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and the only word i can manage is *smile*

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:: 2002 13 August :: 3.38 pm
:: Mood: sliding downhill
:: Music: john mayer - love song for no one

nothing ever goes right

she's not the type of girl
who likes to tell the world
about the way she feels about herself
(garbage - the trick is to keep breathing)

but im going to. i think im a bad person. im weak. and jealous. and my head is in the clouds.
someone pull me back to this earth and knock some sense into me.
i just want to go curl up in a ball and watch a movie. like center stage. like i always used to. but i have practice. i dont care about going to pom/dance, but i dont want to go to cheer practice. maybe i cant measure up to the competitive, catty nature of cheer. maybe im just lazy. i dont know, but im sure as hell feelin down about myself right now.
and its not just the sins ive committed in the past week. my bad (expensive) dye job isnt helping much either. god.. id kill for an extra month of just empty time to do shit like clean my room, drop 30 lbs... shit i never can find time to do.

ok this bites. im going to take a nap and whine until mommy lets me skip practice. good night.


2 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 8 August :: 12.53 pm
:: Mood: dead
:: Music: crazytown - toxic (hmm toxic stuff soudns like fun..)

home for good. not good to be home.

i was looking through a packet of stuff from school this morning... i dont want to go back to school. act's await me. and im thinking about college app's. i shouldnt worry. i was the genius. the smartypants. the student council treasurer/vp, the head of the class, the one in charge, the athlete, the best of holy spirit. and now look wher ei am. when i fill out my app's for colleges, i wont have anything to show for high school. i quit and rejoined everything from sports to sadd. im so inconsistant. they dont want a quitter like me. they dont want me. i dont want them.
its weird though. the only thing i hate about myself right now is my body. i mean, its like im down about my failures, but im not taking it personally. its really really weird. i guess its good, but im still pissed that im a fat cow and school is 2 weeks away. i need to get back on traack. all i did at my aunt's was eat and eat and eat. why? to feel numb. i had no drugs or alcohol or cutting or journal or own bedroom to cry/sleep or music to drown myself in. so i used something even worse and more deadly. i used food. and im pissed about it. now that im home, im scared to step on that scale. in fact, im dreading tomorrow morning simply because of that.

i think im going to quit cheerleading. practice on tuesday was not fun. i hated it. im really bad at jumps, and i know that lisa (the old varsity coach - i never had her, but shes helping susie out a little) totally thought i sucked. shed never seen me before, but the looks she gave me.. shes nice and all, but i could tell she didnt think i deserved to be on the varsity team. the fact of the matter is: i dont want to be on the team. my aunt made me realize that. but then, i do. i want to be weightless, jumping around and winking and yelling and clapping like a total airhead who uses too much hairspray, ribbons and glitter. i want to smile, sparkle, shine. i want to be the cute petite blonde everyone loves and whose boyfriend is the star quarterback.
lol what the hell am i saying? thats what i wanted when i was a little kid, watching my sisters friends cheer and doing the motions along w/ them in the stands.
what i want to be now? i have the perfect image in my mind: i want to be a little, skinny punk girl with short, spikey purpley-black hair and skater-surfer-punk clothes that hangs out downtown and has a hot skater boyfriend thats the lead singer of an indie rock group that plays at the skelletones every saturday night. i want to walk around downtown in my broken-in vans and tilt khaki cords, wearing a hurley tee and hemp necklace and a little messenger bag. i want to sit in a coffee bar and write dark poetry with little dark scribbly drawings on the edges of the paper. i want to make my own clothing from goodwill crap - and every time it will turn out perfect. i want to go to the little art college in detroit and grow up to be some famous designer or rock star or writer. a real writer - not one of these pussies we read about in english class. one that speaks the cold, hard truth. i want to be indie, extreme, unique. i want to be punk. i want to be "with the band". i want to be my own person. but i cant get there. why cant i get there? im not good enough? does god really want me to be who i am now? a misfit stuck in a fuckin conformist perochial high school where the main focus is honor points, crush cougar week, and pants without rivets? does he want me to wander between the cliques? not really belonging anywhere? i mean, ive done it my whole life, whats the rest of my life got to be any different?
i just want my dream life. i have so many dreams - i dream all day and night. i want to live those dreams. i want to have the perfect body. i want to be a diligent worker, not only at work but also in school and in my little half-ass hobbies like my clothes/jewelry, music, writing, dance, and volunteering. i want more hours than there are in a day. i want to do so much.

the problem with all of this? theres just one little glitch in my dream system: self esteem. its not there. i need something to fuel my successes. and its not there. im turning the key, but the engine just cant turn over. it cant keep itself going. i need support and its just not there. my parents dont give me enough guidance (they have a tainted idea of support, and it involves money and transportation) and my friends, well theres a lack thereof. and so it comes back to the bottom line, the main source of support: myself. and i fall short. so im stuck in neutral. and i cant seem to get out. i say i can and i say i will. but i cant. i try over and over. and that is why im still fat, that is why im still at grade-school level in athletics, that is why im still mastering basic chords on my guitar, that is why im still doing double turns and shaky switch leaps in dance. i just cant seem to stick with anything. i dont have the driving force called confidence.
and thats my pity story. im done now.
*steps down off soap box*


go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 6 August :: 10.01 pm
:: Mood: down, confused
:: Music: avril lavigne - im with you

shh im not supposed to be here

so the family is in alaska. on a family trip. without me. so i had to stay with auntie cheryl for a week in ada. bad for rides. bad for my sanity. im still actually there until thursday morning, but i snuck over here after practices tonight just so i could get the fuck away from people for an hour or so. i havent been alone in so long. nm. rides here. ill talk later

1 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 29 July :: 1.10 pm

its a rainy day. and i just got out of an easy inservice at work. time for a song and a nap.

i'm with you
avril lavigne

im standing on the bridge
im waiting in the dark
i thought that youd be here by now
theres nothing but the rain
no footsteps on the ground
im listening but theres no sound

isnt anyone trying to find me?
wont someone come take me home?

*its a damn cold night
trying to figure out this life
wont you take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
i dont know who you are, but im with you*

im looking for a place
searching for a face
is anyone here i know?
cause nothings going right
and everythings a mess
and no one likes to be alone

isnt anyone trying to find me?
wont somebody come take me home?


why is everything so confusing?
maybe im just out of my mind


take me by the hand
take me somewhere new
i dont know who you are but im with you
im with you
im with you

only there is no you...
you are only in my imagination

1 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 29 July :: 10.25 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: incubus - warning

waking up is hard to do when no one loves you
mxpx - buildings tumble

so the ass wakes me up at 8 this morning. my othro appt is at 930. and he wakes me up at 8. and bitches. and i cant deal. im surprised i made it through last night alive. he kicked me off the computer and tried to talk to me about my "attitude problem" to him and mommy. fuck him. i went to bed. if i hadnt, who knows. but i did. and i woke up just as bad. if not worse.
and today sucks. ortho can kiss my ass. my braces will come off 2 weeks after school starts, i can see it now. fuck them. and training is gonna be a bitch. i hate it so much. i just want to sleep. is it that much to ask? sleep and never wake up...

god dammit! i cannot stand this place! i cant stand to live another minute! i dont want to go to training, i dont want to go out tonight, i dont want to take care of the 100's of miscellaneous tasks mommmy reminds me to do every 5 minutes, i dont want to go to cheer camp tomorrow, i dont want to go to my auntie cheryl's for a week, i dont want to go to practices. i dont want to go to school. i dont want to live. i dont want anything here on earth. i hate everything. especially myself. im trapped in a fuckin house of never-ending battles and ive been too wounded to fight for months. i cant remember a time i was happy anymore. in all honesty, i just realized how long ive been suffering. ive displayed traits of disordered eating since 5th grade. 5th grade! i didnt even know what ed's were then! and i slit my wrists for the 1st time in early 6th or 7th grade. and yet, no matter how hard i scream, how many tears i cry, how loud i cry for help, no one will. no one will lock me up where i belong. somewhere away from this place. away from this everyday misery. why cant you hear me?! am i all alone in the world? am i mute? someone has to be hearing me. i need out. of life.


3 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 28 July :: 1.15 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: incubus - pardon me

i hate life

i seriously do. i hate this place. im so fuckin sick of it. i want to die. no joke. i dont want to see tomorrow.
call me a pussy, call me a wuss or anything else you want to. but i cannot stand to see that sun rise in the morning. i seriously just want it to all end. nothing makes me happy anymore. fuck this, fuck that. fuck you, fuck me. i hate hate hate hate hate this place.

someone either take me or this life away, because i cannot stand to be here any longer


4 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 27 July :: 4.29 pm
:: Mood: upset, disappointed
:: Music: our lady peace - clumsy (acoustic)

home, sweet fuckin home

yea. so yea. i dont know where to begin.
im home, all excited to get away from the west clan for a breather. and what happens? me and the rents fight. right off the bat! im so upset right now... over an hour later (and thats a big deal for me because i forgive/forget super quick). but oh my god! theyre being ridiculous. ok, i just got home round 330 and ill do some wash, clean, go out tonight, and crash cuz we pulled an all nighter last night, like tradition. and church tomorrow, and work. then lifeteen? or going out. then work monday. cheer camp tues-fri afternoon. hell and a half (even though i really wanna go) and they want me to fly to alaska by myself on saturday morning. after 3 1/2 weeks of sleep deprivation, cheer camp and 12-mile hikes. HELL NO! ok, the jet lag would kill me! id fly out to alaska for 3 days and then fly home! ridiculous! my other option? go stay w/ my aunt cheryl in ada friday-thursday (after cheer camp). um, ok... ive been having public living problems for 3 outta the past 4 weeks and i just want to be home alone! is that too much to ask! plus, id be with a 6 and 4 year old, and i wouldnt be able to work and i could only go out like 2 times! ridiculous! im so pissed! why cant i just stay home and have my other aunt (who lives a block away) just check up on me to make sure im not having parties?! seriously! AHHHHHHH
this reminds me of the night at devils tower, where i talked to my mom for 20 minutes, called her back later and bawled on the phone w/ her for another 30 minutes, then got up at 530 the next morning to call my dad. and he made it sound like everything would work out ok and theyd be more open to the options. open to options, my ass! theyre being totally irrational! im gonna lose it just *thinking* about it, much less *doing* it!

ok.. a break from that... how about a nice little chat about guys? like, grooms who was half raping/stalking me the entire trip. yea, hes cool and all, but im not interested, and i lead him on simply because the guys i drooled over on the trip (todd... mmmm yummy) just run home to their perfect little girlfriends awaiting at home. i could never even compare to people like kathleen schaut and mandie freeman or any of those girls.
and then nyenhuis, lol. hes such a cutie and sweetie. i havent hung out w/ him since cheer for basketball when he drove me around. its so adorable cuz hes got that grade-school crush thing going on. but thats the thing - its so grade school! and it drives me crazy! hed never even *think* of touching me, so i cant help but kinda dismiss him - im not all cute and innocent like that. but i feel bad. idk. im too picky i think. no im not. i compromise because im not good enough. i dont know

the coolest part of the whole trip was getting a chance to talk to danielle. id been thinkin bout it for forever, buti just never got around to it because there were opprotunities. im so glad i did though. she helped me a lot, whether or not she knew it. i was so incredibly good wednesday-friday. :) big big smile! huge! but friday and today it totally went to shit. and im pissed.

but good news... i think i lost weight :) i couldnt wear my gray shorts before the trip and now theyre kinda big... i cant wait till tomorro wmorning to weigh myself... hehehehe. :)

but i need to go. shower and take care of some shit before i see whats goin on tonight. try to avoid the rents... grr.. ill write more later. i got lots to say.


1 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 14 July :: 8.04 am
:: Mood: rushed
:: Music: papa roach\'s new cd :)

well, here i go

yea.. im leaving now. in like 20 minutes. am i ready? omg no! i still gotta shower and (i wanna) burn like 4 more cds. not gonna happen though. i tried to pull an all nighter but mom came down around 330 or 4 and was all pissy. :( party pooper. so im all behind now.

i got stories to tell about jason and mark giving me the cold shoulder last night. and just random other things, but i dont have time :( i know you guys will miss my updated-every-minute journal, but its ok. ill be back in 2 weeks. (im counting down already!)

love always

1 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 13 July :: 1.40 am
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: outkast - so fresh, so clean

down boy(s)!

ok, this sounds really dumb, but i love guys. they get me in such a good mood! lol.
so i met jason tonight (for the 2nd time) and we were all flirty/cuddly and stuff.. way cool :) hes almost a little too into football for me, but hey, im flexible when it comes to that kinda stuff.
and there were a few guys who looked in the window and talked for a few, but then left. i guess one of em thought i was hot (explaination: the lights were out so he doesnt know what he was talkin bout). but i was talkin to him online and maybe we'll chill sometime. ;)
and markie.. lol. thats a whole topic in itself. on the way home, we were uh, talking, and he was bein so nice - like telling me how he honestly thinks im one of the most beautiful girls hes ever met and stuff. if thats true, hes been majorly deprived of pretty girls, but it still made me smile :). but his kinda-girlie liz is outta town. and so hes given up his love for good girls too. and its back to the horny, pushy little mark ive always known. um, no details, but there were a few incidents in the bathroom after swimming and in the car on the way home (after curfew, of course). its kinda sad the way i let him play me like that. its even worse that if we woulda had more time, i woulda gone along with it instead of trying to resist.

im totally bummed/pissed i have to leave now though. i mean, after gettin all into the christian kids (i meet new people every night, mostly guys. i love it) im all revved up to be ms social butterfly again. plus, i wanted to chill w/ people from the pool too cuz theyre way cool. im being pulled in a bunch of directions socially, and i want to go each way! the clean route w/ christian kids, the lazy drunk drama of west, the crazy parties of rockford, the variety and newness of work kids, plus the outta-control drug parties of luc-ass and a-dumb. ah! plus theres still kathy and becky. i dont know what to do. i just dont want to go out west! not now! not when im just loving life (well, the night life at least)! this isnt how its supposed to work! but the good thing is i have something to come home to.
now all i have to do is get outta our family trip.. im crossing my fingers that we'll have cheer camp the week im supposed to be on vacation.... PLEASE! i dont wanna go!

but yea.... estoy muy bien ahora. :) i feel like a total ditzy, boy-crazy cheerleader, but dammit, i love guys, and they make me feel so good. i could fuckin fly around the world if wanted to!
or just to bed :) nitey nite.


go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 12 July :: 8.16 pm
:: Mood: undecisive
:: Music: avril lavigne - anything but ordinary

ok, im not ms popular, so what the hell is goin on?

yea. what is this? ive had numerous options of good hangouts all week. and ive had to choose. this is cracked out! normally i just sit on my ass and theres nothing to do! im confused! why is it that suddenly i have so many options and so many people actually *enjoy* being around me? this is weird. and yea, i am kinda complaining. i wanna go to andys and say bye to the christian kids before i leave on sunday, but then again, aubrey jane and laura (from work) all invited me to hang out w/ them tonight. i dont know what to do! theyre so cool, but i already had plans. and ive ditched my normal friends for work people once this week already. and it was a little overrated.
im retarded. if im becoming *popular*, i dont like it. lol. i still feel like poo and on a lower level than everyone else, so who knows...
but im wasting the extra time from getting sent home early from work so i should go... ive guarded twice in a row!!!! im so excited! :)
write more later.. cuz i have no life. hahaha.
ps im goin to andys

go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 12 July :: 10.34 am
:: Mood: tired, a little worn out
:: Music: mesh stl - maybe tomorrow

a little too busy

i need more time...
just to chill. take a nap (i dont even remember what that feels like! and im the freakin nap princess..) i need to clean up around here, get a little more organized, burn some more cds, hang out with west friends i havent seen all summer.. just some random things like that. but i dont have time. i feel like im always with the christian kids, which is cool as hell, but then im also growing away from kathy, chelsey, becky, brad, steffen and that clan. well, theyre all broken up now anyway, but still... its nice to have friends from school.. you know, for in school stuff. and i dont feel that happening. maybe out west will help. who knows.

went over to markies last night. of course, the one time i do wear my swimsuit, they dont even go swimming :( poop on them!
i got to talk to john though :).... about keith... :(. theyre boys, and so keith told him the whole deal (more than what i knew). i guess its one of those situations where "theres this one girl i really like, but i dont know if itll happen, and then theres this other girl i can get easy play from" such a dilemma *rolls eyes*. yea im the one he could "get easy play from". ouch, huh? but its fine with me. im over it. lol, but now dave and matt thing theres something goin on w/ me and keith cuz i wouldnt tell em what me and john were talkin bout.
me and john sat on the front steps for a while, and contrary to popular belief, *nothing* happened. lol. i was bummed he had to leave at 11 though... his parents are really strict and stuff. and he works 4-11 normally, hence why i never see or talk to him. im going to andys tonight instead of hangin out w/ a-dumb and luc-ass and catholic central chicks in the hope that he'll have another day off and come to the party. im hoping he does! i wanna see him again before i go outwest, but i know im just getting my hopes up.

ok i think thats enough blabbering on about johnny.
lol last night was fun though. elliot is a crazy kid, and he was buildin a house for him, kristin and liz on the sims.. all night! he was on that thing for 4 hours! but it was a kick ass house. lol had to be there. and gravs was there too! yea, west chicks!
mitch gave me a ride home (the whole 2 blocks). i never realized how super-nice he is until last night. lol i love mitch. all those tall, stick-skinny guys crack me up. especially when dave paged matt and left courtney's number... hahaha. classic.
wow, i just realized no one else is gonna understand any of this but me, so im just gonna shut up and take a shower.


go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 9 July :: 3.19 pm
:: Mood: dreading practice
:: Music: blink182 - reckless abandon

what a coincidence

thanks, almighty quiz-master, for rubbing it in. like i dont already feel shitty.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High
Dependent:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

ok now that im a complete failure, its time to go cry and take a nap before i get to jump around at cheer and pom/dance practice. lucky me.
i hate this place


1 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 9 July :: 2.40 am
:: Mood: upset
:: Music: avril lavigne - nobodys fool

the little innocent crush decided to crush me instead

so i got used again.
well, almost got used. he came out with his real motives.
keith sikkema.. the cute, innocent little (well, 6'4") senior jock from christian- the never-been-kissed, never had a girlfriend, never smoked/drank/done drugs... yea he was a fake. and im a little upset. but i could see it coming, which kinda makes it worse.
all last week, i was skeptical of his motives to suddenly chill w/ me, but i was so giddy and excited that i tried to ignore that nagging gut feeling. well my gut is always right (especially when its growling). i asked him if we were gonna get together some other time after i got home from out west cuz he had to cancel this friday. so he spilled he was just gonna use me for play. in that case, i dont know why hed pick me. out of all the hot hoes in the world, why settle on soemthing like me? but it seems to happen quite often. lets see, keith (attempted), joe, mike (several times), mark and brad (at first and at the end), the other brad, chris, andy, bennay, pat, brian, justin. not to mention that one night i drove around w/ 4 horny guys, which was, uh, interesting... but yea. and this is all outside of the 3 big relationships ive had thatve taken up 75% of my life since the middle of 6th grade (3.5 years). ouch.
but back to the point... a few weeks ago, he gave me this whole speech about not really caring that hes never gotten any and how hes not gonna run to some random hoe just to say hes made out (and he even told me again hes "not the type to use girls" after he spilled about his real intentions). *now* i know why its so awkward for him. because he knew all along i was nothing, i meant nothing, and thats all id ever be. and i was in the dark. its kinda upsetting me because i had a glimpse of hope, and uplifting because i was all excited over it: release from the guyless streak, and hes not from west so my private life might remain a little more private than it did with mark and brad (*rolls eyes* i think kathy and them would appreciate that too lol).
i dont think ill ever be able to look at him again. its gonna be really awkward at parties now. ill be prayin he doesnt show up, and if he does, ill avoid him. no more excitement over getting an IM from sikdogg81. i have no respect for him anymore. i mean, dont get me wrong, i am kinda a hoe and very easily get used, but still, if he just wanted a piece, he needed to clarify that its just friends w/ benefits. i probably woulda gone along w/ that, had i known his plan from the get-go. but no, guys lead you on just to let you down.

well, i guess its one down, one to go. i still got john. but hes never online anymore, and i dont have his number, so im at the mercy of his internet usage that i can see him again before i go out west. my schedule is surprisingly kinda packed, but id make room for him in a heartbeat. :)

and on a non-penis-related note, i dont want to go out west. i can picture it now: the horrifying situations ill get into with my eating problems, lack of self-esteem (and clothing), people i dont particularly like, and depression/moodiness. i really dont wanna go. like, really. im pretty damned non-functional lately. i skipped training this morning, and i want to quit more than anything. im just going downhill again. and its not a pretty sight, let me tell you...


2 *smile* | go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 8 July :: 2.10 am
:: Mood: undecided
:: Music: avril lavigne - losing my grip

side-by-side conversations: laura is against, emily from texas is for
kinda weird how the night im battling out my food problems, a person from a pro-ana board im on IMs me and gets me all revved up to starve... :) competition, here i come!

so heres what laura and mark were saying to each other. not funny. i really took offense to some of it.
MVette13: i hate scrawny girls
LAURALIZ85: most guys do
MVette13: yeah
MVette13: i think its sick
LAURALIZ85: and everyone would rather date a fat girl than a skinny one
MVette13: even like normal thin girls arent always the hottest
LAURALIZ85: u thinkt aht what is hotter than me?
MVette13: no i DONT think that thin girls are hotter that someone liek you
MVette13: who isnt necessraily "thin"
LAURALIZ85: are u calling me fat?
MVette13: no!!! ahh
LAURALIZ85: oh no i have to go starve myslef now
MVette13: haha :-)
LAURALIZ85: i can't eat
LAURALIZ85: my life is oging to fall apart
MVette13: 100, shoot for it fatty
MVette13: life isnt worth livin
MVette13: lol

hahaha funny laura and mark. im really pissed that theyd say some of those things. really pissed. and then she gives me this whole speech about "something has to be done. something will be done" and that bullshit before she finally lets me go to bed.
speaking of which....


go ahead. do it.

:: 2002 8 July :: 1.49 am
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: stone temple piolets - creep

and it all comes crashing down...

yup. down again. i dont know why. well, duh, of course i know why. 1) my weight 2) keith kinda avoided me all night and then he says hes gotta go outta town too this weekend (no date) 3) i hate work so much. they make me feel like an incompetent kid. 4) just normal shit w/ parents and friends that im so sick of. im sick of being alone.

im standing on the bridge, im waiting in the dark
i thought that youd be here by now
theres nothing but the rain, no footsteps on the ground
im listening but theres no sound
isnt anyone trying to find me? wont somebody come take me home?
its a damn cold night, trying to figure out this life
wont you take me by the hand, take me somewhere new
i dont know who you are but im with you...
nothings going right, everythings a mess
and no one likes to be alone
(avril lavigne - im with you)

thats what i need. a saving grace. something, some one to save my life. cause i can see it ending quite soon.

lying on my driveway, staring up at the stars, i realized how big the universe is. its huge. unbeleivably huge. but out of all of it, im alone.

i have nothing left. i mean, nothing. all the positives i can possibly think of have negatives attached that outweigh the pluses. i made varsity cheer = im too fat and not pretty/cool enough. a guy is interested = im skeptical if hes too good, or brought down if hes not good enough. chilling with friends and meeting new people = clamming up a little because of insecurities and jealousy. summer/freedom = boredom and overheating from not being able to wear swim suits and shorts. i could go on for hours, as pathetic as it sounds.

im talking, well, kinda arguing with mark and laura about suicide and shit... theyre all scared and shit. mark didnt seem to intersted when i was gettin all teary-eyed on the way home from matt's!

mle 3102: mark.... i just want to be skinny. thats all i care about anymore. i can deal being alone. i can deal being a bitch, or ugly or poor or stupid or untalented.... i just want to be skinny
MVette13: thats a stupid goal
MVette13: thats prob the worst goal you could possibly have
mle 3102: thats alli want
mle 3102: and ill do anythingi have to to get it mark
mle 3102: anything
MVette13: mle, thats stupid
MVette13: what so great abotu that
MVette13: why woudl you raather be skinny that intelligent
MVette13: youve let the world warp you so much
MVette13: you were such a smart girl, you knew what mattered and what didnt
MVette13: now youve ignore all taht
mle 3102: because i was thinner than i am now mark
mle 3102: because i had some ounce of confidence
MVette13: thin does not equal happy
mle 3102: oh, but it does
mle 3102: id be better at dance/sports, id have 150% more confidence which means everything improves:grades, relationships, goals.... id feel *comfortable* and *valuable*

im having a similar conversation with laura too... blah blah blah... theyll never understand. this is something i *need* and ill do anything, anything to get it...


1 *smile* | go ahead. do it. | Random Journal