<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 22 February :: 12.18 pm
:: Mood: good

"Can I relate to you the way you relate to me..." -Relient K
Hola mi amigos! How was everyone's Saturday?? Mine was just lovely, we went shopping. I only got 5 things though... not much of a shopper really. Who woulda' thunk it?! But yea, it was interesting. There was this kid at the mall who was all dressed up in 80's punk clothes. He had a spiked vest and the freaked out half ripped pants... it was almost scary. But I found it funny. The only part he was missing was the mohawk! It was greatly interesting. That's definetly a good way to get attention.

Lalala. Anytime now my mom is gonna' go help my grandpa continue to fix my car... I can't wait until it's done!! That is officially my favorite car on the planet. I guess it won't be done until March I just don't know when in March. But hey, as long as it's done when Steph finally gets her liscence I'm good. You all probably think I've gone insane don't you? Yea, well I'm deeply happy. So many things to be happy about!!

Oh my gosh I almost forgot! My aunt and uncle got there baby! They audopted her from China so they had to go over and get her... they just got back not too long ago. I haven't seen her in person yet but we have pictures. She is the cutest thing you'd ever see! She'll be one on Tuesday, her name is Maya Lee Yu Cooper. I'm so excited, I can't wait to see her!!!! Yay! :D

Okay I suppose I should stop now. Have the lovliest of days my dears. Mucho amor, Rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 21 February :: 1.46 pm
:: Mood: Incredibly Happy!!
:: Music: television

I have such a story to tell you all!!
Hey everyone!! Guess what?! Yesterday was the best day of my life so far!! It really was. So I have to tell you a story so that you understand the wonderfulness of it all, okay? okay.
See, last night when we got home from school everything was normal and we were just talking when my mom called. Nothing odd there really, except that she called on her cell phone. You might not find that odd but I did because she doesn't get out of work until 4ish most of the time. So then she said that my dad had a surprise for us, he was gonna' take us somewhere and she said to be dressed in something warm and red. That automatically made me think we were going to see the Griffens or the b-ball game. But then Steph and I were talking and she said, "Red Wings?" And I thought not a chance. So when my mom got home she refused to tell us but she said it's somewhere she thought we'd never be able to go together... which made us think that the Red Wings could be a posobility. Then my dad got home and changed... what he was wearing let me know exactly where we were going. He was wearing his Red Wings hat and pullover thing. Steph and I freaked out... majorly freaked out!! It was SO completely awesome!!!!!!! It wasn't a lot different from a Griffens game except the arena was HUGE and there were thousands and thousands of people there... oh yea, and there were TV camera's everywhere! I was the happiest person on Earth I swear. I can't believe it actually happened, yay! :D

Anyway... I must be off now. Have the lovliest of days. Mucho amor, rock on.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 February :: 6.44 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: playlist...as always

Ahh... what corrupted lifes we lead.
Okay so here's the thing. I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, stuff that is important not ohh my gosh that thing was so stupid type stuff. You see, lately religion is becoming a major part of my life. It always has been but if you've noticed just recently I have been majorly into youth group w/ Katie and Christian music. But the thing is at the same time I've (for some unknown reason) been becoming this rebel w/o a cause. I don't get it. I know most people see me as a good girl who could never do anything wrong... not really wrong that is. But to me the things I've been doing aren't normal. Examples? I've gotten no dresses in P.E. just because I don't want to particpate, I've been converted to think all perverted like the guys I hang out w/, I've been getting really bad grades on papers in BMMT and other supposedly easy classes, I talk to my friends and don't pay attention during class, I mouth off to teachers (mostly Mr. Evans the TA in algebra), and there are probably more things that I'm just not thinking of at the moment. I just don't understand how that could happen?! Not only that but I've also been thinking about how lucky we are to live where we do. Our school is so un-cliquey. We're basically all friends w/ eachother, and we like it. In other schools cliques are all too common and that's not good for the self-esteem of kids now is it? I think not. Yes we do have our share of people who are just plain stupid and people who think their better than the rest of us. But it's definetly not a major problem. So I think instead of complaining like we all have been lately we should think about the good thing in our lifes. Could it hurt? I think not, at least not as much as the other stuff.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox... and the psyciotrists couch and stop. But think about the second part okay? Please and Thank you!! Mucho Amor, rock on. Hasta Luego.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 February :: 3.29 pm

"How do you "DO" a guy?" -Shawna "I don't just do Rob" -Me
Hola everyone!! Yes the subject is odd I know but you'd have to be standing next to me right now and ride my bus to understand the context of them. So no freaking out and thinking bad thoughts!!

Today was kinda' cool. Ellie looked like a neon sign at a dark store! It was great. I wonder how far the message on a purple paper bag went!? hmmm... that should be interesting!!! If you don't know what that is... then you obviously weren't near us at lunch today cuz everybody there knew what it was. hehehe. ;) It was greatly funny! Okay sorry I'll stop.

Why is it that everyone is so depressed lately?? I'm perfectly happy and I know a lot of other people who are too but I also know many who aren't. It's odd. I guess it could be home life or something... I don't know. I live in my home not their's so yea.... But anyway, if you're depressed I am officially setting out on a campaign to cheer you up and make you happier! Okay? Okay. I know I know, it sounds dumb, but every little bit counts. And hey, at least I'm trying!!!

Okay well I suppose I'll stop writing now... not much more to say. Mucho amor, abrazas grandes!! Rock on. Have the lovliest of days!!


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 February :: 6.11 pm
:: Mood: Lovely, just lovely.
:: Music: my family...

"Oh what a beautiful morning oh what a beautiful day..."
Hola mi amigas y mi amigos!! Como estas? Yo estoy bien!! Sorry, I was in the mood for espanol. So what's up everyone? I had softball today, joyful, we sprinted... a lot. I got done w/ the running part where me and my friends were sprinting the hallways and then Reed made us sprint again... against eachother. He made us rocker step too though so I guess it's kinda' different. But yea... that was fun! *rolls eyes*

I'm in a very good mood today, I don't really know why though. meh, oh well. Shelly, Stephy, and I were hanging out at the school until about 4. It was quite fun!! There were a whole ton of FFA people there and I got to meet Donavan (the "hot guy" in Shelly's religion class). I have to admit he is pretty darn hot. I took a picture of Nick Vietti w/ Lizz' camera, just cause I was in a weird mood I guess. I was talking to everyone and singing and dancing w/ Shelly. It was fun stuff I tell you, just awesome!!! I've gone insane, obviously, though if you know me you'll say that that happened a LONG time ago. hehe. Oh well, insane is fun!!

So about Rob... again. I couldn't think of anything to say about him before and so I will now. He's quite awesome, to hang out w/ and talk to... stuff like that. But I don't know, certain people *cough* Michelle *cough* say that he's a tad playerish. (not incredibly hard to believe... j/k) I still love him!!! okay I'm gonna' stop now... he has been mentioned so I can! hehe I'm evil at times!!

I got to go now!! I love you all mucho grande. Rock on. Have the lovlies of days!

Mucho amor,

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 17 February :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: life

"woohhh oh oh oh best dayz of our lifes!!"
HEY THERE!!! I'm so incredibly happy. Not a darn clue why that is but I am... whadda' ya' gonna' do?! Last night rocked cuz I got to see all my lovely friends again when they got back from the sunshine state. Heather and I are plotting revenge for you evil people who were warm last week BTW. We are going to California together... and you evil people can't come!! j/k. you can hehe. but we will go!! I'm making it my goal for the year or maybe the next 4 years... I really don't know. Oh and guess what?! Stephy bought me the awesomest shirt in the whole wide world EVER! It says "My friends must be punished. -Lilo" on it. And it works so perfectly w/ them all going to Florida while I was freezing. lol. Rock on.

So who's going to the game tonight? I want to but I don't know who else is going... besides my pep band buddies. Cherie is either not home or on the phone, cuz no one picked up... grr. Not a really big deal though now is it? Yea, I didn't think so.

We had some really "interesting" conversations on my bus tonight. Seriously. It was scary, and yet somehow absolutely hilarious. Ya' gotta' love when that happens! :) But yea.... I think that Adam still likes me. I thought that he didn't but he told me that we should make out when we were all talking today. And he was dead serious... kinda' scary. But meh... he's my friend and we went out once, it didn't work. So yea, I'm not going there again.

Okay so, Rob. I promised that I'd talk about him since I didn't in my last update. But now I don't know what to say about him. Hmmm... okay then. He didn't go to school today, just like half of the band didn't. Why though? I mean isn't kinda' oxymoronish to take a vacation day after going on a vacation?? I just do not know what this world is coming to... not at all. lol. Whatever.

AHHHH... I'm so bored. Happy, but bored. There's a 7th Heaven on right now about some guys who listen to this music and now hate women. That's just purely sick. What'd we ever do to you?? Sheesh. anyway....

I'm debating whether or not to see Passion Of The Christ. I really wanna' see it, but I don't know if I can handle it. A lot of people who have seen it already were weeping or just in total shock after it was done. I'm a farely religious person, but some concepts of that I have a hard time with ya' know? So yea... give me your input. (especially Cherie, I know you're probably more likely to know about it or to at least have heard more about it...). Thank you and please.

Well I'll talk to all you lovlies sometime sooner or later! Mucho amor, rock on. Have the lovlies of dayz.


6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 16 February :: 8.48 pm
:: Mood: overly happy
:: Music: 88.3 and 89.9 WAY FM

"I belong to you, you're the one who'll never let me down I belong to you..."
This isn't really an entry it's more of a question. What do you put in the memories section?? Anyone is welcome to share that information if they want!! Please and Thank you my lovely fellow woohu-ers. Mucho amor, rock on.


They're gonna' be home in like, 2 1/2 hours!!! FINALLY!!!!!!

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 15 February :: 5.22 pm
:: Mood: Joyful!
:: Music: nothing at all

Jr. won the Daytona 500!! YAY, that is so awesome. and Bill said that he'd crash... heh. I'm so glad! Ya' gotta' love Dale Jr. ya' just gotta'.

Steph's coming home tomorrow! Yay, again. Finally. We'll be up talking until 3 o' clock in the morning, and that's perfectly fine w/ me. Screw school, I wanna' know what fun stuff happened if Florida and I want to tell her what she missed up here (not that there's a whole lot...). But yea... I'll stop freaking out now. hehe.

I babysat for these people that are friends of Adam's mom. It was okay, but those kids are evil. I don't really like little kids. I like babies and kids 10 and older but not toddlers. They are deeply annoying. But hey, I made 20 bucks. That's a lot more than I had in my wallet before so I suppose it's worth it!!

Allie wants to have a party next weekend... that sounds deeply fun. I miss all the parties. They are just so much fun!! I'm really happy right now can ya' tell? I don't even know why I'm happy. There's no reason for it, I just am. I'm in the mood to go golfing. Wow... that is weird. I like to golf but I rarely miss it when I can't. Odd.... Oh well.

Okay I'll let you all get back to your lovely lifes! Have an awesome day... see ya'll Tuesday. Rock on. Mucho amor.


6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 13 February :: 11.19 am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: "We are the Body"

Hello lovlies! lol. Yes I am as bored as I sound right now. I don't know what to do... so I thought I'd just go ahead and update. It gives me something to do right? Right. I saw "The Perfect Score" Wednesday night. It was pretty cool, and deeply funny!! It was odd tho, adam and I were the only two people in the theater (guess movies aren't too popular on wednesdays huh?). But that's okay cuz then we could talk and make fun of the stupid parts. It was just joyful.

I really have no clue what to say so I'm basically just rambling on and on about nothing impaticular. fun stuff right?! oy.

So there's this mall hunt thing on the 24th that I'm suppose to go to w/ Katie and her youth group. Of course I don't know if it's February 24th or March 24th tho I'd assume February. Yea, I'm not exactly the slickest information getter huh? ha. wow. Curtis just told me that it wasn't the 17th of whatever month it's in anymore and instead it's the 24th Tuesday! It's weird.

I really like woohu. It's a very good invention. You can get all your feelings out... well, correction there, you can get MOST of your feelings out. If you said everything you wanted to it's a lot more likely you'll get beat up sooner or later. Believe me, I know. But still it's a rockin' site. Greatly awesome!!! Go Gunny. I thank you deeply.

Okay I guess I'll get off of here and stop blabbing on about nothing. Much love my friends! Rock on.


7 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 February :: 3.21 pm
:: Mood: interested i suppose
:: Music: playlistage

Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail.
Yea so practically all my friends left me today and went to Florida w/ the band. Just joyful!! Even my lovely sister left me. I swear I'm just a bandy magnet or something. There were about 7 people at our lunch table today, we normally need two tables and today we only needed 1. It was freakish. Not only that but the bus was boring and quiet cuz Rob and Steph weren't on. It was not at all normal I tell you not at all.

After the basketball game last night (which rocked BTW) Lauren slept over and she would not go to sleep. She was "too excited" so she just talked to me for WAY too long. lol. She got to sleep on the bus I had to go to school. Oy, lol. But I can't blame her at all for being excited I mean Florida w/ a ton of your friends and classmates?! What's bad?? But yea, I'm tired now because of that. Oh well I get 5 days to sleep. I'll live.

Well if any of you lovlies read Rob's journal or read mine earlier than you know that I like him. lol. He told the world. That's not exactly bad cuz everyone would've found out sooner or later... but I had always thought that it would be later! I don't understand it at all tho. He's the coolest guy (not bad lookin' either) and yet I talked myself out of thinking that I liked him until now. I'm just a crazy person aren't I? Yea I thought so.

Adam and I are going to go see a movie tonight. We don't know which one tho. No it is not a date don't even go there. We're friends, we're bored, we need to do SOMETHING tonight. You should all understand that! lol. I'm being insane again aren't I?? yea I am. Okay I'll just say good-bye now.... before I make myself look too bad here. hehe. Buh bye now!
Mucho amor, Rock on!!


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 February :: 9.25 pm
:: Mood: amused

lovely... 2 survey's in one day!
Three things that scare me:
2:people... sometimes
3:how i may die
Three people who make me laugh:
Three Things I love:
3:my friends
Three Things I hate:
1:suck ups
Three things I don't understand:
1:algebra... at times
Three things on my desk:
1:shoes... tho i don't know why... *scratchs head* oookay
3:a phone
Three things I'm doing right now:
3:listening to music
Three things I want to do before I die:
1:fly in an air plane
2:experience lifes wonerfulness
3:see the 7 wonders of the world
Three things I can do:
1:type.. at times
3:talk... a lot
Three ways to describe my personality:
3:loving... most the time
Three things I can't do:
1:not get jealous of other people...
2:talk to guys i like w/o saying at least one dumb thing
3:think of the answers to these questions!!

Three Things brought to you by BZOINK!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 February :: 9.17 pm
:: Mood: meish
:: Music: playlist

whatever you want
Birthplace::St. Mary's hospital in GR
Current City of Residence::Cedar Springs
Family Members::Mom;Dixie Dad; Steve Sister; Stephanie
Beverage::i don't know...
Movie::pirates of the caribbean and robin hood: men in tights
Musical::Phantom of the Music Room (hehe... if you don't remember, it was the musical we did in 5th grade)
Board Game::does balderdash count?
Computer Game::not a clue
Game to Roleplay::what? why?
Animal::dogs, koala bears, and rabbits
Book::I like a lot of books
A Day In The Life..
School::Cedar Springs High School
Typical Mood::happy, hyperish
Usually Found?::w/ my lovely friends or alone in my room playing solitare
Collects::nic nacs of all sorts
Have You Ever
Been kissed::yes i have
Done drugs::nope that is wrong
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:half...lol.
Eaten sushi::nope
Been on stage::but of course my dear
Been in a car accident::oh yes many a time
This or That
Cold or Hot::hot
Blue or Red::red
Rain or Snow::rain
Wool or Cotton::cotten
Private or Public School::public
Chocolate or Plain Milk::plain
Celsius or Farenheit::farenheit
Spring or Fall::spring
Science or History::science
Math or English::math
"Love Life"
Do you like somebody?::yep
Do they know?::i think so... but you'd have to ask them
Do you want them?::oh yes so much
Are they hot?::deeply
Who do you e-mail the most?:cherie
Who do you IM the most?:shelly
Who are you talking to now?::you
Are you currently in love?::love... ha. no
Is this survey lame?::eh... a little
Isn't bzoink! nifty? =) ::yea it is... jeez why didn't i think of this
In 24 hours have you...
...Had a serious talk?::well i guess that depends on what you consider serious... or what you consider a conversation
...Hugged someone?::yea... every day
...Gotten along with your parents?::yes... surprisingly
...Fought with a friend?::yea... i'm a bad person i know
...Done something kind for someone?:i don't know ask them
Do You Like To...
Give hugs?::yep it's joyful
Give back rubs?::sometimes
Take walks in the rain?::oh yea... rain rocks
Eat?::oh heck yea
Sleep?::not really
..Knows you the best?::Stephy
..Have you known the longest?::Kate
..Do you know the most about?::Stephy
..Do you consider your friend?::a lot of people... too many to name
..Is most likely to end up in jail?::ha. umm... probably Lauren. she's too sheltered... when she's free she won't know what to do w/ herself
..Can you go to with your problems?::cherie, lauren, steph... etc.
..Do you want to get to know better?::Rob, Katie Link, Chad, Val, many many more
..Do you spend the most time with?::Ariana, Steph,or Lauren
Have You...
..Been to a concert?::yep i have
..Loved someone so much it made you cry?::i don't know... not really
..Cheated on a test?::oh yea... but shhh don't tell
..Ever stalked someone?::no! that's just creepy
..Done something you regret?::every day of my life
..Been in an online relationship?::no... what would you do hold mouses? weird
Random Questions
Single or Hooked?::single
What is your worst habit?::hmm... i don't know really
Scariest moment?::umm... when we went to the Grand Canyon, I constantly thought that I was gonna' fall over the edge and die. I hate heights!
Do you swear too much?::sometimes... most the time I don't tho.
How do you feel about homosexuality?::icky
Where are you right now?::in my house
Are you sitting by anyone?::nope
What song are you listening to?::Drive Away by All American Rejects
What is the last thing you said?::cool
What's on your mousepad?::nothing... it's blue w/ jelly type stuff inside
What are the last four digits of your phone number?::wouldn't you like to know
What was the last thing you ate?::a chocolate bar
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?::red or pink
How many buddies do you have on your list?::too many
What's the weather like right now?::dark and cold
What do you feel like doing?::talking to someone... someone not in my family that is!
What is your favorite quote?::I like a lot of quotes so yea... I don't really know.

Lame-Stupid-Random Survey brought to you by BZOINK!

Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 February :: 8.42 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: playlistness

Yea... it's a day.
Today wasn't horrible... kinda' a waste of time though. I can't wait until tomorrow... I'm gonna' wear a salsaish dress w/ my moms' blazer and a tie. I'm just such a rebel... NOT! lol. I just like that... it looks good. (believe me I'm not one to say anything looks good on me most of the time) So who did everyone get on their lists? I got a bunch of people that I don't even know and if I do know them I really don't like them. Alex Grecheski isn't bad... he's quite funny actually (not bad looking either! hehe). But I couldn't think of him like that he's my friend. Ya' know I only know of one person who got me on their list... that would be Rob. But it's not because we're compatible... it's because he lied on all of them. Jeez... some people ;). Well... I'm glad I could support my lovely class and have a laugh at the same time, that's always a good mix!

I'm kinda' sick of softball. I was pitching against the wall today and suddenly found that it was more fun to talk to little Trey man and Shelby. Which is sad, they're in 4th grade! Oy. I REALLY want to pitch for softball... but I don't know. That's my major ticket to getting on JV which is cool but I don't know. I want to be with my friends and if Taryn trys out I'm screwed... she's better than I am and then they'd have Jamie too. But it would so rock to get pitcher over Jamie. She's always trying to be better than me... I hate that... so winning this all out war would be SO great!! lol. I'm an evil person aren't I? ha. Oh well, that's fine with me!

Yea so I'm bored. I want it to be tomorrow but it's not! AGH. Gotta' hate it when that happens. oh well, I'll just do a survey or something. So I guess I'll see ya'll later. Mucho amor, Rock on!!


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 February :: 9.28 pm
:: Mood: sleepy

About You
Nicknames:Jay, Jeanie Bean, Jacqui Jean, JKlmnop, sloth, Sid...etc.
Location:my lovely home
Hair color:blond
Eye color:blue
Shoe size:8
Favorite subject:none really
Least favorite subject:biology... it's deeply difficult
Favorite teacher:McD or Taylor
Locker #:156A i think
School name:CSHS
Living arrangement:i live w/ the parentals... sharing a room w/ my sister
Siblings:1 sister
Their names/ages:Stephanie; 16
Pets:Katie and Charlie... my cats
Favorite room:mine
How many TV's:4 but 2 w/ only local stations
How many phones:3
How many computers:1
Love Life
Do you have a boy/girlfriend:nope
His/her name:--
Longest relationship:5 months. although i went out w/ a guy off and on for 3 years... but like i said, it was off and on.
Shortest relationship:6 days
First crush:Aaron Gurisko
Crush right now:if you have to ask i don't want you to know
Have You Ever
Kissed someone:yes
Been kissed:yes
Made out:no
Had sex:no
Played spin-the-bottle:no
Been on stage:of course
Gotten drunk:nope
Stolen something:no
Been out of the country:no i'm boring
If so, where:--
Been on an airplane:nope; afraid.
Train:not yet!
Eaten an entire bag of chips:big bag or little bag?
Food:not a clue
Drink:Shirly Temple
Song:too many
Band:Fuzzy Logic i suppose
Singer:oy... i don't know
Movie:pirates of the caribbean and robin hood: men in tights
TV show:7th Heaven and maybe Degrassi
Actress:and again i don't know

In case you're bored... brought to you by BZOINK!

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 8 February :: 2.57 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: the voices in my head

"I love rock and roll put another dime in the jukebox baby!"
Hey guys! sorry i was such a spaz last entry. I seriously need anger managment at times!! And FYI... I don't hate Sam... I just dislike her mother.

Okay so on to happiness. The swirl rocked!! So much fun. :) Some friends of mine and I went to Big Boy for dinner first, it was joyful. I got to have a cheat day on the diet thingy. YAY!! I just love dances. And I actually finished my dress in time! I don't think I'll ever look at a sewing machine again but hey... what'cha gonna do, right? I'm on such a high right now... I have no clue why that is but I am.
Ariana came to my house after the dance and spent the night. We went ice skating on my rink today it was just delightful.

Well I suppose I will let you get back to your lifes and stop thinking about mine!! Mucho amor, Rock on.


6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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