<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2005 1 March :: 8.56 pm
:: Mood: indifferent
:: Music: Cheesy song mix...

My love is vengence that's never free...
No school. That's fun... except that tennis was cancelled too. That always sucks! But overall it was a good day. I got Starbucks! Yum!! I've wanted that forever, but I finally got the chance! Oh yea!

So I really have like, nothing at all to say. I suppose I'll leave then. Chao loves.

Jacqui Jean

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 28 February :: 7.03 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Wheel of Fortune

So, today was okay. I was WAY hyper this morning due to my lack of sleep last night. I took the AP history test after school. Not bad for being super hard... would've been easier if London hadn't been making fun of me while I took it. j/k. But yea, after that I had conditioning. Not bad, not good though. I'm sore. I need to run when we don't have conditioning, that way I don't lose it completely like this. But it's all good I suppose.

That's pretty much it for my day. I'm going to tennis tomorrow. Fun stuff!

Okay well, I'm done. Chao all. Love, hugs and chocolate!


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 27 February :: 8.22 pm
:: Mood: bouncy

Riding With Private Malone
I was just out of the service thumbing through the classifieds
When an ad that said:"Old Chevy" somehow caught my eye
The lady didn't know the year or even if it ran,
But I had that thousand dollars in my hand

It was way back in the corner of this old ramshackle barn
Thirty years of dust and dirt on that green army tarp
When I pulled the cover off it took away my breath
What she'd called a Chevy was a sixty six Corvette

I felt a little guilty as I counted out the bills
But what a thrill I got when I sat behind the wheel
I opened up the glove box and that's when I found the note
The date was nineteen-sixty six and this is what he wrote:

He said,"My name is Private Andrew Malone
If you're reading this,then I didn't make it home
But for every dream that shattered, another one comes true
This car was once a dream of mine, now it belongs to you
And though you may take her and make her your own
You'll always be riding with Private Malone"

Well it didn't take me long at all, I had her running good
I loved to hear those horses thunder underneath her hood
I had her shining lika a diamond and I'd put the rag top down
All the pretty girls would stop and stare as I drove her though town

The buttons on the radio didn't seem to work quite right
But it picked up that oldies show, especially late at night
I'd get the feeling sometimes, if I turned real quick I'd see
A soldier riding shotgun in the seat right next to me

It was a young man named Private Andrew Malone
Who fought for his country and never made it home
But for every dream that's shattered another one comes true
This car was once a dream of his back when it was new
He told me to take her and make her my own
And I was proud to be riding with Private Malone

One night it was raining hard, I took the curve too fast
I still don't remember much about that firey crash
Someone said they thought they saw a soldier pull me out
They didn't get his name, but I know without a doubt

It was a young man named Private Andrew Malone
Who fought for his country and never made it home
But for every dream that's shattered another one comes true
This car was once a dream of his back when it was new
I know I wouldn't be here if he hadn't tagged along
That night I was riding with Private Malone

Oh,thank God,I was riding with Private Malone

Yea, that song is the reason that I so deeply want to own a '66 Corvette. It's AWESOME! Even people who are anti-country have to appreciate that one. So cool.

Bye bye loves.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 27 February :: 2.04 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: television

do do do do do Inspector Gadget do do do do do do do (ooo ooo)
Yesterday I went out with a guy that I have had a crush on for a while. Yep, it was fun. We hung out at his house for a bit and then went to see Hitch. That is an awesome movie and you should all see it if you haven't already! It's deeply hilarious. But yea, I had a good time.

Friday Ellie came over. We were all gonna' watch The Village together, but I ended up just talking to Katie through the whole thing. That was cool though, we haven't gotten to spend much time together in a while. Everyone is always around! So that was fun.

Yea, that's pretty much it. Fun stuff. Hope everyone else is having a grand weekend! I'm off to get my hair cut now! Yay!! Chao my loves.

-Jacqui Jean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 25 February :: 4.29 pm

Everybody wants to be a cat...
Dufty's class rocked SO hard today! We watched Homestar Runner the WHOLE hour!!! It was fricken awesome to the power of 12! And a half! Gotta' love that buddy, ya' just do.

So, why did they block xanga and woohu at school? I haven't actually tried getting into it, that's just what I've heard was done. Which is stupid. That's the only joy in my life when I'm done with assignments involving computers at school. Blahg. Stupid people. Grrr on you, whoever you are!!!

Yep, other than that nothing's really been happening. Wednesday was cool. I was not in an incredibly good mood, but Rob talked to me and made me feel better. It was cool. Thursday nothing happened really. Today Ellie's coming over after she's done working. We're gonna' hang out and watch movies. Sounds like it could be fun. Yep.

Okay I'll get off here now. Have a good day kids! Love and hugs.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 23 February :: 6.28 pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: Random Song

I update this a lot less than I used to. Know why? Because xanga's cooler. Yep... more fun there man.

Yea, not so good day. Not terrible. It really wasn't bad until practice, and even then only some parts were bad... but still. Yep, fun stuff.

I sent a letter to my grandparents last night. The ones that live in Costa Rica. Rob helped me write it en espanol, because I have no clue how to say half of those things. Anyway, they wrote back and said they loved it. My grandma was happy to be able to understand what it said, since she only speaks spanish that's rare. They also said that my spanish would improve greatly if I went there for a month to stay. My grandpa said it was "just a thought". That means, "we want you to come stay because we miss you!" in Ron DeFouw language. lol. Yea, I plan to go stay with them sooner or later! I'm excited now!!!

Okay, I'm out. Chao all. x~HUGS~x


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 20 February :: 6.25 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Nada

Hot cocoa good...
I was kinda' feeling the need to go enjoy the snow today. I have yet to do that this year... so I did. I went outside and built a snowman. He's SO cute!! Then I made a snow angel and wrote my name by it. And then I just sat outside for a bit, enjoying all that is winter. Now I feel as if I have experienced the full effect of Michigan winters. It was kinda' fun to just go play in the snow. Act like a little kid for a while and all. Yea, I kinda' miss the joy I used to get from sledding down the non-existant hills in our backyard. Hmm... fond memories of childhood. Yep, gotta' love it.

Now my hair is all wet though, and kinda' funky looking. I refused to wear a hat outside. Not smooth for the hair, but it wasn't any colder.

Tomorrow we're going shopping for Steph's prom dress. Fun stuff. JC Penny's has a sale on jeans and such, so we're going there too! I need new jeans like mad! Maybe I can get other new clothes too!! I'm a clothe's fanatic!!!!! lol.

Okay, I have to go now. Dinner time. Chao amigos.

-Jacqui Jean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 19 February :: 1.28 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Relient K

Whatever cranks your cheese wheel.
So, I'm bored. I woke up at like, 7:30 this morning! BLAH!!!!! Way to early for a Saturday! But everyone else in my family was up getting ready to go to Steph's scholorship thing-a-mabob. Yep, fun stuff. I fell back asleep at around 9 and woke up again to the phone at 10:40ish. Yep, fun stuff. I jumped out of my bed, ran down the stairs and grabbed the phone only to have the person on the other end hang up!! Ugh... stupid stupid. They didn't even want to stay on for 4 rings! Honestly! Sorry, just a little touchy about being woken up to that.

So far today, I've eaten breakfast, watched Finding Nemo, and had lunch. That has been my day. Sad really. Maybe I'll go for a run... or go outside and pitch. Anything to get out of this house! Hmm... we'll see I suppose.

I'm all alone. Boring boring boring. Except, now I can blast my music as loud as I darn well please! Bien!!!!!

Okay, I should go now. Have a delightful day all. Love love love.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 18 February :: 10.18 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: the ringing in my ears...

Fuzzy Logic ROCKS!!!
The concert at the Kent was moderate. Fuzzy Logic was, as always, rockin' awesomely good! But the band that played after them, ucky! They just screamed. I couldn't even understand them. After a few minutes the cops came and kicked some guy out who was being an idiot. We decided to go to the "lobby" area shortly after that. While we were gone some one puked in the isle next to our seats. It was yucky!!! Steph, Jill, Kirk and I all stood in the lobby and talked. We bashed the lead singer of the band pretty badly! It was quite fun! lol. There were a bunch of people out there with us. Some that I would've expected to be in the actual theater rocking out to that music were in the "lobby". That just proves how much they sucked! But yea, after what seemed like forever this old guy in the doorway screams "okay you can go back in now!" I thought that was funny as sam hill!

We went back in and I sat by Jill. We were comparing guys and making fun of the lead singers of the bands (minus Fuzzy Logic). It was fun!!! I love Jill, she's awesome!

Steph decided we should leave when the next band started screaming too. They sang and screamed though. And when they screamed I understood them, so it worked for me. But she's my ride, so I left.

Overall the night was okay. The only people I knew (well enough to hang out with at least) were Jill, Steph(obviously), Katie and Addison. I ended up talking to Kirk because he and Jill are "dating". Yep, fun stuff. I missed having "the groupies" there! It's WAY more fun with them too!! Meh, oh well.

Okay I shall be going now. Gotta' sleep. I'm TIRED!!! Chao my people! Love times all the hay in the stack!


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 17 February :: 9.05 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Graduation (friends forever)

As we go on, we remember all the times we've had together.
I had a fricken awesome night!! You have no idea! It was funny as monkeys doing the can can! lol. We went to Zac's game and hung out there an hour after the actual game ended! It was grrreat! Yep, mucho!

Tim burned me dos discos compatos. Yep, they rule to the power of 12 and a half!!!

Yep, I really don't have much to say here. Hmm...

Oh my goodness guys! Do you have any idea how cool Millard is? She rocks! When I walked into class today she complimented me on my hat and then she said "you need a cane with that hat." So I told her that I had one at home, I do, it rocks! Then she's like "you should've brought it. then you could hit the people who bug you!" I was like, "I think I'll loan it to you..." and she's like "Yea, really. 'Get away from my desk!'" and as she said it she pretended to swing a cane around! It was hilarious!!! No one was actually at her desk, but it was still funny as heck! lol. I love her.

So yep, I think that's all for today. Chao mis amigos. Love love love.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 16 February :: 9.28 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Alias

All you need is love...
Test's suck!!!!! I wish them dead!! I have two right in a row tomorrow! One in Chemistry and the other in Econ. which means I'll be joining the C-lunch crowd. Fun stuffin's.

Lauren gave me this REALLY pretty frame with a picture of us before swirl in it... it's SO cute!!! I love it!!!

Josh is gonna' get beat up. The kid like's Lauren and won't tell her. So he wants me to ask her if she likes him. I don't do that stuff! I feel bad if the person says no! Oh well, I'll do it. Then he'll stop.

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Chao peoples. Love ya' all times all the words in all my journal entries so far!


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 15 February :: 4.14 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Really Stupid Girl

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
Yep, I'm having a good week! First a not-a-snow-day, now just an overall happy day. I do believe this week is gonna' be pretty cool. I got a new ring tone on my phone. It's the theme to friends. We sang it in 8th grade for choir and I LOVE it, so yea. Now you must call me so that I can here the song!! lol. j/k.

Ellie took me to Arby's after school today! It was fun. We walked in and these old lady's are like, "Do you know how to use this?" Motioning to the ketchup despencer thing. It was SO funny! I was like "Yep ya' just push down this thing", and pointed to the black button thing on the top. It was hilarious!! They really didn't even think to look on the top of it, they thought it worked like a pop machine or something. Oh wow, good times good times. Yea, after that Ellie ordered a shake, which just brought back extremely funny memories of after swirl. lol. Yep, funny crap here people. And you probably think it's not, but that's okay! I had fun!!!

Steph and I were just sitting out side the doors to that almost-a-hallway that leads to the bandroom, and talking after school. It was fun. It rarely happens that we get to talk with no one else around. Blaine Cronn, who I haven't actually had a conversation with in forever, talked to us for a bit. He didn't seem to understand the joys in hanging out for no good reason after school's over. lol. People have no sense of good ol' fashion fun anymore!

Okay, have you guys ever seen "Sleepy Hollow", the Family Channel version? Well, something Curtis said reminded me of it and I was trying to explain it to him, Ellie and Silia. That didn't work so well. Curtis was like, "That's just teaching our kids that it's okay to kill people!" So I told him that it's only teaching kids to kill if someone's trying to chop off your head! It was an interesting conversation. lol. You had to be there I guess.

Yea, I do believe I'm done now. Chao my dears! I love you times 1 million 5 hundred and two. BYE ALL!!!!!

-Jacquelyn Jean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 14 February :: 8.22 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: nothing

Take a sad song and make it better.
I'm trying to pick a new ring tone for my phone. They cost $2 though, which is semi-expensive for just being a crappy lil' ring tone. Oy, any way people can make more money they do. But the songs are pretty cool, so I'll buy one. Gotta' make it good though, I'm not spending 2 dollars every other day for a new ringer.

So no school today! Woohu!!! I had pizza and cupcakes for lunch, awesomeness! Then Steph and I rented "Little Black Book". It was okay. Nothing special really, but okay none the less.

I was bored today, so I decided to read "A Tale of Two Cities". It's good so far, but way hard to read! Charles Dickens has a taste for that, as I understand it. Still, it's un libro muy bien. I'm just about done with the first "book". Yep, kinda' sad when you read a book that you know your just gonna' have to read again.

I'm really tired. Mucho mucho tired. School tomorrow is not gonna' be very fun. But that's okay... when is it really?

Okay, I must be off now. Chao my people.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 13 February :: 4.35 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: GRD bootleg: Treat Me Wrong

"Shae, you just suck." -Rob "Obviously not!" -Shea
My Weekend:

Friday: Went to the game, it was okay. Not great, but it was still okay.

Saturday: Ariana came over at 1:30ish. We went to my grandma's and got our hair done. Then we came back home to get ready. Took pictures and headed to Lauren's for dinner. That was fun. Awesome food and good friends. Cool beans. After that Steph drove us all to the dance. The dance itself wasn't great. It was okay. I danced with Shae. I consider that a great accomplishment considering he normally tells everyone that he doesn't dance. Yea, it was funish. After the dance we decided that we didn't want to go home yet, so we asked if we could go see a movie, that didn't go over very well. Instead we decided to go to McDonald's with Rob. It was closed, so we went to Arby's instead. Apparently Shae, Josh, and Cherie did the exact same thing. We all ended up sitting together and talking, it was fun. I think that was actually the funniest part of the evening. Shae kept quoting Napoleon Dynomite, which is scary by the way. lol. It was fun. Plus we had an interesting conversation about Jamoca shakes. (That would be where the subject comes in....) Yea, fun stuff.

Today: We made crepes. There were really good, I was seriously surpised. We watched "The Little Mermaid". I hate that movie, but Ariana and Steph love it, so I gave in. Besides, they mentioned something in the Da Vinci Code that's in the movie so I had to look for it. Found it too! hehe. Yep, the rest of the time we pretty much just watched TV and listened to music. It was joyous.

Yep that was my weekend. Slightly eventful. Fun stuff.

Okay I'll see ya'll later. Chaoness.

Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 9 February :: 6.55 pm
:: Mood: drained

Yep, Toro is my human calculator. I swear, that kid is scary sometimes! It's so awesome though, you can just say a random math problem and he'll tell you the answer in like, 3 seconds. I love that kid!! lol. Yea, he's awesome.

Guess what?! It's Reed's birthday today!!! He's 44! That is older than my dad, which is crazy since his kids are super younger than me! But yea, Happy Birthday Reed... even though you'll never read that! ;)

So practice was cool. I got to watch the freshmen guys "learn to fall". lol... you had to be there, it was hilarious!! It sucked that they were practicing though, I was really looking forward to playing on the actual gym floor.

Okay, I think that's about it. Chao amigos. Love.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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