<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 21 October :: 4.45 pm
:: Mood: pleased
:: Music: People who live with me.

Yo quiero comida.
Hola! Que pasa? Nada mucho aqui. Yo feliz mucho! Today was rockin' awesome. First hour was cakeish, 2nd hour was easy(as always), 3rd hour we just took notes the whole time (which I think we may just be done with, at least for the first section), 4th hour London didn't make us do anything so we just sat there silently studying or sleeping or doing whatever else we wanted to do... it was awesome. 5th hour we did translations, read Pobre Ana (stupid book)and did a worksheet on it. 6th hour I basically just sat there trying to think of new ideas for my logo. I loved the one Steph drew for me, it looks like a face but it uses my initials... it rocks, but Dufty said it was too cleche. Bah. I REALLY wanted to do that one. I certainly couldn't come up with anything better, but no of course not. Gah, that sucks. So I was trying to get Dufty to help me with it but he kept changing the subject and we ended up talking about dumb stuff... which wasn't bad, it just wasn't helpful. So Ryan, being the only one who was paying the least bit of attention to my mental breakdown, drew me a logo which I thought was pretty cool. So I asked Dufty if I could do that and he said yes. So now I'm working on tweaking it so that it's "my own" and it expresses my personality. I think the colors will help with that but yea, that's my art story for today.

My kitty is being freakish... I think she might die. Then we could get a dog!! That sounded meaner than I wanted it too. I love her, I just like dogs more. They tend not to hiss at you and your friends as much as cats do.

"Oye como va..." ya' know, that song's a lot better now that I know what it means. It makes me happy.

Well I must go, Gilmore Girls is on now. Yay!! Adios loves. Have a dandy day.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 October :: 7.54 pm
:: Mood: thirsty

Spanglish rocks!!
I had a happy day. Very happy. No purpose or reason for this insane level of happiness, it's just there. I love it. I love being happy. It doesn't happen nearly enough with most people.

I feel bad for Jenny. No one will get a clue and just shut up. Hello people, rumors= not true. That would be why we call them rumors. But if you must spread them at least ask the person involved if it's really true first. Ugh.

Okay, now that I'm done with my preachy thing.... I'm actually quite bored. Actually, yea, right. I'm always bored. And people say that I'm easily entertained... psshh, losers.

La la la la la la.

Necesito jugar desportes. No me gusta tener tan mucho tiempo. Es muy horrible.

Don't ya' just love how I randomly switch languages?? lol. Keeps life interesting. Gotta' love that now don't ya'?

Well I think I'm done chatter-boxing. I love ya'll mucho. Adios.

-Jacqui Jean-

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 October :: 4.44 pm
:: Mood: just lovely, and yourself?
:: Music: microwave

Live Strong!
Okay, I'm annoyed. I REALLY wanted to play indoor tennis, like really a lot... but I can't. Sometimes it just sucks being the abnormal kid. Sheesh. But hey, at least I only have to wait a couple months. By softball conditioning time I'll be all better. Thank the lord.

Today was semi-good. I really wasn't awake until 5th hour. We watched James and the Giant Peach en espanol but it had english subtitles. It was fun... I just layed on the floor next to the couch and payed attention to the movie when I felt the need. It was very happy.

La lala lala lala. I'm really quite hyper right now. I should be copying down the amendments I need for government tomorrow... but I don't wanna'. Just too darn lazy. That and I pretty much know them... it's not that difficult.

Ya' know, I was thinking about it last night and I'm gonna' have a really hard senior year. Or at least not as easy of one as I'd have like to have. So far I have 2 english classes, a social studies class, spanish and trig/pre calc. It's crazy. I'm gonna' have one hour to do something fun... how dumb is that?! I mean come on. Oh well, what can ya' do?

Okay I think that's it. I think. I love you all. Adios.

-Def Jac-

7 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 October :: 8.23 pm
:: Mood: annoyed

School = torture
Today rocked. I wish I could keep it from ending. We went bowling. It was grand.

Scool again tomorrow... that so sucks. I need way too much sleep to be able to get up tomorrow morning.

Well I have to let Steph do homework now. Love ya'll mucho.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 October :: 7.43 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: P.O.D.

Ron's Survey

At the moment...

Created by inferno and taken 34 times on bzoink!

At the moment...
what are you wearing?sweat pants, a tank top and a sweat shirt
what would you rather be wearing?i'm good w/ what i'm wearing now
what are you listening to?P.O.D.
what is the taste in your mouth?polar ice gum
what is your favorite band?i like a lot of bands... couldn't possibly choose just one
what would you rather doing?anything, i'm really bored
where would you rather be?with my friends
who do you want to see?mi amigos
who is your crush?wouldn't you like to know
what is on your mind?this survey
what don't you want to think about?i'd prefer not to disclose
what are you waiting for?i don't think you knew how many things people are waiting for.
what do you have plans to do?going bowling tomorrow
what do you plan on not doing?getting up earlier than 10:30pm tomorrow
who don't you want to see?that new movie 'grudge' or whatever it's called
who do you hate?no one, really. hate is too strong a word
what do you hate?not much
what do you love?everything
what is a secret you're keeping?if i told you it would no longer be a secret... so i won't

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 October :: 6.54 pm
:: Music: John Mayer: Love song for no one

"I'm tired of being alone so hurry up and get here."
Yep, I changed the colors. You like? I think I do. I was getting sick of the "girly" coloring. Blueish colors are more fun. hehe.

I love John Mayer so much. Thanks for reminding me to listen to this CD Het. I haven't for a while. Sometimes it's just nice to listen to mellow music.


Ya' know what sucks?? We have a TV in our room... and it's hooked up to the dish... but we can't watch it because there's no way to see it. The only place to sit right now is on the floor and when you do that you can't see around the keyboard. It's dumb. I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful for the TV... I'm saying I need wood and fabric. Then I could make a mini-couch. We have these two huge pillows that I could re-cover and make purty again and if we had the couch they'd make perfect cushin's. So yea, maybe I can talk my parentals into that idea. That'd so totally rock.

So you know how every couple years my family goes out to California to visit my grandma? Well we're going this year, probably for our last time as a whole family, but there's a catch to this funfilled time. We're going to be there at the same time as my cousins. Now don't get me wrong here, I love my family... but there are only 4 bedrooms in that house. That seems pretty big, I know, but not w/ 10 people there. My grandma said she'd sleep on the couch, my aunt and uncle could have the room Steph and I normally share, Abby and Brad can have her room, my parents can have they're usual room and Emalie, Steph and I get the "nursery". Yea, that is mucho not fun. Although I will love having Brad there, we get along perfectly, we're exactly the same, and this time we're old enough to go do stuff w/o being escorted. Plus, my room has a door that leads to the deck... where there just happens to be a pool and hot tub. My gosh I love that house. Okay, I'm way too excited about this. It's like, 6 months away. We're going for Spring Break and the week before. I can't wait... wow. Sorry, I'll stop. I just needed to freak out for a second... I'm good now.

Yea well, that's about it. I'll talk to you later darlin's love mucho. Rock.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 October :: 3.24 pm
:: Mood: awake

Dancing the night away kills feet.
Homecoming rocked! I had so much fun. The only stupid thing was that they kept playing the same songs twice. It was gay. But other than that it was good.

I took so very many pictures. It was great. I couldn't sleep once I got home. I was way too high on life. Ariana came over to my house and we were gonna' watch a movie but there wasn't one on... so we watched TV. It was still fun though.

Yep, Monday we're bowling. I'm excited. Deeply excited. I cannot wait. Hanging out w/ my friends is my favorite passtime. Ahh, I'm SO excited!! lol

Well I think that's it... I'll probably think of something that I forgot to say later... but until then, buh bye.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 15 October :: 3.58 pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: GRD Bootleg

Another day I wouldn't of missed for the world cuz it's mine.
Today rocked so hard!! I just got to sit there and talk to Allyn and Katie the whole time... except the last 10 min. when we checked our papers. And, mrs. Millard said that I can take brit lit. and ap lit. as a senior. Boo yah!!! So I can get back on the advanced thing.. since last year I apperently "didn't show interest in wanting to go to american lit." That's such bullshit. I don't even know. But still, I'm extremely happy right now!!! OH YEA!!!!

I really loved today. The assembly was rockin'. I'm so sitting there, next to the band and screaming my fricken lungs out for our team. They definetly need to win this one. I love football. The games make me happy. Hanging out with friends, watching the guys kick some booty. I just love it. The whole atmosphere rocks!!

I love everything today. I was bouncing off the walls in pretty much every class. Except chem. But I think I got a REALLY good grade on that test. It was so easy. I studied for it, like for real studied. It was so cool, I never do that. hehe. I'm bad I know, but it's just not me to study. I've never been into school and I probably never will be... just how I am. Doesn't hurt anybody... so yea. Whatever.

lalala... I'm so hyper. I need to DO something.

OMG. After school, Steph and I were hanging out in the band hallway with Josh and Kevin and Josh was in the bathroom and lets just say, we could hear all that he did.... So yea, it was kinda' yucky so I started to throw this shoe up against the door and it would just bounce back so I just kept doing it... not like Kevin and Steph wanted me to stop... they were incouraging this the whole time. Okay so, when Josh walked out of the bathroom I threw the shoe again and it hit him and he's like "ow" but he was laughing. It was pretty funny. Steph and Kevin cracked up laughing. Then we were all trying to touch the ceiling but I couldn't. Josh could... I never realized he was that tall. I was like, 'holy cow that kid's tall'. We had fun. Then Kevin asked Josh how tall he was and Josh is like "I don't know, you can measure me when we get home" and Kevin's like "no thanks man". It was fricken hilarious. So then Josh goes "well I couldn't measure you, not enough there" but right as he said it Mr. Pilar walked by and looked right at him. It was so funny!!! I almost died laughing. They both just turned around and walked right back over to Steph and I. It was great. For real, it was.

So yea, that was my funny story for the day. Great fun.

That's all for now folks. Love ya'll.

Happy Homecoming Weekend.

GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!


Hazel- IT'S A GREAT DAY...
US- TO BE A RED HAWK!!!!!!!!

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 October :: 4.24 pm
:: Mood: complacent
:: Music: Bootleg

Save a horse... ride a cowboy.
MMkay so, tomorrow is color day. Boo yah!! I love color day. It's the only day that I know pretty much everyone will participate in... and it's the only day that you can tell who's in what grade. I know exactly what I'm gonna' wear and I cannot wait. Yea yea, I know, I'm a freak. I can live with that.

Robuck, Addison, Rob and I were in the band hallway after school and they were talking about waffle houses. It was funny. I've heard all of the stupid little stories about waffle houses that the band members tell. It's quite funny. But yea, funny stuff. I love hanging out with those people... I think I'd probably die if I were in the actual class but it's fun to be an honorary member. lol.

Ellie is so awesome. She's like my 2nd big sister. She took me to Mickey D's after school and we got food and then came back to my house to eat and we were just talking about school and guys and crap like the whole time. 'Twas fun.

Have you ever heard the song "Treat Me Wrong" by sponge? It fricken rocks!! I love that song so much. It's hilarious. You should listen to it sometime guys... for real.

Well I think that's about it. C ya'll later loves.



1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 13 October :: 4.28 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: The endless chanting of "Toga, Toga" still ringing in my ears

Happy Toga Day!!
Only two more days before the dance. Boo yah! Today was alright... though I'm not too sad it's over. 4th hour, as always, was the highlight of my day. I love that class. We have so much fun, I am very glad that we sit where we do. Wow that class rocks.

So, districts tonight. Yippee. I get to go freeze my butt of while watching the same show that I watch at all the football games and at Red Flannel. But hey, it's all good. It is semi-funish most of the time.

So, tomorrow's cowboy day. Oh yea, I love cowboys. hehe. I'm super excited, but I'm even more excited that tomorrow means is the last day before color day... which happens to be my absolute favorite day of all. It is so fun filled and everybody's spirited and... there's an assembly. Oh yea!! Shortened classes... boo yah.

Okay, I'm really bored. No one's around. Hmm... what to do, what to do.... No clue, none at all. Bah, it's annoyingly boring just sitting here.

Well I 'spose I'll be off now. Love mucho ya'll.

-Jacqui Jean-

Re, Dinner's at 6 then we're carpooling to the dance.
Het, your parentals don't need to wait as far as I know... as of right now we only have 11 people and we have enough seats... but things change so ya' never know.

C ya' on the flip side loves.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 October :: 5.25 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: none


Really long Survey For really bored people

Created by mris89 and taken 278 times on bzoink!

.hair color.blonde
.any hobbies.lots
.play an intrument?yep
.your idol(s).people...
.types of clothing.jeans... of any kind
.actor/actress.julie andrews
.movies.robin hood men in tights
.store.MC sports (it's an obsessive thing)
.place to by CD's n stuff.meijer or sam's club
.subject in school.english
.book(s).bloomability and harry potter (they really aren't half bad)
.bands.i like kansas and styx and metallica and guns n' roses... etc.
.thing to do when ur bored.go outside and pitch or something
.song.come sail away -styx and can't fight this feeling -reo speedwagon
.song that makes u cry.wind beneath my wings
.makes you happy.come sail away
.gets u paranoid.none really
.makes u feel so alone.broken
.makes u want to scream.any rap song you could possibly think of
.just pisses u off totally.dunno'
*~Place to be/thing to do when...~*
.your happy.hang out w/ friends
.sad.sit in my room alone
.angry." "
.hurt.talk to people
.hyper.play outside
.bored.talk to my friends
*~Do you believe in/are you for~*
.George Bush. yes
.drinking.not a lot of it... but it's okay
.using people.no
.free speach.oh yea but speech is spelt w/ 2 "e"s
.no war.i don't like war... but when they attack us we have to protect ourselves
.school.meh, it's useful
.music. *cough*yes yes yes* cough*heck yea
.any godesses/gods.God as in Jehovah
.the tooth fairy.oh yea! j/k
.trucker hats.they're alright
.clap on laps.i have a feeling that's bad...
*~Have you ever...~*
.been in a mosh.no
.to a concert.yes
.attempted to trash ur new school over the summer.no, ha that's funny
.been pissed off at someone cuz u cant stay pissed at them.yes
.said u hated something when u secretly loved it.yep
.laughed during a very serious moment.haha, yea, but it wasn't my fault
.been completely obsessed with anything for over 3 years.not that i can think of
.sung to a song with headphones on forgetting ppl couldnt here the music.yea, actually
.made a ridiculous sn just to go on to harrass your friends.no
.been online for like more than a week.like... as in for all never off?
.weezer vs. everclear.weezer
.ramones vs. clash.ramones
.coldplay vs. radiohead.coldplay
.chili peppers vs. guns n roses.guns n roses
.areosmith vs. bon jovi.aerosmith
.queen vs. rolling stonesqueen
.led zepplin vs. the doors.led zepplin
.the cure vs. the kinksthe cure
.kiss vs. twisted sisterkiss
.the runnaways vs. sweetdunno'
.alice cooper vs. marilyn mansonalice cooper
.rancid vs. mest.dunno'
.the hives vs. the strokes.the hives
.saliva vs. kornno clue
*~ENDING~* ....*sniffle sniffle*that's so sad
.so like what u think of my survey ^-^.cool
.are u sad its over.course
.cuz im not!.meany
.teehee.you scare me buddy
.guess where i am.there
.guess again.no
.now look out ur window.okay
.haha no, im not there.i noticed
.like i dont no where i am.sure ya' don't
.maybe im lost.you could be
.can u help find me.no
.cuz i think ill cry if u dont.then cry you evil person, cry
.actually no, i wont.okay
.any comments before going about ur pointless life?my life is not pointless... today...

Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 October :: 4.17 pm
:: Mood: okay

Happy Movie Star Day!!
Today was alright. I can't believe how many people don't know who Audrey Hepburn is. Although Mr. Smith asked me how I knew who she was after all, she is older than him. lol. I love Coach. He rocks. But yea, it's crazy. I told everone that she was the actress in My Fair Lady and they didn't even know what that was half the time. Craziness I tell you.

Yep, I'm bored out of my mind. Bah, I hate afternoons. There's nothing to do.

Jenny and I are staying after tomorrow to try and work on some Chemistry. That stuff is pretty hard. It's not too terrible... but we decided we should still study it a little, and anyway, tomorrow we'll know what's gonna' be on the test so we'll know exactly what to study. Especially since most of the time the actual class period is spent talking about the soap operaish lives that Jenny and Katie lead! I swear, some of their stories could be pulled right out of the script from 'days of our lives'. It's insane. Oy vay.

Well I do believe that's it... oh wait! Who all's togaing tomorrow?? I AM!!! Yay!

Okay, I'll see ya' later loves. Adios.


You people who are dining w/ us before homecoming still need to let either Lauren or myself know that you're coming, that way we know how many cars we need. Okay? Okay. Buh bye now.

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 October :: 8.17 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Amazing Grace

It has been 1 year and 7 months since I first created my woohu. So far I've updated 212 times and posted/ recieved over 300 comments. Rock on woohu. Happy anniversary us. lol.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 October :: 5.17 pm
:: Mood: Rockin'
:: Music: none a'tall

I am overly happy!!!
Okay so, this weekend rocked my socks!!!!! We went to a youth group thing, it was officially the most fun I have had since... I don't even know when! OMG!! You don't even know. We went to a corn maze then went to Sam's grandparents house and played ghosts in the graveyard and sardeens (is that how you spell it... i really don't know). But yea, it was awesome. We went and played in the barn. They have tonz of hay and a rope swing and a climbing wall. I climbed the wall, it was pretty easy, and got hay everywhere on me including inside my coat and my scarf and my gloves and my vest and shirt and jeans, everywhere. It was SO much fun. Sam and I were throwing hay at eachother and Curtis kept trying to make me fall down the hay pile. Katie did fall and she rolled down like 3 times. It was sooo funny. Then we went and had dinner and when went back to the barn so that Curtis could show us where the best "hay diving" spot was... he jumped off the highest point in the barn into this huge thing of hay. It was really funny. He came back over by us and the realized that he dropped his keys and pens and such so we went back to look for them. When we found them I decided to throw some hay at Katie, she laughed and then she's like "Jacqui! You are so dead!!", so I ran and Curtis ran with me but there was a hole in the floor with this board half covering it and I saw it and went around but Curtis didn't and he fell right through. Oh my gosh, it was the funniest freaking thing I have ever seen. We made sure he was okay before bursting into laughter and laughing until we cried. It was way funny. Then we went on a hayride around the apple orchard and through the corn fields. We had corn fights and some of the guys played apple baseball. It was great. We just sat there singing youth group songs and country songs, anything we could think of. It was awesome. We went back to the house and ate some donuts and had cyder. It was the best time I've had in months. I love it.

Anyway, today. It was clash day, I almost forgot until we were in the parking lot and I saw someone with bunches of different layers of crazy colored clothes. It was funny. I'm sad though... kinda'. Today was the last day that we got to drive the Falcon. It's getting to be too hard to start up now that it's cold, and since we now have a Trailblazer Stephy and I get the van. Which is semi cool cuz it's WAY easier to park and WAY warmer than the Falcon, but it's so much less fun to drive. Not fair, just can't have it both ways. Oh well, I can't wait to be able to park where normal people who get there the same time as us park. Fun stuff homie.

Yep, that's about it. Another day another thousand stories.

Oh just to let ya' know, anyone who said they were going to big boy with us we're meeting there at 6pm and carpooling from there to the dance. My mom has 7 seats after you take out one for the driver and I think Lauren's mom's gonna' drive too. But I need to know who all's going with us okay? Lemme' know.

See ya'll later. Love ya' mucho.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 October :: 11.52 am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: the bubbling of my dr. pepper.

This week was okay. Nothing special at all. It went really fast though. That's pretty cool, I hate slow weeks. So annoying.

I'm so excited for next week. I love spirit week SO much. It's the coolest thing ever, although this years days kinda' suck. We have clash day every year, it gets old fast. Oy vay. But yea, whatever. It'll still be fun.

So, last night I went bowling with some friends. It was fun. I hope everyone else thought so too. Steph had fun... but she's reluctant to admit this because she didn't really wanna' go. She's so weird about that kind of thing. I guess Steph and her friends are going bowling after homecoming, I was gonna' go, but the more I think about it the more I'm not sure. I love her friends and I love to bowl... it's just I get the impression that Ariana doesn't want me to go. Which is crazy since she's pretty much my best friend. But yea, I guess I'll just think about it some more.

I'm so glad that Jenny and I have a class together this year. We talked last year, but not nearly this much. It's awesome. We're becoming such incredibly good friends. It's crazy. This year is definetly working in my favor in the whole new friends department.

Mmmmkay so, I am really bored. At four I'm going to a youth group thing. That should be fun, but sad. This is Josh's last outing. It's not even cool. I'm gonna' miss him soooooo much. You have no idea. I love Josh. (Josh is the youth group pastor incase you have no clue what I'm talking about.) I don't want him to move away.

Okay I'm done. I'll c ya'll later. Adios.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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