The tragedy of a track marked beauty queen.


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Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.

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:: 2004 14 January :: 9.02 pm

well, if any of you first session went well. I cried, but what else is new? it feels kind of weird, telling a complete stranger all of your deepest secrets. but it felt good. Miss Vicki (hah, I sound like a kid) is really super nice. she's older than she sounded on the phone, but it doesn't matter, at least she has more experience. anyways, I like her.

there's this kid James at school. everyone's afraid of him, except me and Brett. I feel really bad for him..though I don't know why. he cuts public, and threatens people, to scare them..obviously to make himself laugh. but I think I'm not scared of him, just because he's a cutter, and I'm not afraid of cutters. but I have to eat something. I love you.

and why is Rach in the shower?! rr.

2 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 13 January :: 6.41 pm

well, it's tomorrow. there was a cancelation, so I'm tomorrow..4 o'clock. I don't know how to feel about this, excited, relieved, nervous. I don't really feel much anymore anyways so it doesn't really matter.

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

save the empire!

:: 2004 12 January :: 8.48 pm
:: Music: Glassjaw..again

"The amount of love you wish to give is more than I can stand."

I love this song.

Jennah and Brett are going to be together again. you have no idea how happy this makes me. I don't know why, but I just like them together. maybe it's because Jennah can be both happy and, I don't know, you can tell that they just..go together. so, I'm in a good mood. thank you Brett : )
Stephen and I just had a little, not debate, but talk about abortion. I am not pro-life, though I think I would consider myself a conservative. I was brought up in a liberal, democratic environment, but I really don't know what I think. we're studying the Constitution in history, so I've actually been thinking about it quite a bit. I don't nkow. for right now, I'm non-party. if anyone wants to debate the whole, abortion issue, feel free to leave your thoughts on my comments board.
anywho, I'm leaving.

1 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 11 January :: 4.35 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: Glassjaw

I'm so tired.

Alex's party was last night. it was fun..but I agree with him, it would have been better if he had had just a small get together thing with just about a fourth of the people there. Megan and Davis kissed. Taylor and Bacardi Kid kissed. Alex and I kissed, even though we got into..2 fights I think it was? oh well..we had a Fab 4 sleepover at Erin's afterwards. this morning we had the pizza that Miss Michele gave us, and chocolate covered strawberries..fucking best breakfast I've ever had. Mom wouldn't let Alex come over today..said I had to help take down Christmas. as you can all see I'm helping so much. I cried today. a lot. don't really know why. kinda pathetic, but it happens a lot now..9 more days. I'm really tired for some reason..I wanted to go to the mall to get those earrings..but no. damn Christmas. why can't we live in Whoville? that way, we wouldn't really have to worry about taking Christmas down. and I could get those pretty earrings. I'm selfish. I'm sorry. my dad is trying to put my futon together, but the directions suck so it's taking a little longer. and now he's taking a break..damn. I do have good news though..I got into the Broadcasting Arts program at Lake Howell. and so did Alex and Jennah and Erin. I wish Rach had applied. but it's alright, that's not her thing. Alex also joined drama. neeeeeed guys. guys are so lucky..theyre like, gold to the industry, while girls are some kind of rusty copper...BUT if we give the casting director a blow job or..something..we MIGHT be silver. it's sad. just like the fact that if yuo're poor and you have a kid, you can get medicade. but if you're poor with no can't. my sister went to the hospital last night. she doesn't have insurance, and she can't get medicade. so they wouldn't do an MRI on her..they wouldn't do anything, except give her a little tiny bit of medicine that was probably tylenol fancied up. what the hell are people like her supposed to do? people who are sick, therefore they can';t work because they might not be there all the time, and they don't have kids, or aren't married, so they can't get insurance or medicade. how are they supposed to get medicine? are they just supposed to live with what they're going through? and the fucking goverment wonders why there are so many heroine addicts. stupid..
I'm going to go start switching out the old pictures in my photo albums for new ones.

I love you Alex.

1 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 9 January :: 12.00 am
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: sad music.

aww fucker. I just lost everything I wrote because..ahh nevermind. I'll write it again. my list continues...
glittery nail polish
Rachel Libersat
pink hair
Davey Havok
matching (that's including sex bracelets)
Jennah LeBruno
hot hot hot hot (like, the hottest you it will go) kind of showers
dad's famous taco dip
Adam Lazzara's hair
the way Brice only wears orange pants and gets his shoes personally made
Erin Adams
cell phone games
the way the Fabs seem to write on EVERYTHING in each of our rooms

I'll add more if I think there's more, which there probably is..

so today. kinda sucked, kinda didn't. Alex was in a bad mood. -Hence, the day sucking.- none of the Fabs were in bad moods. -Hence, the day not sucking.- everything kind of evens out. I don't know anything anymore. I'm so confused about things. I don't know what I did to make Alex...hate me? no, he doesn;t hate me..I don;t know what I did to make him..act like he did today. Erin and Jennah are with their new...not boyfriends, but uh, boys of interest? and Rach is with her mom...but I need her!! because I'm sad and I neeeeed to talk someone's ear off..and she's the only one I can do that with, without being told to shut up.

haha, okay, I just called Rach's mom's cell phone. I had to. I had to talk to her. and I did. and now I feel better and refreshed. I'm still kind of sad..but I feel better. I also talked to Mark. and I don;t know why, but that made me smile too. I feel...cared for...not a cared for like "I love you so much" or "youre so hot", but a cared for like, someone really cares. it's a good feeling. I like it. I love Rachel. I love Rachel. I want Rachel nowwww! (Jennah and Erin I love yuo guys too).
earlier I felt alone. I was afriad to call Rach's mom's cell. Alex was playing football. and Erin and Jennah were at..yea, lol. but I don't know. it's better now. I want..ah, I want so many things. it's not easy. but, I don't know. I don't know I don't know I don't know. all I know is that I want something. I don't know exactly what it is..but I know..enough. and I also know that I'm making absolutely no sense now.
Alex just told me that he's not happy. well, he didn't say those words exactly...actually, he did..kind of. he also said that since I'm happy, it doesn't matter whether he is or not. I don't know. whatever.

2 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 8 January :: 12.00 am

I've decided to not put the time on here anymore because it's too damn confusing.
I Love list from...April 26th, 2003..
Kurt Cobain
Kevin Bacon/Travy
Empire Records
winking smiley faces
Bjork's voice
being on the floor at concerts
Magic Kingdom
Space Mountain at Magic Kingdom
making out
sex bracelets
my sister ring
the Fab 4 and Coop
my journal
the beach
Harry Potter books
yearbook and the Wubb
the color red
my feet falling asleep
Hot Topic
getting out of school early
speghetti strap shirts
acting/being on stage/being in front a a camera
pizza-NY style
my cats
my J.E.W. sweatshirt
music videos
orock/real rock
french braided pig tails
flat sandals
sleepovers witht he fab 4
being pushed in the pool with my cothes on
my red high tops/black low tops
crazy colored hair
beauty and the beast
having and remote control for my stereo
Eric (the bear)
the cheshire cat
water balloon fights
lying in my backyard
bands who scream then sing and vice versa
Chevelle's "One Lonely Visitor"
long vacations
Ginnie Springs
making cookies at Erin's
being independent

that is not a lot compared to the list I made today..which I'm still not done with..but I'll put what I have so far up here.

seeing Jennah laugh till she cries
Rachel's skin
making Erin laugh
pretty kisses
Alex's shoulders
seeing Rach and Patrick holding hands
wet shine nailpolish
Boys Are Smely watermelon chapstick
black eyeliner
Alex's old grey jacket
baby blue button up collar shirts for guys
the pen that I'm using right now
Empire Records
the setting for Empire Records
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
the way the Wubb's room used to look
the fact that Clint's mom owns a lime green bug
Dove chocolate
Kurt Cobain
my red high tops
Konstantine (the cat)
Konstantine (the song)
A Static Lullaby
Harry Potter
Oliver Wood from Harry Potter
Cute Without the 'E' acapella
Angelina Jolie
Mortal Kombat
Disney princesses
Beauty and the Beast
twisted fairy tales (check out The Rose and the Beast by Fransesca Lia Block)
college-ruled notebook paper
screaming the Finch and The Used in Rach's living room
attempting to "mosh" with the Fabs in my living room
tight vintage T-Shirts
guys wearing tight vintage T-Shirts
AIM (sad, I know.)
the library
the counters at Ben and Jerry's
Alex kissing my forehead
falling asleep next to Alex
chemistry and algebra
Fab 4 sleepovers (especially at Jennah's)
going to The Springs in Erin's grandma's neighborhood with the Fabs and sitting on the floating deck with them
when Matt has a girlfriend..because he's sensitive and nice ; )
making people smile (especially Clint..because he hardly ever smiles)
Mishel's confidence in himself
classes at Lisa Maile
looking at stars
going to the beach with the Fabs (even though I hate the beach)
laying in the sun (even though I hate getting a tan)

and I know there's many more, but I ran out of room on my paper and um, yea. talking to Alex now..he's probably mad at me. hm. I love him. I'm excitied for party on Saturday...: ) but very very very very very sad that Chris can't go : ( I didn;t forget, I swear!

I love you guys.


1 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 7 January :: 11.33 am

We can wait for the wind to blow
or give me a look so cold
It gives me chills
and ends the summer war
My eyes roll
Around and over and again
Falling down,
Dizzy with sun stroke

I'll be there
And I'll try to identify
Try to look through the grey skies in your eyes
And pick up everything you left behind

Cross your fingers
and pray for winter
I'll be there
Painting the town your favourite colour

Guess I'll call or see you around (yeah)
Guess I'll call or see you around
Guess I'll call or see you around (yeah)
Guess I'll call or see you around

I'll call or see you around
I'll call or see you around
I'll call or see you around
I'll call or see you around

Painting the town your favourite colour

I'm at school. I read Jennah';s woohu a little while ago and I had to post something about it. this song is really about us. or what we have been the last, however long we've been like this. it's sad, and I don't like it. I miss "us". I miss the Fab 4. we're the best. "We're the coolest kids and we take what we can get". I love you guys.

save the empire!

:: 2004 6 January :: 8.45 pm
:: Music: I'm not listening to anything..surprisingly

Jennah, I love you, it's just sometimes I can't take your criticism, or you being mean. and you guys wonder why I'm with Alex so much, but he's never like that. I can hang out with him and not worry about getting "the look" from Rach or Erin, or worry about you saying "I don't like you". maybe Addie was right in a way, in saying that we hurt people. I know we don't hurt people directly, but all of us are so into our friendship, and we used to think that we had the best friendship in the world, and I think that really does hurt people. I mean, seriously, a lot of people will never be as happy as we once were with each other, especially people who tried to be friends with us. but, regardless of what happens now, what happened in the past and what will happen in the future, I love you no matter what. and I love the Fabs too. we're just all changing right now, trying to figure out the people we want to be, and it's okay to space out. you'll (and Erin and ach) be my best friends, no matter what. weve gone through so much shit it's impossible for us to not be. don't worry. I love are our light..(not saying this in a religious
and to anyone esle reading this, I'm glad that this bitch is my best friend.

2 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 5 January :: 6.59 pm
:: Music: Footloose and Godspell soundtracks

I'm so excited about tomorrow. no, not because I want to go back to school, because drama starts! -not the annoying kind, the ACTING kind- and I can't wait. I dropped out of AOF this summer, so I haven't technically been in a play since last school year...and that sucked big time. I mean, no offense to anyone who was in it, but you guys, er, we, sucked. I'm surprised people didn't get up and leave after the first class did their mystery thing..which you couldn't hear at all...IT'S CALLED A DIAPHRAGM PEOPLE. my class was sitting in the back and we were just like..yea, we better be better than them. and we were. a tad. hah, whatever, I can't wait. Alex is going to try to get into it...NOT because I'm making him because I want to have an extra class with him, but because he'd be an AWESOME, comedian. -haha, I can hear We Beseech Thee in the other room. I'm surprised I liked that show so much considering I'm not into all.- anyways, something I'm not looking forward to tomorrow is science. or, I'm not looking forward to turning my project in on Wednesday. I mean, it's okay, but to Ms. Schmidt, okay is like, trash. and I'm thinking she's expecting a lot from me and uh, this project isn't...yea...oh well, even if she gives me a C on it -which I don't think she will- I'd probably still have an A in her class. haha, almost said something mean. ah, I don't know I don't know I don't know.
I feel so numb. well, I guess you cuold say numb because I really don;t know what else you would say. I don't know how to feel right now, about anything. I'm making school be my number 1 priority. I know it sounds stupid, but heh, I don't want to get into some of the things that are right here in front of me, asking me to step down the wrong path. some of my friends..I don't know, it feels like things are changing, or maybe it's me. but how can you not, when serious, life changing things happen? I mean, I don't know, Jennah said she doesn;t feel like she knows me anymore, I never talk to Erin, it's just weird. and I don;t know how to act with my family either. I don't know who to believe, who to trust, who to apologize to. I always feel like I need to apologize to someone, for something that isn't my fault. whatever, if I go a few months, or a year, without feeling anything it can't cause any damage worse than feeling..if you get my drift. okay, I think I'm going to go take a shower.

1 damned the man. | save the empire!

:: 2004 4 January :: 5.20 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music:

haha, this band Darkness, theyre really cool...really funny. I'm a Alex's. : ) it's his birthday, if you didn't know. Patrick is sitting here next to me..slurping on a swedish fish..yikes. yes, I'm having fun because I love these peope. I just met "the family". hahaah, I like 'em! nice people.
earlier my mom and I went shopping, kind of. I'll talk about it later, I must go KILL Patrick in Mortal Kombat...mwahahahhahhhah! I LOve THis GAme!!!!
and I love Alex.. : )
p.s.....Alex explained to me the time should be right I feel like an idiot.

1 damned the man. | save the empire! | Random Journal