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I close my eyes and you're all I can see

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:: 2004 4 June :: 9.13 pm

Shannon is the sweetest girl I know! The girl just brought me a slurpie, just to be nice.! I love that girl soooo much! I love you Shea!!! :) *Fluck it!* hehe

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 4 June :: 8.38 pm

All I have to say is it takes two to tango, and if you want it bad enough, you'll work for it too. Otherwise I'm not doing anything, untill you do. I care yes, but not enough to let you walk all over me.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 4 June :: 8.12 pm


So I go outside to grab my duffle bag out of the van because I left in in there from a few nights ago when me and my dad went to Champion. Well my bag was open and my shoes had fallen out, so I'm putting them back in, looking at what else in my bag, and all of a sudden I hear a hissing type sounds, and my first thought is "Omg what if there is a snake behind me...." (if anyone of you know me, you know that I'm deadly afaid of snakes) and I turn around, and guess what? THERES A SNAKE LIKE TWO INCHES AWAY FROM MY LEG, and I'm in shorts and a tee shirt...thinking I'm going to fucking die! So I'm like just standing there, my heart is beating a millions beats per second, and I start crying, and it's just right there, hissing at me, with it's little fucking tounge out of it's mouth, and about 2 minutes later my mom and dad come outside, becuase they were going out for their anniversary...and my dad is like what are you doing, and I'm just standing there stiff as a rock...crying..and then my dad scared it away. Oh My god, I hate snakes so damn much!!!! ughdflkajsdflkjasdlkf I almost friecken pissed my pants! jakdfjalkfjlkasjfd I hate snakes soooo much! i'm not going outside for al ong time! lollfjalkjflk;asjfl;kasjdfklajsdf

yeah, that was scary.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 4 June :: 7.03 pm

Parents Names and Ages.:Steve and Nancy, umm just a guess but 42-43
Siblings Names and Ages..:Katti-21 and nick -17
Car Currently Driven.:Hmm that'd be nice, IF I could drive!
Current Residence.:6772 Wildwood Ct. , my parents home
Born Where.:Butterworth Hospital
How many cities have you lived in?:two
Countries traveled to?:none
Best Friend(s)?:Jess, and I have a few other
Dislike Who(m)?:eminem
Love?:I'm not in love
Always the Most Drunk?:Katie and Katie
Is going to die from drinking and driving?:...i dont know...i hope none
Most Talkative?:Linds
Hottest?:Dan or Mike
Ugliest? (come onnn answer it!):no...
Most Annoying?:noo...
Eats a crapload?:haha
Always will be there for you?:Jess
Bike?:a pink bike with those extra wheels
Best Friend?:Jess, hey what do you know, we're still bestfriend
Memory of Something?:going to chuckie cheese?
Kiss?:Kyle Harper
Break up?:Zak something in 4th grade
Pet?:Traper our dalmation
Funeral?:My Great Grandma Jess
Piercing/Tattoo?:my first holes in my ears
Voted for?:me and jess for bestfriend, mock elections, 8th grade
Apartment/House?:the one I was born into
Love?:I've never been in love
Heart Break? Baurer 8th grade
Sport Played?:Basketball
Rejection?:Zach Garnsey, 3rd grade
Most Recent...
Movie seen?:The Day after Tomorrow
Book read?:Gossip Girl
Cuss word?:Fuck
Food eaten?:jello
Drink drinken?:water
Crush?:Dan or Mike
Phone call?:Devon
Tv Show watched?:Real World
Time you showered?:when I got home from work 3 hours ago
Item bought?:mascara at rite aid today
Happy moment?:thinking for a second things might be okay again
Words Spoken?:"Get away from me Pepper, go lie down"
Time you slept?:I went to bed last night,a nd woke up at 5 for work this morning.
time wanting to die?:Last week
time in love?:never been in love
kiss?:I dont kiss and tell
underwaer worn?:my blue sparkley ones
What illegal drugs have you done?:none
Who have you made out with on your buddy list?:none of your buisness
What's the biggest lie you've told?:good question..
Most embarrassing moment?:ripping my pants at Tyler's
Biggest Guilty Pleasure?:haha the chair in that basment
Wierdest favorite food?:grapes
Ever made out with more than one person in 24 hours?:I dont think so
Ever had sex with more than one person in 24 hours?:I'm a virgin
Ever been on tv?:yes
What's the craziest thing you've done drunk?:I dunno
Stupidest?:Screamed pussya million times when me katie and katie hung out on her birthday
Favorite Cartoon when little?:Power Rangers, and I'll be the only one to admit to it!
What makes you cry?:thinking about when I mess up
What makes you smile?:being with my friends
What's goin onnnn?!
Reach farrr to your right. what're you touching?:nothing
Reach farrr to your left. what're you touching now?:computer modem
If you fell backwards right now what would you hit & how bad would it hurt?:Pepper sleeping ont he floor, and it'd hurt her more than it would hurt me
Grab a book. Page 183. Line 14. Write the whole sentence.:um how bout no
Would you like to tell me another sentence that is betteR? go for it.:nope
Why are you still doing this survey?:because im bored
Kick your leg out as hard as you can. What just happened? again, if I did my leg would smash into the computer desk
Go to bathroom, reach under sink without looking. What do you grab?i:no
What do you have hidden in your room from your parents?:...katies b-day present
Is there anything odd on your roof? you know we often don't look up.:umm no...just a satellite dish
What's the wierdest thing in your fridge right now?:something my mom made for dinner
Do you have an imaginary friend? Introduce us. NOW.:no
If you don't have one, would you like one?:no
What memories of boogers do you have from your youth?:i dont
In your childhood, what did you frame your siblings for that you did?:pulling down the blinds in mine and my sisters room
What would you do in timeout when your mom wasn't looking? away?
Would you sleep in timeout all night long to get your way?:no
backyard tragedies in your childhood?:getting hit with a baseball
ever been attacked by an animal?:lol only my brother
where was the coolest hangout when you were younger?wish you could go back?:chuckie chesse's
furthest place traveled?:flordia, new york, north carolina.. I dunno
something you wish I had asked and its answer.:idk
anything else you want to get off your chest?:that I'm bored

For those who love these! yay! brought to you by BZOINK!

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 4 June :: 4.56 pm
:: Music: Mandy Moore-Have a little faith in me

Work Sucks
Let's just say I hate work!!! I really really really hate it! It just totally sucks, and I'm so un-happy when I'm there, for a full 8 hours. I want to kill everyone I'm around when I'm there. I just hate it, and time goes bye so slow, and the day feels sooooooo friecken long! ahhh...oh well, good thing I don't have to work for a while.

I'm hanging out with Mike Hudson and Devon tonight, if we can get ahold of Devon. It should be fun, I just want to do something after work. Have some fun.

I'm going shopping tomorrow yay! :)

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 3 June :: 8.23 pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Seether-Broken

I want to hold you up and steal your pain away.......
So school's over, and I'm not really happy, I'm not really sad, more so just relieved. This year has been the worse year I think I can remember, and I just want to forget about it. Maybe not forget, but move on. Then again I'm afraid the summer is going to make it more complicated.

I can tell that I hate work already. Tomorrow I have to work from 7 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon, and I don't even like anyone there. ughh oh well, it pays, that's all that matters. I'll deal with it.

I just wanted you to know, I love the way you laugh. I want to hold you high, and steal your pain. Cos I'm broken, when I'm open. And I let you get away. I don't feel strong enough ..anymore. The worst is over, we can breathe now.

I only hope.

You don't even see how you make me feel. I feel like nothing I do is good enough for either one of you. I try so hard to please you, to the point where I just feel like giving up, where I just don't see the point anymore. You never come to support me in anything, unless you count showing up at a softball game, just to leave 10 minutes later. I don't know if you've realized, but not once in my life have I ever heard the words "I'm proud of you" come out of either of your mouths. You want me to open up to you, to tell you things, but how can I when you look down on me for everything? Things you dont even know, better yet understand. I look at how you treat him, and it makes me sick to my stomach because I know how selfish he is, and I do everything you ask of me, and still you don't trust me, you still act like I've done everything to make you question my motives. I just can't take it anymore. I don't even want to talk to you , or look at either you when I'm home. I just want to be in a different room than you, I just want to ignore every word you say to me, so I don't take the chance of letting something get me down, because I don't need any of it, espically from my own parents.

I think this was the first year I wasn't too concerned about saying goodbye to people, because I just want to get away from everyone. I think when I'm not happy, I run away from people and I run away from my problems, causing more. ehh..I dunno, I'll see everybody again next year. I'm not too concerned. I said goodbye to Lindsey, cos I'll hardly talk to her all summer, but that's it.

Promise me that when I can't find the strength to pick myself up, when I have nothing left but tears, that you'll be there. I know you always say you will be, and I always think you to be honest, just please promise me.

Well next week me and Jess are going to Cedar Point, god I cannot wait! I look forward to Cedar Point all summer! It's mine and Jess's tradition now. 3 years! But this year I don't think we'll put the fake tanning to use. Lol, to say the least.

I love you.

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 2 June :: 9.02 pm

I've been listening to this song all day...


I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph; I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel light when you’re gone away

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There’s so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel right when you’re gone away

‘Cause I’m broken when I’m open
And I don’t feel like I am strong enough
‘Cause I’m broken when I’m lonesome
And I don’t feel light when you’re gone away

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 2 June :: 7.42 pm

My life is falling apart, and I'm just watching the pieces drop to the ground, and there's nothing I can do.

I don't feel like myself, and everything just makes me feel so angry, hurt , and sad. What the fuck is that matter with me?!?

That new song "Broken" , makes me cry. It so pretty.

Yeah off to just fucking hate everything even more and cry till I get another fucking headache.

This isn't even fair.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 1 June :: 7.29 pm
:: Mood: sad

I just dont know what to do
I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to prove anything that I feel inside to you, I just don't know. And i'm afraid if I don't do something soon, it'll be completely out of reach, and I'm afaid if I do , it wont matter and I'll just make things worse. I just dont know.

I have never hurt this much about something like this, in mylife. Each breath just gets worse, and you dont even care. Which makes the next step ten times harder to make.

Why can't I just fucking shut my mouth. I am such a bitch, god, I'd probably hate myself too.

God I'm so sorry.

Ughh anyway, me and Jess went for a run, then we jumped in the pool, and omg it was sooooooooooooooooo cold! Holy shit! lol but it was fun! So tonight were going to stay up all night, and just wake up tomorrow go to school come home, and hang out. Fun fun. I don't know what I would of done w/out Jess today, I'm broken inside and as much as I try to not let it show to anyone, the only person I can just let it not run through my head every second, of every moment, has been when I'm hanging out with Jess. So I'm glad, she's here for me all night .

I'm so scared to even think about how terriable things could get from this point on. Everything's falling apart, and I have no one here, to catch me. No oneI want there. No offense. Right Now Jess is the only person I want to be around because I'm afraid of hurting someone else. And Jess , it wont happen.

I have never felt like such a bad person in my life, like I do now. All I want to do is just break down and cry, and I am trying so hard to just pull it together. Espically when you're around.

akdjfkadjflkj I'm so sorry

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 31 May :: 9.25 pm

current clothing:Shorts and a tee-shirt
current mood:stressed
current taste:grapes
current hair:Down and Straight
current annoyance:that everything has to be so damn confusing
current smell:grapes
current thing you ought to be doing:studying for biology
current jewelry:Shell necklace, and watch.
current book:Gossip girl
current refreshment:Water
current worry:If things will ever just be okay.
current crush:Dan
current favorite celebrity:Kenny Chesney
current longing:to just talk to you
current music:Hoobastank-The reason, I'm really getting sick of this song
current wish:That you would just call
current lyric in your head:"Let's start this over, it's not like we're dead. Was it something you did, was it something I said?"
current makeup (if you're a girl!):none, unless you consider chap stick make up?
current undergarments:the usual lol
current regret:letting you hate me
current desktop picture:picture of me jess and andy
current plans for tonight/weekend:tonight-sleep, this weekend-leave
current cuss word du jour:fuck
current disappointment:that I let you and myself down
current amusement:kevin
current IM/person you're talking to:kevin and kevin, ha how cute
current love:pepper
current obsession:downloading music
current avoidance:talking to you, may cause you to hate me more
current thing or things on your wall:awards, pictures, posters of kenny chesney, and umm..stars
current favorite book:a walk to remember
current favorite movie:a walk to remember

currents!@*&!*@&^& brought to you by BZOINK!

You Die....
If you go to Heavan, What does God say to You?:I guess I'll have to tell you when I find out.
If not, What does the Devil say?:I hope I'll never know.
How Did you Die?:umm what?
Who gave your eulegy?:Jess
Buried, Cremated, or shipped off to sea?:I really dont care, it's just a dead body.
Random Thoughts....
Love someone and Never be Loved? Or be Loved, and never Love someone?:love someone and never be loved
Hatefully remembered? Or Forgotten?:forgotten
Blind of Deaf? Why?:blind, because then I would prob. fall in love easier and I could still hear music
Lose a Limb....(what is it?):i dunno
Date an actor or an artist? Why?:artist, because how would you know if the actor was just acting with you or not?
More Important....
Loyalty or Respect?:loyalty
Passion or Attraction?:passion
Great Sex, or Great Dates?:great dates
Do you believe in Passion?:yes
In Yourself?:yes

Death and Random brought to you by BZOINK!

what make is your computer?:dell something
what color is your computer?:white
do you have a scanner?:yes camera?:yes burner?:yes
how fast is your internet connection?:slow
do you have dial-up, cable, etc.?:dial up
how much RAM do you have?:I dunno
what browser do you use?:huh
do you download mp3s? from where?:yes, winapmx
how much of your memory is currently used up?:a lot
do you have a ZIP drive?:i dunno
how many CD-ROMS do you have installed?:ehh...?
how many hard drives do you have?:um what?
what year did you first get online?:probably like 1998-19887
what site is the first site you ever remember visiting?:who the hell do i know, prob. hotmail
do you have a website? where?:no, but I love woohu ;)

Computer Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

Which One?
peanut butter or jelly?:peanut butter
coke or pepsi?:pepsi
walnuts or peanuts?:peanus
rain or snow?:rain
kiss or hug?:kiss
aol or msn?:msn
rap or rock?:rap
school or work?:work
turkey or chicken?:turkey
stuffing or cranberry sauce?:stuffing
sierra mist or sprite?:sierra mist
Britney or chistina?:Christina
ja rule or ludacris?:Ludacris
Boys or girls?:boys
Ashton Or Bam?:Ashton
Steveo or Johnny?:Steveo
Jackass or Wild Boys?:Jackass
radio or tv?:tv
socks or shoes?:socks
shorts or pants?:shorts
jeans or sweats?:jeans
black or blue?:blue
pink or red?:red
yellow or green?:green
rings or bracelets:bracelets
hair Up or down?:down
short or long?(hair):long
dark or light?:light
freezing or hott?:hott

brunettebaby77's Untitled brought to you by BZOINK!

I really need to stop doing survey’s.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 31 May :: 6.30 pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Mandy Moore-Have a little faith in me

~*~Highlights of the Year~*~

Hardest Class:Algebra
Easiest Class:English
Funnest Class:T.V. Productions
Best Teacher:Martino
Worse Teacher:Mrs. Ahmed (even tho. I like her)
Best Grade:Geography + Civics
Worse Grade:Algebra, what'd you think?
Broing/Fun lunch:There isn't really a bunch of ppl in A lunch, but me and Jess make it fun.
Detentions:2, that I served anyway.
Best Game:Some game Varsity bb went into overtime and won, oh there was a fight too.
Worse Game:hmm...all the JV football games.
Funnest Dance:One after a bball game.
Newest Friend:Ashley Cooper
Oldest Friend:Jess Wilde
Favorite Memorie:Choir Trip to New York, I had the time of my life! I can't wait to go back when school gets out.
Embarissing Memorie:Making Mitch bring me home from a bball game cos I was crying.
Worse Memorie:When Jess was going to move.
Best School Meal:Subway Day
Worse School Meal:Every other meal.
Best Descion:Stop Caring...have I really done that yet??? hmm...guess not.
Biggest Regret:Not fixing things when I should have. And letting little things get in the way.
Biggest Concern:Not exceling myself.
Smallest Concern:The rest of the year, 3 days.
Friend you wish you still had:Jon
Friend that you are glad you dont have:Mr. Reed wasn't really my friend, but I still hate the man. Not hate, dislike.
Spring Break/Winter Break: Winter Break was better.
Best boyfriend/girlfriend:Tony
Worse boyfriend/girlfriend:Caleb, just because we should of just been friends.
Biggest Fight:Jon or Andy
What was it about:Dumb stuff.
Coolest Trend:who cares??
Dumbest Trend:Hmm how about everyone turning into a slut?? Seems like everyone's a sleeze now days.
Good/Bad Year:Bad
Rate it 1-10 (10 best):4, pretty sad huh?

Well that made me feel like crap. oh well, what can ya do.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 31 May :: 3.22 pm

Me and Jess went and saw The Day After Tomorrow. Lol and Damn did the lady next t me have a lot of friecken perfume on. Holy Crap! Good movie though, kinda scary. Because that stuff, like the earth freezing over scares me because we have no control over it. Ahh anyhoo

I'm starting to think I should get a new woohu journal b/c of bunch of ppl read this and then assume they know what i'm talking about and make even more problems for me. There are like two people who ever really always know what I'm talking about, what's going on. So stop talking to other people, and thinking you understand. Because you don't. but What can ya do. Oh-well life sucks right?

I don't know what to do. It's so hard for me to just say I don't care, because I know I do. And I use to think to myself, of course you care, how could you not, now you really make me think, nothing ever mattered to you. If it did or does why cant you just tell me. Or just tell me it doesn't. For God sake, you were my best friend, doesn't it mean anything? I told you everything, and I can't even bring myself to think that this is going to be the end to everything, if it hasn't been over for a while now anyway. God I just wish I didn't care about all the stuff I do. ughh kajfklajsdlkfj I just need to shut up, and forget about it. That's what everyone else does right?

"Takes two to tango."

Three more days, and then I'm gone ! yay! Tomorrow me Jess, Roman, and Dan are going to the whitecaps game. I'm so happy, I love whitecaps games. And this thing with Dan, could go somewhere. I really hope it does.

I just want summer to be here, so I can get away, and just stop caring about everything I care about here, that no one else seems important, or cares back. I'm tired of hurting because I take things to heart. I'm just tiered of caring all together.


1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 30 May :: 10.51 pm

I wish we could just talk, but you probably dont want to listen and i dont blame you.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 30 May :: 8.19 pm

If there's anything you've ever wanted to know about me, i'm sure you kind find it here.

If you could change your name what would it be?:I wouldn't, I like the name Jess.
What do you want to be when you grow up?:I want to be a teacher, and a basketball coach afterschool
Pet Peeves?:Liars, Players, and when people are mean just to be mean.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?:To look past the moment and realize everything doens't matter as much as I think it does.
Junk food:::gummie worms
Smell:::My perfume, pink.
Possession:::my journal and my carebear
Lyric:::avril lavinge-dont tell me
Artist (non-musical):::Avril Lavinge, or Kenny Cheseny :)
Significant other?:dont have one
Describe your PERFECT man/woman:::someone honest, can make me laugh, will listen to me complain on the phone, comfort me when I need a shoulder, religious, wont break my heart, and will live in the moment w/me
What is the most romantic thing a bf/gf has ever done for u?:good question?
What do you listen to when ur happy?:lol any kind of rap
When ur sad?:Avril Lavigne-So much for my happy ending
When ur angry?:Box Car Racer- I feel so
Favorite song ever?:I know this is corny, but Nsync-God must of spent a little more time on you lol
Favorite musician?:Avril Lavinge, Kenny Chesney, Blink-182, and John Mayer

Lookie Lookie brought to you by BZOINK!

Favorite color::aqua blue
Favorite pizza topping::pepporni
Favorite animal::panda bear
Favorite band::blink-182
Favorite actor/actress::Mathew McConhay-10 ways to lose a guy ;), and anything with Adam Sandler I'm there
Favorite movie::How to lose a guy in 10 days, and Pearl Harbor
Favorite city::New York City
Favorite drink::Orange Juice, come on everyone knows that
Favorite store::Forever21 at Woodland
Favorite after school activity::umm...I love Whitecaps games! ;)
Favorite person to talk to::Jess
Favorite/ best girlfriend/boyfriend::I dunno
Favorite hobby::music
Favorite game::counter strike

Favorites brought to you by BZOINK!

The Basics
Team Name(s):Cedar Springs GirlsSoftball
Position(s):Catcher, and 2nd
Level(s) you currently play:JV
How long you've been playing:since I was in teeball, 7
This or that?
intense/laid back:intesnse
sportsmanship/competitive SOB:both
superstitious/skilled:eh idk
shorts/pants:pants, what crazy girl slides with shorts on
heavy bat/light bat:light bat
power hitter/get on base hitter:power hitter
fast runner/slow runner:fast runner
for the team/for yourself:for the team
sit the bench and win/play and lose:sit, what's a team for then right?
How many times have you
stolen a base:most of the times you're on base, coach made us steal
walked:the two times the I got hit with the ball
hit a homer run:once
gotten hit by a pitch:lol the two times I got walked
struck out:twice
made an error:probably a lot
gotten complimented by another team:every time always compliments the other
argued with a coach:never
injured yourself playing softball:never
bunted with 2 strikes:once
struck out with 3-0:once
struck somebody out with 3-0:i dont pitch
hit somebody pitching:i dont pitch
sent someone to the hospital during a game:never
sent a teammate to the hospital:never
gotten a neat softball scar:once, but i dont think it's a scar anymore, so i guess i haven't
been to fastpitch nationals in virginia:never
been to fastpitch nationals in north carolina:never, reed's dumb
played softball for more hours in 24 hours than you slep:never
broken a window with a pitched ball:never
broken a window with a hit ball:once at home

Softball brought to you by BZOINK!

Who are your three biggest rolemodels?
2):my mom
3):mr hazel, i love that man
Who is your most influential rolemodel?:god
Why?:why not?
Who is your idol?:i'm not sure
Bands?:blink-182, Dashboard confessional, Rascal Flats, Greenwheel
Songs?:"amazed" "the reason" "burn" "confessions" "why georgia" "my happy ending"
Hair Style [on you]:long lucios curls, but god it takes forever
Hair Color [on them]:on who?
Hair Style [on them]:who are we talking about?
Hair Color [on them]:umm okay whatever
Eye Color?:blue
Person You're Close With?:Jess
Article Of Clothing?:hoodie
Celebrity?:kenny chesney
Shoe Brand?:doesn't really matter, only if the shoes cute
Clothing Brand?:forever 21
Guitar/Muscial Brand?:dunno
Gender?:lol what girl wouldn't say male?
Smell?:i love the guys abercrombie cologne
Kissed Best?:I don't kiss and tell...sorry
Bit Most Orgasmically?:omg
Made you Cum The Most Times?:wtf?
^How many in a row?:
Had The Best Sex?:I'm still a virgin, and intend on keeping it that way
Was The Hottest?:you
Made You Cry The Longest?:bah
Hurt You The Most?:lets not talk about it
You Feel Safe With?:him
You'll Love Forever?:I've never been in love, but I love all my friends, forever.
Made You Think?:Andy
Smelled The Best?:Tyler
Drove You Around At Night?:Katie
Snuck Into Your House?:Troy
Made You Feel The Best?:Ashley
Random Things
Favorite DVD?:Pearl harbor
Favorite Movie?:pearl harbor, and how to lose a guy in 10 days
Favorite Drink?:orange juice
_______ or _______?
Hurley or Atticus?:hurley
Emo or Punk?:emo
High or Drunk?:drunk, drugs are bad
SLC Punk or Dogtown & Z-Boys?:huh?
Stevo or Heroin Bob?:huh?
Snady or Trish?:wow i'm confused
Black or White?:Black
Red or Teal?:Teal
Blue or Yellow?:Blue
Happy or Sad?:Happy
Guitar or Vocals?:Vocals
Bass or Drums?:Drums
PC or PS2?:PC
PS2 or Gamecube?:PS2
Action or Horror?:horror
Freddy or Jason?:who cares
Mary-Kate or Ashley?:they both seem sweet
Matches or Lighter?:neither
Lighter or Zippo?:neither
Shrek or Finding Nemo?:shrek
Cyber Sex or Phone Sex?:neither
Bath or Shower?:bath
Lemon or Lime?:lemon
Brandy or Burbon?:niether
Dog or Cat?:dog
Mohawk or Spikes?:neither
Spikes or Studs?:niether
Leather or Suede?:niether
Silver or Gold?:silver
Platinum or Gold?:platinum
Handcuffs or Somone Holding You Down?:someone holding me down i guess?
Acoustic or Electric?:acoustic
Coffee or Tea?:niether
Peas or Carrots?:carrots
Laundry smell or Lavender?:laundry smell
Love or Money?:love
Death or Eternal Life?:death

Lotsa Randomness brought to you by BZOINK!

Black & White OR Color?:color
Dormroom OR Bedroom?:bedroom
Christmas Break OR Spring Break?:spring break
Slippers OR Bare feet?:bare feet
Hot Cocoa OR Chai?:hot cocoa
Single OR Coupled?:coupled
Photographs OR Memories?:umm photos
Sad music when you are sad OR Happy music when you are happy?:both
(On guys) Long hair OR Short hair?:short
(On girls) Long hair OR Short hair?:i dont care
The O.C. OR Felicity?:o.c.
America's Next Top Model OR American Idol?:Fantashia
Vanilla Coke OR Pepsi Vanilla?:I don't like pop
Classic Rock OR 'Now' Rock?:new rock ig uess
Finally, how much do you abhor Ashton Kutcher?:not very much

For Leslie & Other Bored LJers brought to you by BZOINK!

First Thing That Comes To Your Mind!!
Boys?:Heart ache
Girls?:Slumber Partys
Live Journals?:calming
Dude?:wheres my
Cell Phones?:ring a ling
Diet Coke?:only coke i like
Dude?:you already asked this
YoOoOo?:what's crakin
Call Me?:give me a jingle

What Comes To Your Head? brought to you by BZOINK!

Personal Information
Birthday Questions
day or night?:night
mom's age?:too old
dad's age?:too old
any brother's or sisters?:yes, they suck!
any pets?:3 dogs
any complications?:too many, all the time
adopted? (if so I'm SORRY):no
Current Questions
rural or urban enviroment?:I can't remember which is which, sad I know
one or two parent household?:two
are you poor?:no
how many people on your street?:it's a devolpment, in the woods, probably like 20 houses
how many people on your block?:I said 20
do you ride a bike?:yes
have you ridden a bike?:yes
do you think this pertains to the category?:yes
if so why?:who cares
if not, why not?:who cares
marital status?:single, i'm only 15 Good Lord
sexual status (active, virgin, inacitve):virgin
sexual preference?:men lol
hair color?:red
prefered hair color?:dusty blond
eye color?:blue
prefered eye color?:brown
prefered height?:someone taller than me, makes me feel safe
prefered weather?:sunny
did those last questions depress you at all?:no
if not, is it because you're perfect?:no
what would make everything seem more perfect?:if you would forgive me
how many days until something good happens?:umm 4, then school will be out
what do you consider good?:something to make me smile
any instruments?:no
any good?:no
do you like spiders?:I HATE spiders, almost as much as snakes
how many times have you had sex, round to the nearest tenth:never, still a virgin
how many times have you given head?:never
who's the most annoying person you know:that's mean
would like me to get rid of them for you?:no
most interesting?:willma
least interesting?:mean again
ever hate someone?:I don't hate anyone, that's a strong word
ever love someone?:yes, but i've never been IN love with someone
do you feel better when you're alone or with a lot of people?:depends, are the people my friends? then yes
is your room clean?:no, never lol
are you clean?:yes
any failed pregnancies (abortions count):no
any prejudices?:no
girls - ideal penis size?:i dont care
boys - ideal boob size:

ericbuchinski's Untitled brought to you by BZOINK!

Eye Color:blue
What are you wearing right now:kahkis and a sweator
Opposite Sex
Sexiest thing about a girl:
Sexiest thing about a guy:dark brown eyes, or someone who is musically talented
Honestly now - Which one kisses better?:guys, that's all i know...sorry for the disapointment
Wost thing about a girl:they obsess about everything
Worst thing about a guy:they dont care about crap
Worst place (on body) to be kissed:the ear
Best place (on body) to be kissed:neck, holy crap!
How many
Toes do you have?:10
Monkeys live in the jungle:a million
Real relationships have you been in:a few
Classes have you failed:one
When was the last time you
Brushed your teeth:noon
Brushed your hair:noon
Were in a car:yesterday
Kissed someone:two weeks ago
Smoked anything:i havent
Drank:two weekends ago
Had sex:I'm still a virgin
Got dumped:last year
Hugged someone:today
Who was the last person you
Hugged:my mom
Kissed:my mom lol
Had sex with:how many times do i have to say I'm a virgin?
Talked to on the phone:jess
Talked to in person:nick
Talked to online:katie
Yelled at:my dog, but that's not a person now is it
Said you hated:ehh...
Said you loved:jess
Movie:pearl harbor and how to lose a guy in 10 days
Song:too many
Band:too many
TV show:ONE TREE HILL!!!!, south park, friends, my wife and kids, real world, realworld/road rules challenge, c.s.i
Who is the
Funniest:Jess, Willma, Ashley
Most annoying:not answering that
Best kisser:I don't kiss and tell
Smartest:Andy, Jess, and Willma
Nicest:all my friends are nice
Most boring:that's mean
Most fun:all my friends are fun, but katie can always make me have fun
Prettiest:all my friends are pretty
Honest:Phil and Jess
Has the best hair:Jess
Best smile:Jess
Best taste in music:Jess
One you'd like to trade places with for a day:Jess
Look like:hmm...dunno
Hate:I don't hate anyone
Best band ever:blink-182
Best song:Lonestar"Amazed"
Best lyric:dunno
Song that fits your life:"have a little faith" Mandy Moore
Song that makes you happy:rap lol
Sad:love songs
Angry:Box car Racer-Feel so
Want to hit someone:d12, i hate them!!!
Reminds you of that "special someone":Nsync "falling" lol dont make fun of me, I'll always love nsync
Would you rather
Eat a worm or Eat a fly:worm
Kiss someone in the rain or Kiss someone in the snow:rain
Be lonely forever or Stay with the same person forever:stay with someone forever
Smoke or Drink:drink
Have sex and get an STD or Get bit by a dog and have your arm gone:std
Lose your arm or Lose your leg:arm
Be deaf or blind:blind
Date someone who's ugly and sweet or Hot and rude:ugly and sweet
What shoes do you wear a lot:8
Have you ever dyed your hair:no, my mom would shoot me
Do you regret anything in your life:so many things, who doens't?
If you could relive 1 moment - what would it be:new york
Have you ever come to the realization that everything has gone wrong:yes
Ever put a hole in the wall:no
Do you like swimming:ys
Do you like Michael Jackson Dance Parties:noooooooooooooooooooo
Ever been in a fist fight:yes
Ever been kissed in the rain:no, but I'd love it
Cheated on someone?:no, that's so wrong
Why doesn't an elephant like to play cards in the jungle???:who care
...Would you like to know now?:no
...How about now?:no
Meep! I guess I'll tell you....:fine
There are too many CHEETAHS!!!:haha
That was good wasn't it?:no
I'm done now. Wasn't this fun?:oh yeah

Long Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 30 May :: 5.38 pm
:: Mood: crushed
:: Music: Christnia Aguleria-I turn to you

Second chances...
I am sorry for the things I said, the way I felt. Because as hard as I try to ignore the fact that you were one of my best friends, I can’t. I’d never wish anything but good things for you, and I could never hate you, and I never will. You meant way too much to me, and I will always care about you. You taught me a lot, and showed me a lot. Like how to look past the crap because everyone has to deal with the same things, and you made me laugh, and without knowing it you made me want to be my own person. I hate seeing you, I hate hearing about you, I hate thinking about you, because all it is is remembering the way things were at one point, just to remember that isn’t how they are anymore. If I could just learn to not say things I don’t mean just because I’m upset in the moment. It kills me thinking you don’t ever think about me, it kills me thinking our friendship probably meant nothing to you, that if anything happened to me tomorrow it wouldn’t matter, and more than ever it kills me that I’ll never be able to tell you this, because you’ll never want to hear it, and I’ll never have the chance to let you hear it. I’m tiered of hoping that just maybe one day you’ll just want to be friends again, because you won’t.

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