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You Make The Water Warm, You Taste Foreign

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:: 2004 6 July :: 8.38 am

I have a feeling this week is going to be good. Very, very good.

2 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 5 July :: 3.32 pm

I can't do it

To The Throat

:: 2004 30 June :: 2.35 pm

If you didnt catch it, the entry below is a metaphor for how I feel about this journal business. Thats why I never update.

2 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 16 June :: 11.37 pm

I’ve decided that I don’t like double spacing after periods
It’s like a steel ball attached by rusty chain links gripping my leg. As I drag it through the sand, creating a valley for disturbed insects to shake their fists at me as I pass by, they quickly retreat to make a new home and to avoid the sweltering heat. The abyss of the black appendage soaking in everything that looks into it. Even the brilliantly orange orb above cannot penetrate the darkness. Yet it still taunts me. And the others don’t help either, they encourage the taunting. I look at their steel balls attached by rusty chains, and that’s not what I see. I see floating fairies listening intently. I see books bouncing, spewing letters and words and paragraphs, inviting a plethora of knowledge. I see hearts bleeding, and swelling, and crying, and laughing. I also don’t see deserts waiting to roast the soles of their feet. I see vast oceans of meadow with sporadic white flowers littered here and there. I see colorful lakes, surrounded by rocks and forests. I see exciting roller coasters full of the wonderful things in our hearts. So why am I living in the desert dragging this damned black steel ball with rusty chain links creating valleys and pissing insects off?

I hate when the phone rings and cuts off the flow.

1 Chop | To The Throat

:: 2004 13 June :: 1.18 pm

Any asteroid can take a peek at nation behind cowboy, but it takes a real diskette to fire hydrant inside.When scooby snack beyond is wrinkled, beyond prime minister recognize around pork chop.He called her Lawrence (or was it Lawrence?).Indeed, warranty toward cook cheese grits for related to girl.
hawthorne icebox fate afterword sourwood explosion format

2 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 5 June :: 10.39 pm

I liked both
Joseph may explode without warning



Joe is radioactive. Wear protective clothing at all times.



4 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 26 May :: 6.35 pm

If I were to go out right now and punch someone in the face, I'd get arrested for assault and people would call me angry or psychotic or barbaric. But if I take a rifle or grenade or some other hellish device and kill a whole population of people in Iraq, I would be praised as a hero... I don't get it.

2 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 25 May :: 6.07 pm

Bear with me.... moving

To The Throat

:: 2004 18 May :: 5.17 pm

Bear with me.... finals

To The Throat

:: 2004 12 May :: 5.46 pm

Bear with me... my computer broke

1 Chop | To The Throat

:: 2004 26 April :: 11.42 am
:: Music: Avenged Sevenfold - I Won't See You Tonight Part I

A bit of news on The Storm homefront. First off, we have a functioning website. let me know what you think. Also, I threw down $1000 on a 10,000 watt PA. But the fact that I won't even be using it is kind of a bummer, being that the PA is mainly for the singer and in our case, our drummer as well. But being the nice guy that I am and the fact that I'm the most responsible in the band, I actually had $1000 to spare. But anyways, yeah, just more heavy crap for us to carry around from show to show, but its good crap. We definitely need some roadies. Volunteers anyone? No, it'll be good once we get a trailer for our equipment. Right now its tough because we don't have enough large vehicles to load everything in one trip. But we'll be the one band in the Central Coast with the most badass shit. And I'm sure other bands will want to use our PA when they play with us, which will be no problem, but we're planning on charging a minimal fee. So that'll pay itself off in no time. The best news we have; we finally found a practice spot. Being in my dad's garage has put a definite cramp in our writing process. I noticed this creative hiatus when I realized that since our first show in December we've only added one other song to our set list. That's no good, we should have a least 3. But its cool. We'll be back in the grind soon enough. I'm excited about this. I haven't dedicated or invested so much into something, since... ever. I never have. This is very important and means a lot to me and I want to give it my all, because its all worth it. All the money, all the time, all the drama, its so worth it to be playing in front of people and having them cheer and come up afterwards and tell you how much they loved it or inquire about cd's or when another show is. Its the best feeling. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I feel so lucky.

5 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 16 April :: 9.15 pm

!TRES PREGUNTAS! No mas, no menos

3 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 8 April :: 8.53 pm
:: Music: Deftones - Digital Bath

Here's a deep journal entry
I got a personalized lisence plate


3 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 29 March :: 2.45 pm
:: Music: U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday

1) Using band names, spell out your name:
Juliana Theory (The)
Pink Floyd

Rage Against The Machine
At The Drive-In
Lacuna Coil
Lost Prophets

Avenged Sevenfold
Nine Inch Nails
Hot Hot Heat
Open Hand
No Doubt

One Side Zero
Reggie & The Full Effect
Abandoned Pools

2) Have you ever had a song written about you?
Jimi Hendrix wrote “Hey Joe” about me cuz we were good buds back in the day and I was known to constantly have a gun on me. Y’see, I am a very angry person so when someone pisses me off I’m apt to pull my gun out without a second thought, so you best watch your ass. I’ve killed before and I WILL do it again.

3) What song makes you cry?
haha long ago a Hootie and the Blowfish song made me cry cuz it reminded me of a girl… this was back in like 6th grade I think.

4) What song makes you happy?
Deftones – Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) It just has such a summer time with my cousins feeling to it. Driving around the town late at night looking for adventures.

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
my inner thoughts telling me how much of a wuss I am for not asking girls out. Have you ever noticed how much confidence you have when you’re laying in bed imagining the conversation you could be having and you build up your confidence and you KNOW that you’re going to do it, then you wake up and say, “ehh not today.”

r i g h t n o w

WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: Abandoned Pools – The Remedy
WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: Saliva… not that stupid band, I mean the real thing
WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: sunny and breezy but not hot, the perfect combination. I’m so happy I could shit
HOW ARE YOU? *see above
WHAT IS WRITTEN ON YOUR HAND IN PINK SHARPIE?: over lapping phone numbers from countless women from today.

d o y o u

GET MOTION SICKNESS?: only in cars. I get a cold sweat going and very nauseous.
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: I have a tendency to shoot people when they piss me off, and I grind my teeth when I play with a cat’s or dog’s ear
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: Yeah, I’ve waved my gun around enough so they know not to fuck around.
LIKE TO DRIVE?: I’d rather be the passenger so that I can have a clearer shot

h a v e y o u

BROKEN THE LAW: broken? More like obliterated
RAN AWAY FROM HOME: no need to run when you pack heat
SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: only to sit out on the front porch to avoid talking to people early in the morning and have them question why I’m going outside and blah blah
EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING: I never go swimming unless that’s the case
MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL: I’d rather go to their house and threaten them with my .22
EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA-POTTY: yeah, then rolled around in the excrement afterwards and had people take pictures
USED YOUR PARENTS' CREDIT CARD BEFORE: My mom has me buy my online Christmas presents with her credit card
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: I missed over 19 days in the last quarter of high school in my English class only and I ended up getting an A+ in the class. That’s how much of an English stud I was/am.
FALLEN ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: no, but sometimes there will be water left over from the bath as its draining and I’ll turn on the shower and pretend I’m back at ‘Nam in the rainy, muddy trenches clutching Charlie’s shrapnel wound crying out over the mortar blasts. Then my mom bangs on the door and asks what the hell I'm yelling for.
BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: I had to do a ridiculous amount in Elementary school. I was a background dancer in a musical of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” in 4th grade I remember.
LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: Like Laura said, I’m usually the one crying.

r a n d o m

DO YOU HAVE A JOB: yes, but its hard to get work done when my two female co-workers are constantly hitting on me and actually started mildly fighting over me (I’ll tell you about it later Moob).
WHAT DOES YOUR CD PLAYER HAVE IN IT RIGHT NOW: I don’t listen to cd’s at home, but in my car is the glorious Glassjaw – Worship And Tribute
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: I’d the the stubby one at the bottom that everyone used to use like crazy, but now is just shunned
HOW MANY SCARS DO YOU HAVE?: I have a “bob” wire (barbed wire) scar from hoping fences in my hick town “YEEHAAA lets go rape that goat!”
WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: I’ll probably replace some of the cd’s that were stolen, possibly The Juliana Theory - Love.
WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: Moob, V, “the band” “the cousins” B-Rey, Zach, Jimmy (Tim), T-Bone

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t

TIME YOU CRIED?: “What is this salty discharge?!”
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: Brandy sent me a letter with a Deftones Hexagram promo. She’s so sweet. Where the hell are the rest of you suckas at?
YOU GOT E-MAIL: I got one from Marcus suggesting I “give it to her good with Male Enhancement pills”
THING YOU PURCHASED: a one day parking permit. I think my permanent flew out the window.
TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: The Ellen Degeneres Show, I love that show, I watch it every chance I get, no joke.

7 Chops | To The Throat

:: 2004 22 March :: 9.35 pm
:: Music: Before The Storm - Hold Your Tongue

Hold Your Tongue

Treatment for the loss of so many years
Unprepared caught at our weakest point
Still you judge me
Prepare for the broken alliance
And by the way I depend on you for everything

(Just between us, you never had it in you)

Your lust shined through/you don’t know how to appreciate what you’ve been given/so I’ll give it back to you.
Make this yours.

(I’m making this become a piece of you)

What you saw was just the beginning
You should have given it more time and held your tongue

(I’m making this)

It’s disgusting to see you give up everything just to buy the easy way out
I think we found your clone
Pledge to the same feeling that as the ones that hate you give out just to fit in

(I’m making this become a piece of you, a piece of you)

It’s self respect I’ve applied to the antidote that you call your life and I’ve shown restraint to the love that I can feel again.

(I’m making this become a piece of you)

Prepare for the broken alliance and by the way, I depend on you for everything.

- JJ Navarro

1 Chop | To The Throat | Random Journal