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:: 2004 9 July :: 10.14am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: BK Athem-Foxxy Brown

i so happyy..
he finally asked me out!!..last nite..lol..yay!!..im happy now..hez so cute..i really think this is gonna work

me n amara were plannin to take these hip hop classes every monday till the end of august..the teacher is wade robson!! from mtv's the wade rosbon project..im so excited..i faxed in all tha paperwork..n talked to tha lady..turns out itz not how much we thot it was gonna be..lol..that might be a problem..hmm..gotta see tho..neways i had a lil argument wid my mom yesterday..i got grounded for "talkin back"..pshh..so shez trynna squash all my plans for this weekend..i hope she letz me go out tho..i wanna see emir..newayz me n amara might hit up tha mall todayy..spend money on stuff i dont need..u girls kno how dat goes..;)

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:: 2004 8 July :: 12.14am
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: watching tv. Disney haha

everyday isn't like today, but today was awesome... for no reason.
last night i took everything off my desk. now... my dad needs to take out this desk from my room... right now my computer & i are sitting on the floor.. going for the japanese style of living. hehe.

anyways this morning i woke up kinda early & went to the bank for money to get to danielle for the RBF concert tickets... which means we get to go and crowd surf @ 6:15pm 2morrow. how awesome!

but when i got home, i took a shower & then talked to jonah on the phone. thats the second time u purposely hung up on me in all the time i've known u. that's very dirrrrty, master. lol. after we got off the phone, i headed to cheerleading practice...

it was good actually. hung out with juliana & then chelsea. lol chelsea & i did alotta laughing. omg lol. it says 2 steps & we are taking... one? lmao. who feels like a dolphin?! splash... whip lash? lmao. good times.

brittany picked me up from practice & we went to my house. jonahhhh called & we talked. ummm then i got ready & brittany n i went to meet up with her parents at OUTBACK for dinner since jb, mike & robert didnt wanna go with us. we came back after dinner & got some ice cream & went outside. met jb over at the pool then called travis & brett cause brittany & i saw them earlier & missed them. well they didnt answer the phone. fuckers. lol. so we went to the gas station & got a drink & the stupid guy gave us these nasty candy things, so when we got home, i took them and started bangin' on frank's car with them... hope i didnt make any dents lol. then mike & jb & frank & me & brittany talked... but we got bit up by mosquiters so we all left & went home.

i got in & talked to danielle, neil, jonah, brittany, & camilo online. gotta call from travis while i was just sitting here. then brett wanted to talk to me, so i talked to him & then back & forth the phone went. i guess travis is calling me when he gets home from work? and brett called me back... they wanted to come knock on my window... & moon me but uh... i told them they were wasting their time lol. i miss them... 6th with them haha. but uh... since they didn't stop by tonight to say, "hey" after not seeing each other in awhile, brett wants to come say hey 2morrow... during the day. i guess thats what he's gonna do. which is cool, cause i have nothing to do in the daytime but wait for the night to come & crowd surf with the awesomest people.

but for now, i'mma head out... i typed enough on this journal. i loved today. its the best feeling for some reason

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:: 2004 7 July :: 8.12pm

wow...I have been neglecting you poor woohu I think I am outgrowing this childish phase....perhaps not I'm sure I have a lot to say let us begin...

My new mental/physical health regime....see livejournal for details on that but I think it is a genuinely good idea and I would like to reiterate that I am a fucking genius. I realized today how much I really do think about him and how hard it is to control your thoughts. And the knowledge that I would have to do many crunches and push ups as a result of such thoughts made me really fight hard to drown them out of my head....I think I started singing Beat It in my head on the bus ride home just to be ridiculous and block everything else out. But the mental struggle actually kind of wore me out Anand said I ended up passed out for half of the ride home.

let's see what else have I been up to....saw the notebook this weekend with michelle and lauren after becomming devirginized to cold stones....it was long overdue that place is fucking awesome. Earlier that day lauren and I decided to see what the whole spray tan thing was about....kind of a waste of $25 but it was an experience. I was actually really dark for like a day but if you don't have a base tan to start off with it fades pretty quickly. Afterwards we went back to laurens house to play with the puppies. I want to steal them so bad they're adorable.

SAturday went with my parents to cityplace to see spiderman 2 I thought ti was good but my mom was being such a pain in the ass in the movie because she was bored...such a child

4th of july sat on my ass watching movies no fire works for me....seen em once you've seen em all. Plus I had no1 to go watch them with it's kind of depressing with ur parents and no friends or guy...idk.

Monday I drove us all to boca to meet me family for lunch as PF changs my aunt brought the baby so my mom was happy. I don't understand ppl who like babies....OMG he shut his eyes its so amazing its a fuckign miracle....who cares? When he's old enough to cure cancer I'll be impressed.

Today was the LAST day of summer school WOOOHOOOO. I'm going to miss it a bit I always end up making really good friendships in summer school every year it never fails. It's just a different atmosphere it's nice. They really should let us have breaks during the school year again it's so great. But yeah people like Ashley Treu and Rich (tho he is leaving now isnt he) who I never really talked to before and especially Amy and Christine I was never really close with but I really enjoyed their company and hopefully we will continue the friendship next year. And then there was people I was already pretty good friends with like Liz and Janyll and Adam. I'm going to miss the endless card games and the silliness. lol sharks in the forest....lord farquar....90's pop notebook etc etc...telling embarassing middle school stories and the uncontrollable laughing. lol how did we ever fit biology into these few weeks all I seem to remember is the free time. I feel so safe with all of my fellow IB losers we can all be in our own little world together.

We did have our exam today it was really easy we played biology jeopardy before lunch cuz we are gay like that and the rest of the day was just chillin in the room. I gave adam some real honest advice because it's just what I do and he got a little upset but hopefully not too much. I hope he sees that I'm right somewhere down the road. lol we did have a lot of fun today tho he tried to carry me down the hallway (at his own risk i mind u i warned him) and almost got a hernia. Janyll Amy and Adam locked me in the physics room and I was mad scared then we we were all running through the rooms like little kids. German was chasing someone down the hall it was just altogether immature craziness. So yup back to conditioning and dance tomorrow then it's GAINSVILLE! yup I'm still super excited to go away away away....bah I def have mroe to say but this is getting ridiculous. I guess I havnt grown out of it yet...


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:: 2004 7 July :: 7.14pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: How Come-D12

i stole this from my buddy luan..
Birthdate::august 2nd, 1988
Birthplace::brooklyn, new york
Eldest, Middle, Youngest, Only Kid?:eldest
Pets::cat-cassie dog-roxy
Do you go to school::yes
What is your highest level achieved?:sophomore
Religion::i dont really have a classification..i believe in god..lol
Do you have friends?:yepp
Do you like to be lonely?:no
What color are your eyes?:dark brown
Do you like it?:yea
What color eyes do you want?:i like mine..maybe a lil lighter tho
What color is your hair?:dark brown
Do you like it?:yupp
What color do you want?:im fine wid my natural color
Do you dye your hair?:nope
If yes, how regularly?:never
Do you wear glasses?:at night
Do you have a trademark?:my name earrings!!..hollaa!!
How tall are you?:5'0''
What's your heritage/nationality?:puerto rican
Do you have the same hairstyle everyday?:nope
Do you think you look exciting?:yea..sure..lol
Are you self concious?:sometimes
Do you obsess over your looks?:not really
Do you even care about your appearences?:yea
How long do you spend in the bathroom?:15-20 minute to get ready
About life... again
Punk/Goth/Ghetto/Prep/Jock/Nerd/Other (list)? stereotype?:"cute ghetto girl"-greta..lol
Do you pick your nose? In secret?:noo..lol
Do you like yourself? Life?:yes
Are you liked by people?:yea
Do you want to become famous?:of course!!
Do you want to make a difference in this big world?:yea
Why?:we need a change
Fun Stuff
Which celebrities do you worship in secret?:lol..jennifer lopez n christina aquilera
Are you one of those people who diss fans of a music genre you don't like?:lol..noo
Which pop princess shits you?:none of em
Can you sing?:no..lol..i like to in the shower tho
Can you act?:yea
Who is your fave actor?:anthony hopkins
Fave movie?:above the rim
Backstreet Boys or Nsync?:backstreet boys
Good Charlotte or Blink 182?:good charlotte
Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears?:christina aguilera
Slayer or Black Sabbath?:who??
The Beatles or The Monkees?:beatles
ABBA or the A Teens?:a teens..lol
Guilty pleasure?:chocolate covered strawberries..yumm
The Simpsons or Family Guy?:SIMPSONS!!
MTV... yeah or neah?:yeah
Do you have a group of friends?:yea
How many?:six
To an onlooker, what would your group be viewed as?:fun, loud, crazy, hyper, high..lol
Who are you closest to?:my girls
Who is your best friend?:meli sam n amara
Are any of them bad influences?:no..they're "super good influences"..lol
Who are you in your group? The leader? The leader's bitch? The follower?:im the violent one
Are you dirty minded?:my minds always in tha gutter..lol
Do you have any sexual feelings towards friends?:noo
Generally, how are you viewed in your group?:everybody loves me..;)
Do your friends know you?:yea
Are you single or taken?:single for now
If single:
Do you want to stay single?:no
Why are you single?:waitin for this kid to stop being shy n ask me out..lol
Do you date around?:yea..i meet ppl here n there
When was the last time you have a bf/gf?:last year
Life... yet again.
Are you bored?:yea
Can you play any instruments? Which ones?:yea..piano
Math or English?:english
The Arts or Sciences?:arts
Technical or Creative?:creative
Are you poetic?:i can be
How many babies do you want?:3
Do you spend most of your time on the net?:ehh..
What do you think of your country's leader?:we need a new one
Do you love me?:yea
Why?:cuz ur great!!
What kind of meat do you like to eat?:meat??..chicken..pork
What's your favourite food?:empanadas..pork chops
Drink?:bailey's mudslide
I'm bored now. Wanna stop?:i guess
Because I am.

A long survey to do when you are bored brought to you by BZOINK!



:: 2004 6 July :: 5.51pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: Why-Jadakiss

meli..i can't believe u finally told him girl!!..go you!!
yay!!..im happy for melissa..everythings gonna turn out great!!..we're planning to chill on friday..go to don carters..play some pool..me, emir, eric and meli..can't wait..only i ahvent played in foreverrr..so i hope i dont end up lookin stupid..lol..saturday i got cheer gym..cant wait..finally gettin back on track wid tha cheer stuff..we leave in a week!!..going to tampa..imma have fun..im gonna miss all my peeps tho!!..:(..gotta chill wen i get back tho!!

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:: 2004 6 July :: 2.14pm
:: Mood: optimistic
:: Music: ashlee simpson - pieces of me

i can hardly catch my breath, i hope it lasts

it's good.
crushes die hard, but i've learned to get over them.
you guys are going to hate me i have a feeling, but you should be happy for me.
i might keep this one.

north carolina was wonderful. i love my dad's family more than anything in the world.

i hate trying to find a job. no one wants to hire a teenage white girl. only if my parents would understand that and just let me get my license, so i can drive and see all you people, because i miss you, you and you.

<3 that's all for now.

rbf thursday night.
danielle crowd surfing.
be there, ashley cline will be.

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:: 2004 5 July :: 9.12pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: You Got iT Bad // Usher

you're drunk & now you wish you're sober.
g0od day.

woke up early. was gonna lay out, but it rained. crazy motherf$%*er. um... s0o i helped mommy clean the house & watched my soaps (PASSiONS). then i g0t up & g0t ready for mommy to take me to Sports Authority to pick shit up for cheerleading. only, she handed me the keys. haha. baller. maybe she is sticking to her promise about getting my license super soon. s0o we ran to Old Navy ---> gotta few tank tops & some flip flops. Went to Sports Authority ---> got some bloomers, & soffees. went to publix ---> g0t everything i needed. when i got home... i took a shower, now jonah just IMed me & i'm talking to Groton. <3

i gotta figure out the deal with what's goin' on for thursday... cause if we go... i gotta see if ellen can sleep over.. but i got cheerleading @ 8a.m. the next morning s0o... lalala.

for now though... i'm waiting for jackie to pick me up cause i'm staying over there for the night & 2morrow... then we are gonna spend tuesday on the waverunner & in the sun. then when Brittany gets home 2morrow.. we're gonna head to the tanning salon... if she is up 2 it? idk we'll see what g0es on.

my sister was looking at my dad's keychain today, and on it there was a keychain that was for my car. and my sister goes, "daddy, who's car keys are these?" and he goes, "not for briana's car, they're a customer's keys." but why would he have the keys for a customer when he didn't bring their car home? haha.... my car is at his work. hehehehe. the excitement. i want the f%*$ing car lol <333

anyways, i'm out... gotta get my stuff together before jackie gets here. xoxo

o btw, i was listening to my Usher CD - 8701. the old one... & there was this song on there, "Twork it out" & it reminded me of jonah. *shrug* hehe

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:: 2004 5 July :: 4.32pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: I'll make love to you-Boyz II Men

I'm backkkkk..::evil laugh::
hey guys..havent written in a while..friday my dad picked us up..we went to boomers cuz datz where jon wanted to go..hung out there..a fight broke out in boomers..omg..it wuz tha funniest thing..deez ghetto white gurls..u kno how derz alot of em in boca..lol..they started bitchin at each other n den started a cat fight..it was funny.. den me n my aunt left my brother and my dad at boomers while we went to muvico so she cudd get him some movie passes..thats wen mel called us..she got into another car accident..she was all worked up..i can imagine..damn..she prolly wont ever wanna drive agen..den we got the movie passes..i saw marcus fraiser..woo..sexiness..lol..then i saw meli..wid ricarda n omar..im so happy for u gurl..lol..keep it going wid eric!!..hopefully things will happen wid me n emir..saturday we went to the marlins game..I GOT TO MEET MIGUEL CABRERA..wow..we got autographs n everything..he signed a ball..lol..n i was der all excited..wid his number written on my face..i think he was scared of me..lolol..the game was alotta fun..marlins lost to the devil rays 6-1..lol..my brother was happy he was going for the other team..every1 around us was gettin pissed at him..i thot we were gonna get jumped..lol..after the game they had a really pretty fireworks show..then after that wen we were gonna go home and we cuddnt find tha car..funny stuff..lol..yesterday we left n went camping..it wuz fun..kinda scary after emir told me all about jason..lol..there were soo many bugs tho..n u all kno how i do wid bugs..i got bit up so bad..ugh..we went canoeing..and jon was saying he was gonna tip tha boat over..kidsss..but yea we went camping boca style..lmao..we had tha RV..jon made us bring his tv and ps2..we had tha grill..lol..it was funny..me n my mom kept crackin on jon and pat for it..lol..and we had no marshmallows..:(..and no s'mores..so still havent tasted one guys!!..lol..we got back a lil while ago..today's jon's bday..happy 12th to him..we got ice cream cake!!..looking foward to it..yumm..lol..guess thats it for now..back to work 2moro..gotta make that paper!!

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:: 2004 5 July :: 1.14am
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: its over // mest

but if you play them, they will stay with you.
its around 1a.m.

s0o i woke up for work early today. joy. got in at 9 & listened to Winona lol. she's insane & like 42. damn. all the medicine she takes, i swear. & Carol kept making fun of her. but anyways.. Cory was there... the dude kettly kept telling me about... he is kinda annoying, but he means well. s0o thats that. i don't mind him, its someone to converse with. but Michael came in. yay! unfortunately he came in @ 3pm though, and i clocked out @ 4pm. but the first time i saw him we argued lol, which was because he didn't directly say hi to me or give me a hug yesterday, just gave me a dirrty look & walked off. but... he was c0ol the rest of the day. after i clocked out he sat and talked to me while i waited for my mommy.

mommy & i left.. around 4:30... got wendys, & did some errands. then she dropped me off & i called jackie. we ended up hanging out 'til 1am. went to super walmart. cinderella shoes. rain shoes. kenny chesney. etc. we were being stupid lol. 14'' fake spinning mexican rims lol. but yeah... came back to my house... played with silly beads & looked up words in the dictionary... for a reason, not cause we were bored... well we were... but there was a purpose to it. but... she left. i'm supposed to sleep over her house 2morrow night. hopefully, then we are gonna g0o on the waverunner on tuesday & hang out. lalala. we'll see what g0es down.

neil called. i wanted to g0o hang with them tonight... but it was late & jackie has to work & it just wasn't a smart idea. besides... the drive was long... speaking of driving...

mom's plan ---> use dad's car all this week. on friday she makes an appointment for my license... who knows if i will get it. who knows if it will even happen & i didn't even wanna say anything about it because most of the shit that my mom says.... is meaningless. however... we'll see. i'd like it a lot. <33 i want to believe it.

this week is gonna g0o by fast... i have so much to do.

monday ---> errands with mommy. sports authority & contacts, tanning... hopefully. sleeping over jackie's house.
tuesday ---> waverunner with jackie... maybe i'll be able to see jonah? idk its been awhile.
wednesday ---> sleep in... cheer practice from 4-6:30pm. might be able to see groton & brittany. =)
thursday ---> reel big fish concert... that doesn't seem like it will be happening though? who knows. ashley c would come down...! score!
friday ---> cheer practice 8-11am. UCT concert @ Spankys with Jackie & Groton... that's gonna g0o down for sure. <33
saturday & sunday ---> i am probably working my lil' ass off again... but i can use the money.

ahhh organized my weekend. awesomeness. <33 goodnight. i hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July. xoxo

leaving you with some lyrics from IT's OVER BY MEST.... <3333

But this keeps happening
Time and time again
You're thinkin' to yourself
She was your only friend

But you're so fucking wrong
That you're so fucking lame
You realize you're all the same

She looked at you and she said to your face
It's over, it's over
She's got a new man and it's time for you
To move over, move over
You're drunk and mad you wish that you
Were sober, were sober
Cause now you can't get it out of your head
That it's over, that it's over, that it's over
Cause it's over, it's over, it's over
And it's over, it's over, it's over

Tell them lies and they will believe you
When you're honest they will deceive you
If you love them they will just leave you
But if you play them they will stay with you

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:: 2004 3 July :: 11.08pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: LoNeLY // Britney Spears

n now u're lonely, yet u still want me // Britney Spears
today ---> take a breath.
CrOss PoSTin' @ LJ CHEcK iT HuRR
... woke up @ 6:30a.m & dragged my happy self to work. its nice being up early f0r a change, juSs' goTz no1 ta talk ta.

w0rked 'til 3. mR. mIke didn't work 2day s0o he stopped in 2 say "hEy fucKerz". TheN i totally wenT t0 get carts. i took in a d0nut Load of carts. there was 8 of them... & showin' off my skillz ta the hot m0f0's that passed by... i pushed them all in. but the 0ld people that i passed were like, "little girl, that's too many." n i juSs smiled & continued pushing... fuckerz. lol. come on. stop underestimating my abilities as a midget. 4'11 & 3/4" grr. lol

i came home & napped big time. not used to being up early. but i woke up & called mr. j0nah cause he is a demanding guy & insisted that i find the phone a little faster. lol, uM... we taLked & then enDed up watcHin' "DRiVE ME CRAZY" w/ Melissa Joan Hart. c0ol beans. then.. the phone died, lmao AGAiN... like right before the movie ended. then i gotta call from jackie, talked to her for a bit, & then Alex called. was g0nna g0 out with her, but jb's lazy bum didn't wanna drive. grr. anyways...

i g0t ashley p's LetTer in THe mAiL 2day! hehe 2 stamps & a pointless letter lol. <333 i love u mucho. plus i'm forced t0 put this in here by her lol j/k ur the best. s0rta.. i top u. then uR 2nd haha. <333

here's 2 self expression. <------
i wanna like... idk, just change. i need change s0o badly... whether its a new desk cause i desperately need it... whether its new green contacts that i am supposed to get monday, whether its new clothes, a darker tan, another ear piercing, another collage, a new cd, a fudgin' car... ((which daddy PURCHASED, friday july 2nd *i'm scared its nothing special, but fuck, its a car)), a new diet idea, new comforter, new cheerleading clothes ((goin' 2 sports authority on Monday, but i waNNa look online)), etc... i just need change.

i'm in dying need of new color eyes & perfect skin. i'm working out more. 15o crunches, 5o leg lifts & 5o glute thingy ma bobbers, um.. 25 push ups (KiLLA! lol), & 2 routines 0f cheer legs (Kaila knows, but no1 else). plus i drink nothing but water... & sadly have two meals a day, followed by my one choice of a junky snack. but that's my routine. sickening if u ask me... but i am happy with my body, just not the peeling from tanning & the fuckin' face i have. lol sry. that's the reason f0r all the water. who knows what's gonna happen hoez!

anyways... i've gotta d0o laundry & head ta bed cuz i've gotta work @ 9a.m. <33



:: 2004 2 July :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: emotional

And they never gave up once....
they never fucking gave up and they grew old and died together and they were in love why can't that exist? The question isn't where are the prince charmings it is where are the love stories. Where is the devotion and the passion that makes people twist circumstance to make it through the hard times and reach the happy endings. The stories aren't perfect...they are perfectly sad and real and painful but beautiful all the same. I dont even know if I have teh capacity for such things but I'm now sure I believe that they exist somewhere in some willing hearts. I also believe it to be perfectly unattainable....I feel so lonely I just wish I had someone to scream at in the rain just scream and cry all the way into his arms where it can be all better again. I want to lie down and dance in the middle of the street I want someone who loves me enough to tell me i'm a big pain in the ass 99% of the time which I know I am and want me all the same....god it was just a movie but still.....just *sigh*

Catch me if I fall
I'm losing hold
I can't just carry on this way
And every time
I turn away
Lose another blind game

The idea of perfection holds me
Suddenly I see you change
Everything at once
The same
But the mountain never moves
Rape me like a child
Christened in blood
Painted like an unknown saint
There's nothing left but hope
Your voice is dead
And old
And always empty
Trust in me through closing years

Perfect moments wait
If only we could stay
Say the right words
Or cry like the stone white clown
And stand forever
Lost forever in a happy crowd

~The Cure~

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:: 2004 2 July :: 11.25am
:: Mood: smiley
:: Music: 99 problems-Jay Z

wha do u think??
i re-did my woohu!!! i got bored..lol..as always..well my dadz gonna pick me up in awhile..so imma chill wid him and jon for tha weekend..i guess he wants to do a lil party for my brother's bday or sumthin..i havent really been gettin along wid him agen..wha elz is new??..den on sunday we leave..going camping..yesterday tha funniest thing happened to me..lol..at around 10-sh last nite..i went to tha back yard to take roxy out before i put her to bed and all..so yea..i was really dark..n she started barkin..so since it was kinda late i didnt want her making noise..ya kno??..so then stupid me..i went into tha grass to go get her..and by the way..im barefoot and in pjz..cuz i was juss bummin out and chillan..den a frog jumped on me..not those lil frogs that im scared of..but the freakin big ass frogs..toads..or wutever..lol..ok..yea so i freaked out..n screamed..lol..yea im deathly afraid of frogs..not kermit tho..lol meli..

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:: 2004 2 July :: 10.13am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: All I Need-Mary J Blige f/ Method Man

wha to do..wha to do??
well letz see..last nite i went to mary ellen's house for that meeting..i went ok..we're gonna start going to the Boca Cheer Center on wednesdays and saturdays of july..wednesdays from 3:30-5:00 and on saturdays from 11:00-1:00..they aren't mandatory tho..but we all gotta start going..we are soo behind on everything..chudnei's the only one who went to camp..she bought the dvd wid tha dances and the cd wid the music and all..so she's gonna be captain since she knowz everything..and we're gonna have sleepovers and stuff so we can learn it..that shudd be fun..and these sleep overs shudd bring us all together..camp usually does that but since we couldnt go..yea..lol..meli and emir confused tha hell outta me yesterday..wow..lol..they we're im-ing me from the same screenname..i dunno wha they were doing but i wuz definately confused..lol..meli..call me wen u get a chance i wanna kno wha happened last nite after i signed off!!..lol

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:: 2004 1 July :: 11.36pm
:: Mood: independent
:: Music: Cinderella // Britney Spears

i used to be your girlfriend & u know i did it well // britney spears.
hmm.. woke up at 1:30.
talked to jonah online, and got ready for the doctor for my fooooot.

he checked it out. thats about it.

got home, brittany called me & picked me up & we went to the mall. i found a dress i want for kaila's party at the Paladium Night Club. its super cute. btw, i hafta RSVP her for me & danielle. idk if ur reading this girl.. but yeah me & danielle r going =)

ummm... on the flip side... i bought a shirt.. from the mall... there were 2 skirts that i wanted... but i didn't get either of them because i put most of my money in the bank earlier today. ahhh fuck they were cute too. o well.

brittany and her... whatever u want to clarify him as... are off. s0o she is drivin' to GA this weekend to see Brandon, which is awesome for her. however, i'm spending as much time as possible with her before she leaves, which means i can't go to the UCT concert with jackie like i planned. i really wanna go, but i need to be here for brittany... and sometimes there are just choices that people have to make.

hmm. thats about it though. ummm PJ & Daniel called me.. i was like what the fuck man.. they are in the middle of watching Spiderman 2 and they are calling me... and then i told PJ to call me 2morrow... cause he wants to do something this weekend & i was gonna g0o to best buy with him while he got his "system" hooked up... but then daniel wants us to go to his house... i was just thinking... hell no... pj is cool, but daniel can kiss my asssssss. just because i'm single... doesn't mean anyone is getting me though. all i need is time alone i guess & to be independent... and lately... i've been doing a good job. i'm pretty much over everything... clarified a lot of things with myself & have really just become... stronger. well... if there is any possiblity of that considering that jonah thinks i'mma "pussy scared little bitch" for not turning down pj & daniel... like i should have. but hey he was right... i should turn them down cause i wouldnt be rude, they would be... after what they said. it was rude... s0o if i had bitched them out right there... its not necessarily my fault. but w/e. n i tend to forget that if i bitch someone out & they wanna hurt me... i have friends that got my back... like jonah, neil, carlos, pretam, avi, camilo, robert, jb, ryan, britt... etc. s0o i'm safe.

yuh i'm bored July 9th there is a UCT concert.. groton wants to go, and i wanna go cause i wanna go with jackie too... so we'll see how that works out. awesome-ness. xoxo <3 i'm out to chat with people on AIM for the night. holler.

** you don't have to depend on others to survive. **

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:: 2004 1 July :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: switchfoot

ive decided to start alternating between here and eljay now, it seems like less people read up here. i like that its more.. hidden, i guess.
things have been really weird lately, i feel something else everyday. no consistency whatsoever.
emy and i broke things off i suppose, im happy/sad about it ,
happy cause, well, all we do is fight anymore, and it seems as if lately all hes been doing is provoking me and TRYING to make me mad, and just been getting on my nerves and hurting me left and right, and i just need the break.
sad , cause, well, as much as i dont want to, i do love him. and whenever i get lonely all i want is to be in his arms again. and, thats always gonna be there. until i have him back or until i fall for someone else. thats just.. how it works i guess.
it seems to be a mutual decision now, cause we've gotten to the point where its not really anything but a physical relationship now, and well, it used to be so much more. we used to be best friends.. and now, i feel like we dont know the first thing about eachtoher. and that only makes it that much easier to fight, when you dont know someone . so, maybe since we have that whole, physical aspect down pat, if we swerve away from that for a while and just not allow it, and work on the friendship we once had so well, maybe one day things will turn out the way ive wanted them. but maybe not. who knows. maybe one day we'll be such good friends that we wont want to ruin it again. maybe we'll get back together. maybe he'll fall in love and ill be heart broken. maybe we'll drift apart even more. maybe we'll hate eachother. i really dont know anymore. but im just , sick of hoping and dreaming and wishing on stars for him. whatever happens, happens from here. im done planning it out. cause that leads to nothing but disappointments and feeling of failure. and im really sick of that.
all i can hope for is the best. and that one day ill truely be happy.
hey, it could happen.

i just really want to get away for now. even if its just a sunny getaway with my parents. itd be nice to just go someplace i dont know and lay in the sun and listen to music and read books all day. i havent had time to read a book ive wanted to read in, ages. i never have time for me anymore. and from now on, thats my first priority. cause before i can find what i want in someone else i have to find it in myself. hopefully that getaway will come soon enough.
summer school may be over today for me, idk yet. cause even if i get an A, it might drop my hpa as it is, cause i think this class is only on a 4.0 scale. so it wouldnt make sense. plus i dont want to wake up early anymore. and i dont pay attention anymore, so , there really is no point. shrug. i guess i'll just decide by monday night.
someone wanna take me in for the fourth of july? i dont really wanna stay here. but dont really wanna impose upon people. maybe ill light some sparklers and just dance around my room. but then again that could be a fire hazard. we'll see. :/

now on to that me time.

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:: 2004 30 June :: 11.53pm

i feel like writing but i feel like dancing... which 2 do... that is THY ¿question?

<33 just forgot 2 add that in the previous entry... s0o read that one too lol <33



:: 2004 30 June :: 11.11pm
:: Music: 0verProTecTed // BriTney SpeArS

i did everything. but u still don't want it. s0 i'm s0rry, but i'm not returning //.britney.//
i can'T explain how g00d i feel?!

i s0o wanna be frickin' famous. g0sh i would pay. hottttttttt!

when i woke up this morning, cause i g0t neil's phone call. i played s0me serious GTA ViCE CiTY on PS2. i was 0nly in it ta steaL aLL the HOTT frickin' cars.

mommy came home from sh0ppin' f0r sum new shizzLes f0r theE kiTchen CauSe we juST g0t it aLL redone. buT yeah, i haD heR dYin' 0n the fLo0r, laughiN' @ mE. i haD BAD A.D.D. 2day, geesh! and then, 0n top 0f thaT... i'M bLonDe w/ a ReTarDed BraiN! but thAt's N0T the PoinTs guys.

yup... jonah rang 2day! yay! um.. we switched thru a buncha channels on the television like uh... oprah w/ marykate & ashley, tennis, baseball, & pokemon... then he found my absolute favorite movie on channel 66 which would be "DON'T SAY A WORD" yuh... and then my phone battery died on him lmao. i found it hilarious. *shrug* but he put up with my frickin' stupid/ A.D.D. self =)

s0o i watched that... & did some Exercise. wonderful. i was gonna g0o runnin' with Carol, but my f0ot isn't COMPLETELY healed yet. but i d0o g0 to the doctor 2morrow.

took a nice shower & um.. felt really g0od about myself. i think its cause i'm listening to the britney spears cd... the 3rd one, "BRITNEY". yup yup.

ummm i was impressed by the Simple Life 2 show 2nite. but i will NEVER again eat sausage.. & "the lesson we learned today: don't fuck with me."

ashlee simpson was a g0od episode 2. i love the new s0ng surrender... n her album is g0nna be absolutely AWESOME. can't wait. & her & ryan are HOTTTT together. xoxo

ashley e ---> thanx 4 the text babe. we hafta hang out this weekend. <33
ashley p ---> yuh i got ur letter.. but the purpose 0f sending the letter... wasn't in there lmao.

cinderella has got 2 g0. <33



:: 2004 30 June :: 6.42pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: where you are...

these are my confessions.
wow, havent posted in so long.

summer school is like almost over. sort of bitter sweet. this friday i have to clean the house majorly for anne (my moms best friend)+ her family are staying at our house. friday night is steph wu's birthday dinner party. still have to get a card/present.

but anyways. what was i getting to... i think the purpose to this entry in my woohu to get out the way i feel lately. only like in the past few days. i haven't gotten an email reply from altan since last friday, and feels like forever since then. i take naps after school very often so i dont just sit there and start thinking about how empty i feel right now. without any of his words, the love slowly fades. yeah thats not supposed to happen. thoughts dont hold up much lately though. especially when i'm surrounded by such sweet boys in school. i swear, i have mini crushes on every guy friend i have. like... is that wrong? its definitely wrong. definitely definitely wrong. i dont like leading on people, but it seems like it just happens naturally. i dont know. i need therapy.

i was reading the notebook last night before i went to bed and i read until they finally gave in to each other and made love again. then i set down the book, turned off the light and cried one tear before i fell asleep. i always go to bed hoping that in the dream world, something i want to happen will happen. but nothing really exciting happens. i just remember one dream, it was the first day of junior year. and altan was in the class but i wasnt aware. and then he walks up to me and hands me this long (like 2 pages) note and he just holds my hand. weird thing was, it wasnt altan, it was some kid i knew from middle school. very weird. but ... i dunno.

i dont know anything.
someone please hug me and never let go.

dammit where the hell is danielle when i need her. oh yeah. nc. frickin family and frickin vacation. i need her HERE.

BiGmAc daDdy y13: u know what i have noticed about u
FallenNGAngel: what
BiGmAc daDdy y13: u have three guys wraped around ur fingers and u have no idea what to do about it
BiGmAc daDdy y13: its great

excerpt from altan's most recent email.
i miss you a lot. today he took me to a cafe on top of this mountain that over looked the city. it was beautiful. i wish you could be here with me. i wanted to hold you and watch the sun set with you. i miss you terribly. i love you so much, i think of you day and night.

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:: 2004 30 June :: 5.26pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: cant i get a-jay z

hey pplz!! whaz happenin?? did u guys see tha BET Awards??..Mo'Nique hosted again this year..she wuz off tha chain hilarious..in tha beginning she did her own version of the crazy in love dance..lmao..that was tha funniest thing ever..and u guys kno Mo'Nique from tha Parkers shez a lil on tha heavy side..in a Beyonce outfit..funny shit..lol..and Kanye's performance was tight..he did jesus walks and yolanda adams came out..it turned out pretty good..i liked usher's performance alot too..he tore it up wid 'yeah'..newayz..enuff wid that..tomoro mary-ellen is holding a cheer meeting at her house..hopefully all goes well..i hope we can end up cheering this year..maryellen and courtney's moms are takin over so things shudd be good



:: 2004 30 June :: 12.55am
:: Mood: moody
:: Music: in this skin // jessica simpson

this is how it went down...
i didn't fall asleep til' like 5:30a.m. cause i hadda fever earlier. yuh s0o i did indeed watch spiderman. it was a really, really good movie. but yeah... i slept until like... 3pm...? yeah, well w/e.

umm.. i didn't do much today... since i didn't feel g0od. i mean, i jumped on the trampoline with the little kids... that was cute. made some brownies & rice crispy treats. delicious. called danielle to see how she was doin' in NC. yup yup.

now i'm sitting here talkin' online to jonah, ashley p, carlos, and camilo. g0od stuff. camilo is trying to cheer me up, ashley wants to make sure i'm ok, & carlos is just listening to lil' ol' me. n' jonah n i... are just... talking. yup. anyways... i'mma dip, listen to some more of my jessica simpson cd.

"i'm in a glass case of emotion" - anchorman

things i'm hoping to look forward to:
*seein' the family / going to the bahamas.
*rbf concert.
*cheerleading practice & camp to start. <33
*gettin' a car to see my old friends. ((they aren't gay... i just realized how much they are really there for me thru my tough times.)) xoxo



:: 2004 29 June :: 2.34am
:: Mood: jubilant

turned out just like a fresh apple pie
ok... so, jackie called me tonight. we talked. =)
got online & talked to shane & neil. because neil's friends don't think he can get us to miami without getting lost... plans for wednesday have been cancelled lol.

was about to go to bed... and jonah got online =)

talked to him... and then ashley e got on, n so did ashley p, and carlos, and shane was still on, and avi got on. so ashley e & i talked about the microphone, & kidney stones... ahh i forgot to mention "ur my porn" lol. <33 um... ashley p & i... solitaire. i was talking to so many people n gettin' confused, but it finally calmed down =)

anyways, i have to go watch spiderman... i wanna see the second one with jonah but i have the first one n never watched it... so seeing the second one won't make sense to me... anyways, i'm out for the night xoxo <3



:: 2004 28 June :: 8.11pm

more love, less handle
woohu is good for venting when i don't really want anyone to know about my situation. i mean i know some people read this but i think the people i don't want reading my journal read my livejournal...well at least i think.

i'm still completely upset about the current situation. i mean he loves her. love is so....big. it's like "i love you. marry me!" i am just so fucking angry. why can't he love me? oh right, because i am just the girl he has feelings for, can't be the one he loves. but you know what? maybe it is good he doesn't love me. cause like i said, it's love.

ok. i take that back. i totally want him to love me.

i want to hate him, but the more i want to hate the more i think about him and, as weird as it is, like him.

i am going up north on thursday so hopefully i will start to forget all the conversations we had. all the times i dreamt about him. the past days of crying. it's just, depressing.

when i'm gone IM me cause i'll have all my IMs forwarded to my phone.


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:: 2004 28 June :: 6.59pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: how come // D-12

if i can sum up everything i learned about life s0o far, in 3 words.... it goes on. <3
today was... eh.

woke up around 2pm after talking to carlos 'til 4am cause he wasn't tired because he just got home from miami from the beatdown. kanye. so jealous. neways... he talked to me... cause i needed a good talkin' 2. needed some sense smacked into this blonde's head.

after i woke up... he called me cause him & avi were supposed to come over from boca, but avi was bein' a dick and not answerin' his phone. w/e lol. i'll see the boca people s0on, i gotta car & a license comin' my way.

i needed to get my mind off things... s0o i cleaned the house. kept myself very busy the whole day. worked just fine. then i soaked my foot again... i took pictures, i hafta put them up here lol. *squeaks in disgust*

pj called me like 10 times but i missed the calls. s0o i called him back & he wanted to hang out cause he wasnt gonna go to delray to see the Atlantic people tonight cause he just got home from baseball. but i told him i was already plannin' on stuff to do 2night. s0o idk, he wants to make sure "the tiny one" is ok cause he doesn't want me to be gettin' hurt. u know. "i told u, if i can't spell the boy's name, u got no business being with him cause it'll turn out bad." lmao sry pj, but ur lack of intelligence doesn't need to predict my future.

ahhhh chance is over. (my brother's friend) they're listening to their wigger music. ugh. i'mma go sit outside with my mommy, carol, and booty girl.... call the cell xoxo. <3



:: 2004 28 June :: 12.10am
:: Mood: excited

today was a good day.
talked to jonah all day.
finished my collage today.
ryan cleaned his truck & stopped by to say hi before he left for boca, wanted to see my foot =)
brittany came over, we went to get ice cream & stopped to see ariel. =)

i took the bandage off my foot, ew it is disgusting looking lol. but thats ok... i put a few bandaids & a sock over it, so it doesnt get infected & i dont have to look at it.

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:: 2004 27 June :: 9.22pm

this might be long....
Hey everyone I haven't really updated in a while...for me anyway. School has been ok as has the weekend. Only 6 more days to go and then i'm off to gainsville woohoo...well hopefully anyway we are having trouble setting exact plans because hillary doesnt know when she is going to be up there or down here I had a dream last night that the day we were supposed to leave michelle came to my house all pissed that hillary changed her plans again lol it's something that I could see happening and we all know how my dreams are.

Anywhoo I'm looking forward to that I miss hanging out with richelle and hillary and michelle and danielle and eating odd combinations of food laughing at anything and everything richelle did or said being delerious and drunk at 3am and all of the random spanish guys we would hang out with and all of our attempts to be spontaneous turning out horrible but making the best of it anyway. That is the high school I will always remember fuck everything else.

My mom has made me a proposal...if I go on this diet with her and keep working out and such we will go to NY for a long weekend so I can go school shopping on 5th avenue and at the boutiques and vintage stores in soho and the village. It's really because my mom just wants an excuse to get away...we can't go on a family vacation because my dad cant take time off. But really...how fat does she think i am that she's willing to go to such extremes. It's the perfect bribe because I have been whining that I miss shopping and it's been so long....it sadly is my therapy. Money has been tighter lately tho so I've had to forgo my weekly trips. idk I suppose she's just trying to prevent me from going bulemic again. It sounds aweful but being slightly unstable (or moreso) can work to your advantage sometimes.

Yeah so yesterday my mom and I went to cityplace to see stepfor wives...she loved it but i wasn't too impressed maybe I would have enjoyed it more with my friends but I was a little bored idk. We ate at legal seafood then we went shopping! like I said it has been forever so I was happy I got a really cute new outfit from anthropologie its kida different but I like it I got shoes to go with it at gap I'm still in search of a purse. I also got a cute top at this other boutique there that I never usually go into they have some really cool weird stuff but it was all expensive as hell I'm suprised my mom even got me the one shirt. Then I went to barnes and noble to buy the AP bio book which will hopefully help with all of that summer crap I have still refused to start.

talked to john this weekend which I havent done in a while I miss our conversations just dissing each other back and forth in creative ways. I always write these little stories about hsi future and he ends up either gay or with a 400 pound black woman or with a woman who is really a man so since it was his bday I promised i'd write a nice story where he got to have sex with an attractive straight woman it turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. It was nice talking to him though because he always gives me good relationship insight. He actually listened to me whine about my whole lost love situation...*sigh*

....thats all I can say about evan....*sigh* and I miss him like you wouldn't believe. I really did have good reasons for leaving him he was a big asshole to me but I can't seem to remember what hating him felt like. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder i suppose. you tend to romantisize things that were nowhere near as ideal as uyou remember them.

Danielle is in North Carolina : ( I miss my chub and her crazy conversations and living vicariously through her with her boys.

well this has gone on long enough I have school in the morning....bleh


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:: 2004 26 June :: 11.57pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: My Happy Ending // Avril Lavigne

s0o much for that happy ending.
i want to see u. i want to be with u. i want to spend time with u. i want to kiss u. i want u to hold me again. i want to love u the right way. i want to say that u r my boyfriend.

you ARE everything that i want.

i want u back.

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were [meant] to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just f.a.d.e. away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending.

Dmx504boyz: everywhere i looked i thought i saw u
HCOblonde31: =/ jonah!
Dmx504boyz: wut
HCOblonde31: i love u.
Dmx504boyz: love u too

jackie stopped over to see how i was doing. =) love ya & thank ya for keeping me company. xoxo went out to dinner with the family & friends. came home... listening to this song over & over again... and cutting out words from my old magazines.

i wish jonah would come & keep me company.

o yes... mr. camilo called me tonight =) we talked about stupid shit... mostly, he made fun of me for being blonde... believing his record for not taking a shower was one month... and other stuff. i gotta call him sometime next week he says.

wayne from UCT thought i was a horny girl cause things on my journal like "girls just want to have fun", "sex drives are outrageous", and "undress me". but jackie told him i was a virgin & an angel at that. i might be able to go to their show at skatezone on friday... if i'm not doing anything... and then meet them afterwards? *shrug* we'll see. <3

goodnight. <3 loneliness is taking over.

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:: 2004 26 June :: 8.35pm
:: Mood: wore out
:: Music: jesus walks-Kanye West

woo..today was alotta funn!!..we went to tha rapids..it wuz koo..we got there around 10 in tha morning and left around 6:45 ish..even tho we had a good time ALOT went wrong..lol..first i got a concussion on a ride..lol.. i went on one of the new slides called the "baby blue"..i dunno..lol..maybe u've heard of it..itz this big blue slide and u twirl around and all..then u get dropped into this bowl kind thing and swirl around that and fall thru a hole into a 7ft pool..so as i was swirlin around that thing i knocked my head..next thing i knew..i was surrounded by all these lifegaurd ppl..lol..now i got a big lump on the back of my head..and while that happened my bathing suit top snapped in tha front where all the shells were..yea major boob action when i came to..talk bout embarrassing!!..i ghetto-ed it out for tha rest of the day tho..and it lasted..lol..then i went right back on tha ride..my mom wasnt too happy..she was soo freaked out..she wanted to leave afta that..but we stayed..then we did all tha other slides..then i got my "sun headache"..thats wha i called it..lol..itz that if im out for long periods of time in tha sun i get all dizzy n shit..so i left my brother on the lazy river and told him to meet me back when he was done..cuz we were gonna start leaving soon..45 minutes later he still didnt show up..so i freaked out n looked all over for him..another hour later i found the kid..my mom was pissed at me cuz i left him alone..blah blah blah..but i found him..lol..thatz all that matters..so where was he u ask?? hitting on these girls..lol..its his bday so i cut him sum slack..so while i was going crazy lookin for my brother before my mom killed me..one of the lifegaurds was trynna holla at me..he was scary lookin..he jumped over tha bars fromthe lazy river to the bridge i was standing on and wuz like "dont i kno u from some where??"..and he wanted my number..then his i guess supervisor came yelling at him..thats when i got away..lol..yea so that was pretty muhc my whole day..exciting??..lol..ayy..im so tired..the sun really wore me out

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:: 2004 26 June :: 7.45pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: something by switchfoot

i havent written in a while..

well my room is officially painted! i never knew there was so much prep work. i learned how to sand, do cut work, patch holes, move furniture and hang stuff all by MYSELF. gotta give myself some props. j/k. but other than my room i havent done much. talked to carlos, ashley, and amara. i went to my grandma's and saw garfield. it was okay- cute family type movie i guess. then we played board games, went to the pool (layed out almost the whole day), then off to her gym and worked some pounds off. NOT- i wish. then yesterday, we painted my sister's room and all the crap that goes along with it. today i went to my aunt's house- where i worked my butt off for 6 hours! but hey- gotta give her back her money. i think im down to $20 now! going back tomorrow [i think]. i should be seeing my cousins soon though, they're on leave from germany. havent seen them in like a year. so it should be nice. i leave on friday!! whoo. im excited-- and i got my bathing suit. so im set. lol.

new food experience: jamaican beef patties. SOO good! just thought i should share.




:: 2004 26 June :: 1.34pm

i don't understand it.
he knows how much i care for him, how strong it is. he loves her.

do these things only happen to me?
last night i didn't know what to do. up till quarter of 1. most of it laying in bed or sitting on the floor in the bathroom to not make any noise.

i can't handle it. i can't tell anyone. i need to tell my feelings. i need someone.



:: 2004 26 June :: 2.27am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: your the only one // maria mena

recently my parents have caught on to my 14 yr old brother smoking... they have caught him before smoking cigarettes in the bathroom late at night. he got punished badly, n it was upsetting... but he did what he did.

now i KNOW he is up to it again. tonight i walked outta the bathroom at about 2:15am & smelt smoke... it was funny because the only person who does smoke... is my mom & she was sleeping. so i went to my brother's bedroom door... and i smelt it more. then he came up from behind me because he was in the kitchen & goes...

tommy: "what r u doing?"
briana: "dude, ur room smells like smoke!"
tommy: "idk y."
briana: "maybe because u were smoking?! duh"
tommy: "no i don't do that stuff."
briana: "yuh ok" *walks away*

5 minutes later.

tommy: "briana come in my room for a minute."
briana: "what?"
tommy: "idk what to do, its just addicting, plz don't tell mommy & daddy, i know its wrong, but i can't stop."
briana: "tommy, i have to. what if this shit kills u in 15-30 years? or what if u drop the shit on the floor & the house catches on fire or something? what if u wind up with lung cancer at the age of 18? u obviously don't understand the stuff is wrong, nasty, and needs to be taken care of!"
tommy: "i know but please don't tell them because they will get all mad."
briana: "tommy, i can't stop u from doing it, n obviously u can't stop urself, so daddy & mommy need to stop u, because they have their controls of doing so. its just to take care of my brother... i gotta make choices i don't wanna, but its for ur own good."
tommy: "briana, please!"

and i walked away...

should i tell my parents, or not? i know he doesn't wanna suffer from being grounded... my dad yelling, etc. but i don't want him to suffer death early. =/ i'm so confused.

leave comments & help me out. PLEASE <3

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