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The girl with the dreamer's eyes and a soul for her smile...

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:: 2003 20 November :: 3.08pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Me - The Entertainer


oooh ahhh

maybe eBay could help me out??

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 November :: 10.53pm

point blank

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 19 November :: 1.12am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: andrea on the telephone

ohh man . even sicker than i expected . i can't believe i just saw andy c. with ak1200 . seriously , one of the best nights of my life.

in other news , here is some advice:

Taking time to really smoke pot will help you feel a lot less on edge and healthier overall. You can start to unwind by stopping and taking a few, slow, deep hits. Get inside for some recirculated air or a quick toke of the bong. Take a hit or a long, hot hit. Have a bowl of non-regular marijuana and sit in a comfy chair. Hitting the bong and releasing some of that pent up energy is also a good way to unwind. You could also pack a bowl or roll a joint to get your mind off things. Whatever works for you, just be sure to do something that allows you to focus on what you're doing at that moment, not on what is stressing you out in the first place. And don't feel bad about clearing the bong out for a while and taking enough hits for yourself. You'll be glad you did!

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 18 November :: 1.51pm

My stepdad was hit by a semi-truck while driving my old car. He will probably be ok

Jim is fine, the car is destroyed. My mom got pictures and it is seriously scary looking. I would not have wanted to be in that thing if it looked like it did afterwards, thats for sure.

10 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 16 November :: 5.44pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: sublime - ball and chain

andy motherfucking c . + ak1200 + five minutes of alex amoretti > ak1200 . definitely worth entry + gas . anybody want to come to orlando tomorrow to see ak1200 and andy c. ? find a place to stay and throw in for gas . haha . <3 peace

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 16 November :: 12.52am

I found this one some random person's journal and decided to steal it. YOINK!

Question 1:

If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had 8 kids already; three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend she have an abortion?

Read the next question before looking at the answer for this one.

Question 2:

It is time to elect a new world leader, and only your vote counts. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates.

Candidate A

Associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologers. He's had two Mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks 8 to 10 martinis a day.

Candidate B

He was kicked out of office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a quart of whiskey every evening.

Candidate C

He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer, and never cheated on his wife.

Which of these candidates would be your choice?

Decide first, no peeking, and then scroll down for the answer.


Candidate A: Franklin D. Roosevelt
Candidate B: Winston Churchill
Candidate C: Adolph Hitler


And, by the way, the answer to the abortion question: If you said yes, you just killed Beethoven. In case you didn’t catch that, the family was that of Beethoven’s.

Pretty interesting isn't it? Makes a person think before judging someone.

Never be afraid to try something new.

Remember: Amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

2 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 15 November :: 8.49pm
:: Mood: Concerned
:: Music: "Some Devil" -Dave Matthews

Ok, I was too tired to post last night, so this will be a double-post. I'll start from the beginning.

I'm losing my mind. I was supposed to go yesterday morning to make up an English vocab quiz that I missed last week during my mental health day, which seems not to have worked, by the way. I just totally forgot to go. I got to first hour and just went holy crap..I was supposed to go make up that quiz this morning. So when I got to second hour I apologized to Ms. Schilit and told her that I forgot and that I must be really out of it, because I never usually forget that stuff. So I asked if I could do it right after the vocab quiz we were taking that class, and she got all teacher on me. "I dont know, we'll have to see." What the hell was that?! So anyway, I just went and checked my mailbox and went to class. So then after I finished the vocab quiz for that day she gave me the one I needed to make up and I sat down to take it. About 3 questions into the quiz I was just like hmm...this quiz looks very familiar. And I read a few questions, and I could remember sitting after taking the quiz and talking to jonide like what did you put for the lobster:shell one? Which would mean, if my memory is actually correct, that I had taken that quiz with the rest of the class. So I finished up the quiz, because I didn't want to look in my folder and have ms. schilit think that I was cheating on top of everything else, and I grabbed my folder to look after I had handed it in. So I gave her the paper and just was like I think I've taken this quiz. I looked in my folder and sure enough there it was. And so she said well do you have analogy quiz one? I looked, and that was in there too. It's so weird. I remember thinking to myself that I had to make up a quiz. And Analogy quiz 2 was the one that they did last week when I was absent. But I was not missing a quiz because we took analogy quiz 3 yesterday, and I had 1 and 2 right there in my folder. It's like a week is gone in my head and I have no idea where it is.

Anywho... Health class was great. We finished "reading" the chapters. And by reading, I mean we read the little notes in the margins. Then Sicard was like well guys, what do you want to do? He ended up putting in his relaxation tapes, because he decided that we all needed to relax. It was one of those fun tapes like "You're walking through a forest. The time is early in the morning, so you can see the rays of sun passing through the tall trees. You have the feeling of soft pine needles under your feet." It was great. So I got a really really good nap in that class.

After school a bunch of us drove over to publix to pick up some dinner and then went to the park to eat it. It was fun, but we couldn't stay very long since the officer meeting started at 4:30 and we spent a long long time in Publix. When we were driving back to the band room (haha, I almost typed "home" there instead of back), a whole bunch of underclassmen were playing hacky sack baseball in the parking lot. So you know amy. She drove right up behind them and went "Steven! I love Steven! He's so cute! Let's run him over." We drove right up behind him, and then krystle beeped the horn and he got SO SCARED! He jumped like 2 feet in the air. It was hilarious. And then he got mad because we had embarassed him, and he sat on the hood. So we kept driving and he jumped off. It was really funny though. Then we went into the band room and Gabe came in complaining that Kyle had drunk all of his green tea, so we poured a mix of all of our drinks into gabe's empty tea thing and tricked kyle into drinking that. It was a good face.

LONG bus ride. St. Thomas Aquinas kicked the crap out of our football team, but it was a good ego booster for the band, because their band is pretty bad. We mingled third quarter with just their officers, and we met "the bell girl," who plays the marching bells, but is in pit. o.0 Oh well, the point is, she was jealous of our equipment! =-O We told her our equipment is crappy, and she said well crappy equipment is better than no equipment, which we agreed on, and then we laughed at her because her band is underfunded. Well, we didn't laugh at her while she was there, but we laughed later. Their football team is so well funded, and the band gets nothing. Stupid private schools. The bus ride back was not quite as long as the bus ride there, but it was close. I was really sleepy.

Ok, now for today.

Not much happened. I spent a good part of the day at the mall. I got a few christmas presents, and I bought myself a My Little Pony! AHH!! I love My Little Ponies! I have Rainbow Dash. I'll bring her to school monday. I know you're all jealous. o.~

5 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 14 November :: 11.55pm


....I guess I should be happy.

4 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 14 November :: 3.00pm

ATL playoff game tonight, and I'll be going. Yes, all the way to Ft. Lauderdale. And I'll be in Miami the rest of the weekend without a computer (Oh my! what-ever will I do?), so if you feel like saving me from downtime (oooh scary), you got me at 313-9761. I hope the football game will be worth going to! Don't disappoint me band or I just may have to ignore you all from now on!

I get to see my cats before I leave.
: D

4 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 12 November :: 10.17pm

i grow weary
of all this dreary
drowing in my own echoes
putting out signals no one cares to return
I think its time to put this soapbox to rest

_ Adieu

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 12 November :: 9.14pm

I'm once again here to state that I am very much ready to leave. My stay has been too long, and what I'm looking foward to most about college is simply moving away. I still am very reluctant to say that UF is my top choice. UCF is in a much nicer area, I actually know people there and going to Sebring would be MUCH easier (yes, that is seriously a consideration, gonig to sebring is my life). If my plan of opening my own business stays true, it's not gonna matter if I get a degree from UF or UCF. I can apply myself no matter where I go.

Oh my, I had to mention Sebring...It's so long til I get to go next!!! MARCH! ARGH! My first 12 hours at sebring during college is gonna be so nice! oh I can't wait. I wanna bring my car too. And my guitar is gonna be loud next time because now I'm actually good!

6 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 12 November :: 8.32pm
:: Mood: Getting Sick.
:: Music: "Gravedigger" -Dave Matthews

Something really weird happened last night. I was sleeping. I try to do that occaisionally at night. I had fallen asleep watching I Love the 80's (Strikes Back), and after it gets really late, or early, depending on how you look at it, VH1 plays Insomniac Music Theater, where they just play a bunch of music videos forever. So the weird part of this is, the drum beat introduction to "Gravedigger" woke me up at 4:11 AM. I looked at my watch and I was like wtf... And then I watched the video because it's uber good and I went back to sleep. This may not seem weird to most of you guys, but I am not a light sleeper. I have 2 alarms to wake me up in the morning, and that doesn't even work. At all. In fact, I have trained myself to press the snooze while sleeping. So the fact that a little bit of "Gravedigger" woke me up in the middle of the night/morning strikes me as odd.. As Will has put it, it's "Dave on the Brain."

I took a nap today. Or atleast I tried to. I fell asleep on the couch (with my contacts in, which I later paid for dearly) for about an hour. Although not all of this hour was sleeping. You gotta love these: "Hey Laur...Laur...LAUREN!" "Ahh! Uhh...what?!" "Are you asleep?" "Not anymore." -.- And that happened about 3 times. Within an hour. My mom finally decided that I'm getting sick and left me alone. I am too...it's just what I need right now. Sick. Oh well... might provide an opportunity to get a bit more sleep. But I have a party to go to on Saturday. I haven't RSVP'd yet, I'm thinking of not going. I dont know.

I have to start doing Christmas shopping. Damn, this is what makes me hate this time of the year. I'm broke all the time. Oh well. I like Christmas a lot. It's my favorite holiday. It's not that I don't like giving gifts, it's just that I don't like never having money ever. Yea. But I'm counting the days till Christmas break. 37. 23 1/2 school days. Can I make it?

Today I found out that I'm a Safe School Ambassador. I think that's kind of ironic. I have no idea how it happened. Actually, on the one paper they gave me, it said originally C. Gray, which is Cara Gray, who I know, but they just wrote an L over the C and put my room number on it. So I thought the whole thing was a mistake. But then on the other paper they gave me it said Lauren G. Which could be any number of people come to think of it, but my name was on the typed up sign in sheet at the meeting today. I was also signed in for the last meeting. o.0 Oh well, I've wanted to be in it anyway. Another thing to add to the resume. Now we're gonna make a movie. You know, one of those awful corny high school movies that they distribute around the country. We're famous! Sorta... I wanted to sign up for one of the things, but most of them are for guys. Whatever. I'll figure it out later. Someone remind me to order a t-shirt and give my money to Ms. Kelly. Yea. That's about it. Pretty uneventful. Clarinet Choir practice was cancelled today because we were locked out of the band room. My precalc book is still locked in there. Mr. Power is gonna kill me. I dont even have any time to do the assignment in the morning because I have to make up a vocab quiz. Oh well. I only kind of get it anyway..

LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 12 November :: 4.26pm

follow my footprints, be my shadow.
enter my body, look through my eyes.
trace my every word.
nothing else.
who are you to say who i am.
to say what i do is right or wrong.
to say whether im kind or cruel.
but judge me.
nothing else.
we arnt the same.
you arnt better, nor am i.
hate me. love me.
and nothing else.

1 TOUCH THE WATER!!! | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 12 November :: 1.44pm
:: Mood: feet hurt
:: Music: Led Zeppelin - Fool in the Rain

Sometimes you just have to have fun, and today I did. We finished les miserables in french class which is such a great movie. I wouldve liked to have seen a french version but of course it was made in english. Calculus was fun and the homework was so easy, pretty much finished in class. Art, I got alot done, but still have to fix my machisma that keeps breaking, argh.

Went ice skating with kelli, karyn, and matt which was so much fun. Going back december 4th, free entry and skate rental...if yall wanna come, just let me know...matt and i are trying to get people to come! My feet hurt pretty badly because i didnt lace my skates tight enough but oh well. I was such a jerk to them afterwards by completely forgetting i had an employee meeting after i had already invited them to my house. I feel so bad, still do. They seemed fine but i still feel bad about it.

driving home my favorite song came on the radio so i must cite lyrics!

I'll run in the rain til I'm breathless.
When I'm breathless I'll run til I drop.
Thoughts of a fool, kinda careless,
I'm just a fool waitin on the wrong block.

6 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!


:: 2003 10 November :: 10.57pm
:: Music: Sigur Ros


Girls, I was hot in 89.

9 TOUCH THE WATER!!!s | LeAvE a PiEcE oF yOuR mInD!

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