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:: 2004 21 January :: 10.39pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: slo jamz

whats up?? nuttin here..tryin to do homework..its gettin there. lol..lots of funny things happened this week (already) but theres too many to list and i really cant use my brain at the moment..so i'll ttyl..xoxo

<3, sam

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:: 2004 21 January :: 9.28pm

I finally got to the site, it has been down forerv, or I can't get to it, either one....

We were in computers today instead of economics, way fun....www.googlism.com

Soccer was nice, I caught up with Leah...DEF needed...who would have known she had a boyfriend? ( everyone but me, haha )

I think I need tutoring for spanish and i have thought about it and its all memorization, butI just can't get ahlod of it I am lost and feel stupid considering half the class is freshmen.

Anyways...not much is new, I need to go MADD shopping, but the day will never come when I can have guiltless shopping, *i wish*

No plans for this weekend, but i do long for them, wait i take that back i think im mallin ( haha like ballin) with natalianay! much love sweetie.

Much <3 Love


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:: 2004 20 January :: 8.26pm

this... is my song!
LyK 2 SaY ThiS JouRnAL iS UnDErGoiNG suM PLasTiC SuRgERy....


....hate on the innocence. thank u for making my day... worth while.

[STriPPEd] literally.

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:: 2004 19 January :: 10.15pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: the song i'm writing in my head.

if u cud,
wud u hold this moment in ur heart 4ever?
if we said goodbye,
wud it make u cry
wud it turn ur eyes
into the color of a pale blue sky?
if u lost me 4ever...
--LoSe Me: Bri

today wuz the best:
+did my running.
+hema, ally and i met up with...
jonah, felipe, ellen, whitney, neil, andrew, zil, tim, morgan.
+saw Ashley P. and Danielle G.
+spent time with jonah... <3 i give props to the cutest couple.

+the first attack when the guy took that pic at the gate.
+the hook up dude with ally.
+the mirrors in the house thingy.
+the 7 yr. old checkin out ally.
+hema changin' in the car.
+meeting a buncha new ppl.
+spending all the time with jonah.
+the banana covered chocolate.
+layin' on jonah in the swingy thing, "u look very comfortable"
+the girl with the eminem poster... ORGASM... +jonah lets go+ lol

i'm still a lil' wacked out about the accident... live everyday like its ur last... i reassured everyone that i loved them today. goodness. u just never know anymore. i love u all! <3333

anyways, i gotta go call those ppl that wanted my wonderful imput on the accident because i am a witness. so, <3!



:: 2004 19 January :: 5.37pm

So....my life hasn;t been all to happeneing< i pretty much spent the weekend with with amy...much fun!

2 days ago I got my Birkenstock clogs <3 <3. Also went to flakowitz, yum yum




:: 2004 19 January :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: trade it all-fabolous


we gonna be wilin out on tha bus dis week!! hellz yea..thanx ta amy..and her devotion to become a hard core rapper..lol..much fun!!..

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:: 2004 19 January :: 4.09pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: dipset

i cant wait to get it..its gonna be good!! gracias amycita!!

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:: 2004 19 January :: 3.51pm

I am Nothing!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons

i believe in a thing called love....homework...that's a different story

ps. hotttt new layout :)

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:: 2004 19 January :: 12.47pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: hotel-cassidy

hey guyz!!..wussup??..nutten much hea..juss chillan..u kno how we dooo!!!..lol sammi..newayz..dis weekend wuz iight..i saw freddy vs. jason!!!!!! dat movie wuz so tight!! omg i loved it..freddy's my favorite..hez funny..he like kills ppl and den cracks jokes..lmao..ya'll gotta go get it..and watch it..and i saw s.w.a.t too..that wuz good..omg ll cool j is soooooooo FINE!!!! wow..lol..i juss don't like his head..lol..weird shape..otha den dat..sexiness..well my new mission is to teach amy how to rap..lol.."omg dat song has bad words!!!"..lol..ayyy amy ur too much..



:: 2004 19 January :: 10.32am
:: Mood: flirty

The LeSS BeST FriEnDS c EaCh OtHEr THe FuRtHer APaRT tHeY GrOW.
yesterday, was a death trip.... literally. the devil wuz out to get us... only... god saved our soul. bless u lord.

first off, i'd like to thank the man who created seat belts, other wise... i might not have been typing this right now, and my journal entry b4 this... wud have been my last.

take a guess at wut happened? yes.... u're right.. i think.
a deadly car accident in which i wuz in. everyone... turned out ok. <3 4 the seat belts i swear.

today i'm on my way to go see this really hot guy named jonah. and i get to see hema! OMG 2 weeks without her i'm going nuts!

DiRRtY GiRLs BACK in BuSiNeSS! <3

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:: 2004 18 January :: 11.08pm
:: Mood: happy!
:: Music: u look so fine that i really wanna make u mine :)

edit: contest: make a caption for the last picture...why were we making that face? ;)

lol. funnnn times at christini's house :)

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:: 2004 18 January :: 8.12pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: not today-mary j f/ eve

micheal ealy is sexy!
somebody wanna do my homework for me?? lol

anyways im doing my nails AND one nail keeps messing up...the same nail...i think ive done it six times!! grrness..now that ive vented about my nails lol...today was good..i juss chillaxed..i really got nuttin to say so im gonna go..ttyl

<3~sam xoxo

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:: 2004 18 January :: 3.00pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: not today-mary j f/ eve

micheal ealy is sexy!
woke up at eleven.
watched Full House..so cute!
talked to amy and sameen.
took a shower.
got subs.
ate them..what a shocker lol.
talked to padres.
now im here talking to whoever is reading this. what an eventful day, huh? well i guess i should go do homework..probably wont..so ttyl..xoxo


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:: 2004 18 January :: 1.14pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: goo goo dolls - "iris" acoustic

i.... i feel like i need to say something, but there really isn't anything to say. still hating school, but dealing with it, so no need to really complain. still loving and supporting my friends. everything is pretty consistent lately. and i'm content. isn't that madd cool? that's almost never happened. haven't done much this weekend...went shopping. that's it. and had some nice family time. i love them so much. i dont know what i would do if... if we were ever broken apart. and my brother has led me to interesting coincidences. last night we figured out that vivi's boyfriend, greg, is the same greg that's like my brother's best friend. interesting. well... not really. but ya know. last night i played some guitar. i learned the love theme from the godfather. it's beautiful. i wonder if mrs zacher would let me perform it and count it as a poetry pitch... hmm.

i was supposed to go to the delray artfest. hmm. must compensate by going to a real art gallery. but i'm happy. it's kinda cool. weird change in me. though i have cried a lot this week due to the pink eye and the stupid crap... i'm good now. i hope you're good too. *hug* to everyone.

and i'd give up forever to touch you
cuz i know that you feel me somehow

and you cant fight the tears that aint coming
or the moment of truth in your lies
when everything feels like the movies
you bleed just to know you're alive.

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:: 2004 18 January :: 9.57am

let's see...wrap-up of wknd so far..

friday- 1st went to bryans :) watched my eagle-ettes on trl! yay! mom picked me up too soon...then natalia/amy came over. played dress-up, took pics, and made digi cam videos. haha, they're really funny!

sat- hung around. took drug & alcohol test. see people, i did it! then amy and i went to see along came polly. reaaly cute movie! We had lotsa fun- first when no1 would sit in our row, but then who shows up but emily hendel! then we took funny pics in borders...then amy found $100! so her parents took us to coldstones where we saw diego vizcaino. hehe.

So far its been fun :) today i'm going to the mall with senora mama. la la la



:: 2004 17 January :: 11.20pm
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: nicole kidman - one day i'll fly away

one day i'll fly away. leave all this to yesterday.

so tomorrow as i find out today isn't going to be with the whole family, just me, my brother, and dad. the counselor said it would work better that way. *sigh* i wish they could be there, but i know they will be there in spirit. i'm so extremely worried/terrified.

i'm going to switch subjects just to make me feel better.

tonight was the all-star football game for high schools. my brother, dad, uncle, and i went. 4 atlantic players played, though our side lost. what else? did i mention how much i love my little cousin? when we went to go get my uncle at his house to go to the game my little cousin was there and she was like, "don't go danielle, stay here and play with me." as i was walking out the door she like grabbed my leg and held onto it, pulling me to stay. i like feeling wanted, even by a sweet four year old, but then again who doesn't? ok i'm done.

love you and you.

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:: 2004 17 January :: 9.10pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: breathe = michelle branch.

HoW diD wE BeCoMe s0o0o quiEt?

work: mostly boring. there were a few up's and that wuz basically when Michael wuz forcing me to join him in getting carts. however... when he ran over my toe about 13 times... once with every cart, and hitting an old lady's car with them... we had a lil problemo. lol oops. but other than that... i wuz BORED...

when i got home... i went straight to bed, turned down dinner at OUTBACK to sleep.

woke up around 9pm and... just so happens that Carol and her kids are sleeping over our house... Rick and her got into a big fight. ouch...

*hoping u'll hear me...
can u hear me?....* --michelle branch



:: 2004 17 January :: 4.14pm

eh. i did it except for i's.
using band names, spell out your WHOLE REAL name:

red hot chilli peppers
something corporate
taking back sunday

all american rejects
nine inch nails
eve 6

days away

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:: 2004 17 January :: 3.38pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: stand up-luda

new woohu!!! oh yea..go me!!!

-:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:-

hey guyz..weneva ur bored..juss run around tha house jumpin up and down to ur favorite song..itz fun and itz a good work out..lol..:D

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:: 2004 17 January :: 3.37pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: shake it like a salt shaker

la la la la
new format..like??

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:: 2004 17 January :: 12.35pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: one day at a time-tupac f/ eminem


Only learn to take, our anger and our hate
Control our mental state, settle down, and just set it straight
Maybe we can learn to take a second to pump the brakes
For we said it, regret it later, and let it escalate
Cause by then its too just late, theres so much we can take
Theres only so much someone can swallow and tolerate
To the point that he just breaks, snaps and thats all it takes
You'd think that we was learning from other rappers mistakes
But we aint
Its plain to go against, with every artists, comes the image he portrays
And a picture that he paints
But in the midst of all this anger and this angst
Never once did you hear me say I'm a gangster and I aint hear no complaints
But I know, that I will always continue to grow,
As long as I lead and never follow no one else's shadow
There will never be another me
And that I can guarantee
Thats why the fuck I remain sucker free to this day
The game will never be the same
No matter how much fame or success they attain
There will never be another me
And no matter what they do
There will never be another you
You can search but you'll never find
You can try to rewind time
But in your hearts and your minds
We will never die
We are forever alive
And we continue growing
well i juss finished my debate thingy for economics..i copied ari's notes..thanx chickie!..lol..2day shudd be an interesting day...imma go shoppin wid mel den chill at her new place..den imma hafta stya wid my dad..grrness..i juss wanna stay hommmmeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!..



:: 2004 16 January :: 10.21pm
:: Music: ladies = Sarai

junk in the trunk.
school day!

morning... wuts new? had fun chattin' with the guys... =)

chemistry: boring... thought i did ok on that quiz... but i wuz wrong. 34/67 OUCH!

spanish: test. ouch. failure. didn't answer half of it.

lunch: kinda quiet today... logan is everyone's bitch. lol i told sum good embarrassing stories of my buddi jb.

english: boring as fuck. put me to sleep today.

bio: everything is relatively new, it gets me excited. like the ppl. i admit there are sum cool freshmen, KAYLi & Jamaal r the only ones i really know or talk to. But um... Jamaal is cool, we answered everyone of those questions right.... i'm like still in shock because i've NEVER answered anything in bio right. um, Kayli, she's my homeslice lol. <3 sittin' w/ her on the bus wuz fun. all the fuzballs. puttin' them in danielle's hair... messin' with my phone. chama chama chama chameleon! woo!

got home.... talked to hema =D miss her mucho. talked to jonah =D miss him too.

did sum running... busy stuff. took a shower, went to publix con madre and bought subs. junk in the trunk baby! wee wee! mommy is wonderful.

talked to jonah sum more when i got home, but now i am patiently waiting for my work pants to finish up in the washer so i can throw them in the dryer and then get to bed. <3

hope ur day wuz good.

goals this weekend:
+get mommy to let me go to the fair with everyone on monday. =D
+convince mommy to let me go to the bahamas with jackie 4 her birthday.
+get ungrounded.
+do sumthin on saturday while daddy is outta town. <3



:: 2004 16 January :: 10.28pm
:: Mood: rested
:: Music: running

Friend: Calls your parents by Mr. and Mrs.
Best friend: Calls your parents dad and mom.

Friend: has never seen you cry
Best friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on

Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home

Friend: Asks you to write down your number.
Best friend: they ask you for their number
(cuz they can't remember it)

Friend: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff

Friend: only knows a few things about you
Best friend: could write a biography on your life story

Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
Best friend: will always go with you


Written with a pen
Sealed with a kiss
If you are my friend,
Please answer this:
Are we friends or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can say, I am here for you.
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the ones I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven
And wait for you.

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:: 2004 16 January :: 6.16pm

This has been the longest week of my life!

Math test and econ test, many problems, I realized I should probably go to a psychiatrist. I looked for the eaaglettes on TRL, didn't see them.

On the bus today white trash kid sat in front of me, gaaah!

I am reading the best book ever!!! You must get Less than Zero! Thank you alex molina <3

Hope everyone has a happy martin luther king Jr weekend.

Feel free to call me if you would like to get together. 542-2078

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:: 2004 16 January :: 5.26pm
:: Mood: relaxed
:: Music: ben jelen - "come on"

i saw jessica on trl!
katy rose reminds me of amber.

just gonna say a few things...

mm. today was nice considering it was an odd day.
organization line drawing = the devil
who's yo daddy?! <3
andrew is coming home...
congratulations to rich and jackie
i wanna learn piano.
he makes me happy.
economics test... i have no idea.
food is really good.
i wish i could lose some weight.
no initiative.
school.... yeah it's there. it's ... it's ok.
i miss my vietnamese boy. <3

i want someone to sing this song to me.
*i wanna know she'll be coming here to me. come on. without you i'll never feel the love inside. you know that we belong. thinking back before her, i never knew the meaning of alone.*

danielle is coming to me soon.

i predicted i would be anna.

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Are You a Ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

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:: 2004 16 January :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: smiley
:: Music: rubberband man

damn it!!..i cuddnt of given him tha note..grrness..now i gotta wait till tuesday!!!

well skoo..wuz iight..tha day went by a lil fast..tha week went by frickin slowwwww...economics test=i failed..chem quiz=i failed..cuz i didnt kno der wuz a back to it...lmao..oh well..doesnt matter to me..blah blah blah..nutten exciting happened today...katherine wuz complaining bout how she wanted her underwear back in chem..lol..don't ask..newayz guess datz it..

la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

<3 kaila

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:: 2004 16 January :: 10.51am

i know everyone has seen this before..but its just the right timing..so i used it
*The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but
shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We
spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger
houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less
time. We have more degrees, but less sense, more knowledge, but less
judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more
medicine, but less wellness.

*We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too
little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too
tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have
multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We
talk too much, love too little, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to
life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and
back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We
conquered outer space but not inner space. We've done
larger things, but not better things.

*We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the
atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We
plan more, but accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait.
We build more computers to hold more information, to
produce more copies than ever, but we communicate less and less.

*These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small
character, steep profits and shallow relationships. These
are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but broken
homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers,
throwaway morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that
do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when
there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.

*Remember, spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not
going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to
someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will
grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm
hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can
give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember, to
say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all
mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes
from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment
for someday that person will not be there again. Give
time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious
thoughts in your mind.

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:: 2004 15 January :: 7.37pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: SaLt SHaker - YinG YaNG TwiNs

WuT wuD u Do 4 a TwenTii- TweN?!
no habla espanol, y hay una prueba manana. uh oh.

i went to school today.... i bet u did too =)

got tested on my knowledge in chem, stats, and econ... let's just say... i don't have much knowledge.

stressful day, but when it wuz over, i wuz happy to get home, like everyone else.

giggles and i went jogging and did lotsa talking. =) phillipino mafia! yummy bread. ok... anyways yeah it is the time of the year to lose those pounds... and i just can't seem to do that... but there's no harm in trying harder. and with a buddi to help [miss danielle herself] i should be back in no time.

big girls need lovin' too. =)

now that i have no hw, imma go take a shower, call jonah, and get to bed. much love to ya. <3

bri -N- jonah <3333

p.s. daddy won't be home saturday PARTAY... means, i'm not grounded, so after work, i'mma have a blast. hopefully!



:: 2004 15 January :: 4.43pm

and i forgot..i am black....LMFAO..i was writing a note n i was being stupid and then kaila yells out "sam! ur black!!"..the whole class turned and laughed at me..it was great..and they were like.."the same sam thats right there?..nooo" haha

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:: 2004 15 January :: 4.31pm
:: Mood: feeling better

most of today was very VERY aggravating....

but whoa, the bus was so friken funny...evil plans....HAHA!

admire that sexy-ness. yea, baby!

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