<3 Make a promise to me now. Reassure my heart somehow, that the love that I feel is so much more real than anything. <3


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Life gave me lemonade...

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:: 2005 20 January :: 9.20 pm
:: Mood: blank

Who's got the button?
Since when does Katie have a woohu? Why was I not informed of this!? That's happy news here people!

Okay so, this morning I felt like death. For real. I felt better just before we left for school. But then I did my makeup in the car (I always do... I'm slow in the morning!) and I felt like death again when we got to school. We sat in the car listening to the radio because I didn't wanna' get out. Blah. Stupid mornings... they all suck! Anyway, the rest of the day was pretty good. I think I broke even on the good day-o-meter.

Yea, in art today Cory called me a whore. But he did it without actually saying the words. Of course Jamie was awfully proud of him for it. Grr... on them both. They are funny though, so I'll forgive 'em. I wonder why people do that so often? Apparently I am an easy target or something. Yea, whatever.

Why is it that both the conditioning days that I would've gotten to bat have been snow days? I find that insanely annoying and cruel!! Blah. Grrr on that. Yea, oh well. I'll hit next week... hopefully. We can't have snowdays every Wednesday, can we?

Lalala. I have to do another research paper for Millard's class. Stupid stupid. This one's on Capital Punishment. I'm against. This time it's not just because it's easier to write. I really think that it's wrong. Hopefully I'll continue my 100% on every paper (except that one) in her class thing. That'd be great. I doubt it though, research papers are WAY not my thing.

So I really don't know what else to say. S'pose I'll be off. Chao. Love times 650 times 5!


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 18 January :: 7.43 pm
:: Mood: blank

I'm so tired. I wasn't before, but I am now. It's really random. I'm sick of messenger. I never get to talk to the people I want to, only the people that I really don't want to at all. Blah.

So my classes are about the same. English is just crazier than before. Econ's not horrible. I majorly dislike that we have assigned seats though. I miss Allie. I love her. I need her to sit by me in order to live. If I can't talk to her I get bored super fast. Grrr... on Coop for seperating us. Yea, the only other real change is the amount of people in my art class. It's kinda' annoying having tons of people. Not like it was really empty before. But we added a fourth person to the table now, Nick Hazen. He's way cool. It's nice to have a guy to mix it up a bit. Kinda' boring when it's just us girls. Though I suppose Jamie and Cory did visit bunches. Still do, but yea. Anyway, fun stuff.

Okay I'm really just boring myself and probably you so I'll be off now. Chaoness. Love times twelve and a half.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 17 January :: 8.35 pm
:: Mood: geeky
:: Music: none a'tall

The glass isn't gonna' break.
So I went to Zac's hockey game. It was grand funness. He won. Go Springs Cedar! woot! lol. Don't ask.

I went to Kari's birthday party on Saturday. It was grand. We played ping pong and pool and twister. Then we ate pizza and chips and pop and watched Troy. That is a fricken awesome movie! Really it is. I wanna' watch it again, we talked through some of it and I'm pretty sure it'd be better if I watched the whole thing.

Yep, that was my weekend. Fun stuffin's. Tomorrow it's back to the torture chamber. Fun stuff! NOT. Oh well. Chao.

-Jay Kay-

3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 14 January :: 4.01 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Relient K

I am a horrible person.
I give up.

11 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 12 January :: 3.49 pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Mixture

Snow day.
Okay, I love snow days, really I do, but not today. Today is the worst day ever to have a snow day!! I was suppose to have a super big gov't test, I needed to finish my art project, I needed to finish my story for english... it just sucks. Plus we would've had softball tonight! The good kind of softball where you just hit and play catch and stuff. I'm way annoyed here. Grr... on our school! Grrr..........

Yea, is it super foggy by everyone else too? Cuz I can barely see the tree on the other side of the yard. As a matter of fact, I can barely see the other side of the yard! Crazy.

We got this thing called "cardio salsa". It's an excersize tape, I assume you all knew that, but I had to say it just in case. So yea, Steph and I decided to try it today. Awesome thing man. It teaches you really cool dance steps, plus it's a wonderful workout. We decided we're gonna' do it once a week. Fun stuff!

Alrighty, I'm done. Chao.


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 11 January :: 8.46 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Kansas

Tennis rules! Exams suck monkey toes.
So I had tennis after escuela today. Fun mucho man. I played doubles with Katie against her big brother and Addison. It was way funny. The guys had no clue how to play at all. They thought you had to hit the ball to the area behind where you're actually suppose to hit it. It was so great. I'm gonna' go next Tuesday too. We get to play singles! Bomb diggity!!

Exams are the worst invention ever! Even in the classes where I don't have exams I have super hard annoying crap to do. I'll give you the basics here:
English- story using 25 psat vocab. words
Geometry- exam
Government- test then exam
Spanish- nada (thank the lord for crowley)
Art- our latest project is our exam. mine's okay, but not as good as I thought it would be. blah.

Yea, you see my brain was way fried today because of all the reviews we were doing in my classes. In chemistry I didn't have anyone to ask for help even, because Katie was being a butt and kinda' dragged Jenny over to the darkside. Ugh. I swear, I am all stressed out with no one to choke and that's never good!! Sorry guys, I just need to vent. Writing it down makes me feel better. Of course tomorrow when I stand in the batting cages and pretend the ball is exams and peoples heads I feel even better. Plus I'll get about a billion would-be homeruns! hehe.

Okay I'm gonna' leave now. Chaoness. Love times 12 1/2


3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 10 January :: 6.59 pm
:: Mood: pained
:: Music: What's this -The nightmare before christmas

I am dead.
Conditioning kills all people. I swear I almost passed out a few times there. I've never done dot drills in softball before. Nor have we ever done stairs and running the same day. Ugh, Mr. Reed just wants to kill us all. Not really, it just feels better when you have someone to blame. Every single inch of my body aches. I shake when I pick up the tiniest things. It's so sad. The weight lifting wasn't horrible, but the rest could've killed me! I can't wait for Wednesday, all we're doing is hitting. Grand.

Okay I have to go now. Smallville is on man. Chao.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 8 January :: 4.34 pm
:: Music: Spiderman soudtrack

Rock, it's what we're all about it's what we live for, come on shout it out!
I had fun yesterday. Lots and lots of fun. At the game I sat by Larissa (wagner) who I never get to see anymore. It was cool. I felt bad for Steph though, Ellie was kinda' ignoring her. She tends to do that a lot without realizing it.

The dance was cool. They only played a couple slow songs. That's good, slow songs are boring. They, very evily, played all the awesome songs right in a row. I was so tired after that! lol. We got a bunch of people doing the alligator during takin' care of business. It was grand. Josh Morris and Josh Aungst (sp?) were right there doing the dance with us. They were like, the only guys willing. It's really tiring but SO fun! Evil thing is though, they only gave us one song to breath before playing Cha Cha Slide. Mean mean people. lol. It was grand though, very grand.

Well I suppose I shall be off now. Chaoisms.


1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 7 January :: 4.37 pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: The Killers

Hey shut up, hey shut up
This week wiped me out. I am so tired, but I'm going to the game anyway, and then the dance. I just can't pass up a dance.

So certain people have majorly been annoying me lately. I'm so anti-conflict when it comes to my friends though, I just don't like confronting people. I just wait until it all builds up inside me way too much and then I freak out. Yea, not good. But I have no clue how to change it. It takes a lot to make me that mad anyway I suppose, so it's not like a scream at people on a weekly basis or anything.

Yep, I am officially obsessed with the Killers. Love them. Rockin' band man. For real. If you don't have their CD get it right now. Go get in your car and drive to the nearest CD selling store and buy it! Now!

Larissa let Steph borrow her Da Vince Code book. It's really cool. I read a few chapters. Very fast start. It kinda' slows down, though, after the first 4 or so chapters. I'm hoping it'll speed back up again. I'm glad to have a book to read again finally. It's nice.

Well I shall be off. I hope to see, or at least hear, you at the game. Chao amigos.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 5 January :: 11.54 am
:: Mood: high
:: Music: people in my gov't class.

Impossible is nothing
Hola people! I'm in gov't right now. It's grandish. The whole first half of the hour all I did was look at yearbook pictures on Allie's computer. 'Twas joyful. I was reading everybodie's journals, and it seems that many people were writing in la escuela. Crazy crap doggy.

So, I have nothing to say really. I think I'll go play games now. Chao my people.
66666655555444411222333 -Allie's lovely art work. (Allie who rocks!)

2 months and 14 days

1 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 4 January :: 4.18 pm
:: Mood: peaceful
:: Music: Mix. The Killers at the moment.

I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier...
Hi friend.

I love you.

Rock on all.



3 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 3 January :: 6.32 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: The Killers

Smile like you mean it
School, yay. It wasn't horrible, but I was dead tired! For real. I need to teach myself to go to sleep when I go to bed and not just sit there thinking. I think too much, it makes me crazy. Blah.

So we showed our movie in chem. It was cool, people laughed. I'm glad, cuz I was freakin' out man! lol. Although I gotta' say, I think Katie and Jenny were over-blushing. Their voices were barely in it! But hey, everyone has a different comfort level, right? Yea.

I can't wait for spring. It's gonna' rock. I'll turn 16 and get my lisence (hopefully the same day!!! *crosses fingers*). I'll go to California over Spring Break, and we get to get the Falcon out. I'm pretty sure I get to drive it most of the time, like to school and stuff. Except on game days. I'm deeply excited about this whole thing. Why can't we just skip from December to March? That would be just grand!

I love the Killers. Estan muy bien! I love Mr. Brightside, it's one of my favorites on the CD.

Okay I'll see ya' later. Stay cool.
(ha, that was way corny. Oh well.)


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2005 2 January :: 12.01 pm
:: Mood: meh
:: Music: nada

Happy 2005!
So it's 2005. The year of many changes. Should be interesting. Now I just have to remember to write 05 on my papers at school.

Katie, Jenny and I finished our project for chemistry. Not horrible. I actually had fun making it. Of course Ellie came over outa' no where and that probably helped my sanity. But yea, pretty fun time.

We had so much fun Friday. Ariana, Larissa and my grandparentals came over to ring in the new year. It was grand. We played video games and danced and played games. We had a Eukre tournament too. That was fun. I think we were second or third place. Kinda' sad, but it was still good fun. We stayed up until almost 3 o' clock in the morning just talking and then my dad woke us up at 9:15 on Saturday so that we could get ready to go shopping. We went to the mall with my aunt and cousin. Ariana came with us too. My aunt gave Steph and I $30 gift cards to Old Navy. I got a couple of shirts and some flip flops. Then we ate at olive garden and continued on to the mall. My aunt wanted to exchange some pants she'd gotten from hollister for Christmas, so we went there. I've never been in there before, and I tell you, it's doubtful that I'll ever go again. Their biggest sale was on flimsy little t-shirts that were $9.90. The rest of their clothing was at least 40 bucks. It was crazy! Ariana made me try stuff on though. I ended up buying a shirt. One of the on sale ones. It's really cute, but still over priced. Anyway, we went to the Buckle too. I found a rolling stones t-shirt there that was way awesome! I wanted it so bad, but it was nearly 40 dollars! Way too much for my wallet. So it stayed on the hanger. Gay. I dragged my little cousin, who was wearing all pink, into hot topic. This guy who was in there kept looking at us like we were the devil. It was hilarious. They are way too expensive though. Blah. At the end of the shopping day my cousin and I went to this place called Your Plate or Mine where you can paint ceramics any way you want and they'll fire it for you. It's way cool. I painted a mug. It's purty. Emalie painted a flare mug, her's is way better than mine. She's an awesome artist though, so it makes sense. Awesome place though. Ariana and I decided to go make those for our birthday. It's super cheap, so it shouldn't be a problem. When we left the mall we went to Bran's for dinner and watched part of the Rose Bowl. I was having a hard time not yelling at the TV. Sucks that Michigan lost! After that we took Ariana home and then watched the rose parade. We taped it because we were gone when it was on. It was coolish. I liked the opening with all the disneyland characters.

Yea, that's my weekend. Today we have to go to some lady's visitation. She's Roxy's sister. Roxy was my grandpa's almost girlfriend about 10 years ago. But now he's married. Not to her. She's stupid. But there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll go. We get to go to Outback first, so I suppose it's fine. We're gonna' go get a tivo thing for our sattelite dish and mi padre said we can look at cameras too! That's the "big" 16th birthday gift I asked for. I love taking pictures, so they're gonna' buy me a digital camera. I'm excited!!

Well I should go now. You're probably bored out of your mind reading this. Chao all.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 30 December :: 9.30 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: nothing

He lives in you. He lives in me. He watches over everything we see...
I'm going nuts. This week has been absolutely crazy! I got up way earlier than I would've liked on Tuesday to go to Ariana's. We painted almost all day, but we did take a break to go sledding at one point. That may sound like a good thing, and I can't say I didn't have fun, but I have bruises everywhere from it. See, at her house there's a really steep hill leading down to the lake. Right before the lake, however, there's a big hill of sand. Everytime you hit the hill going super fast on a sled you fly, and then procede to hit the ice on the lake super hard! It's painful!! But it's fun, really fun. Anyway I spent the night at A's house and the next day we got up early again to go paint the not-a-township hall that su familia owns. So we primed 2 whole rooms by ourselves and we were helping Laurie (Ariana's mom) prime the "hallway" thing. While I was waiting for Laurie I went to check on Taryn in the big room. She wanted me to hold her, so I did. But she wouldn't let me put her down, so I ended up painting with one hand and holding her in the other. Not an easy task! But it was kinda' funny. I must've looked like a total freak. Blah. It was a fun couple of days overall. I had a good time.

Okay so, today my mom called from work at like 8:15am and tells us there was a cancellation and we could come in at 10:30am. (she works at a dentist office in Grand Rapids.) So we had to get up (again with the early thing) and get ready to go. My grandma came and picked us up, because Steph refuses to drive in G.R., and we went to the appointment. Afterward we went to lunch with my mom in the cafeteria. That was apparently not a good idea. First I forgot silverware and a tray, then I knocked a sign into a trashcan, then I almost pushed the pizza tray of the spinny thing. It was way un-good. The cooks were actually laughing at me by that time. Ugh. Horrible. But funny, I suppose. After that we left and went to Movie Gallery in Sparta. We rented Stepford Wives. So we go to check out and the girl at the counter goes "Do you two go to Cedar?" and I said "Yes..." wondering how the heck she could know that, no one was wearing Cedar apparel, and then she's like "Yea, I remember you. I used to go to Cedar but now I go to Sparta." So I'm still thinking, who the heck is this person. I didn't recognize her at all. And she's like "I used to ride your bus." So finally I got a look at her name tag. It was Casey. I haven't seen her in a long time, not that that's a bad thing. She was evil, I hated her. But yea, small world.

Well, now I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for this stupid chemisty project that I want to strangle with my bare hands and through into a very deep pool filled with hungry sharks and jellyfish. Yea, I hate science. The only thing about it I like is physics, but that's not chemistry now is it? Sorry, I'm just going nuts here. I can't think of a single thing I can do that will be fun to watch, have all the information it needs, and be semi-easy to work out. Katie and Jenny are coming to my house tomorrow at noon and we're gonna' do the taping and such. Fun.

Okay I have to go now. Chao amigos. Love mucho.


2 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

:: 2004 26 December :: 4.15 pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Shall We Dance soundtrack

Happy Day after Christmas!
Hey all. How was everyone's christmas? Good I hope. Mine was bien! I got the Shall we dance soundtrack!! Oh yea! I love the music on it. Now if only I knew how to salsa... there are some mega-awesome salsaing songs on that CD. Plus it has "The Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel. I LOVE that song!!!! It's awesome!

Okay so, next week is like super busy. I have to get together with Katie and Jenny to do that project, my aunt wants Steph and I to go over there for a while, I'm going to Ariana's to help her paint and then I'm spending the night, and last but absolutely not least Friday is New Years Eve. We're having Ariana, Larissa and our grandparentals over. Should be funish. So yea, busy week going on here. That's nice though, last week not much happened at all. It was greatly boring.

Hey, I ordered some live strong bracelets off the internet and they should be here in 3-4 weeks, so if anybody wants one let me know. They're only a dollar. I'm gonna' have 8 of them.

Alrighty, I'll see ya' later guys. Chao.


4 wanted to dance. | Wanna' dance?

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