<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 12 May :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: slightly annoyed, but amused too
:: Music: the pounding of the board

"You're just a really stupid girl!!"
The subject is from my new favorite song in the world. Which Heather made me listen to yesterday just because she knew I'd laugh at a certain part of it.... not gonna' even try to explain that one, hehehe. But yea. Fun stuff.

So we lost our last home game of the season. *looks down in shame* But we played hard, and it was just a "scrimmage" I guess so whatever. But it was sooo funny, before the game, in the Cedar View locker rooms, waiting out the semi-storm... lol. Wow. If you don't know what I'm talking about you are deprived. It was hilarious!!! Really really funny. But yea, I"m gonna' go now. Adios my friends.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 May :: 8.36 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Harry Potter the movie

Happy Mother's Day!!
Do you know how much of a dork I am? Yea yea, shut up, I know what you're thinking! But anyway. Last night I was in my room with nothing to do, Steph was down stairs doing something and so were my parental units. So I was bored. I looked over at this chest of drawers and sitting there on top was some "mood" lip stick that my sister got in like 6th grade. It's blue but it can change to pink, purple and black. So being the dork I am I put some on. Then I put on this freaky blue sparkled eye shadow and looked in the mirror. I looked like a freak. So since I was bored I decided to continue this. I put on a mini-skirt that I would never ever wear in public and a tank top w/ another tank top over it. Then I got my sequined top hat and feather boa out and put those on too. I looked like a hooker!! It was so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing for hours. Then when I went to see just how stupid I looked in the full length mirror, my mom came up the stairs and saw me! She looked so scared. And that just made me laugh harder!!! It was interesting I tell you. Odd, but interesting. So yea, just thought I'd let you all in on just how dorky I really am.

Talk to ya'll later, buh bye now.


6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 May :: 10.02 pm
:: Mood: pfft...
:: Music: some random song... i don't know

blah blah blah
i am soooo bored. so deeply deeply bored. it half stormed, which kept me half entertained. jenny and i are talking. which is fun, cuz i love her. but i'm still bored. i want to talk to **certain other people**, but they won't get on. so i'm still bored. and i have to get off in a few minutes. and then i'll be thinking about that person all night, and thinking about what exactly i want to say to that person. but yea. i actually want heather to get on too. i want to know about her papa. and herself too of course. hehe. but yea, fun stuff.

okay go on, tell me that you don't care how bored i am. i know. but it's my journal... i'll write what i want. hehe.

g2fly now. adios all.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 May :: 9.10 pm
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: Breakdown -Relient K

"Can you find it in you're heart, to make this go away, and let me rest in pieces..."
Ever notice how my subjects have like zero to do with my entry's? lol. I just realized that, sad isn't it? ha, like a lot. Yea, today wasn't great. Gave my great grandma her "present" for Mother's Day. We cleaned her house. Now being me, I normally make people gifts. So I was going to do the same this year. But mi madre decided to volunteer me to help her and my grandma clean. Steph was also volunteered for this lovely job. So, Steph and I decided to get out of this for a little while by taking her shopping for a remote control that she needed for some reason. But while in the parking lot of this lovely store I, lil' miss graceful, got my jeans caught on the seat, while trying to get out of the back of the falcon. It was grand. Scraped my leg nicely too. Then when we got back to the house I hit my head on the arm of her love-seat. It hurt like heck. You'd think those things would be soft!!? But noooo. Not that one, that one had to be hard. lol. Ugh.

So yea, boring boring day. The odd thing about today... is that I should be unhappy, angry. I used to be, I was truely mad at the world this morning, and this afternoon actually. But right now I feel soothed. Happy. Mood ring = blue. hehe. I don't even know.

Well, I think I shall be off now. I love you all, good-bye!! Rock on. Love much.

-Me, myself, and I-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 7 May :: 7.23 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Swing Swing -All American Rejects-

So no one told you life was gonna' be this way, your job's a joke you're broke, you're love life's D.O.A.!!!
I'm happy today! Rockin' week, rockin' day, rockin' game yesterday. Rockin' everything!! I went to Stratford Tuesday, which rocked!! Best experience of my life so far, I swear it was. Then Wednesday, well nothing really happened... but it was joyful. On Thursday we had a double header against Kenowa Hills and we lost the first game by one, then tied the second game after playing extra innings 3 times! And the best catch in the whole wide world ever was made by my lovely friend Heather DeLine. She slid, rolled, and dove to catch that thing, and by-gull she did it!! It was great, I couldn't stop hugging her for like an hour!!! lol. So now is the time to talk about today. It was great fun. 5th hour we just worked on our assignment from last night the whole hour, doing corrections and such. In 4th hour all we did was play the dice game and take a vocab. quiz, which was easy. In 6th hour (yes i know i skip around, get over it.) we were just watching a movie, because McD decided not to go outside today, and I played tetris on Caleb's cell phone and played the flip the coin and guess what it is game w/ him. It was fun and joyful. Then I had practice and we played two really fun games the whole time. This guy from greenville that was warming up for his game was being a moron and making comments at us while we played 5 bucks, so coach finally got really mad and talked to their coach about it. It was funny. But yea, that's it. Nothing too exciting, just life in general.

Steph and I are going to see a movie, I guess Lauren's gonna' come too. Then she's gonna' spend the night since her dad's coming over to work on the garage tomorrow. Our families are really good friends now. Since mom and kim are both band/ softball mom's. It's grand. But anyway, the movie is Mean Girls, at northstar, and it starts at 8pm in case anyone wants to join us. It shall be interesting.

Okay I'm gonna' fly off now to my own little world, have fun now ya' hear. Adios mi amigas/ amigos.

-If you don't know, you shouldn't be reading this-

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 May :: 9.38 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: The world around me...

Sisters, can't live w/ 'em. Can't get a ride to school w/o 'em.

It's a lose-lose situation.

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 May :: 3.08 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Playlist

This Is Your Life -Switchfoot
Yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
Yesterday is a promise that you've broken
Don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes,
This is your life.
And today is all you've got now.
And today is all you've ever have.

This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, is it everything that you dreamed
that it would be when the world was younger,
and you had everything to lose?

Yesterday is a kid in the corner
Yesterday is dead and over.

This is your life, are you who you want to be?
This is your life, are you who you want to be?

That is my favorite song on The Beautiful Letdown album. It rocks!!! And it makes you think. Good combo!

Talk to ya'll later. Rock on. Have an awesome Sunday!! Love ya' much.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 May :: 10.17 pm
:: Mood: blah

Abortion?:stupid. it's murder
Death Penalty?:turn the other cheek... not an eye for an eye
Prostitution?:i don't care if you need money, it's a sin.
Alcohol?:whatever u want i guess
Marijuana?:bad, i hate it
Other drugs?:drugs and druggies are dumb.
Gay marriage?:sinful
Illegal immigrants?:stay in your own country. we need to work too.
Smoking?:bad, kills ya'
Drunk driving?:kills people? what's good?
Cloning?:wrong, we don't need to play God
Racism?:wrong again. they never did anything to u
Premarital sex?:it's a sin.
Religion?:organized=hypocritical other than that it's good to have religion
The war in Iraq?:they needed to be stopped. bush knows more than i do about it so his decisions fine
Bush?:good guy most the time, but he can be stupid
Downloading music?:fine, as long as it's not over used
The legal drinking age?:good, teens aren't responsible enough for it.we've proven that time and again
Suicide?:what could possibly make you want to kill yourself? that's so sad!

What is your stand on..... brought to you by BZOINK!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 May :: 5.45 pm
:: Mood: remembering

The memories from 9th grade... so far.
-tennis season
-the soccor game w/ shelly
-football games
-watching stephy and my friends compete for band
-softball conditioning
-the 'shoe thing'
-bowling on a half day w/ ariana, larissa, steph, heather b. and jake.
-getting my butt whooped at twister at the color gaurd party
-meeting all the new people
-cooking in food and nutrition
-spanish class... everyday's a new memory in there
-softball season so far
-watching my friends play in freshmen and jv football games
-basketball games w/ my friends
-the youth group all-nighter
-the band hallway (i swear all memories are made there, it's weird)
-the red wings game
-the hoedown
-dances after games
-playing c1trivia in BMMT
-the conversations between all of us in BMMT
-the smily face thing w/ caleb and I
-"skipping" bio. to sit in the library and talk to caleb
-becoming better friends w/ adam
-getting to know more people on my bus (they can be cool)
-youth group outings w/ katie
-lunch w/ jill and michelle
-the smily faced slinky man conversation...
-seeing "The Perfect Score" w/ adam and being the only people in the theater.
-re's mom having Joshua
-getting to know people who i never even gave the time of day before.

Of course there are more. I could think of them if I had more time... but I don't. So feel free to add to my list. Those were mostly good memories... or just plain odd ones. But over-all I'd say this year I've made the most memories, good or bad, than any other year of my life. And that my dears, is an accomplishment.

I love you all. Rock on. Adios


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 May :: 5.17 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: hockey game

The best advice comes from those you don't ask.
Okay so, ariana came over yesterday and spent the night. We went to the track meet. Lauren said she was gonna' go but she didn't end up being there. So yea, I don't know what that was about. We hung out w/ Rob and Ben and Adam and Corey. But mostly Rob and Ben. Ben kept saying "your boyfriend..." to me about Rob and visa-versa. It was acward to say the least. He was like "are you two an item now?" and we said no. So he goes "why not" and we're like "i dunno". He kept doing stuff like that. It was really weird. But yea, at least he's blunt and doesn't dance around topics like others tend to do. I hate that.

Yep, I have nothing to say really. Hope the varsity and jv are kickin' bootay in the terniment. They should. They're good teams this year.

Well I'll be going now, have fun today children. Don't do anything too scary though! lol. Hope those of you who went to prom had fun. Rock on ya'll. Mucho amor.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 30 April :: 2.26 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: 89.9 WAY FM

Prom's tonight. Not for me for Steph.. but it's still happy!
So yea, half days rock. 1st hour we watched Fater Of The Bride. 2nd hour we watched the party seen of the modern Romeo and Juliet movie. 3rd hour we just did whatever we wanted because we had a sub... Chad wanted a re-match on the trivia game, so I played him and wooped him again! lol great stuff. 4th hour we were suppose to have a test but crowley didn't want to be unfair to the meap takers so she cancelled it and we got to just sit there the whole time "studying our words". It was grand. 5th hour we actually learned something, but not a lot. And it was pretty easy anyway. 6th hour Carr was our sub so we just hung out. Caleb, Chad and I worked on ou disection worksheet thingy since Allie did the whole disection basically... except the brain... we didn't get too far though. But oh well. No biggie.

So yea, that was my day. Boring. Steph's getting her hair done for prom at the moment. She's gonna' look SO pretty. I love her dress w/ a passion. It's all pretty and pink and stuff. Gorgeous. She better take tons of pictures. Heck she better just bring the camera. I'm so happy for her. I made her a little card telling her to have fun and hid it in her purse so hopefully she won't find it until dinner and then she'll know I love her. Yes, corny. But I love my sister.

We lost our games yesterday. Merceyed twice. But Unity Christian is the best team in the league, so that's understandable. We played hard though. Need batting practice. All of us. Julie needs to come pitch to us some day so that we can get used to hitting faster pitches. Krystal, Melanie, and I don't pitch fast and we're the only people our team ever gets to hit of live. So yea, fun stuff. Heather's going to the JV ternament w/ them. That's awesome. She's an awesome first base-person. hehe. Best on our team in my opinion. So that's cool.

Ariana's coming over at like 5:30 tonight and she's spending the night. We're going to the track meet tomorrow, cuz my mom's working the concession. So that should be somewhat fun. I think. Unless it gets cancelled cuz of rain or something. But we'll just hope it doesn't... if it does I'll be immensly bored!

Well I shall go now. Have fun children. Rock on. Mucho amor.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 April :: 6.57 pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: Full House

lalala. i fell on my face at practice. "sliding" into home. though it wasn't really a slide. more of a i-don't-wanna'-slide-so-i'll-standishly-slide. that was pretty funny. then we quit 45 minutes early... just cause we can. we watched varsity play from this little red building behind home plate. that was cool. gives ya' a whole new perspective on the game. very rockin'. kinda' dredding varsity though. mr. reed is mucho scary. like bad. he screamed at katie empie just because she got out. she was only out by about a tenth of a second. it was so dumb. not even cool at all. but yea, that reed for ya'.

Recap on the school day:

1st hour- boring as always... worked the whole hour and i'm still not done. grrr on that.

2nd hour- romeo and juliet is a good story and all, and i like old english sometimes, but that's just annoying. ugh. oh well, not incredibly terrible.

3rd hour- ringler. gives new meaning to the word moody. he's funny sometimes but then others... he's an ass.

4th hour- spanish. love the language. but crowley's been muy dumb lately. i don't know whats up w/ her but it gets old fast. that's okay, we get to watch a movie for three days in a row now anyway. YAY!

5th hour- kruisinga was our sub. in algebra. he was so confusing me. but it was just a^2+b^2=c^2 anyway. no biggie at all. but still funny to watch him try and teach math. normally he's my p.e. teacher. just too weird!

6th hour- oh the joyfulness. we disected pigs. gross w/ a passion!! but i lived. caleb put his shirt over my back and somehow it got pigness on it, so of course it's my fault. and so i now must wash and iron it for him. lol. joyful.

after school- retook my spanish test, and passed w/ an even better score than before. (she makes you retake it... it's weird) but yea, then got changed for practice and tried to find steph. i failed misserably at that at first... then i found her when amy told me she was in the parking lot. so i got a ride to practice. (always rockin') we saw heather, emily, shelly, and someone else... not sure who... on the way. so we stopped and picked up heather and emily. shelly and the other person were picked up by katelyn's mom. then yea, you know the rest. grand isn't it? yea i thought so.

so yea, my lovely life. boring. uneventful. and yet somehow... i love it.

adios. have a rockin', kick butt day. love ya' much. rock on.


(the stalker will find you, don't try to run! muhahahahaha!!!)

sorry that just sounded fun. hehehe.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 25 April :: 4.24 pm
:: Mood: lazy

You came and breathed some life into this lonely heart of mine, you through out the lifeline just in the nik of time.
I love that song. Back at one. It's such a pretty song. In like, 4th grade this guy that was my "boyfriend" dedicated it to me. I still love it now just as much as I did then. The annoying thing is though, everytime I hear it I think of him. Which gets incedibly annoying after a while. But yea, what're ya' gonna' do? He's still my friend so I suppose that's fine. But I really do LOVE that song.

I was helping my mom and grandpa polish my car. It was prettty fun. Ya' probably think I'm weird for saying that, but it was. It looks really bad right now but they're polishing it so it'll look better. All purty and such. but yea, fun stuff.

I really want to talk to one person, and that one person is the only one that isn't on. That so annoys me. grrrrr. But that's okay, I suppose I'll live.

Alright I'm gonna' leave now. Have a rockin' day. Much love. Adios


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 24 April :: 9.08 pm
:: Mood: touched
:: Music: Beach Boys

An entry all for Heather
Heather is the coolest person ever! She thinks just like I do. We're on the same brain wave or something. I love it. I'm so glad she's my friend... and that I had the chance to be hers. So this entry is to you Heather. I love you, rock on. We're just starting this journey... and though we may have started it later than some, at least we're in it together. Better late than never, right? We can become better people together!


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 24 April :: 8.23 pm
:: Mood: amused

mall hunting is fun!
i went to this mall hunt thing w/ Katie and the youth group today, it rocked! we ran (literally) around river town crossings mall to find the "church elders" as they're called. it was SO fun, pretty funny too. Curtis tried to go down the up escalter... he didn't get anywhere (obviously) so i had to ride up a little to give him the paper that we needed to give him and then jump down again. it was greatly funny. we just walked around the mall finding people and playing on the work out equipment in Gaylans. it was joyous. we got second place too! that was cool. we won mountain dew. hehe. then we got to eat pizza and play football/ basketball/ keep-away in the gym. it was just grand. didn't talk to tyler too much. which sucked cuz i wanted to talk to him... find out some stuff about katie.... but yea, oh well. i hung out w/ curtis, ellie, katie, and sam eary at the mall and at the church curtis left and nicole came so that was fun too.

yea so, i had a rockin' day. hope ya'll enjoyed your's just as much! rock on. adios. much love.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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