<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2005 8 February :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: chilly
:: Music: television

39 days!!!! Woo woo!
So this week's been... weeky. Nothing special really. Monday was conditioning. It rocked because the varsity wasn't there. It was all of the sophomores, that's it, no freshmen. That ruled! Sorry about the stall door thing Het. lol. So didn't mean to! Yea, the locker room in a good place for odd things to happen. ;)

I was doing my art project and we have to use sharpie to re-draw the lines in it, so now all I can smell is marker. I can almost taste it. YUCKY!!!!

We started reading "To Kill a Mocking Bird" today in english. Good book so far. I wanted to keep reading it, but we had to stop after the first chapter. Dumb. I'm thinking this'll be one of those I'm-done-in-a-week-but-it-takes-everyone-else-two things. I can't just stop reading a book. It's like a crazy disease or something, but for some reason teachers tend to not like that. Hmm... oh well. I'm sure Allie and Ariana will probably read it super fast too, they tend to be booky like me.

So yea, I had C-lunch today because of the test in Coop's class. I way don't like that class. I think the lowest that I had in gov't all semester was a 96% because it was super freakin' easy... but this class is hard. I'm pretty sure I'll end up with lower than a 96%. The test today was way harder than it should've been. WAY harder. Maybe it's because I don't care. Government I care about, economics I don't. It's there, woohu! *eye roll* Yea, sorry, I'll stop whining now.

I like C-lunch better than ours. It's got M-dawg and Jenny and Melanie and Ann and a bunch of other people that I rarely see throughout the day. It even has Kitty!! I miss Kitty!!!!!! Yea, B-lunch is okay, but I don't know, I'm not incredibly excited about the fact that we have only around 6 or 7 people at our table. It gets really really boring. Blah. Oh well.

Yep, that's about all for now. I suppose I'll be off. Chao my people.


Het, is it okay if Yacky comes to our party? I love her, and she loves all of us... except Shelly, I don't think they know eachother. But yea, that would rock. If it's okay, can you put her on the list? Please and Thank You! :D I love you. Chao.

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 7 February :: 7.51 am
:: Mood: anti-busy

Lalala, Jacqui's bored, lalala...
Yea, I'm en ingles ahora. So bored. We've been typing for 3 days and I've been done for 3 days. Sad really. I should learn to type at school. Of course that would mean actually writing a full rough draft out of paper. That is SO not gonna' happen. I get better ideas sitting in front of my computer, listening to my music, and typing on my keyboard. Classroom learning doesn't work for me. That's probably why I love Neier's class. There's music. It's a beautiful thing.

Ya' know I was listening to 99.3 yesterday and they outa' no where start playing the part of Beauty and The Beast where the beast is dying because of gaston and Bell's crying. I was like "what the heck...?" But then the announcer guy says "today we'll be talking about tragedy and what to do when it enters your life..." and I was like, "Ohhh... I get it!" It was funny, I was way confused for a minute. I didn't actually listen to what they said, I hate listening to the radio preachers. I prefer seeing and hearing the preacher, it's easier to understand when you can see their face. Don't ask me why, it just is. But yea, just thought I'd share.

The patriots won!!! Woo!! That excites me greatly! Yea, what now Jeremy?! lol. Yesterday was honestly, the first time I've not fallen asleep before the end of the super bowl. Crazy. But I really really really wanted to see the end!

So, rain sucks. Rain in the winter that is. In the summer it's nice. Warm and soothing, but not in the winter. It is cold and icky and I dislike it times ten!!! I wish it would just be warm. I miss being able to wear t-shirts. I'm a t-shirt freak! lol. Yea, it's true. It's way too cold here to wear them now-a-days. Grrr... on winter. Grrr....

Okay so, I really have nothing more to say. I've just been rambling on and on anyway. So I'll see ya'll on the flip side. Party on Loves.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 6 February :: 2.13 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Music Choice

GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!
I had a pretty fun weekend. Friday I went to the game and the dance. Good times. I hung out with some people that I don't normally get a chance to. Fun stuff. On Saturday I went to Thunder Nationals with mi familia. T'was fun. We know Joselyn, the driver of Lil' Miss Dangerous, so we got free tickets. Gotta' love connections. Her husband, Jeff, said they're making new T-shirts and we get a few when they're done! I'm excited about that one! I have an obsession with all motorized items. Especially customized vehicles with huge engines. Yea, I feel tomboyish now.

I cannot wait for the super bowl to start!!!! The patriots are gonna' kick some eagle butt!! No one can beat Tom Brady! If they lose I'd be WAY dissapointed. I love the patriots!

Yea, that's about all. Oh, I got done reading my book. The ending was really good! I have this crazy feeling that it actually happened though, I do that with all books. I'll read them and think of them as if the events that surround the stories really happened. I guess that's kind of good because it means I have a vivid imagination, then again, it could be bad. It could mean I have a hard time telling reality from fantasy. Although, I think it's more that I wish I could leave this reality and travel to the one inside the book. Sometimes this one is a little more than I want to deal with, books are a good escape.

Okay I should get going. I have to clean now. Chaoism.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 4 February :: 4.20 pm
:: Mood: summery!
:: Music: A mixture

If I could fall into the sky, do you think time would pass me by?
So I had an overly hyper day today. In spanish I was literally jumping up and down because I had so much energy. Yea, I'm a freak... I deal with it.

Mrs.Millard randomly decided not to give my paper back! I was the first person in my class to turn it in and she handed other people's back. I'm lost. Maybe she has a reason. Like she's grading me really hard, cause she tends to do that with Allyn and I. I don't know. I really want my paper back though!!!!! A lot!

So, game tonight. Hopefully I can find some good people to hang out with, and not have to hang out with certain people who I'd rather not see for about a century! Sorry, kinda' freakin' out there. I'm just super annoyed with that person right now. Always am... lol.

I can't wait for the dance. I need a bigger group though. Steph and I are going but everyone else that I'd normally hang out with can't go. So I'm thinking it's gonna' be a "look band people, lets hang out with them!" night. lol. Yea, that's how it was last time... just didn't work. But yea, we'll see. That wouldn't be horribly bad anyway, just to let ya' know. Didn't want it to look like I was band bashing.

Yea, I really have nothing more to say, plus outside is WAY better than inside. So I think I'll go now. CHAOISMS!!! Love times a lot.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 3 February :: 8.00 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: My english class.

Hello Darlin'... it's been a long time
Hola people. I'm in English right now. I typed my research paper at home yesterday so I'm really bored right now. That's okay though. It's really nice to just chill for a while. School is starting to be more stressful lately, and I do not appreciate it.

So how is everyone's first hour going? Good I hope. I'm kinda' excited about next hour. Hopefully we'll take our assesment today and then tomorrow we'll just get to make corrections and do extra credit. Days like that rule!!

You know, I'm a perfectionist. Not with everything, just with English. I need to have everything be perfect. I need to get a perfect grade, and I need to write a perfect paper. It's freakin' crazy! I try not to be like that, I feel that when I am I miss the big picture. It's just not that easy to back out of a habit. Especially when lit is my favorite class and my favorite subject. Well, I'll just see how it goes.

So who's going to the game Friday. Shelly's sick so she's probably not, Ariana's going to her dad's so she's not, and those are the two people I usually go with. Steph's going to the dance after with me, so I know I'll have someone to hang out with there. But I need a game friend!!!

Okay I should get going. I'll talk to ya' later ya'll. Have a party-rific day. Love ya' lots times 5.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 2 February :: 7.00 pm
:: Mood: alive
:: Music: nada

Rubber ducky you're the one...
So, today seemed really bad. I'm not sure why though. Looking back, the only part that seriously sucked was after/ during 6th hour. Our sub in that class was so incredibly dumb. Even Liz didn't like her, and she was only in the class for a second. Yea, the fact that I didn't want to draw in the least bit didn't help either. This project is SO stupid. I dislike it times a million. We have to draw whatever object we're given in a few different ways and then we have to go over it in pen or sharpie. Now, this would be fine, except that our projects look horrible after we go over them in black. The pencil looks WAY cooler. For real. So yea.

Anyway you know how dumb I am? Honestly do you? I opened my locker today only to have Johnathon close it two seconds later. So I went to open it again and I couldn't. I tried at least 10 times... then I asked other people to help me. I told them what I thought my combination was (I really don't remember, normally it's automatic), but no one could open it. So I tried again. Finally I decided to ask someone for a key. I couldn't find one, so I went to the attendence office to ask them for my combo. I had been doing it wrong. I not only had two of the numbers switched, but I also had one completely wrong. I felt so stupid. The whole experience to 15 minutes. After that I went to the band hallway to meet Steph with Heather. Het, being a person who likes being early rather than on time, was thinking we were gonna' be late so I had no time to just sit down. It was beautiful. Plus, we were suppose to give Ariana a ride and we were rushing so much that we left earlier than planned and she had to walk. I feel SO incredibly bad about that. Ugh. Yea, I was not having a fun time. And softball. I love it to death, but I dislike hitting when that's all you can do. I need to throw! But the cheerleaders were in the gym today, so there was no room at all. Blah. Grrr... on cheerleaders. Yea, sorry. I just had to vent a bit.

Other than that crap my day was pretty average. I don't want to go tomorrow, but that's normal I suppose. So, whatever.

Who's going to the dance after the game Friday? I am!! Woo!! lol. Yea, I'm a dance freak.

Okay I must be off now. Hope you all had a kick butt day! Chao y amor.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 1 February :: 6.31 pm
:: Mood: so tired i'm not
:: Music: shows

Ha! I skipped school to go to a waterpark! lol.
So, school's dumb. I shouldn't even be writing in here because I have that much homework. I'm way exaggerating. Except... english is hard, so that may take a while. I'm such a perfectionest with that stuff. It's horrible!

Okay so this weekend ruled times 20! I had so much fun! Yea, great times and good company.

Yea, so I gotta' fly. Love times a million and 2. Chao.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 28 January :: 1.46 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: notin'

You are a bubble... don't forget that.
Sup ya'll? I'm in art right now. Well, correction there. I'm suppose to be in art right now. Actually, I'm in the library messing around because I'm done with my art project. It's pretty good. I could do better, but I like it now, so it's fine. Yea, that's kinda' the lazy quitter point of view... but that's just how it's gonna' be.

Okay, let me tell you about my evil second hour. I went down to Neier's room as usual, but when I got there I realized that I forgot my purse. So I went back to Millard's room to get it. When I came back downstairs I turned the wrong way and ended up in Taylor's doorway. He was standing right there, so I was like, "I so just turned the wrong way." And he's like, "Are you lost?" all trying not to laugh at me. I was like "You have no idea how lost I am right now." Then I walked to Neier's room only to find that no one was in there, no one but Mr.Andrus (our sub for the hour.) So I was like, fine I'll go to Andrus' room. I did that and finally found my class. It was so dumb though. And the whole adventure was casued by my forgetfulness. I'm so dumb sometimes.

Yea, I hate econ. It's so boring. I wish it dead. It's not terrible, but I hate being bored and having easy classes. That would be why I'm so bound and determined to get AP history next year. Yea, required classes all suck. I think that's why they're required... cuz if they weren't nobody'd take 'em!

Yea, that's about all I have to say for today. Except HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU TIMES 1 MILLION AND 5!!!!!!

Chao all.


Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 26 January :: 7.17 pm
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: Hold On -G.C.

I love softball. I love it times 10!
So conditioning was super-fun tonight. I got to bat. It went okay. I even bunted... from the left and right! Bomb dig man. I was so excited that I could still do it. And with no problem. Slapping, however, is a different story. I way missed. I haven't even batted for a while though, I don't know why I expected to be able to do that the first day back.
I was playing catch with this freshmen and Charlie was standing behind me so that I would want to field the ball more, because I was kinda' getting lazy after a while. Anyway, then he told me to tell the other chick what she was doing wrong, which of course I didn't want to do since I mess up too. But I did, cuz he made me. She didn't listen. I told her like 3 times, but she just wouldn't listen. Finally she took a break so I played catch with Lauren. Kayla's dad was making sure we did everything perfectly. It was so weird. When I was playing with the freshy Jamie, Lauren, Charlie, Mr.Wagner and my dad were watching. It was a tad unnerving. But I suppose, it's the same in a game. I was just excited to be back over all.

Yea, school is not so fun. Chemistry was coolish. We just did our worksheet the whole hour. Tomorrow we're doing a lab. Easy week man. Jungkind rules! lol. So what if we don't actually learn anything.

Yep, I guess that's it for today. Talk to ya'll later. Love times 12 and a half.

-Jacqui Jean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 25 January :: 9.05 pm
:: Mood: reflective

Blast from the past...
I was reading some entries I wrote from last year. It was crazy. Lots of stuff I haven't thought about in a long long time came back to me in an insane rush.

You remember biology last year Al? The last couple weeks of school... a certain someone and I? Yea, that was funny. I can't believe it ever happened. History way repeated itself this year though. lol. He gave me his phone number and said to call him. I think we should go to a movie. Bring Caleb and Chad too. A reunion. Plus then I wouldn't be way creeped out by going on a "date" with *him*. lol. Yea, that'd be quite weird eh?

I also thought about some of the stupid things that happened during softball. lol. Funny stuff. I swear though, it was like a death wish just being on that team!! hehe. But it was WAY fun. Lets just hope this year is as lovely.

Yea, that's about it. I just had to share my reflection on that beautiful time. Happy days to you all.


7 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 25 January :: 7.44 pm
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: GRD

For every dream that's shattered another one comes true.
How's everybody else today? I'm okay. Tennis was fun. I'm gonna' miss it tons!!! Yea, it's what I'd call an obsession... or a passion. Maybe both. Either way, it sucks that it's done and over with now. *tear*

I'm getting really sick of school. Last semester was way cool, this one, however, just sucks. I'm drained. Blah. Grrr... on school. I cannot wait for midwinter break.

So, when exactly is swirl? Everybody's talking about who they're going with, and I didn't even know it was coming up. I feel dumb. lol. Oh well. I just assume we'll all go together as always. The tradition, though it's only one year old, stands.

Johnathon totally killed my hand today. Evil boy. I have a huge red line running across the side of my hand that is sore as sam hill. It's just lovely. I love him to death, but the boy is abusive.

Yea, I'm just kinda' rambling on so I s'pose I'll go now. Love ya' tons and bunches and tons again!


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 24 January :: 8.53 pm
:: Mood: blah

I'm so tired... so so so tired.
I wish I wasn't so tired all the time. I have never fallen asleep during school, never even wanted to, until today. I swear. The whole me being super tired thing was added to by the fact that my classes (minus chem.) were overly boring today. Grr... on boring classes. Grrr.

Yea, I think it should be outlawed to have fun in chemistry. I'd never have believed I could laugh that much in a science class. I hate science. The only science I don't hate is physics. And that's just cuz I'm weird. Yet, I'm always having the best time in chem. Today was just friggen hilarious! I love that class deeply. Awesome.

So I went to Zac's game with Katie. We sat with Ben and talked to him the whole time. I think I watched the game 5 times in 2 second intervals. It was pretty sad considering that's why we went. But Ben is fun, and I had a good time talking to him. I've missed him this year greatly mucho.

Conditioning wasn't as bad this time. Probably because I've been more active recently. When I went to do lunges though, my legs gave out. They hurt so bad! I felt like I did right after my "surgery". Like I was gonna' collapse and had no power at all over my legs. That, my dears, is a terrible feeling. I do not recomend it.

Well, that's about it. Or I should say, that's all I feel the need to talk about in here. Have a beautiful day. Love mucho

-Jay Bean-

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 23 January :: 8.07 pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: none



Created by andy and taken 11201 times on bzoink!

Birthplacegrand rapids
Current locationmy house
Righty or Leftyrighty
Zodiac Signpicies
Your heritageAmerican...
Your weaknesspretty eyes
Your shoes you wore todayi didn't wear shoes today
Your fearsheights, death by drowning or fire, and people
Your perfect pizzacheese... lots of it. and lots of sauce!!
Goal you'd like to achievebecome a photo journalist
Your thoughts first waking upstupid alarm clock. stupid stupid.
Your best physical featureTim said my smile and Ariana said my eyes. lol, i had to ask cuz i have no idea!
Your bedtime9:30 or 10 usually
Your most missed memorywalking with my mom, sister and dog to my grandma's house.
Pepsi or CokePepsi
McDonald's or Burger KingBurger King
Single or group datesSingle
Adidas or NikeAdidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nesteai hate ice tea
Chocolate or vanillavanilla
Cappuccino or coffeecappuccino
Cussnot really
Take showers dailyyes
Have a crushyep
Think you've been in loveyep
Want to go collegesi
Want to get marriedyuppers
Believe in yourselfyes
Get motion sicknesssometimes
Think you're attractivenot really
Think you're a health freakno
Get along with your parentsmost the time
Like thunderstormssometimes
Play an instrumentyes
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mallyep
Eaten an entire box of Oreosno
Eaten sushino
Been on stageno... i don't think so
Gone skatingno
Made homemade cookiesno
Gone skinny dippingno
Dyed your hairno
Stolen anythingno
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicatednever
Been called a teaseyep
Got beaten upno
Age you hoped to be marriedi don't really care that much
Number and name of childrendunno'
Dream weddingon a beach somewhere really warm. that'd be great.
How do you want to diepeacefully in my sleep
Where do you want to attend collegeFerris
Dream jobphoto journalist
Country you want to visitFrance and Mexico
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye colorbrown or green
Best hair colorbrown
Short or long hairshort
Heighttaller than me
Best weighti don't care
Best clothingwhatever style he wants... just not gangster
Best first date locationsomewhere that we feel comfortable... not some stuffy fancy place
Best first kiss locationanywhere as long as you like the person it shouldn't matter
Number of drugs taken illegallynone
Number of people I could trust with my life5
Number of CDs that I own100 and some
Number of piercings2, my ears
Number of tattoosnone
Number of times my name's been in the newsa few, not for anything bad though
Number of scars on my body3 i think...
Number of things in my past that I regret.i try not to have regrets... but i do... so i dunno.

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Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 23 January :: 6.07 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Commercials

We are family.
So, this weekend has been okay. Not incredibly eventful, but weekends rarely are. Ariana wanted me to go to her house and sled today, but our mom's were both in a 'I'm-not-leaving-this-house' mood today. So yea, no biggie. I stayed in and read my book all day. I'm almost half way done now. I'm reading The Da Vinci Code. Larissa lent it to us to read. It's super good! I find it crazy that it's "real".

Last night was fun. My dad, Steph and I watched this DVD of the Red Skelton show. It's so freakin' hilarious. It's kinda' like the SNL of that day. All of it's black and white though. Still it was fun.

I didn't fall asleep last night until around 2 or 2:30 in the morning! It was so dumb. No reason for it either. I was way tired. Crazy stuff man.

Okay I'm gonna' fly away now. Chao my people. Love times some random high number!


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 22 January :: 2.26 pm
:: Mood: amused

I need a new bandana
I had a happy time at the game yesterday. We hung out with the funnest group of people EVER! hehe. It really was grand. I love games, they are beautiful and happy. Yea, I'm really happy right now. Ya' noticed? hehe. I haven't been this happy in a long time. But I am.

The roads suck monkey toes so Jessi cancelled her skating thing. I guess that's fine since I really didn't know if I wanted to go or not anyway. But my dad won't let us go to card night tonight either! No fun!! I love card night. Especially at Ariana's house. We can play pool and cards and video games. Plus we were gonna' go sledding out onto the lake. It's about the funnest and most painful activity ever! I love it, even though I walk away with bruises on every single part of my body. hehe. Yea, I'm sad that we can't go. But overall I'm still happy.

I feel the need to go build a snowman. Maybe I will. Sounds just delightful, and I haven't built one in years. I should. I think I will.

Okay chao now my people. Love times 12.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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