<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 20 December :: 8.35 pm
:: Music: Broken Hallelujah

10 things I hate about you poem.
I hate the way you talk to me,

and the way you cut your hair.

I hate the way you drive my car,

I hate it when you stare.

I hate your big dumb combat boots

and the way you read my mind.

I hate you so much it makes me sick,

it even makes me rhyme.

I hate the way you’re always right,

I hate it when you lie.

I hate it when you make me laugh,

even worse when you make me cry.

I hate it when you’re not around,

and the fact that you didn’t call.

But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you,

not even close…

not even a little bit…

not even at all

Yep, good poem. It works so well. All you have to do is change a few words and it works. Lovely.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 December :: 7.15 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: a mix that I made

(person 1)so i know this guy with a wooden leg named smith... (person 2)oh yea? what's he call his other leg?
I've spent my break doing absolutely nothing, so far that is. I have to work on a chem project with Katie and Jenny sooner or later though. And I'm gonna' go help Ariana paint next week, so it should get more exciting.

So, I'm bored out of my mind. I hate breaks. At least, this year I do. School's so not hard enough to make me need a break. Now I just have to sit around all day and not see anyone. Dumb to the power of 10.

Steph and I have decided that we're going to speak pig latin to eachother from now on. At least when we don't want other people to know what we're saying. We can speak it pretty fast to eachother and we're hoping no one else will be able to keep up. That'd be good. Otherwise we'll have to learn some crazy language, like hungarian. Maybe I should try that. It'd be WAY cool.

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Chao all. Party on, peace.

-Jacqui Jean-

Have a lovely rest of break dear ones.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 December :: 6.08 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: My mixed CD

Last Night.
Okay so, I went to the basketball game last night. It was quite fun. For some majorly freakish reason the band left early, so Steph decided we didn't need to watch the second half. Shelly and I went back to the band hallway and met her there. We were hanging out with people and somehow got on the subject of Shelly being gay (she's not) and then Gangles goes "come on hunny" and puts his arm around Zac. It was funny. Then Liz was talking like a gay man. It was weird. So anyway, after that we left and were gonna' go bowling. Once we got to the bowling alley, however, our plans changed. It was super busy, not a single lane open, and there was a line! So we decided to go back to Cedar and we hung out at McDonalds for a while. It was fun. Then we were really bored so Steph suggested we just go wonder around family fare, so we did. We were looking at cookie dough because we really wanted some, but we didn't wanna' buy it. So on the way out, I was looking at the fake wine and I said "hey guys, we should buy one of those and drink it. We could pass it around and see how many people actually think we're drinking." I was just being a dork, but Shelly really wanted to do that! She thought it sounded awesome. We almost did too, but then Steph's senior-ness came out and she wouldn't let us. Although, she did laugh while we were talking about it.

Yea, that was my night. It was great fun. Bowling would've been better, but not much we could do about it. So yea, it was happy anyway.

All I've done today is watch movies. Not good movies either. I watched Cinderella and Mulan. Yea, I'm that bored. Miranda was here for about a minute earlier. She came for the pop can drive the varsity's doing today. I didn't get to talk to her though. No fun.

Okay I'm done. Chao all. Have a lovely break.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 December :: 4.28 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Blue's clues good bye song.

We're gonna' kill Sparta! Go Hawks!!!
So today marks the beginning of break. Kinda' annoying though. I don't need a long break yet. Maybe a couple days, but I have no need for two weeks off.

I had fun at school.
First hour we watched Freaky Friday.
Second hour we had donuts and did constructions.
Third hour we ate ice cream and watched "The Day After Tomorrow".
Fourth hour we watched the rest of Scrooged.
Fifth hour we ate, broke a pinata and messed around.
Sixth hour we basically messed around. Although, we did draw a little.
So yea, overall fun day. I love my friends. They rock!

Okay I think that's about it. There's a game tonight. You probably know who we're playing because of my subject... but yea, oh well. Steph, Shelly and I are going bowling afterward. It should be joyous even if Paul's not there. (though I majorly hope he is)

Yea, I'm done now. Chao amigos. Feliz Navidad a todos y a todos noche bien.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 15 December :: 8.15 pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: We Are

They say we're not responsible but we are, we are...
So I went with Steph to some NHS thing tonight. We were suppose to help babysit little kids at beach. (I only went because I got to go out to eat. hehe.) Yea, well it turns out that the little function was canceled but the chick that was running it decided to not tell Mrs. VanDerHeide this. It was quite funny. Anyway, Larissa ended up coming over and we played 3 handed eukre for a while. It was fun.

Did you guys know that beach is carpeted now!? And, they have purple lockers! PURPLE!! How awesome is that?!?! They have green and the redish color that we have too. But purple? Come on! I want purple lockers! They even have a climbing wall in the gym! I had to majorly restrain myself from running in there and climbing it. Way un-fair man.

Okay now that I'm done with that. I made two rockin' CD's last night. Both have a bunch of songs that I listened to at a specific time in my life that I loved. Or that are just sentimental and help me remember all the good times. They're really crazy cuz not many of them are the same genre or anything, but I love 'em.

I have 3 tests tomorrow. Mega gayness going on here people. Chemistry-mucho dificil!
Government-slightly hard, but we get to use notes, so yea.
Fun stuff, eh? Oh yea.

Dude! My art project is my favorite so far. All the shapes are different shades of purple and then black depending on the side and the background is yellow. It looks wicked awesome! See when I think my art work is good it's crazy because I hate all my art normally. But I'm really excited about this!! Sorry, just had to freak out there. Oh and, Dufty gave me more time tomorrow because I didn't get it done today and I was working hard. Way awesome. I so love him!

Okay I should go now. Gotta' take a shower. (My gosh I wish we had a bathtub.) Yea, Chao ya'll. Peace.

-Auntie Em-


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 December :: 6.51 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Someone to Die For -Jimmy Gnecco

So, this week is alright so far. The freezing cold thing yesterday, kinda' sucked. But other than that it's good.

Guess what?! In chemistry Friday we get to have ice cream, play pudgy bunny, and watch the holy grail. I only called it that because I have no idea how to spell the first name. hehe. Yea, I'm dumb. I admit it. But anyway, isn't that rockin' cool?! I think so!!! I'm excited times 12.

Do you know what Cory said to me today? He said, in a sarcastic tone might I add, "wow, you're pretty smart for a blonde..." How not nice is that!!?? Grrr on him. (Cory is Rachel Kulak's little brother, in case you didn't know.) He's always mean to me. I guess it works though... everyone in that class is mean to the others. Quite joyful. *rolls eyes* But I love it. What can ya' do?

Miranda's van is crazy. The thing is WAY huge. It has a fricken bed! If she wasn't such a good girl I wouldn't let her drive it. lol. I just find it funny.

Ya' know what Katie says to me constantly? (Katie Link that is.) She says "Why don't you have a boy friend? You haven't had one since I've known you. You need a boy friend Jacqui." I tell you now, that is about the most annoying thing ever! What if I don't want a boy friend? What if by some crazy chance there are just no guys I'm interested in at this exact moment? Of course that's a lie, but still. It's the principal of the matter here people! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.

Okay I'm gonna' stop boring you with my life now. Chao amigos. Peace.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 December :: 8.46 pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: Someone to Die For -Jimmy Gnecco

I got my picture taken with Santa!!
So, it's been an interesting week. The beginning sucked mucho bad, but it got a lot better in the end. I went to the basketball game last night. It was fun. Hung out with a bunch of random people, some I never have before and others that I'm with all the time. It was grand. Then Ariana, Shelly and I went to the dance. Ariana and I got our picture taken with Santa!! Yea! lol. I got to hang out with Kelli. I haven't even seen her in, like, a year. It was awesome.

Today I changed my hair. You'll understand Monday. But yea, I don't know about it. It's a change, but I'll see what happens. It may die. Ya' never know.

We went to Applebees for my Grandma's birthday dinner. It was funish. She got an ice cream sunday and they sang to her. Cool beans.

Yea, Ariana's gone insane!! The girl danced with a certain someone last night who said some majorly corny, but swoon worthy, things to her. So now she's obsessing. She deserves to though, sounds to me like a very eventful dance. So yea, she's called me about 30 times today. Fun stuff man.

Well I suppose I should get ta' gettin'. Chao all. Have a wonderful day ya'll.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 7 December :: 4.27 pm
:: Mood: it swings
:: Music: The Killers - Somebody told me

Happy Birthday Allison!!!
Yea, the new woohu is interesting. Crazy, but I like it.

So I went to the band concert last night. It was good. Very fun filled. At the end we all sang silent night. 'Twas a party times 10. Afterward we went to Big Boy and then Steven walked in and then Ann and Alice came, and then Jenny came. It was so cool. Yummy food man. Grrreat! hehe.

Guess what?! I finally got to drive the hover-round today! How freakin' awesome is that? I was sitting in it and I asked Moredyke if I could drive it and he said yes! I was sooo happy. :) For real, times, like, 20 and a half! Fun fun stuff.

In art, Dufty's letting me draw a room instead of my real two point project because I thought it'd be fun. I love him. Plus he said he'd give me extra credit since this is harder! Boo ya baby! lol. Sorry, I'm just excited.

So did everyone have a good day that will live in imfany? I thought it was okay. This morning I just about shot some people though. Then in geometry Alex and Logan were being dumb. Funny dumb though. They were telling me about a hundred ways that I could kill someone. When I asked them how they knew they said "grand theft auto" so I no longer approve of that game. Of course they also stole some ideas from "Saw". It was crazy. But anyway, since I completely ignored Neier and everything he said Katie was basically on her own with the answers. And ya' know the gay part? Two of the questions we got wrong, I had said the right answer and no one believed me. I was pissed. We got a hugely bad grade. Way worse than normal at least. It was super gay. Oh and in english we're working on a group assignment for our poetry thing and Katie and I got put in a group with these three incredibly obnoxious people. We are the only ones who actually work. I swear. I apologize if I bit anyones head off this morning, but I really didn't realize I was. I was a tad stressed out.
So yea, that's my wonderous morning. Gotta' love it.

I suppose I should go now. I'll talk to everyone tomorrow. Chao.

Love mucho,

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 5 December :: 1.47 pm
:: Mood: lazy

Happy early birthday Al!! I love you!!
This weekend has rocked so, so much. Friday Ariana came over and we went to the play with a bunch of friends. After it was over we talked to our cast member friends and then we took Zac home. In the process of taking him home we found that his last name said backwords sounds like meat slaber. Or meatsleba' as it's said. So that is officially what we call him now! It was funny. Although it's probably one of those, ya' had to be there things.

Saturday we just hung out at my house until 6:30. Then Jenny and Heather came over and we played games and hung out until 10ish. It was a great deal of joyfulness. We played charades and then we used the "creative cat" cards from cranium, it was awesome. I had a wonderful time. Hopefully everyone else did too.

Today we're suppose to go to the store and get some toys for "toys for tots". I'm bringing them into Jungkind and Neier. I love Mr. J so much though. He's giving us 10 points extra credit for each toy, and you can get credit for up to three. It's so insanely cool.

Well that is all. I hope everyone has a happy day. Party on. Chao.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 December :: 7.55 am
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: classmates

At School
Yea, I'm in the computer lab for english. Thing is I'm done with my paper. I just get to sit here and hang out now! Yay!! I wish we were in the library though, then I could read my book. Now we're all here and it's really distracting. I'll end up reading it anyway though most likely.

So I have to re-type my paper. I'm glad that Mrs. Millard read it. Now I know all the things that I need to change from a teachers point of view. Woohu! Sorry, I'm obsessive about english. It's my favorite subject, so I have to get really good grades in it or I'll freak out. hehe. Yea, that's me for ya'. Obsessive.

Well I suppose I should leave now. Party on ya'll. Rock.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 December :: 4.35 pm
:: Mood: sore

Never run then do lunges then run again.
So today wasn't awful. This morning I almost died though. How could we possibly not have a snow day? Come on. But it's all good. It was an okay day really.

I have to finish the final draft of my essay tonight and then tomorrow I can just chill first hour. Awesomeness.

In Neier's class today we had a sub, so when we were done working we pretty much could do anything. Some guys who sit behind us played eukre so we just watched. Not incredibly entertaining, but it worked.

Yea, I really need some ideas for my art project. I don't know how to tie it all together. As of now it's a bunch of boxes with spots added and taken away and more boxes in those. It's not all one... kinda' looks like a bunch of little things combine.

I ran with Hether and Jenny after school today. It was fun. Running yesterday was way harder than running today. Although I doubt it was anywhere near as hard as conditioning will be. My legs are killing me. Bah. Evil lunges. Grrr on you Het, grrr.... I'm just kidding, but it really does kill.

I believe that is all for now. Talk to ya' all tomorrow. Love times 10. Chao.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 November :: 9.11 pm

Changed it!
Woohu! Guess what guys!? My journal's a softball field!!!!!!!! YAY! lol.

Chao all.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 November :: 4.22 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Maroon 5: She will be loved.

Stupid school.
Yea, so I have to write a formal essay on stem cell research for english. It's so gay. I'm for it, obviously, but there are some bad parts and I don't know. I can see both sides. It's gay. So yea, the introduction is due tomorrow and I need a rockin' quote for the attention grabber. (I always use quotes... it's a thing.) Essays are so fun, but formal essays mega suck. Blahg.

In art we're doing this project w/ 2pt perspective.... it's WAY easy!! I love it. Finally, something in that class that comes easily.

Well, I'll talk to ya'll later. Gotta' get going on that essay.

Chao homie


8 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 November :: 9.39 pm
:: Mood: reminicent
:: Music: nothin'

Do all of my choir friends remember the joys of this song?
I really can’t stay (Baby, it’s cold outside)
I’ve got to go ‘way (Baby, it’s cold outside)
The evening has been (I’ve been hopin’ that you’d drop in)
So very nice (I’ll hold your hand, they’re just like ice)

My mother will start to worry (Hey beautiful, what’s your hurry)
And father will be pacing the floor (Listen to that fireplace roar)
So really, I’d better scurry (Beautiful, please don’t hurry)
Well, maybe just a half a drink more (Put some music on while I pour)

The neighbors might think (Baby, it’s bad out there)
Say, what’s in this drink (No cabs to be had out there)
I wish I knew how (Your eyes are like starlight now)
To break this spell (I’ll take your hat, your hair looks swell)

I oughtta say no, no, no sir (You mind if I move in closer)
At least I’m gonna say that I tried (And what’s the sense in hurting my pride)
I really can’t stay (Oh baby, don’t hold out)
Oh, but it’s cold outside

I simply must go (It’s cold outside)
The answer is no (Baby, it’s cold outside)
The welcome has been (So lucky that you dropped in)
So nice and warm (Look out the window at that storm)

My sister will be suspicious (Your lips look delicious)
My brother will be there at the door (I ain’t worried about you brother)
My maiden aunt’s mind is vicious (That ol’ biddy, she ain’t gonna bother me)
Well maybe just a cigarette more (You don’t need no cigarette, it’s smokin’ plenty up in here)

I’ve got to get home (Baby, you’ll freeze out there)
Say, lend me a comb (It’s up to your knees out there)
You’ve really been grand (I thrill when you touch my hand)
Oh, but don’t you see (How can you do this thing to me)

There’s bound to be talk tomorrow (Well, think of my lifelong sorrow)
At least there will be plenty implied (If you caught pneumonia and died)
I really can’t stay (Get over that hold out)
Oh, but baby it’s cold outside

That was my favorite one of the songs we sang in choir. It was so fun. (Although that isn't the exact version... talking about drinking and smoking in a school choir would not have been good. But still.) Especially since Shelly and I always ended up near each other standing next to all the guys. Shelly's fun to sing with, and it was cool to be able to sing to the people who were next to you rather than on the other side of the room.

I really miss that class. That's okay though, I'd rather not deal with the teacher.

I'll talk to ya' later.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 November :: 8.41 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: James Bond

I got a hair cut!
So, today was okay. I got a new hair cut. Don't really like it but there's nothing I can do about that. I'll deal with it for now.

Steph and I were gonna' go bowling today, but she decided it'd be boring w/ just the two of us, so now we're home. It's gay, she always decides, at the last possible second, that she doesn't want to go somewhere. Which, in turn, makes it impossible for me to go. Blahg, that girl... I just don't know. I have to start doing things with other people.

Well, I don't really have much else to say. I'll talk to ya' later. Party on. Chao.


Wanna' dance?

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