<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 7 June :: 1.38 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: Breath -Michelle Branch

Everything is alright
guess what guess what guess what!!?? I'm a sophmore! lol. Isn't that great??? OH YEA!! Go me! I made it through freshmen year at this madhouse. ha, finally. Steph's a senior. It's crazy. But happy. Mucho mucho happy.

Tennis started again... unofficially that is. I'm going to camp this week and last week we had mini-practices. The regular practice starts August 9th. I'm so excited. Tennis is my favorite school sport. It's fun to compete, fun to smash the ball. I love it!! We were playing centipede today and I hit a lob to Audra VanDerMolen and she smashed it back at me... it was SO scary! But then she's like "omg, sorry! that was against the rules!" funny stuff. lol. Course I'm probably one of the few people who would think getting a tennis ball smashed at them, lol. Oh well!

I was hanging out w/ Stephy today... we were just getting into a game of double solitare and some color guard related person called and she had to rush off to go buy fabric. BORING!! She asked if I wanted to go... but this is me. Yea right. I hate fabric stores... it's worse than shopping w/ her. lol. She's like mega-slow when she's shopping.

OOOOO guess what!? Now that Stephy has her lisence we've decided that we're gonna' go visit my aunt Jeri and our lovely cousins and we're gonna' take them to the beach. They live in Spring Lake... so it's perfect. The marina's practically next door to their house. It's grand, great, good, etc. But yea, I'm excited... it's been WAY too long since I've been to the beach. WAY WAY to long. Well no I was at the beach last year... but I mean like actually laying out in the sun, playing frisbee or volleyball type being at the beach. so yea, you see my excitement. hehe.

Well I suppose I'll go now. Talk to ya'll later on. Mucho amor.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 June :: 12.22 pm
:: Mood: muy bien
:: Music: Your everywhere to me -Michelle Branch

Where are we runnin', we need time to clear our heads.
Half days so totally rock my socks. Tons and tons. Last day of the first three classes and this is how it went.

1st hour: boycotted dressing w/ two thirds of my class. Played wiffle ball and kicked butt. We won!! yea, baby!! lol.

2nd hour: took Romeo and Juliet quiz, easy as heck. then just hung out and had rubber band fights... and puddy... and tape. lol. twas fun!!

3rd hour: for the first time ever in that class we got to play games online. I raced Chad and lost. that's sad. but he's played the game before... i blame that. hehe.

So tomorrow is my last day for spanish, algebra, and biology. Joyful! That's sad though, cuz I LOVE those classes. Especially spanish. It's grand.

Well I suppose I'll leave now. Talk to ya' later. love much.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 June :: 8.11 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: keys, the ones i'm hitting with each character i type

67 minutes!!
No, not 67 minutes until anything. Just 67 minutes. Only Allie will understand. hehehe.

Well I'm one confused little chica. Lots of things to think about. Lots of things I don't know what to do about. Lots of things I'm not sure about. It's just grand. *rolls eyes* Well at least I don't have to go to la clase de biologia until Thursday... and then never again. YAY. Or is that bad?? I'm not sure. Agh. Boys are stupid. Jeeeezzzz. And he told Allie to tell him what I said about him. Which isn't much, cuz I just don't know. Wow, that's all just nutz.

So yea, tennis today! I'm SO mega happy!! I love tennis, it relives all stress. Today Jenny and I were serving to Heather and I hit it really really hard. Course it was long... but it was still hard. lol. Jenny thought I was mad or something. hehe. But I wasn't... just wanted to hit it that hard. It felt darn good. lol.

2 more half days and we're free. But I kinda' wanna' stay. I don't like not seeing people. Although I'll see them at softball parties, and maybe Jenny's going away party. But still. It's sad. I love you all. I'll miss you deeply!!!!

La di da di da. Jacqui's bored. Immensly. I love that word, hehe. It's cool. I'm sooooo bored. goodness. I need to DO something. sheesh.

I'm excited, tomorrow Stephy and I are going out to lunch, then I have tennis, that I might skip, and Thursday is Katie William's birthday party... which shall be grand. And Sunday is Amanda's party, and then the 11th is Ariana's and the 15th is Brad's. It's great!!! You guys probably don't know Brad, he's my step-cousin. He's hot... but yea, he's my cousin. lol. He's fun though, he's in 8th grade but he'll be 15 in November... so yea, not too big an age difference. I love him.

Well I shall stop boring you, not that a ton of you actually took the time to read the whole thing... but for those that did rock on. Love ya'll much.

-Jay Bean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 May :: 8.19 pm
:: Mood: personish
:: Music: Breath

I'm a girl on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
so this entry is mostly for allie.

ya' know what we talked about in biology thursday. about what *he* told you and stuff. i keep thinking about it. it's annoying. so yea, why'd he tell you that?? did you tell him what i said?? cuz i guess you can it doesn't matter. but you're right. i couldn't handle it. i can barely handle him now! lol. so yea, just thought i'd mention that. oh and we'll talk more one on one. not a whole ton i can say in a journal that people other than you read. so yea. adios, love ya' tons, buh bye.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 May :: 7.04 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: The Way I Feel

Look like a seatbelt!!!
- -

Yes, that is how you look like a seatbelt. lol. Don't ask.

So I've had a lot to think about lately. And I mean a LOT. I like it. Give's me something to do, ya' know?? But yea, it's been interesting. Only 1 more lunch, only 2 more of each class. This time next week I will be considered a sophmore. Weird. I'm enjoying the whole freshmen thing... must I grow up?? Can't we just all stay here, I like it here. But change is good right?? Sophmore year can't be that different... can it? I'm really not that worried about it. What I'm worried about is that it's Steph's senior year next year. Wow, that's crazy. To me she's still young, like my age. I get older, she doesn't. That's how I feel about everyone. They can't get older, it doesn't work that way. But it does. And I don't like it at all. I have so many friends who are gonna' graduate next year, it's just sad. *sniffle* All my juniors are leaving!! *sobs openly* J/K It won't be that bad. Besides, this'll just help me live it up more next year with those people.

Softball is over. Done. Fanito. Finished. Gone. I think you get the picture. Sucky last game. But after it we went to Trini's and I saw Eric. I LOVE Eric. Some of you probably know him. He graduated two years ago. He is so incredibly hot. lol. But that's not why I love him. I love him because our mom's were really good friends when we were younger and he was always over at our house. We both had older sisters so we bonded. He had a crush on Steph. No one seemed to notice that but me, but he so did. It was totally obvious. Funny even. hehe. But yea, we hadn't seen each other in forever because they moved a few years ago and when they moved back my family no longer went to the same church as them. So sad. So yea, it was great grand joyfulness.

Lauren came over again today since her dad was helping with the garage. We played softball a bit and then we went to the school and played tennis w/ her mom and brother. Great fun I tell ya'. I'm obsessed w/ tennis. It's a passion now. So yea, joyful.

Well that's about it for me catching ya' up on my lovely week. Party on people. Love ya' mucho. Rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 25 May :: 8.31 pm
:: Mood: pained
:: Music: Bloopers Show

No, I didn't die! hehe.
I haven't updated in a while. That's mostly due to the fact, that my call wave doesn't work and my parentals don't like having people online when it doesn't work.

I do believe that I have had the crapiest day of the year today. Biology made me want to die, if you don't know why please don't ask because I really don't wanna' talk about it. It sucked. But anyway, after that when I was on the softball bus Lauren for some freakish reason decieded to throw a glove at me and it hit me in the face. That was grand. Then I didn't pitch too well, not totally horrible, but not good enough for me. We got merceyed. then I was catching for Krystal since both our catchers were gone, and I can... kinda'... and somehow I screwed my thumb up. It's swolenish... but mostly it just hurts. The trainer guy said I sprained a ligament or something, and I should be able to play Thursday. I better, it's our last game. I don't care how bad I kill myself in that game, as long as I get to take part in killing Sparta, bad. lol. Yea I'm a dork. But I can deal with it.

Okay to end with I'd like to say that I totally agree with Heather's latest entry. If you disagree, I'm sorry, but there's no reason to be affended by it. As long as you're not one of those morons who jumb out of the way when a ball comes near them. That's just dumb, so get the heck over it. I'm really not in the mood to care what you people think about it. Gosh that annoys the crap out of me. Sorry, had to get that out of my system.

Well I'll talk to you all later. Much love dears.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 May :: 8.14 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Dido

"I will go down with this ship, and I won't put my hands up and surrender"
Wow. This week has only existed for three days and already there have been at least a hundred times when I felt the need to strangle someone, hug someone, or just go sit in a corner and think. I hate it. Too much drama darnit!! Too too much.

So today in p.e. I had the best time. First JD was being dumb to Katie so I walked up behind him thinking I'd just push his back so he'd lose his balance. But no, the kid had to realize I was behind him. So he grabbed around my legs and pulled me onto his back, it was so scary, and yet hilarious. I smacked him and he let me go, but not before basically everyone saw and started cracking up laughing. It was just grand. Then we played floor hockey and that was the best. I played the whole time because for some reason we didn't have enough people on our team to switch. It was great. Calvin and I both went for the ball at the same time and he somehow ended up cutting my arm w/ his stick... but I didn't care, I was too busy trying to hit the ball to my team. lol. I swear injury has no affect on me anymore! So yea, that was fun to the max. (omg, I just sounded like Lauren... oh boy... this could be bad! ;) hehe)

So today at softball my mood went down into the dirt. We had to practice w/ JV... which wasn't bad, but we were kinda' segragated. All the freshmen on JV, w/ the exception of Anne, are so stupid. They think they're better than everyone else. It so deeply bugs me. UGH!! But yea, fun stuff. So at first practice was okay, Krystal and I went over and pitched to the fence to warm up... which was fun, I like to talk to her and I like to pitch... good combo!! Anyway, after that I told her I wanted her to pitch the scrimmage, I don't really know why, I just did. So we went back to the infield and got ready to bat... we didn't do very well. Although Lauren ripped it really hard to what seemed like right field... but no, Kayla caught it. Gayness mucho. Then when we were on the field we kinda' sucked. No one was pumped up. I felt like the coach... cuz I was yelling at people and telling them what to do, or how awesome what they did was. But yea, I feel bad now for yelling. Meaness is not in my nature.... I hate being mean or acting like a know-it-all. It makes me dislike myself. But yea, that's the practice story.

I have had so much fun in biology the past few days. All we've had to do is work on our worksheets, which Chad, Caleb and I finished the second day. So today Allie, Tylor, Caleb, Chad and I were all just sitting there talking. It was fun, I like talking to them. Our sub was really nice too, he let us do whatever... unless it got too out of hand. Then when we had that tornado drill thing we had to lead him to "our area". Afterward I was walking w/ Ariana and Kevin Cuppet and he was like "come on Ariana, touch my boob, come on just one touch." But she refused, so I was like "oh come on just do it" and he's like "hey, you do it!" to me... so I did. In reality his "boob" was just a rubber bally thing. It was funny though. New experience.

Well now that I've rambled on for an hour about this lovely day o' mine I shall leave you. Rock on and mucho lovin'. Ustedes estan padre!! lol. If you don't know what I just said don't ask me... ask Cisne. Or Crowley. hehe. Love ya'll tonz, again.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 May :: 8.05 pm
:: Mood: happy, surprisingly happy
:: Music: That stupid eminem song about not knowing the band and wanting to hold hands... i don't even know.

"I cried out w/ no reply"
Okay so, I have no freakin' clue who the person is who's journal I got this from... all I know is her name is Jess. So yea, read it. I did and I thought about it and I just don't know... it's good. It's true. It puts into words all the stuff that I've thought about before but never wanted or needed to say. So read, party, have a ball. Love ya tonz guys and gals. Adios.

Have you ever wondered which hurts the most?
Saying something and wishing you hadn't?, or
Saying nothing and wishing you had?

I guess the most important things are the hardest things to say. Don't be afraid to tell someone you love them.

If you do, they might break your heart...if you don't, you might break theirs.

Have u ever decided not 2 become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person?

Too many of us stay walled up because we are too afraid to care too much...for fear that the other person does not care as much, or even at all.

Have you ever denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?

But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger.

Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump.

Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have done, or could have had.

* What would you do if every time you fell in love you had to say good-bye?

*What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt? (even if it is that you don't care anymore)

*What would you do if you loved someone more than ever and you couldn't have them?

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 May :: 5.05 pm
:: Mood: sleepy, yet excited
:: Music: yea...

i can drive i can drive i can drive... provided that there is a licensed adult over the age of 21 in the car. hehe
Yea I got my permit today. Can ya' tell? hehe. Half days rock. I did nothing in 1st hour, pretended I was done w/ my essay and went to the media center w/ Justine and Katie during 2nd hour, and had that awards thingy during 3rd hour. Grand!! Then we went out to lunch at Trini's I love that place!!!!! Then we got donuts!!! yay! lol. It was fun. I got to drive from the Greenville Mijer to my grandma's apartment in Sparta and back to my house. But the whole time Steph was making comments in the back seat. I was about ready to smack her. Lordy she's annoying sometimes.

I wanna' go play tennis now. I really do. It sounds like fun! Can't though... cuz I doubt anyone will want to play with me. That's sad.
:( Oh well, I shall occupy myself w/ something else. We have to practice w/ the JV tomorrow, it's the first practice in 5 days... so we'll probably suck!! Like, worse than usual. Meh, that's dumb.

Stephy is so making me mad today. I don't think she gets the whole I-was-mad-this-morning-anyway-so-ya-better-not-test-me thing. Ugh. I could choke her. I'm so tired... and it's all her fault that I'm tired... and when I'm tired I'm grumpy in the mornings. Today has been a constant morning basically, I have no sense of what time it is because we got out of school early. So yea, it's gay.

Okay question... is it really hard to pronounce my last name?? really?? Cuz for pilar it seems to be incredibly difficult for no aparent reason. Grr on him. We should hold a revolt against him. Just because he's dumb. Not like any teachers would stop us... they hate him too!!!! oy vay, he's dumb.

Well that was my little vent session for the day. I'd continue but I don't want to deeply annoy you all. Just slightly annoy you. hehe. So I shall speak w/ you all on a later date. Adios mi amigas y amigos. Rock your little selves on.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 May :: 8.31 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Motown 45

"Just call my name... and I'll be there"
Yep, I had a joyful day. Not. I was just outside having my mom hit me tennis balls so that I could practice and take my slight anger out on running. It was grand. Didn't help though. Now I'm just sweaty and tired along w/ being angry. GREAT! *rolls eyes*

There are SO many more parking spots w/ the seniors gone. lol. It's crazy. But 3rd and 5th hour for me had tonz of seniors... and now their gone. So it's odd. Mucho odd. Kinda' sad... but not really. It's sad that Rueben's gone though... my poor Michelle.

So yea, I would normally tell you everything that happened today... but I already did that once today. So yea. I'll go now. Adios mi amigas y amigos. Love ya' tonz.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 May :: 4.09 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Steph and Ellie playing their flutes... or pics... or something

I hated him with a passion so deep, it almost felt like love.
Stupid Tyler! He tried to break my gelly bracelet today!! I love that thing. Then he stole it and stretched it all out and wore it as an anklet. He's so dumb! Funny, but dumb. Yea, biology was interesting today, to say the least. It normally is though, so I don't know why that's such a surprise. Oh well.

I don't wanna be here. I'm home. I don't like home. It's better than practice. But it's no fun. Stephy and Ellie are playing their pics and it's gay. They're soooo annoying. UGH! Die. Sorry that was my freak out session for the day. Forgive me. But yea, I want to go somewhere far, far away. But I need a friend to come with so that I'm not all alone. hehe. Yes as independent as I am, I still hate being alone in a totally unfamiliar place. Meh.

I am SO BORED!!! Gosh. There's nothing to do at all. And Adam's not home so I can't just call him and tell him to come play with me. (yes I do do that. lol.) Oy, this is dumb.

lalalalalalalala. Okay I'm gonna' leave now. As bored as I am you must be that times 10! I would be if I were you.

Love ya' mucho mucho mucho. Rock on dears.


Are you gone yet??

Why are you still reading this????

Go away!!!

Fine, stay, but if you're not gonna' leave I am... so there.

I'm leaving

at the door

opening it

I'm out

Closing the door.....


*walks away*

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 May :: 8.44 pm
:: Mood: indescribable

Is it possible to hate and love someone with the depths of your soul?? Because I'm begining to think it's not only possible, but that I'm doing it. And it sucks, man does it suck.

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 May :: 9.51 pm
:: Mood: none of these moods describe mine! grr on that
:: Music: drill, TV, people talking, you get the picture...

Marshmellows are good.
I'm sitting here at the desk eating marshmellows. You probably guessed that cuz of the subject, but I decided to tell you anyway.

Today was the last day for the seniors. Their prank got screwed up by the stupid police. Dumbheads that they are. So all they did was stand outside in toga's screaming and banging on cars as they drove in. They wore the togas all day, well some of them. But yea, it's sad that they're leaving. I'm gonna' miss them. The ones I knew at least. They were pretty cool.

So yea, first day in forever that I have gotten to just go home after school. It was new. I didn't know what to do w/ myself. But Steph decided outa' nowhere that we "needed" to watch pirates of the carribean, so we did. 4th time I've watched it and it's still good. I still jump when the scaryish parts come. lol. I'm a dork, I know.

So the band concert thing is Sunday. I might have to drive. But I refuse to do so during the concert because the collage is the absolute only band concert I actually enjoy watching. I think I've gotta' set up tho... it's either that or help mi madre sell something, and I just don't do that. So yea.

Oh my gosh. Today at lunch, Sam sat in Zac's seat to talk to Jill. So Zac got mad outa' nowhere and he yells "get the h*** out of my seat" it was hilarious. It was stupid and mean of him, but it was funny how mad he got over such a little thing. Sam just sat there, she was like "I'm not gonna' move ya' know... might as well just pull up another seat". Greatly funny. But yea, thought I'd share that.

So today in Biology Allison was gone, cuz she's at Katie's graduation. So it was me and a bunch of guys. Caleb, Chad and I worked on our worksheets together. Tylor put his hand over my eyes so I couldn't see then had Caleb talk so I wouldn't know it was him. It was funny. Then Mike told me it was his birthday (still don't know I believe him) so I gave him a back rub. Because I promised him I would, since I gave Caleb one on his birthday. So yea, it was interesting.

Well I shall be off now. Nothing more to say. Love ya'll tons. Adios.

-Jeanie Bean-

5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 13 May :: 8.35 pm
:: Mood: aggravated

rain is good, but running in the rain is better.
Yea so, today for practice we "ran" the whole time. Actually we ran/walked to Maynard's and then ate ice cream and signed the walls, seats, and whatever else we could. Then we ran/walked back to the school and went home. Good practice!! lol. Oh and coach is going to the Bahamas so we don't have practice tomorrow, monday or Tuesday. Wednesday we practice w/ JV and thursday we have a game. So we have to organize a practice ourselfs or die worse than we usually do. Joyful. Maybe we can get M-dawg(miranda) to come play a quick pick-up game w/ us. She and her friends like to do that. Besides, she said she missed playing ball w/ her freshmen! (that would be me! hehehe) So yea, fun stuff.

Michelle and Rueben are going out now... that's SO sweet!! awwww... lol. Sorry, but it is. They're so cute together. I'm soo happy for them!! *smiles*

Katie and Zac need to break up, like now. Ever since they've been going out nothing is normal or good. Zac and Jenny fight constantly, Katie and Jenny don't get along too well (for no good reason might I add), and Katie's just being an all around moron to everyone... especially me! She asks me for advice on everything and I always give it to her, I try to help her any way I can. And what thanks do I get for this? She takes out all her anger on me. She doesn't listen to what I say, if I need advice I can't go to her cuz all she cares about is her. Ugh, it bugs the crap out of me!!!! I just wanna' strangle her. But then I think about it and I realize that I do still love her. Even when she acts stupid. Sorry about the rant but I needed to get that out.

So this is for Heather. I love you too dear. No matter what happens in my day, once I talk to you it's better. I love that. Never once have you failed to make me happy. Especially when you "force" me to listen to hilarious songs and we have shoe fights. lol. So many memories I have from the past couple years have you in them. I love it. So thank you Heather. For everything. I love you.

I need sleep. A lot of sleep. But tomorrow's Friday and that is good, after Friday sleep is something I get quite often. hehe. Good weekend, good. I can't wait until the weekend. Hope nothing causes me to get up too early though. That'd suck bad!!

Okay so Ariana, Shelly, and I were going to go to club revolution this Saturday. Just because we've never been there and we all love to dance, so it sounded like fun. So we had the whole thing planned and all the sudden my father decides I can't go, and my mom agreed! They said I have to go to my "aunt's" birthday party. In reality she's not my aunt, actually she just some girl my grandpa dated for a while. I don't like her. She's kinda' dumb. But yea, I g2g now, talk to ya' later. Buh bye.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 13 May :: 8.33 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Summer Catch

Isn't this great! I am a 7, lol.
Whats does your personality rate from 1-10? by morning_prayer
Your first full name
Your personality rates a7
your best quality isyoure intelligent
your worst quality isum...nothing =)
this is becauseyou were always this way
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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