<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 7 April :: 7.07 pm
:: Mood: normal... well as normal as I can be...
:: Music: the washing machine... or drier... they sound the same.

Na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, good bye.
Yea so this week has been pretty cool. Practice yesterday kinda' sucked... I almost passed out. Not really sure why though... it was scary! But yea, other than that it's been great. I spent the night at Ariana's last night and Larissa drove us to Grand Rapids to see their dad and I bought Taco Bell for us all. That was great. Larissa and I actually have quite a bit in common... and I got to sit in the front of her Mustang instead of the back since Steph wasn't there. (it was a thrill to me so don't even think about how weird it sounds okay? okay.) So yea, then we had a bonfire when we got back to her house and played ghosts in the graveyard... which was quite interesting with the steep hills around Ariana's house. We stayed up really late talking too. Which kinda' sucked since we had to get up and go to practice this morning... but it was still fun. And practice today rocked! It was soo much fun. Probably because there were less people and it was a mix of JV and Freshmen. But yea... great fun I tell you.

So... my last entry. I was venting. Because I was mad. Because of something I can't actually tell you about. (If you ask I won't tell you so just don't.) But I just thought I'd clear that up.

Well I'm not mad... but I somehow now feel the need to go pitch against the tree. And to ask how the heck Heather came up w/ that as an anger management technique. Hmm... that interests me. lol. So Heather, do tell. hehe.

Well I'm off to do... something. Don't know and don't care what. Just something. Tata my dear ones. Adios


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 5 April :: 2.31 pm
:: Mood: Pointless evil moods!!
:: Music: The noise that the computer makes while it's on.

I know I should be over all this crap with *him*. (if you know what I'm talking about good for you but if you dont'... you won't so don't ask) I really should. But the truth is, I'm not. I still like him, for some reason totally unknown to me. But I don't trust him. How can I? I'm just kinda' confused. I don't even know if anything he says to me is true anymore. The more I think about it the more I don't know. Ugh, that's so freaking gay!! So I have come to the conclusion that guys are dumb and I should just forget they are alive... at least guys in Cedar. I know them too well, everything they've ever done I know about... unless they're new. But you see my point. This is BS I tell you. Grr.. I hate not knowing what's going on in my life. But at least I have God, the one guy in my life who will NEVER let me down. That's what keeps me from killing someone. So I guess you should all be thankful I have him too, huh?

Much love, rock on.


The whole guys suck thing, it doesn't apply to Ben. Because I can always count on Ben. So to you Ben: You rock, I love you!! Have an awesomely fun day. Rock on.

13 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 5 April :: 2.01 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Newsboys; Amazing Love

My car is almost done!
Hmm.. what to say. Let's see. First of all, my car is almost done. The only thing that we have to do is make it shift into passing gear... because it won't. And no one knows why. Which is gay... but it's still almost done and I'm immensly happy about that. GREATNESS!!!!! lol. Sorry, it's just deeply exciting. Steph's finally getting her lisence pretty soon too. Like, in the next couple of weeks most likely. Isn't it great?! I think so. But then again... those of you who'll have to share the road with her may not think the same. hehe ;) Just kidding... kinda'...

So yea, I got my hair cut. It's mucho mucho different. Seriously... way more different than I planned on it being but that's okay. The only thing that really bugs me is that I can't put it up into a ponytail very easily anymore... and that is something I need to be able to do during softball. Meh, evilness. But oh well, it's all good.

So how's break going for ya'll?? Mine's kick butt so far. Well except that I miss all my friendly ones. But that's easily remedeed. We have practice tomorrow, so I'll see some of my lovlies there... and those that I don't I'll find a way to see sooner or later! Ya' know... we should go see a movie this weekend guys. (Mostly Heather and Justine since they were the ones who wanted to do something joyful over break.) But any of ya'll are welcome to come!! I just don't know what we should see. Hmm...

Alrighty then, I shall talk to you all later. Have a rockin' break. See ya' when I see ya'.
Much love my friends. Rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 4 April :: 9.48 pm
:: Mood: Happy
:: Music: None at all.

Oh happy day...
I'm showing my grandmama this site right now. Because she doesn't use the internet too much and I decided it would be fun!! So yea. Have a lovely day all. I love you lots and lots!!!!!! Rock on.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 April :: 3.14 pm

Boredness is dumb. So is coldness, and people who don't want to do anything. I need to do something!!!!!! Now you see why breaks annoy me. If I'm not doing anything I'm bored as heck. That and I live in the middle of nowhere on the opposite side of town from almost all my friends... except like, 2. But I don't hang out with them outside of school that much anyway!! Meh, evil breakness. How can one thing be so awesome and so crappy at the same time?! Oy vay. Meh. Well if anyone figures out something to do... let me know. I'll be here... well, for most of the time at least.

Adios my friends. Rock on. Mucho amor.

-*insert nickname here*-
ect... you get the point.

7 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 April :: 3.14 pm

Boredness is dumb. So is coldness, and people who don't want to do anything. I need to do something!!!!!! Now you see why breaks annoy me. If I'm not doing anything I'm bored as heck. That and I live in the middle of nowhere on the opposite side of town from almost all my friends... except like, 2. But I don't hang out with them outside of school that much anyway!! Meh, evil breakness. How can one thing be so awesome and so crappy at the same time?! Oy vay. Meh. Well if anyone figures out something to do... let me know. I'll be here... well, for most of the time at least.

Adios my friends. Rock on. Mucho amor.

-*insert nickname here*-
ect... you get the point.

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 April :: 11.25 am
:: Mood: Moodless
:: Music: Styx

"The rest is up to you..."
I've been thinking. (Yes thinking, never good... but hey, it happens.) But yea. I've been thinking about a lot of things actually. Ranging anywhere from friends and family situations to religion. It's crazy but after talking to Steph I finally found out what religion I really am and want to be. And what religion would that be? None. No that does not mean that I don't believe in or worship God. It means that I don't want to be a part of organized religion. See, we were talking about how authors many times will put down organized religion and make it sound so hypocritical. And when we started actually thinking about it... they're right. Which got me thinking about how I can't seem to find a religion that I completely agree with. My mom's religion has a lot of things I agree with, but when I go to youth group with Katie and we pray and such... I agree with things that they say too! It just got so frusterating, and now I know why. It helps a lot to know that. I thank the Lord for my sister... she helped me realize what was going on with the most important part of my life.

FYI: I am not in any way putting down the act of being religious, I'm just saying that organized religion is not something I agree with completely.

So yea. The stuff about my friends and family. My family just annoys the hell out of me sometimes. My dad can be the coolest person ever but then he can also be such a dumb ass. It just bugs me. My mom is most of the time the one I talk to when I want something just because she says yes more often than my dad, and she bitches at me a lot less. Steph, I can't really complain about her. She can be quite bitchy... but then again so can I. So really we're even.
And the last thing I've been thinking about: my friends. They're SO great most of the time. But sometimes I just want to strangle them. And it's annoying, because I feel like I can't tell them just to stop being stupid and go away because then they'll hate me and never talk to me again. There has been about one time in my life when I did get that annoyed and first they continued being dumb because they thought it was "funny when I got that mad" and when I continued to be mad they said I couldn't take a joke and then were mad at me for like a week. It just pisses me the hell off!!! I want to beat them up. But then it all goes away and I no longer am mad at them.... Gosh that's annoying. No that whole thing does not apply to all of my friends. Actually it only applies to about 5 of them... but those are the ones I see most often!! Meh, life.

The only comforting thing about something bad that happens to you is this; Karma is a boomerang. All you've done is gonna' come back twice. So just don't do stupid things and you're good. Do something stupid and you're basically screwed. Lovely isn't it? Ha, yea. Adios my friends. Rock on. much love.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 3 April :: 11.17 am
:: Music: Styx, Relient K, and Now 14

The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live. -Joan Borysenko-
So, do any of my lovely friends out there like Nascar?? If you do, let me know. If you don't then this entry will mean nothing to you and you can just forget about it. So yea, good system! Okay talk to ya'll later. Have awesome days. Mucho amor my friends. Adios.

Rock on.

-J- (aka Jekyll; just for you Heather dear!! ;) hehe)

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 April :: 9.35 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: life

You, no the person behind you, the other one! No! Ugh, you just don't get it do you?!
Yep I'm bored as crap. Nothing to do at all. Except sit here and stare at this screen, becoming annoyed with life. And then becoming annoyed with myself for being annoyed with life. Isn't that great? Oh yea... it sure is. Just joyful. Well I should leave... but I will leave you with a quote. Not really a good or bad quote... just a quote.

"Of all the words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are those...
it might have been."
-John Greenleaf Whittier-

Mucho love, Rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 April :: 9.26 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: Well if you count the song that's been stuck in my head all day... then it's Come Sail Away -Styx-

A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same. -Elbert Hubbard-
Okay I'm annoyed. I just wrote this whole freakin' thing and updated and then was kicked offline so it didn't work. But it was my mothers fault that I was kicked off and that makes me even more mad. Because... I don't know it just does. But yea. Oh well. It didn't say anything important anyway. So yea... it's cool I guess. Just kinda' annoying. Whatever I'll talk to ya'll later.

Adios my friends.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 April :: 6.51 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: TV music channels

"We didn't steal, we vandelized!" -Heather D.
Today rocked! The talent show was so great!!! Fuzzy Logic so totally rocks and that guy who got 1st place was really good too. Michelle, Katie Link, and I all stayed when everyone else left and we stood on the very top of the bleachers dancing and singing along to Sweet Home Alabama. It was great fun. Katie's so great, I'm glad we brought her into our group. And I'm glad I got to know Michelle better too. She's awesome! I had so much fun sitting where I did. Even though I couldn't see very well over Ben's hair... ;) hehe. That was pretty funny.



We still all have to get together... Justine's in, so yea. I have one person to hang out with!! But 3's company and the more the merrier!! Okay, adios times 2! Much love mi amigas y amigos.

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 31 March :: 7.57 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Swing Swing; All American Rejects

Hitting people with corn stalks is a good form of entertainment.
Hola! I haven't been on in a couple days... which is kinda' a good thing... but yea. I was grounded from computadora use. Because I am just such a bad child...*rolls eyes* not. But that's okay.

So yea, if there's one thing I learned in health class this year, it's not to get married... ever. Lordy, that project was deeply difficult. We got about 3 weeks to do what people take almost a year to do. And in that same time we had to make a budget involving up to three kids for 7 years. So I have officially decided never to get married or if I do, not to have kids. Or maybe I'll just not do either of those things until I'm 30... ya' never know. But you get my point.

So, as of when mi madre came to pick me up the varsity was kicking Central's booties in softball. Which so totally rocks! Katie Empie got a REALLY awesome hit and ended up getting herself and 2 other runners home... it rocked!! It was really cool watching Julie pitch too. I'm so proud of her, Kayla too actually. Both of them are on Varsity as freshmen. Even Kayla's sister wasn't on until her sophmore year... and she's going to Hawaii to play in a national league!! That's pretty darn good in my opinion. But I still miss playing with them there. Kayla's been on my team since forever... it's just so sad. *wipes away tear* But I'm still proud... they rock deeply!!!

I was suppose to go to Re's soccor game tonight... but it was cold and wet and my mother disapproved... so I didn't. So anyone who knows how they did... you could fill me in... ya' know. Only if you want to....... :) I love you... lol. But even though I wasn't there: Re you rocked I'm sure I love you!! You're awesome!!!!!!

Okay I'll leave ya'll now. Adios. You rock!! Mucho amor.


My lovely friends(the ones not leaving over break)- we need to do something together over break!! Seriously... breaks get so deeply boring without you all. So we must do something... I don't know what yet but we'll figure it out. Okay? Okay! Talk to ya'll later. I'm out.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 28 March :: 7.44 pm

The secret of life... is 3.
3 is the answer to all those evil burning questions that people ask. It really is... just name 1 question where you can't answer 3. Even if 3 is just the first part of the answer it's still the answer! It's just so perfectly wonderful. lol. Okay I'll leave you to think about that... adios.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 28 March :: 2.05 pm
:: Mood: sleepy, yet awake.
:: Music: the race..

We're all sinners, we're all unclean, maybe we're born w/ it or maybe it's maybeline.
Yesterday was so great! It was my dad's birthday party, which rocked. I love his friends... well most of the time. My aunt and uncle brought their newly adopted baby, she's soo cute! So yea, that deeply rocked. And my uncle, finally, got to see my drum set. (he has one too, I totally look up to him in that aspect) He went upstairs to look at it and ended up playing it, which was awesome!! Lauren was there too because her parents and mine are friends so she saw him play and had this amazed look on her face. It was hilarious. But yea, great fun.

I just wanted to let you all know that you rock. Seriously you do. No matter what crap I go through if I need someone to talk to you're there. I love it. But I also want to let you know that I'm here if you ever need to talk too... remember that. I love you all. (you know who you are)

Adios my friends. much love. rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 25 March :: 7.19 pm
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: Every punky/ angry song on my playlist.

Is it possible to be so stressed that it's soothing??
Okay so I had a hell of a day. If you didn't have tosee me you're very lucky I promise. I was a bitch, and certain things that happened at lunch didn't help at all. Ugh, I just wanna' hit something... really really hard. At practice I almost killed Ariana because I was throwing the ball at her head so hard and fast that she had trouble catching it. I feel like crap though, seriously. OY!! Even had a majorly large headache all day to top it all off, and for the 2nd day in a row!! Gay mucho!

I seriously need to talk to *name*. Like a lot. I talked to him after school, but that so didn't help. I was afraid to say a whole lot because there were so many people near us. Ugh, evilness. The thing is though, I don't know how to be mad at him. That so deeply pisses me off!! I get mad at other people and they know I'm mad, even Jake! But with *name* it's just different. I like him so much... and he majorly pissed me off. Oh well, whatever. Life is a bowl of drama... might as well get used to it.

Okay I shall go now. Adios.


6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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