"skaters by their very nature are urban guerillas: they make everyday use of the useless artifacts of the technological burden, and employ the handiwork of the government/ corporate structure in a thousand ways that the original architects could never dream of." Craig Stecyk 1976
It's Better To Be Loved For Who You Are Than Not For Who Others Want You To Be!
Live Life To The Fullest Cause You Only Live Once!!! Party!!!

It's A Itzy Bitzy Tiny Weeny Yellow Poca Dot Bikini!! LMAO!!

!Taken By Kelsey! and Married to my babes...Anne and Amber!

J/J we are soo screwed up! I love it! haha!


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:: 2003 13 June :: 12.15am
:: Mood: bouncy

Woo hoo!
Im back! LOL! I have been filled in pretty much all the way i think, but I want to talk to people befor i leave again. Michelle- im am sorry u are going throu whut u are going throu, amanda-i hope everything works out the way you want it, ali-yay!im so proud of u w/ kissing lol(hehe i can relate), and anne-i havent talked to u yet but i will. i am happy for jeremy and whuts her face? and everyone else who has hooked up, for the most part it is really sweet! i have lotz to say but im not gunna do it on here! lol! call me and email me i am back for 4 days so we need to talk quick!luv 2 everyone!mwa xoxoxoxoxo i missed u all sooo much(and im not joking) ps. canterbury now has dress code!!!

WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 12 June :: 9.31pm

OK so I found out that my grandma is gonna move in w/ us. I dunno when but it's w/in a year or less. See, my grandma has memory loss and it's gettin worse and worse as the days go by. She don't remember what she and my mom talked about yesturday. It's pretty bad. She don't even remember my name. Now that's pretty bad.

The thing is we don't have room in my house. It's tight in here. We're very very tight on money b/c of the city and bills and we really can't afford taking in another person. If my grandma does move in here then My sis cat is gonna move in w/ me and Amanda gets cat's room and My grandma gets amanda's lil room.

I have so much stress on me right now it sux. I have so much to do and now this. I can't take it. I can only take so much and this is over my limit.

My room is actually a lil too small for 2 teenagers to live in there and it's hard sharing a bathroom w/ 3 ppl now it's gonna be four! I can't take it. I hate thinking about it but I can't stop.

I cried today in my room for a long time and if u know me I never cry and if I do it's for a pretty good reason.

I have to get outta this house and go some where. I wanna run away.Boy a lot of my friends have it made. May be to you that my problem doesn't seem so bad but u know I'm not telling u the details and the details are aweful. I'm only giving you the surface.

I want to run and never stop. Go someplace that no one knows me and run again.

I woould like to have everyone not to complain to me about there problems or anything similar b/c I can't take anymore and I am afraid that I would yell at you b/c maybe to me you have it better.

I seriously need to talk to someone right now. I don't really care to talk about this b/c it'll be nice to talk about something else. Like the question game. That's fun.

I want someone to come over tomorrow. I have that someone in mind. I'll ask them tonight if they call me. I don't like calling ppl anymore. I do it too much so I want a break from it.

2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 12 June :: 6.58pm
:: Mood: stressed

Letting the steam come up
OK, so today was very stressful for me.

What happened was that Alan came over b/c he has karate near my house and afterwards he just wanted to come here and chill before his brother picked him up.

While he was here my sis's ex-b/f, which is a friend of mine came over to start crap w/ my sister about last night. That got her pissed and after she left she started yelling at me and telling me what he said and I'm like w/ever let Jesse be Jesse.

After a while she left for work, so Alan and I watched a movie that we didn't finish last time he was over. Well guess who's car we heard that pulled up? Jesse!!! Woo-hoo. Not. He brought Omar w/ him. Omar is a friend of mine too. So they come in and chill w/ us. Which is fine. But Jesse has to bring up my sis and asks what she said when he left. I was gonna say nuttin really but Alan had to open his mouth and say what she said. Boy that got Jesse more GRRdified.

Jesse thinks my sis went to the movies last night w/ a guy, another ex of hers to be exact. It is true but they went w/ other ppl as friends, but noooo Jesse don't care, it's a guy so he don't care about the other ppl.

They left when Alan left to go home and so I have a lot of stress b/c of their problem. Jesse and my sis are just pig headed and stuborn w/ eachother so nuttin will get resolved.

GRRRRRRR!!!! I just wanna smack them both! I also wanna kick Alan's bum for saying stuff he shouldn't of said to Jesse. It's all a mess. Jesse and Cat needs to talk this out w/ eachother, but no they wont. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I HATE it all!

Jesse is leaving for miami at the end of July and so there is just lil time to fix this. See w/ Jesse you can't be his friend after a break up it's g/f or no friendship it's gay! All dudes out there don't do that, it'll suck for you and your relationship w/ that girl, unless u don't care but w/evas...

Oh and then my ma calls me to look for the other set of car keys to the S2000 b/c it has her office keys on them. She needs the so she can lock up the place. But I couldn't find them, so AAA! When I was on the phone w/ her she said to look for the car keys and I'm like to which car? She replys the Z. (that's an old car of ours) I'm like don't you mean the S2000? She yells I don't give a crap. I'm under a lot of stress right now. I yell back OK. Bye. So I hang up on my ma. Later she calls and gives me ideas to look for the keys, she's all nice and calm but I know she's holding it in. I keep telling her I already looked there over and over but she's like Look again! I'm like I did. I've been looking for those keys all day. It sux.

I called my mom like at 6 to c were she's at and I can't get a hold of her, so I called my dad, I can't get a hold of him either! So I have know clue where my ma or dad is and I need them to discuss the weekend plans for the stupid fundraisers. I HATE it.

I just wanna chill w/ some friends and get away from it all. But I can't nooo-sir-ree.

I need my mom home so I can get all this crap done that I need her for. Where in the hell is she?!!!!

Well I'll talk to you sexy cats later, bye.

GRRdified AndI

p.s i'll be cooled down in a lil while so don't be afriad to call.

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 11 June :: 6.00pm
:: Mood: lalalalalalalala

To Offend everyone
Why is there no Disneyland in China?
-- No one's tall enough to go on the good rides

What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale?
-- A northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time..." A southern
fairytale begins "Y'all ain't gonna believe this shit..."

How do you get a sweet little 90-year-old lady to say the F
-- Get another sweet little 80-year-old lady to yell *BINGO*!

Did you hear about the Chinese couple that had a retarded baby?
-- They named him "Sum Ting Wong"

What did the blonde say when she found out she was pregnant?
-- "Are you sure it's mine?"

What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying?
-- The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have nointention of driving.

What's the difference between a new husband and a new dog?
-- After a year, the dog is still excited to see you.

Why is it so hard for women to find men that are sensitive,
caring, and good-looking?
-- Because those men already have boyfriends

Why do men want to marry virgins?
-- They can't stand criticism.

What's the difference between a girlfriend and wife?
-- 45 lbs.

What's the difference between a boyfriend and husband?
-- 45 minutes.

What do you call a smart blonde?
-- A golden retriever.

What do you see when the Pillsbury Dough Boy bends over?
-- Doughnuts.

What is a Yankee?
-- The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone.

What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover?
-- The position of the dirt bag.

What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?
-- Juan on Juan.


WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 11 June :: 12.02am
:: Mood: dorky

O dude! I found out that if u chew gum while cutting onions u wont cry! Weird right? right.

I have a new web page. I deleted all the others b/c they were too "prepy" for me. So, Yeah...

Whit and Jeremy are going out. How sweet? I guess Jeremy's "dry era" is over. Before me and him went out he hadn't had a g/f for ever! Well I guess that's over now.

I didn't have drum lesson's today. My teacher is sick. But it works out fine b/c I didn't know n e of the stuff.

I'm leaving in about 2 weeks. I'm going to Idaho. What's in Idaho? I don't know! I'm goin there b/c well, I dunno. I dunno if I'm coming back either! :(.

I'm thinking I'm gonna paint my room red. Bright but sorta dark red. I like red. My ma wont let me have black walls, so naturally, I want red. Red walls w/ pin stripe quilt, that would be TubuLAR. Maybe I could write my sayings on my wall in white like Lauren suggested. Who knows? All I know is I want bright and different colors in my room that not a lot of ppl have.

Ok, So this kid attempted to kiss me on the last day of school, but I turned my head b/c I don't want him to kiss me. Ew. So now he's IMing me saying hey sexy or whats up sexy. I know he may be joking but it's all ew. I'm gonna ask him next time y he's saying that all of a sudden. Just thinking about it makes me wanna throw all up...eeek!

I'm feeling dorky right now b/c I have my dorky glasses on. I like being a dork and being different from n e one else. It feels good. Like I'm free from looking like everyone else. It's a nice feeling.

Well I got to go. Scouts honor. (Cailyn)


2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 9 June :: 2.51pm
:: Mood: happy

My poopy day
Sorry, no weird or depressing song today....

Llike my new icon thing w/ the bunny? I have it as a patch on my independent jacket.

Last night I went into the garage to get water and I opened the door to get back inside and I steped back and shreiked in lil fright. You know what it was? It was a a bug thing my mom put on the door to keep flys out and stuff. It looked liked a grey ghost. (shiver). Yeah, silly AndI.

Today I had to wash my dog. She's a LOSER. Well I had to put flea stuff on her afterwards. Yeah, I dunno how to put it on. Not so swell.The directions were not very clear. But I tryed. So if she dies tomorrow then I know I put it on wrong. Poor doggy...

I was going outside to write somethin down for my ma and I thought the screen door was cracked open as it always is b/c it's a loser and it wont shut. So naturally I put my arm out to push it open. OOPS! To my surprise it was closed! So as an effect to that cause (hey I learned that in reading!) I ran in the door and my face hit the iron. OUCH! Actually it didn't hurt but w/evas, ouch!

Oh, today I was playing basketball w/ my dog and it started to pour rain, hard. I decided to stay out and play. Fun right? Well I think so, but my dog on the other hand doesn't. She went inside. What a baby. So, outside I was in the pouring rain. I couldn't c very well b/c it was getting in my eyes. My cloths were drenched. Sorry dudes, but I wasn't wearing a white shirt. I know, I know, what was I thinkin? LOL. My neighbor-lady came out and looked at me and shook her head and went back inside. I wonder what she was thinkin? After the rain went away our roads had steam comin off them. It looked like a hot pan getting cold water poured on it w/ steam comein off. It was pretty neato looking, so I decided to run in it bare foot. Yes, I'm a loser, no crap. It stung my feets a lil b/c it was hot, but it's all good. My ma just laughed at me when she came home. I told her it was sweat and I went in my room to change leaving puddles in the kitchen. She was like "I'm sure it was." So thats like the highlight of my poopy day...

Last night when I was talking to DLM and my stalker. Well actually I wasn't really talking to DLM b/c all he was saying was yipp, nipp and other stuff not really conversation. N e ways, O yeah, I have a stalker. I'm worth it that much. Jealous right? Right. J/p. But n e ways, I felt someone right next to me and I looked from the corner of my eye and BAM! It was a burgler! AAA! I screamed. He grabbed me and I karate chopped his bum! I ran to the phone and I called the cops. My dad came running out and he's like holy mother of pearl! The burgler grabed his gun, I kicked is balls, so he droped it. I grabed the gun and shot him. Hey self defense is not murder, Remember that. But n e ways, it never happened. But that would be TubuLAr if it did. Yeah, it would of been great, yeah...

No one calls me n e more. It kinda sux. I haven't talked to n e one on the phone since friday I think it was. That kinda sux. I always have somethin to talk about. It may not be great but hey, at least it's a conversation. I can take calls till 11:30. But u can call me like at 11:30 and we can talk forever unless ur boring. So if your boring don't call me. Thanks!

The dork* AndI

2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 8 June :: 3.12pm
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: Going under

Now I will tell you what I've have done for you
50 thousand tears I've cried
Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you
And you still wont hear me
Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
Ive got to break through
I'm going under

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies
So I don't know what is real and what's not
Always confusing the thoughts in my head
So I can't trust myself anymore
I'm dying again

I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through

So go on and scream
Scream at me I'm so far away
I wont be broken again
I've got to breathe I can't keep going under


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 6 June :: 11.34pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: My last breath

Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid
Can You hear me?
Can you feel me in your arms?

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the winter forest
Hiding in a hollow tree (come find me)

I know you hear me
I can taste your tears

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet raptured light
It ends here tonight

Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will leave you here
But still you wake and know the truth
No one's there

Say goodnight
Don't be afraid
Calling me Calling me as you fade to black

'Holding my last breath
I'm letting go
I can no longer hold


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 5 June :: 3.28pm
:: Mood: weird

Have you?
I've been thinking about some things and I have wondered and pondered about 'em for a while now. So here they are....

So why do we drive on parkways when we have driveways?

Why drink and drive when you can smoke in fly? (yeah, don't do it though)

Why is their brail on drive threw ATM's buttons?

If you could choke a blue smerf, what color would the smerf be?

Do chickens say everything tastes like people?

Have you wondered about these things too? Or at least somethings that are similar?

I haven't found answers to all of 'em but I did on some.

I'm gonna go back to my lil dark corner of my head and talk w/ the voices in my head. We have the best conversations...


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 5 June :: 3.11pm
:: Mood: awake

I'm a "DORK"!
hey YA'LL! what's up? I'm sitten here on my bum. Yep, just me. No one else. Not like u care or n e thing.

I went to the eye doctor and I have to get glasses! O no! It's actually all good. I'm near sited.

I got these really TubuLAR ones! Thier thick black and has points on the top corners. I'm a dork! lol. Hey if I have to wear glasses I may as well be a dork, right? Right. In the corners they have dimonds. OOLALA! Lol. (sigh) It's great. I like them a lot. I don't look like a "hottie" in them, but I don't look "ugly" either. It's great, just great.

I'm departing for now. Ta Ta...


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 4 June :: 10.37pm
:: Mood: w/evas

glasses_my poopie day_richi's party
So, Today. Poopie. I gotten woken up early like 11:50 am. I was a grump. I ahd to get up b/c Alan was comin over again. I'm like have the boy go to his own home. I don't like entertaining ppl at my house when there's nuttin to do. But he didn't show up! YEAH! I know what ur thinking, isn't that the dude that u made out w/? So y not want him around? I don't want him here b/c he's a french bum.....

I mowed the lawn today w/ out being told. I'm trying to make m parents happy so i can do more stuff. So in other words, I'm sucking up.

I worked on the computer all day too. I went through my files. Whew!

Richi's party was more like a gathering but it was neato. I had fun. Yeah, just hangin w/ friends and sittin on my bum. But really I like it.

I got more web sites now, so go on my profile for aol and go to 'em. Their neato i guess.

I went to Mike Greenwells today too. Yup still boring. I got a lot of candy b/c I won bonuses. Yup still boring...


WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 2 June :: 2.31pm
:: Mood: YEAH!!

Beach_shaving cream
so...I went to the CCYC w/ hilary and lauren. It was TubuLAR. See this is what went down, Jon k was there b/c he works there for the sailing classes. That's why we went there b/c he asked us too. So we're nice and we went. JOn's friend Steven looks like a mixture of Kyle T. and Andrew P. So lauren told him that he's hot. Brave, for her n e ways...

Well Jackie A and Caitlyn G. were there w/ some chick. Boy lauren and I don't really like 'em. They bug the crap outta us.

Kevin lamb was there w/ 2 of his friends. I dunno who they were. Well they had shaving cream. Tons of it! I mean tons! They chased Hil, LT, and I. It was funny b/c Hil and I could out run them. So they stopped chasing us for a while.

My evilness got the best of me and Lt and I wanted the guys to cream the 2 chicks. Not their friend though b/c we don't know her. NIce of us right? Right! The guys wanted us to make out w/ them but of course we didn't want to b/c, well, we have our reasons. But I told them we'll pay them money so they can get more cans if they do it. So they did it! HA! It was so funny. They were wearing nice cloths too! Kevin goes to them,"That is from Hil and the other 2 girls." NICE! lol.

But then things turned around. The guys came after us and got us bad. LT was drenched from head to toe w/ the cream. I had it in my eyes and I couldn't c. Hil i guess didn't get it too bad. They stole our shoes. Hil went after them and got them back.

Later Kevin comes back (w/ no cans) and says that the guys want our number. I'm like yea right! Not after this. But LT gave them her number,stupid of her.

But before all this. LT and I got jackie jealous when we were hanging around jon. We talked about what he did at the party and stuff. wink wink. she was like what? it was great dude. I told Caitlyn that Germany was wild and acted like he didn't have a g/f. Which she is gonna break up w/ him. Don't worry i found that out before i told her. Me not so stupid. She wanted to know what he did but i'm like y should i tell if ur gonna break up w/ him? so i left to leave her wondering.

It was a good day. Yeah....i still have the shaving cream in my ears! lOl.


4 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 2 June :: 12.37pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: They be like

A Test Thingie!!
Current mood: Tired (as always) *yawn*
Current music: Sum 41
Current taste: Tooth paste
Current hair: Falt LoLz!
Current clothes: Light blue sweat pants with a white shirt
Current annoyance: I'm not in England!!
Current smell: A Cookie candle burning! Yum!
Current thing I ought to be doing: At the mall!
Current windows open: Closed, For once no one is going in and out of it!
Current favorite band: Wow, a lot but I guess Sum 41 would be my fav right now.
Most listened to: My only Hope
Current book: HeHe! Thats funny.
Current crush: Umm... I actully don't think I have one at this point.
Current hate: Billy, he's been an asshole to Bre lately!

=The last time=

Last movie you saw: Dumb and Dumber and The Italin Job
Last thing you had to drink: Orange Soda
Last time you showered: Yesterday afternoon! LoLz!
Last thing you ate: I forgot!
Last person you talked to on the phone: Someone from the newspaper LoLz!

=Do I=
Smoke?: Not really.
Do drugs?: Nope. Go me!
Have sex?: Nope
Given oral sex?: Nope
Received oral sex?: Nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Not that I know of.
Remember your first love?: ummm.... I dunno if I've ever had a first love.
Still love him/her?: Kinda
Read the newspaper?: Not really.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? Ummm I don't think so but I have a Bi friend.
Believe in miracles?: Yup
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Umm...thats a tuffy
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: sometimes/can be
Consider love a mistake?: It can be I guess, but not for the most part.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Some.
Have a favorite candy?: Yep!...Twix
Believe in astrology?: Huh??
Believe in magic?: Sure.. I think
Believe in god?: A LiL.
Have any pets: Yep, 2 dogs and 2 newts!
Do well in school: Yea.
Go to or plan to go to college: Yes.
Wear hats : Sometimes
Have any piercings?: Yep
Have any tattoos?: Eww no
Hate yourself?: Hate is a strong word, but I sometimes I dislike myself.
Have an obsession?: Yes, but I'm not saying LoLz!
Have a secret crush?: ummm...yea kinda.
Do they know yet?: Hehe! No!!!
Collect anything?: Sort of
Have a best friend?: Yes. Ali, Amber, Amanda, and Bre!!
Close friends?: Yeah!
Wish on stars?: Not that nerdy, but it's a sweet thought, LoL!
Like your handwriting?: No, I have really bad handwrittting.
Care about looks? For the most part, yeah.

=Love life=

First crush: Ummm Josh 3rd Grade
First kiss: I can't spell his name, but it was in the Keys!!!
Single or attached?: Single *Sniff Sniff*
Ever been in love?: Not that I know of.
Do you believe in love at first sight? Ummm.....to a point
Do you believe in "the one?": Umm not sure.?.?
Describe your ideal significant other: Someone I can always talk to, someone who will always be there for me, sweet, crazy, outgoing, I can be comfortable with and funny.

=Juicy stuff=

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: Kinda.
Have you ever been intoxicated?: Huh??
Favorite place to be kissed?: Lips, Neck and a nibble on the ear! LoLz!
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": Ummm no
Are you a tease?: I can be!
Shy to make the first move?: .... Ummm not really

=Are you a=

Druggy: No.
Daydreamer: Yeah when theres nothing eles to do.
Freak: LoL, can be.
Dork: Deffently
Bitch/Asshole: I can be both but not often
Brat: I have been told (Rich)
Sarcastic: Sort of
Goody-goody: With teachers and parents YES!!
Devil: Not really.
Shy: Depends
Talkative: Yes
Adventurous: At times
Joker: Umm... if you count people laughing at you cuz your a blonde then yea.
Flirty: Yes, if I'm in the mood.

=Word association=

Rubber gloves: For what?
Rock: Star!
Green: Day
Wet: Pants LoLz J/K!!
Cry: Baby
Peanut: Butter
Hay: Horse
Cold: Red nose
Steamy: Hot
Fast: Food
Freaky: How Mariah Carey can do those high notes.
Rain: Puddles
Bite: Down
Suck: Loly Pops! Yum!
Blow: What?
Hard: I know you are.

2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 2 June :: 11.57am
:: Mood: sleepy

I did nothing to day!
Today was so my lazy day! I did nothing LoLz! Mike and Kyle were over today they were doing fake fights that they filmed it looked really good. I went online later on and Bre was on I was talking to her and she asked me if I had fun at the mall with Eddie. I was like what are you talking about!? She told me that I told her that I was going to go to the mall with my boyfriend, Eddie. I was like No! It was really funny at the time. I figured out who was on my s/n. When I was going out with Matt I gave him my password. I really liked him, so I thought nothing of it. I forgot that he still had it. Eddie, Tim and Matt went on my s/n pretending to be me. It suxed cuz Bre told them a lot of personal stuff thinking it was me! Later that day I played Mario Land with Kyle, Mike, and Rich. It was soo much fun! Mike was doing this Russian voice saying stuff like "Yess I got 3 coins!" "Oh noo!" Kyle was really happy that I gave him a star, so he kissed me when Michelle S ( His kinda girlfriend ) was on the phone with him! It was really fun game! Hehe! After that we walked to Circle K. Mike was messing with some kids basket ball hoop, and he shoot the ball and he missed. On the way back Mike was like "I hope you know I missed that shoot on purpose." I said "Were you just waiting to say that?" He said "Yea." LoLz!

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 1 June :: 2.49pm
:: Mood: TubuLAR but wiped out

the party_working my bum bum off
So...the party, TubuLAR. When I did the whip cream wrestling I got one person down and Lauren but dude, she's hard. Her and me have almost the same strength. She stood her ground and so did I. It took forever w/ that wrestling match. WOO!

People swam and went in the jacuzzi. I didn't really like how the party started, but I like how it ended when ppl left (wink wink). I do wish that somethings went down differently. Not everyone showed up, but we sure didn't need n e more ppl. All in all it was swell.

Especially when the cops came over to tell us to keep it on the DL. Yeah right! Ha, I laugh! Like we'll do that. It's a tradition in my family to have cops come and knock on our door to tell us to shut up or w/evas when we have parties.

A certain 2 ppl kissed twice...ooolala! Hehe.

Now today I had to clean up everyone's mess! No one in my family helped! I was the only one doing it. My yard was all covered w/ whip cream and the tops of the whip cream containers. Did u know my mom bought $40 worth of whip cream? We used it all up! lol.

My pool and jacuzzi is filled w/ deluted whip cream. I have no clue on how we're gonna get it out.

My room, well, that's a disaster too, but I cleaned up some after ppl left. I had to go on a goose hunt for my basketball. Found it!

So w/ all that mess it took me 3 hours today to clean up my house. Most of it I had to be outside in that hot heat w/ no wind or gust! I'm stinky right now. Now I'm sure your wondering why would a girl tell me that she's stinky? Wouldn't she keep that to herself since she's a girl? Ha! Not this chick! LOL.


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 1 June :: 1.07pm
:: Mood: amused

Yay! Last Day and Wedding!
Hey ya'll! I was just in a wedding the day after I got out of 8th grade! I am gunna be in high school, thats freaky! Well the wedding was beautiful and I was amazing lol! Then we went back to my hinky dinky hometown Algoma Wi and got my best friend and somehow we ended back at my grandmas house, but we are going back to algoma soon. :( Anyway i will see you guys soon and i hope u guys have a tubular party!!!! Say hi to Germany and Amanda, Anne, Ali, Richie, Matt,Jon q, Jon k and everyone that im not thinking of!Luv sent from all the way across the country!MMMWWWAAAAA L8r

3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 31 May :: 1.23pm
:: Mood: accomplished

it's saturday, woo. N e ways. I couldn't sleep in, my dad wouldn't let me b/c he's a bum. So I woke up at 8:30 right? I bet u were still asleep. I had to go clean and scrub down and take the water out of the jacuzzi. i got that done around 9:15 i believe. Then I ate breakfast b/c by then I was hungry. So I had cherrios! They may lower your chrosterol by the way.

So after that I mowed the whole "freakin a" yard. Dude, it sux beans. That's right BEANS! When I was done w/ that it was 10:30.

I cleaned the house. So it was 12 when i was done. I still have to get wip cream for the wrestling. So I feel accomplished for haveing all this crap done for the party tonight.

I have that baby pool blown up in my living room. I'm laying in it. it's cumfy.

Last night Lauren and I went to the CCYC for the band thing that they had goin on there. It was TubuLAR. I liked it. I had fun hangin out w/ my friends that were there. I got to know some ppl better which is cool i think.

I'm going to depart u for now, Ta Ta....


WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 31 May :: 12.07pm
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: Headstrong

Today was the sea lions graduation from the daycare to kindergarten! I had to get up at 7am and wear the shoes that I wore to the 8th grade dance ( they are so cute, but hurt like a B )! We went down to my old elementary school, for they have a really nice stage! I meet up with Sam there she was going to be doing the curtains, and I was going to be doing a welcoming speech with my mom about how I was the first group to graduate 10years ago. Then she talked about the 1st day of kindergarten how she was asking me questions like do you know where to go? Do you have your lunch box? Then I would say " Yes, Mommy" She ended it by say "Guess who was ready." and I would raise my hand. Cute huh? After that I had to get 50 five and six year olds out on stage! Fun huh? At one point I had to go out to where the audience was to turn off the lights. I was standing be the lights when I saw a really Hot guy looking at me! I would say he was 17 maybe. He said something to me, but I couldn't hear! So I just smiled Hehe! He kept on looking and smiling at me! Yea! After the show which I had to make repeated trips
to the bathroom to get tissues for the teachers, for they were crying! I was onstage getting tape off when Sam come behind me and was like " For a guy u just kinda meet he looks at you a lot!" Yea! He walked past me once and smiled! I'm so mad at myself now that I didn't say anything to him! I told mom about him and she thinks it might of been this guy that used to work at the daycare. After that we went home to eat lunch. Later on we went to my parents condos to clean it. Then we went shopping and the
nail shop to get my nails removed. Next was the tanning booth. Then we went home to get ready for Michelle's party, Kelsey come over to help. At Michelle's house we had so much fun! The whipped cream fight was so cool! I feel bad for Michelle though cuz her pool is all milky now! Hehe! But, hey thankz a lot for inviting me I had soo much fun! To bad the cops came! LoLz!

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 30 May :: 11.37am
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Bring me to life

Movies or not
Today, Kelsey, Chantelle, Daryl, Clifton, Amanda, Blaine, and I were all planning on going to the movies to see Bruce Almighty. Kelsey came over to get ready to go to the Daycare cuz there was going to be a guy from the war coming in talk about his experiences in the war. He was about 30 mins late. It suxed cuz there were T.V people there, but they didn't seem to mind. They were asking the kids questions like which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks. Get it? If not your a dork and I can't believe you can read! LoLz! When he finally showed up Kelsey and I were like WoW! He was really cute especially in his uniform Hehe! He talked about what it was like on the ship and what he had to do. He brought pics too! It was cool, but I thought he was one of those guys who were on land. After that Kelsey and I called Clifton and Daryl they couldn't go to the movies. Kelsey was really bummed out. I asked my mom if we could stop at MacDanolds to get some fries, so she took us there and gave me 3 bucks I was like mom I wanna get some drinks too, but she said no don't get drinks, so I said ok. We got some fries and ice cream when we got back in the car my mom like flipped out saying that she said we could only get fries. I told her that I was sorry and that I didn't hear her, but she kept on going I knew this was because she was under a lot of stress, cuz she never acts like that. On they way home my dad called and my mom was like I have so much work to do and I have to take the kids to the movies. I'm not dumb I know that means that she really doesn't want to take us, so I told her she didn't have too. She was happy with that. Amanda come over a few mins after that. We hung out for like 20 mins Kelsey had to go home and Amanda, Richard, Mike, Kyle, I had dinner. We went bowling with them. It was funny cuz Kyle kept on getting on the ground trying to make Mike trip over him! These like 6 year old girls or younger were next to us and they were doing better that Kyle and Richard. When that was done we went to Sam's house cuz her mom Tina was having a party, for she had gone back to high school and had just graduated. Almost everyone there was drunk Hehe! Ciara ( a LiL girl ) was bugging Sam, so she tied her up, I was like Sam you are never going to watch my kids if I ever have any! After that we drove Amanda home, and went back to my house. Kyle and Richard slept over Mike's house. I walked the dogs and talked online for a while then went to bed.

3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 29 May :: 1.24am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Heaven

Last Day of School!
Today is the last day of Middle School! Yea! and Boo! Cuz now I have to leave all my friends, but I know I will stay in touch with my best buddies! In school today, Richard pretended to have a hurt foot. He had crutches and everything. It was funny cuz everyone really thought he hurt himself! He said it was cool cuz people got him his lunch! LoLz! After school, Jamie, Sara, and 2 other people which I now forgot their names! We were messing around with skateboards and talking to the garbage guys! Richard asked the garbage guys if he could have a ride, but they said no which is funny cuz last time I asked them they said yes the only reason why I didn't go on it that day was cuz Kelsey would not come with me! LoLz! After we were done skateboarding we played drums and watched a rat get shoot Hehe! Later that night I watched the Discovery channel. They had a thing about Mt. Everest on it. It was about 7 groups going up and I think 7 people died it happened in May 1996 it was really sad, but I was thinking to myself people are so stupid cuz 3 people who were in the groups were all their friends died decide to go back up again! I was like Hello? You just saw 2 experienced guides die and 5 inexperienced people die too! So they went to go up again and they died. I mean 117 people all together have died and people still wanna climb it! Stupid!

2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 29 May :: 8.18pm
:: Mood: w/evas

So, today last day of school. It sux in a way. I wont c some ppl no more, but then i wont c the ppl i wanna punch and choke like cherish (yeppy!). But n e ways....

Germany apologized to me today for being a dick. nice right? i still know the true and real him and i don't like it so much. He's still my friend though...

I'm gonna have a TubuLAR party and my ma said that I can have a wip cream wrestle fight thing! It's gonna be neato. but i don't know if i'm gonna actually do it b/c i don't know how much it's gonna cost.

K so at the end of the day Todd and me were walking out and we're like we c the light at the end of the tunnel! woo-hoo! well this kid that annoys me for just knowing his presence is around me comes up and hugs me and kisses me. k what the haties? I look at him and walk away w/ Todd. I don't like that kid. But w/eva. I probably wont c him no more or will i???

Y do some chicks get all upset at girls that guys pay more attention to and stuff? I mean it's not their fault so don't hate on them or have a grudge about it. U can take hat outta hate and wear it. like that? someone and i came up w/ that. forgot who that was...sorry.

well i'm bored all day. it sux. my sis is being a bum and my other one is being a couch bum. I'm driving myself mad! I have nuttin to do! AAA! Well i'm gonna go and do somethin, anything!


WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 28 May :: 7.56pm
:: Mood: anxious

OK, Im starting to get sad and happy and like freaked out. I mean....1 day left of middle school! Freakin a!Im packing, and freaking. I am thinking about summer, I wanna meet some guy. I dunno where thou, not wisconsin! Maybee on the cruise(but then they might live in a different country)and not at the reunion becuz that like insest!Ewww!Write back!

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 28 May :: 8.06am
:: Mood: yeppy!
:: Music: sean paul

Hello! I am cheerful thsi morning butI know when I come home it'll change. My life is a lil more neato but not really. My life starts to plounder when ppl have problems w/ me that are my friends (so if ur not my friend and u hate me, do i care? not really).

My friend Germany still "hates" me but i understand that. I would hate me too if I was in his place. He's goin out w/ this annoying chick, but i'm happy for him.

Then my other friend. The one I was having troubles w/. Well that's over and behind us. We are cool now w/ eachother.

Well that's all i have to say this morning. I'll write later today maybe, sorta.....


2 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 26 May :: 3.06pm
:: Mood: Bummer

wonderful? i think NOT...
hey ya'll. what's sizzling on ur side of the skillet? Well on my side it's not so "gravy" as someone would put it.

I don't know how I do it, but i do it. When I get close w/ a girl I screw all the things up. I don't have a lot of girl friends, i have a lot of guy friends and I'm just use to guys not taking everything so serious at what i say or not takeing everything so personal. I'm a rookie at haveing close girl friends. So i like don't know how i screw things up but i do. It sux MAJOR Beans...

My really good TubuLAR friend hates me now. I was just trying to have her realize how somethings are and I wanted to make sure she has different plans if her main one wont work out. I didn't know if she has backups b/c she never tells about them. One of my friends wants to become a rock star and is trying to really bad and i'm like what would u do if it doesn't work out. He's like i never thought of that before. so i just wanted her to be aware of that, but as it turns out she already has (didn't know that)
I guess I did it wrong with all that b/c she hates me now and maybe forever...

I am sorry for how i said it. But hey u know me, when i try to watch out for ppl or for similar things it turns out wrong and ugly and not the way i want it to be. I always think that ppl wont take somethings so personal and will appreciate that someone cares and makes sure that they got it all planned out, but i was wrong on the personal thing i guess. Sorry Bebe!

I have to get ready to go to a boring party. later!

To the TubuLAR Chick that she is:I'm really really really really sorry bebe, I didn't mean for this to happen, but look at the bright side u wont have to c me every day n e more, u don't have to c me at all if u don't want to....lucky u.

3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 25 May :: 1.32pm
:: Mood: Remarkable

As a senoir in high school, Jim averaged a .427 at bat & led his team in home runs. He also quarterbacked his football team to the state finals. Jim later went to pitch professionally for the New York Yankees.

That's a remarkable achievement for an athlete. But it's an almost unbelievable one for Jim, who was born w/out a right hand.

A lil boy who had only parts of 2 fingers on one of his hands once came to Jim in the Clubhouse after a Yankee's game and said, "They call me 'Crab' at camp. Did kids ever tease you?"

"Yeah," Jim replied. "Kids used to tell me that my hand looked like a foot." And then he asked the boy an all-important question, "Is there anything you can't do?"

The boy answered, "No."
"Well, I don't think so either," Jim responded.

Today , what others see as a limitation is only a limitation if you think it is. God certaintly doesn't see you as limited-He sees you as having unlimited potential. When we begin to see ourselves the way God sees us, there are no records that we can't break!



WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 25 May :: 12.06pm
:: Mood: energetic

My dreams
Yay! 3 1/2 days left(of finals) and I can finally end this chapter of my life and start w/ the challenging ones! The ones I have wanted to get to since I was 5! Like high school, college, working! I want true independence! I want the pop quizes and SATs and the ACTs and the LSATs and all of the above!I want clubs and awards and then college and I get to move! The northeast! Intelligence all around me, the people who are motivatied to do something and begin something great! The people with passion to do what they love and care for! The people that spent years dreaming of just stepping on the moist soil of Ivy Leage Colleges!(But you cant step on the grass, its surrounded w/ wire, to keep it fresh). I want to further excel in what I enjoy 24/7! I want to be surrounded w/ people that can learn from me and I can also learn from them. I want to cram for quizes untill early morn and I want to rack my brain for original ideas for my college admission essay! I want to eventually move off campus and live w/ someone. I want to get my law degree after my MBA. I want to move from one large city to another. I want to live in New York, Boston, DC, Chicago ummmmm mabee Philly! I want my own appartment w/ the most contemperary funishings and art(yet tastefully done). I want to go to culinary arts school, when I feel like it. I want to learn from the best all around the world, I want to live in Italy and maybee Costa Rica(so far their economy is doing pretty well right now and I like their ethics). I want to zoom off to the most exclusive resorts I can buy. I was to create, something unique and inspiring to others, something that just boggles your mind.The only reason I know this is what I want, is every time I even to begin to think of it, I get so exited! I start just....exploding inside because I just know. I can just tell you, that is how I am going to live my life. I have the intelligence(I can thank my parents), I can the drive, I am one of the hardest working(Im not naturally smart, I started out in a retard class), I have the resourses($$$), and I have the love for what I want to do. I have gotten thousands upon thousands of advise from my fathers business partners, and probably the only one that has stuck w/ me is this" If you have passion for what you do, you will go far and you will be very happy" and I can't see how that could be wrong, the people that really love what they do are normally very happy going to work every day, it isn't a chore it is a pleasure. As you can see, I can go on for hours about this one subject that I love so much. I just wish other people where like me, other people just can't understand so I am forced to keep it inside because others don't other stand if they would understand then this would be a common topic because all teenagers what to do is "have fun" and "act their own age" so I am the different one. LOL! Well I'm not a loner or anything but I am a dork inside! LOL! Well I've spilled my heart! L8r!

7 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 24 May :: 12.02pm
:: Mood: Yawn!

Hello,how are you on the enchanting day? Do you feel lonely?Sad? Hurt? Well tell someone that cares and that isn't me at this moment of the day...

So I talked on the phone last night for a long time I guess. I woke up early this morning b/c of my sister getting ready to go to the beach...SNORE, I SNORE! Not really, but I'm about to fall asleep...a deep, deep sleep, a sleep where no blonde has gone before....ZzZzZ....and I'm BACK, from outta space! U know that song? It's a TubuLAR song.

Sorry for I am a wee bit tired and I talk just crap.

I am going to depart you. Farewell my good man/woman.....FAREWELL!


3 Thoughts | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 22 May :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: cheerful

Go Gurl!
LOL! This is a shout out to Ali! Go out w/ him!!! He is totally closer to you and it is absolutly fine! I have NO problem with it, I thought you would know that! We are just friends! We just went to the dance together because we are friends, but I could tell you where more than that! Oh I just met this awesome dude! He lives in Las Vegas and years ago when Madhamid Ali was really popular, he was like best friends w/ him for a while! My dad used to be best friends w/ him 25 years ago while he was friends w/ Ali. And another person who works for my family is like really close friends w/ Hugh Hefner he had his b-day there!!) and Denis Rodman. Its pretty cool becuz they have hilarious stories! Anyway.......I g2go l8r

1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 22 May :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: annoyed

WOO! I'm done w/ my drum practice, weeee! FinallY! I have to practice an hour a day maximum. Boy that's like...hang on....1,2,55,..hang on....60 minutes of my life in my room taken!!! WOW!

N e ways, so DLM told Cherish I hate her, Thanks A lot! Yesturday she came up to me when we were switching to period one and she took me to the bath room. It's scary to go w/ her, u don't know what she'll do! Hehe... Well she's goes, "DLM (she didn't call him that but I use code) told me you hate me. Is that true?" In my mind i'm like thanks a lot DLM, You sure can't keep anything to urself! I'm like "There's just stuff that bugs the crap outta me about u, but don't worry, it's me (yeah right!). I have stuff that bugs me about my best friends." So I walk away. But then she follows me...I'm like crap she wont go away! So we walked a lil together talking about DLM, so yeah....Thanks again DLM!

Then Casey keeps buggin me about the Germany thing, He thinks I did more than I really did and I hate it. It's rude of him to think that about me. I don't like it when ppl think I'm easy. He just wont quit so I'm gonna kick his bum bum. He's already scraed of me. He ran away from me today in 1st period when I was just trying to have a nice lil chat w/ him....W/evas...

Well I gotta go and go to Alan's brother's graduation. Later!


1 Thought | WhAt Ya ThInK???


:: 2003 21 May :: 8.20pm
:: Mood: Woo!

Alright I heard some of the rumors going around school... Boy are they Lame! I'll say if it's true or false for yeah cuz i'm nice, well actually b/c i don't like lies but w/e!

Zack and I didn't make out. He likes that rumor but I don't. Sorry Zack!

I didn't do a lot w/ that kid. Casey and some other ppl r just saying that. Reason y? I have no Idea.

Did I cheat on Germany? Yes, unfortantly I did. Do I wish that I did it? Not really.

That's all the rumors I can think of so far. So if u know more let me know and I will tell u the truth! Thanks, Byes!


WhAt Ya ThInK???

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