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:: 2003 15 January :: 7.45pm
:: Mood: confused

T.j. kept coming up behing me and pushing me and crap, so before last hour I saw him comin and kicked him in the shin. See, I don't need jejuan to protect me. Not that she does all that much, I'm just "her freshman" and nobody messes with me if she can help it I guess? Oh well, I have to give my fucking 6 minute memorized speech tomorrow. It's gonna be taped too. It's our final exam too. God, i will be so glad when I get it over with. It's a persuasive speech. Why couldn't I have picked a better topic? Mike had legalizing marijuana, mandy had child abuse, and what did I choose? Hmm? Standardized tests. Yes, Standaridized test. My thesis statement is: The emphasis on teaching and doing well on standardized tests needs to be limited. Well, at least I get to talk about a girl who throws up because she's so nervous to take a meap test. Well, that's basically the best part of my speech "interest wise". It will get me a good grade, teachers like things that involve them. I guess that's all that really matters. I also got to use the intro for my english exam because we had to write and introduction to an essay, so I just wrote the intro to my speech. For all it's been edited, I should get all the points. Now all i have to do is get up and remember it all. Oh, that'll be easy, considering I finished memorizing it TODAY. You know, i would be content to sit home and watch E.R in the mornings and soap operas in the afternoon. I would do that it someone let me. But then I never go outside. But then again, it's only like 10 degrees out there right now, so who would WANT to be out there? Not me.
I've been real off lately. I think it's just stress, no, I HOPE it's just stress. I've mixed up words and written things and made sill mistakes like what is 9x4? Well, i learned that it's not 32. Yup, and in the process wasted a page of paper working out answers on the basis of that mistake. I've know it's 36 since 4th grade. I really HOPE this is just stress....

1 orgiastical | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 11 January :: 8.42pm

Are you sick minded?

brought to you by Quizilla

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 11 January :: 8.27pm
:: Mood: giddy

I went shopping today and I played the coolest flute! It looked like an Alto flute (it's bent around at the top where you blow in), but it was a regular flute octave wise. Omigod, it sounded SO good. Lol. Anyway, it got a new flute book too. It has 128th notes in it! Like, you have quarter notes and half notes, these go by So fast. lol. It's gonna take me a while!

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 10 January :: 7.05pm
:: Mood: bouncy

I am a God you know....I even have the thunderbolt earrings....=D
Since everyone's rhymin', here is my rhyme. Don't take it that seriously, it was just convient to rhyme w/ eight.

One, two, three, four, you can buy a cheap, cheap whore.
Five,six, seven, eight, or you could just masterbate.
Socks are cheaper by far,
Than doing it with a ho in a car.

Haha, well, i'm typing this on my bro's computer and it's taking me awhile. Our other commputer crashed and our new one isn't here yet. The vaccum cleaner broke today too. I also got water spilled on me, and my biology book today. That was fun. Jessie's locker also got stuck, so she had to go home on the bus without her coat, bag, and even her house key. Ohh, that must have been harsh. I have been screaming all day today and just being loud in general. I'm dangerous =D. For all my msn messenger pals, I might not be on for a couple nights b/c this computer can't have it, and i don't know when i'm getting our old one back. Later days!

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 9 January :: 7.40pm
:: Mood: calm

Poem of the ages
These days
Drift by
They are marked
By only small things
And even now
I can remember them
But they are fading
Just like these days.

So sit down
Look all around
Can't you see it's all
A little crazy?

These concrete walls
Holding us in
The unuseful bashing
That we receive
As we drift
Through and in and out.

The walls are white
The ceiling red
Whatever made them do something
Like that?

Nothing makes
Just doing what
We're told to do
It's not fair
But what's it anyway?
It's not that bad
That's all they say.

God, if only they knew
The things that they see
But can't see at all
Al l the profanity
All the beauty
They'd be astonished
If they actually looked.

But they can't look
If they can't see
If they don't know what to see
And it's a blessing for us
And a damning for them
And we'll all turn out that way.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 8 January :: 6.55pm
:: Mood: happy

It was so great at lunch today. I sat w/ jejuan, and not my normal group. Wow, never eat school butter. Jejuan put it on an empty milk cartoon, and stuck it underneath the table, and it stayed. Wow. I can't wait to see if it's still there tomorrow.

I forgot my biology book, so i guess i'll have to do my vocab in about 5 minutes.

Liz and I stayed after school today and practiced for solo ensemble. We actually sound really good. It's so cool. I got a 100 on my quiz too! Yeah! Oh, and guys, I'm a god, did ya know that? I even have thunderbolt earrings. Lol. Just some people saying crap that has no use in my life. Just because I happen to do better than someother people is no reason to use slander. Sometimes I wonder how people can be so cold.

I had an almost veronica free day. Nobody will really admit that much, but she's not really liked all that well. When you lie like that, nobody really likes you.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 7 January :: 7.49pm
:: Mood: cynical

Hmmm. Let's see, i'm being the person i really don't want to be. I'm getting in everyone's way. Everyone is pissing me off. I'm pissing everyone off. I think i need a guy, but there is no one out there for me. I think i have problems. I think i really want to know who added me to their messenger....i hope it's 'someperson'. I don't think it is. Fuck the world. Jesus Christ...Superstar. I did really good on my band quiz. Better than the other people i heard. I feel bad for jessie. She didn't do quite so good. I feel bad that she doesn't want to be in both groups, but one has forced her to. I'm mad at veronca. I don't know how she got away with the first 14 years of her life lying like she does. She hurts us all. I don't know how she can be so cold. She denies everything, like it wasn't true. But she's been caught. And the noose has been made. I think it's time for noon. I think some people throw guys away without even taking a chance to know them. You should embrace the people that want to get to know you. There isn't that many out there. I'm mad because she doesn't understand. Everything is black and white for her. Love and pain. She doesn't understand that she's using people. How nice it must be to be her. I think i need to stop. I think i should go listen to some music, or play some. That should be nice...

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 6 January :: 8.02pm
:: Mood: amused

My mom just went outside w/ the dog to let her out, and there were 2 guys (kids) in a car in our 2nd drive way rolling joints. Wow. Good old country livin.

On another note, we should be getting our new computer anyday now, so i will actually be able to load my 'friends' page in less than 1 minute. YEAH!

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 4 January :: 6.58pm

What Kind of Virgin Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2003 2 January :: 6.39pm
:: Mood: cold

I just found out this senior that goes to my school, Drew Styles, killed himself a while ago. Gun shot. He did it b/c his girlfriend broke up with him. She's in my speech and geometry classes. I always saw them in the hallway making out. Must be really bad to be her.

7 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 30 December :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: angry

Things that I really hate........

1. People who scream at you because something happened beyond your control and they feel like being a bitch.
2. Hipocrits
3. People who deny things that could kill them
4. Me
5. Not being able to cry
6. Being to chicken to do something about it
7. People who scream at you for doing something the way you usually do it
8. Whoever gave me this fuckin cold
9. People who won't help do simple things that would help because they "don't know how"
10. Knowing too much for my own good
11. Having a conscience which keeps me from having a good time
12. People who have a good time and don't care that they are hurting other people
13. When people swear every other word
14. Being so normally disfunctional
15. My hair
16. The dog who is too old and won't die, and has to suffer so much and we have to give her all these pills
17. Wanting to hurt myself
18. Not being able to find the right words
19. Screaming when all I want to do is leave
20. How nobody knows.

8 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 28 December :: 7.08pm
:: Mood: calm

Who would have known? Not me...

Take the
What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/labile">Angel.

I think black is a good color. It has the best of all the worlds. It is every color, after all.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 25 December :: 8.13pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Avril Lavigne-I'm with you

The cheerful Christmas Season
*sigh* Well, now that my cousins have left, I'm having a really good Christmas. I don't know how they can live with each other, but I guess it takes one to know one. I had to give the drug talk to my 10 year old cousin because he's like, "If i just try one cigarette or joint, it won't hurt me, right?". No wonder they say D.A.R.E isn't working. Wow. There is one thing that sums up pretty much my whole Christmas Eve and Day expirience;Common sense isn't so common.

I love all the presents I got. Beautiful earrings, makeup, travel curling iron, tennis racket, Sims' Expansion packs (hot date and unleashed), hey, guys, they have a cuddle couch...hmmm..that wouldn't be refering to anybody like *cough* matt and laurel *cough*.

I love eggnog and imitation crab.

Oh, and Laurel, my mom flipped out when she found out it was a boy-girl sleepover. It was funny, I told her in the middle of christmas eve dinner at my grandparents, she's like "WHAT!!". I don't think I'll be allowed to a sleepover at your house until i'm 18, lol.

12 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 23 December :: 9.25pm
:: Mood: tired

Today, and the day before it, yesterday
I gave betsy a bath yesterday. Wow. That was an adventure. A 15 year old dog trying to jump out of a bath tub while she is soaking wet. She does not like baths. She won't even look me in the eye now. Lol.

My mom won't admit to anybody, even my dad, that she is still smoking. We've all caught her at sometime or another. My dad even confronted her and she denied it. The kitchen smelled like smoke this morning when I woke up, so that means she's getting braver about being caught. I dont' want to say anything just yet, ya know, she could still say something to Santa..........

My parents invited a lot of people over tonight for "holiday drinks". Some friends of my parents brought their 15 year old boy. Guys, he's about as bad a Nick from up at the lake. He's 15 and he's shorter than me, and he twitches. I think he got dropped a few times when he was a baby. Maybe he just fell out of the bed a couple too many times, who knows?

I don't want to, but I have to cut my speech, type it, and memorize it all before I go back to school on the 6th. :(. I don't want to, but it's my exam grade, and if I don't give 1 speech in that class, I fail the class. I don't need that now.

We found out a few days ago, the people who live down the road from us may have to move out because of back taxes. These are the people that run trucks and cars in their abondoned gravel pit until 2am, on weekdays. I don't wish anybody out of a home, but I do wish that would move. It would make life a lot simpler, if that is at all possible.

I'm thinking of taking up another instrument. I really want to play mandolin or guitar, or both, but I've been playing flute for so long, it's hard for me to remember much else. Repitition is pretty much the only way I learn music and instruments. I don't know if I want to take the time. It would be helpful. I mean, I can play 3 chords on the mandolin and ode to joy, but that's about it. Merry Christmas to everyone~and a silent night.

1 orgiastical | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 21 December :: 6.57pm
:: Mood: Smiling right now at a thought

So quotations of LUVVVV

Some people never say the words 'I love you' It's not their style to be so bold. Some
people never say those words: 'I love you' But, like a child, they're longing to be told.
Author: Paul Simon

Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
Author: H. Jackson Brown Jr

Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it
subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so
entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is.
Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal
passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a
fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other
underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we
were one tree and not two.
- Captain Corelli's Mandolin

4 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 21 December :: 6.35pm
:: Mood: lonely

Jessie spent the night last night. That was fun. She's the only one who I can talk to and I know she knows what I'm talking about. I guess that sorta stems back from us knowing each other since we were babies. Anyway, I'm worried about Jejuan. I haven't seen her in like 5 days. I was wondering if her mom sent her to pine rest yet or something. I don't know. Jejuan, if u r reading this, leave a comment or somethin, k?

We were talking the other day. Wow, I really wonder how I can feel that way about somebody like that. I don't know. It's odd. I know I shouldn't, but my instincts decieve me. He's done so much I have not. I'm not sure if I want to learn.

Happiness is slowly becoming a thing of the past. I don't want what happened to happen again. It may be inevitable.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 18 December :: 7.53pm
:: Mood: indifferent

I had no school today so I slept in until nine thirty which was like heaven. I stayed in my p.j.'s until lunch too. I luv doing that. I'm feeling much better today. Calm. Anyway, Charlie was home so we went to see Star Trek Nemisis. Yes, I do believe I am a partial trekkie. I just happen to enjoy the show, ok? Well, the movie was ok. I liked the part where they rammed the enterprise into the predator ship. That was pretty cool. Other than that it was a bunch of stuff that didn't really matter. You could tell it was directed and written by a guy. LOL. Well, reality is making a come back, a much needed comeback. A day off without seeing the latter has done me much good, but I must admit that I do miss it. It's quite comical.

1 orgiastical | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 16 December :: 6.54pm
:: Mood: awake

I hate being a bitch. Guys, I really try not to be. I tell you when I'm being bitchy (most of the time) so you can watch out. But just certain people just set me off and then i can't stop until I either A)break down and cry or B) Break something. Well, not exactly two good things. Humans are so complex. I mean, shouldn't you understand, at least, yourself. I mean, it might be a phase, or the rest of us will go through life not knowing who we are being led by our elders. I use to know so well who I was. Now, I'm thinking about doing things that I would not have done in a million years. Now I see the alluring trap so many of us fall into which consumes our lives. Remember, split second decisions can make you, or break you. You have not garuntee on life. You are dispensible.

5 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 14 December :: 8.02pm


Which Sexy Comic Book Woman Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

1 orgiastical | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 11 December :: 7.15pm
:: Mood: mellow

I am eating a blue candy cane and my tounge is turning a delicious shade of blue.

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 10 December :: 6.48pm
:: Mood: cheerful

Some usless little facts about my day

I'm glad I'm taking speech. All the work I have to do for it is crazy, I have to write more than I do in English, and it doesn' count as an english credit either. Anyway, we have to write essays in english and it's going to be so easy because I've written 9 speeches in the same format and 3 outlines in the same format so basically, I'm all set.

I was talking to Val in english, we talk about the wierdest things. Anyway, we were talking about cannibalism then castrating a bull and she said something about a rubber band, then the bell rang and I left. I went to my locker to get my geometry book for the next hour and Matt C. comes up to me and asks, "Do you have a rubber band?" Oh, wow. I didn't, tho, I'm not that cruel.

Before 1st hour I was helping some people put diet coke in Mr. R's truck (him and Mr. Greene drink it obsessively) and 4 of the cans fell off and rolled down the hill to the parking lot and exploded. Guess who got to pick them up? Lol, good thing there is a dumpster back there. It was cold this morning, tho, I was only wearing a tee shirt.

Have a good day everyone.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 8 December :: 7.34pm
:: Mood: chipper

Went to the music store today and jammed. Although what they play doesn't exactly fit what I play, but I try. The genre is around the same and if I know the key I'm usually all set. Some things will just never change and that is comforting to know. On the other hand, once you get used to a certain thing, there should always be a reminder of what life was once like and will be again soon.

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 6 December :: 7.26pm
:: Mood: calm

Right now
Nobody is on right now, and that's sad b/c my msn messenger has 20 people on it, and 5 of whom are almost always on the internet. Oh well. I don't have any homework this weekend, yeah! I'm probably just going to wrap Christmas presents and such. And think about (the person who's name will be unsaid for a long long time in this journal). His birthday is soon. He's so nice. hmmm. Sort of like the black sheep, but just a good boy on the inside. At least that's the front he puts up around me. Maybe, sometime, we can get together, that would be fun to do.

23 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 4 December :: 8.16pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Avril lavinge, her knew slow song that I really like but don't konw the name of, but I really like i

Today was my Birthday!
15 years ago my mom was having a c-section for me to be here and celebrate my birthday. Thank you mom, even though you couldn't feel anything once they finally found your veins. Well, since that, I am here today, and it is my birthday, 15, yeah! Well, today wasn't a very good school day, normal, but jejuan was sick and had to go home. Hope you feel better soon! Well, all the fun was tonight b/c I got to eat birthday cake and open presents. Haha, I got a Big bird and cookie monster seasame street cake just b/c I could. I got it the looked at it and it was very ominous. Haha, it was a tow truck towing a bus. I love the bus so so much *says sarcastically*. Oh well, let's see, for presents I got $30, a sweater, a lounge set thing (velour zip hooded jacket and draw string pants), tons of lip gloss, really really good conditioner (expensive stuff), and a personal cd player. Wow, luv all of it. Thanx for all of your good wishes and happy birthdays! Luv always~Michelle

don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 1 December :: 7.18pm
:: Mood: aggravated

*pulls out hair and screams for 31.3 seconds then talks to rob*

4 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 29 November :: 8.01pm
:: Mood: awake

A long, long time ago....
Well, today I was feeling very nastalgic (I think that's the right spelling and for all of you who don't know it means think of old times and stuff) and I was wondering if any of you would like to put some 1st's on here, like a comment, or make a journal entry about it. It just sorta lets people see something about you, about your past.

Mine will be about the first times I saw everybody from the lake. This includes matt, rob, laurel, julia, amy, and sam. The first time I saw Matt was when I was 8 or something and he destroyed laurel and mine's samd castles in the pine woods. The first time I saw rob was when I was around 10 at the Village Inn (don't ask me how I remember that, but I do, we had just sat down to eat and rob and his mom and dad were just leaving and stopped by our table to say hi). Also that night, on another note, I swallowed a whole ice cube. I first met Laurel, well, the first time I remember her was in her old house when i was maybe 3? We sat in a lazy boy type chair together (and our legs didn't even reach the edge when we sat all the way back) and we got a pic taken. I think I still have it somewhere. The first time I remember Julia was also at their old house. It was a birthday for somebody (I don't think danielle was born yet) and julia was sitting in front of the t.v. with a diaper and a tee shirt on watching (and singing along to) barney.The first time I remember seeing amy, was actually when I got a trailer up at the lake. Sorry, amy, I don't remember an exact time when I remember meeting you, you were just always sorta there. But that doesn't mean your any less important! And Samantha. I remember samantha from a summer when I must have been about 10 and I had come to visit my grandma for the day and I went swimming. Sam was there and we played. I sorta thought she was annoying (well, sorry, didn't really know ya then), but I was astonished by her hair. It was long and blonde, and fairly straight.

Well, don't ask me how I remember all that. I have a very very good memory about my life. I can remember my first day of kindergarten almost vividly. Well, today Liz came with me to the music store my mom works at (sometimes known as "my other life") and we had a dandy old time talking bout bisexuals in our school and making weird tribal type songs up. It was fun. Well, see ya'll lata.

10 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 28 November :: 8.01pm

A walk on a road

They told us
in honors english
that we were the best
and they told us in poems
whenever there is a road
it always means your life
or a decision somebody is gonna make
But what if the road is really a road
I mean what if the rocks really are rocks
instead of turrbulent events that
made this road who is was
what if there was really a twist in the road
that the walker just followed
and wrote about that instead of the crazy
number of blue jays he saw
and the deep thinkers of high society
thought what he meant by a twist in the road
was a life altering decision
because that's what they wanted it to be
because they feel useless
with there hundred thousand dollar Harvard education
Without something to analyze
other than how good their mocha is
or how well wall street is doing
maybe they just want to identify with something
that really wasn't intended for them
when it was written
for that person
that never finished high school
who lives to the pulse of the forest
whose life is the road
who holds it so dear.
Its a wonder how so many people can
be brought together
how they can identify with each other
through scratches of black
china ink
on an ivory page.

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 27 November :: 6.48pm

Last night was so fun. It's intentions were quite unclear, though (jessie, lol). I went bowling for the end of season party for marching band. Yep, i'm a great bowler, my highest score was 62. I got 1 strike which was preceeded by 4 gutter balls. It was me, jessie, rob shively, and rachel kulak on a lane. I feel bad for rachel b/c rob dropped a16 pound bowling ball on her foot. He always does stuff like that, i should know, I've known him since 3rd grade. On the bus to the bowling alley jessie and I were being crazy and talking about ways to kill this one person that we really hate, and jessie goes, "we should put 10 pills of" and we both said exstacy really loud, at the same time and the whole bus looked at us. It was funny, and they were all like, okay, so what did you do b/f you got here? It was funny. I was acting really hyper. Happy turkey day to ya'll!

3 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 24 November :: 7.10pm

U know what, fuck them (well, not literally, that would be too good 4 them). I can't believe it. Ehh. What good is this going to do me? Just throwing me back into what I do best. :(.

But I am doing better since thursday. I've come to realize the old and except the new. The black and white is once again coming to life in most appreciated vivid colours. I will be well soon.

2 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson


:: 2002 21 November :: 7.16pm

Well, today. First of all to start out with I have a cold. Second, um yeah. Third, that's never a good combo. I forgot my biology book in 1st hour, so I had to go down the hall, up the stairs, down another hall, to my locker, get my book and back to band b/f school started, a trip that takes 10 minutes, I achieved through pushing in crowded hallways in about 4 minutes. That was just the start. I was almost late for band, so I had to share a music stand with Dani, which I don't care, it just bugs me b/c she plays the top part when she should be playing bottom. I would play top, but that's not my place, nor hers. Then, I had biology and everything went fairly well, so I made my way to the locker room for gym. I discovered my clothes were not in my bag. I then went to talk to Mr. Carr to see if my mom had called in (b/c I'm sick and i can't breathe when he makes us run) and he told me I still had to get dressed, so I asked him if I could get my clothes in my locker upstairs, and he said yes (I thought that is where I had left my clothes). So, I make my way down the hallway, and I just start balling my eyes out. God, what a perfect time. So I go look and my p.e. clothes are no where to be found which makes me cry harder. So I go back to the gym, tell Carr that I can't find my clothes and I don't know why I am crying but I can't stop. Thankfully Carr is actually human contrary to my former belief and he said that he wouldn't give me a 'no dress' (it lowers our grade, 1 no dress is A to a B) and he lets me go into the locker room. So I sit in the locker room alone balling my eyes out for no apparent reason for at least 20 minutes. Then Ms. Scott walks in, asks me if I'm okay and stuff, and I struggle to answer, and start crying harder. I must have used up at least 40 kleenex by then. Oh boy. Then class is over and the girls come in the locker room and the last thing I want is for people to ask if I'm okay, because that just seems to make me cry harder. So I just nod at their concerned faces, dry my tears and walk out of the locker room looking like shit. Not that i cared. So, I couldn't deal with eating lunch with my normal group b/c, i don't know, they are sorta preppy and I really can't deal with them sometimes, so I sit w/ jejuan for lunch. No questions asked. I liked that. Through the rest of the day I'm quiet, but luckily i didn't break down crying again. I don't know what caused it, maybe everything, maybe nothing, but the one thing I do know is that it felt good. No that it was at a good time or place, but luckily people understand. I haven't cried that hard or long since Aaron died. That was a long time ago. I thought about him in the locker room. I miss him. He was fun to be around. I thought about a lot of things in that locker room. Things that have no answer that I desperately need and seek. I think this is why people attach themselves to religion, so they can cope with things. As for me, I have to figure out some way to do it on my own, because that is the only person I will ever have, or need.

I don't feel much like socializing. I just want to be by myself for a while. Think about things, I guess. I've gotten too connected to too many people. It doesn't feel right to me. I'm not use to it. I'm sorry.

7 orgiasticals | don't question bruce dickenson

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