<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2004 3 January :: 5.06 pm
:: Mood: Just lovely... in a bored sort of way.

I am not paranoid!! Who told you that?! *darts eyes*
I'm so bored. Weekends suck. especially because this is a break weekend and I haven't seen everyone in 2 weeks.

So if any of you got the post you know that in it there is a 2 for 1 ticket to Pando. So I was thinking maybe we could get some people together and go just for fun sometime in the next couple of weeks?! What do ya' think?? Just a group up to twelve tho FYI.
Well I shall have to fly now, ttyl. Much love and Rock on.

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 2 January :: 7.02 pm
:: Music: Playlist

Sorry... and thank you.
Hey guys. I know that what I said last entry was pretty harsh but to those of you who didn't apreciate it I gotta' tell ya', when I get worked up over something I don't give a damn what other people think about what I have to say and I just say what's on my mind. I apologize for being SO evil but that's really what I think of the situation, I can't help how I feel and I know no one else can either.
To those of you who agreed w/ what I said, Thank you for the support. When I first saw that there were comments I was pretty afraid that they would all be from "her" and I got slightly scared of what they would say. I'm glad that some ended up being supportive. I'm not really big on saying things like that.
So anyway thank you for the support and I'm sorry if you don't agree. This site is about saying what you think and how you feel, that's what I did. I didn't mean to hurt anyone... just give one person a reality check.
I love you all, hope you have an awesome weekend. Rock on, Much love.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 29 December :: 7.46 pm
:: Mood: aggravated

Venting time!!
Okay, I wasn't gonna' write today until I was lookin' through the profile of one of my friends and found a journal of a former friend of mine (former is there for a reason). You see this person and I got in a huge fight last year because of some things that were said during a softball game. It was the first fight I ever got in really, the first that was big that is. I haven't gotten in another fight since than really either, so that shows you just how bad it was. Anyway, while I was reading this persons' journal I couldn't help noticing that she was in a fight w/ yet another person *rolls eyes*. She seems to just love to make people mad. She either pretends to stay all calm or gets all immature and crys about it to anyone who'll listen (both are complete bull shit). So since she knows who she is and you probably all do too I'll say what I've wanted to say to her for quite a while here (I would say this to your face hun, but I rarely see you and I try to avoid cat fights while I can, I just can't keep this to myself anylonger)
In your journal you wrote that Sam (though I don't know which one) was a bitch. Well, whenever you decide that someone is a bitch why don't you look in your frickin' mirror?! My gosh, I did all I could to put our friendship back together last year because being mad at people and having them be mad at me is not my style, but lordy, could you have tried any harder to make me seem completely evil?? I sure hope not, I think it's impossible to be that cruel but I guess you never know.
Do you even know how many people are mad at you?? Even Ariana- sweet, innocent, forgiving Ariana- is sick of you and your stupid attitude!! It's not like it was wonderful last year but it got A LOT worse this year. You suddenly think you're all cool because you hang out w/ upper-classmen but guess what?! So do I!! I am the official little sister to half the junior class and friend to most of them too. But until now I would never say that outloud because I don't think it matters who you hang out w/, no one cares. All people really think about is what kind of person you are and guess what? You, are not the kind of person me and my friends want to hang around and unless you change your attitude you'll learn that most people will agree w/ me. But don't worry, I'll still be nice to you in school and in softball because unlike you, I have class and I refuse to act like a frickin' uberbitch just to get attention and make myself feel stronger.

Sorry you had to read that if you're not the person who that message was meant for. I just needed to vent and here seemed like as good of place as any to do so. Well I'll talk to you all later, much love, rock on.

6 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 28 December :: 9.15 pm
:: Mood: drained

Words suck. There are too many things that words can't describe. I love my friends, so love describes that. I love my family, but in a different way than I love my friends, so love is the word that describes it. But what about a person who is more than a friend to me but isn't my family. What about a guy I "like" I don't love him but it's more than liking him. I just don't know what word to use.
What word do I use when I deeply dislike a person but I don't hate them?? Dislike is too light a word but hate is too strong, what do I say?
There are too many times in life when words get in the way or when words cannot describe the way I feel. As a matter of fact this whole entry is probably a waste because words are useless and this whole entry is made up of words.

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 26 December :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: scilence

You are not required to read this... but i was bored and so, I filled it out. Have a lovely day!!

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Jacqui
Birthplace ::: grand rapids
Age ::: 14
Age you act ::: sometimes mine sometimes older and sometimes younger... u decide.
Current location ::: my state my town my house
Eye color ::: blue
Hair color ::: blonde but its starting to turn brownish... grrr on that
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: righty
Zodiac sign? ::: piecies (sp??)
Height? ::: 5' 5 1/2"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: I'm everything pretty much... in little amounts. but mostly i'm american
Your hair ::: it's hair... what's to describe exactly??
Your fears ::: too many to name, but mostly heights (i think i spelled that wrong)
Your perfect room ::: mine w/o having to share it w/ steph
What you practically do in a day ::: stuff
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: freakin', grrr, hate, love, munchkin, gay, etc
Phrases you overuse ::: u r so weird, u scare me, i hate...
Your first thought when you wake up ::: screw waking up i want sleepage!! what's your greatest accomplishment ::: umm... i'm not completely sure
something you want to do ::: go to switzerland and ski the alps
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: i don't really care... both are okay
McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: BK all the way!! hehe
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: both are sluts... i don't know
Chocolate or vanilla ::: vanilla
Adidas or Nike ::: Nike I suppose... she was a goddess
Black or white ::: black
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: bills
Burgers or hot dogs ::: a (un) healthy mix
Egypt or France ::: france
Rock or rap ::: ROCK!!!
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: no freakin' way
Cuss ::: si, i am ashamed
Sing well ::: don't ask me... ask one of my friends or steph. no one (unless they were snobs) would say "oh yes of course" jeez... what silly questions they ask.
Sing in the shower ::: all the time... along w/ the radio
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: oh yes... i have whole conversations *rolls eyes* NOT
Believe in yourself ::: most the time... but i'm quite self- concious about some things... like drawing and the poems i write.
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: meh, it passes the time
Play an instrument ::: i play the drums, but not in band. i see no point in taking an hour out of my day to do that when i like choir better.
Want to go to college? ::: yeppers
Want to get married? ::: i suppose, but it can wait for a while
Want to have children? ::: not a darn clue
Think you're a health freak? ::: no, although lately i'm sick of junk food.
Get along with your parents ::: at times... they can be pretty okay
Get along with your siblings? ::: not around jake (hehe) but most of the time yes
Think you're popular ::: not really
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: no... i wish
Drank alchohal ::: nope
Smoked ::: no
Gotten high ::: nosireebob
Done any drugs ::: never
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: ugh... i'd be sick
Been on stage ::: probably... but not for any reason such as acting singing or playing an instrument.
Gone skinny dipping ::: wouldn't you like to know... ;)
Been dumped ::: no
Dyed your hair ::: nope
Stolen anything ::: not that i recall
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: Katy Baird or Shelly
Loudest ::: Katie Smith
Most shy ::: Kayla probably
Blondest ::: definetly Katy Baird
Smartest ::: umm... Lauren, Kayla, or Heather
Kindest ::: Ben
Best personality ::: Zac
Most talented ::: umm... Shelly i guess... she can do pretty much anything well
Best singer ::: lordy, I don't know.
Most ghetto ::: ghetto... haha. umm, Jeremy?!
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: sorry in advance, but it has to be said. Katy, Katie, or Justine. (I REALLY DO LOVE YOU ALL THO!!)
Pain in the ass ::: umm... lol... Adam.
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: none of them really... if i did they probably wouldn't be my friend.
Funniest ::: Lauren
Best person for advice ::: Cherie
Dependable ::: Cherie
Trustworthy ::: Cherie
Druggie ::: none of them... if they were i wouldn't let myself be friends w/ them... bad influence.
Most likely to end up in jail ::: Justine... for murdering Mr. VanHam!! (i'm behind her on it tho... lol j/k)
Person you've known the longest :::Kate
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: It took place on my bus and it had Johnathon and Mike in it
Last nightmare ::: don't remember
Car ride ::: coming back from the movies today
Last time you cried ::: sometime last week... i fought w/ my parents and sister and they said things that they hopefully regret and will forever.
Last movie seen ::: Mona Lisa Smile
Last movie rented ::: Shanghai Knights
Last book read ::: SVH senior year
Last word said ::: thankyou
Last curse word said ::: damn
Last time you laugh ::: just a minute ago
Last phone call ::: shelly called me does that count??
Last CD played ::: Now 14
Last song you listened to ::: The last song on that CD
Last annoyance ::: too many... can't remember
Last IM ::: Allison
Last weird encounter ::: i don't know if it was weird really but i saw Mr. Taylor at the movie theator... i can't escape him!!
Last person you hugged ::: my mom
Last person you yelled at ::: my sister
Last time you wore a skirt ::: when we did those presentation things during Food and Nutrition.
Last time you've been evil ::: i stopped keeping track
Sarcastic? ::: WAY too many times to count in the past 2 hours even.
Last time you fought with your parents ::: late last week... i've tried to avoid dangerous subjects since then... that fight left scars.
Last time you wished upon a star ::: last year... now i wish on clocks
Played Truth or Dare ::: at the Guard party... and i had a VERY good time playing it too. *smirks*
Spent quality time alone ::: an hour ago
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: nope
Do you feel lonely ::: not really
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: no it's in the works
How about egging someone's house ::: same as above
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::what??
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: 50 cent is i'll give you that
Yo Momma ::: don't u be talkin' about my momma!!
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: nope... well i don't think so
What do you think of George Bush? ::: which one?? Jr. is a rockin' president
Any secret fetishes? ::: what's a fetish?? lol i am dumb i'll admit it
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: not normally
How many languages do you speak? ::: 1 and 1/5 (i'm taking spanish 1 and 5 are available.)
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: no i could type all day
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) ::: somewhat... but it passed the time and now i shall once again be bored.


5 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 22 December :: 7.11 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Michael Buble (accent over the E in his last name)

Hey! Has anyone ever listened to Michael Buble?? It's really cool. I didn't think I would like it at first but he has an incredible voice!! He sounds exactly like Frank Sanatra. And I mean EXACTLY like him. He sings a lot of cool old songs like "Fever", "Come Fly With Me", and "Crazy Little Thing Called Love".

Anyway, how's the break going so far?? Everyone enjoying the first day off?? I hope you all are. It's nice not having to go to school, but it sucks that ya' can't see everyone. Someone needs to have a party. I would volunteer my house except my parents are way to strict... all we could do would be sit there and look at eachother. BORING!! So yeah, that's that.

Cherie if you read this... I need to talk to you... believe me there's a lot to fill you in on. And I'm sure you have some stuff to tell me about!! So we must talk, ASAP.

Well I must be off now youngins, have fun breaking!! Be safe... Katie!! (hehe j/k) Well ttyl, buh bye.
Much Love, Rock on!

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 19 December :: 9.31 pm

What if...?
Okay guys, I wrote this article for the school newspaper last year. I just found it today in my files and I thought that it still applies pretty well to the lives of most people I know. Everyone needs to hear this once in a while just to stay grounded. So here it goes I hope you enjoy. And just to let you all know in case you forgot or I haven't told you lately... I love you all, you rock, and if you weren't here w/ me I wouldn't have made it this far in my life. Rock on my friends, love ya'.

By: Jacqui DeFouw

What if…
· You die today? Did you tell your family and friends how much they mean to you?
· Your parents get into a car accident? Will you regret not spending more time with them?
· You become different and your other friends aren’t people you want to hang out with? Do they know all they’ve done for you?
· You lose your house in a fire? Do you care, or are you just glad to have the love of your family to fall back on?
· You lose the most important game of the year? Is it that terrible, or are you thankful for all of the fun you’ve had?
· Your boyfriend/ girlfriend breaks up with you tomorrow? Will you be so upset that you’ll do something you won’t have the chance to regret?
Your life is full of what if…’s. Don’t worry about them just make sure that everyone you love knows that you love them, and everyone you care for knows you care. Don’t let precious moments slip through your fingers. Cherish friends, cherish family, and most of all cherish Life!

Thank you, I love you, Good- Bye!!

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 11 December :: 7.24 pm
:: Mood: groggy

School was fun today. Well the time I spent there at least. I am so bored now tho. grr on boredome. Please forgive me for the psycotic entry I wrote yesterday... emotional much! I was a spaz case.

So guess what?! I have the flu... well not the full on I'm gonna' die from it flu... just the symptoms. It sucks ass. I want to go to school tomorrow SO VERY much. I already missed an Algebra quiz today and a Spanish test, if I miss tomorrow too then I'll have to re-take 2 math tests!! AGH. Evil classes... if school was all about social lives it would be so much more fun, don't ya' think??

I'm kinda' scared... my parents left me alone w/ my sister who just happens to be quite mad at me for some reason unknown to man. I'm slightly afraid that she'll come down here and bash me over the head w/ her flute... that would hurt like heck!! *winces just thinking about it* Well I suppose I'll just stay out of her way, then she won't be able to hurt me. Yes that's good, I'll stick w/ that one. *light bulb shines over head*

Well I must be off now... I shalt speak w/ you lovely little people later on in the week or month, ya' never know. Love u. Buh-bye


Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 10 December :: 8.27 pm
:: Mood: slightly annoyed w/ a hint of amusment
:: Music: My playlist

People suck.
Today kinda sucked from the very start. The shirt I was gonna' wear was refusing to dry so I waited to the last second to change my mind about wearing it and got a different one. Then I had no time to put in my contacts which sucked cuz I'm really not incredibly fond of my glasses. I was still pretty ticked off at my entire family from last night and I looked like crap. So yea that was fun. Then all day I was pretty bored... the highlight of my day was actually English class (that never happens). I thought my day was gonna' get better when I talked to my friend whom I haven't talked to in 3 whole days even tho I see him quite a bit everyday. But no, of course not. He actually made me even more mad because of his cocky and evil attitude. And to top off the day, the bus ride home. I HATE my bus deeply. The people are SO stupid. There are these three 7th graders that think they are all that and that they're little thugs, but they're not!! So today one of them started a fight w/ a guy that's my semi-friend but all they did was threaten to beat each other up so I told them to do it. I told them that a fight would be fun to see so they should go ahead and do it. But they wouldn't and when I asked them why the one who started the fight said that he didn't want to get in more trouble for starting a fight and I told him he was scared... he refused to admit it but by the time I was done he decided it would be best to shut up for the rest of the ride. Thank the lord for that.

Have you ever noticed that everyone is really quite annoying. My friends, tho I love them all to the depths of my soul, are major drama queens. One is trying to steel the other's crush and go out w/ him which makes those 2 fight constantly. One is just constantly pissed off at the world... sometimes I agree that people suck but there are definetly times that I just want to tell her to shut the heck up cuz the world does not change to fit what you want. I know I can be drama queenish sometimes but I apologize deeply for any instance in which this has happened because I really try hard not to do so. Even my family is full of drama queens. Last night I was not at all happy cuz we went to Sam's Club and I was forbidden to just sleep in the car while they shopped (I was VERY tired) and when I tried to rush them cuz I wasn't done w/ my homework they said I should've gotten it done b4 we left!! The whole trip wasn't planned until 5 minutes b4 we left... no one told my I wasn't gonna' be home to do my homework when I normally do!! AGH!! Well anyway I'll go now and stop boring you w/ my "issues". Later my friendly people. Buh-bye now.
Love u.

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 4 December :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: normal

You people expect too much from me...
Blah. That's what today was... boring and blah. We might have a math test tomorrow and we definetly have a science test, sucky. I hate tests, especially when I don't know the stuff I'm being tested on. Well I do know it in math... just not in Biology, too hard.

I saw Justine's quotes, they're quite funny. They definetly work for the people who said them... hehehe. So if Justine reads this then I say Rock on Chicita.

Cherie was suppose to call me about our Algebra homework but she never did... weird girl. Not because she didn't call but because she doesn't understand AND she didn't call. But I love her anyway. So yea, I found out yesterday that Katy (a lovely friend of mine) is going out w/ Nick Vietti. She failed to tell me this and so did all my other friends who knew the day that this began. Evil people. But what can you expect really? They're just people... and people sometimes forget.

Guess what!? I get to go to the Griffin's game tomorrow!! Yay! We used to go a lot... but then we didn't go at all last year so this is exciting for me. Someone is calling me. I hate buzme. It's kinda' good to get all of your calls and such, but it's just annoying when the little box pops up out of no where. Grrr... on it.

Well I must be off now, have a lovely day/ night y'all. I love you... most of you *glares in random direction* BUH BYE!!

~Jacqui Jean~

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 30 November :: 5.58 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: All American Rejects

Only one shopping day left until tomorrow...
I cannot stand cold weather. It bugs me.... I'm a very energetic person and normally to get rid of all this energy I'd do something outside like playing tennis or basketball or practicing my pitching but it's just too darn cold!! Grr... on cold.

So anyway. Hope ya all had a wonderfully joyful Thanksgiving... tho I know too much family is not fun sometimes.

We got this new monitor and new software for my computer the other day. It's pretty cool. The moniter is black and it's one of those skinny flat screens... very cool. Not only that but we now have a CD burner... finally!! I have wanted one of those FOREVER! I'm soo excited =0) Ohh and the software has this thing that lets you make slide shows and such and then burn them onto CD's. It's very cool. I made 2 of them already, but I don't know how to make it so I can view the 2nd one again... evil computers... they confuse the heck out of me!

Well I must leave you now and go on too my life... as uninteresting as it may be.... I will see you all at a later date, have the loveliest of days!! Hasta Luego!

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 25 November :: 8.56 pm
:: Mood: giggly

Hola chicas y chicos!! Como estas? Yo muy BIEN!!!!! Sorry had to practice my spanish, Isa is coming over Thursday for dinner and I don't wanna say something bad!! I can tell her lots of story's about people and monkeys. hehe. lovely eh? Sorry now I went Canadian... I have language problems. I do believe this is the first time I've written and been truly happy!! Ain't it grand? Ya' know what sux? This week is the best week of the school year... but it only lasted 2 FRICKIN' DAYZ!! lol, how messed up is that??!! LALALA. I am sooo bored. A lot of my buddies are gone cuz they're bowling w/ the band. I don't really mind tho... kinda' nice to just chill for a while. I made up this quote like rhyme today but I can't remember it for the life of me!! Oy vai! That is just so messed up... jeezz. Well I must dash, have a lovely day!! Adious! (sorry slipped into spanish again hehe oh well!) BUH BYE!!
Hommie Jay

2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 15 November :: 8.38 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: grd

Today was somewhat cool. Shelly came over and we hung out for a while. We played a game that was a mix between soccor and volleyball in my room and managed to know down almost every breakable thing that was in there and a few other things. It was quite fun tho!!
If you're lookin' for a funny movie to see I recommend "Loony Tunes: Back in Action" it's very funny, kinda' stupid but funny!!
I'm bored not too many people are on at the moment. I am SO excited about the play. I'm going on Friday. I've been looking forward to it since they held the tryouts for it!! lol, yes I'm a dork I know... but that's never stopped me before!!! hehehe. Well I will be off now, have a lovely day!!

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 12 November :: 8.20 pm
:: Mood: Sympathetic/ Sad

I hate saddness
I went to Corbin's visitation today after school w/ Ariana. I was a little scared to go becuase I knew it would make me really sad but I went anyway and just took a deep breath. It was really a nice place for it to be held. Tons of people from both the middle school and high school were there. Even people that I knew from places other than school and people I didn't know at all were there. I was perfectly fine, a little sad but not crying, until I went by Summer and Rachel and looked at some of Corbin's favorite and most precious things. After that I got really sad and almost cried, but I didn't because I felt I had to be strong for everyone else. When Ariana and I looked at Corbin all I could think was "wake up... just please wake up and let it all be a dream or a false alarm. SOMETHING, just please don't really be gone!!" I didn't know that I would miss him this much, I guess it's one of those you-don't-know-what- you-got-till-it's-gone situations. I didn't actually cry while we were there, just got red-eyed but when I got home I just sat down on my couch and started bawling. I cried there for a while until my sister got home, I didn't want her to see me crying. Last night she said that she didn't know why everyone was making such a big deal out of this, that it was a big deal but most of the people who were sad didn't even know him (which is a total lie, she doesn't know what she's talking about). I'm really sad right now. I was watching the end of Touched By An Angel and a girl sang amazing grace, I started crying again right then... just not as hard. I hate this, I never in a million years expected another one of my friends to die. I say another because in 4th grade Aaron Gurisko died (sorry if I spelt his last name wrong). This week is definetly gonna' be a sad week. Tons of my friends are going to Corb's funeral so they won't be at school tomorrow. I don't want to go to the funeral, I couldn't handle it, it's just too much right now. I'm having a major mental breakdown here. All I want to do is be alone so that I can just cry. Well I suppose I should stop now. I hope you all have a wonderful day, god bless you all.

4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2003 12 November :: 8.20 pm
:: Mood: Sympathetic/ Sad

I hate saddness
I went to Corbin's visitation today after school w/ Ariana. I was a little scared to go becuase I knew it would make me really sad but I went anyway and just took a deep breath. It was really a nice place for it to be held. Tons of people from both the middle school and high school were there. Even people that I knew from places other than school and people I didn't know at all were there. I was perfectly fine, a little sad but not crying, until I went by Summer and Rachel and looked at some of Corbin's favorite and most precious things. After that I got really sad and almost cried, but I didn't because I felt I had to be strong for everyone else. When Ariana and I looked at Corbin all I could think was "wake up... just please wake up and let it all be a dream or a false alarm. SOMETHING, just please don't really be gone!!" I didn't know that I would miss him this much, I guess it's one of those you-don't-know-what- you-got-till-it's-gone situations. I didn't actually cry while we were there, just got red-eyed but when I got home I just sat down on my couch and started bawling. I cried there for a while until my sister got home, I didn't want her to see me crying. Last night she said that she didn't know why everyone was making such a big deal out of this, that it was a big deal but most of the people who were sad didn't even know him (which is a total lie, she doesn't know what she's talking about). I'm really sad right now. I was watching the end of Touched By An Angel and a girl sang amazing grace, I started crying again right then... just not as hard. I hate this, I never in a million years expected another one of my friends to die. I say another because in 4th grade Aaron Gurisko died (sorry if I spelt his last name wrong). This week is definetly gonna' be a sad week. Tons of my friends are going to Corb's funeral so they won't be at school tomorrow. I don't want to go to the funeral, I couldn't handle it, it's just too much right now. I'm having a major mental breakdown here. All I want to do is be alone so that I can just cry. Well I suppose I should stop now. I hope you all have a wonderful day, god bless you all.

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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