<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 9 November :: 6.36 pm
:: Mood: blank

zero homework has been done.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go upstairs and listen to la musica. Okay? Okay. Chao mis amigos.

-Jacquelyn Jean-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 November :: 4.41 pm
:: Mood: freakin' out.

I'm scared out of my mind.
Okay, after school today I gave Ariana a hug goodbye and she kept saying "Don't die!" and that just made me think about the fact that I could die (though it's very unlikely). So now I'm freaking out because of this whole thing and... agh! I don't know. I'm majorly hyper though. I can't sit still... at all. lalala, okay I need to chill. Someone come hang out with me. That would rock, if someone just randomly showed up at my house. That would SO rock.

Blahg. I'm bored. For real... there's nothing to do here at all. Meh, I wish I lived around more people. It'd be way more fun.

Well, s'pose I should go now. Maybe I'll get started on some homework... doubt it... but maybe. Love ya' mucho all. Chao.

-Jacqui Jean-

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 November :: 8.00 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Michael Buble

Crazy little thing called love...
I am so in love with Michael Buble! For real, you have no idea. He's amazingly gorgeous, sings almost exactly like Frank Sanatra and is really funny. He's perfect. You have to know all this is true because celebrity crushes are so not my thing, but this man is to die for. Ahh... I'm in love. lol.

Okay this CD would be like, the perfect romantic dinner type thing. lol. Really, it would. A bunch of jazz music, most of which is all lovey dovey, sung by a guy with a voice straight from heaven. I mean come on, what's bad?? My gosh, it's just insane.

Well now that I'm done babbling about the hottest man alive. *wink*

Okay, I used to totally hate Christmas music. I mean, despise it. But Steph was playing today and I really enjoyed listening. So I took out this old tape of my dads and listened to it. It was nice, kinda' reminded me of visiting my grandma. (We always used to go just before Christmas and that's all that was on the radio.) It was a nice feeling. Let's just hope this phase passes quickly... after all, I don't celebrate it. lol.

That's all for now folks. Chao!


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 November :: 4.20 pm
:: Mood: chipper

1 more day...
I was so hyperactive today! For real. I think it might just have been my overtiredness but it was nuts.

Yesterday rocked my socks. Jen and Heather came over and we laughed like, the whole time. At one point Jenny started laughing really hard and she sounded like a hyperventalating mouse! lol. Which obviously made a Heather laugh and she was shaking (because she always does when she laughs) so Steph and I started cracking up! It was awesome. For real. They scared me by turning the lights in the living room off and holding up this fiberoptic stick thing. It was creepy, cuz Jen was on one knee with her head all bowed and stuff. My gosh it was scary. But yea, fun stuff. Rob stopped by for a little bit... but he had to work so it was only like, a half hour.

Well guys, there's only one more day until the cath. Tomorrow I have a feeling I'll be freaking out majorly. So I apologize in advace if I act weird. Bah... I'm scared. I feel so loved though! Bunches of people are gonna' come visit me!!! How cool is that? I would so do the same thing for them, but I hope I never have to!

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Love mucho ya'll. Have happy days.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 6 November :: 8.37 pm
:: Mood: slightly tired
:: Music: Most outrages game show moments 3

"My stupid mouth, has got me in trouble. I've said too much again." -John Mayer
Yesterday was awesomely fun. I saw 'The Incredibles' with Jenny and Ariana. It was rockin' good. The funniest movie I've seen in a long time. For real, if you haven't seen it yet, you should!

So today I basically just cleaned. I made my part of the room all purty and I cleaned the bathroom (icky!) and I mowed the lawn. So now I have a total of $11! Woohu!! lol. Well, I will at least, once I get payed. But yea, it's better than the 5 dollars I had yesterday... so I'm happy.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm gonna' have a couple people over to hang out and such. Should be quite fun. yay! I haven't just had my friends over to hang out in forever. Normally we go to a movie or go to some event or something. We rarely just chill. Should be fun and interesting.

Well, that's about it. Love to you dears.

-Jacqui Jean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 4 November :: 9.09 pm
:: Mood: my mind hurts.
:: Music: People who live with me.

"Suck Deal!!" -Lizzie

It's days like today that make you thankful for tomorrow.

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 November :: 4.10 pm
:: Mood: energetic

The accident.
Okay, the accident I talked about was when Corbin died. Ariana liked him when it happened and still isn't quite over the whole thing. So yea, that's it.

love mucho.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 November :: 6.58 pm
:: Mood: bouncy

GO BUSH!!!!!!!
I am so hyper, it's crazy! For real. I stayed at school today until like 4:15... it sucked. I hung out w/ Jenny, Allie, and Shelly it was fun... until they left. I was alone for about a half an hour. Bah... I hate being alone at school. It's just plain creepy! Plus, Mr. Robuck left early to vote (for Kerry... grrrrrrrr) so I didn't even get to hang out with the band people like I usually do. It was SO not cool.

La la la. OMG. Ariana reminded me, the 10th is the anniversary of "the accident" and that's just sad. She was going crazy because she said it'll be harder to think about it w/ me not there. I kinda' felt loved, but mostly I felt bad for her. Pobrecita.

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Smallville is on. My gosh I love that show!!!!! Later loves.

-Jay Bean-

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 November :: 9.17 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: LAV

Woohu is getting kinda' boring. That's just crazy. I still love it and all, I just don't find it as entertaining.

I actually know everything he said we're suppose to for chem. I have a notecard w/ the atomic theory on it and I'll add more if I need to. Plus, I'm bringing my cd player and goo goo dolls cd because that's what I was listening to when I was studying so I though it'd probably help. I'm super prepared... now lets just hope it doesn't turn out like the last time I thought I was prepared... that'd suck.

I'll talk to ya'll later. Have fun kids.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 31 October :: 3.19 pm
:: Mood: lazy

Weekend fun.
Well, this has been a semi-eventful weekend. Friday Ariana came over and hung out at my house and then we met her mom to go to card night. That was awesome! I was suppose to spend the night at her house but I felt like crap and ended up just going home. On Saturday I woke up pretty late and felt a lot better... thank the lord. My mom, Steph and I went to the cow pie bingo thing. It was a horrible day man... so windy. But the cows were entertaining and I had fun. Plus we got candy... that so totally rocked! Ellie, Liz, Rob, little Bill and I made a "warm train" behind Ellie's mom. It worked quite well actually. Yea, fun stuff. After the cow pie thing, which by the way Ms. Brown won, we went to Big Boy w/ Kim, Lauren and mi abuelita. It was fun. We just got dessert. Then we dropped Kim and Lauren off and got two movies, 'Secret Window' and '13 going on 30'. We'll be watching those tonight. Then we went to family fare and got popcorn to eat while watching the movies and dinner. Today has been slow. I woke up at... I think it was 11:50ish... but I'm not sure. I don't know which clocks are right and which clocks are wrong... stupid power outage. Bah.

Yep that's about the extent of goodness in my weekend.

Oh my goodness. I watched "The Hollow" last night... BAD idea. It was so creepy!! But it was a darn good movie until the very end. That part was just corny.

Yep that's about it. I'll see ya'll later. Have a good rest of Halloween!!! Rock on all.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 28 October :: 7.40 pm
:: Mood: gooda

I'm cold. Brrr. I left early today! It was rockin'. I went to visit Doc Florentine so that he could tell me about the procedure and such. He said I could die. lol. I thought it was funny. I doubt that... there's like a one in a billion chance or something dumb like that. So I'm not too worried. But yea, then I got my blood drawn. I didn't even feel it... they gave me numbing stuff so yea, that's cool. Two weeks from today I'll be all done. Oh, and guess what!? He said I probably would be able to do indoor tennis!!!!! BOO YAH baby! I'm so excited about that. I really wanted to this year, since last year I only got to go once.

Lalala. I'm really quite hyper at the moment. In art today we watched a movie... it was okay. I think I'd give it a 7 out of 10 on the good movie scale. But it was dumb cuz all I could do was sit there... normally I at least get to talk! Sheesh. lol, j/k.

OMG! Guess what!!!!?? The nurse at the doctors office let me choose a sticker and so did the blood drawer lady since I was in the peds section! It was awesome. I got a Bob The Builder sticker and (this rocks so hard) a red sticker w/ a dog that's jumping up in the air and above the dog it says "Yo soy especial". Is that rockin' or what?????!!!!!! I am so in love with that sticker!!! Rock the heck on!

Yea, I'm staying after tomorrow and playing tennis w/ Ariana. Unless it's raining... then we're gonna' hang out inside and talk or something.

I'm talking to Tyler. I love Tyler. I miss him... he needs to come back to Cedar.

Okay I'll talk to ya'll later. Happy almost Friday! Rock on.

Love mucho.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 27 October :: 5.11 pm
:: Mood: chipper

Today rocked my socks!

I had such a fun day. 6th hour was my favorite. I'm done w/ my project so all I do is sit around and talk to people. Jamie and I were talking like, the whole hour. He kept making fun of me! It was so mean. But he's fun so I forgive him.

Espanol has never been easier... I don't quite get why anyone would think learning another language is hard. It's crazy.

Okay guys read my entry from last time K? You all need to come and dress up and make your siblings come and dress up and have a jolly good time! It'll be fun, I think. Since we've never done this before I couldn't really say. But Steph and I are going and we're gonna' dress up and help out w/ the chitlins. It should be a good time. So make me the happiest person on Earth and come! I'll love you forever I swear. Oh and I put great emphasis on band people to come too... cuz it is for you guys after all.

Okay I must be off now. Love mucho ya'll. Rock on.

-Jacqui Jean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 October :: 8.18 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Goo Goo Dolls

Fun Events!
Okay people. Saturday from 2-4pm is the Cow Pie Bingo raffle party thing. It's a costume party for the children and anyone else who wants to dress up. The costumes will be judged. It's gonna' be fun! Well, it might be fun. It has patential anyway. If you come I'll be the happiest person on Earth... so yea, please come! Don't worry you don't have to buy anything, sell anything or work. I think.... But yea. It should be interesting.

Talk to ya'll later. Adios!


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 October :: 7.11 pm
:: Mood: anti-busy
:: Music: Goo Goo Dolls

Why can't the moon stay full forever?
Okay so here's what I haven't told ya'll yet.

Saturday: I went to Rip and Kenda's anniversary party. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. I danced a lot. It was weird hanging out with my cousins. I don't normally do that... well at least not those cousins. But yea, I have a lot more family then I thought I did. Craziness man, craziness. After we left the party I went w/ Steph, Larrissa, Ariana and Nicole (Ariana's cousin) to see Shark Tales. Good movie. Quite hilarious.

Sunday: I went to my grandparents house and helped them clean out the "wood room" in the basement so that they can remodel. It wasn't fun... but it passed the time. Then I went to Katie's baptism. It was funny as heck. Zac decided to come but didn't tell Katie that and swore me to secrecy. Pretty much everyone but Katie knew and she was so mad! It was funny. She wasn't really mad, just surprised. She liked that he came... and she was happy in the end. Anyway, the service was interesting. I'd never been to a baptist church before... well youth group but not the actual service. They sing a lot. It was fun though. We sat w/ the Eary's. I was so glad we found someone that we knew. Sam and I were whispering back and forth through the whole thing. Great fun. Although it was sad, it was Josh's last day. I almost cried. I love Josh.

Monday: Nothing too eventful. I was a total clutz for no apparent reason. Ariana and I hung out together after school. She's crazy... I love it.

Today: I had a semi-okay day today. After school made me happy. The actual school day kinda sucked. I was half sleeping on the floor in Millards' class. I stole Katie's hoodie and used it as a pillow. I love having slow people in my class. I get done super fast and have plenty of time to just chill. It's greatly happy. Yea, I don't really like this government project too much. It's quite dumb really. But if you happen to walk past London's room look on the door. That's where our groups posters went. VOTE POPTART!!!! I love that. Our whole campaign is hilarious. Anyway... yea, today was pretty good.

After school I played some tennis with Hyde. It was greatly fun. I like hanging out with her. I can tell her anything. Unless of course it has to do with who her twin is. lol. Just kidding Het, I love ya'.

I have to come up with some ideas for our commercial. Jamie volunteered me. Sometimes I just wanna' smack that kid... but then I don't... he's just so lovable. lol. I'm in a really giggly mood. Have ya' noticed?? hehe. Yea. But I had fun today... so why not.

Okay GooGoo Dolls are officially my favorite band in the world. I cannot stop listening to their CD and it never gets old. Not ever. It's so cool.

Well I suppose I should go now. I don't want to... but I should. I'll talk to ya'll later. Rock on ya'll.

Mucho Amor!!


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 October :: 8.46 pm
:: Mood: meh

Read Heather's Dennis Miller quote... it rocks!
Okay, I need to do some of the essays that I've been avoiding for so long. Some of them are not doable anymore. That's just not good... either way I have to look at all twelve hundred and five of them so that I can see which ones I want to do. That's dumb. Bah, oh well.

Okay, tomorrow is Kourtney's parentals 25th anniversary party which I am going to and at which I will be forced to hang out w/ Kourtney and Brittany Themm. Now I don't really dislike either of them, but they aren't my friends by any means. I just hope it's not too bad... I love Rip and Kenda so either way I'll deal.

Guess what!? I can officially play 6 notes on the clarinet. Not well, mind you, but I can do it. And I don't even squeak it... most of the time. It's really fun... I think I like that more than the flute. But all in all, I'm a drummer. That's life. It's just way cool to play the clarinet. I feel so... instumental. lol.

Oh by the way, happy almost mole day! Jungkind surprised us today with donut holes and oreo cookies. It was very happy. He even brought us milk! I love that class. Well, I love that class for everything but the subject that I am taught. I suck majorly at science. MAJORLY.

Well I better get to gettin'. Hope our football team isn't getting completely crushed by Wyoming Park, or maybe I should say I hope the weren't completely crushed. Either way. Go hawks!!

Love you all deeply mucho.

-Jacquelyn Jean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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