<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 23 April :: 5.07 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: 24-Switchfoot

Bite me, you un-knowing bitches.
you people bug the absolute crap out of me. you complain about this bull shit that doesn't even matter. i hate it. the world's not against you, everyone doesn't hate you, and you do not need to act all depressed and bitchy constantly. get the fuck over it okay? please. it would help a lot. thank you.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 23 April :: 4.08 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: My Heart Goes Out.

My beautiful yard... it's dying!!
So I'm sitting here watching these guys that I don't even know, tear up my yard to make room to start building our new garage. It was really weird. Just sitting there watching TV and all of the sudden this semi pulls in w/ this big ol' CAT bull dozer on it and starts tearing up my yard. They even took down my tree. The bastards. But I guess it'll be worth it in the end. ha, I make such a big deal over a garage. oy.

OMGosh guess what!!?? Steph can drive!!!!!!! She got her lisence yesterday!!! It was so great. She drove me to school today. We parked next to Amy and when she saw it was us she waited. Then when we got out of the car she's like "DAMN! I think Jake's got some competition!" and then we laughed and talked for a minute and right before she walked into school she goes "damn..." again. It was great. I LOVE that car. Jake wants to drive it. I told my dad that and he's like "well... he's gonna' have to ask your mom..." lol. I think we were just jokin' around anyway but it was pretty funny.

lalala. I'm so incredibly bored right now. Steph's at that state festival thing for band at the moment and no one else is home. I kinda' wanted to have practice today. It's so nice out. I can't even go outside now though. Stupid people. lol. Oh well. Okay I shall be off now. Adios.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 22 April :: 9.08 am
:: Mood: In school, what do you think?
:: Music: The people around me

To be or not to be, that is the question.
Yea so, I'm in the media center typing on a computer and thinking about how I should be doing my intro. to shakespeare packet. But I won't, cuz I don't wanna'. Shakespeare wasn't brilliant like they all think he was. He was just a play write that happened to do well for himself because some people are insane. Not that I'm totally against him. A Mid-Summer Nights Dream is a wonderful play. But still... some are just over-rated.

So yea, boring day so far. Rode the bus to school and our lovely sub ran a red light in town. That made me and Shawna laugh. Mr. Reed was being himself today... except w/ a better sense of humor. He said he was smart and I said "suuure" not thinking he would hear... but he did. And he's like "I heard that DeFouw!" so I just shrugged and he started cracking up laughing. Pretty cool, I thought I was dead. hehe. Just goes to show ya', you never know what you'll get when you're talking to Reed.

We have a game tonight. Against Comstock Park, and at Comstock Park. Double header... again. But it sucks cuz we have to ride the bus w/ the JV teams... both softball and baseball. That sounds fun. Not. But oh well, I'll deal with it. Hopefully we actually win tonight. I'm determined. Cuz we majorly sucked the first night were gaining the second night and now that it's the third maybe we can at least tie 'em! That would rock my red striped socks!!!

So yea I'll let ya'll go now. Have a kick butt day. rock on. love ya' mucho amounts.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 21 April :: 8.30 pm
:: Mood: spiritual
:: Music: Mercy.

Lord have mercy on me.
Wow. I was listening to this song called Mercy on Wow 2004 and I just broke down crying. I'm still fighting back tears as I type this. Because I realize just what God must think of me lately. And I don't want him to think of me the way I am now. So vain and naive. I know nothing compared to him. I am one in a million others just like me. But no matter what we do, God will forgive us if we ask him to, and if we try to prove to him that we want to be his children. It just makes me immensly sad to think about it. I can't believe Jesus went through what he did for us and I have been re-paying him so horribly. I can't stand the thought. I hate all the vain and stupid thoughts going through my head. It's so sad. It makes me angry, at myself, at other people, at the world. But then I start to think about why Jesus went through what he did. It was so that our sins could be forgiven. All the sins of man are able to be forgiven because of him. Satan cannot get to you if you won't let him. So I'm gonna' try harder now, try as hard as I can. To break old habits, bad habits, and have a better relationship with God. I need to do this, and I want to. Don't expect an immediate change... but know that I'm trying. I really am.

-Jacquelyn J. DeFouw-

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 21 April :: 6.49 pm
:: Music: random mix of christian rock

There IS such a thing as pink duct tape!!
Hola. How ya'll doin'? Someone needs to get on so that I can talk. Cuz I'm bored! Like, a lot.

Ya' know what? I was praying that we wouldn't have practice, then in McD's class I started getting really energetic and I REALLY wanted to go... but she cancelled it. Darn her. And so, I was forced to ride the bus home. It sucked.... majorly. I have no clue at all what I used to find appealing about it. Can't wait 'till Steph can drive... then we'll never have to ride the bus again... I hope.

It's really windy right now. My satellite keeps going out. Which gets annoying. But hey what're ya' gonna' do? I wish it would've stormed though... I like storms. Especially during the day when they don't disturb my sleep time.

lalala. Nothing to say, nothing to do. Ya' know, the best quotes I've ever found are either by Mark Twain or from Alice in Wonderland. lol. That is so sad! lol. wow.

Okay adios my friends. love mucho amounts.
rock on.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 April :: 7.35 pm
:: Mood: tired as sam hill
:: Music: none, unfortunetly

I've learned that lunch... is not good. Seriously. The people at our table have the most perverted conversations. It's not even cool!! lol. It's really funny though. Yesterday we were talking about my smilie face slinky man and the fact that it's a "sex toy". They were making up reasons why it was smiling. It was sooo funny. Unforunetly most of the stuff was based around me. It was a scary scary time. But then Corey broke it after lunch. Sadness. Jessie was like "you broke her sex toy" and Corey said "well it shouldn't matter, maybe you should just stop having sex!" lol. So funny and yet so evil at the same time. Cherie hurt him... or tried. But yea, funny stuff I tell you.

I'm sooo tired today. What's up with that. It seems like everyone is. well, minus a few. But still, you catch my drift.

Rob, if you're reading this (which you're probably not, but whatever) I sent you an e-mail... and you have to read it. Cuz yea, you just do. I guess you'll figure it out when you read it.

Anyway. I shall let you all go back to your lives now. Adios my friends. Mucho amor, rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 20 April :: 6.22 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: scilence... for the most part

I've been taped.
Practice was dumb today. I ran bases, which was the only fun part, and pitched and played in left. But everywhere I went I got hurt. I now officially twisted my ankle, scrapped up my knee, fell in the dirt trying to catch a ball twice, tripped over Lauren trying to get her out at home, and somehow ended up on the ground trying to field a ball and throw it to third. Really, it was great. *rolls eyes*

Mr. Reed is such an ass. He said that I "better enjoy Stratford this year" cuz I "won't be going ever again." He cannot tell me what to do thank you. He said they don't tolerate that on JV and Varsity. I'm thinkin' BS. Besides I'm still not sure if I'm even playing softball next year. It's gay.

Okay g2g adios!! love much.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 19 April :: 7.57 pm
:: Mood: tired

"In the scilence our stage whisper may carry" -Faber to Montag; Fahrenheit 451
Well I'm finally done with my essay for english. Hard as heck in a basket but that's life I suppose. I'm annoyed with a lot of things lately. I've just been noticing that more I suppose. But I am. Yesterday my mom asked me, "can't you just be happy for five minutes? just BE HAPPY!". And somehow, in some way it affected me. I went outside and just sat on my old swingset... thinking about life. I thought about my friends, my family, guys, religion, school... everything had bad things... but most were outweighed by the good. Then I started thinking about something that Steph told me yesterday... and about something Jenny said at the bonfire. One made me extremely happy and the other made me want to die. I thought about that for a long time... and I realized that it was probably part of why I am angy. But it had to be more, as of this moment, though, I haven't figured out what more it could be.

I watched the create-a-video of the Florida trip w/ Stephy today. She was in a lot of pictures. I knew someone in almost all of them. But there were some pictures that I didn't really want to see... so I think I'm gonna' avoid watching it again... at least for a long while. It's just not that fun.

Yea, I really want to talk about something... but the thing is it's about someone who could quite possibly read this... and I really don't want him/her to do so. This person's just on my last nerve lately. He/She is always either making me really really happy, really really sad, or really really confused. It's a great combo.... don't ya' think?! Ugh. People... they're just so dumb.

I need another journal... one that only a select few people know about... so that if ever I want to write something and get their feedback but no one elses, I can. But I don't feel the need to waste 2 more dollars on it... so I won't get one. It was just a thought.

Well I must be off now. I love you all. Rock on. Buh Bye.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 18 April :: 5.58 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: wind

Ahh the joys of weekends.
This weekend has rocked. Friday after practice Ariana came over. We went to Allie's party, which rocked deeply. I sat on the roof of the garage and talked to people... then sat around the fire and talked to people. Then played football, volleyball, and hacky sack. It was grand! Then, on Saturday, Ariana and I went for a walk around my block. It was not the most brilliant idea. We got muddy on 16mile and we wore flip-flops for some dumb reason so we both almost died. And then, don't ask me how, I got pepper-spray in my eye. Let me tell you, that stuff kills!! Never do that if you can at all avoid it. Very Very bad.

But yea, I went to the concert at Kent theator w/ Stephy. It was awesome. Fuzzy Logic totally rocked. The solar experience was okay. Forever December screamed WAY too much though. I got such a headache from them. Lordy. But December Streets was awesomly wonderful!!!! I didn't know that they existed much less that Matty was the drummer!!! The sound system kinda' died while they were playing though... so half the time you couldn't hear them sing. It was gay and a half. But they seemed awesome from what I heard. Matt made me promise to go up by the stage when they were playing... so I did, and I screamed "go Matt" and "we love you Matt" at the top of my lungs. It was joyful I tell you. hehehe.

Today I drove... w/ T. Relich. It was SO boring. We just drove out in the country and stuff to get used to hills and curves. I don't understand what people find hard about that. The only thing hard was trying not to fall asleep! Seriously... I was really close. But yea, fun stuff.

Okay I shall let you get back to your lifes. Rock on. Much love.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 April :: 8.45 pm
:: Mood: like me... only lovinger
:: Music: American Idol

Life's too short...
I was just thinking about it. If I die today, would you know that I love you? Because I do. There are so many things that I want to tell so many people but never have. So many times all I wanted was to give someone a hug or make them feel better, but haven't. There are so many things I regret doing or not doing. It's so sad. So if you didn't know already I love you. I hate it when you're unhappy. And if ever there's a time you think there's no one you can talk to, remember that I'm here for you.

I love you all, tata for now!


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 14 April :: 7.33 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: The tv

I have no subject... that's sad.
So, we lost our games. Which sucks. But hopefully that was just first game jitters and we'll be better next time. But it was still fun. I pitched the whole second game... when I wasn't really planning on pitching at all. It was kinda' cool! Then today at practice I was pitching and my arm fricken killed! Oy. Lovely... but that's okay... it's all good.

I hate Biology. I swear if I could I'd never go back into that class again. It's not so much because of the class as it is the people. See today for some dumb reason they decided to all be mean to me. They were all being perverted and stuff, which is normal, but then they went over-board. Seriously. I don't normally care, heck sometimes I make a comment myself, but they really did go over and above what they needed to. They were saying stuff to and about Allie too. I'm glad I couldn't see myself cuz I saw Al and her face was red so mine had to have been the same if not more so. Ugh, I really don't wanna' go there tomorrow. Anyone want to skip 6th hour w/ me?! Oy.

Okay I shall be off now. If ya' get a chance and you want to come, our game is tomorrow at 4:15pm and it's a double header. The other game should start somewhere around 5 or 5:30 I think... if all goes smoothly. Okay? Okay. Adios mi amigas y mi amigos.

Much love my friends.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 12 April :: 7.19 pm
:: Mood: Pretty good
:: Music: Random mix of songs

Our first game's tomorrow!!!!!!! YAY!!
So yea, our first game's tomorrow! I'm so deeply excited about that!!!! Lordy, it's been too, too long since we've gotten to play an actual game. Lalala... so happy! But ya' know what's really dumb?? I screwed my knee up today at practice. I was sliding, just for fun, and I kept hitting wrong... so I went to slide into third and ended up twisting my knee all weird. It hurt like a banchee. Don't ever do that, I'm tellin' ya' now, it doesn't feel good. Still kinda' hurts... but can't really do much more to help it. So yea... fun stuff.

Okay funny story for ya'll. You see, a few of my friends and I went to see a movie together. And my friend Ariana asked this guy that she likes (we'll call him DT) to come with us. So she tells this guy that the movie starts around 8, what she failed to mention was the p.m. part. So "DT" goes to the theater at 8 in the morning! Well when we went that night she was really mad that he didn't show... come to find out though... he was mad at her because she wasn't there in the morning!! lol. Hilarious if you ask me. But that's just me.

So anyway... I'll talk to ya'll later on. Mucho amor, rock on.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 11 April :: 6.14 pm
:: Mood: Happy... very happy
:: Music: 89.9

"Cause today will soon be gone, like yesterday is gone, like history is gone..."
I'm so deeply happy. Yesterday was so great!! I got 4 new CD's that I've wanted for a very long time. And my car's done!!! Finally!!!!! I even got to drive it. (shut up Heather. lol.) But today I went to turn it on and it wouldn't so I let it warm up and tried again and it still wouldn't... so my grandma told me to pump the gas and I ended up flooding the engine instead! That was great fun. So she helped me unflood it and I drove it up to the house... but it was pretty funny. But somehow that made the blinkers work again. (they didn't before for some reason...*shrugs* cars...) But yea... it was joyful. Ya' know what's really dumb though? This car has an V8 engine and it's all sporty and crap... but I put the pedal on the floor and it barely hit thirty mph! Steph tried it and got it to forty. But it was evil I tell you, purely evil.

Okay I'll talk to ya'll later. Much love dears. Rock on.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 9 April :: 12.20 pm
:: Mood: slightly annoyed
:: Music: The news

Pitching against a tree does help! *smiles at Heather* good thinkin'!
Yea so, I just majorly screwed up. My dad probably thinks I'm a bad daughter now that he will never be able to trust again... great. (imagine if you will how I would say that.)

So who's keeping their woohu?? I am, just because I need a place to vent and write and tell people things without having to use that darn phone. So yea, fun stuff. I hope none of you lovely people are leaving, that would be sad!! But yea... if you are then I shall miss you greatly! Not that I'll never see you again... just gonna' have one less woohu to read. meh.

Okay talk to ya'll later. Rock on. mucho amor.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 7 April :: 8.00 pm
:: Mood: me-ish
:: Music: none

Just for you...
I'm sorry Rob!! I love you. I'm not mad. Not at all. You rock. Don't be mad at me... I was just venting. Really, you're awesome.

Mucho amor. Rock on.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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