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:: 2003 22 January :: 5.31pm

::breathes a huge sigh of relief::

Well for those of you who don't know I broke up w/Marc on Sun. night. According to his journal hes already found some girl that sounds wonderful so i'm happy for him.

Me on the other hand, I am so content with my life right now with the exception of an absence in the boy department but I think I have someone in mind... I think i'll leave it at that, let you cool kids guess haha

My weekend was pretty good, just hung out for the most part & met a really cool kid named Brian who reminds me of a hippy kinda.

Things are beginning to get hectic w/all my piano/band crap I've gota do but in a few short weeks it'll all be over till next year :0P

The Costa Rican exchange students have finally arrived after what seems like forever. The kids all seem pretty cool but I'm kinda worried... made me realize how much Espanol I DON'T know lol I guess this summers' guna be interesting then... who knows.

Well... this is starting to feel pretty worthless soooo keep your fingers crossed for boys for Vivi!

10 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 19 January :: 12.45pm

emotional fuck-wits.

oh and to you, you self absorbed bastard, fuck off. Fuck-wit.

Anywhoo, an excellent weekend so far :0)

Fri: Jessie & Tamara came over & then we went 2 Dennys w/Chris.

Sat: music theory class, piano lesson, gota call from Steven Chris telling me he won 4 matches but ended up breaking his nose lol around 9ish Shaun & Marc picked me up & we went 2 c Steven Chris' broken nose (I couldn't tell) but he put his wrestling spandex on and oh boy let me tell you... lol Well.. I"ve got pictures!!!! We left Steven Chris' and Shaun gave me the grand tour of west Boca & where they all grew up. Then we tried to go to Wendys but the damn place wasn't open. Some obnoxious kids were screaming at the drive thru thing, it was quite amusing. Then we ended up just pointlessly driving to Hillsboro where we ended up at Checkers. On the way there Chris decided to get naked and I got a pic of that too :0P Lets see.. after Checkers we ended up at Don Carters where the first thing we hear when we walk in is "And now, updates from the thong contest..." they were trying to get me to pull down my skirt but nope. no can do from Vivi haha. We got back in the car & Chris got naked again. We tried to find Shawn and Teirney but they were nowhere to be found so we dropped Chris off at 12:30 and drove to the other Chris' house where we sat in Shauns car & talked for a good hour & a half. We discovered that I can put my legs behind my head lol approx 2AM i got returned and.. i went to sleep?

Sun: Orchestra today ... urghh.

I'm guna be in a ska band?? haha yes i am :0)

9 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 16 January :: 9.50pm
:: Mood: anxious

complex transmission
fourth reich culture: americana. (ill save this for another day.)

anyways, have you ever stopped to think that everything happening around you is a chemical reaction? what you see, taste, feel, smell, hear. what you see is just reactions being turned into electrical and chemical signals your brain can process. same with smell, taste, hearing, etc. so in turn, is that what life just is? an existance that can be rationalized through logic and chemical processes?

what about the thought process? what is the chemical process that allows me to think, to create. what makes me suddendly think of something like a game of Halo during a class, gives me an imagination, etc..? this realm of existance is far too complex.

and so the general population stops there. i'd say most dont even question "who" they are. people just lay down their arm of inquiry and accept something along the lines of "god created me as a complete and unique entity, and anything else is irrelevent."

im not one to subscribe to this belief; in fact it makes me sick. the fact that people dont question who they are, what goes on inside their cerebrum, why they are even here. I want to know what the hell makes me tick. do the things i do. why i'm here living life. because to me god is dead. just being born is not good enough. simplicity is extinct. if anyone out there with views and opinions on existence and life would like to share, please do so. feedback is appreciated.

11 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 14 January :: 5.03pm

Lesson of the day: Don't sit on beds half naked in boy's rooms.

Anywho, if you don't know about my last entry then don't worry about it.. just follow my advice above lol

Besides the "incident" i've been doing pretty good which is a huge step up from my usual "eh" <- for those of you who know me well.

I have a wonderful boy now heh :0) we're working through some things but everyone seems to like him and assures hes a keeper :0P

Hes also got excellent friends of which one in particular is super nice and puts up with more of my rambling and crap then all of you! lol <3 for Steven Chris :0P

Right well for those of you who have asked or even remotely care this is the link to his journal (Marc's)


18 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 12 January :: 1.09am

oh my god... o my god o my god o my god o my god o my god...

i'm so sorry...

what the fuck ... i don't know what to say...

i'm so sorry

1 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 11 January :: 6.35pm

Gypsy10071: hi
picsxstarsxdream: hey!
Gypsy10071: i hate you and heidi and jessica
Gypsy10071: you all keep going out and having fun
Gypsy10071: i get to sit at home and eat cookies and cry
Gypsy10071: so what's up?
picsxstarsxdream: lol
picsxstarsxdream: nooo cry
picsxstarsxdream: find a boy!
picsxstarsxdream: TYLER!
Gypsy10071: i hate you
Gypsy10071: so much
Gypsy10071: so very much
Gypsy10071: now i'm really depressed
picsxstarsxdream: don't hate me :0(
Gypsy10071: i can't stay mad at you
picsxstarsxdream: :0)

haha its grand being happy!!!

<3s for Rose

Rose + TBob = <3 haha

2 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 11 January :: 1.12am

God i'm happy!
My date = soo excellent!!!

wow. lol geez i'm a dork (yeah.) Heidi, Jessie & I are the pimpest girls in the world!!!!! All 3 of us successfully had the most incredible nights and ahhhhh!!!

It was actually funny.. we were guna meet at Starbucks @ 9:30 and I had Chris and Jenn looking for him because I was a chicken shit.. while we were waiting we bumped into Jacob's (Heidi's boyfriend)little sister Sarah & that was pretty cool.. I also ran into Canadian Dave's little sister Jen!

So yeah he go there... exactly 8min before I decided I was leaving. He brought me Bob the Builder stickers & I am forever indebted to him haha it was really sweet though and it just made him that much more wonderful lol well we talked for awhile then chilled @ Borders then Kevin came around 11 and we went to Mizeraks where Marc & I won 3 games of pool (i wish lol)

It was such an excellent night... I don't want it to end...ever lol

picsxstarsxdream: curious. what did your friends say?
The Cow and I: like what?
The Cow and I: well.. they talked about how like close we where and how we hit it off
The Cow and I: and like how they thought it would not work

1 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 9 January :: 9.00pm
:: Mood: cheerful

i had a great conversation with you today. who knows how long the river runs. or more importantly, how deep?



:: 2003 8 January :: 8.18pm

Hello. My head hurts less now,thank you hehe

School is actually very excellent so far with the exception of everyone getting kicked out :0( TOK is very interesting too bad Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance isn't.

I met a boy that is wonderful.. Weird eh? It seems kind of weird but hes really cool and I think he enjoys talking to me (hope so anyways lol) Lets see... he likes Radiohead (like canadian Dave) and hes really into SKA and we have excellent conversations :0P hes NOT a republican, not gay haha, a nice guy so far. Maybe after yoga we'll get married heh (that ones for you :0P)

I think for the first time in a long time i'm in an excellent mood. This is kind of nice.

7 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 5 January :: 9.54pm
:: Mood: in pain... lots and lots of freakin pain

snow = overrated.

sooo Vivi's snowboarding adventures recap: 1st day = very very very frustrating... i could get down the stupid bunny slope but i had no idea how to stop so everytime i wanted 2 slow down or stop i'd totally wipe out... VERY VERY PAINFUL!!! that was at Kirkwood by the way.
Today was a LOT better (well kinda)we went to Heavenly which is a HUGEEE resort on the border of Cali and Nevada. The first run of the day approx 9:00am was ehhhhh evenutally got down lol decided to take a sitter till my 11:00am private lesson. Private lesson = excellent. The best thing I could have done (plus my instructor Adam was soooooooooooooooooooooo HOT!!!!) that actually made the lesson harder cuz I wasn't really paying attention :0P Well... he did teach me a lot though... I can now officially control the stupid board and am an intermediate snowboarder :0D haha welllll I did about 11 runs today which isn't bad... only had 1 bad wipeout (not my fault.. stupid kid skiiers..) lets see... best run of the day would have to be all the way down & fell once at the bottom to avoid hitting skiiers inline for the lift (yay go me!)

That part of the day was just dandy... but around 3:20pm all hell struck (this is guna beat your story Lana!)I went up the lift again in the single line so they paired me up w/a double. 2 boarders... i was on the right. Well... for those of you who don't know where you're sitting on the lift is where you're supposed to go to get off..(left veers to the left, middle goes straight etc) well i was perfectly ready to get off veering towards the right. I was okay but unfortunately the stupid kid in the middle decided to veer to the right also. He ended up clipping me and i fell leaving the chair lift thing to come around and drag me by my hair 3ft backwards (it sucked) when the stupid lift finally stopped i pulled my head away, heard a loud rip and saw like half of my hair hanging off of the chair lift. Fun. I wasn't too happy... kinda ruined the end of my day. Luckily I have no bald spot.. proly just gota get the back evened out.

Ride home was long. Tal... ehh i'll write bout him in a later entry. I guess a pretty good day over all. I'd definately like to do it again :0)

I come home tomorrow, weeeee!

5 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 3 January :: 9.52pm

My bestfriend Tal from elementary school is here now Weee! Spent the whole day w/him in the bay area = lots of fun! Now hes playing video games w/my lil bro. Tomorrow ehh 4:30am we leave for Kirkwood to go skiing!!!! ehh snowboarding? heh should be loads of fun. The next day we're going to Heavenly which is supposed to be the best ski place around soo yay! then Vivi returns on the 5th & stupid school starts again.

so far an excellent break :0)

4 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 1 January :: 1.25pm

u know your in band too long when:

~You hear music and mark the time
~You walk in step with the person in front of you
~You don't mind changing on the bus
~All the guys/girls in which you are interested are in the band
~You like your uniform
~You've had a trombone-ectomy
~You consider your drill book a necessary fashion accessory
~You practice your instrument more than you talk to your dog
~You consider getting mauled by a drum a part of normal life
~An armed guard means a girl with a pole, not a guy with a gun
~When alone, you suffocate -- no one tells you to breathe
~You name your instrument
~You know your instrument's birthday but forget your mom's
~You can make brown shoes look white
~Your uniform fits
~You see your section more than you see your family
~You think evening practice should last half an hour longer
~You accidentally call your director Dad/Mom
~You CAN sight read
~You can put on your uniform in under 10 minutes
~Your reed tastes yummy
~You think your plume is alive
~Marking tie is your favorite form of exercise
~You have neck strap harness tan lines (right drummers?)
~Numbers past eight aren't important anymore
~Letters past G aren't important anymore
~When you roll step through the cafeteria, you don't spill your lunch
~When everyone in the band fights like family
~When you practice so long the color guard is together
~You know not only your part, but everyone else's as well
~You eat lunch in the band room
~You possess two instruments:
~a good one for concert and a junky one for marching band
~You can't go to movies on the weekend with friends
~You don't see your parents on the weekend
~Your free time is spent doing homework
~Drummers actually seem to make sense
~Your furniture is dented because of you banging drumsticks on it
~The ego of the trumpet section seems normal
~You got all the jokes on this list.

7 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2003 1 January :: 3.55am

finally everyone left. I was the dish/serve slave of the night.. fun. Boring.

A new year, hopefully a better one.

Goodnight everyone <3



:: 2002 31 December :: 12.20pm

8 hrs back from Vegas. Listened to Mayonaise on repeat over 100 times. Finally I feel empty. Some people are envious of me, they shouldn't be.

For the past hour I've sat here reading everybodys' entries since the 27th. I made a comment to Andy about how depressing it was reading bout everyone bitching and moaning but then i ask myself, what is this? thats what my life has been reduced to, endless bitching and moaning? yeah.the end.

Vegas: ate way too much. Saw "O" = excellent. gambled illegally :-O!.

I miss it all

8 People Fired | Ready..Aim..


:: 2002 25 December :: 9.23am

and the xmas recap :0P actually we cheated and opened our presents last night lol wow i just realized the times still in eastern time and i'm in western time... so excluding this one all of the other entries i've made here in Cali are supposed to be 3hours earlier :0P
~ gold watch (because I never wore silver jewelry but now everyone got that 4 me sooo i may reevaluate lol)
~ skirt
~ lots of ca$h :0)
~ about $5000 i can't get my hands on
~ ipod <- someone please enlighten me lol

about the whole ipod deal.. my uncle had me guessing all day what he had gotten me telling me that it started w/an "i" and was related to music... of course i'm living in the damn stone ages so i had no idea what a freaking ipod was... so yeah. before my brother opened up his last gift he was already willing to trade with me. Now, what the hell do you do with it!

hope everyone had a great day <3

4 People Fired | Ready..Aim..

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