<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 4 October :: 9.06 pm
:: Mood: artistic
:: Music: Me, singing Relient K songs... hehe

Word to your mother G
So as the day of the cathy thing approaches I get more and more nervous. I was majorly freaking out at first, but the more I learned the calmer I got, and now I'm freaking out again. It's like, a month and 6 days away... creepy. It'll be good I guess, to finally be "normal" or whatever, but I don't like surgery. I've had two or three already... but I was lucky enough to be too young to remember... now what. Now I'll be here, I'll know. I don't paticularly like that. But I guess ya' gotta' do what 'cha gotta' do, right? Yea, I'm still freaking out... this should be a fun month.

So yea, today was coolish. Progress reports came out. I'm getting way good grades in everything but chemistry (duh!) and art. The one in art has got to be mega wrong though. I've gotten A's on all but one of my assignments... and that one was just a B. But in chem. I can understand it. I have a B+ but that's just not good enough for me. I'm holding myself to a higher standard this year. I'm determined to get good grades this year. Nothing below an A-. I wanna' see a star by my name on that honor roll list. I know I know, obssesion. But I know I can do it... so when I don't it's just annoying.

So who all's going to homecoming with us? We're going to big boy, as is tradition. So far we have quite a few people. But I'm not even sure if I know all of them, I need to make a list or something. Any one who want's to join us let me know and I'll tell ya' the details. Oh, guess what?! Jenny's going!! We finally talked her into it. We're in the process of talking Heather into it. I hope she comes, it'll be tonz more fun with her there! (hope you're reading this het!!)

Well I do believe that's about it on the subjects to write about list. So I should probably go get ready for bed, if I don't sleep soon I may very well pass out. So not enough hours in the night. Oy. So I'll talk to ya'll later then. Love mucho tons.


Hyde, we're gonna' have to play some tennis after school someday... quick before it I can no longer be hyper-active! lol. Adios, again.

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 October :: 7.36 pm
:: Mood: annoyed yet happy.
:: Music: nothing

Stupid Heather's journal.
Okay Heather's journal thing, shows up in my friends area, but it won't let me see her "friends only" entry anywhere else and it completely refuses to let me read the comments on it. Stupid thing. So annoying.

Okay so, I had the most fun this weekend. You don't even know. Friday night kinda' sucked cuz instead of sitting and watching the game like normal people Heather, Ariana, and I were helping the Music Booster's concession stand people. So I completely missed my sister and parents (it was senior night) and two of my Uncles were on the '54 football team that they honored and I missed them too!! That just annoyed the crap out of me. But I was done working in time to watch our team kick Kenowa's butts! Oh yea!!!
So anyway, Saturday was funfilled. Heather had spent the night at my house so we got up and went to the band competition together. We had to stand at on one of the stairs and tell people that they couldn't go up until the band was done playing. It was semi-annoying, cuz you'd think people would understand that that's not allowed considering that everywhere else they have ropes not letting people through... but no, they still thought that they could. *rolls eyes* dumb people. But yea, overall it was cool. We got to talk to a lot of people, and we got to see Potoskey perform from the 50 yard line... they ROCK!! It was sooo incredible cool watching them. After we got done with the competition Heather and I went with Ariana to ride on her step-dad's truck and pass out candy to the kids. It was cool, though we didn't even make the candy last to main street. Kinda' sad. Then we walked down town and got elephant ears and went to meet my mom. We took Heather home and then Ariana and I went with my grandma, my mom and Steph to Family Fare to get food for dinner and we saw Rob there. We talked to him a wee bit and then we went home and had steak w/ my grandparentals... all of them... except the one from Cali. she's at home again. Then Ariana and I went to the powder puff game and hung out with Jenny, Heather, Katie, Zac and Tim. It was interesting to say the least. We had fun. Before the fourth quarter started we went to find Larrissa and Trenton and we hung out with them for a until the end. I saw Cherie and Ben too, didn't get to talk to them much though, which sucks, but yea, what can ya' do? (that was a comma-ie sentence, eh? lol) When the game ended (Seniors won, oh yea!!) we went to Ariana's house and she and I played some pool for a while before Taryn had to go to sleep. (the pool table's in her room...) Then we watched Scorpian King, which is not a bad movie, and went to bed. We talked for a while but then we just crashed. When we woke up this morning we had homemade crepes (SO good) and went to the courts to play some tennis. Then we came home and went for a ride in the Kubota, 'twas fun. After that Larrissa made us some Floutas for lunch/dinner and we took Taryn for a Kubota ride. Those things are really fun, I want one. Then we dropped Taryn off and headed out again, but just as we got to the end of the road my mom came so we turned around. Then we decided that Steph had to ride in it too so I drove her, Larissa, and Ariana to the end of their road and then we let Steph drive back. On the way back I got to sit in the back part, which was great fun. Once we got back to the house Ariana made me go meet her neighbors from Northview Mitchell and Lindsey. They seem nice. Mitchell so likes Ariana, but he's in 9th grade so she says he's too young. But yea, that's about it. Fun stuff man. Good weekend if ya' ask me.

Well I best be off now ya'll. Love mucho. Adios.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 September :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Spiderman 2 soundtrack

Okay I've officially turned into a miniature "bad girl". lol. Amy wanted someone to go out to lunch w/ her today... so I volunteered. It was cool, we went to subway and I got my first sub in like, a year. Literally. But it was cool. Allison's all like "Jacqui's bad" to Jessie in Government. It was funny. But if my parentals found out I'd be grounded for the rest of the century. So we'll not be telling them.

I'm so excited about this weekend. Which by the way starts tomorrow for me. Heather and I (and maybe Jenny) are going to the soccer game together. I have to stay until 8 so that Steph can take me home. But that's okay, I'll get to watch varsity too that way. I haven't gotten to see Adam play at all. I love watching his games. I miss my Adam. *tear*

Ooooo, guess what?! Stephy taught me the school song today after school! It rocked. Yea, I wanna' be in color guard. But I can't, stupid me, I never learned how to actually play an instrument... besides the drums... but to be in percussion you have to play mallets too, and I suck at that. Meh, oh well. lol. Band's too much for me anyway. I have too many things that I wanna' do.

I'm gonna' try out for the play tomorrow... I doubt I'll get it though. I'm not the most brilliant actress ever or anything. But we'll see. I'll try it anyway.

Well, I should leave now. Gotta' get ready for tomorrow. Hopefully tonight I can sleep... kinda' doubtful. Oh well. Love mucho.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 28 September :: 7.56 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: Hoobastank

Life, love, and funny stories.
Okay so what do you do when you like the same person that a close friend of yours likes? I don't mean a stupid munchkin sized crush or whatever, I mean you both really like this person... a lot. What do you do?? Because I really don't like the whole scenario... not a bit. I love my friend bunches and tons. I like this guy, a whole lot. I just don't know. And I know you're all gonna' say "guys come and go... blah blah blah" but I honestly don't believe that policy works all the time. I suppose I just have to see if he even likes either one of us... and only then can I really know what to do. Either that or I'll not know what to do more, all depends. Meh, I dislike dramaish things. God save teenagers.

So yea, we had a semi-fun practice today. 'Twas joyful. I'm gonna' miss tennis. Most parts of tennis that is... I'm not so much gonna' miss the people who think they know everything *cough* Jamie *cough*. But she can be really cool, so whatever. It's all good.

I can't wait for tomorrow... but at the same time I don't want it to come. I don't want tennis to be over. Hopefully I can play indoor tennis more this year. I really want to. Tennis is awesome. We're gonna' try to start practicing up on our softball skills pretty soon, which is cool, I like softball.

Heather's mom still hasn't decided whether or not Het can help me on Friday at the game and on Saturday. I hope she can, especially on Saturday. I'm gonna' be SO bored there all alone if she can't.

Ha, funny story. After school all the soccer players and most of us tennis girlies were hanging out in the cafeteria. Well, the soccer guys had our tennis rackets and a couple tennis balls and they were hitting them to and at each other.. so of course who is to walk out of the staff lounge but Mr.Pilar. It was so bad. I turned around and saw him and was just like, oh crap. So he told them to stop and gave us a mini-lecture. But it wasn't too bad. He didn't even yelled. But yea, funny stuff.

Okay now, funny story number 2. When we were heading out to go to practice Heather was being mean to me and I saw Mr. Robuck and I was like "are you hearing this, do you see how mean she is to me?" and he was like " ya' want me to slap her for ya'?" I thought that was hilarious, so of course I said yes. So Heather runs way behind me to avoid Robuck... it was hilarious. Then I was like "oh yea, Steph wanted me to show you my nails, cuz she thinks the color gaurd should do their nails like it." So I showed him my nails (they have pirates on them in case you didn't know) and he just started laughing... it was so funny! I was like "are you laughing cuz we're stupid or... why?" and he goes "you ammuse me, i'm laughing cuz i'm ammused" it was funny stuff I tell you! lol. I love Robuck.

Okay last and final funny story is dedicated to Heather. I bought m&m's after school and we were standing in the hallway eating them and Heather said something... I don't remember what so I threw an m&m down her shirt, it was really funny!! lol. Kinda' remind's me of the ice cube fight... I believe Heather would remember that lovely little day huh? hehe *wink*

Well I do believe that I'm finally done with my extremely long entry. C ya' later loves.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 27 September :: 8.30 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Relient K

Funfilled week.
Okay so, today we had a match against Unity Christian, we lost... obviously... but it was closeish so that's cool. (that was a super long sentence... lol) Yea so, the rest of the week is pretty busy... and I'm dang glad. Tomorrow is our last "real" practice. Wednesday is our match against Lowell. Thursday I'm going w/ Heather to take pictures of the JV soccer team for yearbook. Friday there's a football game at which Ariana, Heather and I will be transporting food to the concession stand from the high school. Then Saturday is obviously Red Flannel Day and I'm working from 9 until whenever all the bands are done at the band competition, but Heather gets to work with me so that should be fun. Yep, that's the outline for the week. Fun stuff homie. *wink*

OMG! Did I tell you guys. Miranda got M-Dawg on the back of her powderpuff jersey! Oh yea!!! I feel so special, I so gave her that name. lol. Sorry, done with my freak out there.

Well I do believe that's about it. I'll c ya'll later on. Adios da'lings. (r's suck)

-Jay Bean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 September :: 8.08 pm
:: Mood: good

Red Flannel Royalty.

Erica, Becky, Jamie, Danielle, and Lindsey.

NICE JOB GIRLS!!! I'm sure all of you will represent us well. I'm glad you made it. You all rock.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 September :: 7.52 pm
:: Mood: amused

Rockin' weekend.
This weekend has been awesome!! Friday was fun, Saturday was just joyous and today... was absolutely the best.

I re-did my nails today, they look like pirates. hehehe. It's awesome! lol. I love that nail dazzle thing, it rocks.

Okay so, there was optional tennis practice tonight and I went and played w/ Lauren, which was fun since I hadn't seen her in a while outside school. After about 45 minutes Yackie and Zelia came over and asked if we wanted to play doubles. We played for a while and then just started to smash them at eachother! It was really funny. We would hit them against the ground then just smash 'em. It was great fun. We actually did get some practice out of it. Which is good since we're playing Unity tomorrow.

So yea, good times. Oh ya' know what rocks? We get to leave school 15 minutes early tomorrow. YAY!!!!! lol. Okay well, I should go now. Love mucho.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 25 September :: 1.34 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Gibberish -Relient K

Game yesterday, we got clobbered! But hey we scored... and if you weren't there you missed the funniest thing ever. The whole football team jumped up and down and cheered so much that you would've thought that they'd just won state! lol. It was funny. I got to go out on the track w/ Allie and take pictures for yearbook! I felt so cool! lol j/k But yea, it was great fun.

After the game there was a dance... that was alright. I'm glad it was only 3 bucks... wasn't worth much more. The dj was playing some really dumb songs... but he did play some good ones. He played takin' care of business and this huge group of people started doing the alligator. It was freakin' awesome! lol. So funny. I wanna' learn how to do that!!

But yea, we stayed out late and I didn't get to bed until, like, midnight and then I had to get up at like 8 to go out to breakfast w/ Heather and her mom and my mom. It was fun, but Heather and I were both really tired.

Yea so, funny story for ya'. Kayla stayed after school yesterday and Ariana, Heather and I were talking to her and Ariana all the sudden jumped on Heathers back which reminded us of softball when Kayla would jump on my back and I'd give her a piggy back ride around the bases. It was tradition. Sounds dumb... but it was. So anyway, after that we decided that we wanted to race. So I carried Kayla and Heather carried Ariana and we raced to the lunch room. So we got to the last set of windows before the cafeteria doors and Heather just fell, hard, on her knees and dropped Ariana who them fell on her back! It was so funny, I was laughing for like 10 minutes! Oh, it was great. You have no idea. But they were pretty much fine. Until the dance... Heather said it was hurting her leg to dance... not that that stopped her. I think I may have converted her to dancism. lol. Coolness.

Well that's about it, I believe. I'll talk to you all later. Love mucho, adios.

-Jacqui Jean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 23 September :: 6.14 pm
:: Mood: meh, alright.
:: Music: Spiderman 2 soundtrack

I love Tennis.
So we had practice today... 'twas fun. I love hanging out after school. It's fun to talk to everybody. We tend to congragate in the caf. Though I've noticed that after school it's like 10 times hotter than it is during lunch. Which sucks mucho. But oh well.

So anyway, at practice today Kalli and I were just hitting around, while everybody else challenged or whatever, and we got to talking about guys and homecoming. She was talking about how she'd go to homecoming w/ a "certain someone" if he asked her but if he didn't she was gonna' be fine alone since, as she says, why have just one when you could have them all. Yea, it was funny. Made me laugh quite a bit. But yea, good policy. hehe *wink*

Yep, that's about it for now. School's school, kinda' boring, yet I'd die without it. Tennis rocks... and softballs coming up! Yay!!! But yea, other than that, pretty boring. I s'pose I'll be off now. Hasta luego.


Oh by the way... who's going to the dance w/ me?? Heather I know is... she has to... I'm her ride! *snickers* But other than that... anyone joining me?? I hope so!

Okay, bye again. See ya' on the flip side loves.

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 September :: 8.07 pm
:: Music: Buddah for Mary.

You know it only breaks my heart
To see you standing in the dark alone
Waiting there for me to come back

I'm too afraid to show

If it's coming over you
Like it's coming over me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
That drags me out to the sea
And I wanna be with you
And you wanna be with me
I'm crashing like a tidal wave
And I don't wanna be
Stranded, stranded, stranded, stranded

I can only take so much
These tears are turning me to rust
I know you're waiting there for me to
come back

I'm to afraid to show

I miss you, I need you
Without you, I'm stranded
I love you so come back

I'm not afraid to show

5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 September :: 7.39 pm
:: Mood: unartistic

I suck at art.
Okay so, we're suppose to do this project where we make one symmetrical picture and one asymmetrical picture... but I have no clue what to draw. All we can use are squares, circles, lines, triangles, and rectangles. Seems like a lot right? WRONG! It's hard. I gave Deanna the idea of making a clowns head... but that was when I thought I knew what I wanted to do... now I don't and I can't use the only good idea I've come up with! Gah, that's annoying. But I'll think of something... I hope.

We had a game, against Northview. Their uniforms look so much like ours that it's scary. But yea, they were good... about even with us. We played until we had to have a tie-breaker round the first set and they one... but not by much. Then the second set it was like 3-5 and we were at duece at least 10 times... not even kidding here. But then they won... it was so not cool. I felt like I'd played 3 sets... we had such good volleys. It was crazy. We were one of the last teams done!! Insane I tell you, insane.

So yea, that's about it for me. I think. I swear I wanted to say something else but I forgot what it was. Oh well, if I think of it I'll update again. Love mucho. Adios.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 September :: 5.28 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Breathe -Greenwheel

'Tis Sunday...
So my dad and I went to the school and played some tennis today. He beat me 6-4. So not cool! lol. He just learned to play like, last weekend! Oy vay. But he's always been all athletic and good at everything. Unfortunetly I didn't inherit that trait. I got the anti-school gene. lol. Oh well, what can ya' do? I was beating him 3-1 when we quit though. Oh yea, go me! hehe.

So yea, we have a game tomorrow... at home... against Northview. I have no clue how good they are... but hopefully we'll kick their butts. I guess we'll see, now won't we?

I'm semi-bored. Maybe mi familia would like to play a game of mini-softball after dinner... hmmm... Possibility. I hope they will. We have SO much fun doing that!

So my mom and I decided to go for walks or runs every weekend from now on. Well, until it gets cold... at that point I think we'll stop. But yea, cool beans. Jenny and I are trying to get people together to do the 24hour walk/run to defeat cancer... I think it's cancer at least. I don't know. But it sounds cool. I'd love to do race for the cure, but I can't. Sucky mucho. Oh well. Oh and for anyone who wants to join me, heart walk should be coming up pretty soon. It's a really good cause. And it's a cool event. Tell me if you want to do it, and I'll give you the details when I get them. Okay? Okay!

Well that's about all for today. Talk to ya' later. Adios.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 September :: 3.38 pm
:: Mood: smiley

The week.
Yea it's finally Saturday. That's cool, but I'm really bored. Last night was quite eventful. Steph and I went to the football game and Shelly met us there. We saw Miranda and Vicki so we all decided to sit together. Once we sat down Jill, Emily, Rob and his girlfriend... I think her name's Kristen... came and they sat behind us. So that was cool. And soon after Justine, Katie Smith and Zac came and sat behind us too. It was great. Most of them are in band so it's rare to sit with them at football games, it was super fun. So we were getting our butts kicked mucho bad and we decided to just leave. Well, Steph, Shelly and I were planing on going bowling after the game and we invited everyone along... but it turned out only Zac could go. So we left and had a joyful time bowling our little hearts out. But I majorly sucked. So when the computer thing gave steph the wrong score Paul came over to fix it and he gave me a strike! He's like "see what I do for you?" I love him!! Honestly, Steph has got to grab him... he's the coolest ever. But yea, fun stuff.

Well that's about it. I really need to get out of this house. I wanted to go for a run this morning... but I can tell my mom doesn't want me to go, I don't think she feels that I'll be safe. But I think I will. It's just around the block... I know most everone who lives around here anyway... and I have a cell phone. How much safer do ya' get?? If I had a car I'd go run on the track... but I don't... so I can't. Oh well, I'll figure something out. I bet I can get someone to go w/ me... maybe Adam will. He likes to run. Hmm... maybe.

Okay I'm done. Later ya'll.

-Jacquelyn Jean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 September :: 6.34 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Can't fight this feeling.

I talked to JAKE!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jake was online and I talked to him! I'm so happy!!!!!!! I miss him mucho! He apparently misses people here too, his name was 'Missing You'. It is way too weird not having him around. I wish I could see him... *tear*.

Okay stopping w/ the saddness before I cry.

So I guess Josh broke up w/ Sam...? Weird. They looked so going outish this morning... hmm. Oh well, not my business I'll just butt out now.

We don't have practice tomorrow. YAY! Kinda'... but yea. So I just get to come home. Ariana's probably coming over after school to hang out w/ me and then we're going to the game together, and after that we're going to go bowling. Coolness mucho.

Yea, that's actually about it. Odd. Oh wait, no it's not!

Today I was hanging out w/ Steph and Ellie in the band hallway and I said something to Ellie and Robuck's like "who is this strange person" and ellie's like "me? you know me!" and he said "no her" and pointed to me! So I was like "i'm her sister" and pointed to Steph. And then he asked why I wasn't in band! lol. He's like "why isn't she in band, I like her." to steph. It was really funny. I felt so loved. He's like "you don't have to be good at playing, you just have to make me laugh" because i said i didn't know how to play anything but a drumset. lol. It was sooo cool! hehe. But yea, that was my dorky conversation. lol.

Well I suppose I'll go now... I'll talk to ya'll later.

Love mucho.


Hyde, thanks for the CD chica! Me gusta mucho!! Es muy bien!!!!

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 13 September :: 6.29 pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Can't fight this feeling.

Can't Fight This Feeling -REO Speedwagon
I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship, has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show

I tell myself that I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
Cause I feel so secure when we're together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear

And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running round in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm following you, girl
Cause you take me to the places that alone I'd never find

And even as I wander I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crushing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore.

I LOVE THAT SONG!!!! It is one of my all time favorites... and the best part is... they play it all the time on LAV and the fox... love it!!

Well I'll talk to ya'll later! adios.


Wanna' dance?

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