<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 15 July :: 10.00 pm
:: Mood: creative

i'm back!
hey ya'll haven't talked to you in a while! sup?? lol. my computer is no longer dead! yay!!!

so, i really have zippo to say. so instead of boring you like i could i'm gonna' get off and go heal my dead back. don't ask.

love ya' mucho mucho. adios all.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 July :: 8.47 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Selena

"Blue moon, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own"
Yep I had a very fun week. Starting Wednesday I was at Ariana's boat. It was awesome. Nothing to do but read, sit by the pool, swim, walk into town and chill. I loved it. Of course I did have to babysit Taryn all night. But that's not bad, she goes to sleep at around 8:30 any way. Then I just read. One night my aunt and cousin came and we hung out for a while. That was cool. So yea, it was fun.

I am having a fun summer. This is the first summer that I haven't been bored by July. That I haven't, even in the slightest, looked foward to work. Which by the way I might just quit. I hate it. I wanna' stay just so that I can be a crew leader next year or maybe in a couple years, but I don't know if it's worth it. It's dirty, disgusting, wet, tiring, horribly boring work. The only good thing is the bonding that Shelly and I do. And the fact that it's the one time a year I talk to the "preps" and enjoy it. And there are other people who I have an insanely good time talking to and hanging out w/... but you don't wanna' hear about that. So yea, still deciding.

So ya' know how some religions don't allow their followers to do anything on Sundays? Well what to they do when it's the 4th of July on a sunday. Do they stick w/ the religion or celebrate their country?? Just a thought.

Well I suppose I'll go now. Since my journal's so boring it makes some people wanna' die *cough* Bill *cough*. ;) Might as well not cause more death. C ya'll later. Love ya' much.

-Jeanie Bean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 June :: 5.56 pm
:: Mood: happy and not

doesn't your heart deserve Shaklee CoQHeart??
Yea so, drivers ed. started yesterday. Can you say boring?! But it's over tomorrow, so I guess it's all good. Besides, there are a lot of people I know in the class. Sucks that we had to split though... I miss Re!!!!! *crys* But what can ya' do??

Tomorrow after drivers ed. Ariana's mom is gonna' come pick me up and we're gonna' go to their boat. We're staying until Friday and I get to babysit Taryn while they go to some concerts. I hope I don't do anything wrong. I've never babysat a kid that young alone on a boat in a marina that I've never been to before. Kinda' scary. But I'll do my best.

So today, I'm driving through the parking lot of the Alpine Meijer and I look both ways before I go into the major "road" in the parking lot and then I look again, no ones there. So I go and outta' no where this white car comes around the curve and I almost hit it! It was totally my fault and I felt really bad about it... but then Steph starts freaking out and yelling and saying stupid things like she always does and had been all day and she made me feel even worse. The girl needed to be slapped and luckily my mom thought so too and yelled at her. I was sooo mad at Steph. I coulda' killed her. I swear. She's all like "I've never done that, I'll never make a mistake like that!" Even though when she first started driving she pulled out in front of someone. Only difference was that that person wasn't going 10mph in a parking lot... they were going 60mph on Pine Island!! So she had no right to say anything. Ugh. It just made me so angry. I don't even know.

Well now that I'm done venting I think I'll go outside and read. It's too nice a day to waste in here. Adios all. love ya' mucho!


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 27 June :: 4.08 pm
:: Mood: drained

Up north was joyful!!
Hey all! I'm back from Makinaw! It was awesome! I had such a good time, I wanna' go back and do it again. So here's how it went:

Day 1: drove up w/ uncle gary, abby, emalie, brad, and steph. went swimming and shopping. ate at Dixie's Saloon where my aunt stole a glass for my mom... i do hope you get why.

Day 2: got up way too early and ate breakfast at the hotel, it was mucho good! then took the farry to Makinac Island and walked around. then uncle gary, dad, mom, steph, grandpa, brad, and i went to the car show in St. Ignace. see we knew the car show was in St. Ignace... but no one told us that it WAS St. Ignace. the place had cars EVERWHERE. we only got through about half... maybe not even that. but i was tired and uncle gary's back was hurting... so we left. but it was still fun. then we went shopping again and went swimming. then we went out to dinner. it was a really fun day.

Day 3: we got up, a little later than we had the day before, and got ready. we went to breakfast in shifts... but ended up all there at one point. then we got packed and headed down to check out and go home. we told everyone good bye and headed on home. we got here around 2 today. i got to drive a little so it was cool.

That trip was SO fun!! I got to hang out with my wonderful cousins more and everyone else too. Thing is, we had joined rooms. So we left the doors open basically all the time. Well, that was kinda' odd at points. It wasn't very private and it was kinda' weird seeing a guy my age before I even get the chance to take a shower. Seriously, it is.
The whole trip basically I hung out w/ Brad. He's soo cool! He always rode w/ us in the van instead of w/ aunty jeri so we had lots of oppurtunity to talk. It's cool, cuz he's my age so we have a lot in common. He's the only person my age who has parents who hang out w/ mine. But it took until I was older for this to happen cuz his dad and my aunt didn't get married until I was like 12. But yea, Emalie made me go outside so she could play basketball with him. She lost Sooo badly at horse. Brad was just trying to show off. But he said that if you shoot the ball and make a wish, if you get a basket your wish will come true. That it's actually worked. So I told him to prove it, he made a wish (not out loud) and shot and made it. He said he'd tell me if it came true... apparently it didn't. But it is pretty cool, I'll have to try that sometime. Like when I actually have something to wish for.

So yea, that's my weekend. Hope all of you had as much fun as I did. Much lovin'. Hasta Luego!!


Heather, at that car show there were 2 really awesome cobra's. One was a kit car and it was for sale for $14,000. And if ya' wanna' see them I may have happened to take a couple pictures for ya'... lol.

bye again.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 24 June :: 9.49 pm
:: Mood: soothed
:: Music: Elenor Rigby, just because it's stuck in my head

A survey that takes a look at something important... FINALLY!!!
Your full name?:Jacquelyn Jean DeFouw
Your nickname?:Jacq, Jacqui, Jay, Jeanie Bean... etc. take your pick
Your eye color?:blue
Your hair color?:blonde
Your gender?:female
Your height?:5'6"
Have any siblings?:yes
If so, how many?:1
Have any pets?:yes
If so, how many?:2
If so, what are they and what are their names?:Katie and Charlie, both cats
Which one is the...
...outgoing?:Shelly, Michelle, Jill
...meanest?:Savy, but she only does it for attention.
...best singer?:Travis
...worst singer?:ha, not going there
...most trustworthy?:Cherie
...most untrustworthy?:dunno'
...gives best advise?:Cherie and/ or Heather
...is always there?:Heather
...is barely ever there?:Shelly lately...
...you talk to most on the phone?:Katie Smith
...you talk to least on the phone?:Michelle
...you are with most?:Heather
...you are with the least?:Julie
How many do you have?:enough, but not too many
What are their names?:don't make me write them all
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:no
What is his/her name?:
How much older/younger is he/her than you?:
Do you like him/her?:
Do you love him/her?:
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?:4
How many have you kissed?:none
What is the farthest you've ever gone?:hug; that's right. not kiss, hug!
Do you know that Jesus loves you or do you think thats just a bunch of bull:I know Jesus loves me, how could I not?!
...love or hate?:love
...forgiveness or revenge?:forgivness
...chocolate or vanilla?:vanilla
...milk chocolate or peanuts?:milk chocolate
...love or lust?:love
...white or black?:gray
...light or dark?:dark
...good or evil?:good
...god or satan?:God
...god or goddess?:God
...eternal life or eternal suffering?:eternal life
...heaven or hell?:heaven
...die for believing in your god, or lying to save your life?:die
...religion or relationship?:there one in the same if you think about it.
Put the first word that comes to your mind...
How do you define...
love:the need to care for someone and make them happy, and when they are not happy, you are sad.
hate:wanting someone to die
hell:a place that does not exist that people came up w/ to make others afraid of God
heaven:a beautiful, perfect place that God created for his angels and himself to live for all eternity
god:the highest power in the universe
jesus:Gods son, not himself... his SON
christianity:the belief in Jesus Christ and his Father our Lord Jehovah
satan:i can't define him, because i don't understand him
sin:a wrong that is commited by a human because of free will
wrong:something that can hurt people, whether it be physically or emotionally
right:everything that's not wrong... well, mostly
How old are you?:15
How old do you act?:depends on the day and time
Do you value life?:deeply
If so, why? and if not, why not?:because life is a beautiful fragile thing... without it you wouldn't be able to see all the wonderous things God created for you
What do you think will happen to you when you die?:i will sleep, until resurection... i hope
How much security do you have in that?:a lot. i've read the bible and that is what it has lead me to believe and since God wrote it, I think I'll stick w/ that
Do you believe in evolution?:nope, well kinda'. but not really
If so, then why are there still apes?:got a point there... bring that up w/ founier
And also if so, why do you WANT to think that we came from APES, anyway?:ha, i like this survey!
Do you believe you're created for a reason?:i believe that God controled the fact that i'm still living, but not nesissarily that i was born
If so, why? if not, why not?:i don't think God has an exact plan, but i think he tries to help us in our own desicions
How do you feel right now?:good and happy
Why?:i finally took a survey that let me get how i feel about the important things in life out into the open

More than 100 Questions.. brought to you by BZOINK!

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 June :: 4.50 pm
:: Mood: contemplative

Eleanor Rigby
Ah look at all the lonely people
Ah look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church
Where a wedding has been, lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the face
That she keeps in a jar by the door, who is it for?

All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

Father McKenzie, writing the words of a sermon
That no one will hear, no one comes near
Look at him working, darning his socks in the night
When there's nobody there, what does he care?

All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

Ah look at all the lonely people
Ah look at all the lonely people

Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried
Along with her name, nobody came
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt from his hands
As he walks from the grave, no one was saved

All the lonely people, where do they all come from?
All the lonely people, where do they all belong?

If you really think about this song, look deeper into it, it's truly a wonderful message. Though it's very sad. But I still love it.

Beatles Rock!!!

love ya'll,


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 June :: 4.09 pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: Silence... mostly

This is going to be a vent session, you have been warned.

Today's been funish. We went out for breakfast at Perkins... they have the best pancakes EVER EVER EVER!!! lol. Well, they do. Then we went grocery shopping at meijer... which is never fun... but there were some people who were fun to look at... *wink*. What? Like you've never noticed that?? But anyway. Then we came home and now my mom and sister are at Calvin to check it out to see if Steph want's to go there. I went to one of the college tours w/ them... the one through U of M. I loved it... it's so big and there's always something to do. But Steph hated it... she said it was "too big". Odd how people who've lived together all their lives can be so different. But anyway, back to today. I am about ready to strangle Steph. See I drove everywhere we went today and she yelled at me for everything that I did. One time I was too close to the curb and I realized it... so as I was moving away from it, she screams at me (literally, screamed) to get away from it. And the whole time she's muttering about how if I drive places she should just stay home, and how she doesn't trust me w/ her life in a car, when our parents tell me that I'm so much better a driver than she is and that they're glad because Steph was hard to deal with and they are still afraid for her when she drives even though she has her lisence. I'm not allowed to tell Steph that... but if they hadn't said I wasn't the second she snapped at me she would've known what they said. Ugh. I just don't even know. She's so amazingly stupid sometimes.

Vent session over.

So this weekend we're going up to Mackinaw Island with my aunt and uncle and cousins. It should be pretty fun. I love Emalie my lil' cousin and Brad's awesome too. But Abby, I dunno, I could do without her. She got in a lot of trouble not too long ago. She was into drugs and drinking and sex... stuff she shouldn't have been into at the age of 16. She ended up getting into an accident while riding with some guys who were high... they left her for dead on the side of the road and took off. Fortunetly when they came back the police got them. Abby was really banged up though... she broke her neck and she had to have a couple surgeries. It was awful. But the thing is, though she's better, she's still like that. I hate it. Ugh, don't people learn anything from near death experiences?!?! But anyway, the trip should still be fun. My grandpa and abuelita are coming too. Grandpa's shaped up a lot since he met Isa. I'm glad. They're both really fun!!

Well I got to go now. Talk to ya'll later. Much love.


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 June :: 3.44 pm
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: I Swear -JMM

100 Greatest Love Songs according to CMT
100) I Melt Rascal Flatts

99) You've Never Been This Far Before Conway Twitty

98) I Fell in Love Carlene Carter

97) Heaven's Just a Sin Away The Kendalls

96) Your Everything Keith Urban

95) Shut up and Kiss Me Mary Chapin Carpenter

94) If You See Him, If You See Her Brooks & Dunn

93) Angel of the Morning Juice Newton

92) Amanda Waylon Jennings

91) Anymore Travis Tritt

90) She's in Love With the Boy Trisha Yearwood

89) Have I Told You Lately (That I Love You) Gene Autry

88) We Were in Love Toby Keith

87) Walking the Floor Over You Ernest Tubb

86) You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma David Frizzell

85) Timber, I'm Falling in Love Patty Loveless

84) How Forever Feels Kenny Chesney

83) I Believe in You Don Williams

82) Swingin' John Anderson

81) No One Else on Earth Wynonna Judd

80) Would You Lay with Me (In a Field of Stone) Tanya Tucker

79) The Heart Won't Lie Reba McEntire

78) Remember When Alan Jackson

77) Paper Roses Marie Osmond

76) That's What I Like About You Trisha Yearwood

75) What's Forever For Michael Martin Murphey

74) Always Late Lefty Frizzell

73) Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue Crystal Gayle

72) It Was Almost Like a Song Ronnie Milsap

71) Together Again Buck Owens

70) The Keeper of the Stars Tracy Byrd

69) Where've You Been Kathy Mattea

68) Good Hearted Woman Waylon

67) Cowboy Take Me Away Dixie Chicks

66) Jackson Johnny Cash

65) I'll Still Be Loving You Restless Heart

64) Wrapped Around Brad Paisley

63) Something That We Do Clint Black

62) I Honestly Love You Olivia Newton-John

61) Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms Flatt & Scruggs

60) Crying Roy Orbison

59) I Love You Martina McBride

58) I Wouldn't Have Missed It for the World Ronnie Milsap

57) Maybe It Was Memphis Pam Tillis

56) I've Got a Tiger by the Tail Buck Owens

55) In Another's Eyes Garth Brooks

54) One More Day Diamond Rio

53) Help Me Make It Through the Night Sammi Smith

52) El Paso Marty Robbins

51) Please Remember Me Tim McGraw

50) She Thinks I Still Care George Jones

49) He'll Have to Go [#] Jim Reeves

48) Could I Have This Dance Anne Murray

47) Love in the First Degree Alabama

46) Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man Loretta Lynn

45) I Still Believe in You Vince Gill

44) Before the Next Teardrop Falls Freddy Fender

43) Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground Willie Nelson

42) When I Said I Do Clint Black

41) This Kiss Faith Hill

40) For the Good Times Ray Price

39) On the Other Hand Randy Travis

38) Make the World Go Away Eddy Arnold

37) The Woman in Me (Needs the Man in You) Shania Twain

36) Annie's Song John Denver

35) Wichita Lineman Glen Campbell

34) Mama He's Crazy The Judds

33) I Can't Help It (If I'm Still in Love With You) Hank Williams

32) Lady Kenny Rogers

31) You Look So Good in Love George Strait

30) You're Still the One Shania Twain

29) Strawberry Wine Deana Carter

28) Gentle on My Mind Glen Campbell

27) I Can't Stop Loving You Ray Charles

26) I Swear John Michael Montgomery

25) Today I Started Loving You Again Merle Haggard

24) Ring of Fire Johnny Cash

23) I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry Hank Williams

22) When I Call Your Name Vince Gill

21) Breathe Faith Hill

20) Behind Closed Doors Charlie Rich

19) Feels So Right Alabama

18) I Fall to Pieces Patsy Cline

17) Kiss an Angel Good Morning Charley Pride

16) Stand by Your Man Tammy Wynette

15) It's Your Love Tim McGraw

14) How Do I Live LeAnn Rimes

13) He Stopped Loving Her Today George Jones

12) When You Say Nothing at All Keith Whitley

11) That's the Way Love Goes Merle Haggard

10) Golden Ring George Jones

09) I Cross My Heart George Strait

08) She Believes in Me Kenny Rogers

07) Amazed Lonestar

06) Unanswered Prayers Garth Brooks

05) Hello Darlin' Conway Twitty

04) Forever and Ever, Amen Randy Travis

03) Sweet Dreams Patsy Cline

02) You Were Always on My Mind Willie Nelson

**01) I Will Always Love You Dolly Parton**

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 21 June :: 3.30 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: the rain

Homestar Runner Rocks!!
Thank you Heather for introducing me to that. It's soo funny!! hehe. Rock on.

Well I'm quite bored. It's raining... I am starting to deeply dislike the rain. It's always here. Never does it leave. Grrr... on the rain.

Okay so, somebody needs to come play with me! I'm all alone and there's nothing to do. Stephy's at some gaurd show thing, my mom's at work, and my dad's on a business trip and won't be home until friday. So I'm bored as heck. Nobody to play with... *sighs* how terribly sad. But oh well, I'll get over it. Oh guess what guys! I only need 11 more hours until I can take segment 2 drivers ed. And I plan to get some when we drive to Makinaw this weekend. But isn't that great?! Yay!!! And then it's only 8 or 9 months until I can drive on my own. Woohu!!!! I'm deeply excited. Not that you couldn't tell.

Ya' know, all this weekend I was really annoyed and I wanted to write in here to get my anger out, but I couldn't because there were people everywhere. It was so annoying. So now the one day I'm happy I finally have time to write. Now that's ironic. And quite annoying too. Oy vay.

Well I should get to gettin' now. Adios all, rock your little selves on! much love ya'll.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 21 June :: 3.14 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: GRD

Survey's are entertaining
~*First Name*~:Jacqui
~*Middle Name*~:Jean
~*Last Name*~:DeFouw
~*Favorite Color*~:red
~*Favorite Song*~:beatiful letdown
~*Favorite Band/Artist*~:switchfoot
~*TV Show*~:7th heaven
~*Movie*~:robin hood: men in tights
~*Got A Boyfriend/Girlfriend?*~:nope
~*How Long?*~:n/a
~*Want Kids?*~:if they're adopted.
~*Gonna Get Married?*~:maybe, probably
~*Any Pets?*~:yes, 2
~*What Kind?*~:cats
~*Where Are You From?*~:here
~*Star or Moon*~:moon
~*50 Cent or Eminem*~:neither
~*Paper or Plastic*~:plastic
~*Michael Jackson or Martha Stewart*~:martha stewart
~*Rufio or Story of the Year*~:who?
~*Are You Emo*~:not a clue
~*Drama Queen/King?*~:can be...
~*Prep or Slut*~:not really
~*If You Said No To Both of Those... You're Normal Right?*~:not nessisarily
~*Day or Night*~:night
~*Light or Dark*~:dark
~*In or Out*~:out
~*Up or Down*~:up
~*Right Side Up or Up Side Down*~:right side up
~*Was this stupid*~:wouldn't you like to know...

~*Everything and Anything*~ brought to you by BZOINK!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 June :: 8.41 pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: Thong Song

I'm in the mood for the beach now!
Summer time puts everything in a new perspective. You don't see everyone everyday like you do during school so you have more time to think about people and things. analyze things. well that's just what i've been doing. i realized that people i didn't think i cared about a lot, i care about the most. people i thought i did care about i don't. and people who i loved being with, i'd love to get away from. it's crazy. so i have now decided that school just keeps me from thinking straight and i should just boycott it for getting in the way of my true education.

i want to go dancing. i want to take some of my best friends and just go to a club. i can't stand this whole stuck in the house thing. when songs that are dancable come on the radio i almost die if i can't dance. so i just do... alone. pathetic much! lol. i'm hopeless. so someone needs to volunteer to go to a club with me... don't care which one. just a club w/ some friends... now don't even try to tell me that it doesn't sound fun!?

okay i'm gonna' get going now. much love ya'll.

-Slothy Poo-

if anyone wants to go play tennis sometime next week... i'm totally willing. *cough*heather*cough* (just cuz i know you want to... you know you do!!)

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 June :: 8.11 pm
:: Mood: alive
:: Music: some random classic rock song

8 hours of boy meets world... that's all my day consisted of. that's just sad.
Yep, today was just a day. Nothing to do but watch tv. Up until now I didn't watch this much tv in a week... muchless one day. How stupid is that? Ugh. I'm going into summer mode. I don't think the fact that it's summer registered yet. But now it is.

See ya'll in 3 months. If you need me, I'll be in my living room.

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 15 June :: 2.39 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Incubus - Talk Shows on Mute

I love this song
One Thing

Restless tonight
Cause I wasted the light
Between both these times
I drew a really thin line
It’s nothing I planned
And not that I can
But you should be mine
Across that line

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

I promise I might
Not walk on by
Maybe next time
But not this time

Even though I know
I don’t want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds

6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 15 June :: 2.15 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: fuse

I went on the Raptor! Yea, go me!!
Yea so, I went to Cedar Point yesterday w/ the youth group. It rocked!!! We had so much fun! And be proud because it's true, I really did go on the Raptor. lol. Yea yea, no big thing to some people, but to me that's insane cuz I vowed never to go on that thing. And I did. YAY!!! I wanted to go again but the line got mega-long once we got off. I love that coaster though. It's great. I couldn't really walk straight when I got off it... I suppose that's probably because A) it was 10 o'clock at night and B) it has tons of spiny parts. But yea, fun stuff.

I got home at 20 to 4... in the morning! It was crazy. Then I had to get up at 6:30 so I could go to tennis camp. It was insane. I took a two hour nap already and I'm still dead tired. It's so annoying.

Yep that's my rant/ happyness for the day. Rock on mi amigas. much love.

-That Jay-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 June :: 11.32 am
:: Mood: hot
:: Music: Trouble -Pink

summer is good
it is so hot!! goodness. toooooooo hot, must have cold air! *gasps for breath* dying!!!

so yea, tennis is sooooo fun. yesterday kinda' sucked. but yea, what can ya' do?? anyway, this summer is kicking butt so far. even though it's been around for less than a week. i'm having fun. it's especially fun to get to drive everywhere. i love it!!

ya' know i'm trying to find the name of this song... but i don't know where to look so maybe ya'll can help me out. here are the lyrics... some of them:
if i traded it all, if i gave it all away for one thing, just that one thing. if i sorted it out, if i knew all about that one thing, wouldn't that be something
So help me out if ya' can! Please and thank you.

Okay guys, advice. Should I apply at the new meijer...? cuz my lovely summer job is not gonna' be great since i have tennis starting basically the same time work does. i'm screwed w/ that one. so meijer sounds good but yea, i dunno.

well i suppose i'll leave you all now. much love and love much. go eat an ice cream cone and enjoy your day.

(that's boring, i need a new nickname... again)

7 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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