<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 9 March :: 9.10 am
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: people... lots of them

Hola. Yea, do have any idea how weird it is to sit in a computer lab and update this thing with your intire class behind you? Cuz it is. lol. Crazy. So yea, I'm happy today... for no good reason really. Hmm.. oh well happy is good!! I got married today... in health that is. Unfortunetly my class isn't exactly full of my friends but hey, not much I can do about that now is there? Yea so I just saw Steph, Amy, and Ellie leave. They're going to recruit for color guard... yay. Meh, evil skippers. ;)

Guess what? Justine taught me how to bold things and to italisize things. It's so fun and joyful... I just have too much fun w/ this crap.

Okay I must be off ttyl. Adios!!


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 March :: 4.33 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Someday -Fishers Net-

Trains are joyous!!
Hola mi amigas y mi amigos!! I just got back from Chicago yesterday... at about 11pm. It was SO much fun!! I really didn't want to leave. That was my first time ever riding a train and ever taking a taxi. Both are rockin' forms of transportation... although walkings always joyful too. But anyway... I went w/ my mom, sister, and aunt Jenny. She's not really my aunt but we won't get into that right now. It was great... we went to this old fashioned diner called Ed Debevic's it was great. They all insult you and such, but you can insult them back, and at one point they got up on the tables and started dancing. It was so great!! I got a t-shirt, which I wore today so many of you probably already know this... but w/e it's my journal, I'll say what I want. hehe. Anyway, we also went shopping... a lot. Steph got her prom dress... which is just insanely gorgeous!! It's pink and it's a tube top. Totally satin and she has a shall w/ bows on it. It's really cute. So yea, that was cool. The last place we went was ESPN zone, which is such the best place on Earth. I know I'm a girl I'm not suppose to like sports that much, but I do! It had video games and racing games and this hockey shoot out type thing... great fun. They have REALLY good food too. It was just awesome. Too too fun I tell you. Rock on

So yea, anyway. Ya' know I've been thinking a lot lately about how close to the end of the year it is. Do you people realize that Steph's gonna' be a senior next year? NEXT YEAR... that's just months away. I swear I'll start crying when she graduates. It'll just be so sad... w/o Stephy there school's just not the same. And she'll be in college so I might not be able to see her as much and it's just not cool. She's my best friend in the whole wide world EVER and she's growing up. This would be so much easier if I hated her... lol. Oh well, at least I have another year before all of this craziness happens right?! Yea that's always good... besides next year I'll also be able to drive, there's something to look forward to!! Although probably not for those of you who will be on the same roads... hehehe. Just kidding!!

I need to talk to Katie... Smith I mean. And Jenny actually. They have this freakish theory about me and a friend of mine. They think I like him... and that we should go out. Because aparently he likes me... which is just weird in my opinion. It's not that going out w/ him would be a horrible fate, it's just that it's him and that makes it mega-weird. Hmm... messed up if ya' ask me. But yea I still need to talk to them and get them to shut up about it... I love them both but lordy they spread this around too much, Steph even knew before I did! Oy vay. Meh, that's life I suppose, messed up and confusing... whadda' ya' gonna' do?!

Well I don't know what else to say... but I have nothing else to do so I want to keep myself busy by typing. Grrr... oh well. lalala. I can't wait for summer. I really am in the mood for work to start... weird? yes. But if you guys worked w/ Shelly and I you'd understand. We always have fun... tiring fun but fun nontheless. It's always joyful to talk to TJ our lovely 20 some year old friend. You bandie's probably know him... tall skinny band geekish even though he's in college. Cool guy though, we nick named him grandpa-T cuz he drives so fricken slow. See, fun stuff I tell you, fun!! lol. Okay I'll stop boring you with my life now... mucho amor, rock on.


GO TO THE PLAY GUYS!!! AND GO FRIDAY W/ ME!!!! love ya' tonz, muuwahh!!

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 4 March :: 5.41 pm
:: Mood: amused

surveys rock.
Birthplace:Grand Rapids
Current location:in this chair...
Height:5'5 or 5'6
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:picies
Your heritage:not completely sure, my pappy was adopted
Your weakness:i don't know, too many i suppose
Your shoes you wore today:avia tennis shoes
Your fears:hieghts mostly
Your perfect pizza:ham and cheese w/ lots of sause... it's so good!
Goal you'd like to achieve:get straight A's in school... for once
Your thoughts first waking up:i'm gonna' kill that alarm...
Your best physical feature:i don't know... i'm not really good at seeing the good in myself not many people are.
Your bedtime:umm... what night?
Your most missed memory:hmm... cedar point last year. it rocked!!
Pepsi or Coke:a healthy mix
McDonald's or Burger King:burger king
Single or group dates:depends on my mood i guess
Adidas or Nike:adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:ice tea is icky
Chocolate or vanilla:swirl
Cappuccino or coffee:cappuccino
Smoke:never ever!!
Cuss:meh, once in a while
Sing:yes all the time
Take showers daily:surely
Have a crush:mmhmm
Think you've been in love:yea i suppose
Want to go college:yep
Want to get married:yea probably
Believe in yourself:at times
Get motion sickness:i used too... i don't know anymore
Think you're attractive:not really
Think you're a health freak:not at all
Get along with your parents:lol, well sometimes
Like thunderstorms:only during the day
Play an instrument:kinda'...
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall:yes i have
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:no grr... on that
Eaten sushi:never actually
Been on stage:nope
Gone skating:hmm... i think so
Made homemade cookies:yes
Gone skinny dipping:ha, wouldn't u like to know ;)
Dyed your hair:no
Stolen anything:from steph... probably lol
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:no never ever
Been called a tease:yes
Got beaten up:no
Age you hoped to be married:i don't know
Number and name of children:sheesh i don't plan that far ahead guys
Dream wedding:one where i get married
How do you want to die:not in pain
Where do you want to attend college:either U of M or San Diego State
Dream job:owning my own resturant would rock
Country you want to visit:Switzerland!!
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color:brown
Best hair color:whatever... doesn't matter
Short or long hair:once again it doesn't matter
Height:taller than me... not too hard for guys
Best weight:don't care
Best clothing:no abercrombie
Best first date location:somewhere fun
Best first kiss location:i'll tell u when it happens!
Number of drugs taken illegally:none at all
Number of people I could trust with my life:hmm... i really don't know
Number of CDs that I own:too many
Number of piercings:2 just the ears
Number of tattoos:none
Number of times my name's been in the news:once
Number of scars on my body:1 deeply large scar
Number of things in my past that I regret.:too many to count

Layers brought to you by BZOINK!

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 4 March :: 4.10 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: "Stacey's Mom" -Fountains of Wayne

Gotta' love those cheap sun glasses.
Today was... interesting. Jenny broke up w/ Zach. FINALLY. She told us she was gonna', we told her she should... but it took her forever. Zach seemed cool w/ it, but I know he wasn't. Suprisingly enough I can read him like a book, I can't do that w/ many people. But the kid was crushed and I could tell. No this wasn't just because of the "Florida thing" because their relationship was going downhill before that. But yea... oh well.

Guys am I whoreish? Seriously, am I? 'Cause Adam said that I was a tad whoreish today. And no, he really wasn't kidding. Although this is the same guy who believed me when I said I was in love w/ him. Yea, sarcasm is rarely understood. But yea, I don't know... meh.

I have so much energy... today was the first time this week that I've gotten to just sit at home and ride the bus, the only time actually, and I'm way hyper now. Oy, that's just gay. On softball days I wish I was able to sit at home and not sprint so much... oh the irony. I need something to do, if I don't tire myself out before drivers ed. I'll be way too energized to sit and listen to Relich ramble for hours. Grr... on this. Oh well, not a lot I can do about it now is there.

"I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do" I love that. It's from the song The Reason by Hoobastank. It rocks soo much!! Rock on. Such a cool song... hmm.

Okay anyway... I'm getting really sick of the Presidential elections thing. I'm a republican all the way. It started that I only was because my parents were, but now that I hear more about both parties I like the republicans a lot more. No I don't agree w/ all Bush says and does... but a lot of it is good. I would so much rather have him than Kerry or someone like that. They have no ideas for changing the economy or anything else really, all they do is bash the President. Hello, that is not helping anyone in our country... it's giving us more of a reason to hate you! Lordy, that annoys the heck out of me. Sorry but it had to be said.

So does anyone know Bill's username on here?? Cuz he has mine, but refuses to tell me his. He says I'll "just know" what it is because he'll add me to his friends list. But I don't know when someone does that... I have to go check every two seconds so usernames help!! Oy, guys are so weird sometimes. lol. No effence my lovely male friends I love you all.

Anyway, I should probably go get some homework done so that I'm not up until midnight doing it. Much love my friends. rock on.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 March :: 4.57 pm
:: Mood: amused

I love Quizilla!! It's just so dumb it's cool!! hehe
You feel happy, and loved. Nothing could be any
better for you....you may even have a love one
in your life....go you. (Please Vote)

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 March :: 3.46 pm
:: Mood: Lovely, and bored.
:: Music: playlist...as always

"Do it for love." -Sark
Hmm... I'm kinda' weird aren't I?? Yea, I think so. Not really strange as much as stupid though. But meh, I'll try to change it... we'll see how that goes! But yea, I was having one of those stupidly weird times last time I wrote in this... so I may or may not have made sense and if I did many of you probably are seeing what I said and not what I meant... that happens a lot. Probably because stupidly, I don't say what I mean. See there's the whole stupid/ weird thing again... oy!

So yea, I have drivers ed tonight... again. I know a lot more people in that class than I thought I would. Before class last night I knew that Caleb, Travis, Tyler and Mike were in that class but not that so many friendly ones were! I'm SO happy that Kayla's in it w/ me!! And Miranda and Liz and Stephanie Lewis and Katie Tibbe... awesome I tell you purely awesome!!

Okay so I'm suppose to be doing my letter for english right now but I don't want to... so writing on here is basically stalling so that I don't have to do it! And it's brilliant because mi familia would hear the typing anyway so they won't know! Unless of course they sneak up behind me and that would not be good. But let's just assume that they won't okay?! Yea, why think about negativity? hehe.

Agh, I have nothing else to say, gayness. Oh except... I have a question for you. It's kinda' like a poll, but it's for my lovely friend Adam who seems to not get this concept. So answer truthfully k? k! If two people like eachother enough to hold hands and flirt a lot and they talk to each other at every oppurtunity, do you think they should go out? I DO!!! So does Re, but we cannot convince Adam and he refuses to do anything about this same situation that he is in with a certain girl. Oy, some people. If you like someone that much than just ask them out damnit! It's not that difficult of a concept... sheesh. Sorry, that was the crazed lunitic side me right there. But it's true... but of course this whole thing is probably pointless because though Adam listens to my advice most of the time, he probably won't this time. Just because that's how he is, never wants to let me be right... lol. Oh well. It's worth a shot!! (no for those of you who are thinking this, the girl is NOT me or Re... actually I've only seen this girl about 3 times in my life. So yea, just thought I'd clear that one up before it even got started!)

Well I suppose I'm gonna' have to do it sooner or later, so I might as well get back to my homework. Adios mi amigos!! Mucho amor, rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 1 March :: 6.06 pm
:: Mood: No moods, just me.
:: Music: Someday

What IS the meaning of life?
So today was pointless. I went to conditioning, joy. I normally like it... although I normally go to the fun part, and I normally don't have to sprint 20 times then do all the other crap that we're suppose to do and run 2 laps around the school. Yea, that definetly doesn't help.

I'm not really in a bad mood... just not a wonderful one like I have been lately. People are annoying me. Yes certain people but if I wanted to tell you who I would so don't ask unless you want me to get mad! Sorry, but that's just how it is. Ya' see. This person is completely messing w/ my life. I don't know what they're thinking at all, and I don't know what they want from me! Oy, it's a bunch of BS it you ask me. But then again what part of life isn't? Hmm.... But anyway it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm too attatched to this person. I've learned not to let myself get attatched to anyone. Except maybe my best friends. Because sooner or later it'll get screwed up, you'll never know how or why, it just will. Those are the cold hard facts of life right there. People hurt other people, whether it be your best friend or your boyfriend, it happens.

So anyway, now that I'm done depressing you all! I have drivers ed tonight. I wish you didn't have to go through that just to be able to drive. But you have to so, I'll deal with it... for now.

Have you guys ever heard "You don't Mean Anything" by Simple Plan? That has got to be the most truthful and awesome song on Earth. I swear it does!! It's just so perfect for so many situations in life. Gotta' love that. So yea, listen to it. Enjoy it.

Hmm... I really don't know what else to say, but I don't want to stop typing because that would force me back into reality and reality sucks at the moment. Oh there is one good thing that I failed to mention, I get to leave this crappy little town and go to Chicago this weekend. YAY!! Not only that, we get to ride the train, and that is gonna be a new experience for me... so yea. Woohu! Party. You see my dears this is my almost revenge for the evil band people leaving and going to Florida... it'd be better if we got to stay longer though. But hey what can I do?!

Okay I have to go to my lovely driving school now... woo freakin' hu. Have a day... good preferably.

mucho amor, rock on.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 29 February :: 4.58 pm
:: Mood: Another day.
:: Music: Music choice

Survey's pass the time, gotta' love that.
What is you favourite...
Food:twinkies are good...
Movie:pirates of the caribbean and robin hood men in tights
Book:i'm not sure, i like a lot of books
CD:Set Apart
Band:hmm.. i'm not really sure
Drink:Shirley Temples
TV show:7th Heaven
This or That
Love/Lust:a healthy mix
Guys/Girls:as friends? both But as more?? obviously guys!
Clark Kent/Lex Luthor:Clark Kent
Thought Provoking...
If you could meet anyone, who would it be?:God
If you had any kind of car, what would it be?:a 66 corvett
If you could go ANYWHERE, where woud you go?:depends on who i'm going there w/... i suppose.
If you could meet any Hobbit, which one would you pick?:i've never seen lord of the rings and i'm assuming that's where this comes from so yea, i can't answer it really.
Would you rather have your leg cut off or your fingers?:leg... wheel chairs are fun. hehe
What is your dream job?:i want to own my own resturant. like a coffee shop type thing
If you could have any animal as a pet, what animal would you have.:a dog or a koala bear
What would you say to Bill Gates if you met him?:be my friend!?
Who would you kill, Britney Spears Christina Aguilera or Hilary Duff?:christina aguilera
If you saw two guys making out, who would you want them to be?:no one, that's just icky!
First thing that comes to your head...
Britney Spears:slut
Bibliophobia:... what...
I say a name, you tell me who it is...
Bob:my imaginary friend
Johnny:johnathon deglopper... that's what i call him
Fred:the little elf on robs shoulder
Naomi:hmm... i don't know
Matt:tall kid hehe. he's so awesome!
Rich:the annoying child that i babysit sometimes
Tom:a kid who used to ride my bus a long time ago
Frank:my great grandpa... or rob.
Joe:deglopper, he rides my bus
Anna:ann nelson
Angel:ariana (her nickname's angel)
Debra:ellies mommy
Answer Only is Song Titles/Lyrics!
Describe your life:"A little bit of loneliness a little bit of disreguard handful of complaints but i can't help the fact that everyone can see these scars" -Linkin Park
Are you in Love?:"I'm not in love no not at all, what makes u think u made me fall" -BBMac
Would you like to kill anyone?:"you don't understand I do what I can but sometimes I don't make sense" -Linkin Park
If you were in a movie, what would be the title?:"What you never want to say" -Linkin Park
How do you feel about Pop songs?:"Dirty Pop" -NSYNC
What would you say to your favourite actor/actress?:"Hey now, your an all star" -Smash Mouth
Describe you family:"We are family" -A.F.
How would you describe your social life?:"Mood Rings" -Relient K
Are you Evil?:sometimes... muhahaha
Are you Hateful?:hmm... not really
Have you ever severly hurt anyone?:no! I'd feel bad!
Are you glad that this is over?:Meh, it passed the time...

RANDOM!!! brought to you by BZOINK!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 28 February :: 2.12 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: Music choice

Life happens!
Hey my people! ;) Yesterday was deeply fun. We won the game!!! yay. And the dance was really fun. I hung out w/ Jeremy, Blaine and Kayla the whole time. We had the oddest group of people hanging out together though. I've never hung out w/ some of those people before... at least not that much. It was joyful. The dance contest rocked. Keegan (hope I spelled that write) was really good it's cool that he was one of the winners. But I gotta' agree w/ Rob on the whole Liz shoulda' won thing. She's cool.

So today is boring... deeply. It's really nice outside and I really wish that the snow would leave so I could do something out there. Not that there's a lot to do, but that's not the point.

Oy, life's confusing ya' know that? It kinda' sucks. My mom for some reason seems like she doesn't trust me.... I don't get it. I didn't do anything at least not recently. ;) Just kidding. I really haven't done anything that would make me seem untrustworthy. And yet she acts like I'm some freakish serial killer or something. Whatever she wants to think I suppose. Meh, parental units suck.

Well I shall talk to all of you lovely people Monday. Oh and Rob if you're reading this, I'm still gonna' get you back for the hat thing! *laughs evily*

Mucho amor, rock on.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 27 February :: 3.32 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: 89.9 and 88.3 WAY FM

"When i was a young child, you watched over me, you kept me safe inside your arms... and then you set me free."
Hello friends! Guess what?! I got 35.5 hugs today!! Yea, not as good as some people. But I only hugged people that I know and love not total strangers like some do. So yea... ya' gotta give me some credit.

Okay so, I think all the interesting stuff in a day tends to happen on the bus. lol. Sad isn't it? But yea, I heard the whole story from Micky of what all of the people in the back were yelling about this morning, and I find it hilarious!! Then me and Micky were sitting together... though I don't know why there were tonz of open seats, and he decided he needed to sit on my lap. lol. It was kinda' scary, but then again it is Micky so that's actually pretty normal. Oh yea, and then Steph, Sam, Stacy, Shawna and I were all playing the picc. It was joyful. But I couldn't make a sound, which is kinda' expected considering that I can barely make a sound on the flute! Oy, I was not meant to be in band.

Yea so speaking of band, good job at the concert last night to those of you in band. I certainly had fun. Although that could have a lot to do w/ sitting behind Laura, Derek, Gunny, Tara, Zach and other people that I didn't know. Laura is such the best! She's so nice, and she and Derek make a great couple. They're so gonna' get married!! Sorry I'll stop. But good job once again bandies!!!

I'm so excited about the game tonight... it's gonna' rock so hard!! hehe. I've recruited many people to come hang out w/ me during it. I'm still looking for dancers though... I think Steph's coming but you never know. Kayla's going!!! That's the only person I could convince to come w/ me. But actually I didn't convince her to come, she's in choir so she has to go! Oy. That's slightly depressing. Oh well I'll have fun no matter what, cuz it's a dance and they rock! Now all I have to do is convince my dad to let me borrow his cowboy hat and convince my mom to let me borrow her boots! Yay! :) I'm easily amused, but I accept it.

Well I suppose I should stop rambling on about nothing. Mucho amor, rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 February :: 3.26 pm
:: Mood: Mood's are evil.
:: Music: the keys

"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine"
Okay so, I saw Passion of the Christ last night. It was SO sad. But it was a really really good movie! Katie Williams and Blaine were there too. We all basically thought the same things while watching it. It really makes you think ya' know? Jesus went through so much for us, and how do we repay him? By acting selfish and sinning. Oy. The worst part of it is though, that I can't stop thinking about things in my life. Things that are stupid and pety. I hate that. I've tried not to, but I just can't not think about it. I guess it's a hard habit to break.

So yea, anyway. I met the coolest guy today. His name is Nick Hazen. I know a lot of you probably know him but I didn't until now. He's so awesome! He gave up talking for lent. So we had to play charades whenever we talked to him, and I love charades!! ;) (those of you whom I tell everything will know what I am speaking of *cough* cherie *cough*)

Is tomorrow's basketball game the start of playoffs?? Cuz that would suck. I would actually have to pay!! grr... lol. Austin said they're playing Unity so the game promises to rock! Oh and If anybody wants to go and hang out w/ me they're welcome to. And they're welcome to come to the "hoedown" afterward too... hint hint clue clue. Dances rock so much!! lol. I have an obsession.

Okay go back to your wonderful lifes now. Mucho amor rock on. Have a lovely day filled w/ laughter and peanut buttery fog!! (I told you trying to think about important things in life was hard!!)


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 24 February :: 4.34 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: "It's Been a While"

"there's never a wish better than this, when you've only got a hundred years to live..."
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.

2. Am i loveable?

3. How long have you known me?

4. When and how did we first meet?

5. What was your first impression of me?

6. Do you still think that way about me now?

7. Do you think i'll get married?

8. What makes me happy?

9. What makes me sad?

10. What reminds you of me?

11. If you could give me anything, what would it be?

12. How well do you think you know me?

13. When is the last time you saw me?

14. When is the last time you talked to me?

15. Have you ever wanted/needed to tell me something, but couldn't?

16. Do you think i would ever kill someone?

17. Describe me in one word

18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/ weaker/ staying the same?

19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything, and i would listen?

20. Are you going to put this in your site and see what i say about you?

You can do that for fun if you want to! Have a lovely day. mucho amor, rock on.


8 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 24 February :: 3.51 pm
:: Mood: energetically drained
:: Music: Hit List

You create your own joy... and stupid people create your frustration!!
Hola. Today was joyful... in that odd sort of way. I got to skip 4th and 5th hour. Yay! Ya' gotta' love that. But it was for an evil reason. Cardiologist appointment. Just lovely. Meh, what are ya' gonna' do? Besides, Doc Lasina rocks!!

So, p.e. is the most evil class on earth. i love playing basketball and all of that crap but gettin' all sweaty and crappy looking first hour? That sucks majorly!! oy. But whatever, it's required... nothing I can do.

Guess what guess what!!? I get to go straight to American Lit. next year!!! Yay!! I'm sooo happy. Steph didn't even do that and she's a freakin' genious!! I finally can do something better than Steph. Do you relize that the girl can even be better than me at softball?! It's crazy, I've played that for 5 years and she does it for like 1 and is better!? Ahh life. Ain't it grand? lol. Yea but, I still have mucho amounts of excitment in me!! YAY!!! lol. Sorry I'm insane, I know, I accept it.

Falala. Mr. Reed is a crazed lunatic. I love that in a teacher! hehe. And a coach... of course. He's awesome. But he almost killed me beacause of a thing that happened in BMMT. Don't ask me what it was, because I'm not going into detail for a reason. But yea. But I told him what happened and he understood so yay, I am not hated!! lol.

Okay I shall talk to you all later, mucho amor rock on.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 23 February :: 7.18 pm
:: Mood: Happy and cold
:: Music: the sound of the keys under my fingers

Ya' know that the world's in bad shape when people get licked by sheep at school.
So, today was rockin'. Except math, that class sucks. Now that Mr. Evan's teaches it, it's a lot harder. The guy is a moron. He is really slow too. With Taylor we got at least 10 minutes in every class period to do our homework but with him the most we get is 2. Oy, stupid man.

Anyway, my birthday is in 25 days. It seems close!! But it's really not is it? That's just evil. But hey I don't care, I'm excited.

Just in case you wondered, Cherie is the person who got licked by the sheep at school.

I'm bored out of my mind!! Softball was for varsity only tonight (tho some freshmen went anyway) and I have been home WAY too long. Seriously, it's bad. Not that home is horrible, it just gets boring. And the parentals are at conferences right now so yea. I might need to hide in my room, and if I don't get on here for a while you'll know why. hehe. Yea, not good.

Lalala. I'm happy, for some reason, and I like that. yay! I can't wait until spring break. Allie's havin' her party sometime after, or before. It's gonna' rock!! Tonz of people are invited. If it's anything like her bonfire last summer, it'll be a blast. I'm so excited!! :D

Okay I'll let you go back to the wonderous lifes that you lead. Have a wonderful day. Mucho amor rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 February :: 9.45 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: tv

Know it, live it.
Okay so I got this e-mail today and I thought it was very true so I thought I'd share it w/ you. I warn you though... it's part of a prayer. So don't read it and then yell at me for putting it on here because it offends you okay? Alrighty then, have fun children!

When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate,
everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek
your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call
evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual
equilibrium and reversed our values.
We confess that we have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and call it

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.

We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.

We have killed our unborn and called it choice.

We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.

We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.

We have abused power and called it politics.

We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.

We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set
us free.

Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent to direct us to the
center of Your will and to openly ask these things in the name of Your Son, the
living Savior, Jesus Christ.


mucho amor, rock on


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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