If Dolphins are soooo smart...Why do they live in igloos?


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:: 2004 5 March :: 8.02pm
:: Mood: curious

This post is from almost two years ago, at the beginning of my freshman year. I was looking through all my old journal entries to try to see just when things started to change for me. I realize now, that they never did change, there was just a brief interruption (meaning a whole year) where i was lost. But I'm getting back to where I was, and this is where I was. This was a paper I had to write for class, and when i read it, my heart just about broke, because I remember the girl I use to be, and sometimes it scares me to see how much I have changed.


Finding out who you are is an intricate part of everyone's life. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Who am I? All questions everyone spends years in meditation for and only few have found the answers, or have they? I believe at anyone one time you can be whoever you want to be. You are shaped by the events, which unfold, in your life and you shape the events, which unfold, in your life. These events shape and continue to shape a person throughout their life.
At anyone time I am somebody different. When I'm around my peers, I'm witty and smart-mouthed. When I'm around adults I am intelligent and a shameless show off. When I'm by myself, I am myself. Nobody knows me, not even me. I can usually combat that by keeping busy, being around my peers, and I am usually whoever they want me to be. If they don't like me, I may change into somebody they like. Mentally, this is unhealthy, I know, but sooner or later I will find an identity I like, or at least make one of many people. Being sure of yourself is just a mental game, you need no sense of who you are, just who the people asking who you are want you to be. If you satisfy their desire, they will be happy. Too many people in this world are unhappy; it's nice to know that people will accept you if you act the right way.
If I look too deep into who I am, I just find more questions. I find myself in memories looking in from the outside. I find myself in situations and pretend to be something that I'm not to impress people, or to find a way out. I am pessimistic, I am ignorant, I am naïve, but I know more than you will ever know about any one subject, of which you want to talk about, only because once I see you at work, I can become you. I can act like you. I can be the best actress in the world, and you won't know that I'm acting. It sounds scary, and sometimes it is, but it sure makes life interesting.
Everyone is always saying, "Be yourself, be an individual", and I believe it to a certain point, yet adapting is human nature, and you can't adapt to anything that you don't know what it is. I don't know what I am. I am everything, I am nothing, and so to say who am I? I must ask you first, who are you?

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 5 March :: 7.21pm
:: Mood: frustrated

People are so fucking stupid in Cedar. They need to be shot. Many times. Over and over. In the head.

yes. that would make me feel better.

3 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 4 March :: 6.10pm
:: Mood: confused

Things are really starting to get fucked up around here. Wait..not starting, it's been that way for a while. I think since florida, maybe longer. I don't necessarily mean fucked up in a bad way, but fucked up as in we are not normal people. Normal people would kill each other over all this. Instead, i guess we're friends again. Wow. I really never expected that.

Today was a really really long day. I'm tired. So i shall sleep.
Good night.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 1 March :: 6.34pm

Since i can't find the words right now to explain it, i'll use other's words.

I never knew until that moment how bad it could hurt to lose something you never really had.
~From the television show The Wonder Years

The course of life is unpredictable... no one can write his autobiography in advance. ~Abraham Joshua Heschel

5 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 29 February :: 3.36pm
:: Mood: bouncy

Yesterday I went to flute choir, and then after i got home from shopping, Jessie came and picked me up and we went to the movies with her sister and her friend. We saw 50 first dates. I doubt Adam Sandler can be in a bad movie.

I stayed the night at Jessie's. We stayed up until almost 2am. And talked. I realized just how much i talk about *insert subject matter here* and how much i *insert verb and use a pronoun for subject matter here*.

eh, it's just because i'm stupid. But i can't help it. Anyway, i have a ton of homework to do. Blah blah blah.

3 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 28 February :: 5.29pm
:: Mood: content

So Everyone, The Results Are In!

In a poll of 111 Cedar Springs High School Students of which 68% were on the honor roll:


30% Have used marijuana
67% of those who used marijuana are on the honor roll

53% Have used alcohol.
72% Of those who used alcohol were on the honor roll

32% Have been intoxicated.
72% Of those who were intoxicated were on the honor roll

26% Have smoked cigars or cigarettes.
76% Of those who had smoked cigars or cigarettes were on the honor roll

14% Have used other illegal mind altering substances.
67% Who used other illegal mind altering substances were on the honor roll.

All those who used other illegal mind altering substances had also used one of the above (marijuana, alcohol/intoxicated, or smoked cigars/cigarettes).

9% Of those polled had used marijuana, alcohol, became intoxicated, smoked cigars/cigarettes, and had used illegal mind altering substances in the past 6 months at least once.
70% of those were on the honor roll.

56% of Cedar Springs High School students have participated in using drugs in the past six months.

44% of Cedar Springs High School students have not participated in any drug use in the past six months.

35% of students polled believes that marijuana should be legalized in the United States.
67% of those people were on the honor roll.

This survey/poll was completely anonymous and voluntary. Thank you for all those who participated.

5 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 27 February :: 9.57pm
:: Mood: cranky

I spent 13 successive hours at school today. Really, i'm pathetic. I've decided that i really need to stop looking at cshs for anyone that i could have a relationship with, because somehow, it's just wrong. I mean, you date one person, you've dated half the school. Anyway, that desicion came from talking to nick's friend after pep band tonight. He's not from Cedar. Thank god. Anyway, i finished my drug survey, and now i just have to finish counting the individual categories, and when i'm done, you people will be the first to know just how bad CSHS really is.......

blah blah blah.
I think i should shoot all the stupid people that are in my school, but if i did that, there would only be like 4 people left......
Why do people INSIST on doing things that are going to fuck up their lives....OVER AND OVER again. Hey, i'm guilty of the first time, but I stopped after that. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? YOU NEED TO THINK ABOUT IT FOR SECOND. Just one second, and you'll realized how perverse and wrong that whole situation is. Really, please, THINK. I know it may be tough, but if you don't want to fuck up your life anymore, you're going to have to stop and do it sometime.


1 orgiastical | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 22 February :: 7.32pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: Game Of Love- Santana Featuring Michelle Branch

Ah, what a wonderful hell we live
I went on a walk today down my road. I was a nice day. I was thinking about Things. I thought about Florida mostly, and one of the first things i thought about was how much i wanted/need a cigarette when i was in Florida. The funny thing is is that i don't smoke. I never have. I think I've just inhaled so much of my mother's second hand smoke that I'm slightly addicted. Probably. Anyway, I found this quote, similarly on the same note, odd, i know, but still, it speaks to me about what i'm like, just without the outlet of smoking, just with other things.

What a weird thing smoking is and I can't stop it. I feel cosy, have a sense of well-being when I'm smoking, poisoning myself, killing myself slowly. Not so slowly maybe. I have all kinds of pains I don't want to know about and I know that's what they're from. But when I don't smoke I scarcely feel as if I'm living. I don't feel as if I'm living unless I'm killing myself. ~Russell Hoban, Turtle Diary, 1975

The part that really made me like it:
"I don't feel as if I'm living unless I'm killing myself".

It sounds so much like me, don't you think? Anyway, happy Sunday night, i hope everyone has a JOYOUS day tomorrow at school, i know it will be hell for me.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 21 February :: 8.13pm

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Michelle Campbell
Birthplace :::uh, a hospital...in GR
Age :::16
Age you act :::Depends, sometimes 6, sometimes 50
Current location :::in the corner where my computer is, in my house, in Cedar
Eye color :::Changes according to my mood, naturally....usually either blue or green
Hair color :::Red.
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::Righty
Zodiac sign? :::Saggitarius- Fear my bow and arrow!
Height? :::five foot one
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::Well, I'm AMERICAN, but I'm also: Polish, Irish, Scottish (Campbell and McDonald), English, and Austrian
Your hair :::My hair is RED and really thick, I mean, really really thick, it gets so hot in the summer that i wear it up, i usually wear it straight
Your fears :::I worry about people coming and hurting me, me hurting myself, my parents fighting, people who hate me...the list goes on
Your perfect room :::it would be really really big with a HUGE comfy bed, huge windows, it would be a scarlet color, with plush carpet and a walk in closet.
What you practically do in a day :::I get up, put on makeup, get everything together, go to school (enjoy most of band and drama) go through all the other crap, play practice, come home, eat, sleep
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::fuck, bitch, damn, umm
Phrases you overuse :::"you know..." "hey, i have a question"
Your first thought when you wake up :::Damn it, it's too early, or if i sleep in "Damn it, it's too early"
Your greatest accomplishment :::Breaking my stereotype
Something you want to do :::I want to be a proffessional studio musican or be in a major play production or movie
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::Eh, i've been brainwashed: Coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::Burger King has better fries..but i don't eat out much
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::Can't really stand either of them
Chocolate or vanilla :::Depends on my mood, but usually Chocolate
Adidas or Nike :::Don't really care
Black or white :::Black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::Bills
Burgers or hot dogs ::::) Hot dogs
Egypt or France :::Egypt
Rock or rap :::Rock
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::No
Cuss :::yes
Sing well :::No
Sing in the shower :::Yes
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::All the time
Believe in yourself :::Eh, sometimes
Like taking these longass surveys? :::Only when I'm really bored
Play an instrument :::Yes, a few
Want to go to college? :::yes
Want to get married? :::if I find the right person, but right now, it's a nada
Want to have children? :::If the guy can convince me to have myself stretched out that much over a nine month period, sure.
Think you're a health freak? :::nope
Get along with your parents :::sometimes, but not really
Get along with your siblings? :::ditto
Think you're popular :::no
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::YES! I miss Florida so much.
Drank alchohal :::no
Smoke :::no
Get high :::no
Done any drugs :::I took ibuprofen....that's it.
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::nope
Been on stage :::yes, yesterday
Gone skinny dipping :::no, it's damn cold in michigan
Been dumped :::not exactly
Dyed your hair :::no
Stolen anything :::no
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::
Loudest :::Jill
Most shy :::
Blondest :::Becky
Smartest :::
Kindest :::
Best personality :::
Most talented :::
Best singer :::
Most ghetto :::
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::
Pain in the ass :::
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::A.D.
Funniest :::Jessie
Best person for advice :::Jessie
Dependable :::Jessie
Trustworthy :::Jessie
Druggie :::Jessie LOL, j/k.
Most likely to end up in jail :::eh, i'll say rob
Person you've known the longest :::Jessie
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::I dreamed last night that someone told me that i should play toccata from memory and i screwed up at I (the part where i do a duet w/ dani...and it was really bad)
Last nightmare :::Same as above, that's about as scary as they get.
Car ride :::I rode to Grand Rapids this morning with my mom to go to flute choir
Last time you cried :::On the bus ride home from florida...for an hour and a half
Last movie seen :::I watched Matilda this morning on tv
Last movie rented :::I don't really rent movies...
Last book read :::Ummm....i don't remember the name, some old story about some Farmer guy in old England
Last word said :::not
Last curse word said :::fuck
Last time you laugh :::two seconds ago, literally
Last phone call :::I called jessie last night and we talked for a really really long time.
Last CD played :::uh, Michelle Branch Hotel Paper
Last song you listened to :::New Found Glory- The minute I met you
Last annoyance :::my parents
Last IM :::two seconds ago, to jill...about a person
Last weird encounter :::Uh, this morning seeing mrs. spinella at flute choir
Last person you hugged :::Whetzel
Last person you yelled at :::My mother
Last time you wore a skirt :::Band concert/ competition/festival/whatever the fuck it was- my long black band skirt
Last time you've been evil :::you don't even want to know.
Sarcastic? :::I'm sarcastic all the time, i can't remember
Last time you fought with your parents :::This morning
Last time you wished upon a star :::Wednesday morning waiting for the bus
Played Truth or Dare :::Last summer
Spent quality time alone :::uh, i have no clue
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::I'm talking to jill on msn IM
Do you feel lonely :::sometimes
Ever TP'd someone's house :::no
How about egging someone's house :::no
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::i don't know you
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::no
Yo Momma :::eh, i hate those, but they ARE funny...
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::no, i have no cannabalistic tendencies
What do you think of George Bush? :::He's been through a lot of shit, and he's doing a pretty good job, i know i couldn't do what he's doing.
Any secret fetishes? :::uh, none that i know of
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::uh, no.
How many languages do you speak? :::just one, but i can read sign language pretty well
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::nope
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) :::no, i want more! This is sad, i did this whole thing....

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 21 February :: 1.09pm

The truest thing i have read in a while.
How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said. ~Victor Hugo

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 21 February :: 12.49pm
:: Mood: awake

I went to flute choir today. Omg, it was heaven. I know, to those of you who don't understand it makes me sound like such a freak, which i will not deny. Anyway, I get to play second part, first part, and on our march, i get to play BASS flute. The thing is freaking huge. It's around 3 feet long, and the mouth piece curves around. It was a bit of a challenge at first, but now I can play it fairly well. I think I'm in love ;).

Well, I think i finally got things fairly straightened out for the time being. I know things will never go back to the way they were, and there are still things in my head that i want, but don't dare to admit. Eh. We'll see what happens. You never know. But i'm not going to do anything about anything until something else happens. That's pretty confusing. Anyway, I talked to Jessie for about an hour and a half on the phone last night. Talking to her always makes me feel so much better. She doesn't have any of the guilt or inhabitions that I have, and she just seems to make it sound a lot simpilier than i see it. I don't think I could make half of the decisions of my live with talking to her first about it. Plus, we talk about so many things that people would think we were just either really odd or bitchy for talking about them, but, it's ok, because no one knows, lol. Anyway, hope everyone is having a tad better weekend than week.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 19 February :: 7.35pm
:: Mood: frustrated

So for all you talking about me.....
I would really like to see me live through one day, just ONE day without me fucking something up. Doesn't seem too hard, does it? eh. It is for me, because I do what I want because I don't emotionally attatched myself to anything anymore. Well, until a few days ago. God.

Yes, i know it's my fault, but just remember this thing. The more you condemn me for what I did, you condemn yourself for the exact same thoughts, actions and words, no matter if they are known to everyone or jsut to yourself. No one is perfect. I'm not, and neither are you. And I'm trying my best to fix it.
So just calm down.
There is nothing you can do or say to change anything that has happened or may happen. It will anyway.
I'm not saying i know what to do, it's not like i go around planning on these types of things because i think it's fun. God, it's hell. But it already happened, and at least I'm dealing with it and not avioiding it like i know so many of you talking about me and it and everything would do. At least i'm TRYING.

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 17 February :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: blah

It all almost seems like a dream now. Really, it does. I think it's because I was sick half the time and too tired to care the other half, but in the end, it all turned out right. And that makes me happy. The bus ride down was long, but I slept on the floor mostly, so it was pretty comfortable. When we were about 45 minutes away from our hotel, Chris Kieda had a seizure (they think because he ate a whole bunch of candy and such, his blood sugar spiked and dropped really low, i think around 39 or something). He went to the hospital for most of Thursday and Friday. We went to the animal kindgom and I walked around with Ryan, Bowman, Jessie, Becky, and Lisa. It was great fun. We saw a bunch of cool animals and whatnot.

I'm going to be going to my grandparent's in a little while, so I'll finish when I get back. I slept for 11 hours on the bus back and I just woke up from sleeping 10, and I'm still dragging ass. It goes without saying that i DID NOT go to school today. Like i care.


2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 10 February :: 9.41pm

FLORIDA IN T minus 8 hours and 54 minutes (appoximately, of course). TEHEH!!!

3 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 7 February :: 5.29pm
:: Mood: cold

I see you float,
Back and forth,
from them to him to her,
And back again.

You hide it all,
Behind your eyes,
Every word pulls,
A veil around you,
Cutting you off,
From them.
You off.

You cut yourself off from them,
Knowing very well what you do,
And it scares me,
That you do this,
Because it's like
looking through
A shattered mirror,
At myself.

1 orgiastical | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 6 February :: 3.57pm
:: Mood: mellow

It was fun today. Some girl thought that i was his girlfriend, and he didn't even know that i'm single again. It was great fun.

People frustrate me because they don't know how it use to be, because they weren't there, but they aren't even TRYING. Damn teenagers. I really do hate most of my peers, that's why I'm not going to swirl. I don't need that shit, i'm above it now. They use to be the reason that I hated myself, but I'm so glad that I got out of that. I'm just so glad that I only have to deal with it during assemblies or class meetings. I really do hate them. They made my life hell for over 6 years. I'm done with it, hopefully.

Only 4 more days until warm sunny FLORIDA! Well, actually 5...but yeah. I hope that it won't rain that much down there, even though, at this point, I miss rain, too. It will be nice to see green again. I'll take pictures for everyone :).

10 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 3 February :: 7.04pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Closing time- Third Eye Blind

It's really cold right here. I'm shivering. Of course, i'm sitting in a drafty corner with wet hair, and no socks. I'm stupid. Oh well.
You know, I check out, MAYBE 6 books a month from our school library, and she considers me one of the people who checks out books the most, she asked me if i had any preferences because she was going to request a few new books. That is REALLY sad, especially when I can check out two 250 page books after school and have the read by the time i go to bed. Really, it's sad.
Anyway, FLORIDA is in ONE week. yay. I tanned for 8 minutes today, thank you ladies and gentlemen, that would be an ALL TIME high for me. Yes, i know, pathetic, just like me, my life, everything else, but eh. It happens.

3 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 1 February :: 7.01pm
:: Mood: cold

What school do you go to?:CSHS
What grade are you in?:10th
How long have you been going to your school?:Since kindergarten, when i was 5
Have you ever been homeschooled?:nope
How many teachers do you have throughout the day?:6
What time does school start for you?:too damn early- 7:25
What time does it end?:2:06
What time do you have to get up for school?:Usually i have to get up at 5:30, but in real life, i get up at 6
What time do you go to sleep on school nights?:Depends on how tired i am, sometimes as early as 8, or as late as midnight.
Do you have alot of homework?:yep
How long does it take you to do your homework?:I wouldn't know, i never do all of it.
Are your teachers nice?:sometimes
Whats the next school you're going to?:Whatever school will pay the most for me
Do you make good grades?:yep, i have a 3.779
Whos your favorite teacher?:hmmm. Mr. H
Whos your least favorite teacher?:Ahahah. The dumb one.
Have you ever failed or skipped a grade?:nope
Do you like school?:I like self education, i hate school.
Whats the best class?:drama
Whats the worst class?:civics and algebra are tied
Do you like your school lunches?:Well, usually, all that's left when i get there is pizza, so no.
What do they usually have?:Pizza, milk, salad, fruit, pop, and anything greasy that looks like it will either make you puke or will instantly clog your arteries
Do you have a locker?:yes
Are you allowed to carry your backpacks from class to class?:no, but i usually do in 1st and 2nd hours.
Who do you hang with at school?:people who aren't complete dumbasses
Final Q: Do you hope to go to college?:I don't hope to go to college, I AM going to college.

All About School brought to you by BZOINK!

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 31 January :: 7.36pm
:: Mood: complacent

So, i've been wanting to do this for a while. This is probably going to be really long, and there is a chance that if you are reading this, there is something on here about you. There are also people on here that will never read it. Anyway, these are people i see everyday, or at some point were, or still are close with you, in some cases we haven't talked in years, but that doesn't mean i still don't see you. I'm very observant. Anyway, here it goes:

eskimoflo13- sorry, really i forgot your name again, it's been a long time, but i still read your journal whenever you update. Your poetry is beautiful and whenever i get absorbed in the shallowness of life, it always returns me back to the much needed reality of the mind.

Rob R.-I'm so glad you found someone that makes you happy. You're funny, even if it can be morse, perverted, randomly unrandom. I get pissed off sometimes because of it, but whatever, that's just me. It doesn't mean much.

Lisa A.-Haven't talked in a while, your great tho, always friendly...always have something to talk about.

Jessie G.- You're my best friend. What else is there to say? You know things that no one else will ever know. I mean, we've known each other for so long, we even use to hate each other a bit, but that was, what? 12 years ago, lol. It just made us better friends.

Sam- Omg. This summer was so great because of you. You wouldn't let me get consumed in the shallowness of everything. I think we ended up being each other's life perserver. And I would have never jumped off that boat with you and christie if it had been anyone else. I'll always remember that. Remember-hold on....

Bill- You're great. I don't think you like to speak out that much when your around people you despise (aka civics), but i love talking to you because of your viewpoints on pretty much everything. Besides, you bet on me for making the teacher cry...i'm sorry, haven't yet, but i'm working on it.

Laurel- Well, this summer we weren't exactly best of friends as preceding summers, but i did at least see SOME of you. Your natural grace and self confidence has yet to cease to amaze me.

Amy K- You are growing up so much! I know, i know, you're probably sick of hearing it, but it's true. Pretty soon you won't be at the park at all because you'll be out with guys every friday and saturday night. I wish you the best on that, guys and love, and the whole where to put what body part is a challenging expirience :)

Anne- Oh my darling anne dear! You are my favorite midget! You are always so supportive of me and you brighten my day whenever i talk to you. Things might be tough for you, but you'll get through them, just trust yourself. Besides, if you didn't, i wouldn't have anyone to talk to about my other "profession" *wink wink* :).

Liz- I don't know how your mother puts up with you :). You are definately the life of the party, you are truely not like anyone else I have ever met. Non stop. You always make the best of a bad or uncomfortable situation and it seems like you never worry. I don't think anyone could ever feel uncomfortable around you.

Jejuan- Ah, my junior. Amazing i still call you that even though we never talk. You helped me through a lot last year, even when you were going through a lot. I have never met anyone like you- but it's scary sometimes how you joke about coming on to me :), lol. But it's all in great fun. I know that you can do anything that you want to. You're just like that. Nothing can stop you.

Jacki- Jacki is fun. Jacki is good. We love Jacki. :).

Mitch- I love reading your journal entries. They always make me think, what the fuck has happened to this world? And then I remember, oh, yeah, humans are just a bunch of dumbasses. But, at least you make me remember it. Thanks.

Charlie- your my bro. really. you disgust me sometimes....you annoy me a lot. Sometimes I want to hurt you. But you are still there for me when i need you, and the greatest thing is that you understand about mom and dad. You have no idea how good it feels to know that, at least some of the time, i'm not the crazy one.

Rob S.- You are very critical. You don't have a problem with telling people just what you think, and you just don't go along with other people for the hell of it. Some would say that you're a heartless ass, me, i just think your one of the few of us that is in touch with reality. I give you 4 and 3 quarters stars :).

A.D. - Kid, you scare me. Really. You care way too damn much, but that's probably why people can't say no to you. Because you genuinely CARE. I've yet to find someone else like that. Still, you scare me sometimes.....

Jill- I know people are tough on you. It's because you're not afraid to say what you think, and it offends people sometimes. Not saying it's anyones fault, just saying it as i see it. But, i've gotten to know you, and i realize that that's just the surface, and you got some deep shit going on under there. I would have never guessed. I owe my life to you. I really do. You probably don't realize it, but i probably wouldn't be here now if it weren't all those times you looked out for me. Thank you.

Jenny- One of my favorite freshmen. You have SO much talent and you were raised right. I know that you don't want make the mistakes of others, and in knowing that, you won't. You just have to ease out there little by little until your comfortable. That's all. You are always so happy and nice to people. I know you really get pissed off sometimes, but you don't show it, that takes more control over yourself than i will probably ever have in my lifetime. Smile, it's not as bad as it seems :)

Emily- My other little freshman. You are amazing. You are so.......innocent. But you are a very talented musician and I know that minor set backs will only make you work harder. Don't be afraid of it, only understand it.

Heather- MUAHAHAHA. I have corrupted you. Now, you think worse than me sometimes. hehe. But, you are the only one at the lunch table that gets MOST of my jokes. For that, i am thankful.

Zac- You are one odd kid. Take good care of jenny or i'll beat you up :) (I know that you would never do anything to her because I see how you look at her, she's a lucky girl).

Whetzel- Great whetzel. ah. You have the best physical humor in our school. Besides, you're all big and huggable. And you give me special play doh presents. hehe.

Fred- You are such and awesome musician. You are so above everyone, and you know it. You always will be. We love Fred. He is our favorite bassonist/ ex flute player.

Hannah- Love the way you dress, always something a bit, off of mainstream. But then again, that's just how you are. Remember, christmas will ALWAYS be about two red haired elves and how they took it over.

Justine- Simply put, you are right. You always will be. You always write exactly what you feel, and no matter who disagrees with it, or bitches at you for it, you are being true to you, so you will always be right, for the time being. You are so angry at the world, and you have a right to be. It's not fair, and I'm glad that you can point out the injustices and the stupid idiots, don't lose that, don't EVER lose that, because if you do, you'll become just like them. And i love your quotes, i've always loved quotes. It's the wisdom and humor of others that you can take in and make your own.

So, that's pretty much everyone that i wanted to write about. So, if i offended you, sorry, but that's just how i see you at this moment. Things happen for a reason, and no one is perfect.

10 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 31 January :: 3.22pm

Jessie came with me to solo ensemble.
I got a I.
I feel so bad for emily, her solo was too short and she got disqualified, and the flute trio got disqualified for not having their score.
Bad stuff.
But i got a I!
I shook a lot. Mr. Greene looked pissed because i skipped some notes :) hehe.
It's all good now.
The pressures off...
unless i want to go to state.............

5 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 29 January :: 4.33pm
:: Mood: crappy

So. I broke up with him today.
Right choice? maybe.
But if i hadn't, then i probably never would have.
3 and a half months. And it ended the same way it started, quickly with disbelief.
I guess I'm better off now, and so is he. I knew we couldn't do that forever.
So, now i'm single. again. woohu.

I just feel really bad that i had to do that to him.
It's never easy, is it?

3 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 24 January :: 5.20pm
:: Mood: apathetic

My hands are
typing this.
They look tired to me.
They want to write
the words
of apologies.
Not to those
whom have offended me.
But to those
who I can feel
Pain radiate from.
It could have been
If I would have done something
But i'm not ashamed
But am sorry.
I apologize.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 22 January :: 2.34pm

So, if i killed everyone that makes my life hell, I wouldn't have a problem. Right? Yeah, and if that happened, no one else would have problems because most of them would be dead. :).

So, those who, in correct terms, "don't use what their mama gave em", and are complete dumbasses piss me off. People who try to take over the world, people who are hypocritical, people who don't know when the fuck to shut up...oh, yeah, most of the WORLD pisses me off.
Not to be confused with anger, because I've found i can't get angry anymore. I would really like to beat the shit out of both of them, but eh, I think I would laugh too much when I got suspended.
So, is it just me, or is it just me?

6 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 14 January :: 6.50pm
:: Mood: listless

When I look around me, at the people who I call my peers, my equals. I am throughly disgusted by the sight of it. I'm not saying that I am above them in any other way except that maybe I use a tiny percentage more of my brain than most of them. I do admit, some are above me in that respect, and I should say that they fully agree with me on this statement of my disgust.
What ever happened to thinking for yourself? No matter how odd, perverted, inverted, or unsocially acceptable it may be. Maybe I've been reading too much on Transcendentalism. Maybe it just points out the obvious that I've known all along. What has separated me. Made me feel like I was the outcast. In a sense I was. But, if I was, than I would rather like to be one with my own thoughts than sit here and pass on yours. I find that one of the most loathesome things that a being could do. Not think for themselves. I admit, I have been pulled into it, for it is a deep hole, totally camoflauged, but it IS possible to escape from, and once you do, you must be unafraid, for you will never conform from then on. Unconformation of the mind is one of the most lonely challenges, until you rendezvous with yourself on a midnight path, a path that only you can forge.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 12 January :: 4.09pm
:: Mood: high

^on life.
I'm a wolf now. woohu. That's the part I got in the musical because I can't sing. cheers.

Solo ensemble is coming up. eh. lots and lots to do.

Exams are THURSDAY and FRIDAY.
You go through 18 weeks of school, and it seems like you learn nothing, and then all your teachers hand you out papers of things that you've "learned" and tell you you'll be tested over them.
Obviously nothing can fill up 100 multiple choice questions. Who knew?

It's cold. There is snow outside. It's fluffy. It happens.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 7 January :: 6.56pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: Alice Cooper- Be my lover

This is the monologue that I am doing for my semester final in drama...tell me what you think if you want.
Have you thought about death today? Death is around us everyday; in what we eat, think, see, hear, smell, touch, love, do. Are you surprised that I asked you about death? are YOU afraid of dying?
Death is inevitable. With every second, every breath, every beat of your heart, you are closer to death. To eternity.
Death is, by definition, the permanent stopping of all vital bodily activities, such as the beating of your heart and working of a brain. But, that's just the beginning. The real question is, what happens after that? After you are dead.

When you die, will you be judged by every word, action, and thought: If you pass, you may spend eternity midst love and joy, or if you fail, you will spend forever in pain and anguish.
Will you be turned away from all the others that have gone before you, and forced to spend eternity midst the living, always searching, always wanting more?
Will you be reborn into anothe rmind and body? Raised as someone else, but still really you?
Perhaps you just disappear. You become lost in darkness, and no traces of what you've done, said, felt, or thought will remain. Only nothing, as if you simply never existed at all.

So, have you thought about death now? How you will spend forever? Do you have questions? Worries? Don't, my dear, everything will be okay. Everything will be okay now that we two have met.

Just close your eyes now, let go, and come with me. We have an eternity together, you and me.

*lights are turned off*
(I am doing this in the auditorium so everything will become pitch black)

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 4 January :: 5.27pm

Hello Children. Today I am going to tell you about a TRUE magical story!

Once upon a time there lived a girl who lived in small town, the result of urban sprawl, surrounded by dumbass suburbianites. Her once country home (where her parents had lived for over 20 years) was now becoming part of a mass exodus of dumb ass people who want to expirience "country living" by living in housing developments in large houses crammed in next to each other.
One night, this girl went to bed early. So did her parents because they were hard working middle class Americans who gave a damn about their lives, and a little later so did her brother.
The girl and her parents awoke the next morning to a wonderous sight. Not only had their house been a target of what seemed to be random vandalism, the vandals, who were no where to be found, used a GAY ass color of blue of which they shot paint balls at this girls' house.
So, that cold blustery Sunday morning, the girl and her parents called the cops to get an incidence report. Then, when the cops left, they went and scrubbed down the outside of their house wherever the GAY ass blue color was. It was on the front, on the roof, on the garage, and even on the father's truck!
And so, after that, the father found the gay ass people who did it and bludgeoned them to death.

Well, I do admit, I did take a bit of theatrical license on that last sentence, but Children, this story IS true. And let me tell you, It WAS a gay ass blue.
Nighty Night!

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 3 January :: 7.36pm
:: Mood: calm

Winnie the Pooh says it ALL about life:
"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2004 2 January :: 4.16pm
:: Mood: good

So, my mom works at a music store in Howard City. Some interesting people live in that town. Anyway, today, they [the city] took down 96 pairs of tennis shoes that were hung up on powerlines by houses. I didn't even know that you could make that many drugs. I didn't even know that there were that many people that lived in Howard City. Must be a lot of competition.


don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 30 December :: 8.22pm
:: Mood: calm

Sometimes I sit
All alone
And think of a time

But sitting
And thinking
Is a dangerous thing,
especially for me.

Because sometimes
I cannot control
What I think
And what I see.

And sometimes
Am compelled
To follow
Those dreams.

More like Nightmares,
It seems.

But even nightmares,
You can control,
And make them good,

In some sick
That's what I
did Today.

don't question bruce dickenson

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