<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 11 September :: 11.32 pm
:: Mood: tired

It's late... at least it is for me.
so my parents fell asleep and steph and i were watching the race... so now we get to do whatever we want and go to bed whenever we want. lol. awesomeness.

okay, well, i went bowling last night w/ steph, amy, and ariana. it was fun. then ariana spent the night so that we could go to the tourny together today. we stayed up really late doing our nails though so i was mucho tired this morning. i had about 3 cups of coffee total. and a donut... and bacon and eggs... and lot's of water. so i pretty much woke myself up! lol. anyway. m-dawg and i won 1 game and lost 2... over-all cedar came in 3rd out of 4... yippee!! lol. but since it was our first tourny i don't care. we play at EGR on monday... then sparta wednesday... sparta we'll kill... but east... we'll be killed. oh well, what can ya' do?

well i best be off now. much love ya'll. hasta luego.

-Jay Bean-

tan to white... lol. flip flops rock!! *wink wink* hehe. i love you! bye bye.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 September :: 7.28 pm
:: Mood: chipper

I'll be there for you... cuz you're there for me too...
So, today we had a tennis match at Grant. 3rd hour they came on the announcments and said that we would be riding with the JV and Varsity soccer teams since they were playing in tri county today. But since we had to drop them off we had to leave at 2:30... which just happens to be when school get's out. So we pretty much all asked our teachers to let us out like, 10 minutes early and they were cool with it... though I guess there was an announcment 5 minutes later that let everyone out of class. But since my locker's on the opposite side of the school from my class I figured that 10 minutes was good. So anyway, when we went to change I realized that I forgot my lollies... so I asked everyone and no one had any extra spandex of lollies so I was like freaking out... it is not fun riding a bus full of guys with a skirt barely long enough to cover your butt without lollies on. Not fun at all. Though it was funny looking back on it... oy vay. *smirks* So anyway Heather ended up having a skort w/ spandex in it so I wore that. But still, funny stuff. But yea, we won our match... although it wasn't because we were more skilled or whatever it was because the one chick was in a wheelchair. But Kalli and I do play well together. We're actually a lot alike in the style we play so it works well. Which is good, since we're playing together in the tournament on Saturday.

Well, that's about it. I love ya'll. Talk to ya' later. Adios.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 September :: 8.06 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Jet, Are you gonna' be my girl

You look so fine that I really wanna' make you mine.
Okay so, school started yesterday. I love my classes, I love my teachers... most of them, and I love the people in my classes. So that's cool. So far it's super happy.

Mi madre scheduled my heart thingy for November 10th. So I will be out of school Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... though she said we'd see how I felt Friday and see if I wanted to go... so yea. But after that I can't do anything insanely physical for about a month. Lovely... good thing I don't play winter sports. But I'll be all cool by softball, thank the lord. So yea, that's the update on that subject.

Ya' know the more I go to school the more I dislike being home. That happened last year too, but not this soon. Hmm... odd.

We had a match today. M-dawg and I got our butt's kicked... even though we both served fairly well and played fairly well too. I just don't get it. Oh well... that's how it goes. Tomorrow we have a match at Grant. I hope we do better there... because this week I'm merely considering as practice for the tournament on Saturday. I hope we do well! Oh and by the way... do our uniforms really make us look like cheerleaders?? Cuz Andrew (i don't know his last name) asked us if our uniforms were new cuz he thought we were cheerleaders. lol. I thought it was funny but he really did think that. ha. whatever.

Well I better go now. Love ya'll. Adios.

-Jeanie Bean-

Heather, "you're just a really stupid girl. uh huh, i know..." lol. *wink*

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 September :: 3.11 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Switched

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!!??
First home game's tonight YAY! I have only one thing to say here...

GO RED HAWKS!!!!!!!!!


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 30 August :: 9.43 pm

By: Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band
Roll Me Away

Took a look down a westbound road,
Right away I made my choice.
Headed out to my big two-wheeler,
I was tired of my own voice.
Took a bead on the northern plains
And just rolled that power on.

Twelve hours out of Mackinaw City,
Stopped in a bar to have a brew.
Met a girl, and we had a few drinks,
And I told her what I'd decided to do.
She looked out the window a long, long moment,
Then she looked into my eyes.
She didn't have to say a thing,
I knew what she was thinkin'.

Roll, roll me away,
Won't you roll me away tonight?
I too am lost, I feel double-crossed,
And I'm sick of what's wrong and what's right.
We never even said a word,
We just walked out and got on that bike,
And we rolled,
And we rolled clean out of sight.

We rolled across the high plains,
Deep into the mountains.
Felt so good to me
Finally feelin' free.

Somewhere along a high road,
The air began to turn cold.
She said she missed her home.
I headed on alone. Oh!

Stood alone on a mountain top,
Starin' out at the Great Divide.
I could go east, I could go west,
It was all up to me to decide.
Just then I saw a young hawk flyin',
And my soul began to rise,
And pretty soon, my heart was singin'

Roll, roll me away,
I'm gonna roll me away tonight.
Gotta keep rollin', gotta keep ridin',
Keep searchin' till I find what's right.
And as the sunset faded
I spoke to the faintest first starlight,
And I said, "Next time,
Next time we'll get it right."
Roll me away. Roll me away. Roll me away.

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 30 August :: 8.58 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: I want to break free -the C2 commercial

more pencils more books more teachers dirty looks. ain't school grand?
So orientation was today. lovely. Pinhead talked forever about stupid crap, lectured us about the dress code then let everyone else lecture us about the other stuff. FUN! lol. But hey, it was worth it to see everybody again. I missed them all. So far I have at least one friend in all my classes! Sweetness mucho!!

Here's my schedule:

1: sophmore comp and lit -Millard
2: geometry -neier
3: chemistry -jungking
4: government -london
5: spanish 2 -warwick
6:intro to drawing and design -dufty

That's it. I enjoy it. It's a good schedule.

So does anyone know when lunches are or is that a first day thing to find out?? I wanna' know though! That's the single best hour of the day!!

Well I'll talk to ya'll later. Have a good last week of summer. Rock on.

Hasta Luego friends!


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 August :: 7.47 pm
:: Mood: angry

I'm so sick of you people.
For those of you who don't even know me who have just been saying bad things about or to me for no good reason could ya' just grow up. Yea, "you caused me one problem, now you should die" that's mature. Now lets go play ring-around-the-rosy! yay!! I'm sorry if I upset people with my opinion, but it's my fricken journal and if you have such a problem with it then don't read it!! I'm sorry if you hate me because of work, when it comes down to it I probably dislike you as well, so that's no biggie. I'm sorry that I happen to think it's fun to listen to old music just for fun, and I'm sorry that I like movies that have morals and that can make me feel like a little kid whos biggest concern was scrapping her knee. I'm sorry that you all hate me because you'll hate anyone your friends hate, because that's what alot of you seem to have done. But what I'm truly sorry for is making my friend, a friend that I've had since I was 2 years old think I didn't like her, and think that I didn't want her near me. I'm sorry if I made her and her boss have a problem with eachother. But I honestly think that she'd have been more mad if her 3 friends would've been taken out and she had been left. Which would've been what had happened if we would've told Ellen only about the ones who truly upset us.

So there ya' go. You can think I'm a whiney, spoiled little brat if you want. You can think that I'm hateful and that I should die. You can think whatever you want about me, because I don't care what you think. I care what Kate thinks. Because Kate has been the only friend that has stood by me since we first met. And hopefully she still will, even after how stupid I've been to her. I'm sorry Kate. It was stupid of me to think that you wouldn't stand up for me, and it was stupid of me not to talk to you about what was bothering us. I should've known you'd understand. And by the way, we really didn't have a problem with your music. I thought it was good.


11 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 August :: 4.07 pm
:: Mood: cheerful

it's raining it's pouring...
dang am i glad we got out of work when we did. it's coming down HARD! and i can hear the thunder already. so, i had a much better day today. we complained about the morons in our crew... well actually, our crew leader complained... but still. so they got taken out, yay! today we had cory cain, jeremy laatz, peter, katie falk, shelly, shawna, me, and these two guys who don't talk. it was fun. jeremy, shelly, cory, and i were having this massive tassel fight... it was great fun.

so yea, my grandma-ma is here now! yay!!! she only comes once a year and stays for a week at our house, a week w/ my aunt jeri, and a week w/ my aunt ida (her sister). it's fun when she comes! next year we get to go back to her house. i'm already looking forward to it. i love it there, plus it means seeing her twice a year instead of just once! yay!!!

this friday i'm spending the night at my aunt's house and i'm going to the coast guard festival w/ her then again saturday and then i'm coming home sunday. i get to watch the parade and the musical fountain! it's gonna' rock. plus emalie and brad are my two favorite cousins and abby can be pretty cool too. so i'm mucho excited! can't wait. well i g2g now. check ya' later. hehe. love ya' adios.

-Jacquelyn Jean-

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 July :: 5.11 pm
:: Mood: moody
:: Music: weakest link

Life is short so love the one ya' got, cuz ya' might get run over or ya' might get shot.
So I was in a REALLY bad mood today. I got up way too early, to go to a job I hate. Then It was super cold in the morning and the corn was icky and wet. Kaylen finally decided to show up, not that that's a good thing. I hate her. Kate, Stacy and Lisa kept complaining about our music so we listened to theirs, remind me never to agree to that again. I don't tend to like people screaming at me to a beat. Kinda' stupid. So yea, that was fun. It was pretty fun listening to now 2 though. Talk about a flash back. They had two backstreet boys songs which Shelly and I danced to as if we were in boy bands. It was hilarious. But yea, Shawna, Shelly's cousin, is the most annoying girl ever! I swear she is. She kept throwing tassels at Stephy and I. We even ignored her and she did it. At one point she threw whole stalks at us! Little brat. Luckily her sister is our crew leader and she told her to stop. Lordy, that girl. I'm really quite sick of work. I want tennis back. It sooths me. Especially since this year we don't have to deal with the soccer players and their loud music, *cough* Keagen *cough*. So anyway, yea, it sucks at work. I have to work there 6 days a week. How sucky is that. My whole schedual is thrown off. I think Saturday is Friday and Sunday is Saturday. It's so annoying. Plus I get soooooooo tired. I almost fell asleep on the tracter today. I'm really close to falling asleep now. So anyway. I'll stop complaining now. Love ya'. Adios.


11 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 July :: 4.43 pm

About my last previous entry.
Okay so here's the thing. I totally understand where those of you who are for gay/lesbian rights are coming from. I too know homosexual people and know that they can be very nice people. If it sounded like I was judging all homosexual's then I'm sorry. That was not at all my intent in writing that entry. I was merely trying to express my opinion. I do have to say though, that I am still very much against gay rights. I don't believe that it is right. The way I see it, God has a planned time for when this world will end and the resurection will happen but I do not believe that absolutely everything happens for a reason. If you want a reason just think about 9/11. Do you honestly think that all the people who died did so for a reason. All of the thousands of people?! I think not. For some, even most, I don't believe it was there time to go. For some it may well have been but not for all, no way. So you see I disagree w/ the fact that homosexuality happened for a reason. It just happened. Maybe because someone grew up w/o any love from their parent who was of the same sex and thought they could make up for it by being w/ someone of their same sex. I don't quite understand that part myself. But I know that nature didn't intend for it to be that way and therefore, in my opinion, it shouldn't. That's all I have to say on the matter. I hope that makes you all understand more where I was coming from.

Oh sorry, one more thing. I'm sorry if not all of you read the Bible and I offended you by saying that you should. However I do not appreciate that one person said that some people may not want to live there life by a book. Because to me it's not just a book. It is God's word. The word of the highest power in the universe, and I intend to live by it.



The two people remained nameless, I respect your opinions, but it would be easier to respect them if I knew who the person who had that opinion was. So if you'd like to let me know who you are that'd be great. Thank-you.

5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 July :: 8.15 pm

Taking a stand.
Okay, I have to voice my opinion. I'm sorry if you disagree w/ it, but it's an opinion. So get over it. You have them to.

This whole gay/lesbian thing has been going on for so long that I don't even know when it started. It just annoys me that it even started. Hello people, read the bible! It says that marriage is suppose to be between a man and a woman. NOT between to people of the same sex. I'm sorry but that's how it is. If people were meant to be gay then it would be possible for two people of the same gender to have children together without having to adopt. That is just the way it has always worked.

Well that's my opinion. I said it. If you don't like it then that's your problem now isn't it?

Bye now dears.

14 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 July :: 7.43 pm
:: Mood: oh i don't know
:: Music: Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows

So no one told you life was gonna' be this way. Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.A.
Hello there children! Okay so this is gonna' be an entry full of some venting and some happiness... just depends. So here goes.

I started work yesterday. We're detassling. It's horrible. I hate it. I wish it would die. But I get money and a tan so whatever. But I still hate it. And it used to be the one place I could get away from my cousin and her stupid little friends but now the two friends of hers I dislike most are working there along w/ her. THAT IS NOT SUPPOSE TO HAPPEN!!!!!!! I dislike her soooo much you have no idea. The only reason we even speak to eachother is because we're family. Not that that doesn't apply to half the school but still.

Okay so story of yesterday.
I went to work until noon then my grandma took Steph and I out to lunch w/ my great grandma too. Then we dropped the great one off and went to my grandma's house. We rented movies and watched 1 and a half. Then Jake called and asked if we wanted to come hang out w/ him. Well as you all know it was storming and so my mom didn't want us to go until it was over. So he gave us directions then we waited out the storm and went over to his house... or we tried. We got lost cuz he told us the wrong road. So we called him to see if he could tell us how to get there from where we were. He couldn't, so we got more lost. Then he's like "just stay where you are and I'll meet you there" so we did. But Steph decided to turn off the car while we waited for him to get there. So he got there and Steph went to turn on car, but nothing happened. All it did was make a clicking noise. Now I know that when it does that it means that the battery's dead. Jake and Steph knew that too. But the radio, wipers, and lights still worked. It was weird. So we tried everything else we could think of and nothing worked. So after about an hour of this we decided to just leave the car and go back to Jake's to chill for a while and call his brother. Unfortunetly his brother wasn't around. So we spent about an hour there and then went back to the car to see if it would work. By some miracle the car was still there. (we were so afraid it'd get stolen) Well it still wouldn't start. We were standing there trying to think of something else that could be wrong when Mike(last name unknown), Cory Kirkstra (sp?), and Kevin Scuitman came by. They saw it was us and asked if they could help. They went to get a wrench from Mike's house and Jake tried to mess with the battery cable, which didn't work. Finally after all of us had brainstormed what to do and failed miserably we decided to push it into the church that was up the road and around the corner. So Mike, Jake, Cory and I pushed the car while Steph steered and Kevin drove Mike's car. That was joyful. So we finally get to the church and Jake goes in to look for the paster and tell him what's going on. And while inside found out that this was Deanna's dad's church. Joy. So this guy came out and told us to push the car up against the building so no one would mess with it. So we did that. Then the guys drove Jake back to his car and he came back and hung out w/ us until our parents got there. Turns out we were right in the first place and the battery was dead... pretty much. So we said good-bye and good night and went home. We didn't get to bed until 11 so waking up super early for work sucked bad. It was so not fun. But yea, at least I now know how to get around that part of town! yay!! lol.

Well that's about it for today. Talk to ya'll later. Mucho amor. Adios.

-Jeanie Bean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 July :: 5.30 pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: WGRD

Nothing Else Matters -Metallica
So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I don't just say

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No nothing else matters

I love love love this song. LOVE IT!!!! lol. Need it to keep me happy. That's how much I love it! Awesome. One of Metallica's best in my opinion. Rock on.

6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 July :: 5.03 pm
:: Mood: happy happy joy joy
:: Music: the wonderful sound of a pounding hammer.

Sparta town and country days ROCK!!!!!
I had a kick bootay weekend! Yesterday we took the Falcon and my grandparents coupe up to the town and country days car show. It was sooo fun!! We watched the parade then got lunch came back and chilled. Of course we looked at all the cars and talked to friends of my grandma's. Then we were gonna' cruise to Rosie's but we didn't cuz it was gonna' rain and the coupe has no hood. It does... but it doesn't fit. So anyway, today we went to the tractor races. It was AWESOME!!!!!! My grandparents and mom are friends w/ Jim and Donna Macula (sp?). Jason, their son, is sooo the coolest person in the world. He's way older than me so no I don't like him... but he's just so awesome. His wife had her baby yesterday so he skipped the parade. But he raced today and kicked everyones butts... he was the only one on the lead lap! It was awesome. He lapped his own father! lol. Course right after that Jim's ti-rod (sp?) broke so he had to stop anyway. But it was cool. Jason's sister, Brandy, and her baby, emma, were there. I got to hold emma. she's the cutest little thing ever. When the races started she kept making noise to drown out the noise of the tractors. It was so adorable!! Oh and guess what?! I have decided to become a tractor racer. How cool would that be?? It looks super fun! My grandpa said he'd make me a racing engine if I did. Greatness. I really want to! You only have to be 13 so I could. I wanna' be like Jason. He's SO good. And he's nice. He gave his trophy to this little kid he didn't even know. AND he signed it! How awesome is that? It was so sweet. So yea, it was cool.

Well about it for me. Love ya' mucho. Adios. Rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 July :: 4.23 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Disney channel

It's hot sunny, and storming! crazy stuff.
well i'm just sitting here, boredish. steph and i washed and waxed our car today and now my arm hurts even worse than it did yesterday. fun stuff.

so what's everyone else been up to? hope your summers are going well. Guess what?! JENNY'S BACK!!!!!! yay! actually she was back like a week ago... but i only was able to write that today! hehe. oh well, whatever.

well i suppose i'll leave now. adios!

love ya' mucho,


Wanna' dance?

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