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:: 2004 30 January :: 4.35pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: tristan prettyman - when it rains

*sigh* the week is over. what a pleasant thought that is.

this weekend=time with tina and superbowl fun.

life is just so blah right now. the most exciting news i get is that i get my wisdom teeth pulled sometime in this next month. this week has made me feel so many things, the one main thing though is the lonliness. this month is coming to an end and i've realized that i haven't done much of what i said i would. oh well, there's always next month, right?

on other notes, my mom i think is getting worse by the day. i hate coming home. at times, i wish i could stay at school forever or just stay on the bus. listening to my dad talk about her to me just makes me want to cry. he misses the one woman he has always loved. i could never even imagine how it would feel to be in that situation, all i know is that it hurts. my dad stays home on fridays and now he doesn't even want to stay home on his day off. a lot of the times i feel bad for leaving him on the weekend because i know that i'm the one that keeps him sane. the weekend is what keeps me sane and spending it with people i love. i still love my jesus though and hope you pulls through and rescues this distraught family of mine.

i think i am done blabbering. time to go to tina's to get sane because i'm so out there right now. good night. have a nice weekend. love you.

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:: 2004 29 January :: 8.56pm
:: Mood: depressed

Today was a half day and due to the fact i hadn't started my economics project...or studied for math and chem I did that all day. i feel pretty confident about stats and chem, I hope I do ok.

My mother is killing me...she keeps asking me to do thingd cause she is "too tired", I'm getting sick. of it.

I was thinking about college about 10 minutes ago and I'm going to be so lost ~ in all apects.

Danielle had a nice conversation, very meaningful...thanks sweetie.

Tomorrow is Friday, I want to get my haircut, maybe do something spontaneous...

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:: 2004 29 January :: 3.28pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: im a toys-r-us kid..(stuck in my head..lol)

Coke or Pepsi?:pepsi
Love or Lust?:love
tv or movies?:movies
cats or dogs?:cats
meal or dessert?:dessert
east coast or west coast?:east coast
tall or short?:tall
football or baseball?:football
soccer or basketball?:basketball
outside or indoors?:outside
blonde or brunette?:brunette
apples or oranges?:apples
aol or yahoo?:aol
stars or moons?:hmm..stars!!..lol

This or That brought to you by BZOINK!



:: 2004 29 January :: 2.45pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: stand up-ludacris

hey peoplez..haven't updated in awhile..my woohu wuznt workin..i dunno why..hmm..so whaz up guyz??..half day today!! yay!! well i failed my chem test..sux..and imma fail my algebra 2 test and art history test 2moro too..lol..i needa go study..amyz havin a study party 2nite..me and sam funna go..rite now i'm at my dad's crib..yes crib..lol amy..anywayz..not really doin much..chillan..my dad and my brotha were playin football..i played a bit too..now im here..juss doin wuteva..game 2moro and saturday!! sleep over at amys!!! movie niteeeeee!!! can't wait..and guyz: DONT MAKE FUN OF ME!!! lol..ok newayz..i'm sure everybody knowz dis already but i figured i mite as well put it in woohu..lol..me and carlos started goin out on tuesday..everybodyz been sayin how it wuz so unexpected..itz all good tho..lol..well my momz bridal shower is on saturday!! i wuz gonna go but noooo den she hadda kick me outta it..lol..long story..guess datz it..wuv u guyz..x0x0



:: 2004 28 January :: 6.08pm
:: Mood: stressed
:: Music: Clay "Invisible"

life is a song, except you can't rehearse...
with every verse...
it justs gets worse.

-buffy musical. lol

hrmm. too much damn IB work! we're alllll feeling the pressure and i so should not be updating. argh. once friday is over....well. no. cuz u know, i have eagle-ettes on saturday...once SATURDAY is over, i'll be able to relax...a little.

keep ur spirits up...the end of this week shall come soon...

the bear wants out too...

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:: 2004 27 January :: 9.06pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: fallen interlude - blink182

idk why i feel... like this. i feel like i am slumped. in the pits. ever since sum1 hit me with sumthin i thought he wud never say "i felt like slapping u" .... ouch.

but on other notes, my boys are growing up damn it. its funny... but avi n i... great stuff <3 ..... always gonna b there.

chem = gay.
spanish = the drill wuz the only good part.
lunch = i'm sick of jb hitting me, i'm about to take sum action.
english = thank goodness lord ol' mighty, but i read the book all night for nutn.
bio = kayli -n- i... laughed so hard. 1st ones done tho. ghetto foot. <3 damn finding the right foot in the end.
bus home = boring as a mutha. thats sumthin new, at least jb wuzn't abusing me... i swear, i can't take it anymore. asshole.

did my running, ran into mrs. florscher. interesting. now i am studying for chem... a pain in my rear.

i still feel s0o0o hurt after wut he said. i'm so imperfect.... to think that he wanted to slap me. sick of being abused.

yesterday tho, i had the greatest feeling for him... lyk my heart wuz in the best place... his name wuz everywhere. it hit me... this is love. and i enjoy it... s0o much. but then again... love is also... lyk today. ouch.

wut goes up, must come down = murphy lee.

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:: 2004 26 January :: 6.56pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: lose ur mind

my mommy ordered chinese tonite..good stuff man!!..i havent had chinese in a while..anywayz..lol..ASHLEY'S BACK!!!..YAY!! ok well..me and amara stayed after skoo for mr.morone's SAT prep class thingy..itz wuz koo..i'm pretty sure it'll help out alot..and den we took tha scurry bus home..it wuznt that scurry tho..lol..actually it wuz at first..cuz we walked on the bus..i wuz in front and den dis kid wuz like "hey kaila"..i'm guessing he got it from my major bling bling-age belt..lmao bus buddies..anywayz den i wuz walkin down tha aisle and black curtis from last health class grabbed me and gave me a hug from tha back and i didn't kno it wuz him..so i wuz scared at first..den i saw him..but he wuddnt let me gooo!!..lol..but itz all good tho cuz hez iight..me and amara got to talk about how cute bi-racial babies are!! lol..and ur definately hookin a sista up wid lorenzo!! holla!! iight guess datz all tha updatin for now..much luv peoples!! <3 kaila

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:: 2004 25 January :: 8.46pm

got home around 4:30am last night. babysitting is a bummer. 6 kids, 8 hours. still haven't gotten paid. argh.

the best parts of the night:
+ dancing with the girls.
+ smart convo with felipe.
+ talking to jonah allllll night long <3

woke up @ 8am and went to work @ 9:30am. was bothered by walter. <3 cool dude, and i went home around 11:30 ish.

did the SHAW V RENO junk, and the art hist hw. i have... the feeling of accomplishment.

i've got the feeling of lonesome. the feeling where i just want to see my lover boy. its so heartbreaking to think about him when i'm awake and then when i sleep, and not be able to see him for another 3 weeks. +screams+ i love him so much. more than my lil' ol' heart can handle.

ur smile, ur touch, ur personality, ur looks, ur thoughts... everything about u... i love. u know how to make me the happiest girl in the world, and because of u, i am also the luckiest.

she's so lucky...



:: 2004 25 January :: 5.25pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: tristan prettyman - the kiss

the phone was lost but now it is found. yay. it works and everything.

lots of work to do this week in school.
-chem test
-art history test
-stats test
-english test
-government media project due
-daybook due

it all seems so exciting. i can't wait. hehe.

<3 you all.



:: 2004 25 January :: 2.55pm

Yesterday I went to the mall with natalia, I got a shirt and a pair of pants fROm american eagle. I should have boughten more though...

Last night I babysat 3 litlte boys. They were the cutest kids ever!!Blue eyes, blonde hair.

I am seriously think I hate my brother. Like this morning I woke up this morning to his door slamming, so I asked him why he slammed it, so I was like yeah, it didn't slam on its own. and he flips out at me and starts screaming for me to get the hell out of his room...woot woot, im gonna kill him...

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:: 2004 25 January :: 2.53pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: frankie ruiz

Last 6 Things You Said:"stop touching my cd's", "go away", "what?", "i want icecream", "what time are we leaving?", "talk ta ya lataz"
Last 6 People You Talked To:jonothon, kristina, mami, nico, tal, tatie
Last 6 Things You Ate:icecream, chewy bar, pancakes, bacon, sausages, popcorn (that goes back to last night)..lol
Last 6 Things You Touched:the mouse, the keyboard, waterbottle, remote, a cd, a cup
Last 6 People You Hugged:mami, nico, tatie, tal, jon, mel
Last 6 People You Kissed:mami, nico, tatie, tal, my dad, mel
Last 6 Things You Wore:track pants, wife beater, pumas, fuzzy slippers, green old navy pj pants, powderpuff shirt
Last 6 Things You Watched:hip hop's most anticipated albums, 'thru the wire' video, 'slo jamz' video, 'one call away' video, 'pass that dutch' video, 'salt shaker' video
Last 6 Things You Though Of:bryan, how my grandma's doing, the wedding, the rehearsal dinner, how's sam doing
Last 6 You Remember:slo jams lyrics, suga suga lyrics, p.i.m.p lyrics, vocab words, lines from above the rim, lines from barbershop
Last 6 Movies You Watched:barbershop, conair, freddy vs. jason, wedding planner, old school, above the rim
Last 6 Websites You Visited:woohu, bzoink, all eyez on me, 2paczone, motorola, iconator
Last 6 People You said You Loved Them:mami, tatie, nico, tal, grandma, sam
Last 6 Colors You Saw:baby blue, white, black, green, orange, purple
Last 6 Emotions You Felt:tired, sleepy, excited, happy, worried, hungry

Last 6 brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2004 25 January :: 2.06pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: suga suga-baby bash

i'm proud to say that i spent tha morning working out..i did crunches..cardio stuff..and a TAEBO video!! hellz yea..go me!! lol anyways..amy i feel really bad!! i know u wanted to see barbershop!! we're def. all stayin at my house on friday..ok?? movie night!! and u guyz can sleep over

ok..well yesterday i was complaining bout my game being cancelled and how i wanted to do sumthing..so den my mom goes and makes plans for us to have a ''family nite"..so we all went out bowling yesterday..i guess it was fun..i neva really hang out wid my family..so yea..well guess datz all that updating for now..much love peepz!!..<3 kaila



:: 2004 25 January :: 12.18pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: something corporate - "me and the moon"

i am a butterfly.
so i feel like posting before i do anything. more procrastination! ehhhhh. i need to do lots of things today. gonna be that christina that works nonstop. hopefully i'll get things done. otherwise it'll be for nothing. this weekend has been weird! like my past weekdays have been. i think it's because i havent seen danielle that much. her parents wouldnt let her go to the movies on friday so i spent the night with my parents alone. it wasnt so bad, bonding with my parents. they probably miss me. i went to see win a date with tad hamilton all by myself in that boca muvico. everyone was with their girlfriends and i was just sitting there being annoyed and missing danielle.

saw the preview for confessions of a teenage drama queen - that's my movie. i can't wait for it to come out, cuz i wanna see it badly. preview for havana nights... sooo hottt. the movie itself? win a date with tad hamilton was not the BEST movie, i personally liked chasing liberty better but it had some really good parts. it almost made me cry cuz like... yeah you have to see it. it seems like it shouldve been longer. but oh well.

saturday went shopping with my boca chicas. must.resist.shopping. but i cant! man. i think my family is gonna have like a garage sale soon, because i feel like i've given so many clothes to the salvation army. and not that they dont need more clothes, but i kinda dont wanna give away clothes that have hardly been worn, it's like a waste of my moms money. so why not sell them? people would buy my clothes, right? right. i need to make room for the clothes i DO wear.

gah. need to cut this post short (in a manner of speaking) for i need to stop procrastinating and start working.

i'm getting addicted to this song now too. i'm so tempted to bring sc in for us to play in art. last class we played smashing pumpkins, was pretty awesome. but i dont think i wanna inflict my personal music interests on others who may not enjoy the same. some of the lyrics in no special order...
its a good year for a murder
reasons like seasons they constantly change
away with this spilt milk
all that he gave was a daughter
its me and the moon she says
i am a butterfly
her heart like a crystal she's lucid and departed
away with these nightmares
you give up your soul til you break down

You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

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:: 2004 24 January :: 11.09pm

another bad day in the neighborhood. mr. rogers won't u come cheer me up today.

bad day... don't feel like talking about it. wut happened, happened. and well... its over now. s0o0o... michael and i hung out at work today =) cool guy...

michael: "call me a redneck if u want, but i like beer!"

o and i ran up 2 jay and got a big hug, i didn't even hafta ask... he just extended his arm and grabbed me and lifted me up! =)

jay: "my baby girl!"

all in all, i think today turned out decent in the end. now i am babysitting 6 kids... watched the boys play video games, and i danced with the girls and they did my nails while i did theirs. <3 plus i wuz studying the mind of children.... so interesting... makes me wonder if i grew up a certain way, wud i be more prone to being that way my whole life... idk i wish i coulda grew up that way tho. wut dreams are made of?!

but besides all of that... i had quite an intellectual conversation with buddi... felipe. not to shabby. music, school, art... the whole nine yards. really cool kid.

i miss jonah. i saw him monday, its now saturday around 11p.m. ouch.

daddy mentioned that i have 3 more weeks left of being grounded. +jumps 4 joy+ and the first hug will go to jonah for going thru the suffering... just like i did... and he didn't do anything, but he did pick a stupid girlfriend.... ouch.

listen to this conversation between me and the girls that i am babysitting:

Natalie: who has a boyfriend?
Brittany: i do... +smiles+
Natalie: yeah me 2.
Nicole: me 3.
Briana: me 4! i love my boyfriend.
Brittany: eww... do u kiss him?
+the lil' girls giggle+

how funny is that. <3 i'm out... very bored. and lotsa ppl 2 talk to. i love u... and u, and u, and jonah =)



:: 2004 24 January :: 6.11pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: granpa gametight-murphy lee

i is muy bored..
i havent done anything today. im so bored!! and i cant go out, so i dont even have that option. grrness. guess i'll find something around the house :-\

much <3

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:: 2004 24 January :: 5.28pm
:: Music: fefe dobson - everything

good music in the mall today. ran into some people. christina, christine, and ari. oops. didn't know they were going to wellington. returned boots that i never wanted. got 3 shirts and 2 skirts. it really is therapy, when you buy things. it just makes you feel better.

tonight is the fair. =)
i hope it is lots of fun.

have a nice night everyone and an even better remaining weekend.




:: 2004 24 January :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: pump it up

Tell me about yourself
What's your name?:kailannie
How old are you?:15
Where are you from?:born in Ny..family from puerto rico
When is your birthday?:8.2.88
What color hair?:dark brown-black
What color eyes?:dark brown
What is you favorite
Color?:baby blue
Food?:FOOD!! i like lotz of food..but prolly fried chicken
Song?:slow jamz
Band/Singer?:rapper?? TUPAC!!
Movie?:above the rim
TV show?:the parkers
Book?:lovely bones
This or that
Night or day?:night
Black or white?:white
Chocolate or vanilla?:chocolate
Pepsi or Coke?:pepsi
TV or computer?:computer
Movies or DVD's?:dvd's
Rock or rap?:rap
Pop or punk?:pop
Old or young?:young
Tall or short?:short
Big or small?:big
Have you ever tried to lick you elbow?:yes..lol amara
When was the last time you cried?:last weekish
Do you sing in the shower?:all the time
Can you drive (legally)?:not legally
Do clowns scare you?:yea
Do you enjoy jello?:yes
What is the one thing that annoys you most?:posers, stupid bitches who talk shit
Do you laugh a lot?:yea
Do you consider yourself a funny person?:yess..right amy??
Who is a sexy mofo?:tupac, keyshawn, bryan
Does MTV suck?:no
Does Avril Lavigne suck?:yes
Do I suck?:i dunno do u?
Do you suck?:nope
Have you ever chased a duck around in circles?:nooo
Are you tired of this?:startin to
What time is it?:4:27
What day is it?:saturday
Do you love me?:sure why not

About You brought to you by BZOINK!

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:: 2004 24 January :: 4.05pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: mo money mo problems

hey peoplez..wuz happenin??..nutten much ova hea..tired..last nites game wuz alotta fun..even if there were only four of us..lol..we pulled if off tho..we did our dance..tha steppin..a cheer..and like a gazillion chants..it wuz fun..at half time i wuz talkin to aaron and J.R kicked him off tha team bcuz of wha happened at tha boca game!!! i feel bad..he wuz really pissed off..newayz..i wuz really lookin forward to tonites game but it got cancelled cuz ruby and adrienne cant cum..so now i have nutten to do..if anybodyz wants to do sumthin..give me a call please!! i dont wanna stay home tonite!!!



:: 2004 23 January :: 10.32pm
:: Music: c0me CLean = HiLARY DUFF

i dont know why there is a purpose for updating today. i feel very pampered and relaxed. i slept til' around noon, woke up and laid out til' 2pm. watched my soaps [passions] then mommy came home. i took a shower, and then got all pretty by doin' my nails and hair and light make up. boy i looked so famous. i ate sum din din and then mommy n i went to blockbuster. rented underworld and a league of extraordinary gentlemen. i haven't watched underworld yet, but the other one wuz good. now i am awaiting a phone call or online arrival from prince charming. i need sumthin to complete the night. but perhaps... i won't get that tonight because he might not show. however, i am talking to giggles, and that is keeping me content and is a rather better replacement for prince charming =)

everyone loves those of the happiest in society, but she, whom is also happy, seems to feel as though she is among others who find her of an annoyance.

lots of words for a simplistic meaning. <3

i love all of u. and miss u dearly.

bri -N- jonah 1o.12.o3

[if u own hilary duff's cd, listen to it closely. note how many different background singers u hear, especially during the choruses and the higher notes.]

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:: 2004 23 January :: 7.40pm
:: Mood: hmm..good question
:: Music: thats amore (old italian song)

thank you everyone so much for your sympathy. it means a lot to me that you are here. but, to be honest, i dont want to talk about it and i probably never will. thats just who i am. i dont like talking about my feelings on certain things, and this is one of them. i thought you should know that, because i think that some of you think im depressed or whatever because im not talking..when the truth is that i just dont want to talk. dont get me wrong i am sad..but im "fine" considering the circumstances. thanks again for just being there, thats all i really want.

by the way, the funeral is tuesday, so can i have some volunteers get my work for me?? i would really appreciate that as well..just drop a little comment. :)


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:: 2004 23 January :: 6.23pm

I love my journal
Tonight Ari re-did my journal, it is amazing!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much babe

Parents are out...call me..anyone!

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:: 2004 23 January :: 4.21pm
:: Mood: confuzzled
:: Music: something corporate - "she paints me blue"

life as i know it.
when was the last time i posted? hmmph. i dont know. today was like weird. yes, like EVERY day! what is up with that? i feel like i have nothing to say. everything is the same. i miss wearing contacts. hopefully by monday i will have nothing on my face again. sigh. the week is over THANK GOD. it was a busy week. i only stayed up late once. next week however, is a different case. buncha stuff to do. yippee. i got an A on my math test. not a high one, but i'm satisfied for i was not here for stupid partial fractions. that debate. eeeh. tomorrow... time with some of my boca girlies. and south florida fair. and then lotsa homework on sunday! =D i'm planning to create a big art work for my art assignment. wish me luck! i wish i could spend more time with altan. it doesn't feel like it's anything. feels like just friends still. hopefully it'll change. i'm content though. i really think i am.

nothing to say man. i can't believe it.

you're my good feeling.
you are my reason for breathing.

2 . | <3


:: 2004 23 January :: 12.11am
:: Mood: sad :'(
:: Music: missing you

i have been informed
my great grandfather (Poppy) passed away tonight :'(. im not going to school tomorrow..and i have no clue how this affecting my weekend..so i'll talk to you when i talk to you. bye

2 . | <3


:: 2004 22 January :: 9.20pm
:: Mood: peaceful

slap happy.

i have no other way of putting it. i'm just insane in the membrane today.

i <3 jonah.
{smackin' my own booty over the phone always gets a laugh... lmao}

no escuela para mi manana. 3 days of school is enough for me =)

school wuz hilarious today. jokes galore. there is proof of stupid indians. just use avi as ur example.

HaPPy biRtHdAy 2 ARi! <3



:: 2004 22 January :: 9.25pm
:: Mood: ----------
:: Music: (fuck it) dont want you back

i cant get it out of my head!
Whoa oh oh
Ooh hooh
No No No

See i dont, know why, i liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, i loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, i wanna let u know that i feel

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

You thought, you could
Keep this shit from me, yeah
Ya burnt bitch, i heard the story
Ya played me, ya even gave him head
Now ya askin for me back
Ya just another hag, look elsewhere
Cuz ya done with me

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah

Ya questioned, did i care
You could ask anyone, i even said
Ya were my great one
Now its, over, but i do admit im sad
It hurt real bad, i cant sweat that, cuz i loved a hoe

Fuck what i said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses it didnt mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, i dont want you back

Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah
Oh oh Oh oh
Uh hun yeah



:: 2004 22 January :: 9.02pm
:: Mood: aggravated

I know I have many issues wth my computer but now they are spreading to my AIM. I cannot, under any circumstances get it to work, not even Amy at her house can...I feel to alone form thw world without my AIM.

Anyways, this week is coming to and end and thank god it is. Yesterday I found out bad stuff, my uncle got fired, my mom's best guy gay friend's appendix burst and my grandma's best friend who is like my 3rd grandmother is pretty sick with her beast cancer.

I looked at the boys in tight pants community on livejournal.com and it is amazing! We need more boys in tight pants at ATL.

I'm getting sick of all these reality shows. They suck. I wish there were more fun shopping areas in Boca, like vintage clothing stores, there are the thrift shops, but they don't come close to anything great.

Tomorow in economics we have a debate ( woot woot - NOT ), anyways, I am kinda scared to go in front of the class, because I as afraid in english which is like 1/3 the size of he economics class.

Well, I am going to go try my AIM again or find more boys in tight pants...haha jk...I'm actually going to try to make my woohu really cool...I doubt it, but it's the thought that counts?!

Much <3 Love




:: 2004 22 January :: 8.03pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: rooney - daisy duke

i have a problem, it's called procrastination. been home for 4 hours. have i started homework? no.

school is boring as always. i enjoy classes though. talking to peeps in government, looking at pretty art in art history, sitting around in p.e., having ms.swanson laugh at me for just being me, and dr.baum wondering why i am happy all the time just makes me somewhat content with school. it's amazing. i think it's just because of the friends though. friends are great.

anything else to say? idk why i posted. just felt like it? yeah.

love you.

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:: 2004 22 January :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: missing you

it went from: "hes doing great!" to "please come down here, he took a sudden turn"

i have no clue whats going on...everyone is just running around like crazy...

i hope this isnt good bye :'(



:: 2004 22 January :: 8.03pm
:: Mood: unhappy
:: Music: Death for Cutie

The sugary smell of spring time...
bleh. not best mood. not looking forward to eagle-ettes tmrw AND sat AND mon AND tues AND thurs.

my mom and i have been trying to get me a summer counseling job. I hope something works out! Fire island is my last resort for a job. I kinda want to go back, kinda not. It probably won't happen anyway...

Subway = gooood. And i'm liking death cab more :)

stupid people in spanish...
mrs. french "what does 'tengo miedo' mean"
someone: um...i want to die?

ay. caramba

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:: 2004 22 January :: 5.47pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: slow jamz-twista


those cdz amy made us were tha shizzle..hehe..we're definately learnin..art history wuz fun today..we juss chilled out n doodled!!!..lol..we're artists...omg i soo can't believe sameen called mrs. stecker racist!! lmao..wow he wuz juss kiddin but everyone took it seriously..i thot it wuz hilarious..guess itz juss one of thoz things where u hafta be there to get it..lol..we played with sammi's fone and amy's camera on tha bus..and amy almost missed her stop..lol..ayy..craziness on tha bus..i love my bus buddies!!! i'm soooo happy wid tha new lunches..i have both lunches wid amara now..and one wid sammi and amy..yay!!..fun fun fun..newyaz..guess datz it..hope every1z doin good..much love...pokey

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