2000 11 February :: 10.02pm
:: Mood: sorta happyish (its been a while)
:: Music: mu330
the best and worst surfing trip ever
i went on a surfing road trip upcoast on saturday with my friend donny and some girl alley. it was the best cuz i had a shit load of fun, but it was the worst ever cuz we barely did any surfing.
we left saturday morning at about 5, and got to sebastian in about an hour n a half. we bulshitted there for about an hour n a half, hikes in the woods, and breakfast, etc. it was raining, and the waves were choppy, so we went further up coast. we drove up A1A from there, and eventually got to melbourne. melbourne beach is now number 2 on places A.J. wants to live. wow, that hasta be the coolest fucking beach town in the world. they have this surfshop there, longboard house, which is a million times better than IWS, so we spent a while there, bullshitting with the locals. so the waves there were rideable, but we were looking for something better.
we ride up to cocoa, and stop off at the real ron jon. that place is more of a tourist trap than a real surf shop. it was huge tho. the waves in cocoa sucked majorly, so we asked if the waves would be better in new smyrna. we were told they would be, and someother dude told us it was 15 miles north. fucking asshole. turned out it was more than 80 miles north. so we'r edriving up A1A, and it just ends and turns into US1, and the space center takes over the intercoastal. so we got kinda lost there. so basically nasa fucked us over.
after getting directions and flipping out about finding out how far new smyrna was, we got there. ya can drive on the beach there, which is cool as hell. so we are driving along, and the waves are really shitty and choppy, and we were all really pissed, but we evenually (fucking 10 mph beach speed limit) get near the inlet, and the waves pick up, and look really awesome. it was 51 degrees out tho, while it was about 68-70 when we left boca. all we had is double rashguards and baggies, while the dudes surfing there had full body wetsuits. so we barely get in the water, and run the fuck back out. damn it was cold. so we got out of there and went south back to melbourne. by this time it was about 4 in the afternoon. we spent waay too much time bsing in surf shops and driving on A1A. it was pretty funny to joke about it. the waves back in melbourne had died back down and were choppy, but we were pissed off and deciede to surf them ne ways. they were really only long-boardable, and me on my 6'8 felt really out of place. we were only out there for like a half hour cuz it was freezing, and the waves sucked. i barely caught one wave on my short board. made me realize how much i need a bigger one. damn their expensiveness.
so in all we drove around the state for fucking 13 hours to surf for not much more than a half hour. we suck. we had soo much fun tho. oh well.
i guess im getting used to river now. its just not fun to go to school ne more. like back home at atl, i had friends to talk to, and do stupid shit with, and at river, i barely have any. oh well. gots me a haircut yesterday, and its waay too short, although before it my hair was waay too long and all nappy and full of wwax. ive haD A good week tho, parents got me a visa buxx card, so now i can buy shit on ebay without having to send money orders. yay! its been 4 days and i've allready spent over $70. oops.
note to self: dont ever get a credit card when im older.
well im done. worhtlessness
Do you remember?
2003 10 February :: 5.02pm
i'm really bored so don't mind me.
First, this is really funny... well i was amused
In Japan, the fat intake in the average Japanese diet is
very low and the heart disease ratio is lower than in North
America and the UK.
However, in France, the average fat intake is very high,
and yet, the heart disease ratio is lower than in North
America and the UK.
In India almost no one drinks red wine and the heart disease
ratio is lower than in North America and the UK.
In Spain, everybody drinks too much red wine and the heart
disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK.
In Algeria, the average sexual activity ratio is very high and
the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK.
In Brazil, everybody has sex like crazy and the heart
disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK.
In Austria, adults smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day,
on average.
Conclusion: Drink, eat, smoke and screw all you want.
It's speaking English that kills you.
1. DATE: Febs 10, 2003
3. Name on birth certificate: Vivi Tran
4. Nicknames: umm Viv's, Vi, Vister, Vivi (like Viv-e) umm i duno people call me all kinda things... midget, shorty etc.
5. Birth date: Dec. 20th, 1985
6. Age: 17
7. School: ATL baby!
8. Location: Boca Raton, Fl.
9. Email: picturesxstarsxdreams@yahoo.com
10. Colour of eyes: um brown... cuz i'm full of shit right? haha
11. Colour of hair: umm its debatable, black/dark brown
12. Height: umm i'm 2 feet tall... lol seriously 4'11" <- i know i'm a midget, shut up.
13. Shoe size: 7 - 7 1/2 depending....
14. Brothers or sisters and ages: Vinh 13
15. Who you live with: Mis padres, mi hermano y mi gato Princess
16. Bedtime: well... because I NEVER get to sleep now thanks to a certain someone :0P
17. Carpet colour in your room: ummm beigey white i think...
18. Wall colour in your room: pink :0P
HaVe YoU eVeR
19. Been so drunk you blacked out? nope
20. Missed school because it was raining? nope
21. Put a body part on fire to humour yourself? nope
22. Been hurt emotionally? lets not go there. Hurt is for the weak damnit!
23. Kept a secret from everyone? sure
24. Had an imaginary friend? haha
25. Wanted to hook up with a friend? yeah... i probably wouldn't recomment it..
26. Ever cried during a movie? ima wuss.
27. Ever thought an animated character was hot? lol ummm noo... ::looks away:: lol
28. Had a New Kids on the Block tape? nope
29. Been on stage? last night
30. Cut your hair? yep in 3 months i'll be chopping off 12 + inches!
31. Been sarcastic? Sarcasm takes real brains :0P
32. Shampoo: Herbal Essences! cuz its orgasmic rightttt??? haha
33. Soap: um... no preference i don't think
34. Colour: don't get me started on colors... but for Chris i'll put purple :0P
35. Day/night: night
36. Season: winter or spring or fall or ehh i like em all lol summers a bit hot though..
38. Food: anything latino almost :0P i like lots of foods
39. Ice cream: yummmmm ice cream...
40. Subject: um...school? lol
41. Person: haha my favoritest person in the whole entire would would hafta be my pussy w/Chris at a close second :0P
RiGhT nOw
42. Wearing: umm jeans & my pimpin yellow "emo" shirt as Ben put it
43. Feeling: sleepy
44.Eating/drinking: nada.
45. Thinking: i really wana see chris :0(
46. Listening to: nothing.
47. Talking to: was talking to AJ a sec ago but he just abandoned me :0(
In ThE lAsT 24 hOuRs
48. Cried: nope, Chris makes me all smiles :0)
49. Worn a skirt: yesterday yes.
50. Met someone new: ummmm maybe... actually yes, I met Jim and Greg :0)
51. Cleaned your room: not really
52. Done laundry: nope
Do YoU bElIeVe In
53. Boxes? its a state of mind. Is there a truth? haha TOK
54. Yourself? why not
55. Your friends? i'd like to
56. The tooth fairy? only if theres money involved :0P
57. Destiny/fate? I don't know... destiny proly not but fate maybe
58. Angels?it's a nice concept
60. UFO's? nope. aLIEn haha
FrIeNdS aNd LiFe
61. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yessssss! Tengo un novio! girls i'm taking applications :0P
62. Do you like anyone? Chris <3
63. What friend have you known the longest? that i'm still good friends with... umm proly Chris Z. (since i'v been 4) and Jenn since elementary school
64. Who's the funniest? all my friends are funny... Canadian Dave though i'd have to say :0)
65. Who's the shyest? Noah :0P I have lots of shy friends though
66. Who do you go to for advice? ummm depends on what
67. Who do you cry to? haha how many times have I called Chris (Z) balling now... Troy's heard me cry too many times too. And of course Jenn through all these heart breaks lol
68. When have you cried the most? when Sascha died.
70. What do you think the best feeling in the world is? just relaxing and not having a care in the world...
71. Worst feeling? there are lots of bad feelings.
72. Who will respond to you the quickest? um... proly by tomorrow 4 people will have this on their journal
74. Who sent this to you? i stole it from Jessika on deadjournal
75. Do you want everyone to send this back? um... no
MoRe QuEsTiOnS
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
People describe you as: short, cute, nice sometimes, bitch .. its all there :0P
Single or taken: taken :0)
Piercings: ears & belly button :0)
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Do you remember?
2003 7 February :: 10.14pm
i hope you know that you're amazing...
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2003 7 February :: 7.29pm
so yeah. The perfect Friday was ruined by some crazy substitute in bio.... he was like a thousand lbs and met some woman he was in love with through the phone & they've been talking for 5 yrs now & never met and shes recently divored, he has a 37 year old biological daughter and says he can "relate" with those of us having sex now and he has a 17yr old adopted daughter. He successfully messed up my name "Viva" and yelled at me + at Diana like a thousand times more. We played a stupid game & we're going to tell Mr.Murnan it was dumb.
Other then that today was okay... actually today kinda sucked. Just got home, had to go EVERYWHERE after school...
Now Chris & Jared are coming over soooo yay :0)
yesterday I hung out w/Chris and Brian = mucho funness.. we ended up at Josh & Jared's house where Brian broke the sexy sexy waterbed :0( lol it was fun & we called lots of people and we're trying to find Jared a girlfriend (hes cute girls!) haha.
this weekends guna be crazy.... orchestra rehearsals + concert, piano concerto etc.
I'm missing Further Seems Forever, The Early November & The Beautiful mistake now. damnit.
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2003 7 February :: 2.28am
:: Mood: tired
hey, its fucking 2:30 in the morning
mrs owen=die
research papers + anal retentative 70 year old english teacher = A.J. preparing to commit homicide.....or maybe just go to sleep. holy fuck im tired
i have test tomorrow too. i gotta get up in 3 hours. yay for sleep
Do you remember?
2003 5 February :: 11.07pm
I feel the need to update.
First of all... BUY TICKETS FROM VIVI!!! yes yes yes, I need to sell another 4 by tomorrow :0/ Ben, i'm soooooo guna do it!
ehhhh tickets for the Adastra show on the 22nd @ the Factory.. $12 you soo know you want to :0P
Chris came to see me last night which made me incredibly happy :0) <- seee! I met his friends Jared, Peck, and Josh & Brian was also there but i've met Brian already. I was very much convinced they were all looking at me funny... crazy stuff.
oh yeah. I went home sick yesterday... got LOTS of sleep.
Today was pretty worthless. can't wait till Fri <3
till then...
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2000 5 February :: 1.37am
:: Mood: morose
:: Music: ok, this isn't music, but im just wondering, what the fuck is morose?
100 posts of crap
this is my 100th shitty post. its 1:40 in the morning. i hafta get up to go to school in 4 hours
im not the least bit tired
i feel like shit. life is sucking, majorly.
i wrote 1 song, and am working on charts for 2 covers. this happys me somewhat
"loneliness fulfils my emptiness"
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Do you remember?
2003 3 February :: 5.46pm
Have you ever?
1. been kissed? yes :0)
2. done drugs? nopes :0):0)
3. eaten an entire box of oreos? can't say that I have
4. eaten sushi? yea but not too fond of it
5. been on stage? yep yep
6. been dumped? once. but hey, we got back together and i got to dump him the second time :0P
7. had someone be unfaithful?:0(
8. gotten in a car accident? one for real when we had to call the cops and once we hit a yellow pole :0P
Which one is Better?
1. cold or hot: hot
2. blue or red: red
3. rain or snow: rain
4. give or receive: give
5. wool or cotton: cotton
6. rose or daisy: daisy
7. private school or public school:i assume public
8. chocolate or plain milk: chocolate
9. celsius or fahrenheit: don't get me started
10. spring or fall: spring
11. history or science: history
12. math or English: math
13. alternative or country: alternative
Opposite Gender
1. Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex? NO!!!! (heh you know i'm kidding :0P)
2. Do they know? ummmm maybe :0P
1. Who are your funniest friends? umm Canadian Dave for one :0P Ashley's really ditzy I duno if that counts
2. Who makes you laugh/smile the most? DAVE!! heh i'm always smiling.. *MY* Chris makes me smile ALL the time :0)<3
3. Who do you email the most? proly Miss. Kelly with all of my boy problems heh
4. Who's your best friend? i have lots of really good friends...definately Kevy Wevy, Bright, & Jenn though, I'd die w/o them <3<3
5. Who's the loudest? haha we're ALLLL loud!
6. Who's the shyest? ummmm I don't know if any of us are particularly shy...
7. Whose parents do you know the best? Jenns or Kevs or Brights
8. Who are you jealous of? I WANT HEIDI's BOOBS!!!(or Bright's heh)
9. Who has the best room? I liked Ashley's room muchoness
Within the last 24 hours
1. Had a serious talk with someone? yes *ahem CHRIS!*
2. Hugged someone? sure, I'm a hug slut! haha
3. Gotten along with your parents? I suppose.. they're being nice cuz i'm sick :0/
4. Fought with a friend? yes well kinda
Do you like to...
1. Give hugs? HUG SLUT!!!
2. Give back rubs? not as much as I enjoy receiving *hint hint* :0P
3. Take walks in the rain? they're the best ones...
4.What did u do this summer? um.. lots of stuff :0P worked at an orchestra camp and a science camp and went to Italy & Greece :0)
Which one of your friends?
1. Is most likely to grow up to be a model: I have soo many hot friends it wouldnt' be fair to single them out :0P
2. Knows most about you: honestly probably Brighton
3. Is most likely to become a comedian: DAVID!
4. Have you known the longest: JENN!!
5. Do you know most about: proly Kevy :0P
6. Who will send this back the quickest? ummm this is in my journal
7. Is the smartest: definately Jenn, shes guna be a rocket scientist or something :0P
8. Most likely to wind up in jail: eep none of MY friends heh
9. Who sent this to you: *MY* Chris who stole it from Josh's (thoughtssurreal) journal
10. Who talks the most? ha proly me! cuz its ALL about me :0P
1. Have you ever been to a concert? a bazillion!
2. Loved someone so much it made you cry: i don't think so.
3. Cheated on a test: MALPRACTICE!
4. stolen something: once. I was 8 and I stole a little rubber stamp from this place :0(
5. stalked someone: haha cuz i'm scary stalker girl eh?
1. Single or hooked: hooked :0P sorry boys! heh
2. Who was or is you biggest crush: hmmm I wonder :0P
3. If you were gonna go out with anyone who would it be: I am perfectly content with *MY* Chris :0P
4. Have you ever had an online relationship? lets not go there.
1. What is your worst habit? my dirty dirty mouth
2. What really makes you mad? too much
3. Scariest moment? um... none come to mind really
4. Happiest moment: I have a lot of happy moments, its not very fair to limit myself i think...
5. Do you swear too much? haha I think i've already answered this one :0P
6. How do you feel about homosexual? whatever floats your boat
7. Do u dress like a slut/prep/snob/sporty/or just plain? i wear whatever is clean.
and i'm done!!!
Chris says: "I finished before you"
ahh the shithead thinks that makes him better :0P j/k
...you're my everything.. my 2nd favorite person in the world :0P...
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Do you remember?
2000 3 February :: 4.07pm
:: Mood: waaay chill
:: Music: bootlegs
wow, my subject is bold and in italics
this weekend blew. friday was a horrible day for school, i was getting sick and all. all plans to go and hang on friday were shot to hell. so i just sat at home and got scary phonecalls. then saturday, the first saturday in a while my mom wasn't working, cuz they finally got another assistant. so all she did was annoy the fuck out of me and turn off the a/c cuz it was "too cold" god damnit, i like it cold. she was bout to sweat me out of the house. so no plans once again for saturday. anna berlanga called me up to give her ppl's phone numbers to see if they wanted to go to the show at rays, but she didn't invite me. how nice. fuck you stupid bitch. don't ever call me again.
so yea...there was also a nuclear whales sax orchestra concert at old school square that i wanted to go to. i convinced my parents to go with me, cuz they'd probably enjoy it too. we get there thinking it was going to be outdoors on the stage. turns out it was a formal event inside the old school theatre, it was full of all old people, and it was $35 per seat. we weren't about to go pay $105 to see something we thought was going to be free. oh well. we wound up at roadhouse. shitty night all together. i get sick of my parents way too easily
so sunday i called off of work. my dad suggested it because he wanted me to go to moroso and see one of his clients race the his dragster, and we'd get to sit in the pit. umm...that would be interesting, but doesn't seem like that much fun.....as much as i do love classic cars. i hadto go to the library for my research paper tho, so i got him to call in for me and say i was sick anyway. saw jennica there, and that was cool. i miss EVERYONE from atl. after the library i had nothing to do, since there was no football on, other than the probowl, which usually sucks and is just jammpacked with more "wow, im loving this hawaii weather" than actual commentary. its gets annoying real fast. so i ended up napping, and waking up feeling like shit.
so that was my shitty booring weekend. my posts are so lame and uninteresting.
gotta try something different
Do you remember?
2003 2 February :: 11.26am
Apparently a convo between Jessie & Heidi while I was sleeping:
Twister 10: there's some asian chick somewhere who has my breasts
Twister 10: and I fucking want them back
pinkwombat13: haha
pinkwombat13: vivi!
Twister 10: that WHORE!
pinkwombat13: ah, boobs, the makers of great conversations.
Vivi = enfermo.
sick sick sick sick
bleh it sucks. I've slept more hours then i've been awake this weekend. Got to see my Chris on Friday which made me happy.(even though I was sleeping the whole time:0/)
now... to orchestra to study bio. (haha tell me if that makes any sense :0P)
au revoir
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2000 2 February :: 2.04am
:: Mood: really pissed off
hey, fuck you
fuck you andy
fuck you woohu
i just typed up a really really fucking long ass post, and submit, couldn't find server, couldn't find server, wheres my fucking post? oh, well its gone. fuck. i finally got my lazy ass up to make a decent fucking post, and yea. its all gone. damnit
Do you remember?
2000 1 February :: 3.42pm
:: Mood: shitty
:: Music: skunks - no apologies
soooooooooooooooooooooooo bored like what
[Current Clothes] my grey lucky skateboard shirt from 7th grade and my srandard black shorts. standard at home chillin gear
[ Current Mood] shitty
[ Current Music] 40 oz to freedom
[ Current Taste] the taste of my sinus being clogged or something
[ Current Make-up ] n/a
[ Current Hair ] wildly overgrown and ungelled
[ Current Annoyance ] my mom
[ Current Smell ] no smell. cant smell. stupid sinuses
[ Current Thing ] this. im too bored
[ Current Desktop Picture ] sublime sun
[ Current Favorite Artists] skunks (from back in the days of moon)
[ Current Favorite Group ] sublime
[ Current Book you're reading] dark tower 3, the waste lands
[ Current CD in CD Player] skunks
[ Current DVD in player] i stopped watching movies a looong time go. i think my dad has minority report in it tho
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] toe nail color
[ Current Refreshment ] water. i want some mountain dew really badly tho
[ Current Worry ] research paper in english.
[ You Touched ] me.....and umm...yea. i think thats it.
[ You Talked to ] suki
[ You Hugged ] its been a long ass time since i hugged someone
[ You Instant messaged ] reefer
[ You Yelled At ] dad
[ You Kissed ] its been a long time for that too
[ Food ] italian
[ Drink ] water/md/rockstar
[ Color ] bluuuue
[ Album ] stand by your van
[ Shoes ] globes
[ Candy ] not big on candy and sweets
[ Animal ] animals too. ill stick to humans
[ TV Show ] simpsons, allin the fam., conan, athf
[ Movie ] tcm
[ Dance ] i dont dance much, less im buzzed or ona sugar high. then it doesnt matter
[ Song ] only of you, by greenday
[ Vegetable ] lettuce. damn those salads
[ Fruit ] theres too many to name
[ Cartoon ] simpsons
[ Store ] kmart.....till it closed
[ Kiss ] passionate and slow
[ Hangout ] it usta be atl
[ Vacation ] chilin with my cousins in staten islans
[ Understanding ] pretty much
[ Open-minded ] i try to be
[ Arrogant ] somewhat
[ Insecure ] in some ways
[ Interesting ] take a look at my room
[ Random ] decently
[ Hungry ] depends. some times i can eat almost nothing and be chill, then other times i gotta eat 3 burgers and still want fries
[ Friendly ] when im not being shy, yea
[ Smart ] kick'd out of ib. hahaha
[ Moody ] meh
[ Childish ] only at heart
[ Independent ] a little too independent. it sucks. damn onlychildness
[ Hard working ] only sometimes
[ Organized ] im ny own way
[ Healthy ] i usta be
[ Emotionally Stable ] semi-stable. its been a while since i broke down
[ Shy ] sometimes. i dont let it show much
[ Difficult ] no. laid back
[ Attractive ] i say no, but other people say other things
[ Bored Easily ] fuck yes. hence the lame quiz im taking
[ Thirsty ] right now yes. need mountain dewwww
[ Responsible ] im some ways
[ Obsessed ] that depends on what obsessed is defined as
[ Angry ] decently angry. it doesnt show
[ Sad ] now that im not at atl with amigos, i am
[ Happy ] i try to be. its jsut the white man keep holdin me down
[ Hyper ] gimmie sugar, gimmie beer. then ill be hyper
[ Trusting ] i trust a select few......they arent very trustworthy. oops
[ Talkative ] around friends
[ Kill ] probable the assholes at the school board that wouldnt let me stay at atl
[ Slap ] mrs owens, my english teacher
[ Get Real Wasted With] the usual
[ Get High With ] ill pass
[ Look Like ] me. maybe with dreads.....if dreads wouldnt look stupid on me, id like to get them
[ Talk To Offline ] friends
[ Talk To Online ] people i cant talk to offline
[ Date ] someone :)
[ Fuck ] i'll fuck you up
when you least expect it
you think you're moving closer
when suddenly you wrecked it
but all the same, the pain gains wisdom
as if you ain't had enough then you're in some
prison of your own creation
mental dilation
look at what your facin' placin'
blame in every direction
but in the end it's your own infection
Do you remember?
2003 30 January :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: bouncy
heh you know what I mean ~ Ashley
Compliments of *MY* Chris <3 heh Ashy & I are still right though, its a HUGE scam to get girls to do more sexual favors :0P
You may have noticed a distinct bluish tinge to your testicles after you make out for several hours -- and the deep, most uncomfortable ache that goes along with it.
Actually, it's not your testicles that are blue, it's the skin of the scrotum. When you're aroused, blood flows not only to the penis, but to the entire area.
The longer you stay aroused, the longer the blood stays there. Newer blood is red, but older blood, which has less oxygen, is blue -- and that's why your testicles appear to contain more blue blood than Buckingham Palace.
It's not harmful, so don't run to the emergency room. If it lasts for hours and hours after you've stopped being aroused, though, see a doctor. Or find socks to match.
* * *
It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the lover. - Marge Piercy
I'm at Ashy's house not & we're going to St.Augustine tomorrow, yay!
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2003 30 January :: 5.50pm
"G-d I hate you"
Well hello, Chris (Steven Chris) ehh that was Chris's quote up there and Jeff knows why :0P
So yeah. We're ummm building guns and fixing lights and hehe I think hes telling me to get off now cuz the house is on fire or something like that :0P
hehe we've decided that I've got too much hair and Ashley and I don't think that blue balls exist right ash? :0P
okay. on with the fun bye bye :0)
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2000 29 January :: 1.13am
:: Mood: imsomniatic (probably not a word
my musical goals:
i promise i will make a worthwile update tomorrow (err...actually today) afternoon
well i have decided in recent months that music will be my major in college, as well as my future career (hopefully). so i have set goals for myself to improve as a musician. here are my goals for february:
-I allready have all 12 majors memorized, but i need to know them like the back of my hand
-Know the circle/cycle of 5ths like the back of my hand (and be able to play all majors ascending in the cycle from any starting note)....as well as 4ths
-get through chapter one in my jazz theory book (wow, for an introduction to jazz theory, that shit is really fucking complicated)
-shoot for 2 hrs of practice a day (14 per week) and settel with no less than 1 hour a day.
-be able to play All District music decently by the end of feb. so i will have all of march to perfect it
-make alternate at All District. hahahha (not fucking likely)
-write a decent ska song (grr....theory)
-buy a damn drumset (its been too long. im tired of waiting to get one)
-work on learning minors
wow. i think thats it. i have so much ahead of me. im sucha band dork.
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