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:: 2003 19 October :: 7.30pm

I think I have decided that my number one choice for college is College of Charleston in South Carolina. Just by accident this school happens to be in the city I wan to live in after college. I chose this school because they have a Jazz performance program that centers around jazz history, theory, and performance, and this really interests me. I will be applying as a music major, and now all I have to do is plan an audition...


Member # 7135

posted September 10, 2003 09:21 PM
Who really cares who is ranked where by Rolling Stone or anyone else? We dig the guy, we love his music, and truthfully, we probably love them more because the don't really care about the norm, or conforming to the corporate mentality of what sells, and what is "good". Jeez, look at some of their best songs- 2112, Natural Science, La Villa (The Trees, for that matter, talks exactly about the detriments of conformity and how everyone is lessened by hatchet, axe and saw) just to name a few.

Do you honestly think anyone other than a die hard Rush fan would buy an album with stuff like that on it? Hell, no. Would they make the album anyway? Of course. That is what makes Alex, Geddy and Neil special as individuals, and even more special as a band. They don't make music for MTV or VH1 or Rolling Stone, they make if for themselves, and their families, and for us. They play and write and sing what is in their Hearts and Minds, and we love it.

I don't think they care about Rolling Stone, and I am pretty sure they didn't lose any sleep over it. ______________
couldnt have said that better myself

2 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 17 October :: 2.14pm

What more can I say? RUSH premier on Tuesday, that means in four days. I am already bringing up memories from the show last October, now exactly a week apst the one year anniversary. and im deep into Neil Peart's newest book. What this man has accomplished even through losing his wife and only daughter in a span of 5 months is amazing. Arguably the greatest modern lyricist, and in my eyes as well as MANY others, the greatest percussionist of all time. His lyrics read like poetry, with every song having a special meaning, not just random philosophy seen in most 'mature' lyrical content. RUSH's ability to put these words to music is simply amazing. Three men can play by themselves with no help live, where as most triplets and even quads need touring musicians to help. and not only that, they blow away anything that anybody could do to challenge that. Try and name one other band that plays a 3 HOUR music set (3:20 total set time), with really no break except for the drum solo, and 2 acoustic songs without drums. They clearly do not do this for the money as almost all bands that tour today. They do not play all their new songs before people become familiar with them (cough*radiohead*cough). I don't like saying this alot, but rush is truely a musicians band. if you are a rock musician you understand their greatness, plain and simple. those who listen to rush idely do not understand their greatness because simply they do not understand what musicianship is. alex's familiarity with time well as neils ability to go in and out of them, and geddy's ability to play bass extremely well while sing is just unreal. best band to come out of canada and in my eyes, the world, has to be rush.

5 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 13 October :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: happy

Basically I wrote music to a song caleld "Little Clay Ball" and its supposed to be about a boy and his best friend, a clay ball. I need anyone who comments to write AT LEAST two lines of lyrics. Heres the storyline: boy finds ball, falls in love, one or two happy moments, and then something bad happens and breaks them apart but in the end he finds another ball.

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 12 October :: 8.57pm

if radiohead was a food id probably eat it every now and then, thinking i liked it, but every time id be like 'i shouldve had an apple instead' because radiohead isnt that good. so much time goes between the tiems that i eat radiohead i forget whether or not its any good or not, and i think thats understandable.

5 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 11 October :: 12.26pm

Some little tidbits:

I am better than David Gilmour. The Steely Dan concert was great, wish I couldve gone. I need to work on my rhythm playing, it sucks ass. My lead playing is great. There are NO NEW CHORD PROGESSIONS, i hate when people say 'i wrote this ne chord progression' or 'i figured out this cool progression'. The only new chord progressions are chords that arent supposed to be played together, and they suck. I will never need another amp in my life. I have found an amp just as good as Fender's vibroking ($1,400) for $600. I want to play in a cover band my entire life, as well as writing my own stuff (which i dont care about ever performing, i do it for me).

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 7 October :: 6.45pm
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: Preacher ran off with my banjo blues

My guitar is fixed, yay. I get to borrow a banjo for a while, yay. I get paid thursday, using most of the money to save for my recording stuff, yay. I got the bible for leif ericson week, yay!

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 5 October :: 12.44am

Now I'm officially not in a band. Well actually I'm in my own now. thats what that logo is supposed to be. CSD, came up with that name a long time ago, and I think I'll use it when I make my first cd soon. I wish I had a damn recorder, i could finish this thing in a week. if anyone wants to donate to the $500 get tbob some recording gear fund, just let me know.

laventa, laventa, tienes que gritar
laventa, laventa, tienes que bailar

3 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 2 October :: 10.25pm

I really miss all my friends that I used to talk to and hang out with all the time. It seems IB has a funny way killing friendships. I long for the summer where 'I'm too busy' is never heard and people are always smiling. I'm sorry that I haven't always done what i should have regarding my friendships, more of an apology to myself. I've really let myself down for highschool if it stays this way until I go to college. I'm sorry I haven't always been the best friend anyone would want and I am sorry for the friendships I have broken through pure ignorance and stupidity on my part. I care about these things. If I could start over I would have done everything differently.
My job is so great. When I'm there it's like a different world because we all get along so well and talk about anything and everything forever. it's like a huge family of people who work there and their friends. I could be feeling in the worst mood one could think of and going to work would make it better. but when i get home the falseness comes through. these arent my real friends. but then i think about what my real friends are. at school there are people that i talk to at lunch and in the hall, etc, and we claim to be friends but i get home and it seems not so.
I will not complain however (and have not, simply apologizing to myself and tohers), I do not need anyone and certainly nobody needs me. I could be without a relationship for my entire life as lnog as I have music. Not saying that I wouldn't love to find someone as passionate about lfie as i am to spend their time with me. being in a world filled with almost every teen having to be different and care about things, i find myself not caring. screw politics, i wont vote. i dont need to take a stand for the purpose of taking a stand. politics disillusion me. screw religion, i live for today, not for what comes after death. I'm going to go see school of rock tommorrow night by myself. i mention by myself because i have never gone to a movie by myself in my life lol.

My cd track list is complete. All i need now is to fix my electric and ge that digital recorder and mic i need. maybe ill just make this an acoustic album. 7 songs, all with the hell am i gonna sing? i suck at it.

4 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 30 September :: 7.14pm
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: Ringo Starr - Hey Baby

haha, not a single one of you has ever heard this song done by ringo!
Rushed is a cool mood, i shouldve put that as my mood after the rush concert.

And he speaks. I've never done a random entry with just a free flow of whatever I'm thinking so I'm gonna do that today for say, 20 minutes or until i get bored. I have to see Mr. Hall on friday and give him stuff, and then Monday I'm going fishing on my boat, you. It's gonna be great, I just hope we catch something this time. Damn instant messages all over the place...oh yea the boat. peavey 1.0mm guitar picks?!? where the hell are my purple ones?!?!?! i hate 1.0mm. im not even playing guitar lol. speaking of guitar, its been a while since ive played hockey, which sucks. but oh well, nothin i can do. Saphron is a terrible name, i would never be crazy about a girl named saphron. or fourteen. ur mom in 60 seconds. My pot looks really cool, i get to make the lif on thursday, and it will be very complete. I need something to put in it though.
lets talk about terrible screen names.
XeroK9 - sucks
Bat0man - really sucks
papichulo338 - just no, ok?
KJelly345 - hmmm, this shure doesnt sound like some interesting product that we all know of
SWARPO - what the hell is swarpo??
tclonyl - yea, i know mine sucks...i dont even know what it means

If Led Zeppelin comes back to tour they should replace john bonham with his son who plays drums and name the band 'File 37'. They should play heartbreaker AND living loving maid together, not excluding living loving maid like they used, those morons. rush dvd: october 21. dont bother asking me how my day is on october 21, it will be great. rushed will be my mood for my journal entry on october 21. madonna? get the hell out of my random thoughts you crackhead. when i turn 18 i want to enter a whole bunch of conests and write a song called summer of 03', basically ripping off all of the lyrics from bryan adam's summer of 69'.

final thought:
Writing one limerick about killing someone - cute. writing seven limericks about killing someone - scary.

6 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 28 September :: 9.04pm

I got new pillows! They are so much better than my old crappy ones!

I have upgraded from being able to mouth-play the stairway to heaven solo, to being able to play it...rock. Watched some funny moooovies with steph, today. gotta love mallrats. went brus'in last night, hilarity ensued. end of story.

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 24 September :: 1.28pm

"I can't derive 55"
I was tortured today. Driving home next to a 1967 Ford Mustang Coupe almost killed me. Just like my dream of ever owning one, it drove off into the distance as I was held back by a red light.

If you are catholic you must now wear a beanie at all times. And church is banned on sundays due to football. Just go whenever you feel like it, except for wednesdays because Kristi has plans on wednesdays and we dont want to exclude anyone.

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 23 September :: 5.58pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Pink Floyd - Time

What would Sammy Hagar say if asked to find the derivative of 55? (Good things come to those who finish the joke)

2 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 20 September :: 11.02am
:: Mood: quixotic
:: Music: Ashanti (dunno what song)

what does this mean?
what does quixotic mean?? is that a word? who uses that word? smart ppl or ppl who just kno what that means??? can anyone answer these questions?? i dunno! am i just talkin to the air? or the keyboard! i like this jounal thing! it is so awesomely cool! idf that is a word! i feel like a blonde! im talkin to my friends online and i am sayin stupid stuff, this guy names josh said he is goin to ID i said idaho right? or that is the only i state he said well there is also illinois iowa and indiana, im like........i feel blonde lol well n e who enough about me, well actually it isnt concidering this is my journal! r u supposed to act like ur talkin to someone or just writin what happened this week or day or something? i dunno! my tummy hurts real bad! its not cool! how does ur tummy feel when it hurts?? mine hurts like the dickens....haha! well i ought to be goin

The game!!!!

i went to the football game! we lost :-( 25 to 15! it sux! me and my friend amanda were havin so much fun, we were cheerin for the football team and at the half time, the band played and we cheered for our buddies in the band (shoutout to james!!) and i dressed in school colored knee socks and everything it was so pimp! i got so many compliments! hehe and i saw this guy whjo i havent seen in forever! it was good to see him sincd he dont go to our school n e more :-( i used to have a thing for him hehehe well i ought to be goin now later!

Luv ya artie!

Much love

Boricua power!

Go vikings!! (try to win vikings!!)

2 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 18 September :: 9.56pm
:: Music: Tommy Tutone - 867-5309 (Jenny)

I have the best jeaorb ever. It's so laid back and relaxed, I get everything short of a sub for free from Quizno's, get to talk to lots of people, and lots of kids and friends of people who work there stop by. In fact I was the only one who didn't have someone that I know stop by, lol. All I have to do is clean tanning beds, run the laundry, and the computer if the computer girl is busy. Once again I'm so happy about the Quizno;s next door...sooo great. and all the people from quiznos come over and hang out, really cool.

6 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 15 September :: 10.42pm

Imagine being Bob Dylan. Imagine being on stage singing The Mighty Quinn. Imagine connecting with the one person in the crowd who truly understands your thoughts.

Now let me imagine that I am you. Let me imagine you watching me on stage. Let me imagine you watching me sing The Mighty Quinn. Let me imagine you connecting with me.

Imagine yourself being able to give your life meaning.

3 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 13 September :: 5.23pm
:: Music: Aerosmith - Pink

I got a job today at the tanning place near the boynton mall. Im happy and i think itll be fun because the lady that i talked to today said that alot of kids come in and its a very social place to work, just my style. Getting paid is also my style, so thats good :).

Concert Info:
Saliva and kiss can be summed up in two sentences. Saliva was terrible, boring and way too loud. KISS was interesting but lame and whoever their new guitarist is is terrible. Aerosmith was amazing, however. Even the three new songs they played were all great, including a Muddy Waters cover. They played Love in an Elevator, and and Last Child!!!! I was so happy when they played last child, id never think they would play it but they did and everyone was groovin to it. Good times, good times...

3 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 9 September :: 8.45pm
:: Mood: very sad

my guitar is going to shit in more way than one. I'll spare the details for those who don't really care...

2 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 9 September :: 1.25pm
:: Music: Rush - The Trees

Can't get much better than Rush
So the Maples formed a Union
And demanded equal rights
'The Oaks are just too greedy
We will make them give us light'
Now there's no more Oak oppression
For they passed a noble law
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw

I nominate Neil Peart as god for the church of loving life.

5 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 9 September :: 10.27am

Hmmm, I just realized something that is rather interesting. The first sick day I had last year fell on parent night as well. SPOOKY!

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 8 September :: 4.14pm

*stumbles out of bed*
I feel soo sick, might not be in school tomorrow if I don't get better.
*crawls back in*

4 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 7 September :: 6.02pm
:: Music: Rush - YYZ

I love you.

2 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 6 September :: 10.53pm

I seriously think I have a problem whenever I look at a PRS. I feel really good first but then I get this huge feeling of knowing I'll never own one and get incredibly sad. almost to the point of crying, pathetic, huh? It's even worse since ive played one before and i know what im missing. It's to the point where id rather have a PRS than a car.

7 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 6 September :: 5.19pm
:: Music: Rush - Fly By Night

I love Alex Lifeson, his solos are fairly easy to play generally and you can fake your way throught the shredding parts cause he plays so damn fast. I learned the solo to Tom Sawyer, Fly By Night, and Closer to the Heart in all of 30 minutes combined. The first time I even looked at the tab for the Fly By Night solo was when i tried to play it along with the song. Tom Sawyer i figured out by ear, and all of closer to the heart except i needed a tab to figure out the first three double stops (im not good in transcribing double stops...that why i had so much trouble with another brick part 2 solo)

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 6 September :: 11.51am
:: Mood: tired

I taste blood in my mouth, and sure enough I went and tried to hock it up and blood came out...very strange.

Anyhow, last night was cool. The game vs santaluces was awesome because we completely destroyed them and it rained the entire game which made the atmosphere a little more chaotic. stayed after a little bit to try and say hi to some of the band kids but i figured whats the use, they wont miss me any way so I went home. got home, picked up the guitar, wrote and finished a new song, and compeltely destroyed the music to it when i was done. i couldnt tell if the reason for that was if i was sad or mad but whatever, i guess it doesnt matter, the song is gone.

oh and Suki rocks, telling me about a cool duct tape idea that i just might try and make work.

5 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 4 September :: 4.24pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Led Zeppelin - Fool In The Rain

I have figured out that the more carpets one steps on is related to happiness in this way:
Carpets stepped on / number of people who want to kill you = happiness.

Don't mind me, I eat shredded cheese by itself.

3 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 2 September :: 7.48pm
:: Music: Led Zeppelin - Livin' Lovin' Maid

In search of a girlfriend, I am going to ask my guitar out on a date. The reason behind this is that I doubt it will say no, so that makes it easy for me. I will update with the results later.

7 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 1 September :: 9.09pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: jeff golub - cruisin'

Wow, my weekend was very tiring. Saturday I visited my family in Naples and came back mid sunday in time to prepare for the party. The party was pretty good, had a lot of people show up and between the tape watchers and the air-hockey players i think people had fun too. played some guitar, chilled to Bob Marley in the living room and ended with the Shining. Today I went to a cookout, end of story. Oh and thanks to all that came and brough people.

2 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 30 August :: 2.48am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Led Zeppelin - Livin' Lovin' Maid

Just got home, with none of the Taco Bell I wanted
Life must really hate me tonight...
Thank you steph for putting up with all that stuff tonight, you're really a great person to do that.

1 don't really | give a fuck


:: 2003 29 August :: 2.52pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: More Cowbell!

Your Life: The Movie by mintyduck
Who will play you:Jack Black
Who will play your love interest:Julianne Moore
Weeks you will stay in the box office:21
Song that will play during your love scene:Britney Spears - Hit Me Baby One More Time
Song that will play during your death:Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper
Your name:
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Everything about this rocks except for the Britney Spears, i was hoping for maybe smooth jazz, lol. I hope someone yells "more cowbell!" when they play 'don't fear the reaper' at my funeral.

3 don't really. | give a fuck


:: 2003 28 August :: 4.34pm
:: Music: Led Zeppelin - Livin' Lovin' Maid (On vinyl!)

Picked up my LP's today so now i can actually use my record player. Took me all of 5 minutes to completely set the thing up in my room, soo glad that i didnt have any trouble with it. So i listened to most of Led Zeppelin II, which I had on cd but lost it. i cant wait to listen to some of this stuff that has never been on any format but a vinyl record. Oh yea, Calc completely killed me today, so at least this is making me happy.

1 don't really | give a fuck | Random Journal