming?
Me: ...It's coming. I'm doing pretty well actually.
Markgraf: Ok... (waits expectantly)
Me: ...You want me to play it?!
Markgraf: Yea.
Me: Um..ok...from where?
Markgraf: How bout from 26?
Me: I haven't memorized the measure numbers, markgraf.
Markgraf: It's the pit part.
Me: This? (Play from measure 18)
Markgraf: No. It's the da da da....part. (it makes sense in my head, guys.)
Me: Ohhh! (Play from the right spot this time, virtuously flawlessly :-D)
Krystle: Ohhh! Lauren's got skills!
Markgraf: Yea, she's skillin'. That's what I'm going to call you now: Skillet.
Me: o.O

Later that day....(or after practice for all of you counting (non-lerner style, that is!))

Markgraf (after a brief conversation with a band parent): ...Right, Skillet?
Me: ...uhhh...sure. You're going to call me that forever now aren't you?
Markgraf: Yea, and I'm going to make everyone else call you that too.
Me: Bye Mr. Markgraf. I'll see you tomorrow. (walk away slowly)

So that was my practice today. We (markgraf, me, jen, and leah) also stood up in the back while lerner was talking (I mean...) and looked at the picture from last year. He was commenting on how he couldnt believe it was only taken last year, since some of the people looked SO different. Lots of changing hair styles this summer.. Anyway...other than that, today was rather uneventful..

We're discussing stress in health class, so we spent a majority of the class telling jokes. You know, because laughing is the best way to relieve stress. :-) IM me if you're stressed out! I've got a few good ones now! o.~ Got chem tests back...I still have a B in the class, but I'm very thankful we're about to do a lab. IF I actually do well on it, since I dont really know how he grades them.. I have another song to learn on the marimba, which I think I mentioned, but my life is now complete. Every year I have one thing that makes my life complete. Last year it was finally figuring out the origin of the word 'Alphabet'. This year it's learning the Rugrats theme song on the marimba. Freaking awesome. Let's see...I'm trying to think of everything else that's worth typing.. OH! I almost forgot!! I'm so going to the ataris concert! Woot! Everybody go! It's only 12 bucks! General Admission! It's gonna rock the house! If I think of anything else, I'll post it up someday, but I think that's about it for today. Today was just generally good overall. I like good days. I'll leave you with some Ataris.

Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.

Breaking into hopes of swimming pools, and reeking havoc on our world.
Hanging out at truck stops just to pass the time.
The black top’s singing me to sleep.
Lighting fireworks in parking lots,
Illuminate the blackest nights.
Cherry cokes under this moonlight summer sky.
2015 Riverside, it’s time to say goodbye.
Get on the bus, it’s time to go.

Being grown up isn’t half as fun as growing up
These are the best days of our lives.
The only thing that matters is just following your heart
And eventually you’ll finally get it right.

2 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 18 September :: 8.25pm

news straight from Gregs horridly messy room:

src="http://images3.fotki.com/v37/photos/7/71733/406325/Picture028-vi.jpg"> src="http://images3.fotki.com/v37/photos/7/71733/406325/Picture029-vi.jpg">


7 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 15 September :: 5.44pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: "Best of Friends" -The Fox and The Hound

When you're the best of friends
Having so much fun together
You're not even aware
You're such a funny pair
You're the best of friends

Life's a happy game
You could clown around forever
Neither one of you sees
Your natural boundaries
Life's one happy game

If only the world wouldn't get in the way
If only people would just let you play
They say you're both being fools
You're breaking all the rules
They can't understand
The magic of your wonderland

When you're the best of friends
Sharing all that you discover
When these moments have passed
Will that friendship last?
Who can't say
There's a way?
Oh, I hope, I hope it never ends
Cause you're the best of friends


We went out on Wednesday and had a blast.. We went to see American Wedding, where I so got carded (my first time!) then rented Drop Dead Gorgeous and hung out at chez moi. It was like the best time ever. Or atleast the best time since Christmas Parade last year. o.~ But the whole "leaving" thing was so awkward. What do you mean Nikki's going to Chicago? It's not really registering at all. That doesn't happen. I'm feeling better now than I was a few days ago, but it still feels really weird. I was telling Krystle when I got home wednesday that I just didnt want to do anything. It's a weird feeling ya know.. Didnt feel like sleeping. Didnt feel like eating. Didnt feel like talking to people. Didnt feel like sitting there. Just kinda wanted to not exist for a little while.

This whole thing though has made me realize how lucky I am to have the friends I do. I really appreciate you guys and I dont often say it. You guys really have gotten me through a lot of shit. Band/IB/life has put me on this emotional roller coaster (parenthetical to Krystle) that I can't seem to get off. All my friends really keep me grounded. I can remember after we marched at festival last year, and we all did so bad, we went back up into the stands and me and gabe and teri just sat there with each other and it was like the best ever, because I knew that no matter what we had done, my friends were there with me. That's the only good thing about IB. I have the best friends ever. I love all you guys so much.. *hug* (ahh!...*right eye twitches*) hmm...well Krystle, I tried. Just doesnt seem to work as well as when nikki forced me.. And with all the crap that's going on now for everyone, I know we all have issues, we can just rely on each other (uh huh, from one corner to another, uh huh...sorry.) You guys all know that no matter what happens in band or school or home or all three or what have you that we'll all make it through okay. It's just good to know. And I need my friends more than ever now. All this shit has been getting to me lately and just has not let up. All you guys are so great and you know exactly how to make me feel better whenever I'm down. Just wanted to write this entry kind of as a tribute to friends because I need you the most now, and I know you're there for me no matter what.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way (clap clap clap clap)
Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA
It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year, but...

I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.

You're still in bed at ten, though work began at eight,
You burned your breakfast, so far things are going great,
Your mother warned you there'd be days like these,
But she didn't tell you
when the world was brought down to your knees

I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.

No one could ever know me. No one could ever see me.
Seems your the only one who knows what it's like to be me
Someone to face the day with.
Make it through all the mess with.
Someone I'll always laugh with.
Even at my worst, I'm best with....
you - yeah

It's like you're always stuck in second gear,
When it hasn't been your day, your week, your month,
or even your year, but...

I'll be there for you...
When the rain starts to pour
I'll be there for you...
Like I've been there before
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too...

I'll be there for you...
I'll be there for you...
I'll be there for you...
'Cause you're there for me too.

Ok, so the Rembrandts can say it a little better than me... o.~

3 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 14 September :: 9.53pm

Rebecca Romijn-Stamos on her first appearance in Sports Illustrated:

"...I mean, how did Louis Armstrong feel when he was the first man on the moon?"

What a wonderful world....

Do you remember?


:: 2003 14 September :: 3.23pm

hes gone again :0(

I guess I really have no reason to be sad because I'm really lucky I get to see him so often and we had an amazing weekend.

Him staying over was the best idea we've ever had :0) i woke up Sat morning to him just staring at me... kinda creepy but ultra soothing too. We took a crazy long nap yesterday and watched One Flew ove the Cukoos nest. Last night I awoke to Greg laying on my arm and VERY loud purring.. my kitty was sitting smack on my stomach and chest, it was a very weird thing to wake up to but kinda funny. I tried to wake Greg up but he was all sleepy. shame. I got to see him after my class this morning. I miss him already :0(

BUT! I get to go to Gainesville on Thurs so that'll be nice :0)

oh yeah. We lost Fri night vs. Glades Central. (46-27 i think) it was... sad. I was kinda out of it Fri night.. I went wake/kneeboarding & tubing with Paul and Matt before the game. Sun exhaustion + crazy bruises EVERYWHERE! + no water or food = very worn out Vivi ... although i'm all in pain and stuff it was really fun. (<3s for Pauly & Matthew.)

I have a spanish oral tomorrow. I don't know ANY SPANISH!!!!!

i have to go to work in like 10min. This sucks.

2 Left their memory | Do you remember?


:: 2003 13 September :: 1.46pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: Big D and the Kids Table - Checklist

"Oh no Lois. A guy at work bought a car out of the paper once. Ten years later, BAM. Herpes"
Theres a FIF concert in Palm Beach Gardens on Saturday the 27th at some church. fuckin christians. it's their farewell tour. im soo there.

So on to real news: I got suspended from work for a week, so im pretty relaxed. I'm a little pissed though, because my gym membership expired, and I finally have time to go. It's been hard to get there while juggling school, marching band, and work all the time. Hopefully after FBA I'll be able to get there more. Im getting more and more out of shape every day.

Speaking of band, I'm not really happy with everything that is going on, but I can say I'm having a lot of fun. Everytime I see something that I really don't like, I just think that this is my last year, and I should try to enjoy band, and not be pissed about the little things. I had three years to do that. This is the fun year, and I'm keeping it that way. If people want to be pissed off about drum wars, or this and that, they can. I'll just sit back and watch. For real, it's not that important to me. I just want to have fun and enjoy myself, not be upset and complain every game.

Anyways, this Peter kid is such a fucking awesome sax player. I think I can honestly say that hes better than both Fowee and Bethany, back when they were here. My new goal for the year is to strive to play as well as he does. I need to practice more.
I'm out.

6 Left their memory | Do you remember?

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