2002 6 November :: 10.55pm
...Tonight, it seems as if a beautiful friendship is emerging...
And so.. my predictions were true. I think this is the best way to get your heart broken.. I can honestly say that i'm okay right now and I can smile because I truly believe that things are going to be okay despite "status" or such. I think I prefer it this way.. being open and honest.. I'm far too paranoid about these things to have it on my chest making me worry to death. For the past 4 months every "relationship" I have engaged in has been an absolute mess because my heart has been bound. Love doesn't fade easily... more times it just doesn't fade at all but I think I got the closure I needed.
and to (you) like I always say, Unconditional. (You) have been my world for what seems like forever. As a friend as a whatever I will love you unconditionally. A beautiful friendship... almost better.
...the end of a beautiful era...
to the wonderful people who have been with me through this just know that you're truly the best and I don't know what i'd do with out any of you. Thank you.
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2002 5 November :: 9.36pm
:: Mood: numb
noone told me unconditional wasn't forever.
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2002 5 November :: 8.23pm
"Tell your mom you need the day off. So we can play out in the rain..."
"This song will become the anthem of your underground"
"Close your eyes, you're beautiful when you're sleeping"
"I picture you sighing softly. Only in my dreams"
"Heres a thought. If you're willing to listen"
"A beautiful girl can make you dizzy"
"Its yet to be determined but the air is thick and my hope is feeling worn"
"so sick so sick of being tired and oh so tired of being sick"
"Beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sun"
...things that make me happy...
It was never written in the stars,
Or whispered to me in a fall breeze,
It didn’t come from traveling to a land afar,
Nor did an angel come to me in my sleep,
I sought no answer in god’s scriptures,
Or sipped some magical potion,
It did not take first sight of a picture,
Nor some unexplained sense of divine devotion,
It is not even in the words in this poem I write,
Or hidden in a the lyrics of a song,
All I know is what I feel in my heart is right,
For you are the one my soul has so longed,
It is something that will be forever true,
That love I have been vested shall never fade,
For my life is complete now that I’ve found you,
Because it was you for which I was made.
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2002 2 November :: 1.48am
The Perfect Season... well almost anyways 9-0 and one game to go and its just against Olympic Heights soo no sweat :0P
Tonight was okay. I got to see Lauren from Dwyer which was really cool. Matt and I are mad at eachother again but then again whos REALLY surprised? Yeah.. me either. ummm Score. 22-14 ATL-vs-Dwyer.
I fell asleep in a really ackward position on the way back & was in a really cranky mood. We (me, Ben, Stephy, Jenn & Whitney) went 2 Taco Bell where we met up w/a gazillion people. It was okay cept Matt getting all mad at me.
Thank you Ben <3
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2002 28 October :: 9.19pm
:: Mood: interrogative
Free Your Mind
what if. your world collapsed. what if one day you looked through someone's eyes and saw into their head. peered through a television set. what if you looked through all of these material objects as if they were invisible? what if all the meager little threads in the parchment that holds your life together were to suddenly snap. because someday. things will enter a state of full collapse. and sure, there you are, in your comfortable, cozy mindset. funny thing is, most are too absent minded to realize something has collapsed. that something is wrong. and then there some never even realize anything has ever happened. A Native American could see the absent minded nature of most humans in the 1700's, and was,I believe,to effectively sum this up in one sentence:"The only thing the whiteman can understand is a mustket ball to the head." Unfortunately for you, that is your only cure. Free Your Mind.
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2002 28 October :: 5.19pm
:: Mood: pissed the hell off
WTF! I think I could have DIED! Guess what, TBS (TAKING BACK FREAKING SUNDAY LIKE MY FAVORITE BAND IS COMING with The Starting Line = VERY good band too) GUESS WHERE VIVI'S GOING TO BE....... IN FREAKING TAMPA FOR THE FREAKING FESTIVAL OF THE FREAKING WINDS URGHHHHHHHHHHHHH Dec 5-9 i'm guna b in Tampa... TBS is playing on a weekend nontheless, Dec 7th and i'm going to miss it.
I'm very sad right now.
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2002 27 October :: 9.57pm
2002-2003 Marching War Eagle Band (minus like 10 people though)
okay yeah. the stupid image wouldn't work but you can see it at
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2002 27 October :: 12.12am
Vermonster = 20 scoops of iceee cream, 10 brownies, cookies, fudge, caramel, bananas, whipped cream, sprinkles, gummi bears, cookie crumbs and just soooo much more... Ben & Jerry's = amazing!
Fri: WE BEAT PALM BEACH GARDENS 12-7!!! That sooo means we're #1 in the district! anddd #3 in the state according to Chris :0) yay ATL!
T-bone sleepover... actaully Fri night was a HUGE mess. After the game we went 2 Dennys on Linton & Federal (us being me, stephy, vanessa, ben, Chris D., Matt and Paul) later on Shane showed up but not until I was already wedged in the booth between Matt and the wall. Paul and I switched pants under the table.. let me tell you, those sexy pasty white legs in my black soffees = HOT STUFF! haha Shane left w/o saying goodbye and I felt bad :0( after that we went 2 the beach & it was just an amazing night... definate makeout atmosphere and yeah... thats basically what happened... little did I know that would get me in a gigantic mess... I felt soo bad.. I don't know.. Matt and my situation is kinda bleh I don't know.. I just felt soooo bad today (eh technically yesterday) o wait i 4got to talk bout the sleepover... i taught Chris and Ben how 2 play shithead and we did that then just passed out. We made it to school on time fortunately... 9 freaking AM!!! I was sooo up at 7:30 bleh.. so yeah. we rehearsed from 9-12 and Shane was really mad at me the whole day. Around 1:30ish we headed over to Santaluces to watch other bands perform. Shane was still ignoring me. We performed at around 6:20 and did okay... we got an excellent which I guess is waht I expected... its really disappointing after 18 straight years of superiors we got an excellent. I guess thats pretty crappy but I had no emotion towards it. After we got back Shane finally apologized to me for being kinda assholeish and I apologized for the Matt thing and things are getting better. I went to Checkers with Jess, Corrie & Jenn and met up with Sam and Liz at Ben & Jerry's where we experienced ice cream ecstasy which kinda made me sick. Now I am at home really tired. Goodnight <3
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2002 24 October :: 8.21pm
:: Mood: giddy
tomorrow = TBONE sleepover!!!
plus the big game vs. Palm Beach Gardens... they are the only other team in the county thats undefeated like us :0) Should be good. Also the middle schoolers are coming so yeah.
so yeah. Trombone sleepover before festival. basically 5 girls and Ben lol its at Ben\'s house too soo yeah.
I have been soo happy these past few days::sigh:: heh sweaters = soooooo sexy... wow... I think I obsessed bout that all day haha he wore my jacket thingie... i bet it looked cute but then incredibly gay all at the same time. I missed Thursday and Poison the well tonight which sux :0( I also missed Catch-22 on Tuesday. That really really really sux :0( :0( butttt thats okay. Festival is on Saturday. My bands screwed.
Thats enough for now. goodnight <3
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2002 23 October :: 9.06pm
:: Mood: Perpetuating Nothingness
Upon insightful thinking I have reached my own conjecture in that we are merely beings chosen to carry out the task of keeping the flame of humanity alit, never knowing or gaining any assurance as to why we do so. Always progressing backwards or regressing fowards. Essentially, we are perpetuating nothingness. Keeping alive the past and present because we have no higher task to take hold of. However, it is in this task that we divise a purpose of our existence.
You may hear one state their purpose in life is to be a teacher, soldier, fireman, artist, model, fashion designer, musician, etc. In essance what are all of these voacations doing? Are they fighting fires or teaching or defending others or writing music because they have chosen the task themself? Or perhaps, the task has chosen them. While it is comforting to think that one has chosen their vocation based upon the liberty of choice in their mind, I have conjured a different conclusion. Take myself up to about a year ago for example. All my life, from infancy to present, i have been surrounded by airplanes. I have been taken on a sickening number of flights for someone my age. Put into cockpits, taken to airshows, shown countless videos and given more books and readings on airplanes than I could read. No wonder why up to a year ago i wanted to be a pilot. It's what i had been taught, shown, and put amongst me my whole life. Chosen by ideas i had formed due to this so called thing named "inspiration." I'd rather refer to it as imitation. Following something that isn't yours. People laying down the foundation of their life based upon another's life. Individuality is begininning to wither on the vine. People like to talk about the advent of robots and how great it would be. But they fail to realize that we are not making robots. In turn, we are becoming the them. goodnight.
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2002 20 October :: 11.38am
last night was ::gasp:: amazing...
Jessie & I went up 2 the show on MILITARY and hypoluxo, NOT Boynton lol it was soooooooooo much fun.. when we got there everyone was still chizillin in the parking lot. Matt& I walked over to Checkers where I met these really nice guys from Fallen From the Sky. Boca boys haha. Came back & Shane was there for a min ;0) that made me happy too. Then he had to go to his dads house in West palm :0( poopie. After my man bitch departed I chilled w/everyone else (lots of ATL kiddies!) and met some other cool people. I personally liked Fallen from the sky but most of the kids there were more hXc so they weren't too into it. Face Rapist was... terrible? maybe not terrible but i'm not really in2 hXc.... Drewish & Ben's band Drowning Ophelia was... AMAZING! They were seriously the best ones there ( and no i'm not just saying that cuz they're my friends heh) Andrews got the most beautiful voice and I almost died when they played the epic... just amazing! umm The Red Rocke Fiasco was okay... their singers voice was ... well let me rephrase, his scream kinda sucked lol I didnt' really pay attention to the last band.
Afterwards we all went 2 the Boynton Ale House. That was fun.. being smushed in a booth with 8 other people lol regardless... after that Lexie and Jake left and the rest of us ( me, ben, noah & alex ) went to super walmart where we walked up and down the aisles trying on weird crap. I tried on this horse head thing and like these 2 ladies walked by and were like " we tried that on earlier & it got stuck..." lol wtf 1am and some weird ladies were trying on horse heads?? haha Noah got a reallly reallly pimp Power Puff girls' watch & Alex and Ben split this plastic knife set... after that we dropped off Noah and Alex and met up with Matt, Mike and Mallorie at Dunkin Donuts. We chilled there for a while and saw an excursion limo from homecoming. It was Laura Vargas & co. limo & they were all piss drunk. THat was pretty funny. Mike was being a real asshole so Ben & I left. Ben took me home & we talked bout lots & lots of stuff.
It was a wonderful night <3
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2002 19 October :: 1.26am
a wonderful way to end my evening...
grlwthepnkdrsson: so tell
grlwthepnkdrsson: its like saying something just to cause trouble
picsxstarsxdream: wtf
picsxstarsxdream: i just asked u if u liked NOah anymore
picsxstarsxdream: and u asked me why i asked
picsxstarsxdream: and i fuckin told you
picsxstarsxdream: dno't pull this shit on me i'm not in the fucking mood
grlwthepnkdrsson: why would you ask me something like that
grlwthepnkdrsson: thats really rude
picsxstarsxdream: because someone asked me if you still did
picsxstarsxdream: so i asked cuz i didnt' know
grlwthepnkdrsson: so they asked if i did so they could go after him
picsxstarsxdream: this person doesn't want anyone knowing so i'm not guna say anything
picsxstarsxdream: basically.
grlwthepnkdrsson: well who are the other people then?
picsxstarsxdream: what does it matter
grlwthepnkdrsson: it does matter
grlwthepnkdrsson: vivi im asking you as my friend to please tell me
picsxstarsxdream: and as a friend to the other person i'm not.
picsxstarsxdream: why do you care
grlwthepnkdrsson: why do you care that i care?
grlwthepnkdrsson: and you can go tell that person that i do still love noah
picsxstarsxdream: wow you do't make any sense.
grlwthepnkdrsson: and it wont really matter because im sure they'lll go after him anywyas
grlwthepnkdrsson: they shouldnt ask if they dont care
grlwthepnkdrsson: noah can date whoever he wants
grlwthepnkdrsson: its not like im going to beat them up
picsxstarsxdream: fine then cuz you know what
picsxstarsxdream: you're right
picsxstarsxdream: it is up to noah
picsxstarsxdream: you can't stop him or them
grlwthepnkdrsson: who said i was going to?
grlwthepnkdrsson: stop putting words into my mouth
grlwthepnkdrsson: and stop acting like a bitch
picsxstarsxdream: no megan, thats where you're dead wrong. You're trying to manipulate me. you're being the bitch.
grlwthepnkdrsson: why are you being so paranoid?
grlwthepnkdrsson: i dont manipulate people
grlwthepnkdrsson: i prefer being straight
grlwthepnkdrsson: if i want to know something i asked
picsxstarsxdream: megan i'm done with you tonight. i'm tired and i'm not putting up with anymore of this. goodnight.
grlwthepnkdrsson: YOU caused trouble by starting this
picsxstarsxdream: fuck you
grlwthepnkdrsson: you read my journal and were aware that i liked him
grlwthepnkdrsson: dont ask questions you know the answers to
grlwthepnkdrsson: just being you're upset dont take it out on other people
what i fucking do to keep a friends privacy. Fuck it. Fuck it all.
Besides that wonderful confrontation things have been okay. Chris & I are done now & its been what, a day? haha already got boys that want me ;0) eh. i'm just happy bout it cuz thats never the case. Tonight was... wonderful <3
o yea and we won our homecoming game 27-0 against Wellington ;0P
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2002 16 October :: 9.54pm
JamaicanRedVixen: what if i said the husband and i were fucking too?
JamaicanRedVixen: ;p
picsxstarsxdream: WHAT!
JamaicanRedVixen: he's very good in bed
picsxstarsxdream: WHAT!
ummm EXPLAIN!!!
yeah. adding more now at 11:30pm... Chris and I are technically broken up till further notice. It'll be better this way. Anyways, homecoming week... crazy shit... um. homecoming parade tomorrow night then the homecoming game then the homecoming dance that i'm NOT going to... yay mayb now i'll go to Drewish's show! <3 yes yes.
Brighton says i'm a pedofile. yuck.
2 months and 4 days till my bizurthday!
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2002 16 October :: 9.20pm
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2002 13 October :: 2.18pm
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