2004 2 February :: 10.07pm
:: Mood: so very tired
:: Music: Something Corporate
into the hurricane
So I'm walking up the stairs right? And I'm thinking to myself... what's the one thing that's bound to happen that'll make this another horrible week?
Nope, isn't more work.. that's already happened.
Yep! It's the wonderful family relations.
So I just knew something had to happen... since it just can't be easy for a change.
I hate being right.
And I've half a mind to just drop out of this duet.. I swear. I just freaking found out it's THIS FRIDAY!!! You know.. someone told me that last week... that I actually only had less than a week to prepare.. and I told them not to tell me that. I completely erased it from my mind. oO;;
So you know... it's not at superior level yet. And if we don't get a superior there... I'll blame myself naturally. Who else's fault could it be? I don't want to think about that weekend.
Damnit to be trapped in hell. Keep the week of horrible-ness moving slow... or speed up and face the weekend...?
Hmm.. I think maybe I actually got a little more than 12 hours of sleep last week.. I'm thinking around 15 maybe.
We'll see how this week goes. Already down for 3ish hours. And I was exhausted today... stupid carry over.
Anything else interesting?
Screw band... he's actually trying to give us playing tests every week. Any idea the kind of stress??? I don't have time for that!!
Oh, and I guess I do learn some stuff at the sectional.. but it'd taint the image to say so.
I want to talk to some people....... but I feel like all I do is bother them.. and only focus on when I need help. Not like I'm always there to listen to and help them... but when I want to talk it's like I feel all I'm doing is bothering them and they have better things to do. That and they're dealing with their own stuff so what good would it do to put my problems on them too?
Wonder how many tylenol I can take until I feel better.... we have those pretty gel capsules and a really big bottle that's in my medicine cabinet..
Maybe more later as I procrastinate some more..
With love...
What do you sacrifice for others that you insist on them not having to sacrifice for you?
1 love |
just breathe
2004 1 February :: 12.55pm
:: Mood: mixed
:: Music: Something Corporate
'I wanna go to sleep at night again...'
Forced into late night entries. Will money solve the problems that could make my life an ounce easier?
Hmm.. update on what's up..
My drill sergeant army friend got promoted recently. To um.. sergeant general? No.. the one below 1st sergeant in the NCO section..
He also got reassigned. To Iraq. He moves out to the desert wednesday. And he was good person for me to talk to too... He'll be gone a year. Another person and his family for me to pray for.
My nice new stalker is strangely there for me.. it's a comfort most of the time.. mainly. Not that he can really understand. But at least he can flatter a girl.
Kai's contemplating something important I 'discussed' with her. Though she really has no choice.. Still, that'll keep her away I bet, though I presume not more than a week this time.
Kyo's been having a hard weekend it seems.. and sometimes he's strongly there for me.. sometimes he's not. Hard to know if he needs the support or what.
Tom's been talking to me recently. Not sure if that's good or bad but he seems interested in my mental well being. I seem to attract people with the fact that I don't tell them what's really going on inside or what's happened. Some things no one knows at all. He's very nice though and I often enjoy his distractiveness from whatever homework I should be doing.
Umm.. What else?
Marta says she's coming back to visit late February.. hope that goes well.
Lerner's a jerk.
Need to keep up with Mike. And lumiakka. And all of my old Tabby/MT circle friends.. I really miss them.
Where's Stephanie??? And we need to do something with Chris soon... I miss them all so much.
I hate school. Glad to know I did little work this weekend. Just when I needed to work the most. It's only 1.. I still have at least 2 good hours to do it..
Problems in band.......... yeah, I'll leave it at that. Damn my hatred of lies to the extent that they confirm the things I don't want to know completely. Damn it all then.
My very best friend...... one of two.. I hold them so dear to my heart.. She's still here.... and she's considering Emory. Does that sway me? It's been years........ does she even remember me? Or miss me like I've missed her and the third member of our group..? I don't want to consider.
Umm.. yeah. That's good for now.
Staring into the intersection
She thinks she can fly and she might
Holding on in a new direction
She's gonna try it tonight
The closer I get to feeling
The further I'm feeling from alright
The more I step into the sun
The more I step out of the light
With love..
Question of the Day
What good news would you like to read in the paper?
just breathe
2004 30 January :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: sleepless delirium
:: Music: Mustard Plugs
random talks that almost let you connect with someone define mixed emotions.. too late
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Kacheek Swim' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
I had a post all nice and.. done two days ago, but then buttons got hit and it refreshed and erased the post. Could be a good thing though since it was full of cursing...
Ya see... Kai IMed me wednesday night. That's correct, it wasn't the weekend. I was beyong shock... I think I stared at the IM with a gaping mouth for several minutes.
I wasn't in a polite, glad-she-IMed-me mood. I was in a give-me-freaking-answers-now mood.
She tells me she's been away for 3ish months because things got to be too much and she needed a break from everything and everyone. *Points down to the chat with Kyo* That tells me there is something else. Besides my gut telling me so.
That really pissed me off though.. that she insists there was no real thing that kept her away for so long and unable to tell us.. specifically me, why she was away and how long she'd be gone.
I found this funny (revised):
[Kai:] I have to go. School tomorrow. You can eat away at me tomorrow night, how's that sound eh?
[Kai:] I'll be on longer.
[Me:] I'm afraid to believe you'll be on at all.
[Kai:] I'll be on, god dammit.
[Me:] And if you want to freaking curse then you do it after you have some credibility.
[Me:] Oh yes.. tomorrow at 7:30 my time is the last showing of my school play. I'll be there and not online naturally.
[Kai:] I'll still be around somehow.
[Me:] Don't be unless you actually happen to be.
[Kai:] Mh.. I'll be on, really.
Dunno, the cursing part I found funny.
So yeah, if I've seemed excessively happy, take a guess at the reverse. If I've been ignoring you or something, same thing.
Sorry Amanda, your book is really intimidating and I'm working myself over there. ^^;;
So does Win a Date with Tad Hamilton definitely beat out Down with Love? Hmm..
With love..
What kind of thing would you keep so closely guarded that even after 3 months you wouldn't even hint to?
1 love |
just breathe
2004 27 January :: 11.38pm
:: Mood: hostile
:: Music: current, metal, rock, whatever you'd call it.. Where's my Mustard Plugs?? I want to listen to them..
Jenga! Yay! Watch the pieces fall and you lose!
So I promised a few people what happened yesterday.. so yeah, I'll write that up now.
Yesterday.. also known as the... "I'm Totally Screwed" Day or a "great start to the fourth-week-in-a-row-let's-kill-Kristen streak!"
Yeah. So we all know saturday I took the SATs and probably didn't do well. [Did see Big Fish but that's a good thing and can't be mentioned in this kinda post eh?] Sunday.. what happened sunday again? Well dad left for another trip.. and I did work..
So sunday-monday was 2 lovely hours of sleep. You heard me. Chem test I tried to study for after helping some people.. Bed by 4ish. Mom came in.. and woke me up since dad's gone.. and said: 'It's 6:30. You have 20 minutes to get ready and leave..' It took me a minute to get it... and just went 'Ah damn. This is gonna screw my day.'
Up and ready by 7. Breakfast was a bag of 3 sugar cookies to eat through out the day. Good thing there wasn't a fight over throwing out nearly all the food last night...
Hmm.. Morning was hecticly trying to do chem for that impossible worksheet.
Math was a like 50 questions for homework.
Spanish was.. okay I guess, but didn't pay attention to the stuff the quiz is all on next class so I'll fail that. Studied chem instead.
Lunch.. Gum transferred itself from the bottom of my backpack to the back of my jeans. Thrilling. Ate a few nuggets, the rest got slid across the floor. Other things happened here I wasn't happy about that I don't need to mention.
TOK was interesting, sure, but work. Participated.. but don't think she took notice. Self-deprication and studying for chem.
Straight to chem class. I miss third lunch. Chem test.... I blanked. It was so horrible. So I completely failed that test. Danny tells me something that completely throws me and hit me hard. Not something said.. but something he plans to do next year. Don't ask. But yeah, something else in that class bothers me a lot too. A lot, a lot.
Drum sectional. I knew something bad would happen here...... For some reason I sat a chair away from everyone. They noticed and I was just like.. not a good day. They never did listen to my day. So I'm there, trying to pay attention and be good and all.. when what does he do?? Starts calling kids up to play a random exercise. Once again I wasn't feeling well, probably from little dinner, no breakfast, and little lunch but eh. Course he just had to call me up and I'm like: 'No.. please just not today..' Now if anyone actually knows this side of me.... I don't like to play by myself in front of other people. Especially like that. Weird, to have that problem and play the instrument I play, I know.. but yeah. So I couldn't focus and all and completely messed up and looked stupid. I can read that part. Damn it. So I'm just like. My day is completely screwed. That's the end of it.
He held us till like.. 5 minutes to 5. Home late. Worked till late. 5 hours of sleep. I've been hostile before and since. Things that I were counting on making me feel better online didn't happen. Though one of my new stalkers really came through for me.
Hmm... I think there were some other things... but I've already blocked them from my mind. Oh, my muscles really hurt. Probably since I'm either writing or typing and not sleeping.. so they don't get to rest.
That's enough out of me tonight right? Yeah.. that's good.
With love..
Ummm..... hmm.. Did you ever feel that you weren't doing enough to help someone.. and that the friendship was thus losing strength because of it? Or else to say that the more you helped someone, the stronger and longer lasting the friendship would be?
Oh! What did impress me today is 'friends help carry your loads' fulfilled itself in the physical sense today when people kept asking if I needed help with my books. Yepyep. Pretty cool.
just breathe
2004 24 January :: 11.56pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Still Shelly's Mix. Currently... Worst Day Ever(?) by.. Sum 41(?) But Amanda's Spiffeh Mix is in my
Catfish Tell The Best Stories
Even Krystle did it so you have no choice, whoever hasn't posted after reading yet.. oO;
Yeah, so I took the SATs today. Don't think I did well. Cold started clouding my thought for the beginning.
First time I ever omitted questions... ever. 12 of them. Damnit. I need to work on my math.
Lola was in my class, she's really nice. We talked for a bit after the test.
Who wants to see The Perfect Score with me once it comes out?
After the tets I started to feel really ill.. in several ways. I'm thinking maybe the stress I was supposed to have over the test but never really get is hitting me... maybe. But I stopped by Publix and bought some snacks... since there's nothing really here. ( Well, there is now since dad leaves on other trip. -.- ) The getting-a-dress thing didn't seem to work out.... don't think I would've been able to go though.
Got home and Dusty just looked at me, looking out the garage door to the street. He's really really really wanted to go on a walk for a while. I keep telling myself I'll take him after school everyday once I set up the routine... but too much stuff happens after school. So as soon as we got out there he started running! It was amazing how much he ran.. uncommon. Hopefully I can get him out more often...
Katie went to her recital today. Didn't understand til mom told me. I think she did well, have to ask her tomorrow. Someone else forgot their piece.. and if this ever gets around to them then they did very well for their first recital. They're hard until you get used to them, especially with a long/difficult piece.
She replied. That story I wrote? I sent an email after it to her. If you people noticed the day after I wrote it I couldn't focus on anything as I thought about her reply being there when I got home. *Drops down to look at the date* Yep, that was a few days ago. "I check it daily" = lies/avoidance. So yeah, now I'm all weird. Yet again she's promised to come online over the weekend. I hope too much. I talked to her about hope before. Damn it all why do I still hope?
If you had been talking to me today, you might have my weirdness. Really not feeling well.. *to above* She updated her journal too.. and said something.. that I have to help with. -.- She has to accept this kind of help neh? Can't think about what would happen if I didn't....
Went out and saw Big Fish with Krystle. I absolutely loved it. It was just what I needed today. ^^
I loved what they talked about... and Ms. Zap was right, it does correlate to Socrates and Plato. Wish I could reflect.
Is it just me? I always grew up watching the credits, even clapping at the end of a movie. I mean, the credits are to all the people who worked hard to put that movie together. What else do they get? And it's a perfect time to reflect. But people just leave the room as soon as the movie concluded. I find it so rushed and weird.. have they other things to do that they can't leisurely walk away from a movie with a sense of completion or impression?
True some credits just get annoying, then you leave.
( This isn't directed toward anyone, just a general thing incorporated into today's movie )
I wished on a star tonight. I laughed when I remembered the rhyme you say before you make a wish. I made many wishes. I think it was a planet... but it was impressive so either way it should be able to handle my many wishes. Only a few duplicates were for me.
I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with your journals.. I dunno, needed some kind of break. I'm working on catching up. Updated myself on Lauren's first ( only cause she posts less ^.~ ) then I'll go to yours Amanda. I'm weird eh? I feel compelled to comment on every post... I guess cause I know what impact it has to know it was read and thought about..
With love..
Question of the Day
Have you made a wish on a star lately?
Bonus QotD
What problems does money solve? What can't it solve?
Star light,
Star bright,
First star I see tonight.
I wish I may,
I wish I might,
Have this wish I wish tonight.
1 love |
just breathe
2004 24 January :: 6.49pm
:: Mood: thirst, a thirst that cannot be satisfied
Driving me insane
I thirst. I have the Need. That is all I can say for now.
1 love |
just breathe
2004 19 January :: 10.22pm
Story Telling
I absolutely hate it when woohu's down. I guess I'll have to send Andy some money so he can fix the problem.
Kay. It took me over an hour to write this story..... so yeah. And that massive headache is back. -.-
Once there was this candle. Sleek and tall, an ivory white, almost reminding of weddings and purity and joy.
This candle lived with a family of two parents and a young girl. It was placed on the table of the family's house were everyone would see it at least once a day and it was lit not long after the little girl's fourth birthday. It shown brightly, giving warmth and happiness to those who watched it, a constant stability in the years that followed. Yes, years. For that candle burned slowly.. much slower than any candle before it.
The years passed and the little girl grew, but she always sat at that table at least once a day and smiled at the candle she had grown accustomed to and loved. The candle was happy, since it had a loving girl to look after it and keep it company, and knew it was making the rest of the family happy as well.
By the time the girl was around seven.. life began to pick up a bit. The candle had passed halfway from it's original height but strained to keep standing tall for the family. It watched the world though, worryingly. The girl occasionally missed seeing the candle at least once on some days. The parents often exchanged harsh words. And sometimes there would be absolutely no one at the table to sit with and enjoy the candle.
The candle grew lonely, and did not strain as much to stand tall. But still tried hard to keep it's light strong in case someone from the family passed by and needed the stable light. So there it stayed, on the table, for close to another year as things around it grew turbulent.
Close into the new year the child turned eight and took on a new look of the world. She returned to the candle more often, taking better care of it, and sometimes even talking to the candle about her day. With this development the candle shined and tried to stand up tall again so the girl would always know she could come to it. But by now the candle was at a very small height.
Then suddenly things shifted. The parents were like whirlwinds and breezes blew through the house. The candle fought against the winds but, still being a candle, could do little to protect itself. The flame would flicker, dodge the wind, then grow as strong as possible again. Still, the parents were moving around quickly, and the girl was forced to pick up pace as well. Confusion and upsetness filled the house and the candle tried hard to overcome it all but it was growing weak.
The girl was sitting at the table talking to the candle one day when the parents blew in again. She stared at the candle as it struggled to survive and glanced frantically to her parents and around the house. She had to do something to save the candle she had grown to depend on. She couldn't move it, it was far too weak to move now. The parents weren't going to end their shouts of winds, there was only one way for that to end. She had to find something to shield the candle.
Then the girl found it. It was a glass jar. When turned and placed over the candle it would provide protection from the buffeting wind but still allow everyone to see it. She rejoiced as she placed it over the candle, and the candle rejoiced as well, finding everything better. The flame could continue steadily and the jar didn't allow any of the wind in to touch the candle.
The candle watched the girl's lips though it could not read and was comforted by the girl's presence. The girl in turn was comforted by the candle's survival and that the whirlwinds of her parents could not hurt the candle any longer.
So the days passed, but things passed differently then usual. The parents were slowing but becoming more violent. The girl was often forced away from the house for periods of the day. And the candle found it harder to keep it's flame going strong.
On one particular day the girl was cowering by the table, talking quickly to the candle though the candle couldn't hear, as one of the parents moved rapidly through the house. The candle knew that the winds must be whipping around but felt safe in its confinements. It also knew that the girl seemed scared and very upset, so it put forth all it had to shine brightly for the girl. At that moment the flame wavered and the temporary smile it had given the girl twisted into concern.
Her little hand went out for the jar but right then it was grabbed by the parent. The parent proceed to pull the child from the table and toward the door, yelling back into the house with violent flurries. The girl was hysterical as she cried out for her candle, trying to reach with her free hand for the candle that continued to be pulled farther away from her.
The door slammed shut and the candle looked around at the eerie silence. It sputtered and something appeared that it had never seen before.. smoke. The candle did not understand. It's flame grew dimmer and it thought about the girl. The girl it had grown up with, and the family it had helped to comfort. It thought of the smiles it had caused and the strength it's small flame had once provided. It looked at this new substance filling up it's glass jar and wondered about the girl's future. It wondered how the girl would get along and how the candle had not been brought to be with her.
And there, at that last thought, the flame of the candle wavered and died, puffed into smoke.
Left to die, completely alone.
But.. was it's the girl's absence that led to the death of the beloved candle? Or its loneliness of the growing years built too high? The deduction that the girl could never come back? Or the parents' whirlwinds of pain? Or was it simply the fact that it no longer received any oxygen to remain alive....?
With love..
Question of the Day
What do you see in the story? What do you think I wrote about? Which of the questions at the end do you think is right? Comments? Views? How'd it make you feel? Etc...
And don't look at other comments until you've made your own!!
12 lovers |
just breathe
2004 18 January :: 10.53pm
:: Mood: headachey
:: Music: Swing, Swing -All American Rejects -Shelly's Mix
Where can we find the Key of the Twilight?
I don't like to be lectured to. Maybe you could see that I've already been doing exactly what you're saying and I DEAL WITH MORE THAN YOU DID AT MY AGE!!! Good grief!! He tried to say that I dealt with normal teen things only: Does that boy like me? Do I fit it? How do I look? I nearly flipped out on him when he didn't believe I deal with things he will never have to deal with. He dropped out of college to join the army. Just compare school work and I top him.
Is it odd... that I'll let some people just believe I'm listening to their advice and humoring them? I tell them what they want to hear to make them happy. But in my mind I am saying completely different things... like leave me alone, or that's a stupid thing, or something. I tried to humor this guy's advice.. but he made me mad. He told me to do what I'd been doing.. but didn't acknowledge that it was what I'd been doing. And the like.
No, I haven't been reading your journals. I know... it's really odd. But.. I think I'm trying to take a break from people and problems and hassles since I have so much of my own. If you need me, or need to talk about something, still feel free to come to me about them! Makes me feel important or useful. But I don't think I'll go looking for them for a bit... until I can straighten some stuff out.
It seems Kyo was online all friday. I think maybe I had been waiting for him to IM me... a sign of caring and concern and immediate waiting for me no? I guess he figured to give me space and wait for me to IM him if I needed him. But from the previous IM I'd think he'd know better...
Analysis 3 from last post:
Sometimes when I choose what I'm wearing in the morning, I go completely off how I'm feeling. It usually is what I feel like wearing at that moment.. but sometimes I wear what reflects inner feelings. That all black outfit... that was the inside. Whenever I wear/wore that one it was of the inside. I turned a lot of heads with that.. surprised people.. but I wasn't really trying to be Goth, as my sister tells me I looked nothing like that 'category'. And the outfit with the short cropped shirt and jean jacket... another inside of me. Turned a lot of heads with that one too.. especially in bad. Several sides to each outfit, don't assume anything.
Shelly only lives 5 minutes from me!! That really does help me..
I have a massive headache... tylenol doesn't cut through it.. and certain people aren't helping.. I do agree with you Krystle.. I have a bad feeling about it too.. but I don't know enough about the situation to do anything as of yet....
Should I share this? The thought struck me... I dunno.. Alright sure, for those poor souls who have followed my dribble about Kai and Kyo without knowing anything about them.. this won't help ya! LOL Oo;; But still.
TWilli: Hi again
Kyo: 'Eve.
TWilli: How was your day?
Kyo: It was good except that I got smacked in the face and my braces cut my lip and it bled a lot.
Kyo: Now there's a hole in my lip that my braces keep getting caught on and pulling.
Kyo: I'm like
Kyo: Ow.
Kyo: lol
TWilli: AWWW owie smacked? by whom?
TWilli: and try some wax..
Kyo: I had to go home to eat and my friends didn't want me to go so they all dog piled on me.
Kyo: And in the process I got smacked.
Kyo: And wax is a good idea. Let me see if I can find mine.
Kyo: ^^
Kyo: Yay!
Kyo: I found it!
Kyo: Haven't even used any of it yet.
Kyo: Not since last January.
Me: You're busy eh?
Kyo: Busy?
Me: yes you seem distracted away for long periods
Kyo: That would be because my IMs don't flash.
Me: oh
Me: how has Kai been these last few days?
Kyo: *Shrugs* Dunno.
Me: The honest truth?
Kyo: No, it's not.
Kyo: She's been fine, as far as I can tell.
Me: Don't lie to me Kyo.
Kyo: I'm sorry...
Me: No, you're not
Kyo: I am sorry. I hate having to lie.
Kyo: If I don't lie to you, I lie to Kai.
Kyo: I'm always sorry, having to fucking lie all the time.
Kyo: It's horrible...
Kyo: And please pardon my language.
Me: Then don't. Don't tell the truth either, if you've been sworn not too, just tell me 'you can't say'
Me: Dont ever freaking lie to me though trust doesnt come easily from me
Kyo: I'm sorry...
Kyo: I really am.
Me: All in all, I guess I'd rather that you lie to me and not Kai. I'd rather you kept with her side and away from me. I understand when she comes first so I guess I'd prefer it that way.
Me: I only wanted to know if she was doing well..... because she did not send me the reply she promised me on friday.
Kyo: Ugh... I really loathe being in the middle of this crap. I'm sorry. ><
Me: Don't be. It's not fair for you to be in the middle. And I really try not to ask much about Kai from you.. but it gets harder.
Kyo: I understand. I really do.
Me: Can I ask something else (unrelated to Kai.. I think...) without you feeling worse than you might already feel?
Kyo: Go for it.
Me: What were you up to friday?
Kyo: Friday...
Kyo: Ummm...
Kyo: Nothing?
Me: Or was it thursday...? The day you promised you be back for me and free from exams
Kyo: I went a concert on Thursday.
Kyo: Last night I went to a party.
Kyo: I was on all day on Friday. oO
Me: oO Let me see
Me: Alright whatever
-Random unhappy end of convo-
With love...
What do you make of the above convo? Is it just me who sees that I'm upset and want to talk? Want him to ask me if I'm okay? Distant and numb and once again taking responsibility of pain I really shouldn't have to? Or am I in the fault with stupid thinking and all?
1 love |
just breathe
2004 18 January :: 5.25pm
:: Music: AFI- The Leaving Song
Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow (wow the song im listening to fits my subject....wierd)
I feel the need to leave Woohu. It brings me back too many memories. Although many of
them are wonderful, there are so many that I would like to forget. I love you guys, I really
do. To whomever reads this thing as well as who read my old journal thanks for the
support and for just being a friend. Even if it was only through a computer screen. I don’t
know how many of you will really miss me but I will miss many of you. I know some of
you don’t want to see me go but I need to. It was great being here for the time that I was but now I must depart. If it is any comfort to any of you I will drop by randomly and post here. I will miss this place and all of my friends here. If you would like to contact me outside of Woohu my AIM screen name is Suzisport and my e-mail address is Hope to hear from some of you. Much love.
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 15 January :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: Shelly's Mix. Avoiding #3 since it means something I don't think she knew...
reflections of a monstrosity
I tried to post this.. and aol shut off, then I didn't have any motivation to post anything. I still don't. Deal.
Here's a summary of things I remember:
First day of TOK. I think I'll like the class.. I like the philosophical stuff and all that.. I just have to be in that mode. Ms. Zapp is... interesting. It's what she wore today that caught me off guard. Let's see.... what was it...? Orange turtle neck with a white (? that or a solid color) undershirt, khaki corderoy (sp) skirt, white leggings, slip on type dark brown shoes. It was... interesting. Props to Amanda for the connection with Professor Trelawny comment. That's who I thought of! Just couldn't connect completely.
The rest of today was a bad day... not sure what happened anymore.
It was another bad day I'm sure. Something about a certain person making an important decision. Among some other things.
Zapp was completely out of line and her comments were uncalled for. *blacklisting* This did not boost my self esteem.
What else? Semi okay from what I remember.. PEGS. A few bumps.
Weekend.... I dunna like weekends except for the fact that there's no school. Bad news on Sunday... I'm not letting it happen. -.-
Percussion sectional. Gilbert is... hmm. He remembers my name. He only remembered like... 4, because some had him as a teacher. He didn't even remember Jake.. So I'm a bit freaked I guess.. was hoping he wouldn't remember me and how bad I play. Leah wasn't here for this or class.. wonder if anything happened.
This is bad. Can't take this new development........... And if anyone freaking tells me Neopets is just a game and get over it I swear they won't be able to see for a week. Among other things.
See below for analysis.
Things are not good. I'm dealing with way too much shit. (Yes, when I'm very upset I curse now.. you'll see it frequently as of late.) There is way too much to deal with. And hw? Forget that. I'm up til 2 trying to deal with various things. People are such jerks that they think they can pull the variety of things they have.. but things are definitely changing. I really think I scared the kid when I told him I was-. Kyo must've been surprised too.. hmph. Well he helped calm me down.....
Mrdgray is my new offical stalker. He was actually a bit comforting today.
Oh, and today was bad too.
Mrs. Schilit's so sweet! She actually recognized I wasn't doing well (she's noticed before) and asked if I wanted to go to the nurse. I actually said it wasn't that kind of feeling unwell.. in front of the class.. and she asked if I wanted to see Ms. Kelly. I said no. Elaina asks if I was doing better after class. So nice of her. Certain people aren't catching my drift that I'm not in the mood to talk about anything and want them to leave me alone. People dare to give me attitude.. Nodded off several times in history.
Still have no idea what I should do for my EE.
Band was interesting.
Oh, there was another war last night too. What the hell is wrong with her for not letting us go do the community service?!?! Freaking hell. And the news about my program is not good. They faced too many things without me being there and someone thinks I don't need to know about a new though temp tutor. Doesn't fly. She came through your family I hear.
Report cards. Ask a couple million times. Told her I didn't want to deal with it. It's good she didn't push me.
GIVE ME MY FREAKING ITEM!!!! -.- I can't judge people over the interent. Well, I can... but lies are the hardest to decipher. And I hate them most of all.
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'I *heart* Sloth' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
Major detachment. See, I don't face these kinds of things... I battle them without actually being there.
Several more mini problems. My health is getting affected too I think.
The detachment is reflecting in my work... I don't do anything for myself, I need someone else to do it for me. Something like that. It's bad.
At least school's been ending quickly. Major relationship problems. Some people better stop acting up like they do.. and snapping at me like they did, or they'll see a whole new side of me they won't like. Hmph.
Oh, sorry to those I snapped at today.. yeah. And for the day of the history essay.. sorry about that but I DO NOT like to feel like I'm stupid. Or to be made to feel stupid. All of that. Besides, I was just so confused about this one section I couldn't explain what I didn't understand and needed her to help me. Though I feel like she doesn't like helping me.. makes sense.
Those who went to the SAT Prep skipped out on the last half and went to Ellie's. That was so awesome and I was happy.
Kyo promised me he'd be on... so did someone else. Of course they're not on when I rely on them. Kai promised to write me a reply tomorrow.. The last time she 'talked' to me was December 29, 2003. I think I'll busy myself instead of coming online.
More misconceptions? If he doesn't grow up I swear... Problems again with real life relationships.. I need to deal with some stuff soon. -.-
I hate black and whites. I either trust someone completely... or not at all. I don't trust easily, certainly there are key weaknesses.. but it is hard for me to trust.
Something's happened. I don't know the cause. My account's been thrown into a State of Mourning that scares people. Something important was taken from me and he had better pay it back or I'll retract my calmish replies and make life hell for him.
Oh, and now I do not trust anyone.... I don't care if I've known you for 6 years, you're a close confidant, you're family, or what. Things are majorly changing.
Analysis 2.
I might remember later.
I think there was even an Analysis 3..
With love........
What am I missing in life? What's not there that should be and I don't see? I could one thing.. or a few.. But it's like there's something I can't name that's missing..
(This QOTD adopted from some questions by Lauren of which I can't find right now. -.-)
just breathe
2004 13 January :: 6.31pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: The ring of my cell since someone is calling me
It would really help if you wouldn't yell at me when I ask a simple question. Even if I should know the answer you could answer without yelling at me. Sorry if I frustrated you but still you could be somewhat more patient with me.
just breathe
2004 6 January :: 11.04pm
:: Mood: weary
:: Music: Linkin Park
speak it again and i swear you'll die.
Well I told you today would be bad! I did! It went all sour and yucky and gross..
It started out fine. We left early for some reason.. and got there and Danny was still out in the lot. Talked with him a bit then walked in with him and Allison. A belated gift from Jenn. It was really nice. Sweet of her. Hugs to belated birthday kids. A hello from some unexpected people.
Allison and Kristen are now in my math class, that's cool.
The bad started here with grades though. I swear if I hear one more comment about how my grades are doing and the like..
English was a disappointment. I did deserve better on that first essay. I'm the only one in the freaking class who understood what Mairs was really saying!!! Hmph.
Don't talk to me about history. If he fucking gives me two C's because he's mad I went to Japan the screw him!! I need to try harder anyway. Wait.. harder? You mean I try at all?? Since when?! Don't talk to me about this exam.
Natalia and Ruth join us along with Tom and a bunch of other people. Now we have a big class. He hates big classes. Lunch was fun. Thanks to Kyu for the pictures! I look horrible in them but what can I do? Eh.....
The way back from lunch just made the whole day collapse. He's the one who didn't try in trig. I get hit with the punishment. He didn't seem to care about the transfer. I must really freak out his girlfriend.. sorry about that! But.. now two of them are gone. Who else do I go there for now?!?! Screw it all.
Band was.. empty I guess. Lerner talked for over an hour about rules and stupid stuff. Then we got the rest off for fun. I love that time. But me and Leah worked on our duet. I really drag her down but eh. Got 2 or 3 pages pretty much learned.
Yes, Gilbert is coming back. Hopefully it's a good thing. Yes, we will be good and I'll have less responsibility. Stressful though. Beyond what you can imagine. Don't talk to me about this please..
A real hug is too much to ask? An actually caring and just-for-me hug is too much to ask. Later then.
Haven't had a will to do much once I got home. Had to blare the music to feel a bit better. Read pretty much the whole first section of the Zen book. I find it pretty interesting.. except for the parts at the end I skipped. Heh.
If you don't back the hell off me then you won't ever know ANYTHING about my work EVER again. Don't ask for my grades. Don't tell me not to let them slip. Get over that grade for one test and look at the cummulative grades. Yes, those would be A's. Forget the D's. SHUT UP! -.-
Late at night and there's little will for anything. Sleeping till I don't- no, not here.
With love..
If you had a camera that could capture anything.. anything at all, what would you capture?
1 love |
just breathe
2004 5 January :: 1.55pm
:: Mood: silly
happy days make me happy. why can't there be more of them?
At excatly 12:58.. my Neo bank account looked like this:
Account Type : Millionaire Mega-Platinum
Current Balance : 1,000,000 NP
Millionaire Mega-Platinum Interest Rate : 10% per year.
Yearly Interest : 100,000 NP
This interest rate means that you will gain 274 NP per day (it's rounded up)! You will have to claim this yourself by clicking the Collect Interest button below.
Bad news for my friend. Please pray for Atryeu.
Yeah, so today was actually a really good day!
I got enough sleep.. and slept pretty well.
Went to see what was up with my skin.. and it's the first time I left that office without being moved to tears. He actually made me happy.. and said some parts would clear up soon. Things were good.
On the way there the radio played pretty much my favorite song: American Pie. Touching and very good sign.
Bought the medicine I needed. Mom was being nice.
On the way home the radio played my second favorite song: Turn, Turn by the Byrds I believe.
Did what the man said to make my skin better... and it's working!
JFJ came on and said something to the effect of: You're becoming one of my best friends and one of the people I want to come online for!
Very very touching seeing as we just met and all I've done is give my picky criticism to her.. Made my day.
Atryeu got on to talk to me too. I really like her, so nice! Such a sweetheart too.
A neomail from lumiakka. Wondered if she remembered me.. Why do I think like that?! Of course she remembers me! Now all I have to do is IM her.. I will I will.. she could IM me too! Hmph.
A few more good things.. what else?
Well they were good.
My Pocket Seibustu collection is coming along nicely. And I'm thrilled that I'm earning them on my own.
The only thing to dampen today's awesomeness is the knowledge that tomorrow will be one of those horrid days. It will be. Without a doubt.
With love..
What books do you feel are masterpieces and the entire world should read them because they're that good? Especially I should read them since I'm the coolest..! So put them in a category so I can keep them in better order (fantasy, sci-fi, historical non-fiction, etc etc as detailed as you want to be nice)
1 love |
just breathe
2004 4 January :: 7.25pm
:: Mood: happy
Praying for a Snow Day
I'm bored and happy. I'm also praying for a snow day. Probably won't get one though. DAMN!!! Not much to write about though. So I'll catch ya'll later.
1 love |
just breathe
2004 4 January :: 7.20pm
:: Mood: happy
Bad Breath Poem...I guess
Step back!
You need a Tic Tac!
I'm sorry to be mean,
But you need some Listerean.
Not a sip,
Not a swallow,
But the whole damn bottle!
An old poem from childhood and it's still funny.
just breathe
2004 4 January :: 2.42pm
:: Mood: -.-
stomp the flowers
I've suddenly switched moods, not that some things that've been happening around here've helped.. but yeah, this ticked me off:
01/04/2004 " Re: umm "
I've always thought that Smurfs perpetuated the communist myth. However, there's no rational explanation why Care Bears, Popples, My little Pony, and Strawberry Shortcake ever came back. TMNT I can understand, but not any of those overly feminine cartoons. My theory: subliminal messages, desinged to stay dormant in our brains until we became teenagers with lots of money.
Seriously, you don't want to tick me off today. If I had been active on the board when she said that.. I might've lost it. You don't mess with my 80's cartoons. GOT IT?!
Well, I got my weekly or so update on my counter that I moved to my page site: 4 views this week. Guess that means I've really got to link everything together huh? I really do have a lot of content... Alright! I'll do some of that today! And I'll post the progress here. MUAHAHA
The word of the day is now 'good'.
Yeah, yeah I lied again. I ended up not feeling like linking anything.. so instead I created another web site addy to be a second part of my site for the large chunks of pic collections I will have. I'm currently working on my pocket-bishounen, pocket-bishoujo, and pocket-seibutso collections. If you know anime IM me a couple dozen times until I notice.. or post here or something.. ha no idea what I'm saying. This'll take a while though. ^___^ Yay for procrastination things from work!!
With love..
What's your favorite anime and why? And if you don't like anime, have you tried it? You should. If you have, try other kinds. Nearly every anime is different and NO IT IS NOT A CARTOON. That does upset me. If you've checked out a lot of different animes and still don't like it, why?
3 lovers |
just breathe
2004 3 January :: 12.39pm
:: Mood: wide awake...
:: Music: the tv. then Shelly's Mix which is still in my cd player. now only the computer's murmerings.
Told Krystle I'd be in bed by 12.. but Katie hasn't even gotten ready for bed! Ah well, maybe another go at Deadly Dice for the av at 3 am. HEHEHE
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'MAGAX: Destroyer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
A huge thank you to king for getting me that!
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Math's Nightmare' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
An even bigger thank you to enchantress for this one!! I even got a trophy for it!!
SmarterChild: Here's the Scorpio horoscope for Saturday, January 3rd, provided by
You're a consummate expert in some fields and a hopeless disaster in others. It's only natural to judge people, but it's wise to keep those judgments to yourself. Many things are acceptable in the name of fun.
I've been thinking recently about what I'll do when I grow up. (Yes, I still use that phrase even when I ask other people.) I always had a knack for talking with someone, and being able to guess what they would most likely become when they were older. I'll be looking you guys up when the time comes to see if I'm right. ^.^
So.. I've realized it's changed slightly from what it used to be. I'm still very much interested in animals. I love them. But.. I've also realized that with my thing with being able to somewhat feel pain that's not my own I wouldn't be able to really help them...
I never really wanted to be a vet.. I think I drifted more toward the zoo keeper/something to do with raising orphaned baby animals and such. I'd really love that. But.. I don't think I see that happening. *sigh*
I know I want to be a wife. And a mother. Maybe two kids or so. Three seems a bit much and one doesn't work for me I guess.
Someone asked today if I was an investigator or a lawyer.. since I had tracked them down with only a few clues to ask them to play Math's Nightmare for me. *points above* I'd never be a lawyer.. But an investigator.. I'm observant and all.. and the actual point that I was the only one that put it all together to find her makes me wonder..
Another person asked me yesterday what I wanted to do. He said I'd make a good soldier. I told him I hated the military. Especially the army with a fear of the navy. (I completely support our troops in all that they do and give them everything in gratitude for their sacrifices and bravery.) But I had to think.. I would make a good soldier... Not for the listening to orders and other crap. Since we all know how well I take certain kinds of authority.. But the whole reflexes and skills and observation and adaption stuff..
That leads to what I've seen for myself in the future. I don't like to share what I see people being.. but eh. I'm seeing investigation/undercover type work. In the political circuit if ya know what I mean. Not sure though.
With love..
Question of the Day
What do you see Kristen doing when she grows up?
The P.E.G.s are back in action!!!
It's about time she woke up and decided to fix it!!! Everyone knew she was the only one who could fix it..
7 lovers |
just breathe
2004 2 January :: 12.55pm
:: Mood: sleepy
blahbity blah = neopets
Wow.. such a rush. Neo's been updating the news SO LATE!! GRRR
They added a new avatar. Alien Aisha. Man the prices for nerkmids shot up!! Near unbuyable (100k in shops).
I happened to have.... 6. HEHEHE
Used one:
You have won 191 NP, and ... oh no, another Nerkmid falls out!
Magical Golden Nerkmid
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Alien Aisha' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
W00T! That was on my sister's luck too. HAHA
So I sold the rest.... wow.. I was seriously afraid to look at my shop till. Amanda had to push me in there rpish speaking. And another friend sent me a link that said 'THIS IS SO COOL! CLICK HERE!!' that happened to be my shop till page. SO FUNNY!!
So I did check. A bit over 300k. Wow.
Now I have three times as many np in my bank!! HEHEHE Almost 1 million! w00t!!
Yes, I've updated the missing Question of the Day from... two or three posts below. Somewhat silly? Very random. Hope no one takes offense.
Can't remember if there was anything else I was going to say.....
With love..
Question of the Day
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it does it still make a sound?
(Brought to you by my sister..)
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 2 January :: 1.56am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Shelly's Mix
Catch that Pant Devil!! He's stealing dreams!!
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Werelupe' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
As of 3.. yesterday morning. W00T!!! I'll get hounded over that one. Like this post:
01/01/2004 " Re: oh ok... "
uffy has all the good pets! the lupe, the mootix pet...
Another rush of new friends.... or they want something from me. HMMMM What could they want?
It seems I decide who gets the werelupe out of 3. And believe me.. when the owner and the 'next in line' first caught me with the pet they were beyond shocked! It was sorta funny..
Two new friends got temporarily frozen. Paint and Josie. Paint is the owner of the mootix pet.. who got his back before the freezing... (yes people won't be happy that I was the last to get it).. and who gave me the werelupe.. he's pretty cool. And Josie was to get the werelupe next.
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Suteks Tomb' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
Yet again..
And lastly it seems king has agreed to get me the MAGAX avatar. The 4th of 5 to mail him within 3 minutes of the new year. Geez. So that should be good. Paint convinced me I could trust him.
No, no one has to understand my dribble from Neopets.
Saw my first episode of Cowboy Bebop... it was... strange. Kai's apparently obsessed with it. (Which reminds me.. talked to Cass yesterday morning too.. It's a big deal. She said thanks for the email I sent her. I was afraid I had overstepped something when I wrote her. I usually feel that way with what I write her.) And I saw the last 10 minutes of my first Inuyasha episode! Also strange.. but they're both highly acclaimed animes.
What else... Randomly not feeling well. Food doesn't seem to appeal to me.. sick at the thought. I'm spending my days on Neo, that's why it's all I have to talk about.
Tomorrow I'm going to the soup kitchen for my first time. Yep.
Umm.. Happy First of the Year!
With love..
Question of the Day!
Where does the road end?
(Brought to you by sugerangel022, a random user on Neopets)
2 lovers |
just breathe
2004 1 January :: 12.10am
:: Mood: hyperish.. again!
:: Music: the news.. talking about New Years in different countries
*confetti and balloons* Let's celebrate!
At exactly 9:04 pm.. yesterday, I did my first prank phone call!! MUAHAHAHAHA
It wasn't much.. It for my sister. They were messing with a friend and wanted me to call and ask for someone who didn't live there for the 2nd time (someone else called first). But since it was the 2nd time it went much more into it.. 'He's not here..' 'Will he be back anytime soon?' 'I mean wrong number.' 'Oh! Sorry.. Heh. Thanks! Bye!' *click* SO FUNNY!! ^^;;
So, there'll probably be a Neopian War 5 or so over this mootix I've got.. Somehow buca found out I had it! No idea how.. and that was the first neomail I got.. first of many. About 5 people from the guild mailed me for it, even though they knew it wasn't mine. This one was particularly interesting.. enjoy!
Whenever your on neomail me...*drools at st0opidness*
^^;;; Hi count..
betting your not abandoning st0opindness right?because you already abandoned?(i think you did
Nope! I haven't abandoned yet, paint wants the pet back tonight. What, was it announced that I had gotten it?
no i looked it am gonna go ask paint if you can transfer it directly to me...
LOL Then everyone looked it up I guess? You're free to do so.. I doubt he'll like that idea.. but eh. As far as I know he has 2 more people set for it next..
i dont think he is on anymore
I believe he signed off, yeah.
psss...could you know...transfer it to me in
HAHAHA Believe me, I know how much you must want this avatar.. but I can't risk the evil darkness of paint! I'm afraid to even think of what evilness he'd do... *runs to hide again*
I could abandon it,you could adopt it and lie and said you disabandoned a...different pet?
oO;; Deary me, sorry I really can't. I'm sure you'll get a turn for it shortly. Hang around the guild board at midnight NST for a few days.. and you have AIM so that's a plus, that already puts you ahead of others who really want it.
I AM NEVER GONNA GET THE DARN THING!*gets his pistol out...*
EEP!!! *runs to hide elsewhere* Yes you will! I told myself I had absolutely no chance and I got it! Just keep stalking the board at midnight each night!
*bangs head against wall 5 million times*
AWW *tacklehug* oo;; You'll get it!! Just don't tick paint off and hold out for that right moment!
*pulls trigger while it faces his chest(with his crappy bulletproof armoour on*
AWWW So silly! You should not have firearms! *grabs gun*
lol Uffy...*grabs the gun back and aims it at uffy*
*takes out his magnetic to count's hands Uzi*Now please put the lenny in and no one gets hurt
Now where do you get these things?! *puts the lenny in front of herself* Let's not be hasty now... I'm sure if there's a dead pet the petpetpet will leave!
good point...and i just imed paint and he said noones using it for a few days*takes it off his hand with his magical gloves*sorry if i was...errr...overacting a bit
*patpat and tosses the lenny back with her other pets* Umm... No problem.. lol! All in... safe.. fun.. oO;
safe fun? you could have been killed!
Aww... You wouldn't have pulled the trigger on me now would ya?
well i havent taken my medicine
Oh dear! Wait.. have I taken mine..? Hmm.. *dances* See what you did! Now I'm hyper! Near death experiences over a lenny always make me hyper!
*eats a snorkle snout*
Something has Happened!
Since you ate a snorkle snout,you don't get the avatar since you are a human!All you get is Lung Cancer!DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HMMMM I gave my pet one of those! It gave me a totally different random event... something about being able to use something.. somewhere..
Lung cancer! That'll be horrible! I get your stuff when the cancer takes over! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
your soooooooo evil!
I sure am! I love all my avatars.. so sparkly and shiny... my preccccccioussssesss.. MUAHAHA
Scary huh? Hope you all enjoyed!
You are now eligible to use 'Suteks Tomb' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
Permission to use it.. again. GO ME!
Someone's post:
when its 10 o clock here ill be talking to u guys from another year!
How freaky is that? I can't think about that.. Time is irrelevant anyway.
With love..
Question of the Day!
What should my new year resolutions be? HEHE
2 lovers |
just breathe
2003 31 December :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: The Leaving Song Part 2- AFI
New Year
The year is yet coming to another turn. As friends, families, and couples celebrate. I am left alone in my home with my mother, father, and Fawzie to celebrate the New Year. My love is off at a party. Which is more than fine because I want him to do what he wants to and to have a good time. I hold him back from nothing, unless it’s personal harm or
harming of others, but that’s another story. Even though the holiday is lonely, I’ll be fine.
Soon this hell filled rest of the week will pass and I will be able to see him and spend time
with him on Monday.
I have nothing else to say really. I may put some new stuff on here later but who knows. Well, I ‘ll catch ya’ll later. I love you David.
just breathe
2003 31 December :: 2.54am
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Something Corporate
'I'm breaking the habit.. tonight.' (Linkin Park)
Good early morning to you all! To me it's still tuesday night. Wow.. wednesday.. Stupid break needs to slow down.
So I went out to the movies with Meredith and Krystle. That was fun. Meredith looks so grown up with the hair cut! lol It's cute. You all who haven't seen it yet will be surprised.
I liked the movie. There was definitely some mushy love stuff that could've been cut out but still, it was a pretty good movie.
The highlight of my day was after the movie though. Near midnight talks. I needed to talk. And I'm glad it was with you. Perhaps we can do it again sometime? I'd be happy. And I stand by everything I said. Pretty much.
Dad wasn't thrilled by my calling an hour later than I said and seemed suspicious but didn't push it. I guess things going on can be a good thing! Heh. No one was on the road so it was a cruise home.. about 5 minutes? MUAHAHAHA
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Mootix' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
Bow at my greatness! HAHAHAHA I am SO THRILLED with this one!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA
With love..
Question of the Day!!
Why do people order a Big Mac large fries and a DIET Coke at Mcdonalds? They must be trying to watch their weight...
(Brought to you by by_the_way262, a random Neopets user)
AHHH A DOUBLE QOTD!!! (aren't you lucky?)
Who was the 1st guy to look at a cow and say "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink what comes out?" And why in the world would they try that?!
(Couldn't resist! By another Neopian user: ih8uawl)
just breathe
2003 30 December :: 1.35am
:: Mood: euphoric
Friends Make the World Go Round
So after a very bad day yesterday (2 days ago technically) I'm on Neo and hanging out and guess what! I made friends!!
One I met in my new guild. Yes, I'm in a new guild.. and actually active! It's a shocker but I get lots out of it so hey. And yes, it's an avatar guild. ^.^ Amanda and Lauren, don't kill me! And Lauren, I rejoined NSPCP on a new name.. and sent in a form to get my council spot back whenever you get back over there.
So she's really nice and we exchanged screen names and it's the... third person I've made a connection outside of Neo with, not counting TheRealNeo.
Then bucacaffe came back!! Another friend I made through avatar collecting but much more influential. I'd seen her account frozen.. but didn't have the heart to take her off my neofriends list like I do to everyone else. A sign too. She got her account back and still remembers me! I'm thrilled. And she put in a good word for me with..
The third friendish person! She got buca's werelupe. Buca said if she had known I was on she would've set up a time for me alone to get it.. SO SWEET! So this person considers lending out the werelupe and with the recomendation by buca I'm quite high on the list! She's really nice and polite and all, very rare on Neo now.
Then someone from the guild sent me a random gift. I was very happy. Went to bed happy and all. And it carried over. I like friends.
With love..
Have you ever been without friends or felt them drift away? Story time! LOL, not particularly unless you want to... SOMEONE wanted something to do. Though this isn't exactly fun. I'll think of something fun in the next post. Go look!
2 lovers |
just breathe
2003 27 December :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: fuzzy.. and.. mmmm
:: Music: I don't hear anything at all.
stealing dreams and wishes... find the Color Kids
Fun to alter the time so it's still the day you think it is.
Go to DragonSpeaker's journal to see a good summary of the day's activities.
The rest of my family headed off to buy my sister a nice Clavanova. Also known as a really high end keyboard. That's her Christmas gift. She's happy.
I had some fun today. Some comments made me just stop.. and some hurt.. But I get over it right? The movie varied between really cute to 'what the freak do they [Disney] think they're doing?!' to boring and stretched to a variety of others. We were loud and had fun. Sorry if I was annoying.
Things are coming back. I fight it, I really do.. but I see it coming and I know there's no way to stop it. It's numbing.. and cloudy.. Um yeah.
What else to say? Should I say this here? Why not.. Not like I'm in a very self-aware mood..
I feel like it again. Nothing new, really, but this time.. there's no one around..
You know why people call me a friend? Because I make them feel important. I pay attention when they try and say something. I laugh even slightly at a joke. I nod when they make a comment. When no one else acknowledges them. Thus they feel important and keep me around because they enjoy that feeling. Easily replaced. No? Only because you don't feel like going out and finding another person like me. Became something I swore I'd never do. Everyone must swear they'll never be a Yes-Person. Those people who agree to everything. Yeah, them. I'm sure special. Loved. Belong. Why the hell am I here?
[No offense to anyone.]
She's stopped talking again. Don't I expect it? Is that why I keep away for as long as possible? Two days and counting. Kai's either intimidated, really away, or.. yeah.
Where's my lazer bazooka so I can burn these demons?
Oh, and I believe this stuff'll be moving since this lovely mask is supposed to be happy.
With love..
What's your happy thought [think Peter Pan and flying ability happy thought]?
(This QotD brought to you unknowingly by Amanda.)
1 love |
just breathe
2003 27 December :: 12.51am
Midnight Melodies
Props to the person on the other side of this conversation. Send me an alarm if you want this placed elsewhere.
Funny how it can beat and bleed.
I've always been the one that helps everyone get to dance with whomever they want but sits out myself. Alone.
It feels good to help, but it's like... drawing the knife out of your own heart to hand it to someone who needs it. Cuts and aids at the same time?
Whisper to the Wind. I remember those dances. Cursed times with a clouded mind. Your turn will come soon, it has to and I dont doubt it will.
No, no one needs the knife that cuts your own heart.. you'll end up putting it back.
Funny how it can beat and bleed.
That's what I tell myself
Funny isnt it?
Like I say, irony is my constant companion.
Too true
It is never far behind me
I'm at a record with number of updates in one day aren't I?
1 love |
just breathe
2003 26 December :: 11.04pm
:: Mood: anxious? still disconnected
slip. fall. maul. : )
I haven't much to say today.
I wasted my life on Neopets today.
I'm really self-conscious about how I look right now. Moreso than usual. My skin is peeling like mad.. and it's down to like below the lowest layer. I may decide not to go out of the house anytime soon.
I found what I'd forgotten to add to my journal. You know... when you put off updating and then do the updating like I do one tends to forget somethings... So here, props to Lauren for.. allowing me to steal her update. (SHHHH She doesn't know yet but we won't tell her will we? No we won't!)
All in all, christmas was rather disappointing. Don't get me wrong. It's got nothing to do at all with the presents. Well, no.. wait.. yeah, I got some things quite irreplaceable to me.. So that's not really it. I didn't want anything that I didn't get; mostly because I wanted about 2 things. Well, I didn't get a car, but you know... Can't set my hopes too high. But this year I have just totally lost my enthusiasm for Christmas in general. I'm just like ehh, it was here, now it's over. We didn't decorate the house at all, not even putting ornaments on the tree, only lights. We mildly decorated.. I believe there's a strand of lights somewhere down there.. and one ornament is sitting on the table.. Tree? That was it. I realized in the car two days ago that the main reason I must not have realized it's Christmas is that I didn't realize we weren't even putting up the tall fake Christmas tree. No. All we have is a 3ish foot tall fake tree with needles that change colors. No lights. No ornaments. Dear God when have we ever not gotten the big box of ornaments down and decorated the tree as a family??? I just don't know what's wrong with me, I love Christmas. But I'm thinking that maybe it's because I have so much to look forward to right now that are better than christmas. I'm looking forward more to going to PA than I normally am for Christmas, and before last week I was looking forward to break more than I normally am for Christmas. Yeah, maybe that's it. Wait... No.. I'm not going to PA... Sure, I very much looked forward to break.. but.. Christmas... So maybe it's not that I've lost my enthusiasm for Christmas, but it is diminished by other things going on? Dunno. I've just been pondering it. I've been doing everything I can to get myself in the Christmas spirit. Listening to Christmas music and stuff. I haven't been able to stand Christmas music this year. Can't stand it. I can listen to maybe a few songs if someone else wants to hear it... but I just can't.. listen to it like usual. Repression? Maybe it's because there weren't gifts to look forward to since the only thing I really wanted I went out and bought for myself. But it's not just the gifts. It's always just Christmas in general. Just seems to not be there.
I hope Lauren doesn't mind me stealing and editing her post.......... But she won't be here to tell me so until she gets back... So yeah.
With love
Question of the Day
Have you ever felt like you wasted a day or so of your life? Have you felt it often?
Oh, and props to Amanda for the subject name.
2 lovers |
just breathe
2003 26 December :: 6.29pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: the tv
As Christmas has come and past I have found out a few things. I have discovered how much I truly and deeply love David. I knew it would be a lot but I never imagined it to be like this. Do you really know how much you truly loe someone until they have been away for awhile or until you have almost lost them? I don't think you do. No one knows this but everynight I talk to David. (I know we talk for an hour or two before we fall asleep, but I stay awake after the conversation has ended). I stay awake and talk to him even though he can't hear. I tell him everynight, with greta inadaquecy, how much I love him, how much I want to spend the rest of my life by his side, and even though David nor whoever reads this may not want to know this I am going to tell you this anyway, when I am finished telling him this....Icry myself to sleep. I cry because I am away from the love of my life but also because the thought of living without him is unbearable. I also cry because the wait I will have to bear will probably be long before I actually get to have him as my husband in everyones eyes. I love you with everything I have, i wish I could give you the world but I can't so I give you myself, every last bit of me, in hopes that, that is enough.
That wasn't the only thing I have discovered. i have also found that I have truly let go of Ben. No part of me, not one, wants him. Before i would have given anything to be just his and only his, but now things have changed. I only keep his notes and pictures of us for memories of what was good. There are so many that are very wonderful, I'll hang on to those. Even though they do show our relationship and reveal how much we did love each other, that love is only memory. That is all it will ver be..... a memory. It is a good memory that I will hang on to. I hang on to it because it gives me hope that there is love and even though relationships do fail we can move on, we can let go, and even, love again. So with that I must say this....
Ben, I forgive you. Even though you hurt me so badly I do forgive you. You taught me a lot. Don't let the fact that you hurt me get to you. If you do that you will only bring yourself down. Don't remember the bad things...well, yes, remember them but let the good overcome the bad. I have healed, moved on, am happy, and let myself love again without fear. Now it's your turn to do the same.
Discovery is a beautiful thing and in my time away from David I allowed myself to discover and I'm glad that I did. No David wasn't holding me back. Well, he kind of was because this took time, a lot of time alone, and a lot of thinking. With him around I wouldn't have been able to ask for so much space.
4 lovers |
just breathe
2003 26 December :: 11.55pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: Shelly's Mix
Why do we do the things we do?
A Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope it finds everyone well and happy!
Yes yes, so the most popular question: What did you get for Christmas?
Well, personally I got 6 of the new My Little Ponys, 2 of the For Dummies books (photography and digital photography), those go with the new digital camera, some candy, a voice-activated Kacheek, some stamps, and a few other goodies.
You know, I had forgotten that Christmas only lasts for 20 minutes or so after all presents have been open and then it becomes the bonus clean-up-the-house-and-put-away-all-your-crap day. I did get to send out a nice holiday card to everyone though. If you didn't get it then I either have the wrong email address or no email address at all. I can still send you a late one if you let me know.
My family used to have traditions.. I love traditions.. I still have the traditions.. they're just in my world now. Maybe I should write them down in case I forget.. Though writing down pretty much ensures my forgetting.
Oh, if anyone is curious to see what it's like to be in a house without Christmas spirit on Christmas Eve or the entire day of Christmas you're welcome to stop by here. It'll at least be one of those days each year.. unless you're unlucky and catch a good moment.
With love......
Question for Today
What did you get for the holidays?
Why are gifts the main focus of the holidays? It can't be getting along? Or giving? Or being together as a family? Or spreading good cheer? Or spending time with neighbors? Or visiting the hospital or soup kitchen? Or not being greedy and selfish like me? Such a strange world we live in..
1 love |
just breathe
2003 25 December :: 6.52pm
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'Snorkle' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
Something Has Happened!
You are now eligible to use 'I Taunt the Pant Devil!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
The Black Pteri will be waiting for you in the BATTLEDOME!!!
37 avatars and counting.
With love.
Have you any idea what an avatar is?
A Merry Christmas Eve to everyone!
7 lovers |
just breathe
2003 23 December :: 7.42pm
:: Mood: disconnected
lost touch with reality?
So.. the most amazing gift for Christmas has been given to me. I didn't expect it to happen before like.. spring break.. but it did. Completely out of the blue and of course, on the day I leave for that trip.
I got a neomail. Sure it's not the same as her being online but it's not too far from it.
Kai contacted me. Completely on her own free will. She said she missed me the most. The most out of whom is still in question but of well.
Oh, and we've started back up the old Gundam Wing rp too. Something I've really really wanted to do but thought she'd grown tired of. I've got the last 140ish posts that I still had (some of my returns got deleted due to limits but still) and put them on this page here for the insanely bored but mainly my own archives.
Yes so, this amazingly wonderful thing that I've been waiting and hoping forever would occur (we haven't talked in... about 6 months) happens and I should bouncing off the walls. But I'm not. I'm happy... but not as happy as I know I should be. And worse yet is that when I first saw she sent me a neomessage, I didn't respond and actually stayed away from the computer for a while. No wonder it was easy for her to stay away so long.
Amanda's right. I am disconnected.
With love....
What do you do when you get disconnected from the world?
1 love |
just breathe