<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 23 March :: 7.36 pm
:: Mood: lovely, thank you
:: Music: The last song -All American Rejects

"I think way to much, on a one track mind" -Relient K
I'm happy, deeply. So much to be happy about. SO much. lalala. I'm freakin' out. Ahh. So yea, forgive my sickeningly happiness. If I wasn't me I'd probably want to kill me right now for being way too happy!! Because I am. Okay I'll leave now! Adios. Have the loveliest of days my dears! Rock on.

Mucho amor.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 March :: 7.24 pm
:: Mood: deeply deeply awesome
:: Music: At the moment... simple plan. But that could change any second.

There are too many stupid people in this town.
Ugh, people make me mad sometimes. Stupid Josh and Covey and Kaylen. Oy. This is why I don't normally hang out with them. Josh is naive and stupid, Covey is just plain dumb sometimes, and Kaylen's a major slut. Stupid biology. I love that class, but it's the reason I know all of this crap. Stupid, stupid class. Grr... on it.

So anyway, on to the good parts of the day. Guess what Mr. Smith told me!? He said I have the quickest release on the team!! It was soo awesome!!!!! (For those of you who don't know, I'm talkin' about the time it takes to catch the ball and then throw it again in softball.) That made me like the absolute happiest person on earth, I swear. Ahh... happiness. Sorry, I'm freakin' out but it was great. Oh, and Larissa (who is my favorite person ever right now, fyi) said that she was surprised that I'm not on JV and that I was the best pitcher on the freshmen team. (which in my opinion doesn't say much for the other pitchers... but yea) So you can see why I am way overly happy right now!!! I swear I'm gonna' explode I'm so happy.

So yea, I'm talking to Andy right now. Which to you guys might seem normaly, but to me it's insanely weird. I haven't talked to him since the very start of the school year. And that wasn't real friendly talking. Hmm... weird. But ya' never know, maybe we'll become friends again. Maybe....

I love staying after school so much. I get to talk to such the best people. Ahh. I'm so happy. You have no idea how happy I am right now, seriously it's insane. I had the best afternoon in history. Well at leat recent history... but that's not the point. lalala.

Oh my goodness, I love spanish. It's the only class that we do something new and interesting in everyday. It's great. The people are pretty cool too. I have tonz of friends in that class and I've made some "friends" there too. Though, I'll probably never really hang out with them outside of class. It's just cool to have people to talk to, ya' know? Awesomeness.

Anyway, I'll stop blabbing on about nothing now. Adios, my dears. Much love. Rock on.


6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 21 March :: 1.29 pm
:: Mood: high... on life that is.
:: Music: The sounds of the world...

"If I say I am a wise man, it surely means that I don't know" -Kansas
Lets see. There's not a lot I want to say. Not a lot that's happened that I feel the need to write in here. I'm 15 now. It's official. That's pretty cool. It makes me feel a lot older to be able to say I'm 15 rather than having to say I'm 14. It's great. I'll definetly enjoy that.

Ohh... guess what?! I got cymbals for my drum set... finally! yay!! That makes me deeply happy. I can finally play without breaking something while using it as a high hat. And believe me... I did break things. Soo exciting I tell you, so exciting.

So yea, my dad's turning 40 next Sunday and we're having this big ol' party for him with all his old friends. It sounds pretty cool. I guess it's gonna' be like a scavenger hunt/ road rally type thing. Where you have to find clues and stuff. Then you end up at a final destination where the actual party will take place. I've never done anything like that before really so I'm excited about it. Fun stuff.

So I have softball tomorrow. Again. It's a lot more fun to practice with the freshmen than the varsity. Varsity does more sprints and lunges and other deeply annoying things that I hate. Freshmen run, stretch, throw, practice. Not really that tough. It's great fun to be with my friends again too. Even some people that I thought I hated, or at least disliked, are pretty fun to hang out with. And It's a lot easier to talk to people when they're not with their cliques of friends. That's why sports rock, it really is.

Okay so just some advice to you guys. Never go for a bike ride down Indian Lakes on a windy day. Just don't do it. Bad, bad idea I tell you, bad idea. Shelly and I did that yesterday... it wasn't the smoothest thing on Earth. lol. But it'll be a memory I suppose. A very interesting memory.

Mmkay. I think I'll leave now. Adios my friends. I love you all. Rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 March :: 9.07 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: the sound of silence

"Take my life, take my mind, take my soul, take my will, I am yours, yea I give it all to you."
So much happend today. So much unimportant crap that won't matter in a week. Isn't that just how life works. Things that happened yesterday don't seem as important today. I guess that's a good thing, depending on how you think about it. But I was just thinking about that and it really is quite stupid how that happens. This journal is filled with crap that seemed important but never was. Fights over things that never mattered in the first place, times when I felt so hurt or so loved or just so indescribable that I just "had" to right about it. But ya' know what? I don't even remember half of those things. All I remember are the things that matter most to me. Things like life, and death. Happy endings and new begginings. So why is it that I will most likely continue to write in here, even thought it's about stupid pathetic crap that I won't remember in a week. Because I'm human. That's all there is to it. I know it sounds dumb, but you all do the same thing. Just think about it. No one's perfect... so don't try and pretend that you are. Just live life to it's fullest and try not to care so much about all the petty, stupid crap that life throws at you. In the long run it won't matter anyway.



Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 March :: 3.32 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: I'm just a kid. -Simple Plan

Ahh the life of a teenager. How deeply dramatic.
Mmkay. So. Today wasn't a bad day. Not a wonderful day by any means, but still not a bad one. I got a 100% on my math test that I thought for sure I'd fail. It was great! I even beat Dustin and Kate. Which just does not happen. Ever. This makes me VERY happy!!

Do you know how insanely fun my biology class is. Katie and Allie I believe would totally back me on this, it's great! Most of the time we just sit there and make fun of eachother. A lot of times it gets somewhat perverted, probably because of Josh and Tyler, but it's still hilarious. The best part is that McD just laughs at it, sometimes he even comments or we say something about him and then he'll join our conversation. Awesomeness I tell you. lol.

Yea so, softball. It is seriously starting to piss me off. Like majorly. I don't think I'm playing next year. Steph wants to play golf next year so I think I'll do that. Then I can do something with her for once in my life. And Katie's been trying to get me to play golf and not softball for a while anyway. So hey, why not?! But I'm gonna' miss softball so much if I don't play anymore. Ugh. Stupid petty problems.

I had such fun last night after school. Seriously tons of fun. Right after school I got to hang out with Rob, which is somewhat rare so that was cool. But that also helped me meet Emily. I knew her, because of Brittany and Jake, but I didn't know her, ya' know? So it was cool to actually meet her. She's cool. But anyway. After a while I also got to talk to Jake, who is also a person I rarely get to see anymore. It was fun, except the whole bracelet breaking and sitting on my things... but hey can't win 'em all! And to top it all of I got to talk to Michelle... a little. But I don't get to talk to her that often either, so that was cool. Great fun I tell you. I didn't get much reading done though... hmm. Oh well, I'm ahead. Oh and FYI, all of you Fahrenheit 451 haters. Dustin agrees with me about it being a good book. Thank you very much. I win. lol, well kinda'.


My birthday is tomorrow!!!! I'm so imensly happy about that. Ahh!! yay! Sorry, but this year's gone REALLY slow. 15 seems so old to me. Heather said the same thing. Her birthday is tomorrow as well in case you didn't already know that, which most of you probably did but oh well, if you didn't then you just learned something new!! Lalala. So happy. Sorry I'll stop.

Okay to Rob right here: I do NOT like Zac. Not the way you keep saying I do. You are just so darn stubburn sometimes. lol. Oy. Just thought I'd mention that so that you might just decide not to say that I do anymore! Especially around him... like at lunch. That was evil. Funny, but evil. Okay I'm done now. But it doesn't hurt to tell ya'.

Mmkay. I believe I'm done now. Mucho amor. Rock on.


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 March :: 5.01 pm
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: mi familia

I live for the nights that I won't remember, with the friends I'll never forget.
Yea so, today was joyful! I stayed after school to run with M-dawg and she didn't have her clothes or something so we didn't end up doing that. Which is perfectly fine since instead I got to read more of 451 and hang out with some deeply awesome people. *wink wink* lol. Yea, it was great. Except when I was hanging out with Jake he somehow ended up killing my bracelet. *crys in sadness* I loved that bracelet... but oh well, may it rest in peace where ever it was that Jake ended up throwing it. But it's just so sad!!

I love this song. Where is the love by The Black-Eyed Peas. It's just so truthful and it's catchy. Those two elements work together very well, don't ya' think?

Hmm... this sucks. I have nothing else to say and yet, I don't want to stop typing because that would force me to have nothing to do! Yes that's how boring my life is right now. Grr... ugh. Oh well. I'll stop anyway just because you poor readers of this journal don't need to be pained any further by my boringness. lol. Adios mi amigos!! Mucho amor.

Rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 March :: 4.52 pm
:: Mood: hyper and happy
:: Music: Stephy playing her flute... some disney song I think.

3 Days guys... 3!!
HOLA!! I'm sooo hyper right now! Not a darn clue why though. You'd think that I'd be all tired having just finished practice but... I'm not! It's crazy I tell you. Right now all I really wanna' do is go play catch with someone... anyone at all. So yea, forgive me if I seem crazy because you have been warned.

In 3 days I will finally be 15... finally. 14 seems so young, ya' know? I'm so happy... deeply deeply happy!!

Ya' know besides having to do lunges and sprints that the freshmen don't have to do, practicing with varsity really isn't that bad. It's actually really fun. You learn a lot quicker because you don't want to look stupid in front of the older girls, and you make so many new friends (and/or semi-friends). It's great. I got to hang out w/ Kara Emery and Larissa (wagner and herera), it was just so much fun!! Sorry, I'm being nutty. lalala. Awesomeness.

Okay so I would just like to clear one little thing up so that you will all stop asking. I do not like Zac. At least not as a boyfriend. You all may think I do but hello, this is me. Just because I talk to a guy more than once a day does not mean that I'm automatically in love with him. Okay? Good. Now that that's settled we can all move on with our lifes. (hehe not like it was that big a road block)

So anyway. This paragraphish thing is mainly to Allison. If you my child do not ask *him*, than I'm going to for you. Because you are in love with him... and I know he likes you. It's not like he's the best at hiding his emotions! So just ask him out!!! (FYI; I would never really ask him for you, that's a persuasive technique.) Just thought I'd put that out there.

Okay ya'll I'm out. Much love. Rock on.


8 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 March :: 4.35 pm

I was reading this book and it had some really inspiring and true quotes in it so I thought I'd share them with you. Enjoy!

The indispensable first step to getting the things that you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. -Ben Stein-

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. -George Bernard Shaw-

All men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why.
-James Thurber-

This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it. -William James-

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. -Maya Angelou

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
-Langston Hughes-

To go nowhere, follow the crowd. -Charlie Brown-

What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say. -Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Do or do not; there is no try. -Star Wars (Yoda)-

Never let the fear of striking out get in your way. -Babe Ruth-

You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses. -Ziggy-

Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right. -Henry Ford-

Don't make yourself a mouse, or the cat will eat you. -A.B. Cheales-

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. -John Fitzgerald Kennedy-

We are the people our parents warned us about. -Jimmy Buffett-

Okay that's it, for the most part. Just thought those might give you something to think about. The main one that I wanted you guys to see is
"You never find yourself until you face the truth." -Pearl Bailey-
A lot of people lately have been talking about how they are having trouble finding themselfs... and when I read that it was kinda' a wake up call in a sense. The truth that we must face isn't the same for all of us, it might even be a form of truth that you don't expect it to be. So think about it.

much love.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 March :: 1.36 pm
:: Mood: Happy, excited, and... well just happy and excited
:: Music: Music choice channels

"To get nowhere, follow the crowd" -Charlie Brown
Okay so far this weekend is incredibly awesome!! I went to the play yesterday and it rocked. Awesome job all of those who were in it... and Amy if you're reading this, very nice banana eating lol. I'm just glad we sat on the inside and not on an isle. That was crazy... but Ann got to dance w/ a monkey. lol, so great!

Yesterday so tottally rocked! I got to see Nichole... she lives in Hudsonville so it's rare when I see her. That was awesome. And I went to the play w/ Stephy and Zac and ended up getting to hang out w/ Jenny too. That was cool... except the fact that I sat between Zac and Jenny... not the smartest move ever. hehe. Brilliance. But yea, it was so fun!!

OMGosh guess what!? Softball tryouts start tomorrow, yay! And next week is my last week of drivers ed... thank the lord. I'm so excited! Oh and the best ending to what promises to be the best week... my birthday is FRIDAY!!! YAY! lol. I'm way too excited about this. Okay I gotta' fly. Mucho amor rock on.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 March :: 8.37 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: classic rock channel on the tv

You don't have to change the world, just don't let the world change you.
Okay so here's the deal, you guys are suppose to fill this out about me. There are some kinda' dumb questions that are just for guys so all my girl-type friends can skip those okay?! Okay. You all rock. Mucho amor.

What's my whole name?:
What's my nickname?:
Are we in love?:
what's my favorate color?:
What color are my eyes?:
Would you make out with me?( if not already):
How long have you known me?:
What' the best memory you have of me?:
Do you think im hott?:
Have you ever seen me cry?:
When's the last time we say eachother?:
When's my birthday?:
What's my favorate movie?:
Whats your name?:
Tell me anything here::

Friends <33 brought to you by BZOINK!



8 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 March :: 4.18 pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: WOW 2004 (the gold cd)

Today was a lot better than yesterday. Except that those stupid bastards that are stealing shit out of peoples lockers got it so the locker rooms aren't open w/o a coach or teacher. That is so annoying. I was gonna' run after school today w/ Banana and M-dawg but since that happened I couldn't get to my stuff. Oy, dumb people... all of them.

Anyway. Steven is my favorite person right now!! (not literally but yea, whatever.) He's gonna' burn me the Relient K cd that has all my favorite songs on it that I couldn't find at the store. I so deeply love him right now!!! But yea, that is awesome. I'm so excited... can ya' tell? lol.

So umm... Adam's not mad at me anymore. Good thing too, cuz I can't not talk to him... it doesn't work. I tell him pretty much everything... but not everything . There are some things that I just don't want him to know. But anyway, I'm glad he's over it. Deeply glad.

Okay so on the bus this lovely afternoon, a couple of my semi-friends that are in like, 7th grade said that they asked *insert name here* out for me today. But they couldn't prove it because Audrie (the one I trust) wasn't there and the only other person in band w/ them wasn't paying attention. So I don't know if I believe them, but if they did they're SO dead. Like mucho dead. Ugh. They always say that they're going to, but I really don't want them to. At all. It's just not right with the world when other people ask someone out for you, ya' know? It's just not.

Anyway. So I guess I'm going to the play tonight and tomorrow... maybe. I'm giving Zac a ride tomorrow I believe. He and I are becoming such good friends. It's kinda' scary. But yea. I saw Amy and Jake during lunch while they were in partial makeup. It was quite funny... but w/ the eyeliner Jake's eyes were so awesome. They normally are but that just accented it, and he looked hot. lol. He gave me a hug though and almost made me fall over backwards... pretty funny after the fact, but kinda' scary when it happened! Oy, something "bad" always happens when I hug him though... lol it's gotta' be a curse.

Well I suppose I should fly. There's gotta' be something that I need to do today. There always is. Much love guys, rock.


12 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 March :: 3.51 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Jason Mraz

"Do not deny yourself you freedom"
Info About YOU
Location:here in this chair... looking at the computer
Where did you grow up:in cedar... in this same house
Five words that describe you:insane, outgoing, blonde, crazy, me-ish
Random Favorites:red, 7 and no...
Physical Description:if you have to ask you'll never know
Best Qualities About Yourself:i don't pay attention that much
Worst Qualities About Yourself:see above answer
When You Were A Kid...
Where you born in the 70s, 80s, or 90s?:80's... the last year of that lovely decade
What were your favorite toys?:barbies (hehe), those plastic balls that you could throw and kick w/o hurting them in the slightest, and my plastic bat and ball set type thing
What were your favorite movies?:disney movies
Who were your favorite actors/actresses?:kirk cameron and that chick who played his g/f on growing pains that he in reality was married to
What were your favorite songs:country songs... all of them
What were your favorite TV shows:7th heaven and under the umbrella tree
Personal Style
Describe your style:me ish... i look differently everyday, but i have been described as "dressing preppy" or "punky" before... weird.
Where do you buy your clothes:rue 21, kohls, dots, debs, and basically anywhere else that i find something cool
Favorite article of clothing:hmm... my "love is curious" shirt w/ curious george on it, or my "thanks for noticing me" shirt w/ eeyore... they rock
Favortie Outfit:i dunno.
Color you wouldn't be caught dead in:lime green... probably
Outfit that you wouldn't be caught dead in:one of those fuffy dresses that little girls are always made to wear by their parents
Favorite Accessories:my jelly(sex) braclets
Would you consider yourself fashionable:umm... not really.
Favorite Brands:dunno' i don't pay a lot of attention to the brand...
[girls only] Do you wear makeup?:yeppers
How much?:not a lot, some days none at all
Makeup your wear on a daily basis?:none really
List 5
Current Favorite TV shows:7th heaven, american idol and that's it. i don't watch a ton of tv
Current Favorite Movies:pirates of the carribbean, robin hood men in tights, passion of the christ(<
Current Favorite Actors:dunno'
Current Favorite Actresses:not a darn clue
Current Favorite Songs:we'd be here all day
Current Favorite bands/groups/singers:see above answer
If you were stranded on a deserted island, you would bring:the grocery store and everything in it, kohls, a friend or two, some family members, and an unsinkable ship
If you were stranded on a deserted island, WHO would you bring with you:just 5... nope not enough. i'd bring all my friends and family and my favorite people even if they're not really "friends"
Things you would do on the last day of your life:sky dive, travel to switzerland, ski the alps, tell everyone everything i'd wanted to say to them but couldn't, and hug/ kiss everyone good-bye
Most important people in your life:my family, my friends, God (obviously), and i think that covers it...
Greatest Memories:cedar point, all the dances i've ever been to pretty much, cheerleading in 7th grade(rocket), tennis this year, and many many more
Closest Friends:ohh jeezz... i can't name just 5!!
Random Questions
Where were you on 9/11:in mr. bowers health class. Katie, Ron and I were all together... I'm glad that they were there cuz it was pretty scary stuff.
Where were you when Princess Diana died:sitting on my dining room floor... i don't remember why though, hmm.
What was your first screename:a_sweetypi
Do you date online:no, how would you do that? virtually kiss?? oy.
If so, how did it turn out:n/a
If a genie offered you three wishes, what would they be:well i don't know, all the things i would want to say don't work according to aladin's genie
Embarrassing moment:in 6th grade; the first day i wore my all time favorite mini skirt and these rockin' high shoes and i slipped and fell right in front of a large group of 8th grade guys...
What was elementary school like:rockin'. i loved it... but i was such a little prep
Junior high/middle school:wonderful... a lot of things changed but it was for the better for the most part
High School:good so far... i love it
College:haven't been there yet.
If you're not in college, what would your future major be:business probably
One physical thing about you that you'd want to change:hmm... i don't know... there are quite a few.
Biggest Fears:heights, how i might die, and yucky bugs and snakes

Not Your Typical Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

hope ya'll enjoyed that... boring but i was bored so it kinda' works huh?! hehe. mucho amor, rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 March :: 3.32 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: popcorn cruches... hehe

Over reactive people annoy the crap out of me!!
Okay so today was a useless piece of shit. For some freakish reason 6th hour, which is normally the best class of the day, turned out to make my day more hellish than it very well needed to be. I passed the placement test, thank the lord, but Allie didn't. I feel really bad about it too... but I didn't know how to make her feel better so of course, I felt bad about it. That sucked. Okay so I suppose it was more the bus then 6th hour but that heppening didn't help at all. So on the bus I said something somewhat stupid but it really depends on how ya' look at it. Well, Adam got all pissed off at me and wasn't talking to me for a while, then when he finally did decide to talk to me it wasn't like we normally talk. It was weird. He totally over-reacted though and it just pissed me off majorly for some reason. I don't know... I'm probably just having a drama queenish day but, ugh!! It just makes me so freaking mad.

So yea, you people know me pretty well right? You know I'm like the flirtiest girl you've ever met at times (unless you've met amy, ;) hehe). But anyway, I'm kinda' sick of it. I'm not saying I'm sick of guys or that I don't like anyone or that I even don't want to flirt anymore.... I'm just sick of it. I don't want to be known as a little slut who flirts w/ every guy she sees. Believe me it's been said, course the people who've said it were clueless but that's not the point. On top of that though, I'm kinda' sick of being single. But I don't know if I want a boyfriend. Oy, why is life like that? Why can't there just be a simple answer to every problem? I just don't know... I'm being drama queenish again aren't I? UGH!!

Ya' know what? I'm just gonna' stop writing now... or you people are gonna' get really sick of my complaining... so yea. See ya'll later, much love. rock.


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 10 March :: 4.53 pm
:: Mood: high on life
:: Music: none... wow that's odd

"I love you more than the sun and the stars that you taught how to shine you are mine and you shine for me too"
Today was so great!! It was a half day which always kicks butt and on top of that I went bowling w/ youth group. It was deeply fun. I won the second game and so I got a two liter of pop and my favorite candy bar... it rocked!! :D Oh and I met Tyler... well I already knew him a little but I actually got to talk him. I totally aprove of that kid, he's great. Katie's been in love w/ him since forever so I'm glad that I now know him instead of just knowing he existed.

Falala. I'm so happy, I don't understand it at all. Hmm... maybe it's the half day thing. I don't know. Whatever, I take happiness whenever given the chance to.

Okay so, I always complain about drivers ed and such... I know. But last night I realized that I really don't mind it. See Kayla and I sit together in the back w/ Liz and Miranda (M-dawg) and we just constantly make stupid remarks to eachother or are laughing about something. Last night we got the biggest thrill out of talking about how much scarfs have to do w/ love. It was great... so yea I may complain but you can just wave it off because ya' know I really don't hate it. It just might not be that fun at the moment.

Ugh, I have to ride the bus tomorrow and Friday. That sucks deeply. Not riding is so much more fun... it makes it a lot easier to hang out w/ my friends and talk to people that I don't see that often. But oh well, I don't see the people on the bus very much either. And Jessie said that I have to ride more often because it's too boring and quiet when I don't... she's now my official favorite person in the world in case you hadn't guessed! ;) Well maybe not literally but still, I feel loved now!!

Okay so, are they really gonna' move the girls sports around at any point?? Because if they do I might have to hurt them. That would suck so incredibly bad, lordy. So yea, I had to ask... if they are I have major dicision making to do... and if they don't then YAY! hehe.

Okay I'll talk to ya'll later. Mucho amor, rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 March :: 5.07 pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: playlist...as always

"So what so I've got a smile on, well it's hiding the quiet superstisions in my head."
Hmm... nothing to write really. I'm just bored and this is what I do when I get bored. So yea. Meh whatever, might as well not break the tradition right?!

Okay so Micky has got to be one of the coolest kids I've ever met! He went to the color guard meeting today... which doesn't nessicarily mean that he'll be in it, but it means he might be!! Steph and I encourage it but, yea, he never did anything about it... untill now. lol. It would be so great if a guy joined that... awesomeness I tell you.

I wish drivers ed would just end already... it's so freakin' annoying. ugh. But oh well, just one more thing in life that I don't have control over. But I suppose some evils are good in a way... kinda'.

I'm so happy!! Tomorrow is a half day, thank the lord, and Katie's taking me on a youth group bowling trip w/ her. Which means I get to hang out w/ Nicole and Curtis and Josh and Tyler(thought that may not actually be a good thing). It's gonna' totally rock!!! Yay!!!!! Okay sorry I'll stop. It just makes me happy, I love hanging out w/ her youth group and everytime I go bowling on a half day (which actually does happen quite a bit) it's a blast! So yea, can't wait.

Well I suppose I'll stop rambling on about nothing impaticular and let you get back to your lifes. Mucho amor my friends. Rock on.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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